1s2 same as
1s22s22p6 same as
1s22s22p63s23p6 same as
Sublevels in each energy level
1st energy level has one sublevel: 1s 2nd level has 2 sublevels: 2s and 2p 3rd level has 3 sublevels: 3s, 3p, and 3d 4th level has 4 sublevels: 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f
10 electrons
An element's atoms when they become ___ , gain energy
Electrons "orbit" the nucleus like planets orbiting the sun Electrons and nucleus held together by force of attraction between opposite charges Energy is related to distance of electron from the nucleus
Bohr model early1900
1. Sn, Bi, Ga 2. Sb, Ge 3. Se, Kr
Classify each of the elements as 1.metals, 2. semimetals, or 3.nonmetals Sn, Bi, Ga, Sb, Ge, Se, Kr
A +3 B. 0 C -3 D. 1
Determine the overall charge on particles with the subatomic makeups given. A. 13 protons, 14 neutrons, and 10 electrons B. 8 protons, 10 neutrons, and 8 electrons C. 15 protons, 18 neutrons, and 18 electrons D. 3 protons, 3 neutrons, and 2 electrons
set 1 C, B set 2 G, F, E
For each set of atoms, identify the isotopes. Set 1: 14/6A 14/7B 15/7C 15/8D Select the isotopes. Set 2: 20/10E 21/10F 22/10G 23/11H Select the isotopes.
1. C 2. Hg. 3.S
Identify these elements based on their locations in the periodic table. Give the symbol, not the name. 1.period 2, group 14 (4A) 2. period 6, group 12 (2B) 3. period 3, group 16 (6A)
Hund's Rule
If empty orbitals of the same energy are available, electrons singly occupy orbitals rather than pairing together. "Empty Bus Seat Rule
Pauli Exclusion Principle
No more than two electrons can occupy an orbital If there are two electrons in an orbital, the spins of the electrons are paired (opposite
Quantized vs. Continuous
Only specific energy of the electrons are possible, corresponding to the energy of the light. The atom's energy is said to be quantized.
18 electrons
Calculate electron configuration
Scandium (21) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1 Iron (26) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6 Germanium (Ge 32) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p2 Barium (56) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s2
The ___ the energy
26, 56, 16, 36
The chemical symbol of several elements are given. Determine the atomic number of each element. Fe Ba S Kr
Then release it in a characteristic unique __
This is a horizontal arrangement of elements in the periodic table.
This is a vertical arrangement of elements in the periodic table.
light as a wave Light as a stream of photons (packet of energy)
Two models of light
Valence electrons
Valence electrons are in the outermost s and p orbitals They are the only electrons involved in bonding.
Bohr model
When atom gains energy, electron "jumps" to a higher energy level Also called quantum level when atom loses energy, electron "drops" to a lower energy level
1. group 1A. 2. group 2A. 7A. 4. Group 8A
.Label these groups of the periodic table. 1. Alkali metals, 2.Alkaline metals, 3.Halogens and 4.Noble gases
Valence level 1s22s22p63s23p6 1s22s22p63s23p64s1
Argon: (18 e-) Potassium: (19 e-)
Aufbau Sequence
Aufbau means "building up". Build up the energy levels, filling each sublevel in succession by energy.
1. Fr, Te, Ge 2. Os, Y, 3. U. Pr
Classify each element as a representative element, transition metal, or inner-transition metal. Representative element 1. (main-group element)2. Transition metal 3.Inner-transition metal (lanthanide/actinide series) Fr, Te, Ge, Os, Y, U. Pr
Quantum Mechanics
Each shape is an Orbital ("electron cloud") Region in space where there is greatest probability of finding an electron
Each sublevel has one or more orbitals One orbital can hold up to 2 electrons. s = 1 orbital 2 electrons spherep = 3 orbitals 6 electrons dumbbelld = 5 orbitals 10 electrons cloverleaf-ishf = 7 orbitals 14 electrons combinations
Electromagnetic radiation Is a form of ___
orbital diagram
Electron Configuration of Oxygen (8 electrons) 1s2 2s2 2p4 Orbital Diagram of Oxygen
Energy in different levels
Electrons occupy the lowest available energy levels. This is called the ground state.
configuration using the periodic table
Everything up to the last term in an electron configuration is the same So if you know the last term, you have it. The period = the principal energy level Except for "d" terms which are one level back And "f" terms which are two levels back Noble gases end in "n"p6
Example Tungsten (74) Full: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10 4p65s24d105p66s24f145d4 Abbreviated: [Xe] 6s2 4f145d4 Uranium U (92) abbreviated Can we make this easier than doing the whole thing before abbreviating?
Ag, Ne, C
Give the symbol for each of these elements. silver: neon: carbon:
85, 27
How many protons are in an ion with 86 electrons and a −1 charge? number of protons: How many total electrons are in a Cu2+ ion? number of electrons: Solved
1. 19 2. 19 3. 24
How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are there in a neutral atom of 43K (potassium-43)? 1. protons: 2. electrons: 3. neutrons:
According to chemical and physical properties
In the periodic table, how are the elements grouped? randomly according to chemical and physical properties alphabetically in order of discovery
Problems with the Bohr/shell model
It only worked for H atom It did not account for repulsions between electrons. Electrons repel each other so they tend to spread apart.
K,Fe, Te, Kr,
The chemical symbols of several elements are provided. Give the corresponding name of the element. Spelling counts. Potassium Iron Tellurium Krypton
valence level:
The highest occupied electron energy level Up to 8 electrons in valence level
The larger the value of λ, which represents the ___ Wavelength Then release it in a characteristic unique __ spectrum
the number of protons
Which of the choices is the unique, defining property of atoms of a particular element? the number of protons plus the number of neutrons the number of neutrons the number of electrons the number of protons
Electron Configurations
An electron configuration shows what levels and sublevels are full or partially full of electrons. Each configuration has several terms each in this arrangement: 4s sublevel starts filling up before 3d Potassium (19) 1s22s22p63s23p64s1 Calcium 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 Then for Sc which sublevel would start filling? 3d
Electron configurations of Ions
An ion has gained or lost electrons Its configuration then is like the neutral element that has the same number of electrons Example: Mg+2 It has 10 electrons Configuration 1s22s22p6 same as Neon
Electron Configurations
At their ground state, electrons "live" in principal energy levels (shells) Called "n" and numbered 1, 2, 3,... Each principal level is divided into one or more sublevels Sublevels are named s, p, d and f s sublevel can hold up to 2 electrons p can hold up to 6 d can hold up to 10 f can hold up to 14
Electromagnetic Radiation and Color
Atoms absorb light when the difference in energy levels corresponds to a wavelength that our eyes can detect and send to our brain. This is the reason why anything has color to us!
The Octet Rule
Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons until they have eight valence electrons. This fills the valence shell and gives the atom the stability of the noble gases.
write configuration
B 1s22s22p1 P 1s22s22p63s23p3 Ne 1s22s22p6 V 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d3 Zn 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10 Br 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5
An atom's mass is concentrated in a small volume. This area deflects the positive particles more than 90°. Scroll Ans D
In 1904, the English physicist J.J. Thomson proposed the model of the atom commonly called the plum pudding model. In his model, negatively charged electrons, the "plums," float in a cloud of evenly distributed positive charges, the "pudding." The result is an atom with a zero electrical charge, or a neutral atom. In 1911, one of Thomson's former students, Ernest Rutherford, published evidence that disproved the plum pudding model. In a series of tests, Rutherford fired a beam of heavy, positively charged particles at very thin metal foil; he famously used gold, as shown in the diagram. It was expected that all the positively charged particles would pass through the foil, with some being deflected slightly. However, the results supported a different model of the atom. What property of atoms does this experiment demonstrate? The electrons of the gold atoms repel the positively charged particles, deflecting them. There are few atoms in a thin sheet of metal. Most of the particles pass through without being deflected. The electron cloud is dense. Its density and charge result in the deflection of positively charged particles. An atom's mass is concentrated in a small volume. This area deflects the positive particles more than 90°.
most of the atom's mass but very little of its size.
In 1911, Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, working under Ernest Rutherford, conducted an experiment involving alpha particles and gold foil that led to the discovery of the nucleus in atoms. The nucleus of an atom accounts for 1. most of the size and mass of the atom. 2. very little of the size and mass of the atom. 3. most of the atom's size but very little of its mass. 4. most of the atom's mass but very little of its size.
It travels through space sometimes acting as a wave and sometimes as a particle of energy called a ___
2 electrons
Li+ 1s22s22p6 same as Ne
Light, which is also known as ___ radiation,
Distance of orbit proportional to energy
Minimum energy called ground state So they do not crash into the nucleus Higher energy levels are called excited states The farther the energy level is from the nucleus, the higher its energy
Na, Mg, Fe, I
The numbers of protons in the nucleus of four different atoms are given. Identify which element is indicated by the number of protons for each one. Enter the chemical symbol, not the chemical name. 11 protons: Na 12 protons: Mg 26 protons: Fe 53 protons: I
The statements either define or are closely related to the terms period or group. Match the terms to the appropriate statements. This is a vertical arrangement of elements in the periodic table. This is a horizontal arrangement of elements in the periodic table. Element 19 begins this arrangement in the periodic table. Element 9 begins this arrangement in the periodic table.
Flame Tests
When ionic compounds are heated, the heat of the flame provides enough energy to excite an electron to a higher level. Then the light is emitted when the electron falls back to ground state