Christian Faith Test 2

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philosophical explanation of life that views everything as part of the physical, material world, and excludes the existence of spiritual things


refers to the basic nature of something that which makes something what it is


refers to the events or the state of persons before the fall into sin


refers toe vents or the state persons after the fall into sin


right, fair, and perfectly aligned with God's will

day two

sky and seas


someone who believes that is impossible to know whether or not God or gods exists


someone who exists as a unique, distinct individual

day four

sun, moon, stars

day six

human beings and land animals


is the name for the third person of the trinity, or can refer to beings that have no material body, or it can refer to the life or soul of a human being

day three

land and plants

Day one


image of God

morality, intelligence, rationality, and immortality which God imparted to humanity before the fall into sin


one who is convinced that there is no God or gods


perfect according to God's standards

Creation came about because A the word of God caused it to be. B there was a big bang. C everything evolved from the same primordial substance. D God formed it from pre-existing matter. E of nothing stated in these answers.


The Bible teaches that the author of creation is A God. B an explosion. C Moses. D human beings. E someone/-thing stated in none of these answers.


the bible teaches a. that God has placed humans over the rest of creation b. that humans are no different from the animals since both were created from the dust of the earth c. that even the least of God's creatures are to be treated with respect

A, C

A theory of evolution which synthesizes the evidence forwarded in support of evolution with belief in a divine Creator who remains active in his creation is A atheistic evolution. B biological evolution. C theistic evolution. D micro-evolution. E macro-evolution. F



God's undeserved favor, love and mercy towards humanity because of the work of Christ

God is eternal means that a. God transcends all the time b. God is present simultaneously in every place c. God has complete and perfect knowledge of everything that exists d. God can do anything nothing is beyond God's ability to do e. God Rested on the seventh day


Unitarian heresies deny a the three persons of the trinity b the oneness or one substance of God c. the creation d. the flood e. the birth of jesus


another name for naturalistic or materialistic evolution is a atheistic evolution b biological evolution c evolution d micro evolution


at the beginning of life, a person's relationship with God is a. spiritually dead and an enemy of God b. spiritually dead but capable of being made alive and righteous through their own powers c. spiritually perfect but eventually corrupted by the sin of society d. spiritually neutral but capable of choosing to love or hate God


the biblical teaching that there is only one God is summarized by the word a. substance b. person c. spirit d. trinity e. given in none of these answers



a term of procreation or origin; a person begets something that has teh same nature as him/herself

the image of God in the wide sense a. is that which set humans apart from animals b. includes dominion c. includes moral capacity d. includes intelligence e. includes perfect holiness or righteousnes

a, b, c, d,

Regarding the three-ness of God a. the three persons are one in essence b. there is a division in God and each person makes up a part of God c. each person is a distinct, identifiable, self-conscious individual d. each person is fully God e. none of these answers say anything correct about it


The teaching that creation emanated from its source, the Creator, A leads to the conclusion that the created world is itself God or a part of God. B leads to or implies nothing stated in these answers. C implies that creation was an involuntary act. D implies that the Creator is an impersonal God.


which statement is/are correct about the God of the bible? a. god exists in three persons b. there are many gods c. none of these answers d. there is only one God


explain what it means that the image of God was lost in the fall into sin

adam and eve were sinners. God cannot possibly be a sinner because he is the Almighty


an overly simple explanation that ignores the complexity of an issue in order to offer an easy answer

the theory that teaches that the days of creations were not 24 hour solar days but rather longer periods of time is known as a gap theory b day-age theory c creation theory e evolution theory



biblical concept of recognizing the world and our possession as things given by God to be used in his service; accordingly human beings are seen as caretakers of God's good gifts

day five

birds and fish

God is omniscient means that a. god transcends all the time b. god is present simultaneously in every place c. God has complete and perfect knowledge of everything that exists d. god can do anything. nothing is beyond God's ability to do e. God rested on the seventh day


every human being has a. only a body b. only a soul or spirit c. a body and a soul or spirit d. neither a body nor soul e. not what is evidenced in these answers


An example(s) of a Unitarian heresy is/are: a. adoptionism b. polytheism c. Modern Unitarians d. modalism e. Christianity f. Subordinationism g. Islam h. Judaism


God is omnipotent means that a. God transcends all the time b. God is present simultaneously in every place c. God has complete and perfect knowledge of everything that exists d. God can do anything, nothing is beyond his ability to do e. God rested on the seventh day


to have dominion over creation means a. domination b. exploitation c. that all creation is to serve human beings d. that human beings are to care for all creation e. nothing evidenced in these answers



describes the relationship of the holy spirit to the other two persons of the trinity


describing god in human terms

the biblical teaching of the three-ness of the trinity is summarized by the word a. substance b. essence c. spirit d. son e. given in none of these answers


Day 1 of creation matches up with day 3 of creation. true or false


God remains hidden from people and they cannot know him true or false


Scripture tells us everything that we want to know about creation and the history of the world. true or false


The Bible says God created all things to reproduce according to their kinds, and the word kind and species are synonymous. true or false


The essence of the soul is material rather than spiritual true or false


in eternity, human beings will exist only as souls with no bodies true or false



free from the constraints of linear time; without beginning or end


the aspect of humanity that is not material but is spiritual; that which is not the body


the compassionate act of withholding a justly deserved punishment


the human of humanity


the position and stewardship that human beings have in relation to creation


this teaching or belief system emphasized a distinction between the material world (which is evil) and the spiritual dimensions (which are good)

A god is that which we fear, love, and trust above all things true or false


According to the Bible, hell was created for Satan (the devil) and all the evil angels. true or false


Christianity is not unique in discussing cosmology in terms of divine creation. true or false


Evolution is defined as a gradual process of change from one form to another. true or false


Gnosticism teaches that the goal of salvation is a person's release from a material body to enjoy a spiritual existence true or false


God has revealed himself in his work and his word true or false


God remains present and actively involved in all worldly events, including those which seem completely natural. true or false


God reveals himself to us as personal meaning he comes to us and loves us, and wants us to know and love him true or false


Human beings were created in the image of God true or false


In the Old Testament, when the word day is used with a definite number, it refers to a 24 hour solar day. true or false


Many ancient cosmologies taught that creation was not calling something new into being but rather of giving shape to that which already existed. true or false


Outside of the book of Genesis, the Old Testament affirms that creation was the divine work of God. true or false


Paul argues in the New Testament that the natural world itself gives such clear evidence of a divine creator that there is no valid excuse for failing to acknowledge him. true or false


Scripture reveals everything that we need to know regarding our salvation. true or false


Speciesim is the idea that since humans have greater moral rights than animals-- this is a prejudice or bias in favor of the interests of members of one's own species and against those of members of other species true or false


The Gap Theory is shown to be flawed by the evidence of Scripture which states that everything God made was very good. true or false


To deny the biblical creation account is to deny the inspiration of Scripture. true or false


Unitarian and Hierarchical heresies substitute human reason or speculation for the biblical teaching regarding the triune of god true or false


Until relatively recently, almost all religious and philosophical worldviews made room for a creator god. true or false


according to the bible, human beings were created by God true or false


all three persons of the trinity were involved in redemption and salvation true or false


as a christian heresy polytheism denies Gods unity by making the three person's of the trinity into independent gods that may or may not work together true or false


at death, the body returns to the dust of the ground true or false


at death, the spirit goes to God true or false


death is the departure of the spirit from the body true or false


every human being has a physical body true or false


everyone has a God true or false


human beings were created in the image of God true or false


in Christ the work and revelation of God are brought together for, Jesus is God and reveals the true god to us true or false


only after the creation of human beings does God call His creation very good true or false


only god creates true or false


saint Paul, in the bible, makes the point that the order in which man and woman were first created is of fundamental importance for right relationships between sexes today true or false


some knowledge of God is evident by his work of creation true or false


some knowledge of God is evident by our conscience true or false


the christian faith does not allow for distinctions that ascribe lesser worth to particular groups of human beings true or false


the image of God is being restored in those people who are in jesus true or false


the killing of human beings is forbidden because God made man in his own image true or false


the relationship between man and woman is one of mutual love and service true or false


the soul animates the body true or false


the third person of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit true or false


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