CHC Theory Factors
Fluid Reasoning (Gf)
Problem-solving in relatively novel situations, particularly those requiring deductive and inductive reasoning
Cognitive Processing Speed (Gs)
Speed of mental processing when performing relatively simple cognitive tasks under conditions requiring sustained attention and concentration.
Short-term Working Memory (Gwm)
The ability to consciously store, maintain, and use information presented within a few seconds
Auditory Processing (Ga)
The ability to discriminate, analyze, and synthesize auditory stimuli.
Visual Processing (Gv)
The ability to store and recall visual stimuli and to synthesize, analyze, manipulate, and perceive visual patterns.
Long-term Retrieval (Glr)
The ability to store and retrieve, often through association, information, concepts, or facts fluently from memory.
Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc)
The depth and breadth of a person's acquired knowledge. Crystallized intelligence.