Circulatory Pathways lab #7
Left posterior tibial vein -> Left popliteal vein -> Left femoral vein -> Left external iliac vein -> Left common iliac vein -> Inferior vena cava -> Right atrium -> Tricuspid valve -> Right Ventricle -> Pulmonary semilunar valve -> Pulmonary trunk -> Pulmonary arteries -> Lungs -> Pulmonary veins -> Left atrium -> Bicuspid valve -> Left ventricle -> Aortic semilunar valve -> Aorta -> Right renal artery -> Right renal vein -> Inferior vena cava -> Right atrium -> Right ventricle -> pulmonary trunk -> Lungs -> Left atrium -> Left ventricle -> Aorta -> Celiac trunk -> Left gastic artery
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Back of left calf to Right kidney to Stomach?
Left median cubital vein ->Left basilic vein -> left axillary vein ->Left subclavian vein -> Left brachiocephalic vein -> Superior vena cava -> heart -> lungs -> heart -> aorta -> Right ovarian artery -> right ovarian vein -> Inferior vena cava -> heart -> lungs -> heart -> Brachiocephalic trunk -> Right common carotid artery -> Right external carotid artery
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Left antecubital area to right ovary to skin of scalp, traveling on the right side of the body
Left ovarian vein -> Left renal vein -> Inferior vena cava -> Right atrium
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Left ovary to right atrium?
Left internal jugular vein -> Left subclavian vein -> Left brachiocephalic vein -> Superior vena cava -> Right atrium -> Right venticle -> Pulmonary trunk -> Lungs -> Left atrium -> Left ventricle -> Aorta -> Brachiocephalic trunk -> Right subclavian artery -> Right internal thoracic artery -> Right intercostal arteries ->Right intercostal veins -> Azygos vein -> Superior vena cava -> Right atrium -> heart -> lungs -> heart -> Left ventricle -> Aorta -> Inferior mesenteric artery
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Left side of brain to Right intercostal muscles to large intestine?
Left ventricle -> Aortic semilunar valve -> Aorta -> Brachiocephalic trunk -> Right common carotid artery -> Right internal carotid artery -> Circle of willis
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Left ventricle to circle of willis, traveling on the right side of the body?
Liver -> Right and left hepatic veins -> Inferior vena cava -> Right atrium -> Tricuspid valve -> Right ventricle -> Pulmonary trunk -> Pulmonary arteries -> Lungs -> Pulmonary veins -> Left atrium -> Bicuspid valve -> Left ventricle -> Aortic semilunar valve -> Aorta -> Superior mesenteric artery -> Superior mesenteric vein -> Hepatic portal vein -> Liver -> Right and left heptic veins -> Inferior vena cava -> Right atrium -> Tricuspid valve -> Right ventricle -> Pulmonary semilunar valve -> Pulmonary trunk -> Pulmonary arteries -> Lungs -> Pulmonary veins -> Left atrium -> Bicuspid valve -> Left ventricle -> Aortic semilunar valve -> Left subclavian artery -> Left internal carotid artery -> Circle of willis
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Liver to small intenstine to circle of willis, traveling on the left side of the body?
Right ulnar vein ->Right brachial vein -> Right axillary vein -> Right subclavian vein -> Right Brachiocephalic vein -> Superior vena cava -> right atrium -> right ventricle -> pulmonary trunk -> lungs -> Left ventricle -> Aorta -> Right and left aortic sinuses -> Right and left coronary arteries ->Myocardium -> Great cardiac vein -> Coronary sinus -> Right atrium -> Right Ventricle -> Pulmonary trunk -> Lungs -> Left atrium -> Left ventricle -> Aorta -> Brachiocephalic trunk -> Right subclavian artery -> Right axillary artery -> Right brachial artery -> Right radial artery
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Medial side of right wrist to myocardium to lateral side of right wrist?
Superior mesenteric vein -> hepatic portal vein -> liver -> Right and Left hepatic veins -> Inferior vena cava -> Right atrium -> Triscupid valve -> Right ventricle -> Pulmonary semilunar valve -> Pulmonary trunk -> Left and Right pulmonary arteries -> Lungs -> Pulmonary arterioles -> Capillary networks -> Alveoli -> Aveolar capillaries -> Venules -> Pulmonary veins -> Left atrium -> Bicuspid valve -> Left ventricle -> Aortic semilunar valve -> Aorta ->Celiac trunk -> Left gastic artery
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Small intestine to stomach?
Splenic vein -> Hepatic portal vein -> Liver -> Right and Left hepatic veins -> Inferior vena cava
Trace the path of a drop of blood from: Spleen to Inferior vena cava?
Left Ventricle -> Aortic semilunar valve -> Aorta -> Right common iliac artery -> Right external iliac artery -> Right femoral artery -> Right popliteal artery -> Right knee
Trace the path of a drop of blood traveling from: The left ventricle to right knee?
Right brachial vein -> Right axillary vein -> Right subclavian vein -> Right brachiocephalic veins -> Superior vena cava -> Right atrium -> Tricuspid valve -> Right ventricle -> Pulmonary semilunar valve -> Pulmonary trunk
Trace the path of a drop of blood traveling from: The right arm to pulmonary trunk?