CIS Chapter 1

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All business processes are formally documented by an organization. True False


Computers and programs are the only things required to produce the information an organization needs. True False


Data is information that has been shaped into a form that is meaningful to human beings. True False


Creative work driven by new knowledge and information is a significant part of management responsibility. True False


You need to know something about the hierarchy and culture of the company in order to understand how a specific business firm uses information systems. True False


In a hierarchical organization, the upper level consists of: a. scientists. b. senior management. c. professional employees. d. data workers. e. knowledge workers.

b. senior management

Which of the following is an example of raw data from an automobile manufacturer? a. An average of 120 Subarus sold daily in New York in 2016 b. 1,200 Subaru Outbacks sold during the first quarter 2016 in New York c. One Subaru Outback sold July 27, 2016 in Mohegan Lake, New York for $24,000 d. Annual sales of Subaru Outbacks increased 5.3 percent e. An average sale price of $25,500 for all Subaru Outbacks sold during July 2016 in Mohegan Lake, New York

c. One Subaru Outback sold July 27, 2016 in Mohegan Lake, New York for $24,000

In a business hierarchy, which of the following levels is responsible for monitoring the daily activities of the business? a. Middle management b. Service workers c. Production management d. Operational management e. Knowledge workers

d. Operational management

Which of the following is a global network that uses universal standards to connect millions of different networks around the world? a. An extranet b. The World Wide Web c. The Internet d. An intranet e. Verizon

d. The Internet

Which field of study focuses on both a behavioral and technical understanding of information systems? a. Sociology b. Operations research c. Economics d. Behavioral computing e. Management information systems

e. Management information systems

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