CIT 352 Final Exam

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After modifying the /etc/aliases file, what command must be run in order to rebuild the aliases database?


An IPv6 IP address consists of 16-bit numbers in what numbering scheme?


An RPM package can be converted to a cpio archive using what command?

default gateway

Before a computer can use a router, what configuration information must it be provided?


Each octet in an IP address represents a binary number consisting of how many bits / bytes?


Files that have been compressed using the compress utility typically have the ______ extension.


How can you specify the intended DNS server to query with the dig command?​


How many DNS servers can be configured in the /etc/resolv.conf file?


IPv6 IP addresses are delimited by what character below?


If no level of compression is specified, the gzip command assumes what compression level?


In NTP, what stratum consists of atomic devices or GPS clocks?


In order to change the time zone of a system after installation, what command must be used?​


In order to download DPM packages, what command should be used below?​


In order to enable IP routing on Linux at boot, what setting must be configured in /etc/sysctl.conf?​

Restart the DHCP daemon

Mary is a system administrator in your organization. She has recently made changes to the DHCP configuration file, but the DHCP daemon does not seem to recognize the new changes. What should she do?


Most Linux distributions make use of what package manager?


Select below the configuration file that is used to configure the BIND / DNS server:​


Select the SQL statement below that can be used to delete a database:


Select the command that can be used to send a small TCP/IP packet to another IP address and await a response:


Select the option that, when used with the gzip command, causes the compression ratio for files that have been compressed to be listed:


The Adaptive Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm used by the compress utility is capable of an average compression ratio of what percent?

TCP 80

The Apache daemon listens for HTTP requests on what port by default?


The daemons associated with network services listen for network traffic associated with a particular ______ .


The dump/restore utility is limited to a maximum of how many different incremental backups?


The sshd daemon is configured by editing what configuration file?​

nslookup hostname, dig hostname, host hostname

To test DNS configuration by resolving a host name to IP address, which command or commands can you use?


What DNS resource record type is used to provide the IP address for the e-mail server for a zone?​


What FTP command runs a shell on the local computer?


What PostgreSQL command-line utility backs up PostgreSQL database settings?

DNS, /etc/hosts

What are two means available to resolve a host name to the appropriate TCP/IP address? (Choose two answers.)


What is the most commonly used LAN protocol?


What option can be added to the rpm command in order to query packages?​


Which Windows program is often used to connect to a Linux server via SSH?


Which command below can be used at a BASH command prompt to obtain a web page?

smbclient //fileserver/data

Which command can be used to connect to a remote Windows share called data on the server called fileserver?


Which command can you use to synchronize ntpd with an NTP time source?


Which file stores the TCP/IP addresses of the DNS servers used to resolve host names if no DNS servers are specified within the network configuration file for the NIC?


Which file would you modify to permanently change the TCP/IP address of the first wired NIC on a Fedora 20 system?

0, 1, 2, 3, 4

You have created a full backup and four incremental backups. In which order must you restore these backups?


You have opened a telnet session on port 25 with your email server. What command can you type within your telnet session to start an email session? (Choose all that apply.)

package dependency

​RPM packages that require other RPM packages to be installed on a system prior to being installed creates a relationship known as?


​What command can be used to search for DPM package information?


​What command can be used to see what actual time servers are being used for synchronization?


​What option can be added to the dpkg command to remove a specified package from the system, including any configuration files used by the package?


What command can be used to assign a TCP/IP configuration to a NIC as well as view the current configuration of all network interfaces?


What command can be used to display the contents of a file that was compressed with the compress utility?


What command can be used to troubleshoot routing by displaying all routers between the current computer and a remote computer?


What command can be used to view and modify the date and time within the BIOS?​


What command looks for a Makefile and uses the information within to compile the source code into binary programs using the appropriate compiler program for the local hardware architecture?


What device file below indicates the first ATAPI IDE tape device (nonrewinding)?

DirectoryIndex index.html

What directive below in Apache's httpd.conf file specifies that the index.html file in the document root directory will be sent to clients who request an HTML document?


What directory are you placed in when you log in as the anonymous user to an Ubuntu Server 14.04 FTP server?

mput filename

What ftp command uploads the filename from the current directory on the local computer to the current directory on the remote computer, and allows the use of wildcard metacharacters to specify the filename.


What is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm​'s largest key length size?


What is the average compression ratio for the gzip utility using the LZ77 compression algorithm?


What is the maximum number of characters that can be used in a NetBIOS name?

What is the subnet mask for a Class B IP address?

What is the subnet mask for a Class C IP address?


What kind of servers resolve fully qualified domain names to IP addresses for a certain namespace on the Internet?


What option can be added to the netstat command in order to display network statistics?​


What option can be used with ssh to enable tunneling of X Windows information?​

UDP 123

What port is used by the Network Time Protocol (NTP) for communication?


What range of ports is considered to be "well-known"?​

Secure Shell (SSH)

What tool below was designed as a secure remote access utility that encrypts information that passes across the network?


What well-known TCP port is utilized by the SMTP service?​


What zone configuration file contains a PTR record used to identify the loopback adapter?


When compiling source code into a binary program, which command does the compiling using the GNU C Compiler?


When used with the compress command, what option below can be used to compress symbolic links?


When used with the uncompress command, what option displays the contents of the compress file to Standard Output?


When using the compress utility, each file specified for compression is renamed with what extension?


When working with Sendmail, what command can be used to test SMTP support?


Where are the log files for the Samba daemon located?


Which DNS resource record is an alias to other records?


Which command can be used to connect to check the /etc/samba/smb.conf file for syntax errors?


Which command within the command-line FTP utility can be used to change the current directory on the local computer?

ifup eth0

Which command would be used to activate the NIC aliased as eth0?


Which dump level indicates a full backup?


Which file contains full and incremental back-up information for use with the dump/restore utility?


Which filename extension indicates a tarball?


Which files stores the Apache configuration in Fedora 20?

Apache (httpd), DNS (named)

Which of the following are stand-alone daemons? (Choose all that apply.)

rpm -ql packagename

Which of the following commands can be used to list the files contained within an installed RPM package?

yum search oobla

Which of the following commands can be used to search for packages that contain the word oobla on RPM software repositories?

tar -zcvf /dev/st0 *

Which of the following commands creates an archive?

Edit the /etc/exports file, Run the exportfs -a command, Start or restart the NFS daemons

Which of the following must you perform to share a directory using NFS? (Choose all that apply.)


Which option to the rpm command can be used to remove a package from the system?

route, ip

Which two commands can be used to modify the route table on a Linux computer (Choose two answers.)


​What option can be added to the rpm command to upgrade a specified package only if an older version exists on the system?

yum grouplist

​What yum command below can display a list of package group names?


​Where is the default document root directory for the Apache web server?

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