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The macrophysics use the laws of classical physics. Our everyday experiences with macrophysical systems show us that their behavior is generally


The stochastic behavior of molecular systems can be transformed into a ... one by increasing the number of participating stochastic events or by limiting the degrees of freedom of the single reactions


Mutation in aquaporin-2 causes diuresis in some patients with

Diabetes mellitus

Water or urea

Diffuse across membranes albeit much more slowly than O2 and CO2

The negative sign in front of D in Fick's law specifies that particles flow

Down their concentration gradient

Pressure and volume are thermodynamic parameters. Their product is expressed in units of


A cube of ice is added to some hot water in a rigid, insulated container, which is then sealed. There is no heat exchange with the surroundings. What has happened to the total energy and the total entropy when the system reaches equilibrium?

Energy remains constant, entropy remains constant

Which of the following is/are reversible process(es)?

Evaporation of a liquid at constant temperature

The change in the Gibbs free energy for a particular process is -36 kJ. Thus, one can say for certain that the process is


A bacterium, containing sodium ions at a concentration of 0,1 mM lives in a pond that contains sodium ions at 0,005 mM. Evidently, sodium ions are entering the cell by

Facilitated diffusion

The graphs above describe which of the following transport mechanisms?

Facilitated diffusion

The amount if "low-molecular" intracellular iron are kept as small as possible by


The fundamental laws of diffusion were formulated by ... who in 1856 published the first biophysical text


Cholesterol within membranes functions as a(n) ... through its interactions with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts of phospholipids.

Fluidity buffer

Continued LDL uptake converts macrophages into

Foam cells are

... are the unstable, highly reactive compounds that damage lipids, proteins and DNA in our cells

Free radicals

All of the following processes lead to an increase in entropy EXCEPT

Freezing a liquid

Both enthalpy and entropy are combined to calculate the

Gibbs free energy

Due to ATP hydrolysis, the molecule A moves out of the cell. Molecule A then diffuses back into the cell. The energy accumulated into the concentration gradient of A is used to drive the transport of another molecule B into the cell. In the previous question the concentration of molecule B inside the cell must be ... the concentration of molecule b outside the cell

Greater than

A patient who has has a severe hemorrhage accidentally receives a large transfusion of distilles water directly into a major blood vessel. You would expect this mistake to

Have serious, perhaps fatal consequences because the red blood cells would swell and burst

The difference in the heat contents of products and reactants is called

Heat of a reaction

As compared fi the extra cellular space, the intracellular concentrations of axons contain

High K+, low Na+, low Cl-

Inalipidbilayer,... fatty acid tails face each other within the bilayer and form a region that excludes water.


If the electrical potential difference across a membrane changes from -70 to -80 mV, we call this change


Iftheconcentrationofsolutesinacellislessthantheconcentrationofsolutes in the surrounding fluid, then the extracellular fluid is said to be:


Suppose dS and dH ae both negative. The reaction is spontaneous if


The action potential is conducted

In an all-or-none manner

In thermodynamic processes which of the following statements is not true

In an isochoric process the pressure remains constant

Chemical and electrical forces can act

In the same or opposite directions

When an inhibitor blocks Na+ active transport, the Intracellular concentration of Na+ ... and water enters osmotically, increasing the cell volume


A decrease in the resting membrane potential cam be brought about by

Increasing [K+]e

For a given chemical reaction, if there is no work done on or by the reaction, then there must be a change in

Internal energy

According to the laws of thermodynamics all processes occurring in nature are

Irreversible and unidirectional

The conclusion that it is impossible to completely convert heat into work without making any changes in the universe

Is the second law of thermodynamics

Which of the statements below describes the structure of the mitochondrion?

It's inner membrane, called cristae is folded

Suppose the biochemical reaction A ! B has a large and positive change in Gibbs free- energy under physiological conditions. Which of the following is the best estimate for the equilibrium constant?

Keq < 1

Under resting conditions, Na+ and K+ passively diffuse across the membrane through

Leak channels

According to the graph above, the molecule X is: (linear increase: diffusion rate of x into the cell in relation to extracellular concentration of X)

Lipid soluble and hydrophilic

In an irreversible process there is

Loss of heat

Borelli founded a school a school in Pisa of iatro-mathematics and iatrophysics in which the human body was perceived as a(n)

Mechanical machine

Iatro-physics has often been considered as a mechanistic forerunner of

Medical biophysics

The figure below shows the establishment of

Membrane equilibrium potential

The sum of all chemical reactions occurring inside a living cell is called


What is the term for the nutrients that are used by our body?


Two kinds of physical behavior meet at the molecular level of biological structures. On the one hand there are stochastic ... processes based on the individual behavior of atoms, molecules or supramolecular structures. On the other hand, there are ... processes based on the behavior of "large" bodies

Microphysical, Macrophysical

"Cristae" are found in which of the following cell organelles?


In contrast to isotropic systems like simple solutions in anisotropic systems, the ... or molecules in various directions is not identical but it is restricted in some directions and promoted in others


The activity of the antioxidant defense system in the brain is


... adhere to functionally deranged endothelium and then enter the intima, where they develop into macrophages


The word thermodynamics stems from two Greek words meaning

Movement of heat

When the potential difference across a membrane of a neuron equals the threshold potential,

Muscle relaxation will occur

The equilibrium potential of an ion

Must be determined experimentally

The balanced half-reaction for the reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is

NAD+ + H+ + 2e —> NADH

The electrons that are transferred through the mitochondrial electron transport system initially belong to


Because of it's large conductance, ... is often the dominant ion that determines the resting membrane potential


The membrane of a typical resting neuron is largely impermeable to


The dependence of resting membrane potential on ionic permeability and concentration is given quantitatively by

Nernst equation

In response to a stimulus, if the equilibrium membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting potential, we say that the membrane is

Non polarized

The resting membrane potential occurs because

Of the different ions concentrations across the membrane and the different membrane permeability to those ions

According to the second law of thermodynamics

One form of energy cannot be completely converted into another form

Facilitated diffusion can be carried by carriers and channels. These transporters permit net movement of molecules

Only down their electrochemical gradient

The spike of the action potential is caused by

Opening of the voltage gated Na+ channels

Which of the following membrane activities does NOT require the expenditure of external energy by the cell?


Which of the following transport mechanisms involves movement of water?


Heat flow is considered negative when heat flows ... a system, work is considered positive when work is done ... system

Out of, on

The membrane permeability is defined by the formula


Which of the following is an intensive property?



Prevent free radical damage

The maximum information the student gets from a grade Pass/Fail will be:

1 bit

The action potential duration in a typical nerve is about

1 millisecond

What is the molarity of sodium chloride in a solution containing 0,50 moles of sodium chloride in 500 mL of water?

1.0 M

A 10-fold concentration gradient of a monovalent ion such as K+ is equivalent, as a driving force, to an electrical potential difference of

10 mV

Suppose we have four distinguishable particles in one side of a two-compartment container. How many possible ways are there to distribute them between the two sides of the container? Consider container compartments as indistinguishable.


In the previous question, how many possible ways are there to distribute the particles between the two distinguishable sides of the container?


A block of steel with a mass of 1 kg is at a temperature of 60 C (csteel= 450J/kg/C). It is placed in contact with an identical block of steel at a temperature of 20 C. The heat energy of the combined system in Joules will be changed by


Standard enthalpies occur at

25°C and 1.0 atm

Which of the following is TRUE about thermodynamics?

All of the above

Due to ATP hydrolysis, the molecule A moves out of the cell. Molecule A then diffuses back into the cell. The energy accumulated into the concentration gradient of A is used to drive the transport of another molecule B into the cell. The movement of molecule A out of the cell is an example of which transport?

Primary active transport

Which of the following transport processes is directly linked to ATP hydrolysis?

Primary active transport

The ionophore ... is a small peptide that forms a unique helix diner that spams the membrane, forming a channel pore


An outstanding scientist in the history of biophysics is the German physicist and physiologist Hermann von helmholtz who laid the foundations for the fundamental theories of

Vision and hearing

The plasma membranes of different animal and plant cells contain aquaporins through which

Water can flow more rapidly inside the cell than by diffusing through the phospholipid bilayer

Entropy is a statistical measure of

disorder of a system

During the 1780s, Luigi Galvani performed experiments at the university of bologna involving frogs. The physics of electricity was thus studied in direct relationship with phenomena of


Chemical reactions that absorb heat energy are called ... and have a ...

endothermic, positive

The first law of thermodynamics states that

energy is neither created nor destroyed

Whether a chemical reaction or physical change takes place depends on both the enthalpy and the... of the process


All of the following statements concerning entropy are true EXCEPT

entropy is zero for elements under standard conditions

Of the following, only ... is not a state function


The energy of random molecular motion is called


In an exothermic chemical reaction

heat is released as the reaction proceeds

In all irreversible processes, under the conditions U = const., V = const., n = const., the entropy ... and is ... in the stationary equilibrium

increases, minimum

Which of the following may produce ROS?

industrial chemicals

Increasing energy of light goes in the order

infrared, visible, ultraviolet

Biophysics is a/an ... science somewhere between biology and physics. It is connected with other disciplines, as well, such as mathematics, physical chemistry and biochemistry.


The partition coefficient is defined by the following formula


Biology claims to be a comprehensive science relating to all functions of ... systems.


Information is a form of energy which is called


All of the following substances freely diffuse across biological lipid bilayer EXCEPT

nitric oxide

The subjects of biophysics are ... underlying all processes of living systems. Biophysics also studies the interactions of physical factors in physiological functions, which is a special subarea, called environmental biophysics.

physical principles

The above graph represents (linear increase: diffusion rate of x into the cell in relation to extracellular concentration of X)

simple diffusion

The Gibbs free energy provides information about the ... of a chemical reaction


The rate if movement of an ion through an ion-specific channel depends on all of the following EXCEPT

the activation state of the channel

Electric potential is defined as the potential energy of a positive test charge divided by

the magnitude of charge

The nature of biophysics is defined by ... rather than by the applied methods.

the scientific problems and approaches

Cells are said to be polarized because

There is an electrical potential difference across the membranes

Mass flux is defined as the amount of a substance that flows perpendicularly

Through a unit of surface per unit time

Iron is transported in plasma bounded to


The electrophoretic mobility of an ion is defined by the following equation

U = E/v

In a resting neuron the Ek is greater (-75 mV) than 'Em (-60 mV). The consequence is that

There us a net tendency for K+ to leak from the cells

Entropy is a function of

Thermodynamic probability

Which class of enzymes is NOT an oxidoreductase

Aldehyde dehydrogenase

A patient suffering from renal insufficiency has a plasma [K+]e = 7 mM. The equilibrium membrane potential for this ion will change to

- 92,6 mV

The change in the internal energy of a system that releases 15.0 J of heat and does 4.8 J of work on the surroundings is

-19,8 J

The standard enthalpy for the reaction 2Na2O2 (s) + 2H2O —> 4NaOH (s) + O2 (g) is dHo = -126 kJ. How much heat is released if 2 moles of NaOH are produced?

-252 kJ

The surface area of a spherical cell with a diameter of 10 microm is

3,14 x 10^-6 cm2

A 10-fold concentration gradient of Ca2+ can be balanced as a driving force by an electrical potential difference of

30 mV

The normal internal temperature of our bodies is 37 C. What is this temperature when expressed in units of Kelvins to the nearest power of ten?


(Na+ - K+) -ATPase exchanges

3Na+ for 2K+

If 5 J of energy is added to a system that does no external work, by how much will the internal energy of that system be raised?

5 J

The internal energy change in a system that has absorbed 2 kcal of heat and done 500 J of work is:

7900 J

Let us consider a crystal containing eight atoms at three different temperatures. If enough energy is added to the crystal to start just one of the atoms vibrating, the thermodynamic probability W will be


On the graph given below, global equilibrium is represented by


When a C-H bond is cleaved homolytically, the resulting intermediate is called

A carbocation

Conduction velocity is increased by

A myelin sheath

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system always increases dS ≥ 0, with dS = 0 only in the special case of

A reversible process

The best described cot ran sport system involving glucose and sodium is

A symport

Consider the following reactions: ATP4- + H2O ! ADP3- + H+ + HPO4 2-. Which of the following best predicts a pH increase of the equilibrium mixture?

ADP concentration increases

Which molecule is considered to be the energy currency of cells?


The brief electrical impulses produced by electrically excitable cells are called

Action potential

The movement of ions against the concentration gradient is

Active transport

A process in which the working substance neither receives nor gives heat to its surroundings during expansion or compression is called

Adiabatic process

The (Na+-K+)-ATPase is

An antiporter

In a Donnan equilibrium

An electrical potential difference is established because no ions can cross the membrane

Naturally occurring spontaneous irreversible processes, such as biological processes, always result in

An increase in entropy

Ice kept in a well insulated container is an example of which system?

An isolated system

Biological membranes as highly organized ... structures are always attractive subjects for biophysical investigations



Are found primarily in cell membranes in the body

Molecules, which have a very low partition coefficient

Are poorly absorbed because they cannot dissolve in the lipid membrane

... and alpha tocopherol may cooperate to minimize the rate of lipid peroxidation

Ascorbic acid

In comparison with mediated transport, transport through channels occurs

At the same rate

... bind to the external surface of (Na+-K+)-pump, thereby inhibiting transport

Cardio tonic steroids

The concentration of CO2 in the cell membrane near the intracellular side is higher than its concentration in the membrane near the extracellular side. CO2 will

Be transported into the cell

Which of the following describes the energy supply for facilitated diffusion?

Both a and b

Which of the following are forms of carrier-mediated transport?

Both facilitated diffusion and carrier-mediated active transport

Faraday's constant is measured in

C mol^-1

Active transport has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT it

Can occur without a carrier protein

Which of the following would be considered an age-related disease?

Cardiovascular disease

Ionophores include

Channel-forming and mobile antibiotics that act by passive transport

When the voltage-gated ion channels open, ions move through these channels under the influence of the

Combined effect id the electrical potential difference and the concentration gradients of the ions

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is

Conserved during any process

In an isolated system during irreversible transformations, the Helmholtz free energy

Decreases until reaching some minimum value

A decisive stimulus has been given to biophysical research through the discovery of x-rays. It was attributable to close cooperation between physicists, biologists and medical scientists which laid the foundation of ... which made significant contributions to the growth of modern molecular biology

Radiation biophysics

The overall enthalpy of the reaction NH4NO3 —> N2O + 2H2O is dH = -36 kJ. This means that the decomposition of 1 mole of ammonium nitrate

Releases 36 kJ of heat

Faciliated diffusion

Requires a transmembrane protein

Active transfer differs from passive transport in that it

Requires external energy usually in the form of phosphate anhydride bonds

Which one of the following correctly indicates the relationship between the entropy of a system and the number of different arrangements, W, in the system?

S = k lnW

For a typical value of the resting potential of -80mV, the driving force on Na+ is ... that on K+

Same as

When a gas is in thermal equilibrium stat A, it has a definite entropy SA, which is a function of n, V, U. Due to the removal of a separator between the gas and the rest of the container, the system will irreversibly reach a new equilibrium state B, which has entropy Sb. The second law of thermodynamics says:


The sodium dependent transport of glucose is an example of

Secondary active transport

Some water is believed to criss membranes by

Simple diffusion

Simple diffusion may involve the movement of ... through the plasma membrane down a concentration gradient

Small nonpolar molecules

Biological membranes are normally permeable to

Small, hydrophobic molecules

At rest, the membrane potential is close to the Nernst Ian potential for


The resting membrane potential of a neuron depends on

Sodium and potassium ions

In the cotransport of glucose and sodium ions

Sodium ions are transported down their concentration gradient

At rest, the ion distribution inside and outside of a neuron is such that ... ions are most abundant outside the cell, while ... ions are most abundant inside the cell

Sodium, potassium

Which of the following properties describes active transport but NOT facilitated diffusion?

Substances are transported against a concentration gradient

The absorption of glucose from the small intestine generally occurs via

Symport transport with Na+

The gibbs free energy is the maximum useful work (excluding PV work associated with volume changes of a system) that a system can do on the surroundings when the process occurs reversibly at constant

Temperature and pressure

The transfer of uncharged particles is due to

Temperature gradient

Numerous experiments have demonstrated that the immediate energy source for the resting membrane potential is

The active pumping of ions

The rate of diffusion is defined as

The amount of substance transferred per unit cross-sectional area

Ions are driven by their gradient of

The chemical potential

If the ion mobilities are the same,

The diffusion potential will be maximum

The Nernst Equation is used to find

The effect of changing ion concentration on the membrane potential

The thermodynamic force for electric current is

The electric potential gradient

The proton-motive force can be described as:

The energy storage as a combination of a proton and voltage gradient across the membrane

The second law of thermodynamics states that

The entropy of the universe is continually increasing

According to the Henderson equation, if there is no concentration gradient

The equilibrium membrane potential will be zero

Based on his physiological studies, Robert Mayer was able to formulate

The first law of thermodynamics

When 1.0 mole of ZnO (s) decomposes, dH = 348 kJ/mol. What does this tell you about the formation of ZnO (s)?

The formation of ZnO (s) is endothermic

Which of the following involves a decrease in entropy?

The freezing of liquid water into ice

A system does no work even when heat is added to it. Which of the following may happen to the system?

The internal energy of the system increases

The ionic current through a membrane is proportional to the difference (Em-Eeq) the constant of proportionality being

The ionic conductance

Which of the following laws of physics has become the foundation of thermodynamics?

The law of conservation of energy

Of the following product-favored processes, which are endothermic?

The melting of ice at temperatures greater than 0 C, C only

The electric field strength is equal to

The negative electric potential gradient

A sphere is rolling downhill. The driving force for this spontaneous movement is:

The negative gradient of the potential energy

In most axons, the myelin sheath is interrupted at intervals of about 1 millimeter of more. These interruptions are called

The nodes of Ranvier

The chemical properties of the elements are mainly due to

The number and distribution of the outer electrons

the subscript m of the phenomenological coefficient Lmn shows

The number of the corresponding flux.

The first reaction in the prolongation stage of lipid peroxide is

The reaction between s lipid and oxygen

The resting membrane potential of neurons mainly depends on

The resting membrane permeability to organic ions

In the equation X = -grad Ep, where X is a force vector and Ep is the gravitational potential energy, the sign minus shows that

The spontaneous movement occurs from a position with a higher potential energy to one with a lower potential energy.

We define a stationary state as a state in which

The structure and parameters of the system are time independent

A gas is enclosed in a metal container with a moveable piston on top. Heat is added to the gas by placing a candle flame in contact with the container's bottom. Which of the following is true about the temperature of the gas?

The temperature will go up no matter what happens to the piston

The mobility of uncharged particles can be defined as

The velocity of particles per unit force

The equilibrium potential of an ion is the potential

Which just balances the concentration gradient of the ion across the membrane

if the Gibbs free energy change of the reaction A ! B under standard conditions is dG0 = -50 kJ/mol, then the reaction

Will proceed spontaneously from left to right

the electron transport chain components involved in oxidative phosphorylation are located

Within the inner mitochondrial membrane

Which of the following is NOT a state variable


Biophysics studies ... of biological organization, from molecular processes to ecological phenomena.

all levels

If a chemical reaction is spontaneous, the total entropy of the chemical system and its surroundings

always increases

Thermodynamic work is the product of

an intensive property and change in an extensive property

The word ... was invented by a synthesis of "biology" and "technics" at a conference in Dayton, USA, in 1960


Cybernetics deals with ... in men and machines

control and communications

Mathematically, the rate of free energy transfer can be expressed as

dG / dtdA

For a process at equilibrium, it is always true that

dG = 0

When a spontaneous process takes place, which one of the following is always positive?

dS surroundings

If entropy is exported out of the system then

dSe > 0

The entropy production in a system is given by the following term

dSi / dt

Thermodymically reactions are favorable if

dU < 0

For an isolated system the change in internal energy according to the 1st law of thermodynamics is

dU = 0

Because the internal energy U is a state variable and depends only on the state of the system but not on how the system has achieved the state, we can write

dU = U2 -U1

If a particular amount of charge dq is transported against an electric force, then the electric work done is:

dW = φdq

The change in enthalpy is the change in heat energy of a reaction and is calculated by

∑ (heat content of the reactants) -∑ (heat content of the reactants)

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