Chp. 18-19 APUSH American Pageant

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Who was the presidential candidate of the new Constitutional Union party in 1860?

John Bell

In "Bleeding Kansas" in the mid-1850s, ________________ was/were identified with the proslavery element, and ________________ was/were associated with the antislavery free-soilers.

Lecomposition Constitution, New England Immigrant aid

Who opened Japan to the United States?

Mathew Perry

By what name was a scheme to acquire Cuba from Spain in the 1850's known?

Osterd manifesto

Why did James Buchanan win the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 1856?

because he was not associated with Kansas-Nebraska Act

Why did the public like popular sovereignty?

because it fit the democratic tradition of self- determination

As late as 1856, why were many northerners still willing to vote Democratic instead of Republican?

because many did not want to lose their profitable business connection with the south

What was a key cause why the Republicans lost the 1856 election?

because the southern threats that a republican victory would be a declaration of war

What event led the South to believe "cotton was king?"

The Panic of 1857

How did Harriet Tubman gain fame?

by helping slaves escape to canada

When the people of Britain and France read Uncle Tom's Cabin, what did their governments realize?

common citizens would not support intervention on the side of the south and slavery

List 4 provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law.

denied jury trials to runaways, fleeing slaves could not testify on their own behalf, penalty for helping slaves escape was fine and/or imprisonments, higher payments for officials who determine runaway slave versus freeman

Why did the Free Soilers condemn slavery?

destroyed the chances of free white workers to rise to self employment

According to the principle of "popular sovereignty," by what would the question of slavery in the territories be determined?

determined by a vote of the people within a territory

What was the event that brought turmoil to the administration of Zachary Taylor?

discovery of gold in california

What did John Brown intended to do in his raid on Harpers Ferry?

forment a slave rebellion

What was the intention of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?

intend to show cruelty of slaves

What characterized a high proportion of those people going to California during the gold rush?

lawless men

What was the United States Supreme Court hoping to accomplish in ruling on the Dred Scott case?

lay to rest the issue of slavery in the territories

Where would slavery have been prohibited if the Wilmot Proviso was adopted?

mexican war

What was the central plank of the Know-Nothing party in the 1856 election?


Who did Hinton R. Helper's book 'The Impending Crisis of the South' argue had suffered most from slave labor?

non-slaveholding white southerners

List 4 items that the Free Soil party platform of 1848 advocated.

opposition of slavery in the territories, support from the wilmot proviso, free government homestead for settlers, and federal aid for internal improvement

What was the key focus for the major parties in the 1848 presidential election?


In the Compromise of 1850, how did Congress say that slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories would be determined?

popular sovereignty

Who applauded the decision rendered in the Dred Scott case?

proslavery southerners

In order to maintain the two great political parties as vital bonds of national unity, what did party leaders avoid?

public discussion

What was the desire of the Young Guard from the North?

purging and purifying the union

What was the political and economical condition of the South by 1850?

relatively well

List 4 results of the United States' victory in the Mexican War.

renewed controversy over expansion and slavery in the territories, the possible split within both the whig and democratic parties over slavery, the mexican cession of land, and a rush of settlers following the discover of gold in california

What did the clash between Preston S. Brooks and Charles Sumner reveal?

revealed the fact that passions over slavery were becoming dangerously inflamed in both North & South

During the 1850s, how did slaves most likely gain their freedom?

self purchase

In 1855, what kind of territory did proslavery southerners regarded Kansas as?

slave territory

Who would the state of Kansas protect under the Lecompton Constitution?

slavery in Kansas

What did the Free Soilers argue regarding slavery and labor?

slavery would cost more wage labor to wither away

What did Stephen A. Douglas argue in his Freeport Doctrine during the Lincoln-Douglas?

that action by territorial legislatures could keep slavery out of the territories

What did John C. Calhoun's plan to protect the South and slavery involve?

the election of two presidents, one from the north and one from the south

The situation in Kansas in the mid-1850s indicated the impracticality of _______________ in the territories.

the impracticality of popular sovereignty in the territory

By what did Stephen A. Douglas propose that the question of slavery in the Kansas- Nebraska Territory be decided?

the missouri compromise

For what were the nativists in the 1850s known?

their anticatholic and antiforeign attitudes

In the 1848 presidential election, what two parties remained silent on the issue of slavery?

whigs & democrats

During the debate of 1850, _________________ argued that there was a "higher law" than the Constitution that compelled him to demand the exclusion of slavery from the territories.

William H Seward

What was the result of Daniel Webster's famed Seventh of March speech in 1850?

a shift toward compromise towards in the north

For his position in his Seventh of March speech, Daniel Webster was viciously condemned by what group?


Arrange these events in chronological order: Kansas-Nebraska Act, Harpers Ferry raid, Dred Scott decision, Lincoln-Douglas debates.


List 4 reasons why President James Buchanan declined to use force to keep the South in the Union.


List 4 reasons why secessionists supported leaving the Union.


List each candidate in the 1856 election with his political party.


List each presidential candidate in the 1860 election with his party's position on the slavery question.


What was the result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Douglas defeated Lincoln for the senate

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