Church History Study Guide Unit 4-3

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Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), solus Christus (Christ Alone), sola gratia (Grace Alone), sola fide (Faith Alone), and soli Deo gloria (to the glory of God alone)

Name the five solas of the Reformation and what does each mean?

"Lord! Open the King of England's eyes!"

What phrase is William Tyndale remembered for saying as he was being martyred?

Its release represented the first time in history that the New Testament had been translated from the Original Greek language and made available in printed form in English.

What was so significant about Tyndale's translation?

An edict passed by King Henry VIII that declared him to be the supreme ruler over the Church of England.

What was the Act of Supremacy?

A list of prohibited books maintained by the Roman Catholic Church to prevent Roman Catholics from reading the writings of Protestants.

What was the Index?

a tribunal implemented to root out heresy within the Roman Catholic Church

What was the Inquisition?

To outline and explain the major doctrines of the Christian faith

What was the purpose of the Westminster Confession of Faith?

To set forth a response to the Arminians - the historic Reformed position on Salvation by grace alone and through Christ alone.

What was the purpose of the synod of Dort?

This Roman Catholic council met in response to the Protestant Reformation. The council had 3 main purposes. 1. It solidified the pope's authority, 2. attempted to reform corruption within the Catholic Church, and 3. proclaimed Catholic doctrine as separate from Protestant Doctrine.

What was the purpose, and what were the results, of the Council of Trent?

Queen Elizabeth I

Which English monarch introduced a "middle way" between Roman Catholicism and Puritanism?

Thomas Cranmer

Who allowed his hand to be burned as a symbol that he was sorry he had betrayed the Protestant cause in England?

Thomas Cranmer

Who wrote The Book of Common Prayer?

If God is not sovereign over everything, he ceases to truly be God over all!

Why is it important that God be sovereign over everything?

Human traditions are not necessarily based upon the World of God.

Why shouldn't Christians put their trust in human traditions?

French Huguenots (Protestants) were killed by Roman Catholics

What happened in the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre?

"Always Reforming"

What is the meaning of the term semper reformanda?

1. Preaching the Word. 2. Proper practice of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper. 3. Church Discipline.

According to John Knox, what are the three marks of a true church?

Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.

According to the Westminster Confession of Faith, was is the chief end of man?

1. Humanity is not totally depraved. 2. One can lose his/her salvation. 3. One can resist the inner working of the Holy Spirit.

What are three of the beliefs of Jacob Arminius that differed from that of the Calvinists?

Refers to God as the supreme Being in the universe, the One who controls all things, down to the behavior of molecules.

Explain the meaning of the phrase "God's sovereignty."

King Henry VIII disobeyed the Roman Catholic Pope by divorcing his wife, Catherine of Aragon, in order to marry Anne Boleyn. This action effectively separated the church in England from Roman Catholicism.

What event brought the Reformation to England?

The Society of Jesus or the Jesuits

What are the two names for the order of clerics formed by Ignatius of Loyola, and why was this society formed?

TULIP - Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the Saints.

What are the five points to the "Doctrine of Grace?"

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