CHN Module 6 Finals

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- All data must up-to-date and timely. This is exemplified when the community nurse records data at the point-of-care or when it happened


- Data inputted should be complete. Done by making sure that all required fields in the patient's record are properly filled up


- Data should be properly labeled and clearly defined.


- Having no discrepancies in the data record makes it consistent. Can be done by error detection and alerts program by the computer.


- Readily available reports or statistics when needed by decision makers


- This ensures that documentation reflects the event as it happened. All values should be correct and valid.

a. Detection and Monitoring b. Analysis c. Information Resources and Knowledge Management d. Alerting and Communication e. Response

5 key components of public health information network

External hard drives

A solid state media that has moving parts

Flash Media

A solid state media that has no moving parts

autonomous and collaborative care

According to the International Council for Nursing (ICN, 2010) Nursing encompasses_____ of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings.

-Data are readily mapped, enabling more targeted interventions and feedback -Data can be easily retrieved and recovered -Redundancy of data is minimized -Data for clinical research becomes more available -Resources are use efficiently

Advantages of ICT Data:

Key nursing roles

Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are?

School Health Systems

Also include healthcare plans, student activity records, medication logs, appointment scheduling, and referral/tracking


Are unanalyzed raw facts that do not imply meaning.

1. Healthcare Programs 2. Agencies 3. Settings

Areas of Community Health Systems:

records management plan

As part of a ___ for electronic records, you will need to determine where and how your records will be stored.

eHealth in the community/ Community Health Systems

Assist community health agencies in the decision- making processes for the management of nursing facilities

transparency and public accountability

Availability of human resource to implement the eHealth agenda in the country and promote_____

Client Advocate

Client must be informed about the benefits and challenges of EMRs, telemedicine and other eHealth tools.

Client advocate

Client must be informed about the benefits and challenges of EMRs, telemedicine and other eHealth tools.

Change Agent

Collaborate with health leaders, policy makers, stakeholders and other community health professionals

Special Purpose Systems

Collect and summarize management data on services in clinics, schools, and homes

Categorical systems

Collects longitudinal data for specific disease that can be use for national databases for tracking incidence and prevalence of disease conditions

School Health Systems

Could be individual school base or district base allowing for collecting data about education district


DSL is faster than standard data transmission over regular phone lines. T or F

facts or figures

Data are simply ____

Home Health Information Systems

Designed to collect and process data in order to prepare the documents required by third party payer for the payment of home healthcare services

Home Health Information Systems

Designed to support home healthcare, hospice, and private duty programs and hospital based programs

Special Purpose Systems

Developed to collect statistical data for administering a specific program, regardless of what type of agency offers the program


E-Health Situation in the Philippines: In ___, roughly 2.5 % of the country's population had internet access


E-Health Situation in the Philippines: In the span of 10 years (from 2001), this rate of internet access steadily increased to


E-Health Situation in the Philippines: The Philippines has a mobile phone penetration rate of __, with 73 million subscriber in 2009

Removable magnetic or optical media (tape, DVD), flash media and external hard dives

Examples of offline storage include?

Storage Area Networks (SAN)

Examples of online storage include

▪ Copper wires ▪ Optical fibers ▪ Wireless communication channels ▪ Storage media and computer buses.

Examples of such channels in data transmission?

1. Limited Health Budget 2. The Emergence of Free and Open Source Software 3. Decentralized Government 4. Target Users and Unfamiliar with the Technology 5. Surplus of "Digital Native" Registered Nurses

Factors Affecting eHealth in the Country?


Files that cannot be accessed immediately are said to be stored ____ (e.g., files not accessible through your network such as on removable media like external hard drives or magnetic tape).

USB, CD, External device

For offline retrieval, what are used

Categorical systems

Generally count, track, and identify the health status of registered clients

Accuracy, accessibility, comprehensive, consistency/reliability, currency, definition

Good Data Qualities?

-Electronic Filed Health Service -Information System -​Online Electronic Injury Surveillance System -​Philippine Health Atlas -​Unified Health Management -Information System

Health sector also utelized ICT to improved their services .Examples are? ​

Change Agent

Help developed appropriate eHealth tools for the community

traffic conditions, curents events, critical weather reports

ICT changed the Filipino access to information and on how the government utelized this such as

Universal Health Care and ICT

Implementation of "Kalusugan Pangkalahatan" or Universal Health Care through ICT

School Health Systems

Improved data collection and monitor and evaluate health of school age students

Universal Health Care and ICT

Improvement of province-wide management health system


In 2001, roughly ____% of the country's population had internet access


In the event that a patient needs to be referred to a remote medical specialist


Is a broad term, and refers to the use of information and communications technologies in healthcare.


Is an emerging field in the intersection of medical informatics, public health and business, referring to health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies.


Is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health (WHO).

Online storage

It allows immediate access to records to anyone on the system's network. Properly designed storage will provide access to appropriate users only.

Department of Health (DOH)

It is also a regulator of all health services and products, and provider of special or tertiary health care services and of technical assistance to other health providers especially to local government units.

Florence Nightingale

It was she who invented the pie chart to demonstrate more clearly the issues of disease and public health in the Crimea.

Client Advocate

Must safeguard clients records ensuring that security, confidentiality and privacy of all patient information are being upheld

Client advocate

Must safeguard clients records ensuring that security, confidentiality and privacy of all patient information are being upheld

a. Detect outbreaks rapidly and monitor the health of the nation b. Facilitate the electronic transfer of appropriate information from clinical health departments c. Reduce provider burden in the provision of information d. Enhance he timeliness and quality of information

National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) Designed to:


Noting salient points for case assessment, evaluation treatment

Client Advocate

Nurse must also guarantee that all eHealth interventions are performed in a safe ethical manner, making sure that personnel involved in eHealth are competent and have received eHealth training/certification

Client advocate

Nurse must also guarantee that all eHealth interventions are performed in a safe ethical manner, making sure that personnel involved in eHealth are competent and have received eHealth training/certification


Nurse present the pateint's case to a remote medical specialist

ill, disabled and dying

Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of____ people

in-house, off-site, or outsourced.

Offline storage can be stored


Older records or records that do not need to be accessed frequently are often stored online. This option trades functionality for stability.


Older records or records that do not need to be accessed frequently are often stored online. This option trades functionality for____


Optimize use of resources so as not to duplicate time, effort and_____

Data and Records Manager

Perform regular data audits

Special Purpose Systems

Provide statistics needed to obtain funds from state or local units for grants

1. Communicating with a patient through a teleconference, electronic mail (e-mail), short messaging services (SMS) 2. Recording, retrieving and mining data in an electronic medical record (EMR) 3. Providing patient teachings with aid of electronic tools such as radio, television, computers, smartphones, and tablet. 4. Delivery of health information for health professionals and health consumers, through the internet and telecommunications 5. Using the power of IT and e-commerce to improve public health services (Ex: education and training of health workers. 6. The use of e-commerce and e-business practices in health systems management

Purpose of e health


Pursues continuing informatics education

as not to constraint their continuing advancement and gain their support

Recognize the presence of entities that have already started eHealth so

read-only media

Removable magnetic or optical media (tape, DVD). For integrity purposes, _____ is preferred.

Data and Records Manager, Change Agent, Educator, Telepresenter, Client Advocate, Researcher

Roles of Community Health Nurse in eHealth

1. understand and improve, influence and use new technologies and informatics, including remote care; ▪ 2. find the most reliable sources of information to support evidence-based practice; 3. guide patients through publicly available information sources; 4. incorporate ICT into patient consultations; 5. manage the nurse patient relationship when the nurse is not physically in the same place as the patient; 6. perform a quick and accurate data entry at the point of care; 7. understand the legal and ethical issues associated with 8. managing and sharing patient information; 9. extract data to support decisions and monitor the outcomes of practice; 10. understand the role of technology in the delivery and organization of care, and 11. train other users such as patients and careers how to use relevant ICTs.

Roles of Nurses in e-Health?

1. Review of the national health priorities of the country; current eHealth context; assessments, findings and recommendations; planned strategies and activities; and environment to gain better understanding and focus (Document Sources - Universal Health Care or Kalusugan Pangkahalatan, NOH 2011-2016, DOH HEA Version 1.0, PHIS Strategic Plan 2010-2016, Information System Strategic Plan 2011-2013, ICT4H Findings and Recommendations, and National HIS forum country commitments). 2. Review of the existing eHealth Framework - vision, mission, goals, and objectives and the 3. National eHealth Toolkit. 4. Review of the existing priority focus areas and identification of activities required to deliver the national eHealth vision. 5. Hold series of focus group discussions to comment and provide recommendations on the existing eHealth Strategic Framework and Plan. 6. Review of the outputs of the focus group discussions. 7. Updating or refining of the existing eHealth Strategic Framework and Plan based on the review of outputs.

Strategic Framework and Plan?

focus, judiciously and efficiently use resources

Strategic approach in phases to achieve the eHealth vision so as to gain more ____

1. Categorical systems 2. Screening Programs 3. Client registration systems 4. Management Information System (MIS) 5. Statistical reporting systems 6. Public Health Information Network 7. National Electronic Disease 8. Surveillance System Special purpose systems 9. School Health Systems 10. Home Health Information Systems

The Following are some of the typically used systems in the community health systems:

False. The longer records need to be maintained the more important preservation methods, back-up procedures, storage conditions, handling procedures, and security become.

The Shorter records need to be maintained the more important preservation methods, back-up procedures, storage conditions, handling procedures, and security become. T or F

longer records

The ____ need to be maintained the more important preservation methods, back-up procedures, storage conditions, handling procedures, and security become.

1. Client-focus or person centered information 2. Collaboration and/or partnerships with different stakeholders 3. Users' Involvement 4. Strategic approach in phases to achieve the eHealth vision so as to gain more focus, judiciously and efficiently use resources 5. Harmonization and Independence to guide alignment of eHealth activities at the national level without controlling health care providers to implement local eHealth solutions 6. Recognize the presence of entities that have already started eHealth so as not to constraint their continuing advancement and gain their support 7. Availability of human resource to implement the eHealth agenda in the country and promote transparency and public accountability 8. Compliance to laws and regulations 9. Optimize use of resources so as not to duplicate time, effort and investments

The guiding principles in the development of Philippines eHealth Strategic Framework are as follows:

health promotion and health maintenance of individuals, families, and groups within the community

The main focus of eHealth in the community are?

eHealth unit

The___ works with partners at the global, regional and country level to promote and strengthen the use of ICT in health development, from applications in the field to global governance.

Serial transmission and parallel transmission.

There are two methods used to transmit data between digital devices. What are these?

Areas of Community Health Systems: 1. Healthcare Programs 2. Agencies 3. Settings

They support health promotion and disease- preventive programs, statistical information required by state/local health department programs, funding informtion and grants


This Country that Ranked 1st in terms of short messaging system usage in the entire world (Business wire, 2010)

Storage Options

This decision will be based on the likelihood of access of those resources versus the overall cost in maintaining them.


To bridge the gaps in the health referral


To disseminate information to citizens and providers through telemedicine and mobile health


To provide better health services to geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA)


To support MDG

program development

Universal Health Care and ICT: Provide evidence for policy and____?

eHealth in the community/ Community Health Systems

Use to evaluate the impact of noninstitutional nursing services on patients,families, and community health conditions


Were Florence Nightingale alive today she would be a champion for ____from a nursing perspective.

Continuity and interoperability of care stops in the unlikely event that a record gets misplaced Illegible hand writing poses misinterpretation of data Patient privacy is compromised Data are difficult to aggregate Actual time for patient care gets limited

What are the disadvantages of Paper-based records?

cable modem transmission

What is faster than DSL.


When data are processed, interpreted, organized, structured or presented so as to make them meaningful or useful, they are called

eLearning community

With _____ nurse can elicit community interest by showing instructional videos on measures to control a particular disease


____ changed the Filipino access to information and on how the government utelized this

Categorical Program Systems

______are designed to support data processing and tracking soecific programs such as cancer program, MCH immunization, or Family planning .

Harmonization and Independence

_____to guide alignment of eHealth activities at the national level without controlling health care providers to implement local eHealth solutions

Offline storage

___can be stored in-house, off-site, or outsourced.

Storage Area Networks (SANs)

allow access to remote drives with the same convenience of internal hard drives.

Data collection in healthcare

allows health systems to create holistic views of patients, personalize treatments, advance treatment methods, improve communication between doctors and patients, and enhance health outcomes.

Data transmission

also data communication or digital communications is also called


are simply facts or figures — bits of information, but not information itself.


are the fundamental elements of cognition and are defined as unanalyzed raw facts that do not imply meaning.


can be done with simple instructional videos and interactive simulations

Screening Programs

common application is tracking lead screening in high-risk pediatric populations

standard process

community health centers have the capacity to rapidly adapt EMRs /EHRs because they utelize a?

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) or Electronic Health records (EHRs)

comprehensive patient records that are stored and accessed from a computer or server

Community Health Systems

connotes those computerized IT systems specifically developed and designed for use by community health agencies, local and state health departments community programs, and services.

Client Registration System

consist of an online communication network, with terminals located in each of the local/district offices that are linked to a central computer facility used to collect, store, and process all data.

Management Inforamtion Systems (MIS)

data are used for he management of consumer care both clinically and admnistratively, quality improvement and public accountability

Client Registration System

designed to identify state/loal residents/clients eligible for CHN services in clinics and home

By 2020 eHealth will enable widespread access to health care services, health information, and securely share and exchange patients' information in support to a safer, quality health care, more equitable and responsive health system for all the Filipino people by transforming the way information is used to plan, manage, deliver and monitor health services

eHealth Vision?


educate fellow professionals and continuing education can be availed

Public Health Information Network

enable consistent exchange of response (during emergencies/disaster), health, and disease tracking data between public health partners through defined data and vocabulary standards

On removable media like external hard drives or magnetic tape

files not accessible through your network such as ____

Management Inforamtion Systems (MIS)

focus on the management of statistical and operational needs of the agency ad professionals

Change Agent

inform and guide the community in selecting and applying appropriate ICT tools

digital subscriber line (DSL) modem

is a device used to connect a computer or router to a telephone line which provides the digital subscriber line service for connection to the Internet, which is often called DSL broadband.


is a networked system.


is a processed, organized data presented in a given context and is useful to humans. Information is a group of data that collectively carry a logical meaning.

The Internet

is a worldwide computer network that connects hundreds of thousands of smaller networks.

The implementation of Kalusugan Pangkalahatan or Universal Health Care

is directed towards ensuring the achievement of the health system goals of better health outcomes, sustained health financing and responsive health system.

Department of Health (DOH)

is mandated to be the over-all technical authority on health that provides national policy direction and develop national plans, technical standards and guidelines on health.


is the act of getting something back, or of accessing stored data and files in a computer.

Data transmission

is the transfer of data (a digital bitstream or a digitized analog signal) over a point-to- point or point-to-multipoint communication channel.

Online storage

maintains the greatest functionality but requires more expensive network storage.

Data and Records Manager

make sure all data are accurate, complete, consistent, correct, and current

Data and Records Manager

monitor trends of disease through EMR/EHR allowing for targeted interventions for health promotion, disease prevention, curative services or rehabilitation


participate in making eLearning videos on specific disease

National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS)

promote the use of data and information system standards to advance the development of efficient and integrated surveillance systems at the national and local level


provide health education to the individuals, families, groups and community through ICT tools (teleconference, SMS, e-mail and virtual)

Management Inforamtion Systems (MIS)

provides framework on collecting and reporting statistical as well as financial data needed for the management of personal/client and programs


responsible for identifying possible points for research and developing a framework, based on data aggregated by the system

Screening Programs

results of the screening test are tracked so that data analysis can be used to measure the effectiveness of the screening program

Serial data transmission

sends data bits one after another over a single channel.

Parallel data transmission

sends multiple data bits at the same time over multiple channels.

Client Registration System

the centralized registry can then be accessed from the local/district units prior to providing services


the delivery of health care services, where distance is a critical factor, by all health care professionals using information and communications technologies for exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing education of health care providers, all in the interest of advancing the health of individuals and their communities

World Health Organisation (WHO) defines e- health

the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health to, for example, treat patients, pursue research, educate students, track diseases and monitor public health

Statistical Reporting System

these are community health computer applications that have been developed to collect and process statistical information primarily for state/local health departments such as epidemiologic data and immunization data


use of electronic tools to aid in teaching which can be done synchronously or asynchronously


use scheduled text messages to patients among catchment population to send important health information, reminders, etc.

Screening Programs

use to detect individuals afflected with specific disease or predisposing health condition


when you access a file that you saved on a hard drive on your computer.

Change Agent

work closely with the community and implementing eHealth with them and not for them

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