Chapter 9

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A GMO (genetically modified organism) A) mixes genetic material from species that would not otherwise mix in nature. B) mixes pollinator species to ensure plant diversity. C) controls soil components to ensure plant hardiness. D) controls irrigation and sunlight to train the plant toward hardiness. E) extracts genetic material from a plant organism to remove recessive genes.

Answer: A

Afghanistan is important to the world drug trade primarily because A) it produces about 90 percent of the world's opium. B) U.S. troops consume most of the opium grown there. C) of the inability to grow maize. D) of the proximity of the Russian market for illicit drugs. E) of the desire of local farmers to fund terrorist organizations.

Answer: A

Farmers in LDCs choose to grow drug crops for export primarily because of A) their market value in MDCs. B) their proximity to local markets. C) their inability to grow maize. D) their disdain for the freedoms enjoyed by developed countries. E) their desire to fund terrorist organizations.

Answer: A

Farming varies around the world because of ________ across space. A) cultural and environmental factors B) cultural and economic factors C) farmers' personal preference and environmental factors D) weather and climate E) climate change

Answer: A

Geographer Derwent Whittlesey divided the world into ________ agricultural regions (not including his area of nonexistent agriculture). A) 11 B) 12 C) 5 D) 3 E) 16

Answer: A

Geographer Derwent Whittlesey divided the world into agricultural regions (not including his area of nonexistent agriculture), ________ of which were classified as found in MDCs and ________ as found in LDCs. A) 6; 5 B) 1; 10 C) 8; 11 D) 10; 1 E) 11; 1

Answer: A

In Maryland, soil preservationists produced a new composite map by combining in their GIS A) soil quality, environmental, and economic maps. B) maps on soil quality and proximity to market. C) dry harvest climate, wet harvest climate, climate change, and soil maps. D) maps on habitat for endangered species. E) soil quality, environmental, and political maps.

Answer: A

In the United States many farms are integrated into a large food production industry. This is known as A) agribusiness. B) commercial farming. C) food processing. D) mechanized farming. E) mixed crop and livestock farming.

Answer: A

In the winter wheat area of the United States, the crop is planted in A) autumn and harvested in summer. B) winter and harvested in spring. C) winter and harvested in autumn. D) spring and harvested in summer. E) spring and harvested in autumn.

Answer: A

Shifting cultivation is most commonly found in which climate region? A) humid low-latitude B) dry C) warm mid-latitude D) cold mid-latitude E) highlands

Answer: A

The Green Revolution is first associated with which "miracle" seed? A) wheat B) rice C) corn D) soy E) leafy greens

Answer: A

The United States had about 60 percent fewer farms and ________ percent fewer farmers in 2000 than in 1900. A) 85 B) 52 C) 15 D) 25 E) 99

Answer: A

The decline in the number of farmers in MDCs can best be described as a consequence of A) push/pull economic factors, including the lack of opportunity in rural areas and higher-paying jobs in urban areas. B) urban sprawl, including the development of rings of suburbs and exurbs around major metropolitan areas, which required larger amounts of farm production. C) push/pull economic factors, including greater opportunities in rural areas and lower-paying jobs in urban areas. D) the increase of populations in urban areas and the reduced population in rural areas. E) the spread of disease and starvation in rural areas, which quickly reduced the populations of farmers.

Answer: A

The different areas of the world where Mediterranean agriculture predominates have similar A) climate. B) cultural beliefs. C) broad expanses of flat land along sea coasts. D) social customs. E) levels of livestock production with the mixed crop and livestock regions.

Answer: A

The direction and frequency of hunter-gatherer migration depended on A) the movement of game and the seasonal growth of plants. B) the shifting of climate patterns. C) the arrival of imperial armies and other invading forces. D) each group's size and the ability to run over long distances. E) mathematical processes.

Answer: A

The earliest known domesticated squash crops are thought to have originated in the Americas more than A) 9,000 years ago. B) 90,000 years ago. C) 1.1 million years ago. D) 900 years ago. E) 10 million years ago.

Answer: A

The earliest known domesticated wheat, barley, and rice crops are thought to have originated in Asia about A) 10,000 years ago. B) 100,000 years ago. C) 1.1 million years ago. D) 1,000 years ago. E) 10 million years ago

Answer: A

The number of farms in the United States declined from about 6 million in 1940 to ________ in 1980. A) 2 million B) 5.5 million C) 10 million D) 1 million E) 20,000

Answer: A

To increase crop yields, farmers in South China commonly practice A) double cropping. B) transhumance. C) threshing. D) pastoral nomadism. E) shifting cultivation.

Answer: A

Von Thünen's model can best be used to explain the location of which of the following types of agriculture? A) dairying in the northeast United States B) ranching in the dry lands of North Africa C) shifting cultivation in the tropics of South America D) intensive subsistence in South China E) Mediterranean agriculture in central Chile

Answer: A

Which is NOT a form of subsistence agriculture? A) Mediterranean B) shifting cultivation C) pastoral nomadism D) intensive E) transhumance

Answer: A

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be produced in Mediterranean agriculture? A) butter B) fruits C) grapes D) olives E) cereals

Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT a government policy to improve the financial position of U.S. farmers? A) U.S. Public Law 480 B) encouragement to avoid production of crops in excess supply C) government financing with commodity prices are low D) government purchase of surplus production E) encouragement of planting fallow crops

Answer: A

Which of the following is the most common form of commercial agriculture in continental Europe between France and Russia? A) mixed crop and livestock farming B) dairy farming C) grain farming D) livestock ranching E) Mediterranean agriculture

Answer: A

________ model is used by geographers to explain the importance of proximity to the market in the choice of crops to the commercial farm. A) von Thünen's B) Whittlesey's C) Iqbel's D) McKinley's E) von Helsing's

Answer: A

After maize, the most important crop in the U.S. mixed crop and livestock region is A) wheat. B) soybeans. C) barley. D) fruits and vegetables. E) sugar beets

Answer: B

Farmers in more developed and less developed countries share which of the following problems? A) access to fertilizers B) limited profitability C) lack of equipment D) surplus production E) the declining importance of world markets

Answer: B

Hunting and gathering societies A) include about 15 percent of the world's people. B) are found in isolated places in the world. C) are characterized by large concentrations of people. D) occur nearly everywhere but are especially common in Europe. E) are responsible for most of the environmental degradation of the planet.

Answer: B

In Von Thünen's model, wood lots occupied the A) First ring. B) Second ring. C) Third Ring. D) Fourth Ring. E) Hinterland.

Answer: B

Pastoral nomadism is most commonly found in which climate region? A) humid low-latitude B) dry C) warm mid-latitude D) cold mid-latitude E) polar

Answer: B

Prime agricultural land in the United States is being replaced with A) military bases. B) urban land uses. C) nature preserves. D) oil drilling. E) grazing land use.

Answer: B

Sawah and Paddy are terms most closely associated with A) crop rotation. B) wet rice. C) wheat winnowing. D) cattle grazing. E) rice planters

Answer: B

The degradation of land due to human action such as excessive crop planting, deforestation, and land grazing is A) slash and burn agriculture. B) desertification. C) land desiccation. D) commercial farming. E) plantation farming

Answer: B

The primary factor in von Thünen's model for choosing commercial farm products is A) land price. B) market location. C) climate. D) soil character. E) labor cost.

Answer: B

US Public Law 480, passed in 1954, provides for A) most preferred nation status to all food importers. B) low interest rate grain sales. C) foods sales dependent on structural adjustment by importing nations. D) provisions to use U.S. land for agriculture. E) subsidized ethanol production.

Answer: B

Which American TNC is most closely associated with GMOs? A) Nestlé B) Monsanto C) Bayer D) Royal Dutch Shell E) MGM

Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT true in California's drought crisis? A) Water resource locations do not match water demand locations. B) Eighty percent of the water distributed in California goes to cities. C) California produces one-third of U.S. vegetables and two-thirds of fruits and nuts. D) The average American consumes 40 gallons of water per day. E) California's water sources are both surface and groundwater.

Answer: B

Which type of agriculture is found primarily in less developed countries? A) Mediterranean B) shifting cultivation C) truck farming D) commercial gardening E) mechanized

Answer: B

________ compels subsistence farmers to consider new farming approaches to generate higher yields. A) Local governments B) Population growth C) Emigration D) Civil strife E) Hydroelectric power projects

Answer: B

Compared to shifting cultivation, intensive subsistence agriculture is characterized by which of the following? A) smaller farms B) lower population densities C) greater use of animal power D) more diversified cropping E) greater use of land in rainforests

Answer: C

In Von Thünen's model, crops and pastureland occupied the A) First ring. B) Second ring. C) Third Ring. D) Fourth Ring. E) Hinterland

Answer: C

Ranching is practiced in a climate region most similar to that of which other type of agriculture? A) dairying B) grain C) pastoral nomadism D) shifting cultivation E) Mediterranean agriculture

Answer: C

Record food prices, according to the UN, are attributed to all but which of the following? A) poor weather in major crop growing regions B) increased demand C) failure of NAFTA to address agriculture subsidies D) smaller growth in productivity E) crops used for biofuels rather than human consumption

Answer: C

Subsistence farmers are able to increase food supply by A) participating more regularly in periodic markets. B) producing cash crops for revenue to purchase food. C) intensifying production through increased labor supply and the addition of new techniques. D) slash and burn agriculture. E) switching to livestock grazing

Answer: C

The fact that meat accounts for one-third of all protein intake in developed countries but only one-tenth in developing ones suggests A) developing nations are vegetarians by choice. B) there is a cultural taboo against meat in developing nations. C) developed nations can afford more meat per capita. D) developing nations do not have sufficient grazing land. E) developed nations do not produce sufficient grains to replace meat consumption.

Answer: C

The most important reason why most farmers in northeast China grow crops other than wet rice is A) cultural preference. B) tradition. C) climate. D) soil. E) harvesting wet rice requires expensive machinery.

Answer: C

The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures is A) pastoral nomadism. B) transnomadism. C) transhumance. D) practiced mostly in the tropics. E) livestock ranching.

Answer: C

The threat of famine is most persistent in which region of the globe? A) Southeast Asia B) South Asia C) Horn of Africa and the Sahel D) Congo River Basin E) Central America

Answer: C

Unlike other forms of commercial agriculture, plantations are A) part of agribusiness. B) owned by day laborers in less developed countries. C) found primarily in less developed countries. D) situated in densely populated locations. E) found primarily in more developed countries.

Answer: C

What is the purpose of crop rotation? A) maintaining fresh products for market B) maintaining price supports C) maintaining the fertility of fields D) responding to shifting consumer preference E) reducing transportation costs

Answer: C

Which developed nation is the leading food importer today? A) Canada B) Australia C) Japan D) Great Britain E) the United States

Answer: C

________ is dietary energy consumption that is continuously below that needed for a healthy life and the ability to carry out light physical activity. A) Starvation B) Obesity C) Undernourishment D) Dieting E) Fast food consumption

Answer: C

Mixing crops and livestock allows farmers to A) distribute the workload of the crops and livestock so that farmers hardly need to work during the summer season. B) generate 90 percent of their income from the sale of livestock. C) doublecrop. D) create a system where crops provide food for livestock and the livestock provide manure for crop fertilization. E) circumvent market forces that determine the prices of livestock and crops.

Answer: D

The "clean 15" represent A) U.S. river clean up. B) the least polluted lakes. C) the produce that requires serious cleaning due to pesticides used. D) the produce that represents the least amount of pesticide presence. E) the top 15 organic farms in the United States.

Answer: D

The Green Revolution is best described as A) organic urban farming. B) recycling programs introduced in the 1990s. C) urban farming in Detroit. D) the diffusion of more productive agriculture techniques in the 1970s and 1980s. E) the elimination of locally used techniques in favor of automation.

Answer: D

The best way to block Asian carp from moving into the Great Lakes from the Illinois River would be the closing of locks and dams in and near Chicago; however, these waterways are not being closed because A) Republicans in the U.S. Congress are concerned about taxes on the rich. B) as major transportation links for the region, they are important for the economy of St. Louis. C) too many Asian carp are already clogging the locks and dams and cannot be removed. D) as major transportation links for the region, they are important for Chicago's economy. E) the economies of neighboring states depend on the Chicago-area locks and dams.

Answer: D

The first people to domesticate lentils and olives were in A) western India. B) northern China. C) Ethiopia. D) Southwest Asia. E) South America.

Answer: D

The greatest challenge to world food supply has been A) drought. B) global warming. C) military conflict. D) food prices. E) limited labor.

Answer: D

The predominant form of agriculture in the U.S. Southeast is A) mixed crop and livestock. B) dairy farming. C) Mediterranean agriculture. D) commercial gardening. E) plantation farming.

Answer: D

The type of agriculture practiced near large cities, which includes producing fruits and vegetables, is called A) sawah. B) truck agriculture. C) subsistence agriculture. D) truck farming. E) truck hybridization.

Answer: D

This individual won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for work on the Green Revolution. A) Ester Boserup B) Henry Ford II C) John D. Rockefeller D) Normal Borlaug E) Andrew Carnegie

Answer: D

This method of soil cultivation reduces soil erosion and runoff. A) swidden farming B) multi-cropping C) short fallow D) conservation tillage E) truck farming

Answer: D

Truck farming is a term that derives from the Middle-English word truck, meaning A) "cart." B) "mobility" or "movement." C) "subsiding" as in "subsistence agriculture." D) "bartering" or "exchange of commodities." E) "horse" or "horse-drawn."

Answer: D

When a country experiences food insecurity, it A) has eliminated the availability of periodic markets. B) has introduced policies that prevent restaurants from operating in a free market. C) is engaged in military conflict. D) does not have physical, social, and economic access to safe and nutritious food. E) does not have access to grocery stores.

Answer: D

Which area is NOT a major food exporting region? A) Brazil and Argentina B) Southeast Asia C) North America D) Mexico E) South Pacific

Answer: D

Which of the following have aided commercial farmers in MDCs? A) transportation improvements and the rise of sea levels B) scientific advances and the reduction in the need for electronics C) ancient irrigation projects that can be refitted for modern farming D) transportation improvements, scientific advances, and electronics E) climate change, scientific advances, and transportation improvements

Answer: D

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for increasing food supply? A) expanding arable land area B) ensuring sustainable land productivity for future generations C) identifying new food sources D) increasing tariffs on grain exports E) increasing exports of surplus production

Answer: D

Which of the following is NOT true about GMOs? A) Approximately 10 percent of all farmland, worldwide, is devoted to GMO crops. B) Over 75 percent of all foodstuffs Americans consume has GMO products. C) North America produces around 50 percent of all GMO foods. D) The NAFTA nations, the United States, Canada, and Mexico have embraced the idea of labeling GMO foods. E) Africa is reluctant to adopt GMOs because it negatively influences their export opportunities to Europe.

Answer: D

Which type of agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world's people? A) hunting and gathering B) shifting cultivation C) pastoral nomadism D) intensive subsistence E) plantation

Answer: D

A major practice of sustainable agriculture is A) agribusiness. B) an increased "green revolution" use of chemicals. C) the lack of integration of crops and livestock. D) use of pesticide resistant seed. E) limited use of chemicals

Answer: E

In the Midwest states, farm fields are more likely to be damaged by A) unseasonal heavy snow. B) indiscriminate use of fertilizers and chemicals. C) overproduction of cash crops like tobacco. D) drought conditions. E) too much rain.

Answer: E

Lima beans were domesticated in A) Southeast Asia. B) Southwest Asia. C) Ethiopia. D) northern China. E) Latin America

Answer: E

Pigs were domesticated in A) Southeast Asia. B) South America. C) Ethiopia. D) northern China. E) Southwest Asia

Answer: E

Potatoes were domesticated in A) Southeast Asia. B) Southwest Asia. C) Ethiopia. D) northern China. E) Latin America

Answer: E

The most significant numbers of organic farmers are found in A) the United States. B) Canada. C) Argentina. D) Brazil. E) Australia.

Answer: E

Which is a characteristic of shifting cultivation? A) Land is cleared by tractors or large work crews. B) Debris is mulched to provide the soil with nutrients. C) A new site is designated every 50 years. D) Swiddens not under cultivation are used for mining operations. E) A new site is designated every few years.

Answer: E

Which of the following is NOT an agricultural hearth? A) Southwest Asia's Mesopotamia B) East Asia's Yangtze River Valley C) Latin America's Andean Mountains D) Latin America's Mexico's highlands E) Africa's South Africa

Answer: E

Which of the following is NOT perceived as a negative to using GMO seeds? A) Long-term GMO use may reduce effectiveness of antibiotics. B) Long-term GMO use could destroy long-standing ecological balances in local agriculture. C) There is an implicit long-term dependence on the United States as a supplier. D) Import markets are likely to reject foods not properly labeled as GMO. E) Long-term GMO use reduces the quality of the soil.

Answer: E

Which of the following is generally NOT a typical practice in growing rice in Asia? A) preparing and terracing fields with a plow drawn by oxen B) flooding the plowed field with water C) growing seedlings in a nursery D) transplanting seedlings into the flooded field E) machine harvesting and winnowing

Answer: E

Which statement correctly describes hunting and gathering? A) All humans began to obtain their food this way after agriculture was invented. B) It is a form of nomadism that disappeared in the late 1900s after the fall of the Soviet Union. C) This form of subsistence disappeared in the mid-1900s owing to industrialization and modernized agriculture. D) Hunter gatherers cannot live for long in groups of less than 100 people owing to the necessary division of labor. E) This form of subsistence is still practiced despite the modernization of agriculture in some areas.

Answer: E

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