chapter 9 world history

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A major goal of terrorist organizations is to create fear. anger. injury. danger.

operates in multiple countries.

A multinational organization is defined as a business that has a base in one country. operates in multiple countries. has many locations in a country. outsources production to other countries.

writer's viewpoint on the topic.

A thesis statement should be included in the outline introduction because it states the writer's viewpoint on the topic. reason for the assignment topic. most important fact on the topic. audience's expectations on the topic.


According to the UN, what country is ranked as having the most equal society? United States Japan Yemen Sweden

making the essay fit into a new form.

Adapting the essay into a multimedia presentation can be explained as following a predictable pattern. convincing or swaying someone. making the essay fit into a new form. replacing the essay with something new.

causing the removal of trees.

Overpopulation impacts the environment primarily by limiting land available for crops. destroying natural resources. causing the removal of trees. interfering with normal plant growth.

her country faces struggling economic times and tension with North Korea.

Park Geun-Hye's presidency is particularly challenging because of the sudden increase in tension with Israel. recovery from war is a challenge and struggle. her country faces struggling economic times and tension with North Korea. her attempt at peace talks with North Korea is not being met with enthusiasm.


The conflict and unrest in Chechnya are caused by different politics religions. cultures. languages.


The ethnic nationalist movement in which region is also a unification movement? Maghreb Nile Valley Arabian Peninsula Kurdistan

has different meanings, depending on the society.

The fact that ethnicity is defined as a socially constructed categorization tells the reader that ethnicity pertains to high society. forms the basis for scientific study. is characterized by isolated groups of people. has different meanings, depending on the society.

The UN

Using diplomacy as a way to end conflicts between nations is one of the functions of the UN. NGOs. the Chief Negotiator. the UN General Assembly.

Extinction occurs due to loss of habitat.

What is the main effect of overpopulation on animals? More animals are used for food. Extinction occurs due to loss of habitat. A change in the animal population harms the environment. Social conflict occurs due to limited resources.

Mohandas Gandhi was an important historical figure.

What is the main point in this paragraph? Mohandas Gandhi led the movement for India's independence from British rule. Mohandas Gandhi was an important historical figure. Mohandas Gandhi influenced civil rights leaders from around the world. Mohandas Gandhi pioneered important protest strategies.

The language is inappropriate.

Which is the best reason for writers to avoid the use of emotional language in informational essays? The language is formal. The language is overly complex. The language is inappropriate. The language is authoritative.

Sweden, United States, Japan, Yemen

Which is the correct ranking of countries from most equal in gender equality to least equal in gender equality? Japan, Sweden, Yemen, United States United States, Sweden, Japan, Yemen Sweden, United States, Japan, Yemen Sweden, United States, Yemen, Japan

Author Last, First. Title. City: Publisher, year. Print.

Which is the correct way to cite a book? Author Last, First. "Title". City, Publisher, year. Print. Author First, Last. Title. City: Publisher, year. Print. Author Last, First. Title. City: Publisher, year. Print. Title. Author Last, First. City: Publisher, year. Print.

Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur

Which is the proper order of genocides from earliest to most recent? Holocaust, Cambodian, Armenian, Darfur Armenian, Darfur, Holocaust, Cambodian Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur Holocaust, Armenian, Darfur, Cambodian

satellite technology.

Which of the following enables people all over the world to share the same information, news, and entertainment? lasers satellite technology scanning technologies the Green Revolution


Which of the following is a nonrenewable source of energy? wind solar oil geothermal

landing a man on the moon

Which of the following might be presented as evidence by someone arguing that the United States won the Space Race? landing a man on the moon launching the first satellite building the International Space Station inventing the computer

Doctors Without Borders

Which organization functions to provide clinics and surgeries in developing nations? UNICEF Doctors Without Borders International Red Cross World Health Organization


Which organization provides assistance to mothers and children living in poverty? WHO UNICEF World Bank Security Council

Economic and Social Council

Which part of the UN oversees UNICEF and WHO? Security Council General Assembly International Court of Justice Economic and Social Council

Joan of Arc was a peasant girl who rose to lead the army of France

Which phrase best contributes to a strong introduction by giving a brief background of Joan of Arc? Joan of Arc was a peasant girl who rose to lead the army of France One of the most significant figures in European history few women had her power and influence helping to place King Charles VII on the throne


Which region has the highest population growth rate? Africa India China Europe


Which region wants independence for Buddhists in a communist country? Tibet Quebec Kashmir South Sudan

The language is simplified.

Which revision stands out as most effective for a multimedia presentation slide? Sources were left out. The language is simplified. A lot of the information is left out. Sentences were used instead of phrases.

agencies such as UNICEF and WHO

Which supports the UN's purpose of promoting social progress and better standards of living? UN peacekeeping forces Universal Declaration of Human Rights International Court of Justice agencies such as UNICEF and WHO

Condoleezza Rice

Who was the first African American woman to serve as the US Secretary of State? Angela Merkel Margaret Thatcher Anita Hill Condoleezza Rice


Whose sole function is to provide humanitarian aid around the world? USAID NGOs WHO UN

The Tutsis were a minority who had historically ruled over the Hutus.

Why did the Hutus in Rwanda hold a deep hatred for the Tutsis? The Tutsis unrelentingly persecuted the Hutus when they were in power. The Tutsis were a minority who had historically ruled over the Hutus. The Tutsis held most of the country's wealth even though they were a minority. The Tutsis were a threat because their population was growing rapidly.

The characteristics of terrorism are hard to define.

Why did the United Nations have difficulty in drafting a definition of terrorism? Many of the member countries harbor terrorists. The characteristics of terrorism are hard to define. Some military activities have been mislabeled as terrorism. The terrorist label has been indiscriminately applied to many groups.

to increase profits.

Why do companies choose to outsource work? to increase profits to improve products to cut transportation costs to develop local resources

Traditional beliefs and cultural norms keep women out of managerial positions.

Why do women in Japan represent 50 percent of the workforce but make up only 10 percent of the managerial positions? There are laws prohibiting women from working in managerial positions. Traditional beliefs and cultural norms keep women out of managerial positions. The job demands make it very difficult for mothers to take leadership positions. Husbands want their wives to leave managerial positions open for men.

It has a picture to hold the audience's attention. It will not distract from the speaker if the text is read. It has a bulleted list that is easy to read. It has a much more interesting title. (all but second)

Why is the slide on the right a better choice for a multimedia presentation? Check all that apply. It has a picture to hold the audience's attention. It does not cite distracting, unnecessary sources. It will not distract from the speaker if the text is read. It has a bulleted list that is easy to read. It has a much more interesting title.

work outside the home in factories.

With the Industrial Revolution came opportunities for women to work outside the home in factories. demand equal pay with men for their work. choose work over getting married and having children. achieve total financial independence.

They were bigger and slower.

How were computers in the 1950s and 1960s different from computers of today? They were much smaller. They were much faster. They cost less money They were bigger and slower.


After the B in Section 2, the rest of the outline is missing. The next line should be C. What should follow C? Summary Conclusion More evidence Final statement

attacks targets in many areas of the globe.

Al Qaeda is identified as an international terrorist group because it is motivated by a desire for change. believes in the justness of the cause. operates inside of a particular territory. attacks targets in many areas of the globe.

relate to or reinforce the claim.

All slides for the multimedia presentation must use only facts. use an image. relate to or reinforce the claim. contain fewer than three sentences.

raw materials.

As economies grow, they demand more financial assistance. raw materials. available labor. defense services.

six billion.

Based on the graph, what was the estimated population size in 2000? one billion three billion five billion six billion


Based on the graph, which area is closest in population size to Europe? Africa Oceania North America Latin America and Caribbean

add images to inform visually.

Because it is a multimedia presentation, it is a good idea to use brief bulleted points. display important quotations. add images to inform visually. add key information to slides.


Because of overcrowding, Russia and Japan are expected to have _________ population growth in the near future.


Because one million children were orphaned, child-headed households were a result of the genocide in Darfur. Bosnia. Rwanda. Cambodia.

have employed violence and terrorism.

Both Kurdish and Irish unification movements have employed violence and terrorism. resulted from ethnic minority suppression. have forced a national vote for independence. resulted from a dispute over a common language.

overpopulation would result in limited space and resources.

China instituted a one-child policy in 1979 because the government recognized that the country is the most populated in the world. major cities were suffering from overcrowding. the large aging population was draining the economy. overpopulation would result in limited space and resources.

a nation

Descendents of a group of former slaves live on their own island and speak their own language. Which choice best describes these people? a nation a state a minority a multinational state

aging due to decreased death rates.

Developed countries are facing challenges because their populations are aging due to decreased death rates. increasing due to higher birth rates. losing a sense of economic stability. competing for limited natural resources.


Developed nations are facing aging populations, unemployment, and ______ economic growth.

a terrorist group seeks independence from a country.

Domestic terrorism can occur when an ethnic group rebels against terrorism. a country provides arms and supplies to terrorists. a terrorist group seeks independence from a country. an organization chooses to financially aid a group of terrorists.

the way they pronounced words.

Dominican soldiers could tell the nationality of a Haitian by their facial features. the way they pronounced words. the type of clothing they wore. their way of greeting strangers.


During which decade were satellites first sent into orbit? 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s

having fewer children.

Equality for women has affected population growth because today an increasing percentage of women are having fewer children. working only within the home. choosing to remain childless. ending their education early.

based upon a commonality.

Ethnic separatism can be defined as the desire by a group of people to form their own country to eliminate political unrest. based upon a commonality. based upon a source of pride. to establish personal freedoms.

hopes to join together in a new country.

Ethnic unification occurs when an ethnic group consists of multiple minorities. lives together as a separate nation. hopes to join together in a new country. wants to split away from other minorities.


Ethnicity is mostly based upon pride. equality. independence. commonality.

allowed terrorists to murder thousands of citizens.

From 1973 to 1990, Chile was an example of state-sponsored terrorism because General Pinochet supported terrorists in other countries. offered asylum to known terrorist groups. provided large amounts of money to terrorists. allowed terrorists to murder thousands of citizens.

the Mayans demanded to be part of the Guatemalan government.

Genocide occurred in Guatemala in 1981-1983 because the Guatemalans wouldn't give Mayans back the land they stole. the Guatemalans had not trusted the Mayans for many centuries. the Mayans took over the government and massacred Guatemalans. the Mayans demanded to be part of the Guatemalan government.

turning their focus to providing services.

Globalization has affected developed countries by encouraging new products. providing a solid consumer base. turning their focus to providing services. increasing employment for unskilled workers.


Globalization has the largest effect on employment. businesses. economies. transportation.

clean water.

Having better access to shelter and ________ has contributed to global population growth.

livestock to start small businesses.

Heifer International's function is to help reduce poverty by providing free food from livestock raised by Heifer International. the tools and expertise to start a business. livestock to start small businesses. the grain to raise livestock from Heifer International.

by transporting resources from distant locations

How can businesses best take advantage of globalization? by increasing employment and production by communicating with suppliers and buyers by transporting resources from distant locations by streamlining equipment to increase production

It helped improve the economy.

How did joining NAFTA affect the Mexican economy? It had little effect on the economy. It caused the economy to decline. It stopped all economic downturns. It helped improve the economy.

by producing a higher quality of life

How do advances in industrialization and urbanization cause a population rise? by improving public nutrition by increasing the size of cities by producing a higher quality of life by providing better public health care

India encourages the advancement of women.

How does India's attempt at controlling population growth differ from China's? India encourages the advancement of women. India has a lower penalty for having too many children. India allows only rural families to have many children. India requires city dwellers to have only two children.

It allows for instant communication. It enables people to monitor economic trends. It makes it possible buy and sell instantly. (first two and last)

How has the Internet improved business communication worldwide? Select all that apply. It allows for instant communication. It enables people to monitor economic trends. It always provides reliable information. It ensures that messages reach their destination. It makes it possible buy and sell instantly.

by improving the distribution of products

How has transportation affected globalization? by encouraging the quick sale of goods by improving the distribution of products by changing the way companies create products by encouraging the exchange of goods and services

The International Court can arrest and try the perpetrators. The UN can pass a resolution condemning the act of genocide. The UN can send peace-keeping missions to solve the conflict.

If genocide is being committed, what action can the world community take? Check all that apply. The International Court can arrest and try the perpetrators. The UN can pass a resolution condemning the act of genocide. The UN can send peace-keeping missions to solve the conflict. The UN can take over the government and create a colony. The International Court can sentence to death a perpetrator that is convicted.

donate their money and time

If private citizens want to be part of the solution to world problems through nongovernment organizations (NGOs), they should run for a public office. join the armed services. donate their money and time. seek government support.

farthest reaches of the universe.

Images sent back to Earth from the Hubble telescope were the first to show the features of the moon. sun and its planets. planet Earth from space. farthest reaches of the universe.

a better standard of living.

In countries such as China, globalization has led to a small middle class. a better standard of living. a large population at the poverty level. a trade agreement with other nations.

organizing the ideas.

In creating the presentation, the step that comes after gathering information is writing the draft. doing the research. revising and editing. organizing the ideas.

Families will never be united again.

In referring to the deportations during the Armenian genocide, what does correspondent Henry Wood say was the "terrible feature of this deportation"? They will have to live in the interior. Families will never be united again. It will end in inevitable death. Children will be terrified.

show how new topics relate to topics previously covered.

In the body of an essay, the best way to create an effective transition from one paragraph to another is to show how all topics in the essay relate to each other. show how new topics relate to topics previously covered. use the words "next" or "also" at the beginning of the second paragraph. use the words "In addition to this, there is even more" after the first paragraph.

end because the activities have alienated people.

In this statement, the author suggests that terrorism will become even more threatening and violent. soon accelerate attacks on innocent people. eventually become too weak to create intimidation. end because the activities have alienated people.


In what year are the populations of China and India projected to be equal? 2023 2025 2027 2029


In what years did US exports to Mexico remain approximately the same? 1990-1995 1995-2000 2000-2005 2005-2010


In which country is genocide still continuing today? Darfur Bosnia Cambodia Guatemala

is called evidence.

Information used to support a statement ________.

holds the audience's interest.

It is important to use a variety of digital material in a presentation so that it appears that an expert authored it. holds the audience's interest. builds the case more effectively. needs less effort on the written portion.

an agreement between bordering nations.

NAFTA can be defined as a means to acquire convenient resources. a unification treaty that limits trade barriers. an agreement between bordering nations. a way for corporations to more easily outsource labor.

seizing the funds of terrorist organizations.

One of the most effective ways governments cooperate to defeat terrorism is by signing treaties. joining in military strikes. creating international agreements. seizing the funds of terrorist organizations.

seizing the funds of terrorist organizations.

One way that entities can cooperate with counterterrorism policies is by helping known terrorists leave the country. seizing the funds of terrorist organizations. limiting the number of weapons specific groups can have. concealing the identity of known terrorists for their own protection.


Population growth in developing countries is high primarily because of the availability of _______.

UN peacekeeping forces

Preventing the outbreak of a new war is the purpose of the UN Secretariat. UN Security Council. UN peacekeeping forces. International Court of Justice.

relevant supporting details

Read the excerpt. Gandhi went on a hunger strike. What needs to be added to this draft of the essay's first sentence to create a more sufficient introduction? complex topics effective transitions relevant supporting details informal tone

to persuade.

Read the prompt. Your class has decided to vote on which historical figures where most influential. Give a multimedia presentation to your class arguing why your subject was an important and influential figure. Adapt your essay into a presentation that includes engaging visual elements and strong evidence that supports your position. According to the prompt, what is the implied purpose of the presentation? to inform to educate to entertain to persuade

the effects of his protests

Read the sentence. Mohandas Gandhi's use of nonviolent protest reshaped southeast Asia. Which will offer the most relevant support for this sentence? the effects of his protests the dates of the protests he led the names of the people who protested with him the name of the leader of the British government

the time period discussed.

Since the subject of the presentation is a historical figure, it is best to choose images that show what the person is known for. the time period discussed. all parts of the person's life. members of the person's family.

fundamental human rights were violated.

The Chinese one-child policy was controversial because fundamental human rights were violated. the ratio of boys to girls was unbalanced. families with more than one child were rewarded. families were rewarded for remaining childless.


The Green Revolution refers to advances that took place in education. agriculture. space exploration. medicine.

merged with the Red Crescent

The International Red Cross is now working to get US POWs out of prison. headquartered in The Netherlands. merged with the Red Crescent. providing only humanitarian relief.

cooperation among nations.

The International Space Station is an example of competition among nations. fatigue when it comes to space exploration. cooperation among nations. the dangers of technology.


The Kurds' quest for ethnic ________ has created tension and conflict in Southwest Asia.

used cruelty to achieve political goals.

The Shining Path was defined as a terrorist group by the Peruvian government because the group destroyed personal property. kidnapped important officials. used cruelty to achieve political goals. obtained money through drug trafficking.

the Millennium Development Goals.

The UN best fulfills one of its purposes, that of ending global poverty, by promoting the Millennium Development Goals. the functions of the United Nations. UNICEF. the WHO.


The central claim for the argument is known as the thesis. reasons. evidence. conclusion.

governmental terrorism.

The first reference to terrorism in 1790 pertained to global terrorism. individual terrorism. international terrorism. governmental terrorism.

ethnic cleansing

The genocides in both Cambodia and Bosnia are examples of a holocaust. the Holodomor. ethnic cleansing. religious cleansing.

Her role has shown that women are starting to perform in jobs that have been traditionally reserved for men.

The image shows Marissa Mayer, president and CEO of Yahoo. How has Marissa Mayer's leadership role influenced employment for women in business? Her role has shown that women are starting to perform in jobs that have been traditionally reserved for men. Her role has reinforced traditional gender roles for women regarding employment in business. Her role has limited women to employment in high-level positions in business. Her role has eliminated traditional gender roles for women in business.

men make all the major decisions.

The main reason Yemen ranks lowest in the world in gender equality is because men make all the major decisions. women make up less than 1 percent of parliament. women have limited access to education. men expect women to stay at home.

unification issues.

The main reason conflict has broken out in Northern Ireland is because of its unique location. mix of religions. unification issues. minority population.

nations ignored its decisions

The main reason the League of Nations was unable to fulfill its purpose was that the United States was not a member. not many nations joined. it could not prevent World War II. nations ignored its decisions.

instruct the reader about a topic.

The purpose of an informative essay is to express personal feelings about a topic. describe events from a certain point of view. instruct the reader about a topic. express and defend an opinion.

food supply.

The swift population rise in the last 2,000 years was caused by an increase in food supply. disease immunity. technological advances. access to birth control education.

overthrow the existing government.

The terrorist groups in Italy and Peru both wanted to gain personal freedom. separate from the country. unite various ethnic groups. overthrow the existing government.

the Soviet Union.

The two world superpowers who competed during the Cold War were the United States and Great Britain. the Philippines. the Soviet Union. Germany.

They both are prime ministers of their countries.

The women pictured here are Golda Meir (left) and Indira Gandhi (right). What do these two women have in common? They both are leaders of global businesses. They both are prime ministers of their countries. They both are presidents of their countries. They both are chancellors of their countries.

summarizes why the author thinks Joan of Arc is a significant historical figure.

This is an example of a strong conclusion because it summarizes why the author thinks Joan of Arc is a significant historical figure. leaves out evidence that was already proven in the body of the essay. adds information that was originally omitted in the body of the essay. summarizes everything the author has written without providing an opinion.

Amnesty International

To get information about helping to protect women from human trafficking, the best NGO to contact would be the International Red Cross. Amnesty International. Doctors Without Borders. the World Health Organization.

describe complex topics in a straightforward way.

To write an informative essay with clear style, the writer needs to use appropriate language for the audience and should organize sentences into separate categories. include details that are unrelated to the main ideas. describe complex topics in a straightforward way. create an informal, emotional tone.

allowing the pooling of resources.

Trade blocs help countries by limiting competition. increasing barriers to trade. improving product production. allowing the pooling of resources.

agreed to negotiate.

Violence has declined in Northern Ireland because terrorist organizations agreed to negotiate. misspent most of their funding. lost the support of the citizens. were suppressed by the military presence.

multinational state.

War erupted in Yugoslavia, because the country was a nation. state. stateless nation. multinational state.

western Europe and North America.

Westernization refers to countries adopting the culture and values of western Europe and North America. the American "Wild West." the western portions of East Asia. Japan and China.

economic, political, or social instability unequal distributions of power and resources leaders who increase tensions between groups (2,3,4)

What are the contributing factors that increase the likelihood of genocide? Check all that apply. a government that is divided philosophically economic, political, or social instability unequal distributions of power and resources leaders who increase tensions between groups random acts of violence committed by citizens

freedom to assemble freedom of religion right to a free education

What are the human rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Check all that apply. freedom of speech freedom to assemble freedom of religion right to a free education right to life, liberty, and happiness

to resolve trade disputes to promote fair and successful trade to encourage trade in developing countries (first, middle, last)

What are the purposes of international economic organizations? Check all that apply. to resolve trade disputes to observe the global economy to promote fair and successful trade to solve the problems of various countries to encourage trade in developing countries

Violence, racism, and discrimination may stop them. They may have to work to help support their family. Laws may prevent them from going to school. The family can't afford to pay for schooling.

What can prevent a child from exercising his or her right to an education in some countries in the world? Check all that apply. The school may not be able to deal with their disability. Violence, racism, and discrimination may stop them. They may have to work to help support their family. Laws may prevent them from going to school. The family can't afford to pay for schooling. They may lack the desire to attend school. They may lack the ability to learn.

Trade increases create higher GDP percentage rates.

What conclusion should be drawn from the graph? Trade has minimal impact on GDP. Trade increased between 1980 and 1990. Trade between nations declined between 1990 and 2000. Trade increases create higher GDP percentage rates.

standard of living.

What does overpopulation tend to impact the most? food quality standard of living medical advances agricultural progress

Olive branches protect the world.

What does the design of the UN flag mean? The world is held together by the UN. The world is united within the universe. Eagles' wings keep the world together as one. Olive branches protect the world.

concentration camp imprisonment

What form of genocide, as defined by the UN, does this picture most likely represent? people living in refugee camps the denial of food and medicine concentration camp imprisonment removing children to be raised by others

No major genocides occurred during the 1950s and 1960s.

What generalization can be made based on the information presented in the timeline? No major genocides occurred during the 1950s and 1960s. No major genocides occurred outside of Europe. All genocides lasted for many years because they were difficult to stop. All genocides occurred before the end of the 20th century.

more information from the essay than is necessary for the presentation

What information should be gathered when preparing the multimedia presentation? only the information included in the informative essay more information from the essay than is necessary for the presentation four sources' worth of information, including the essay all new information so the presentation is different from the essay

greater markets for goods and services

What is one of the advantages of globalization? greater markets for goods and services better communication among countries improved ability to monitor economic trends expanded capacity for selling and buying

70 years

What is the life expectancy for a child born in a developing country in 2030? 60 years 65 years 70 years 75 years

The international community does not have the power to intervene in conflicts within a country.

What is the most likely reason there are still acts of genocide in the world today? There are still areas in the world where governments fear losing their power. There are still political colonies that encourage ethnic conflict. The international community does not have the power to intervene in conflicts within a country. The international community sanctions work but new acts of genocide keep appearing.

to advance counterterrorism efforts in other countries

What is the primary role of the United States Bureau of Counterterrorism? to plan counterterrorist attacks to create active counterterrorism groups to encourage domestic counterterrorism activities to advance counterterrorism efforts in other countries

to maintain the safety of all US citizens

What is the task of the United States Department of Homeland Security? to attack paramilitary terrorist groups to aid in the prevention of terrorism abroad to maintain the safety of all US citizens to ensure the security of Americans in other countries

Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia and persecuted its enemies.

What led to genocide in Cambodia? The war in Vietnam complicated politics in Cambodia, and a civil war ensued. Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia and persecuted its enemies. Educated Cambodians attempted a government takeover from Khmer Rouge. Massacres increased because reeducation camps were failing.

It gives clear examples. It cites sources effectively. It offers supporting details. (1,2,4)

What makes a body paragraph strong? Check all that apply. It gives clear examples. It cites sources effectively. It presents a final opinion. It offers supporting details. It states clear conclusions.

includes a brief background of the topic sets up the essay and prepares reader for the points to be made gives a clear statement describing what the essay is about (middle three)

What makes an introduction strong? Check all that apply. states all points and evidence to be covered includes a brief background of the topic sets up the essay and prepares reader for the points to be made gives a clear statement describing what the essay is about mentions briefly what can be concluded from the essay

demand from developing countries

What most likely caused the steady increase in price per barrel of oil between 2001 and 2008? a global recession scarcity of petroleum a large population growth demand from developing countries

It expanded women's athletic programs and thus participation at the high school and college level.

What positive effect did Title IX have on women's participation in athletic programs in the United States? It expanded women's athletic programs and thus participation at the high school and college level. It required there be an equal number of men and women in athletic programs at the college level. It required that women have free access to athletic programs at the high school and college level. It expanded the outreach at the college level to recruit the best female players for their programs.

the introduction, which describes the topic the conclusion, which summarizes the topic body paragraphs, which describe the subtopics

What should the essay outline include? Check all that apply. the introduction, which describes the topic the conclusion, which summarizes the topic the premise, which explains the topic purpose the reasons, which explain the topic choice body paragraphs, which describe the subtopics

Europe and Africa

What two areas of the world had the most acts of genocide during the 20th century? Latin America and Africa Europe and Africa Latin America and the Middle East the Middle East and Europe

She helped establish the country of Israel.

What was Golda Meir's greatest achievement? She served as prime minister of Israel. She helped establish the country of Israel. She showed strong leadership during war, yet sought peaceful diplomatic relations with other countries. She authorized retaliation against the murderers of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.

to prevent another global war by resolving conflicts with diplomacy

What was the main purpose of one of the first world organizations, the League of Nations? to serve as a court of justice to try war criminals to provide aid to war victims and countries ravaged by war to prevent another global war by resolving conflicts with diplomacy to bring the countries of the world together to improve the world economy

In 1920, Gandhi lead Indian protests.

What would make the most effective first bullet for the presentation slide? In 1920, Gandhi lead Indian protests. Protests against Rowlatt laws began. Gandhi lead protests against Rowlatt laws in 1920. Gandhi encouraged noncooperation with anti-Indian Rowlatt laws.

Promoting human welfare and social reform

When an organization is described as having a humanitarian purpose, its goal is understood as promoting human welfare and social reform. working to solve economic and social problems. trying criminals for crimes against humanity. combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases.

provide evidence for the argument.

When choosing images for a presentation, make sure they are in color. are decorative. provide drama for the argument. provide evidence for the argument.

International organizations like Amnesty International and the UN raise awareness, report, and try world leaders who are violators.

When people are attacked by their own government, or when they are denied equal access to education, whose job is it to protect them? The UN provides military help to victims of human rights violations to redress grievances. Each country is required to have an independent "watch dog" organization to intervene in violations when necessary. International organizations like Amnesty International and the UN raise awareness, report, and try world leaders who are violators. The people of each country must band together to resist attacks by their own government and lobby their government for equal access to education.

people cannot read unclear sentences.

When thinking about the format of a presentation, the most important thing to remember is that pictures overshadow the information. people cannot read unclear sentences. humor should be used at all times. colorful fonts always hold people's attention.

to empower women to reduce child mortality to promote gender equality to eliminate extreme poverty and hunger (1,4,6,7)

Which are UN Millennium Development goals? Check all that apply. to empower women to prevent war between North and South Korea to reduce the incidence of AIDS by 50% to reduce child mortality to fine countries that are harming the environment to promote gender equality to eliminate extreme poverty and hunger

providing humanitarian aid issuing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights trying individuals for genocide providing peacekeepers to Africa and the Middle East (first two and 5,6)

Which are examples of the UN's work? Check all that apply. providing humanitarian aid issuing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights providing support for foreign adoptions orchestrating the peace treaty between North and South Korea trying individuals for genocide providing peacekeepers to Africa and the Middle East serving as lead negotiator for the World War II peace treaty

the use of political tactics to prevent terrorist attacks

Which best defines counterterrorism? an attempt by governments to identify terrorists the use of political tactics to prevent terrorist attacks the application of military force to retaliate for terrorist attacks an agreement by organizations to limit weapons sales to terrorists

to conduct research

Which best describes the purpose of the International Space Station? to conduct research to end wars to shield Earth from asteroids to connect the world to space

Women's roles and human rights have been limited in some parts of the world.

Which best illustrates Malala Yousafzai's story? People may be afraid to support you if you want to go to school. Women's roles and human rights have been limited in some parts of the world. Women should be careful when they exert their rights. People's attitudes toward women's education are no longer negative.

They receive about 75 percent of what men earn.

Which correctly describes women in developed countries in the workforce today? They receive about 75 percent of what men earn. They take on less of the unpaid domestic labor. They make up approximately 2/3 of the workforce. They no longer work in the lower paying jobs.


Which country has an effective replacement level? China India Sweden Australia


Which country has chosen to bypass membership in the European Union? Bulgaria Finland Turkey Cyprus


Which country is dealing with an independence movement totally based upon language? Tibet Sudan Ireland Canada


Which country was mostly made up of many ethnic minorities? Yugoslavia Hungary Ireland China

Align the design so that it looks balanced. Keep the slide from looking cluttered. Use color to highlight information.

Which elements are important for achieving good design on a slide? Check all that apply. Align the design so that it looks balanced. Keep the slide from looking cluttered. Make it decorative by using fancy fonts. Use color to highlight information. Use decorative design so the slide is not boring.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Which group is an example of a commodity organization? European Union World Trade Organization North American Free Trade Agreement Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Amnesty International

Which group works to help get pardons for past offenses? International Court of Justice Amnesty International Security Council International Red Cross

Sometimes the conclusion of the outline cannot be written until the draft is written.

Which is a correct statement about an essay outline? Sometimes the outline has only one topic and one subtopic. The purpose of the outline is to organize ideas for gathering information. The essay outline should be included after the essay as part of the final draft, like the sources. Sometimes the conclusion of the outline cannot be written until the draft is written.

It was adopted in 1948 by the UN General Assembly.

Which is a correct statement about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? It was adopted by the UN Security Council during the worst of the Holocaust. It is not accepted by enough countries to make a real difference. It was adopted in 1948 by the UN General Assembly. Its intention was to protect women's rights.

Only three sections are created when drafting an essay.

Which is a correct statement about the drafting process? Sources are cited only within the body paragraphs. Only three sections are created when drafting an essay. Opinions and evidence are only included in the body paragraphs. The only purpose of the introduction is to present the ideas to be discussed.

right to cast a ballot

Which is a right in some countries but is not considered a human right according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? freedom of religion freedom of assembly right to free education right to cast a ballot

the clarity and quality of the arguments

Which is most important to keep in mind when revising an informative essay? the accuracy of the factual support the accuracy of parenthetical citations the grammar, punctuation, and spelling the clarity and quality of the arguments


_______ occurs when individuals in a group are selected for destruction only because they belong to that group.


refers to the socially defined roles and expectations of men and women.

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Chapter 7 Water and Electrolytes

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Maternity hesi prepared by me from evolve

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Chapter 10 Contracts-Nature and Terminology (Terms)

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Yak - Chapter 4 Legal Aspects of Police Administration

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Chapter 10: Print Design (REVIEW)

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