Chapter 9 and 10

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Jesus of Nazareth died around:

30 C.E.

The Gospel of Mark was probably written around:

70 C.E.

When Jesus is baptized, the spirit of God descends on him in the shape of:

A dove

Luke's Gospel begins with:

A preface

In pre-Christian Jewish circles, the term "Christ" could refer to all of the following except:

A prosecuted person

Matthew traces Jesus' lineage to:


In the story of the women who find Jesus' tomb empty and are instructed to go tell Peter and the other disciples, the last twelve versus of this story in Mark were:

Added to the Gospel of Mark by a scribe

Which of the following was not unique to Judaism?

Animal sacrifice

Which of the following was not a Jewish holy man?

Apollonius of Tyana

Who lived about the same time as Jesus, was reported to have had a life and death similar to Jesus, and was considered to be his displaces to be the Son of God?

Apollonius of Tyana

John, the forerunner of Jesus, proclaims forgiveness of sins and performs:


At Jesus' trial in Mark, the Sanhedrin charges him with:


The word "sicarii" means:


Which of the following refers to a group of lesser gods in the Greco-Roman world?


The group of texts used by the Essenes is called the:

Dead Sea Scrolls

"Diaspora" means:


According to the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus spoke fluent Greek.


Alexander the Great overthrew the Hasmonean kingdom of Judea.


At least one Gospel claims to be eyewitnesses to the events that he narrates.


In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus claims that it is impossible to follow the Law perfectly.


In the Gospels of Luke, Jesus begins his ministry by "cleansing the temple."


Pharisees rejected the authority of all written texts except the Torah of Moses.


Sirach is an example of an early Jewish apocalypse.


The Christian Gospels are partially modeled on the early accounts of the life of Apollonius of Tyana.


The Gospel of Luke concludes with the "Great Commission"


The Gospel of Mark was originally written in Aramaic.


The additions to the book of Esther are included in the Jewish canon.


The book of Tobit was originally written in Greek.


There is only one accepted scholarly solution to the Synoptic Problem.


This wisdom of Solomon was likely written in the third century B.C.E.


According to the one of the Dead Sea Scrolls (called the War Scroll),the final war that is due to take place of time will last:

Forty years

Which group urged armed rebellion against foreign powers in Palestine?

Fourth Philosphy

Scholars refer to Matthew's use of Hebrew Scriptures to show Jesus the messiah as:

Fulfillment citation

All of the following are included in Matthew's infancy narrative except:

Gabriel's appearance to Mary

Luke's genealogy traces Jesus' lineage to:


The New Testament Gospels belong to which genre?

Greco-Roman Biography

Most of the Jews in Diaspora no longer spoke the ancient tongue of Judea, which was:


The Maccabean revolt led to the formation of all these Jewish sects except:


The spread of Greek culture and language is known as:


Matthew assumes that:

His community will follow traditional Jewish law

Biographies written by Christians in the first century put a significant (and unusual) amount of emphasis on what event in Jesus' life.

His death

Luke is different from the other Gospels because:

It has a sequel

Which of the following stories is found only in Luke?

Jesus teaching in the Temple when he was twelve years old

"Q" contains mostly:

Jesus' sayings

The phrase "Jesus' Passion" refers to:

Jesus' suffering

Which New Testament Gospel was probably written last?


Which of the following is not a Synoptic Gospel?


Matthew's birth narrative centers mostly on:


Who discussed the sects of Judaism that emerged in the first century BCE?


According to the four-source hypothesis, in addition to Mark, both Matthew and Luke used:


The word "gospel" means:


In which Gospel are we informed explicitly that the author, as well as other Gospel authors, acquired his information from Christians who had told stories about Jesus?


Both Matthew and Luke probably used _____________ as a literary source.


Which is the shortest, overall, of the three Synoptic Gospels?


"Markan priority" means:

Mark was the first Synoptic Gospel written

Methodological character development of the central character of a biography would be expected by readers of:

Modern biographies

The term ___________ refers to the belief in one god.


Matthew depicts Jesus as the new:


In Matthew, Jesus' birth story is most reminiscent of whose birth?


According to Mark, Jesus is from:


Modern biographers are less trusting of _____________ of information than the ancient biographers were.

Oral sources

The Gospel of Luke came to be attributed to a man who was thought to be:

Paul's traveling companion

The group of Jews developed a supplementary set of traditional interpretations and laws to ensure that they kept the written Law:


The largest sect of Judaism was the:


This group of Jews ran the Temple in Jesus' day.


Which group believed in the authority of the "oral law"?


Which of the following occurs only in Matthew?

Pilate washing his hands of Jesus' blood

Who was the Roman governor who ordered Jesus crucified?

Pontius Pilate

Ancient biographies are most concerned with which of the following?

Portraying essential character traits

The Jewish sect that produced the Dead Sea Scrolls lived in:


The sect of Judaism that wielded the most political power was the:


What group was aristocratic and most closely tied to the Temple?


Which Jewish sect did not believe in the existence of angles?


Which Jewish sect did not believe in the idea of the future resurrection of the dead?


"Synoptic" means:

Seen together

Matthew's birth narrative includes all of the following except:


According to Mark, the messiah must:

Suffer and die

A place of worship where Jews came together in the community to discuss the sacred traditions of the Torah was called a(n):


Which one of these is not one of the four sources in the four-source hypothesis?


The Septuagint is:

The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible

Luke suggests that the Gospel came to the Gentiles because:

The Jews rejected it

How far into the narrative would ancient readers/ listeners of the Gospel have expected to get before they would be able to discern Jesus' character and identity?

The opening scenes

1 Maccabees is our primary source for the historical events surrounding the Maccabean Revolt.


2 Maccabees is actually an abridgement of a much longer work.


Both Matthew and Luke contain versions of the "Beatitudes."


Luke largely avoids depicting Jesus as suffering:


Matthew and Luke follow Mark's sequence of stories throughout their narratives:


Most biblical scholars believe Matthew and Luke both used Mark as a source.


The Pax Romana made travel much easier and safer.


The book of Sirach was originally written in Hebrew and translated into Greek by the original author's grandson.


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Chapter 5 - The Integumentary System - Critical Thinking Questions

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