Chapter 9

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6) A saline solution contains 1.4% (m/m) NaCl by mass. How much water (in grams) is present if the amount of NaCl in the solution is 0.99 grams?

% (m/n)= solute/solution 1.4%= 0.99g/0.99g + x 0.014 (0.99 + x)= 0.99 0.01386 + 0.014x= 0.99 0.014x= 0.97614 x= 69.724 g x= 70.0 g

equivalents in 1 mole

*matches in order (designed like a table) ION: Na+, K+, Li+, NH4^+ Ca^2+, Mg^2+ Fe^3+ Cl^-, C2H3O2^- (acetate), H2PO4^-, C3H5O3^- (lactate) CO3^2-, HPO4^2- PO4^3-, C6H5O7^3- (citrate) IONIC CHARGE: 1+ 2+ 3+ 1- 2- 3- # OF EQUIVALENTS IN 1 MOLE: 1 Eq 2 Eq 3 Eq 1 Eq 2 Eq 3 Eq

solutions with ionic solutes

- NaCl crystals undergo hydration as water molecules surround each ion and pull it into solution - NaCl (s) --> Na^+ (aq) + Cl^- (aq) H2O (l) separate ions - all H^+ are partially positive

mass percent (m/m) concentration

- concentration by mass of solute in mass of solution mass percent (m/m) = (mass of solute (g)/mass of solute (g) + mass of solvent (g))(100%) mass percent (m/m) = (mass of solute (g)/mass of solution (g))(100%) - grams of solute in 100g of solution (conversion factor for mass percent) mass percent (m/m) = g of solute/100 g of solution

saturated solutions

- contain the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve - contain solute that dissolves as well as solute that recrystallizes in an equilibrium process

strong electrolytes

- dissociate 100% in water, producing positive and negative ions - form solutions that conduct an electric current strong enough to light a bulb 100% dissociation - NaCl (s) --> Na^+ (aq) + Cl^- (aq) H2O (l)

weak electrolytes

- dissociate only slightly in water - forms a solution with a few ions and mostly undissociated molecules H2O (l) slight dissociation - HF (aq) ---> H^+ (aq) + F^- (aq) <--- recombination - weak acids - weak bases


- dissolve as molecules in water - do not produce ions in water - do not conduct an electric current H2O (l) - C12H22O11 (s) ---> C12H22O11 (aq) sucrose solution of sucrose

electrolytes and nonelectrolytes

- electrolytes are free ions in the body that play an important role in maintaining the proper function of the cells and organs - electrolytes can be measured in a blood test

equivalent of electrolytes

- equivalent (Eq) is the amount of an electrolyte or an ion that provides 1 mole of electrical charge (+ or -) - in solution, - the charge of the positive ions is always balanced by the charge of the negative ions - the concentrations of electrolytes in intravenous fluids are expressed in milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L)


- homogeneous mixtures of two or more substances - have 2 components: solvent = present in larger amount (V comes after U) solute = present in a smaller amount (U comes before V)

solute concentrations

- initial and diluted solution - the amount of solute are the same - concentrations and volumes are related by: C1V1 = C2V2 initial diluted - equality is written in terms of the concentration, C, and the volume, V; the concentration, C, may be percent concentration or molarity

Solution Stoichiometry

- make sure that the chemical equation is balanced - use the mole concept and molarity to solve the problem


- mole of solute/liter of solution: defined as the moles of solute per volume (L) of solution M = moles of solute/liter of solution - 1.0 M solution of NaCl is defined as M= moles of solute/liter of solution = 1.0 mole NaCl/1 L solution

soluble vs insoluble ionic compounds

- only ionic compounds that contain a soluble cation or anion are soluble in water - in an insoluble ionic compound, the ionic bonds are too strong for the polar water molecules to break - we can use the solubility rules to predict whether an ionic compound would be expected to dissolve in water

mass/volume percent

- percent mass (g) of solute to volume (mL) of solution mass/volume percent (m/v) = (mass of solute/volume of solution)(100%) - mass of solute (g) in 100 mL of solution (conversion factor for mass/volume percent) mass/volume percent (m/v) = g of solute/100 mL of solution

volume percent (v/v) concentration

- percent volume (mL) of solute (liquid) to volume (mL) of solution volume percent (v/v) = (volume of solute/volume of solution)(100%) - volume of solute (mL) in 100 mL of solution (conversion factor for volume percent) volume percent (v/v) = mL of solute/100mL of solution

effect of temperature on solubility

- solubility of most solids increases as the temperature of the solution increases (direct) - solubility of gases decreases as the temperature of the solution increases (inverse)

Like Dissolves Like

- solutions will form when the solute and solvent have similar polarities: "like dissolves like" - polar - polar - nonpolar - nonpolar - solutions will form: solute = polar; solvent= polar solute= nonpolar; solvent= nonpolar - solutions will NOT form: solute= polar; solvent= nonpolar solute= nonpolar; solvent= polar


- the maximum amount of solute that dissolves in a specific amount of solvent - temperature sensitive for solutes - expressed as grams of solute in 100 g of solvent, usually water


- universal solvent - 1 of the most common solvents in nature - polar molecule due to polar O-H bonds - molecules form hydrogen bonds important in many biological compounds

dilution of solutions

- water is added - volume of the solution increases - concentration decreases - amount of solute in the solution remains the same - when water is added to a concentrated solution, there is no change in the number of particles; solute particles spread out as the volume of the solution increases

g of solute/100 g water


solute dissolves solute + solvent ---> saturated solution <--- solute recrystallizes


3) How many moles of calcium ion are in 0.35 L of blood in a patient with a blood calcium level of 7.7 mEq/L?

0.35 L (7.7 mEq Ca2+/1 L)(1 Eq Ca2+/1000 mEq Ca2+)(1 mol Ca2+/2 Eq Ca2+)= 0.0013 mol Ca^21

Calculating equivalents: the laboratory tests for a patient indicate a blood calcium level of 8.8 mEq/L A. How many moles of Calcium ion are in 0.50 L of blood?

0.50 L (8.8 mEq Ca^2+/1 L)(1 Eq Ca^2+/1000 mEq Ca^2+) = 0.0044 Eq of Ca^2+ we can then convert equivalents to moles (for Ca^2+ there are 2 Eq per mole) 0.0044 Eq of Ca^2+ (1 mole Ca^2+/2 Eq Ca^2+) = 0.0022 mole of Ca^2+

properties of solutions

1. conductivity a. electrolytes b. nonelectrolytes 2. colligative property property that depends only on the relative amounts of non volatile solutes and not on the nature of the solutes

colligative properties

1. lowering of vapor pressure - increasing the concentration of solute particles in the solution prevents some of the solvent particles from leaving the solution 2. boiling point elevations BP - point at which VP of liquid = atmospheric pressure VP= Patm = 760 mmHg T = 100 degrees Celsius pure water boils Delta sign VP < Patm T = 100 degrees Celsius will not boil Delta Sign VP = Patm T > 100 degrees Celsius requires stores KE - a close-up plot of vapor pressure versus temperature for pure water and for a 1.0 M NaCl solution; pure water boils at 100.0 degrees Celsius, but the solution does not boil until 101.0 degrees Celsius 3. freezing point depression pure solid water is harder for water to form hexagonal structure 4. osmotic pressure elevation osmosis - tendency of water to move through a thin porous membrane from dilute solution to a more concentrated solution - at equilibrium, molecules can move freely - solutes block solvent molecules

1 Eq =

1000 mEq

7) How many mL of 0.280 M Na₂SO₄ solution can be prepared from 12.7 g Na₂SO₄?

12.7 gNa2SO4 (1 mol Na2SO4/142.1 gNa2SO4)= 0.0894 mol Na2SO4 L Na2SO4= mol Na2SO4/M Na2SO4= 0.0894 mol/0.280 M= 0.319 L= 319 mL

4) An IV bottle contains KCl. If the K⁺ is 39 mEq/L, the Cl⁻ is how many mEq/L?

39 mEq/L, because the changes have to equal out

15) An intravenous replacement solution contains 4.0 mEq/L of Ca2+ ions. How many grams of Ca2+ are in 3.0 L of the solution? A) 0.24 g B) 0.80 g C) 0.40 g D) 240 g E) 4.0 g

A) 0.24 g

14) How many equivalents are present in 5.0 moles of Al3+? A) 15 Eq B) 1.3 Eq C) 5.0 Eq D) 0.67 Eq E) 3.0 Eq

A) 15 Eq

34) A patient needs to receive 85 grams of glucose every 12 hours. What volume of a 5.0%(m/v) glucose solution needs to be administered to the patient each 12 hours? A) 1700 mL B) 60 mL C) 6000 mL D) 17 mL E) 204 mL

A) 1700 mL

53) What is the new mass/volume (m/v)% of a KOH solution that is prepared by diluting 110 mL of a 6% (m/v) KOH solution to 330 mL? A) 2% B) 1% C) 6% D) 12% E) 18%

A) 2%

41) What is the molarity of a solution containing 5.0 moles of KCl in 2.0 L of solution? A) 2.5 M B) 1.0 M C) 5.0 M D) 10. M E) 2.0 M

A) 2.5 M

For the question(s) that follow, consider a 4% starch solution and a 10% starch solution separated by a semipermeable membrane. 56) Which starch solution will decrease in volume as osmosis occurs? A) 4% B) 10% C) Neither exerts osmotic pressure. D) They exert equal osmotic pressures. E) They exert opposite osmotic pressures.

A) 4%

2) A hydrogen bond is A) an attraction between a hydrogen atom attached to N, O, or F and an N, O, or F atom on another molecule. B) a covalent bond between H and O. C) an ionic bond between H and another atom. D) a bond that is stronger than a covalent bond. E) the polar O-H bond in water.

A) An attraction between a hydrogen atom attached to N, O, or F atom on another molecule.

3) Hydrogen bonds are a major factor in the structure of A) DNA. B) hydrogen chloride. C) dry ice. D) air. E) table salt.


26) When solutions of NaCl and AgNO3 are mixed, A) a precipitate of AgCl forms. B) a precipitate of NaNO3 forms. C) no precipitate forms. D) precipitate of NaNO3 and AgCl form. E) a precipitate of AgCl2 forms.

A) a precipitate of AgCl forms.

65) An aqueous mixture containing starch (a colloid), NaCl, glucose, and albumin (a colloid) is placed in a dialyzing bag and immersed in distilled water. Which of the following correctly describes the location of the indicated substance after dialysis? A) albumin, inside B) starch outside C) albumin inside and outside D) water inside only E) starch inside and outside

A) albumin, inside

17) HI, a strong electrolyte A) both B) ions C) molecules

A) both

21) H2CO3, a weak electrolyte A) both B) ions C) molecules

A) both

67) 0.50 mole of KCl is added to 2.0 kg of water. The boiling point of the solution will be ________ the boiling point of pure water. A) higher than B) lower than C) the same as

A) higher than

13) 7% glucose A) hypertonic B) isotonic C) hypotonic

A) hypertonic

59) A solution with the same osmotic pressure as the blood is A) isotonic to the blood. B) hypotonic to the blood. C) hypertonic to the blood. D) nontonic to the blood. E) molar to the blood.

A) isotonic to the blood.

40) The molarity (M) of a solution refers to A) moles of solute/L of solution. B) moles of solute/L of solvent. C) moles of solute/100 mL of solution. D) grams of solute/100 mL of solution. E) grams of solute/L of solution.

A) moles of solute/L of solution.

10) a mixture whose particles can be separated by filters A) suspension B) colloid C) solution

A) suspension

7) a mixture whose particles settle on standing A) suspension B) colloid C) solution

A) suspension

48) During the process of diluting a solution to a lower concentration, A) the amount of solute does not change. B) the amount of solvent does not change. C) there is more solute in the concentrated solution. D) the volume of the solution does not change. E) water is removed from the concentrated solution.

A) the amount of solute does not change.

63) A red blood cell will undergo hemolysis in A) water. B) 0.9% NaCl. C) 5% glucose. D) 5% NaCl. E) 10% glucose.

A) water.

11) In water, a substance that partially ionizes in solution is called a A) weak electrolyte. B) nonelectrolyte. C) semiconductor. D) nonconductor. E) strong electrolyte.

A) weak electrolyte.

practice: which of the following solutes will dissolve in water (polar)? Why? A. Na2SO4 B. gasoline (nonpolar) C. I2 D. HCl

A. Na2SO4 --> 2Na + SO4^2- = dissolve B. gasoline (nonpolar) = eliminate C. I2 - nonpolar = eliminate D. HCl - polar = dissolve

3) A solution of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, that has a molarity of 0.0100 M contains ________ equivalents of carbonate per liter of the solution.

Answer: 0.0200

4) A solution of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, that has a molarity of 0.0100 M contains ________ equivalents of sodium ions per liter of the solution.

Answer: 0.0200

9) If 25.0 mL of a 0.800 M KCl solution is diluted to a final volume of 100. mL, the new concentration is ________.

Answer: 0.200 M

6) In the following equation, ________ will form a precipitate. NaCl + AgNO3 → AgCl + NaNO3

Answer: AgCl

7) In the following equation, ________ will form a precipitate. BaCl2 + H2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2HCl

Answer: BaSO4

10) Substances whose particles in solution scatter light and pass through filters but cannot pass through semipermeable membranes are called ________.

Answer: colloids

1) A substance that carries an electric current when dissolved in water is called a(n) ________.

Answer: electrolyte

5) Is barium sulfate, BaSO4, soluble or insoluble in water?

Answer: insoluble

8) The number of moles of a compound dissolved in one liter of a solution is called the ________.

Answer: molarity

2) A substance that produces only a small number of ions in solution is known as a ________ electrolyte.

Answer: weak

49) What is the molarity of a KCl solution made by diluting 75.0 mL of a 0.200 M solution to a final volume of 100. mL? A) 0.267 M B) 0.150 M C) 0.200 M D) 6.67 M E) 0.100 M

B) 0.150 M

13) How many equivalents are present in 5.0 g of Al3+? A) 15 Eq B) 0.56 Eq C) 0.19 Eq D) 0.37 Eq E) 3 Eq

B) 0.56 Eq

5) If 100. mL of water is added to 25 mL of 5.0 M NaCl, the final concentration is ________. A) 25 M B) 1.0 M C) 5.0 M D) 2.0 M E) 1.3 M

B) 1.0 M

37) What is the molarity of a solution that contains 17 g of NH3 in 0.50 L of solution? A) 34 M B) 2.0 M C) 0.50 M D) 0.029 M E) 1.0 M

B) 2.0 M

32) What is the concentration, in m/v percent, of a solution prepared from 50. g NaCl and 2.5 L of water? A) 5.0% B) 2.0% C) 0.020% D) 0.050% E) 20.%

B) 2.0%

52) What volume of a 2.00 M KCl solution is required to prepare 500. mL of a 0.100 M KCl solution? A) 0.0400 mL B) 25.0 mL C) 2.00 mL D) 1.00 × 104 mL E) 5.00 × 102 mL

B) 25.0 mL

39) When 200. mL of water are added to 100. mL of 12% KCl solution the final concentration of KCl is (Assume the volumes add.) A) 12%. B) 4.0%. C) 36%. D) 6.0%. E) 8.0%.

B) 4.0%.

20) Which one of the following compounds will NOT be soluble in water? A) NaOH B) PbS C) K2SO4 D) LiNO3 E) MgCl2

B) PbS

For the question(s) that follow, consider a 4% starch solution and a 10% starch solution separated by a semipermeable membrane. 58) Which of the following occurs in this system? A) Water flows equally in both directions. B) There is a net flow of water from the 4% starch solution into the 10% starch solution. C) There is a net flow of water from the 10% starch solution into the 4% starch solution. D) Water does not cross the membrane at all. E) Starch moves out of the 10% starch solution into the 4% starch solution.

B) There is a net flow of water from the 4% starch solution into the 10% starch solution.

54) A homogeneous mixture that does not settle out upon standing is A) an element. B) a colloid. C) a suspension. D) homogeneous. E) hydrated.

B) a colloid.

8) a homogeneous mixture in which suspended particles cannot pass through a semipermeable membrane A) suspension B) colloid C) solution

B) colloid

64) The process by which a semipermeable membrane allows water molecules, small molecules, and ions to pass through while retaining large particles is called A) osmotic pressure. B) dialysis. C) solvation. D) dilution. E) hydration.

B) dialysis.

2) the major attraction between water molecules A) hypotonic B) hydrogen bonding C) unsaturated D) hypertonic E) saturated F) hydration

B) hydrogen bonding

27) According to Henry's law, the solubility of a gas in a liquid A) decreases as the gas pressure above the liquid increases. B) increases as the gas pressure above the liquid increases. C) remains the same as the temperature increases. D) depends on the liquid polarity. E) depends on the liquid density.

B) increases as the gas pressure above the liquid increases.

16) NaCl, a strong electrolyte A) both B) ions C) molecules

B) ions

19) KNO3, a strong electrolyte A) both B) ions C) molecules

B) ions

14) 5% glucose A) hypertonic B) isotonic C) hypotonic

B) isotonic

15) 0.9% NaCl A) hypertonic B) isotonic C) hypotonic

B) isotonic

66) 1.0 mole of NaCl is added to 1.0 kg of water. The freezing point of the solution will be ________ the freezing point of pure water. A) higher than B) lower than C) the same as

B) lower than

7) Oil does not dissolve in water because A) oil is polar. B) oil is nonpolar. C) water is nonpolar. D) water is saturated. E) oil is hydrated.

B) oil is nonpolar

1) The O-H bond in water is polar because A) it is an ionic bond. B) oxygen is much more electronegative than hydrogen. C) oxygen occupies more space than hydrogen. D) hydrogen is much more electronegative than oxygen. E) it is a hydrogen bond.

B) oxygen is much more electronegative than hydrogen

6) A solution is prepared by dissolving 2 g of KCl in 100 g of H2O. In this solution, H2O is the A) solute. B) solvent. C) solution. D) solid. E) ionic compound.

B) solvent

4) The molarity of a solution of 5.0 g of KCl in 100. mL of solution is ________. A) 0.038 M B) 0.067 M C) 0.67 M D) 0.13 M E) 1.3 M

C) 0.67 M

51) What volume of 0.10 M NaOH can be prepared from 250. mL of 0.30 M NaOH? A) 0.075 L B) 0.25 L C) 0.75 L D) 0.083 L E) 750 L

C) 0.75 L

69) What is the osmolarity of a solution made by dissolving 0.50 mole of the strong electrolyte CaCl2 in 1.0 L of solution? A) 0.50 Osm B) 1.0 Osm C) 1.5 Osm D) 2.0 Osm E) 0.0 Osm

C) 1.5 Osm

44) What volume of a 1.5 M KOH solution is needed to provide 3.0 moles of KOH? A) 3.0 L B) 0.50 L C) 2.0 L D) 4.5 L E) 0.22 L

C) 2.0 L

45) How many grams of PbCl2 are formed when 25.0 mL of 0.654 M KCl react with Pb(NO3)2? 2KCl(aq) + Pb(NO3) 2(aq) → 2KNO3(aq) + PbCl2(s) A) 22.7 g B) 1.64 g C) 2.27 g D) 4.54 g E) 9.08 g

C) 2.27 g

47) Use the reaction: 2AgNO3(aq) + H2SO4(aq) → Ag2SO4(s) + 2H2O(l). What volume of 0.123 M AgNO3(aq) is needed to form 0.657 g of Ag2SO4(s)? A) 34.2 L B) 17.1 mL C) 34.3 mL D) 10.7 mL E) 53.4 mL

C) 34.3 mL

33) How many grams of glucose are needed to prepare 400. mL of a 2.0%(m/v) glucose solution? A) 800. g B) 0.0050 g C) 8.0 g D) 2.0 g E) 200. g

C) 8.0 g

21) Which one of the following compounds will NOT be soluble in water? A) LiOH B) K2S C) BaSO4 D) NaNO3 E) MgCl2

C) BaSO4

22) Which one of the following compounds will be soluble in water? A) AgCl B) Cu(OH)2 C) LiCl D) CaSO4 E) PbCO3

C) LiCl

5) Which of the following molecules can form hydrogen bonds? A) CH4 B) NaH C) NH3 D) BH3 E) HI

C) NH3

23) Which one of the following compounds will be soluble in water? A) AgBr B) Cu(OH)2 C) NH4Cl D) CaCO3 E) PbS

C) NH4Cl

9) Water is a polar solvent and hexane (C6H14) is a nonpolar solvent. Which of the following correctly describes the solubility of the solute? A) mineral oil, soluble in water B) CaCl2, soluble in hexane C) NaHCO3, soluble in water D) CCl4, soluble in water E) octane, soluble in water

C) NaHCO3, soluble in water

4) In a solution, the solvent A) is a liquid. B) can be a liquid or gas. C) can be a solid, liquid, or gas. D) is never a solid. E) is the substance present in the smallest concentration.

C) can be a solid, liquid or gas

11) water A) hypertonic B) isotonic C) hypotonic

C) hypotonic

12) 0.5% NaCl A) hypertonic B) isotonic C) hypotonic

C) hypotonic

19) An increase in the temperature of a solution usually A) increases the boiling point. B) increases the solubility of a gas in the solution. C) increases the solubility of a solid solute in the solution. D) decreases the solubility of a solid solute in the solution. E) decreases the solubility of a liquid solute in the solution.

C) increases the solubility of a solid solute in the solution.

18) CH3CH2OH, a nonelectrolyte A) both B) ions C) molecules

C) molecules

20) glucose, a nonelectrolyte A) both B) ions C) molecules

C) molecules

6) a mixture of sodium chloride in water A) suspension B) colloid C) solution

C) solution

9) a mixture whose particles cannot be separated by filters or semipermeable membranes A) suspension B) colloid C) solution

C) solution

7) A mixture in which one component settles is called a(n) ________. A) solution B) colloid C) suspension D) electrolyte E) nonelectrolyte

C) suspension

12) An equivalent is A) the amount of ion that has a 1+ charge. B) the amount of ion that has a 1- charge. C) the amount of ion that carries 1 mole of electrical charge. D) 1 mole of any ion. E) 1 mole of an ionic compound.

C) the amount of ion that carries 1 mole of electrical charge.

4) a solution in which more solute can be dissolved A) hypotonic B) hydrogen bonding C) unsaturated D) hypertonic E) saturated F) hydration

C) unsaturated

1) Acetic acid can be classified as a(n) ________. A) gas B) solid C) weak electrolyte D) strong electrolyte E) ionic compound

C) weak electrolyte

8) What volume (in mL) of a 3.00% (m/v) HCl solution can be prepared by diluting 28.0 mL of 15.0% (m/v) HCl solution?

C1V1 = C2V2 (0.0300)(V1) = (0.15)(28.0) V1= 140 mL

2) Complete each for strong electrolytes in water: b) CaCl2 (s)

CaCl2 (s) --> Ca2+ (aq) + 2Cl- (aq)

70) What is the osmolarity of a solution made by dissolving 25.0 g of the strong electrolyte KCl in 1.0 L of solution? A) 0.168 Osm B) 0.335 Osm C) 0.250 Osm D) 0.670 Osm E) 1.34 Osm

D) 0.670 Osm

43) How many moles of CaCl2 are in 250 mL of a 3.0 M of CaCl2 solution? A) 750 moles B) 1.3 moles C) 83 moles D) 0.75 mole E) 3.0 moles

D) 0.75 mole

16) How many equivalents are present in 0.40 moles of SO42-? A) 0.10 Eq B) 0.20 Eq C) 0.40 Eq D) 0.80 Eq E) 1.2 Eq

D) 0.80 Eq

62) Which solution is isotonic to a red blood cell? A) water B) 0.5% NaCl C) 2% glucose D) 0.9% NaCl E) 10% glucose

D) 0.9% NaCl

38) What is the molarity of a solution that contains 3.25 moles of NaNO3 in 250. mL of solution? A) 3.25 M B) 6.50 M C) 0.0130 M D) 13.0 M E) 2.60 M

D) 13.0 M

42) What is the molarity of a solution which contains 58.5 g of sodium chloride dissolved in 0.500 L of solution? A) 0.500 M B) 1.00 M C) 1.50 M D) 2.00 M E) 4.00 M

D) 2.00 M

30) What is the concentration, in mass percent, of a solution prepared from 50.0 g NaCl and 150.0 g of water? A) 0.250% B) 33.3% C) 40.0% D) 25.0% E) 3.00%

D) 25.0%

25) When solutions of KCl and Pb(NO3)2 are mixed, a precipitate forms. Which of the following is the balanced equation for the double replacement reaction that occurs? A) KCl(aq) + Pb(NO3) 2(aq) → KNO3(aq) + PbCl2(s) B) KNO3(aq) + PbCl2(s) → KCl(aq) + Pb(NO3) 2(aq) C) K+(aq) + NO3-(aq) → KNO3(aq) D) 2KCl (aq) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) → 2KNO3(aq) + PbCl2 (s) E) KCl(aq) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) → KNO3(aq) + PbCl(s)

D) 2KCl (aq) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) → 2KNO3(aq) + PbCl2 (s)

24) Which one of the following compounds will be insoluble in water? A) AgNO3 B) CaCl2 C) NH4Cl D) CaCO3 E) Pb(C2H3O2)2

D) CaCO3

18) The solubility of KI is 50 g in 100 g of H2O at 20 °C. If 110 grams of KI are added to 200 grams of H2O A) all of the KI will dissolve. B) the solution will freeze. C) the solution will start boiling. D) a saturated solution will form. E) the solution will be unsaturated.

D) a saturated solution will form.

28) The mass percent concentration refers to A) grams of solute in 1 kg of solvent. B) grams of solute in 1 kg of solution. C) grams of solute in 100 g of solvent. D) grams of solute in 100 g of solution. E) grams of solvent in 100 g of solution.

D) grams of solute in 100 g of solution.

29) The mass/volume percent concentration refers to A) grams of solute in 1 L of solvent. B) grams of solute in 1 L of solution. C) grams of solute in 100 mL of solvent. D) grams of solute in 100 mL of solution. E) grams of solvent in 100 mL of solution.

D) grams of solute in 100 mL of solution.

5) a solution that has a higher osmotic pressure than the red blood cells of the body A) hypotonic B) hydrogen bonding C) unsaturated D) hypertonic E) saturated F) hydration

D) hypertonic

60) A solution that has an osmotic pressure less than that of red blood cells is called A) saturated. B) hypertonic. C) isotonic. D) hypotonic. E) unsaturated.

D) hypotonic.

17) When some of the sugar added to iced tea remains undissolved at the bottom of the glass, the solution is A) dilute. B) polar. C) nonpolar. D) saturated. E) unsaturated.

D) saturated.

55) In the process known as osmosis, ________ moves through a semipermeable membrane into an area of ________ concentration. A) solute; lower solute B) solute; higher solute C) solvent; lower solute D) solvent; lower solvent E) solvent; higher solvent

D) solvent; lower solvent

2) NaCl can be classified as a ________. A) gas B) liquid C) weak electrolyte D) strong electrolyte E) nonelectrolyte

D) strong electrolyte

8) When KCl dissolves in water A) the Cl- ions are attracted to dissolved K+ ions. B) the Cl- ions are attracted to the partially negative oxygen atoms of the water molecule. C) the K+ ions are attracted to Cl- ions on the KCl crystal. D) the K+ ions are attracted to the partially negative oxygen atoms of the water molecule. E) the K+ ions are attracted to the partially positive hydrogen atoms of the water molecule.

D) the K+ ions are attracted to the partially negative oxygen atoms of the water molecule.

68) 0.50 mole of NaCl is added to 1.0 kg of water. The freezing point of the solution will be ________. A) 0.00 °C B) 0.93 °C C) 1.86 °C D) -0.93 °C E) -1.86 °C

E) -1.86 °C

46) How many mL of 0.246 M Pb(NO3)2 are needed to react with 36.0 mL of 0.322 M KCl ? 2KCl(aq) + Pb(NO3) 2(aq) → 2KNO3(aq) + PbCl2(s) A) 36.0 mL B) 18.0 mL C) 72.0 mL D) 47.1 mL E) 23.6 mL

E) 23.6 mL

50) What volume of 2.5% (m/v) KOH can be prepared from 125 mL of a 5.0% KOH solution? A) 0.0040 mL B) 63 mL C) 0.10 mL D) 125 mL E) 250 mL

E) 250 mL

36) How many milliliters of a 25% (m/v) NaOH solution would contain 75 g of NaOH? A) 25 mL B) 75 mL C) 33 mL D) 19 mL E) 3.0 × 102 mL

E) 3.0 × 102 mL

31) Rubbing alcohol is 70.% isopropyl alcohol by volume. How many mL of isopropyl alcohol are in a 1 pint (473 mL) container? A) 70. mL B) 0.15 mL C) 680 mL D) 470 mL E) 330 mL

E) 330 mL

61) A red blood cell will undergo crenation in A) water. B) 0.5% NaCl. C) 3% glucose. D) 5% glucose. E) 7% NaCl.

E) 7% NaCl.

35) What volume (mL) of a 15% (m/v) NaOH solution contains 120 g NaOH? A) 18 mL B) 0.13 mL C) 13 mL D) 120 mL E) 8.0 × 102 mL

E) 8.0 × 102 mL

6) Using a kidney machine to remove waste products from the blood is known as ________. A) osmosis B) osmolysis C) autolysis D) hemolysis E) hemodialysis

E) hemodialysis

3) Methanol, CH3OH, can be classified as a ________. A) gas B) solid C) weak electrolyte D) strong electrolyte E) nonelectrolyte

E) nonelectrolyte

For the question(s) that follow, consider a 4% starch solution and a 10% starch solution separated by a semipermeable membrane. 57) The process that occurs in this system is A) filtration. B) hydration. C) neutralization. D) dialysis. E) osmosis.

E) osmosis.

1) a solution that contains the highest amount of solute that dissolves at a given temperature A) hypotonic B) hydrogen bonding C) unsaturated D) hypertonic E) saturated F) hydration

E) saturated

10) In water, a substance that ionizes completely in solution is called a A) weak electrolyte. B) nonelectrolyte. C) semiconductor. D) nonconductor. E) strong electrolyte.

E) strong electrolyte.

3) the association of several water molecules with ions produced in a solution A) hypotonic B) hydrogen bonding C) unsaturated D) hypertonic E) saturated F) hydration

F) hydration

2) Complete each for strong electrolytes in water: d) H2SO4

H2SO4 (s) --> 2H+ (aq) + SO4^2- (aq)

2) Complete each for strong electrolytes in water: c) HClO3 (s)

HClO3 --> H+ (aq) + ClO3- (aq)

solubility and pressure

Henry's law states that: - solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly related to the pressure of that gas above the liquid - at higher pressures, more gas molecules dissolve in the liquid - when the pressure of a gas above a solution decreases, the solubility of that gas in the solution also decrease (direct)

5) Will a precipitate form when solutions of KI and Pb(C₂H₃O₂)₂ are mixed%. If yes, write the net ionic equation and identify the precipitate(s) formed.

KI (aq) + Pb (C2H3O2)2 (aq) --> PbI2 (s) + K C2H3O2 (aq) net ionic equation: Pb2+ (aq) + SO4^2- (aq) --> PbSO4 (s)

2) Complete each for strong electrolytes in water: a) NaCl (s)

NaCl (s) --> Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)

solution concentrations and reactions

concentration of a solution = amount of solute/amount of solution table SOLUTE UNIT MASS PERCENT (m/m): g VOLUME PERCENT (v/v): mL MASS/VOLUME PERCENT (m/v): g MOLARITY (M): mole SOLVENT UNIT MASS PERCENT (m/m): g VOLUME PERCENT (v/v): mL MASS/VOLUME PERCENT (m/v): mL MOLARITY (M): L

unsaturated solutions

contain less than the maximum amount of solute

using solubility rules****

designed like table ANION: Cl^-, Br^-, I^- NO3^-, ClO4^-, C2H3O^2- SO4^2- CO3^2-, PO4^3-, S^2-, OH^- SOLUBLE: All cations All cations All cations Group 1 A, NH4^+ NOT SOLUBLE: Ag^+, Hg^2+, Pb^2+ ------------------- Pb^2, Ba^2+, Ca^2+, Hg2^2+, Sr^2+ All cations

g solution =

g solute + g solvent

Calculating equivalents: the laboratory tests for a patient indicate a blood calcium level of 8.8 mEq/L B. If chloride ion is the only other ion present, what is its concentration in mEq/L?

if the concentration of Ca^2+ is 8.8 mEq/L, then the concentration of Cl^- must be 8.8 mEq/L to balance the charge

1) Which of the following solutes will dissolve in water? b) Br₂

no, Br2 is nonpolar (same pull on each side: Br-Br)

1) Which of the following solutes will dissolve in water? e) gasoline (nonpolar)

no, it is nonpolar - "like dissolves like"

1) Which of the following solutes will dissolve in water? c) glucose

no, organic molecules will not separate in water

9) Determine whether a 0.20 M H₂SO₄ solution is either isotonic, hypotonic, or hypertonic to 0.30 osmol of blood.

osmol = M * i 2 H+ +1 SO4^2- = (0.20)(3)= 0.60 osmol hypertonic


solutions form when the solute-solvent interactions are large enough to overcome the solute-solute interactions and the solvent-solvent interactions


table PERCENT CONCENTRATION: 10% (m/m) KCl 12% (v/v) ethanol solution 5% (m/v) glucose solution MOLARITY: 6.0 M HCL solution MEANING: 10g of KCl in 100g of KCl solution 12 mL of ethanol in 100 mL of ethanol solution 5 g of glucose in 100 mL of glucose solution 6.0 moles of HCl in 1 L of HCl solution CONVERSION FACTORS: 10 gKCl/100 g solution and 100 g solution/10 gKCL 12 mL ethanol/100 mL solution and 100 mL solution/12 mL ethanol 5 g glucose/100 mL solution and 100mL solution/5 g glucose 6.0 moles HCl/1 L solution and 1 L solution/6.0 moles HCl

1) Which of the following solutes will dissolve in water? d) HF

yes, ionic compound

1) Which of the following solutes will dissolve in water? a) NaCl

yes, ionic compounds will dissolve in water; like dissolves like

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