Chapter 9: Sexuality

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Describe the various factors associated with sexual satisfaction (age, number of partners, frequency,

-*Age*: Related to hormones, health, partner accessiblity; past middle age don't enjoy smooth sex. a minority of 45+ are having good sex. -*Number of partners*: Fewer partners associated with increased satisfaction, loyal to one partner more satisfied. -*The frequency*: Couples who have more sex tend to be more satisfied, ppl who have sex. Ppl who have sex three times are just as satisfied as ppl who have more. Matters to men more.

Why are people having so much unsafe sex?

-*Pluralistic Ignorance*: people wrongly believe that their feelings and beliefs are different from those of others. By misperceiving each other's true preferences, follow norms u think ppl support, but dont. Ppl ppl hookups are popular & condoms are less than they really are -*Inequalities in power*: The less powerful a woman is, the less likely she & her partner are to use a condom. -*Absitence education*: teaching kids that condoms don't work, so less likely to use condoms when they do have sex. -*Decreased Intimacy & Pleasure*: Ppl think they sex is more enjoyable w/out condom. they think it is more intimate. -More likely to engage in unsafe sex bc prefrontal cortex is not developed.

Describe various factors associated with sexual satisfaction (fulfilment of basic need such as autonomy, motivations for sex and beliefs about sex).

-*Self determination theory*: we are happiest & healthiest when we routinely engage in activities that allow us to choose and control our own actions(*autonomy*) -When we feel confident and capable; (*Competence*) -Relatedness(* the ability to establish close connections to others) -*Traditional gender roles*: they take it for granted that men should take the lead in directing sexual activity & that women should be submissive and suberivent to men; he is suppose to make the moves. -this undermines their autonomy; and robbing women of their initative and control decreases their sexual desire, arousal & harder for them to reach an orgasm. -exciting for men when women initiate sex & take the lead

What are some motivations for sexual satisifcation?

-Approach motivations~ having sex to obtain positive outcomes such as increased intimacy of personal pleasure. (higher satisifcation) -Avoidance~ having sex to forestall or avoid unpleasant consequences, we are pursuing different goals;prevent a partner from getting angry or losing interest in us//more negative emotions, relationships suffer. -Growth beliefs tend to be more positive than destiny beliefs(you have one partner and it is meant to be)

What are the ways to reduce sexual violation.

-Beware of potential partners who view as a contest, they are unlikely to have your best interests at heart. -Beware of intoxication in either you or your partner; more likely to act inapprorpriately. -Resist unwanted advances -Reduce the need for such assertion by setting sexual boundaries. -Consider the value of thinking of your lover as an equal partner whose preferences & plesaures are just as important.

What is sexual Satisfaction & Relationship satisfaction?

-Couples who are happy with their sex lives tend to be happy with their relationship as well -We like ppl who are similar to us, spouses are more content when they share similar sexual histories. larger diff=less happy. -People who are happier in their relationships are just having more satisfying sex -Sexual satisfaction increases relationship satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction increases sexual satisfaction

What are four reasons given for engaging in sex?

-Emotional Reasons: showing your partner that you love them & feeling a connection with them. -women and men cite emotional responses equally. -Physical Reasons: physical pleasure to be gained from sex &physical attractiveness of potential partner -Pragmatic Reasons: the wish to attain some goal or accomplish some objective that could range from having a baby to making partner jealous -Insecure: the desire to boosts one's self-esteem or to keep a partner from straying. -Men had sex for physical, insecure, pragmatic.

Specify the average age of first intercourse among American youth, indicating the trend in the virginity rate.

-Enormous variability in behavior from person to person -behavior that is common is not necessarily healthier or more desirable than behavior that is less typical -97% of ppl have sex before marriage; the average age is 17 for both and women for their sexual debut -by 20-14% of ppl have not had sex. -American teens are more responsible than they use to be, most teens use some form of birth control when they first have intercourse, teen birth rate is much lower now &occurence of STIs -More than one of every four female teens have a STi(most often HPV) -Most ppl have sex for the first time with someone who is in a steady, emotionally important relationship -21% of ppl are causal friends w/sexual partners so it is more positive than negative.

Explain how gender predict the likelihood of sexual infidelity.

-Extra dyadic sex: having sex outside of the couple. -21% of women and 32% of men had been sexually unfaithful at least once. -1 out of every 5 wives never have sex w/other ppl after they marry, 1 out of three husbands do. -Men are more likely to cheat on partners; they hold more positive views on casual sex, they engage in cheating for sexual variety whereas women look for an emotional connection. -Gay men have more extramarital sex than lesbian or straight couples//gay men allow partners to cheat. -There are individual differences; for some sex is love & commitment, for some it has more to do with sex w/out love is okay

Explain the attitudes toward casual sex

-Fewer than 25% of Americans think that premarital sex is always or almost always wrong. -Back in 1972, it was about 27% thought it was wrong. -Most of us hold a permissiveness with affection standards; we believe that sex between unmarried partners is fine as long as it occurs in the context of a committed, caring relationship. -we are more ambivalent about hookups-(sexual interactions w/non romantic partners that usually last one night with no commitment. -both men and women have more positive than negative feelings after a hookup, mixed feelings are common. -majority of ppl prefer dating than to just hooking up.

Specify how specific attitudes toward condoms, illusions of invulnerability, alcohol, and general attitudes toward sex influence the use of condoms

-In college samples, condoms are only used about half of the time that occur. -77% of women who met their partner online did not use a condom when they first had sex. -42% of American men are infected with HPV, 1 in every 5 teen girls. -*Underestimates risk*: We are lousy mathematicains; cant get HPV that first time, but after multiple sexual encounters you could contract it. Underestimate that a new partner has an STI, we forget to ask. -*Illusion of unqiue invulnerablity*: bad things are more likely to happen to others than to us, we fail to take sensible precautions. less likely to use condoms=more likely to catch an STI. -*Faculty Decision Making*: ppl get caught up in the moment, and don't use one. Intoxication affects this. Less likely to use condoms. Ignore the consequences. *Alcohol myopia*: reduction of ability to think & process all the info available to them.

What is sexual miscommunication?

-Men and women interpret sexual situations differently. -Men have stronger sexual desires than women do so they think about sex more often; they interpret innocent behavior sexually. -Men & women chatting one-on-one; both the men participating (one observing & chatting), they intrepreted friendliness as signs of sexual interest even when they had no wish to be provactive. -Macho men are more likely to engage in sexual coercion.

What is sex for the first time like for men vs. women?//What are abstinence only programs?

-Men enjoy it a lot more being much more likely to reach an orgasm -both sexes on average have few regrets -Intercourse before 16- is more awkward & less rewarding and it is associated with a risky sexual behavior that tends into adulthood. -They only focus on that sex is bad vs. practical insinuations(telling ppl about what sex is and different aspects of sex) -it is not effective and ppl who go through it most likely experience teen pregnancy, and STIs and some state try to ban these programs bc of negative side effects -It does not educate teens about what sex is and you can see long term lasting negative implications of an education like this

How men and women differ in their sexual opinions.

-Men hold more permissive sexual values and attitudes. -men are more likely than women to think sex without love is okay, so they feel better the morning after than women do. -Women more likely to regret their actions -Men are more likely to regret things they didn't do(not having sex when they had the chance to)//regret inactions.

Explain the attitudes toward same-sex sexuality

-Minority of Americans-38%- feel that sexual relations between members of the same sex is "morally wrong" -59% view it as being morally acceptable. -Attitudes have changed dramatically in recent years; in 2014 59% of Americans supported same sex, and only 34% were opposed. -in 2001; 57% Americans opposed today 61% of Americans approve(and it is legal nationwide)

What is sexual desire in close relationships like?

-Misunderstanding or annoyance may result as heterosexual couples negotiate their sexual interactions -men get frustrated with less sex and wives get annoyed at the constant asking. -Women are usually the "gatekeepers" who decide when sex occurs -Men offer various concessions in exchange for sex;it is as a valued good women sell and men are buyers. -Need to beware of this pattern for it to affect interactions

What are some reasons that its same-sex sexuality acceptance is ever increasing.

-More visibility in public life than ever, TV programs openly discuss these issues, we have actors and figures who are openly apart of the community -the more contact ppl have with gays/lesbians the more favorable their feelings toward them tend to be(Contact hypothesis) -Young adults have more favorable than elderly ppl do, but much more likely to know and like openly gay and lesbian ppl too. -we understand same-sex sexuality much better than we use to//our judgement come from why someone is gay or lesbian(if it is biological or a choice)

Provide evidence that clear communication is linked with sexual satisfaction and indicate gender differences in the perception of possible sexual situation

-Most people feel awkward talking about sex, clear communication about sex is associated with greater satisfaction with sex. -William & Johnson; Participants of the same sex know what they liked, and could predict what their partners might like to. The most important thing was good communication; gays and lesbians talked more easily & openly about sexual tastes. -they asked about what each other preferred; guide lover on how to please them.

Differentiate between the various forms of sexual violation

-One pushes sex when another person does not. -Varies along two dimensions; *type of pressure*(verbal~ guilt induction and threats to end relationship, drugging them physical; using physical force and holding them down) -*Unwanted sexual behavior*: touching & fondling to penetration and intercourse(rape) -73% of American women report sexual victimization since they turned 16 -43% of men report it.

What are some cultural differences in sexual attitudes?

-Sexual attitudes of Americans are conservative when compared to other countries: premarital sex, extramarital sex, and same-sex relations. -Than do Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and Canada -African Americans hold more permissive sexual attitudes than whites; hold more negative views toward gays & lesbians than whites do. -Hispanic and Asians are more conservative.

Describe how gender, relationship status, age, and sexual orientation influence how often committed partners have sex.

-Young couples who are cohabiting have sex about three times a week on average, married have sex about two times a week -Cohabiting and married have more sex than single bc they have access to a partner but single ppl have access to a partner. -*Age*: younger people have more sex than older ppl. Older ppl have decreased hormone levels which reduce one's desire -*Length of relationship*: people in more committed relationships for longer have sex less frequently; have more sex in the beginning. -*Sexual orientation*: gay men have more sex than any other. When a man is involved there is more sex. Gay, straight, lesbians.

Discuss gender differences in sexual desire.

-men have higher sex drives than woman do; individual differences exist. -they experience more frequent and intense sexual desires & are more motivated to engage in sexual activity than women are. -Men masturbate more often, men want to have sex more often, and more likely to feel dissatisfied with the amount of sex they get. -Men want sex sooner than woman, but woman are "Gatekeepers" who decide when sex begins in a new relationship; when he wants to have sex, he has to wait, when women want to they do. -Men fantasize about sex more often, spend more money on sex(Sex toys & porn) -Men are more accepting of casual sex; more partners.

What does evolutionary perspective suggest?

-more likely to cheat if not happy and the quality of alternatives is high. -they feel unfairly benefitted, perceive sex as boring, monotonous, or too infrequent -unhappy lovers who have tempting alternatives are less likely to remain faithful -women are more likely than men to break up with old partners and begin a new long-term relationship

What is the sperm-competition?

-occurs when the sperm of two or more men occupy a woman's vagina at the same time. -a males penis is shaped to scoop any semen from other men away from their partners cervix. -deep thrusts force any sperm that is already present behind the head of the penis which pulls the sperm out of the women. -when men think their wife is cheating they have deep thrusts over a longer period of time. -2% of the worlds children on average are being raised by men who they do not know if they are someone's biological father -it can have reproductive benefits for some women.

When do people consider homosexuality to be the most acceptable?

-ppl consider homosexuality to be acceptable when they believe it results from biological influences; this view has increased -ppl find homosexuality unacceptable if they believe that it is a lifestyle one choose to adopt; this view has declined -this is etched in the developing fetal brain & cannot be changed. They are hardwired, beginning even before birth. -there is no justification for denying gays & lesbians access to legal benefits that straight couples enjoy. -sexual orientation does not affect parenting ability, marriage has the same positive effects no matter the sexual orientation of partners.

How does sexual orientation predict the likelihood of sexual infidelity.

-trait like collections of beliefs & behaviors that describe our feelings about sex. -*Restricted*: require intimacy/commitment before sex, -want fewer partners, associated w/secure attachment -more committed to partners -*Unrestricted*: dynamic, flirtatious ppl who are always on the prowl for new partners. Men are more this on avg than women -have more sexual partners and are more likely to cheat. -higher sex drive

What is an evolutionary perspective on infidelity?

-with mans lower parental investment men can afford to engage in casual sex -historically it has been favored for men who mated with as many women as possible. -Women engage in it because she might be able to have better(healthier & more attractive) children -*Good-genes hypothesis*: some women can profit from a dual mating strategy in which they can pursue long-term partners who can contribute resources to protect & feed offspring, while seeking good genes for their children from other men. -women find sexy, symmetrical men who show signs of masculine fitness to be compelling while fertile//more likely to pursue extradyadic sex when fertile. -better immune system when diff set of genes.

What is the sexual double standard that women face?

-women have been judged more harshly than men for being sexually experienced or permissive. -men who have multiple partners are admired as studs, whereas women with the same number are viewed as sluts. -now we tend to disapprove anyone male or female, who hooks up a lot. -women expect more disregard than men do if they accept an offer of causal sex. -a woman with an STI is more judged, liked less if participate in a three some -a strong double standard no longer seems to exist, but sex can influence others evaluations.

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