Chapters 13-14 Review

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When considering mass wasting, which of the following factors is most influential in the downslope movement of weathered particles?


Imagine a valley containing four stream terraces. Where would the youngest stream terrace be found?

the lowest terrace

Which of the following statements is true regarding the aftermath of the Gros Ventre rockslide?

The rockslide debris dammed up the river and formed a lake.

When dry sediment accumulates, the angle of repose represents what property of the deposit?

The steepest angle at which those sediments can accumulate and remain stable.

Which of the following is a true statement about groundwater?

Water in a groundwater system is stored in subsurface pore spaces and fractures.

Which of the following best describes the cone of depression?

a dimple in the water table surface due to water pumped faster than an aquifer can be replenished

What is a stream terrace?

a remnant of an older floodplain that sits above the stream valley

The Gros Ventre slide is evident today by __________.

a scar, runout area, and landslide debris filling the valley

Which of the following mass-wasting movements occurs when slopes are so steep that loose material cannot remain on the surface?


Which of the following represent the largest volume of freshwater found on Earth?

ice sheets and glaciers

The cone of depression __________ near a well.

increases the hydraulic gradient

A __________ is separated from the groundwater system by the unsaturated zone.

losing stream (disconnected)

To ensure a continuous supply of water, a well must do what?

penetrate well below the regional water table surface

Heavy rainfall caused the clay to lubricate and the sandstone to become __________.

saturated and heavy

When sediment accumulates, the angle of repose can be increased by changing which of the following conditions?

slight addition of water to the sediment

The water table __________.

surface is a subdued version of the surface topography

When do streams erode laterally?

when downcutting is occurring in easy-to-erode sediment or rock

When do stream terraces form?

when streams exist under alternating erosional and depositional conditions

In the __________, groundwater fills the pore space.

zone of saturation

Which of the following responses are examples of how water can promote mass wasting?

-Waves and streams can undercut banks and cliffs, causing them to fail. -Water can saturate sediment, reducing the integrity of the slope and allowing it to move. -When water is added to weathered particles, the mass of the sediment is increased, which can cause slope instability.

In which situation does the cone of depression need to be taken into account?

A well for industrial purposes is drilled proximal to a smaller, domestic well.

Which of the following is a reason the Gros Ventre rockslide took place?

Because the river eroded material at the valley base, there was no support of the material upslope.

When water is pumped from a well, drawdown occurs. Which of the following is a true statement regarding drawdown?

Drawdown decreases with increasing distance from the well.

How many stream terraces can exist along a single valley?

No limit exists. Stream terraces will keep forming as long as lateral erosion and downcutting continue.

Are stream terraces depositional or erosional landforms?

Stream terraces can be either depositional or erosional.

A __________ acted as a sliding surface across which material moved downhill during the Gros Ventre Slide.

clay layer

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