Christian Doctrine II Study Guide

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What are the two parts of justification?

1. God cleanses the believer from sin by a progressive work of the Spirit 2. The believer is set apart by God

Three characteristics of the perfectionist understanding of sanctification:

1. The belief that a Christian can attain the spiritual ideal in this lifetime. 2. The belief that a Christian experiences sanctification instantaneously. 3. The belief that a Christian can discern the moment of sanctification.

Three images that are used to describe the church

1. The people of God. 2. The new creation. 3. The body of Christ.

According to the textbook, how many contemporary witnesses were there to the work of the Spirit in the incarnation?


Eschatology is grounded in God's covenant and the covenant that promised a great name, land, and a multitude of offspring was made to _________


To whom did God make the promise that through him would come a nation that would bless the whole world?


According to the textbook, regeneration comes—- conversion


Interprets Revelation 20:1-10 as a recapitulation of the church age from the resurrection of Jesus to the end of the age


This person held a sublapsarian


Appropriation is

An Act of repentance A response of obedience A commitment to Christ Affection for Christ Enters into a relationship with Christ


An agreement


An understanding

Who affirmed transubstantiation?


When did the Spirit of God anoint Jesus for his ministry?

At His baptism.

Held to a spiritual vision for eschatology as opposed to a new creation model.


This person held to the infralapsarian position


The Roman Catholic Church teaches that a person enters into union with Christ through the sacrament of


Micah prophesied that the messiah would be born in what town?


Who was filled with the Spirit of God in order to construct the tabernacle?


Believed that final judgment takes place at the resurrection, but also argued that Scripture teaches immediate blessedness and punishment upon death.


This person held a supralapsarian position


Who believed that Christ is spiritually present in the Supper?


The author of the chapter holds to this view of what is meant by justification.

Declared righteous

Which heresy taught that the Spirit was a quality of God and not a distinct person in the Godhead?

Dynamics Monarchianism

Conditional election

Election is according to God's foreknowledge of who will except the gospel.

The Bible locates each of the four perspectives of salvation in conjunction with union with Christ, which are

Eternal Historical Present Eschatological

In which prophetic book is the Spirit depicted as leaving Jerusalem, but is also promised to return?


According to the textbook faith is both an action and a meritorious work. True or false?


According to the textbook the nation of Israel and the church are identical. True or false?


According to the textbook there is no normative pattern in Acts in regard to baptism, the laying on of hands, and the reception of the Spirit. True or false?


According to the textbook, God in his essence is certainly beyond human comprehension and the virgin birth shows that God is unable to have contact with his creation. True or false?


According to the textbook, Isaiah 53 does not present the idea of substitution in regards to the suffering servant. True or false?


According to the textbook, a Cristian can blaspheme against the Holy Spirit as described in Matthew 12:31. True or false?


According to the textbook, justification is an subjective experience of the believer that is contingent upon the believers subsequent sanctification. True or false?


According to the textbook, regeneration is a prolonged process similar to how a woman is pregnant and then gives birth to a child. True or false?


According to the textbook, repentance is solely a change of mind. True or false?


According to the textbook, since God is the cause of all things, He both ordained and caused the fall of Adam and Eve. True or false?


According to the textbook, the Bible presents baptism as the means that the Spirit uses to accomplish regeneration. True or false


According to the textbook, the Spirit enables people to worship God, but should not be worshipped Himself since He directs worship to the Son. True or false?


According to the textbook, the church creates the kingdom of God. True or false?


According to the textbook, the promise to David in 2 Samuel 7:1-29 only applies to Jesus. True or False?


According to the textbook, the reign of Jesus as king will begin at his second coming. True or false?


According to the textbook, union with Christ is one phase or aspect of salvation. It is one of the subsets of the entire doctrine of salvation. True or false?


All the actions of Samson, Jepthah, Gideon, and Othniel should be considered holy since the Spirit came upon them to empower them. True or false?


By the time of Jesus, most religious teachers were saying that Isaiah 53 showed that the messiah would suffer to redeem Israel. True or False?


In relation to the Spirit being understood as God, the early Orthodox theologians detected doctrinal development within Scripture, and they were adamant that the God who revealed Himself progressively changed over time. True or false?


In the Old Testament it is immediately evident if a prophet is empowered by the Holy Spirit or an evil Spirit. True or false?


In the intertestamental period there was a noticeable activity of the Spirit. True or False?


In the prophets, the Spirit and the dabhar, Word of God are not related. True or false?


Jesus revealed God through His words, not through His deeds. True or false?


Jesus was able to serve as a priest because he was from the tribe of Levi. True of false?


The Bible teaches that the universe was created by the Word of God, and therefore the Spirit did not have a role in creation. True or false?


The Greek word morphe translated in Philippians 2:6 as form refers to the external appearance of Christ, but not his nature. True or false?


The Hebrew word almah that is used in Isaiah 7:14 demands that the woman in view be a virgin. True or False?


The ascension of Jesus refers to his ascending Mount Golgotha with his cross to be crucified. True or false?


The author of the chapter supports the idea that God created the non-elect in order to condemn them and express His wrath. True or false?


The greatest threat to the gospel during the patristic era came from a heresy known as augustinianism. True or false?


The textbook argued that in relation to whether Jesus could have sinned or not, the position of impeccability is the only one that the Bible supports. True or false?


The textbook argues that the title given to the messiah in Isaiah 9:6-7 of "eternal Father" shows that the Father would become incarnate to save His people. True or false?


The textbook rejects the progressive view of sanctification in which the believer is transformed over the course of his lifetime and accepts the perfectionist view of sanctification in which the believer is suddenly and dramatically transformed spiritually. True or false?


While Jesus held the office of a prophet, he did not consider himself to be a prophet since he was the messiah. True or false?


While the gospels apply the covenant fulfillments to Jesus they do not equate Jesus with Israel. True or false?



God decrees to save some and to damn others occurred prior to his decision to ordain the fall


God determined to provide redemption sufficient to save all humanity through the blood of Christ before he decided to choose some people to receive this salvation.


God ordained only one decree— the decree to elect

Logos stood for reason, reflecting the view that divinity cannot come into contact with evil, or inferior, matter.

Greek Philosophy

Who were the Cappadocian Fathers?

Gregory of Nyssa Basil Gregory of Nazianus

The kingdom of God was Jesus' way of speaking of internal, spiritual realities

Harry Emerson Fosdick

The word is fully personified in relation to creation, being the means whereby God created. However, the word is neither personal nor preexistent.

Hellenistic Judaism

The three components of human personality that are involved in repentance are

Intellect Emotions Will

Christ recapitulates the Edenic work of Adam and the eschaton will be a material existence


The Holy Spirit provides enabling grace only within the elect and this work always accomplished the task of drawing his chosen to himself

Irresistible grace

Which prophet foretold that the Spirit would rest upon the Messiah and He would bring forth justice?



Jesus summed up in himself the long line of the human race, procuring salvation for us, so that what had been lost in Adam was regained in Jesus.

Moral influence theory

Jesus' death so revealed God's love that this sacrificial act provided the inspiration for the revival of man's love for God.

Penal Substitution theory

Jesus's death on the cross pays the penalty for sin.

Which reformer was the first to make a distinction between justification and sanctification?

John Calvin

To which of his sons did Jacob promise the scepter would not depart from him until he whose right it is comes?


In the Suffering Servant songs in Isaiah the spirit is given to the messiah to dispense———


Which of the synoptic writers gives the most attention to the Spirit?


Who affirmed Consubstantiation?


Which heresy emphasized spiritual gifts, especially prophesy. The founder believed he was the mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit


Which prophet predicted that God would raise up a prophet like him from among the people should listen to this prophet when he arrives?


The word is the agent of creation, the agent of revelation, eternal and the agent of redemption.

Old Testament

Random theory

On the cross a commercial transaction took place in which Jesus' death was the price paid to release humanity from its bondage to sin.

Held that the blessings of the eternal state are to be found in heaven and that these include spiritual blessings that are radically discontinuous from earthly existence and that in the end all things will be redeemed, even Satan.


The convicting and enabling work of the Holy Spirit accompanies the preaching of the gospel and this work is accomplished in every believer

Overcoming grace

Wisdom is often personified, and this usage is found in some ancient Jewish writings outside the Bible. Logos is the wisdom or thought of God.

Palestinian Judaism

The sin of Adam only gave us a bad example and not fallen sin nature.


Who Taught it is possible to live a righteous life and be found righteous by God on the day of judgement.


This view of the thousand year reign of Christ sees the rule commencing as the nations are converted to Christ through the Great Commission


The textbook holds to which of the following positions on the rapture

Posttribulational rapture

Jesus at his return inaugurates a thousand year reign with his resurrected disciple


The textbook holds to which of the following millennial views


The idea that most or all of Christian eschatology was fulfilled in the first century


The second coming of Jesus occurs in two stages: a secret catching away of believers before the tribulation and a public return of Christ at the end of the tribulation

Pretribulational rapture

God graciously restored to all men sufficient ability to make a choice in the matter of submission to him

Prevenient grace

The office in which Christ is understood as a revelation of God in word and deed is


Genesis 3:15


Which psalm is described as the crucifixion psalm in the textbook?

Psalm 22

The act whereby the Holy Spirit imparts eternal life into the believer is called


The writings of John consider the Holy Spirit according to his major roles as

Regenerator Helper Witness

Conversion consists of both

Repentance Faith

Justification is a life long process in which the believer is made righteous by being infused with Christ's righteousness

Roman Catholics

The person who, by grace, obeys the will of God earns more grace, and thus continues the upward climb toward full justification

Roman Catholics

The English noun spirit is used to translate the Hebrew word ——— and the Greek word——-

Ruach, pneuma

According to Luther, the major work of the Holy Spirit is


Semi- Pelagianism

Taught that a person did not have within his own power to live in such a way as to save himself, but the person had the natural ability (freewill) to make the first move toward God and that one cooperated with God in salvation.

Concurrent election

The Bible teaches both that God sovereignly and unconditionally chooses the elect for salvation and that each individual person freely decides to accept or reject Jesus.


The Council of Nicea rejected this false teaching about Christ.

Which of these Old Testament events foreshadowed that Jesus would be both the scapegoat, carrying sin away , and the sacrificial goat, alleviating the problem of human guilt by paying the price for sin in his own body?

The Passover

What metaphors does the textbook use to portray our union with Christ?

The Trinity Husband and wife Stones in a building and the cornerstone Body and head Vine and branches


The applicator

Governmental thekry

The atonement is an offering to God, not to make possible forgiveness of sin but to restore moral order to the universe.

Satisfaction theory

The atonement satisfied the honor and majesty of God that is wounded by sin


The belief that began in the patristic era that held that a person receives grace by partaking of the ordinances of baptism and the lords supper

Christus Victor theory

The cross was the place in which Christ conquered the forces on sin and Satan.


The gracious decision of God by which he chooses certain ones to be the recipients of salvation.


The teaching denied the deity of Christ, arguing he was not the preexistent son of God.

Dynamic Monarchianism

This teaching argued that God adopted Jesus as a special man upon whom God's power would rest. Jesus was not God though.

Modalistic Monarchianism

This teaching argued that there are not three persons of the deity, but the three are three ways in which God has revealed himself.


This teaching argued that while all humans are made up of a body, soul and spirit, Jesus was composed of a human body and soul, but had a divine spirit.


This teaching denied the reality of Jesus' body and his death.


This view teaches that Jesus is composed of two separate persons.


This view teaches that the human nature of Christ was taken up and absorbed in the divine nature so that both natures were changed and a new third nature resulted

According to the textbook, God eternally knows all who will trust in him, but until we place our faith in His Son, we are unsaved and under the wrath of God. True or false?


According to the textbook, Philippians 2:6-11 teaches that the Son temporarily laid aside the free and voluntary exercise of the rights and privileges of deity. True or False?


According to the textbook, baptism by immersion is the form that most fully preserves and accomplishes the meaning of baptism. True or false?


According to the textbook, faith has two elements, an intellectual element and a volitional element. True or false?


According to the textbook, in union with Christ the Spirit subjectively applies what Christ objectively did for us on the cross, and this is labeled the experimental and positional aspects of union with Christ. True or false?


According to the textbook, penance is an act of contrition that earns forgiveness and repentance is a change of attitude toward sin. True or false?


According to the textbook, since the church did not have an ecumenical council deal with the issue of salvation u til the 5 century, the patristic era displays a lack of clarity or consensus on the subject. True or false?


According to the textbook, the best translation of ruach Elohim in Genesis 1:2 is " Spirit of God" instead of "Mighty Wind". True or false?


According to the textbook, the oneness/unity of the church becomes visible when believers share the same baptism, partake of the same supper, and look forward to sharing one heavenly city. True or false


Historically, orthodox theologians have refuted those who would reduce the Spirit from the status of being God himself to merely a divine force or influence. True or false?


If someone holds to the peccability of Jesus they would argue that Jesus could have sinned, but did not sin. True or false?


In Isaiah 53 the suffering of the servant is presented as somehow the the deliberate act of God. True or false?


In the Old Testament the kingdom of God is the reign of God through his human mediator-king over a world in submission to his righteous rule. True or false?


In the Psalms the focus of the Spirit's work is upon the believer's personal life and worship. True or false?


Paul considers the Spirit to be the agent of revelation to humanity. True or false?


Propitiation means the placating of God's wrath and this takes place on the cross. True or false


Psalms 2 is about the coronation of a Davidic King and says,"You are my son, today I have become your father." True or False?


Psalms 22 is the psalm that predicts the anguish of the messiah on the cross. True or False


Reconciliation, in regards to the atonement, argues that both God and humanity are affected by Jesus' death. Humans are reconciled to God and God is propitiated toward humanity. True or false?


That there is within God righteous indignation against sin and it's consequences in the human family is a fact that cannot be deleted from the Bible. True or false?


The Filioque argued that the Spirit proceeded from the Father and the Son. True or false?


The Greek word eikon in Colossians 1:15 implies the outward manifestation and illumination of something's inner core or essence. True or False?


The Spirit carries out the condemnation of God, both in time and at the end of time. True or false?


The Spirit of God empowered people for leadership in the Old Testament and for craftsmanship in building the tabernacle. True or false?


The baptist denial of infant baptism had the effect of precluding a state established church in which membership in the church was coextensive with the general population. True or False?


The basis for justification is the death and resurrection of christ and the condition for justification to be applied to a person is faith. True or false?


The desire of Moses in Numbers 11:29 becomes a prophecy in Joel 2:28-32 and is fulfilled in Acts 2:17-18. True or false?


The purpose of the session of Jesus seating at the right hand of the father is predominantly related to his work of intercession. True or false?


The synoptic gospels give the basis for Jesus' empowerment to do miracles to the Spirit. True or false?


The textbook argues that God covering Adam and Eve with the skins of animals after the fall was a foreshadowing of the sacrificial system and the cross. True or false?


The textbook argues that the idea of redemption means that a payment must be paid in order for people to be set free from sin. True or false?


The textbook argues that the resurrection of Jesus is the completing event that provides not only for the cleansing of guilt but also for a guarantee that the believer shall live again. True or false?


The textbook asserts that God ordains the salvation of those who believe, but he allows the damnation of those who eternally reject his Son. True or false?


The title given to Jesus of "king of kings and lord of lords" was a title that was applied to God in the book of Daniel. True or false?


When Jesus was 12 he demonstrated that he had an intimate and personal relationship with the Father, by saying he had to be in his Father's house. True or false?


When Paul calls Jesus the firstborn over all creation in Colossians 1:15 Paul does not mean that Christ had a beginning, but rather in his relationship to the Father in the Trinity he enjoys all the rights and privileges the Father bestows to Him. True or False?


——— with Christ prevents justification from being merely a legal fiction in which God declares people righteous who are not righteous


Since justification is linked to sanctification, it is possible for a person to lose their salvation.

Wesleyan Arminians

This group sees the doctrine of imputed righteousness as a misunderstanding of Paul's courtroom metaphor which in turn reduces salvation to simple book keeping.

Wesleyan Arminians

Who believed that the Supper is a memorial?


The idea that those sentenced to hell eventually are consumed by the fire and cease consciousness is called


The two offices that the New Testament prescribes for the church are

deacon and elder

The Greek word which is translated church is _________________


According to the Old Testament human life ends at the grave and the afterlife is a shadowy land of despair. True or false?


According to the textbook, a person does not need to be baptized to eat the Lord's Supper, but they do need to have faith in Jesus. True or false?


According to the textbook, baptism is the cause and creation of faith in the person being baptized. True or false?


According to the textbook, the concept of church membership was established in the 2nd century and is not directly found in Scripture. True or false?


According to the textbook, the number of the beast (666) is to be connected with the name of a man, most likely Nero Caesar. True or false?


According to the textbook, the tradition of baptizing infants has biblical warrant as it is attested in the household baptisms in Acts. True or false?


According to the textbook, tribulation is only reserved for those Christians who are living in the seven years preceding the return of Christ. True or false?


Southern Baptists have affirmed that the premillennial position is the correct one and other views are unorthodox. True or false?


The hope of eschatology is that we will eventually be able to leave this world and be with God in heaven for eternity. True or False?


The textbook is in favor of cremation for believers


When the textbook argues that the church is apostolic it is affirming that the office of the apostle has been passed down through successive generations in the leadership of the church. True or false?


The time between a believer's death and resurrection is called this by the textbook

intermediate state

The four attributes of the church that the textbook gives are:

one holy universal apostolic

The Hebrew word for assembly is _________________


3 marks of the church

right preaching of the word correct baptismal practice correct practice of the Lord's Supper

According to the textbook baptism is a public profession of God's saving work in the life of a believer. True or false?


According to the textbook eternity means civilization, architecture, banquet, feasting, ruling and work. In other words, eternity is earthy. True or False?


According to the textbook the terms pastor, bishop and elder all refer to the same office in the church. True or false?


According to the textbook there are both many Antichrists that have come into the world and there will be a final Antichrist who arises before Jesus returns. True or false?


According to the textbook, one aspect of the church's holiness is that it is daily advancing and it not yet perfect. True or false?


The Day of the Lord is a future event that the world can expect. True or false?


The New Testament makes clear that the kingdom of God arrives in two stages, and that one of them in not here yet. True or false


The Scriptures seem to indicate that there are degrees of punishment in hell. true or false?


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