Chronic Kidney Disorders PrepU

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A nurse receives her client care assignment. Following the report, she should give priority assessment to the client:

who, following a kidney transplant, has returned from hemodialysis with a sodium level of 110 mEq/L and a potassium level of 2.0 mEq/L.

Hyperkalemia is a serious side effect of acute renal failure. Identify the electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing that is diagnostic for hyperkalemia.

Tall, peaked T waves

A client has undergone a renal transplant and returns to the health care agency for a follow-up evaluation. Which finding would lead to the suspicion that the client is experiencing rejection?

Tenderness over transplant site

The nurse is able to identify which condition as uremia?

An excess of urea in the blood

A client is diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease and requires teaching on the management of the disorder. Which statement made by the client indicates a need for further teaching?

"As long as I have one normal kidney, I should be fine."

The client with polycystic kidney disease asks the nurse, "Will my kidneys ever function normally again?" The best response by the nurse is:

"As the disease progresses, you will most likely require renal replacement therapy."

A client with end-stage renal disease is scheduled to undergo a kidney transplant using a sibling donated kidney. The client asks if immunosuppressive drugs can be avoided. Which is the best response by the nurse?

"Even a perfect match does not guarantee organ success."

After teaching a group of students about how to perform peritoneal dialysis, which statement would indicate to the instructor that the students need additional teaching?

"It is appropriate to warm the dialysate in a microwave."

An investment banker with chronic renal failure informs the nurse of the choice for continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis. Which is the best response by the nurse?

"This type of dialysis will provide more independence."

The nurse is caring for a patient that has developed oliguria. Oliguria is defined as urine output less than ___________mL/kg/hr.


The nurse notes that a patient who is retaining fluid had a 1-kg weight gain. The nurse knows that this is equivalent to about how many mL?

1,000 mL

Which of the following would a nurse classify as a prerenal cause of acute renal failure?

Septic shock

A change that occurs during chronic glomerulonephritis is termed


A client diagnosed with acute kidney injury (AKI) has a serum potassium level of 6.5 mEq/L. The nurse anticipates administering:

Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate)

The nurse is caring for a patient in the oliguric phase of acute kidney injury (AKI). What does the nurse know would be the daily urine output?

Less than 400 mL

A client who agreed to become an organ donor is pronounced dead. What is the most important factor in selecting a transplant recipient?

Compatible blood and tissue types

The nurse weighs a patient daily and measures urinary output every hour. The nurse notices a weight gain of 1.5 kg in a 74-kg patient over 48 hours. The nurse is aware that this weight gain is equivalent to the retention of:

1,500 mL of fluid

The nurse is caring for a client with chronic kidney disease. The patient has gained 4 kg in the past 3 days. In milliliters, how much fluid retention does this equal? Enter your response as a whole number.


A patient has stage 3 chronic kidney failure. What would the nurse expect the patient's glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to be?

A GFR of 30-59 mL/min/1.73 m2

The nurse is reviewing the potassium level of a patient with kidney disease. The results of the test are 6.5 mEq/L, and the nurse observes peaked T waves on the ECG. What priority intervention does the nurse anticipate the physician will order to reduce the potassium level?

Administration of sodium polystyrene sulfonate [Kayexalate])

A patient admitted with electrolyte imbalance has carpopedal spasm, ECG changes, and a positive Chvostek sign. What deficit does the nurse suspect the patient has?


A client has been diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis. This condition causes:


The nurse instructs a client to perform continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis correctly at home. Which educational information should the nurse provide to the client?

Use an aseptic technique during the procedure

A male client has doubts about performing peritoneal dialysis at home. He informs the nurse about his existing upper respiratory infection. Which of the following suggestions can the nurse offer to the client while performing an at-home peritoneal dialysis?

Wear a mask when performing exchanges.

The most accurate indicator of fluid loss or gain in an acutely ill client is:


The nurse is administering calcium acetate (PhosLo) to a patient with end-stage renal disease. When is the best time for the nurse to administer this medication?

With food

The nurse cares for a client with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Which acid-base imbalance is associated with this disorder?

pH 7.20, PaCO2 36, HCO3 14-

What is a hallmark of the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome?


A nurse is reviewing the history of a client who is suspected of having glomerulonephritis. Which of the following would the nurse consider significant?

Recent history of streptococcal infection

One of the roles of the nurse in caring for clients with chronic kidney disease is to help them learn to minimize and manage potential complications. This would include:

Restricting sources of potassium.

The presence of prerenal azotemia is a probable indicator for hospitalization for CAP. Which of the following is an initial laboratory result that would alert a nurse to this condition?

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)-to-creatinine ratio (BUN:Cr) >20.

The client with chronic renal failure complains of intense itching. Which assessment finding would indicate the need for further nursing education?

Brief, hot daily showers

A client is in end-stage chronic renal failure and is being added to the transplant list. The nurse explains to the client how donors are found for clients needing kidneys. Which statement is accurate?

Donors are selected from compatible living or deceased donors.

A nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of risk for ineffective breathing pattern related to incisional pain and restricted positioning for a client who has had a nephrectomy. Which of the following would be most appropriate for the nurse to include in the client's plan of care?

Encourage use of incentive spirometer every 2 hours

Which nursing assessment finding indicates that the client who has undergone renal transplant has not met expected outcomes?


A nurse is assessing a client with acute renal failure. What medications should the nurse identify as a nephrotoxic drug? Select all that apply.

Gentamycin Tobramycin Neomycin

The nurse recognizes which condition as an integumentary manifestation of chronic renal failure?

Gray-bronze skin color

The nurse cares for a client after extensive abdominal surgery. The client develops an infection that is treated with IV gentamicin. After 4 days of treatment, the client develops oliguria, and laboratory results indicate azotemia. The client is diagnosed with acute tubular necrosis and transferred to the ICU. The client is hemodynamically stable. Which dialysis method would be most appropriate for the client?


A client with chronic kidney disease becomes confused and reports abdominal cramping, racing heart rate, and numbness of the extremities. The nurse relates these symptoms to which lab value?


A client with chronic kidney disease reports generalized bone pain and tenderness. Which assessment finding would alert the nurse to an increased potential for the development of spontaneous bone fractures?


A client has end-stage renal failure. Which of the following should the nurse include when teaching the client about nutrition to limit the effects of azotemia?

Increase carbohydrates and limit protein intake

What is a characteristic of the intrarenal category of acute renal failure?

Increased BUN

A client with decreased urine output refractory to fluid challenges is evaluated for renal failure. Which condition may cause the intrinsic (intrarenal) form of acute renal failure?

Nephrotoxic injury secondary to use of contrast media

A group of students are reviewing the phases of acute renal failure. The students demonstrate understanding of the material when they identify which of the following as occurring during the second phase?


A client with renal failure is undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Which nursing diagnosis is the most appropriate for this client?

Risk for infection

The nurse is caring for a client who has undergone a nephrectomy. Which assessment finding is most important in determining nursing care for the client?

SpO2 at 90% with fine crackles in the lung bases

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