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FedBid, Oracle, and Ingram are examples of ______ ecommerce


Websites that sell good and services to other businesses or to the government


Online store fronts that offer march and services to consumers


Which ecommerce classification encompasses consumers selling merchandise and services to each other?


Which ecommerce classification encompasses online storefronts selling merchandise and services to consumers?


Zappos, Amazon, and Dell are examples of _____ ecommerce.


EBay and TaoBao are examples of _____ ecommerce.


consumers sell to each other at popular auction and list sites


What does CRM stand for?

Customer Relationship Management

The acronym ____________ refers to software that manages data stored in a database.


What is an option that offers a set of development tools for creating and accessing databases when a word processor or spreadsheet isn't sufficient to handle a data set?


software that manages data store in a database


attacks designed to flood a web site with so much traffic that it can no longer function


helps people make decisions by directly manipulating data, accessing data from external sources, generating statistical projections, and creating models of various scenarios

DSS (Decision Support System)

In which phase of the SDLC must the project team figure out how the new system will fulfill the requirements specified in the system requirements report?

Design phase

a type of decision support system designed to provide senior managers w info relevant to strategic management activities

EIS (executive information system)

design for the army during world war !! but wasn't finished until 3 months later

ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator computer)

LAN server that is designed to look like a legitimate wifi hotspot

Evil twin

T/F: Access to databases is usually open to anyone within an organization or business.


T/F: In a case-sensitive database, uppercase letters are equivalent to their lowercase counterparts.


T/F: Relational databases store unstructured data.


T/F: The acronym ERP stands for enterprise relationship payment.


What are easy-to-use DBMS's that are a good fit for small businesses and individuals?

Filemaker Pro, Microsoft Access

any computer system that processes data and provides info within a business setting


a group of technologies for managing databases that do not adhere to the relational model and standard SQL query language


the level of performance a computer system provides

QoS (quality of service)

malware that arrives in a trojan disguised as legitimate software

RAT intrusion

What are the three data types? Explain.

Real - used for fields that contain numbers with decimal places integer - used for fields that contain whole numbers date - stores dates in a format that allows them to be manipulated

Why do businesses use SCM ?

SC is complex want to be efficient and profitable

collection of special command words in SQL query

SQL keywords

can operate directly on the database to carry out the user's instructions

SQL query

T/F: A decision support system derives its name from the fact that it provides the tools a decision maker needs to analyze data.


T/F: A major source of data for CRM is produced by loyalty programs.


T/F: Enterprise database applications tend to have some flexibility for customization,


T/F: FileMaker Pro and Microsoft Access are DBMSs.


T/F: In a relational database, relationships are specified by joining common data stored in records from different tables.


T/F: Information systems designed for a specific industry or enterprise may use vertical market software.


T/F: One of the major functions of an information system is to help people make decisions in response to problems.


T/F: SQL works behind the scenes as an intermediary between the database client software provided to users and the database itself.


T/F: The goal of SCM is to supply customers with the right product at the right price.


T/F: The goal of normalization is to minimize data redundancy.


first commercially successful digital computer


How can decision makers access analytical databases?

Using an executive dashboard

popular tool used to format document databases


designed to verify that the new info system works as required

acceptance testing

victim is promised large amount of money in exchange for a bank account number from which a small advance fee is withdrawn

advance fee fraud

who invented the first telephone?

alexander graham bel 1876l

A(n) _________ database is used to collect data that will be used for spotting trends that offer insights for tactical and strategic business decisions.


database that is used to collect data that will be used for spotting trends that offer insights for tactical and strategic business decisions

analytical database

shields certain apps against behaviors commonly exhibited by intrusions and other exploits

anti-exploit software

type of utility software that looks for and eliminates viruses of trojans, worms, and other malware

antivirus software

when internet upload speed differs from download speed

asymmetric connection

undocumented method of accessing a digital device


the transmission capacity of a communication channel


top speed allowed by your plan

bandwidth cap

ISPs placing further limits on speed during peak times

bandwidth throttling

huge collections of data that are difficult to process, analyze, and manage using conventional database tools

big data

a client-server network created by hackers who gain control over several computers


network channels that are capable of moving at least two megabits of data per second


password stacking software to generate every possible combination of letters, numbers, and symbols; can run for days before password is cracked

brute force attack

What are the NoSQL technologies effective for?

building and managing non-relational databases

raw materials used by businesses to make consumer goods

capital goods

encrypted file

cipher text

process of modifying an executable file or data stream by adding more commands

code injection

What tasks do operational databases perform in relations to data?

collect and store, view, find, update, organize, distribute, move or remove

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a management information system?

collect, display, and modify transactions

medium used to transport info from one network to another

communication channel

links devices to data; info can be shared among them

communication network

virtual end point for data entering and leaving a digital device

communication port

a calculation that a DBMS performs, similar to the way a spreadsheet computes a formula

computed field

three categories of the information industry

content computers telecommunications

examples of corrective procedures

data backups disaster recovery plans

an incident in which personal data is viewed, accessed, or retrieved without authorization

data breach

a specialized facility designed to hold and protect computer systems and data

data center

the amount of data that is duplicated in a database

data redundancy

What type of data do analytical databases store?

data that is used by corporate executives, strategic planners, and other workers to examine business metrics

specifies the way data is represented on a physical storage media and RAM

data type

a list of kets, and each ket provides a pointer to the data that contains the rest of the fields related to that key

database index

the underlying structure of a database

database model

the arrangement of fields , tables, and relationships in a database

database structure

cipher text --> plain text


antivirus software is an example of which security measure

detection activities

What is the first step in structuring a relational database?

determine what data should be collected and stored

helps hackers guess your password by stepping thru dictionary

dictionary attack

displaces an existing business process, market, industry, or product

disruptive technology

database that stores unstructured data

document oriented database

designed to deliver malicious code into a device


business transactions that are conducted electronically over a computer network


transforms data file so that it is hidden to unauthorized readers


any organization that seeks profit by providing goods and services


What is ERP?

enterprise resource planning a suite of software modules that integrate major business activities

1.074 billion gigabytes


report that contains info that is outside of normal or acceptable ranges

exception report

In a database, a(n) __________ contains the smallest unit of meaningful information


a template that adds the correct formatting as data is entered

field format

a specification that the database designer sets up to filter data entered into a particular field

field validation

What are the three core elements in a relational database

fields, tables, relationships

can be characterized by their use of vacuum tubes to store individual bits of data

first generation computers

one of the simplest models for storing data; consists of single, two-dimenstionable table of data elements

flat file

appeared in 1974 with the development of the first general-purpose microprocessor

fourth generation computers

software designed for common elements of many businesses

horizontal market

data type that stores URLs used to link from a database to a Web page


During which phase of the SDLC does the project team supervise the tasks necessary to construct the new info system

implementation phase

collects, stores, and processes data to provide useful, accurate, and timely info

information systems

system of high capacity routers and fiber optic communication links

internet backbone

the way networks fit together

internet infrastructure

creating a relationship between tables in SQL

joining tables

spyware that records keystrokes and sends them to a hacker who sifts out user passwords to access the victim's accounts


data type that is used for true/false and yes/no data

logical (boolean)

data type that provides a variable length field for user comments

long text

validates a field entry by checking data in an in-house or third party database

lookup routine

What is a major source of data for CRM?

loyalty programs

Which phase of the SDLC involves day to day operation of the system?

maintenance phase

any program design to surreptitiously enter a digital device


circuitry that converts data carrying signals from digital device to signals that can travel over various communications channels


arranges info by more than one field

multi-level sort

database that organizes relationships over three or more dimensions

multidimensional database

channels slower than 2 Mbps


a process that helps database designers create a database structure that minimizes storage space and increases processing efficiency


database that stores data as objects, which can be grouped into classes and defined by attributes and methods

object database

Where do databases typically reside today?

on an in-house server, on a cloud based server, on distributed servers scattered throughout the world

Most modern transaction processing systems use ________ processing—a real-time method in which each transaction is processed as it is entered.


database that is used to collect, modify, and maintain data on a daily basis

operation database

A(n) _________ database is used to collect, modify, and maintain data on a daily basis.


covers activities that make day-to-day operations run smoothly

operational planning

detailed specifications for a command


action(s) carried out by malware code


what does PIECES stand for?

performance information economics control efficiency service

redirects web site traffic to fraudulent websites that distribute malware, collect personal data and other scams


obtain private information such as passwords and bankcard numbers through email scams


the order in which data are arranged on storage devices

physical sort order

file that has not yet been encrypted

plain text

A(n) _______________ is a field that contains data unique to a record.

primary key

maps the expected profitability of a product from its inception to its termination

product life cycle

languages in which one of their main capabilities is to request data from a database

query languages

locks a device and requests payment for an unlocking code

ransomware intrusion

detection activities

recognize attacks and trigger preventive countermeasures

corrective procedures

reduce the effect of an attack


reduce the likelihood of a deliberate attack

database that stores data in a collection of relatable tables

relational database

a software tool for specifying the content and format for a database report

report generator

the outline or general specifications for a report

report template

usually begins with a virus warning and an offer to disinfect the infected device; tricks customers into clicking link and downloading malware

rogue antivirus exploit

used transistors instead of vacuum tubes

second generation computers

co-location center

several corps lease space and equipment

preventative countermeasures

shield vulnerabilities to render and attack unsuccessful

data type that is assigned to fixed length fields that hold character data

short text (access)

A(n) _________ sort uses one field, to arrange records. A(n) _________ sort arranges information by more than one field.

single level multi level

uses only one field to arrange records

single-level sort

the process of modifying a commercial app to reflect an organization's needs

software customization

the column of data that is used as the basis for rearranging the data

sort key

emphasis on long-range and future goals

strategic planning

uses a uniform format to store data for each person or thing in a file

structured file

report that combines, groups, or totals data

summary report

when upload and download speeds are the same

symmetric connection

the process of deactivating an old info system and activating a new one

system conversion

the criteria for successfully solving problems identified in an info system

system requirements

focuses on developing info systems according to the phases of an SDLC

systems analysis and design

What is SDLC?

systems development life cycle several phases of info systems

setting incremental goals that can be achieved in a year or less

tactical planning

built in 1816 using cable connected at either end to dials marked with letters of the alphabet


transmit info over long distances without use of living carrier


What do DBMS's handle?

the details of how to most efficiently arrange data on a storage medium for optimal access speed

became possible in 1958, when integrated circuits were developed

third generation computers

what is the goal of the planning phase ?

to create a project development plan

What is the goal of normalization?

to minimize data redundancy

what is the goal of the analysis phase?

to produce a list of requirements for a new or revised info system

regulate current of voltage flow and act as a switch for electronic signals


computer program that seems to perform one function while actually doing something else


How are commands processed by the DBMS issued?

using computer programming languages designed for databases

How ar updates and modifications to the contents of a database field made?

using the SQL update command

an electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum

vacuum tube

What type of software controls touchscreen order entry at fast food restaurants?


software designed for a specific industry or enterprise

vertical market

section of program code that contains a unique series of instructions known to be a part of a malware exploit

virus signature

disclosure by an employee of confidential info that relates to some danger, fraud, or other illegal connected with the workplace


transport data thru wires and cables

wired channels

The planning phase of a SDLC includes all of the following except ___________.

writing a requirements report

exploits previously unknown vulnerabilities in software apps, hardware and operating system program code

zero day attack

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