Church History Unit 2 Section 2 Threats from Within and Without
how many military campaigns?
what brought an end to Christian control of Holy Land?
Acre, the last Christian stronghold in Muslim territory fell.
Catherine of Siena Plea
Catherine of Siena, one of the greatest medieval mystics, is credited with persuading Pope Gregory x1 (the 7th Avignon Pope) to return to Rome. had deep respect for the Papacy and wanted men occupying the office to be worthy of calling.
situation of the Crusades
Holy lands and early Christian territories are now under the control and rule of Muslim forces/ Islam.
what are some of the Historical situations/realities of the Church?
IT was expanding and gaining power/influence over political affairs. still a division between Eastern Church (Byzantine) and the West (rome).
what was King Phillips response to the Popes actions? what did this event signal?
King Phillip sent troops to Italy to arrest the Pope. The Pope was eventually rescued by died a month later. this event signaled that the Papacy was becoming weakened by nationalism.
before too long once the First Crusade failed,
Muslims recaptured Jerusalem and all the lands taken by the knights in first Crusade
problems of crusades
Palastines= various cultures, faiths, and political difficulties. Christians could not maintain control. eventually lose control over Holy Lands
what did Most Eastern Churches side with?
what led to another election?
Pope Alexander dropping dead on his way to Rome
The Avignon Papacy
Pope Clement moving the Church HQ from Rome to Avignon, in the south of France.
Eastern Schism problem
Pope began to assert more authority over the Eastern Churchs and Patrarchs
what did the Pope do to forbid taxation of the clergy and to threaten excommunication for those collecting such taxes?
Pope issued a bull/ law/proclamation.
Why did Patriarch Micheal Cerularius of Constantinople felt that the two Churches could not be in union?
Popes began to declare and assert their authority over the whole Church. As a result it took power away from teh patriarch of Constantinope
with the Turks destorying Byzantine, what was made possible?
Turks could expand over the entire Eastern empire and move into the west.
what did the Papacy dengerate into/ lead to?
a battle for temporal power and influence, whch played out in an increasingly absurd drama.
what campaign occured in Jerusalem?
a campaign of subjugation began against Christians.
resolution to the situation of Great Western Schism. reality?
a church council was called to resovle the situation and declare the rightful Pope. instead it deposed both Popes and named a third pope, Alexander V.
what was the situation of the Western Schism?
a conflict that still remained between Secular and Church authorities= who has the power? (wars continued throughout Europe)
The Iconoclast Controversy.
a controversy that raged in the Eastern Church over the use of icons in Liturgy during the 700s. The Byzantine emperor Leo 3 condemned the veneration of sacred images believing it was a form of Idolatry. Pope stood in opposition to the emperor and defended the veneration of icons as an important part of Christian Piety
a flat 2 demensional painting of Christ, Mary mother of God, ora saint
what did some of the cultural differences between the East and West Churches lead to?
a greater split or division between the 2 Churches.
Conciliar Movement
a reform movement that emerged in the Church in the 14th century that held that final authority in spiritual matters rested with church councils, not with the Pope.
Great Western Schism
a split within the Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417. also called the Papal Schism.
how was the second crusade initiated? (Second Crusade)
after some territories won by the Christians of the First Crusade fell back to the Muslims which caused the Crusade to fail.
West= Rome
after the first fall of the Roman Empire. not wedded to the Romans. universal Church. leadership under Pope. less secular control over Church leaders.
and from the son. added to the Nicene Creed which creates a theological conflict between East and West Churches.
Why did the Council of Chalcedon judge that the see of Constantinople should be ranked after Rome?
because the bishops viewed Constantinople as the New Rome.
when did the Crusades take place?
between 1096-1270.
what did the campaign of the First Crusade have?
both gains and losses. In Byzantium some territories were recovered but the Knights motives were meeting growing suspicion among the Greeks and tensions grew.
what is Pope Urbane credited with?
calling of a Crusade (cross) to defend Christianity in Europe. This is a military defense of Christianity against spread of Islam
Great Western Schism result
caused confusion for faithful Christians and political maneuvering as government took sides along political lines.
what did the Later Crusades accomplish?
create a Christian passageway to the Holy lands for Christian pilgrimages
division or split
The Black Death
during the Avignon Papacy, a terrible catastrophe struck Europe. called the Black Death, this epidemic is estimated to have killed 1/3 of the European population or about 20 million people.
in the year following Byzantine emperors called for aid from the Western Church when his city was invaded by Muslims,
what are the East and West Churches views of the relationship between the Church and State?
what does Micheal Cerularius do in turn?
excommunicates the Pope and calls a synod to condemn the actions of the Popes representative
result of Pope asserting more authority over Eastern churches and Patriarchs
excommunications= a big mess in the Christian Church
outcomes of Crusades
had few minor successes. Jerusalem and Asia still in Muslim hands. Crusades did bring about some gains for the West like bringin back to Europe many goods and inventions. through contact with Muslim scholars they learned of advances in astronomy, math, and science. also brought back the works of Greek philosophers.
Benefit of Crusades
holding back Turkish/ Muslim expansion into Europe
when did the Black Death arrive to Europe?
in 1347 by way of Sicily.
what ended the Western Schism?
in 1417 when the COncil of Constance elected Martin v as the new Pope.
when was reconciliation revived?
in 1976 when Pope Paul v1 and Patriarch Athenagorus lifted the mutual excommunications.
why was a First Crusade called for in the late 11th century?
in 2 centuries of recurring battles between Christendom and Islam for control of the Holy Land and other Christian territories.
what did Conciliarism emerge?
in response to the Avignon Papacy
The Hundred Year War
in the 14th century two Catholic nations, England and France, entered into a struggle over territory that would last nearly 100 years.
what is also known about the Black Death?
it become the subject of folklore, art, and music, which is often reflected a sense of doom.
Benefit for Avignon Papacy
it deprived the papacy of military and financial independence.
after the Eastern schism what happens to the Christian world?
it was divided into the Roman Church of the West, Orthodox/Greek, and Church of the East.
most of the time what would happen if people tried to reconcile?
it would fail along with any hope with unity.
Crusaders of the First Crusade
knights who were driven by misguided Zeal to regain control of Jerusalem and massacred Jews and Muslims. honored as defenders of faith. granted indulgences. received rewards.
what are some of the cultural differences between the Eastern and Western Churches/
language difference, live in 2 aspects of the world, cultural difference=day to day life, and ideological differences.
large and popular city like NYC. Wealthy. Politically strong. Constantine named it the capital. Christianity became the official religion in this region.
resolution to the wounds inflicted by fourth crusade
later leaders of Byzantine church would seek compromise with Western Church
besides being concerned about the affluent lifestyle of the Avignon Popes what did Christians in Europe believed the Pope should do?
live in Avignon. (Courts of Avignon- place of extreme wealth and material comforts)
as the Crusades began,
militaries move to the Holy lands. Lay Christian population organized themselves into military force to march through Eastern Europe to Constantinople. lots of brutal military battles.
what would replaced the destroyed Churches in Jerusalem?
as a result to the campaign in Jerusalem,
movement was restricuted and followers were forced to wear distincitve clothing to identify them as infidels. Pilgrimage routes to Jerusalem were blocked and Christian pilgrims were prevented from visiting the Holy City.
what were the Greeks seeking when they sent a request to the Byzantine emperor to Pope Urban 2?
protection against the Turkish Muslims who had invaded their territory.
fourth crusade
purpoSailed to Constantinople. after siege of city, Crusaders broke city walls and spilled into streets of Constantinople. (chaos) crusaders broke into churches and stole or destroyed precious icons, relics, and adornments. churches and holiest shrines were vandalized. most of Constantinople was left in ruins.
what did the third crusade fail to do?
recapture Jeruslame but gained the right for Christians to visit the city
the wounds inflicted by fourth crusade were
slow to heal.
later crusades
smaller crusades folllowed. failed to meet their intended goal.
The Eastern Schism
tensions between teh East and West Churches tha reached to a breaking point.
what did Cerularius further declare ?
that he was solely in charge of the Eastern Church.
how did the Eastern Church feel about Pope being successor of Saint Peter?
that this authority had been taken too far when in the 11th century, Popes began to declare and assert their authority over the Whole Church, which took power away from the Patriarch of Constantinople from Byzantine churches.
what did the French do about the election?
the French returned to France, deposed of Urban, and elected a Frenchman to replace him
what was the effect of the Western Schism on the Church and Christendom?
the Papacy lost its dignity and authority and came to be viewed with cynicism. excommunications also lost influence as legitimate measure to correct serious sins.
what did both churches accept?
the Pope, Bishop of Rome, as the successor of Saint Peter.
what outcome further fueled tensions between the East and West after the Iconoclast Controversy?
the Second Council of Nicaea supported the Popes position.
what are the early centuries of the Church are identified as?
the age of persecution.
what was likely cause of the Black Death?
the bacteria of the plague was brought to Italy by merchant ships and was likely spread by fleas from shipboard rats.
the belief that the material item itself holds special powers.
what was the first dispute/ conflict that tested the Church's resolve and resilience?
the break with the Church of Constnatinople
East= Byzantine
the creation of National churches. creates some division and controversy. More secular/political control over the Church leaders. (Patriarchs)
what happens when Cerularius refused to submit to the Pope?
the envoy excommunicated him.
what did French cardinals claim after the election of the new Pope?
the have been pressured into electing URban.
when monasteries were established throughout Europe what is this often called?
the monastic period.
what do many historians see the reign of Pope Bonfiace V111 as?
the start of the decline of the paper of the papacy
what did the West Church do about the Greeks?
they helped them because they both shared a common foe.
what did King Edward 1 of England and Philip 2 of France sought?
to assert authority over the Church by taxing the clergy
why did Pope Leo sent an envoy to Constantinople?
to issue a papal bull demanding Cerularius's submission to the Pope.
how did the crusaders of the 4th century get to Constantinople?
took Med sea route.
what did the new pope do?
took the name Clement v11 and reestablish a papal court in Avignon. a friend of King Phillip
raise funds to cover cost of ships=
transport the fourth crusaders
how was the Third crusade launched? (Third Crusade)
under the joint leadership of King Richard of England, Philip 2 of France, and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany
when did Conciliarism thrived?
until the mid fourteenth century when Pope Pius 11 formally condemned it and reestablished papal primacy
usage of Icons
used in prayer to aid or assist Christians within their prayer.
what were the crusades?
wars of religion conviction undertaken by Christians to the holy land and stop the expansion of Islam
what is the truth with icons?
we are not worshipping the Icon. rather we use it to help deepen our relationship with God.
Why was the Filoque added?
west= to clarify the belief and understanding in the holy spirit= third person of our 1 God. East= we cannot change the Creed and it is a violation of the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon/
how did the crisis between the East and west churches peaked?
when Cerularius closed all Latin churches in Constantinople, excommunicated all priests who continued to follow the Latin tradition, and halted use of Filioque in Nicene Creed.
what brought an end to the Roman Empire in the East?
when Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.
how was a new Pope elected?
when Gregory died in 1378, pressure from Roman mobs helped elect ain Italian, Urban v1.
what decision led by the Council led to centuries of disputed between Christian communities loyal to thePope and those loyal to the Patriarch of Constantinople?
when Pope Leo rejected the decision that the See of Constantinople to a position second only to Rome in eminence and power.
First Crusade
when Pope Urban recruited men for an expedition against the Turks. Goals: to help Byzantine Church and to take back Jerusalem. campaign. was a success.
explain a key event that required a swift and uncompromising response such as war?
when Turks invaded Jerusalem and their leader, had ordered the destruction of the Church in Jerusalem.
what made some Eastern Churches who followed the teaching of Nestorius began to separate from the Western Church?
when the Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon condemned the Nestorian heresy which Denied Marys role as the oMother of God.
how did the situation of the weakening of the Papacy worsen?
when two years later the college of cardinals elected a French Pope, Clement v.