Chapter 9: Biol 1408

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a) nondisjunction

What occurs when chromosomes do not separate during meiotic divisions? a) nondisjunction b) fertilization c) crossing over d) conjugation


What process occurs when gametes from two parents fuse? a) mitosis b) meiosis c) fertilization d) conjugation

sex chromosomes

Which of the following can be used to determine if an individual is male or female?

several genes on chromosome 5 are missing; associated with Cri du chat syndrome

chromosomal deletion

repeated copies of CGG in fragile X syndrome

chromosome duplication

starts with a diploid cell and results in haploid cells results in 4 daughter cells



During _____ reproduction, genetic information from two parents combines to form an offspring.


The diploid cell created from the fusion of gametes is called a(n)


A cell that has one or a few extra or missing chromosoems is called a(n) ______ cell.


A chart of the chromosomes in a cell arranged according to size is called a(n) _____.


A chromosome _____ is an abnormality in which a ortion of the chromosome reverses and reinserts into the chromosome, causing in the gene sequence.

d) two parental chromatids, two recombinant chromatids

After this homologous pair undergoes crossing over and meiosis, what resulting chromatids will be segregated into different haploid cells? a) three parental chromatids, one recombinant chromatid b) four recombinant chromatids c) one parental chromatid, three recombinant chromatids d) two parental chromatids, two recombinant chromatids


Chromosomal ____ is an abnormality that results in the loss of one or more genes from a chromosome.

-a, b, C -A, B, c

Consider one chromosome that contains alleles A, B, and C, and the homologous chromosome that contains the alleles a, b, and c. If crossing over occurred once during meiosis at a site on the chromosome between the B gene and the C gene, then what alleles could a resulting chromatid contain? Select all that apply. -A, b, c -a, b, C -a, B, C -A, B, c

a) meiosis; mitosis

Crossing over and random orientation of chromomes lead to genetic variability in the process of ____, but the process of ___ does not generate genetic variability because it lacks these mechanisms. a) meiosis; mitosis b) asexual reproduction; sexual reproduction c) mitosis; meiosis d) cytokinesis; synapsis

a) prophase I of meiosis

Crossing over only occurs in a) prophase of mitosis b) prophase of both mitosis and meiosis c) prophase II of meiosis d) prophase I of meiosis

metaphase I

During what phase of meiosis I do the homologous pairs of chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell with the guidance of spindle fibers?


If the left chromosome is normal, what form of chromosome abnormality is shown in the right chromosome in the right chromosome in the picture?


In anaphase I, _____ chromosomes are separated, but sister chromatids remain attached at the centromere.

b) meiosis I; meiosis II

In meiosis shown in the image, homologous chromosomes separate in step A, which is called _____, and four haploid nuclei are formed in step B, which is called _____. a) fertilization; meiosis b) meiosis I; meiosis II c) meiosis; mitosis d) mitosis; meiosis I


In prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the genetic material and associated proteins form a(n) ____, of which humans have 46 in each cell.

c) crossing over

In prophase I, gene shuffling between homologous chromosomes occurs in a process called a) nondisjunction b) random orientation c) crossing over d) independent assortment

asexual; sexual

In sexual reproduction, genetically identical offspring are produced, while in _____ reproduction, offspring are genetically different from each other.


In sexually reproducing, eukaryotic organisms, what type of cell division results in the production of haploid gametes, or sex cells? a) conjugation b) meiosis c) fertilization d) mitosis


Nondisjunction of the ___ chromosome during meiosis can produce offspring that are XXX or XXY.

1. Germ cells of adults undergo meiosis to produce gametes 2. gametes fuse in fertilization 3. The zygote is formed 4. Mitotic division s lead to a multicellular organisms

Order the events of human sexual reproduction, beginning with the formation of gametes at the top. -The zygote is formed -gametes fuse in fertilization -Germ cells of adults undergo meiosis to produce gametes -Mitotic division s lead to a multicellular organisms

prophase I metaphase I anaphase I telophase I

Rank the steps of meiosis I in the order in which they occur, beginning with the first phase at the top. telophase I prophase I anaphase I metaphaseI

1. phrophase I 2. metaphase I 3. anaphase I 4. telophase I

Rank the steps of meiosis I in the order in which they occur, beginning with the first phase at the top. -anaphase I -metaphase I -telophase I -prophase I

prophase II metaphase II anaphase II telophase II

Rank the steps of meiosis II in the correct order in which they occur, beginning with the first step at the top. -anaphase II -metaphase II -telophase II -prophase II

c) spindle fibers move and separate chromosomes d) preceded by interphase e) prophase, metaphase, and anaphase, and telophase steps

Select all of the following that are features of both mitosis and meiosis. a) produce diploid cells b) crossing over and random orientation c) spindle fibers move and separate chromosomes d) preceded by interphase e) prophase, metaphase, and anaphase, and telophase steps

genetic information

The chormosomes of offspring are not identical to those of their parents or siblilngs because ____ is shuffled during meiosis. a) cytoplasm b) the spindle c) genetic information d) the cell membrane

a) chromosomes can arrange

The image shows two ways that ____ during meiosis I to generate different combination of chromatids in resulting gametes. a) chromosomes can arrange b) crossing over can occur c) kinetochores can form d) synapsis can occur


There are a total of ____ pairs of chromosomes in a human diploid cell.

c) a homologous pair

Two matching chromosomes have the same basic structure and same sequence of genes are called a) a heterologous pair b) a homozygous pair c) a homologous pair d) a heterozygous pair


What are different versions of a gene? -haploid -diploids -chromosomes -alleles

b) pairing of homologous chromosomes

What occurs during meiosis but not mitosis? a) spindle formation and attachment to kinetochores b) pairing of homologous chromosomes c) cytokinesis d) chromosome condensation

b) Homologous chromosomes line up as pairs along the center of the cell

Which of the following correctly describes metaphase I of meiosis I? a) sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles b) Homologous chromosomes line up as pairs along the center of the cell c) Chromosomes line up singly along the center of the cell and a spindle fiber attaches to both sides of each centromere d) Homo pairs of chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles


____ are haploid sex cells, such as sperm cells and egg cells, that combine to form new offspring.

can lead to fertility problems due to twisting during crossing over

chromosomal inversion

genes in new places are turned on; can lead to cancer such as leukemia

chromosomal tranaslocation


The 22 pairs of human chromosomes that are the same in both males and females are called ______.


The abbreviation 2n represents a cell that is ______.


The abbreviation n or "1n" represents a ____ cell.

-interphase precedes meiosis I -cytokinesis occurs after the distribution of genetic material

Select all of the following that are true about cells undergoing meiosis. -genetic material is replicated between meiosis I and meiosis II -interphase precedes meiosis I -cytokinesis occurs after the distribution of genetic material - there is no cytokinesis during the formation of gametes

a, c, d

Select all of the following that are true about meiosis? a) creates four haploid cells from one diploid cell b) doubles the genetic information in the resulting gamete cells produced c) produces gametes with half the number of chromosomes as compared to somatic cells d) creates four genetically identical gametes e) includes two cell divisions

b) Chromosomes condense c) Crossing over occurs e) Nuclear envelope breaks up f) Spindle forms and kinetorchores assemble

Select all of the following that occur in prophase I of meiosis. a) DNA replicates b) Chromosomes condense c) Crossing over occurs d) sister chromatids separate e) Nuclear envelope breaks up f) Spindle forms and kinetorchores assemble

b) crossing over d) random fertilization e) random orientation of chromosomes

Select all of the mechanisms that generate genetic variability in sexual organisms. a) cytokinesis b) crossing over c) attachment of spindle to kinetochores d) random fertilization e) random orientation of chromosomes

gamete contains an extra y gamete contains an extra x XXX zygote gamete is missing a sex chromosome

Select all the possible results of nondisjunction in sex chromosomes. (check all that apply.) YYY zygote gamete contains an extra y gamete is missing an autosome gamete contains an extra x XXX zygote gamete is missing a sex chromosome

a, d

Select all the processes that separate eukaryotic chromosomes. a) mitosis b) synapsis c) crossing over d) meiosis


Short segments of DNA are exchanged between homologous chromosomes during prophase I in a process called ___ over.

anaphase II

Sister chromatids are separated to opposite poles during a) prophase II b) anaphase II c) anaphase I d) metaphase I


The special haploid cells required for sexual reproduction are called a) alleles b) zygotes c) somatic cells d) gametes

d) nondisjunction

What produces gametes with a missing or extra chromosome and results in embryonic, fetal, or infant death or a trisomic individual? a) synapsis b) crossing over c) gene mutation d) nondisjunction


What type of reproduction produces offspring virtually identical to the parent? a) eukaryotic b) human c) asexual d) sexual

zygote somatic cell germ cell

diploid cell

egg cell gamete

haploid cells

results in 2 daughter cells starts with a diploid cell and results in diploid cells


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