Chapter 9
What are response rates & how are they calculated?
The number of people participating in a survey divided by the number selected in the sample.
What is surveying?
A method of collecting data by using standardized instrument in a systematic way to take measures from larger units.
What is CATI?
Computer Assisted Telephone Interview
What us CASI?
Computer-Assisted Self Interviewing The respondant reads questions and enters responces into the computer.
What is CAI?
Computer-assisted interviewing Use of computers to record answers keyed in by interviewers or by respondants themselves. (ex. Excel)
What are the different principles of K.I.S.S.?
(Keep It Short and Simple) 1. Use plain language 2. Shorter Items are Better 3. Avoid Double-Barreled Questions 4. Avoid Negatively worded items 5. Avoid Prestige Bias
What are different types of electronic surveys?
What are some of the characteristics researchers should keep in mind when they are trying to decide if they are going to design and administer a survey themselves or pay someone else to design or adminster the survey?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing one survey method over another with regard to cost, speed, social desirability, and probing/clarification?
What are the major things to consider/ do when choosing to use a Mail Survey method?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of survey research in general?
What are the things researchers should keep in mind if they use a telephone survey method?
What is a focus group?
What are 3 different forms of Self-Anministerd Surveys?
1. Self-Administered 2. Inperson Interview 3. Telephone Interview
What is probing and why is important?
Asking respondants to clarify or be more descriptive with anwsers - Get more descriptive information out of someone -Clarify Information - More context
What is ACASI?
Audio and Computer Assisted Self Interviewing Respondant listens, reads and anwsers questions on a computer
What relevance does questions ordering have for survey research?
Begining questions should be interesting and the very sensitive and personal questions should come later.
What are the benefits and disadvantages of CAI?
Benefits: - Quick transfer of respondant anwsers into electronic format -Can program into different languages - Audio supplements for those who cannot read - Keeps respondants on task Disadvantages: - High cost of computers/programing - Errors in programming can be problematic - Technology issues
What are the 4 different ways in which we can try to reduce error associated with memory recall?
Bounded Recall Narrow the Reference Period Averaging Land-Marking
What are contingency questions?
Questions that are clearly relevant to only some of the respondants and irrelevant to others
What is In-Person Survey Interviewing?
Researcher is present with respondat and reads questions/statements
What is an open-ended question?
Respondant is asked to provide his or her anwsers
What is a close-ended question?
Respondant is asked to select anwser from among a list provided by the researcher
What limitations are there when using electronic surveys?
Spam Filters, Easily detected, Representative Sample
What is social desirability bias? How can we try to minimize it?
Tendency for respondants to reply to questions in a manner than is viewed as socially acceptable. - Minimized by not using ambiguois, technical, uncommon or vague words.
What are matrix design questions?
When researchers want to ask several questions that have the same set of anwser categories. ex: Agree, Disagree, Neutral