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Identify the example of when situation and time are key to assessing risk of harm in a research study:

Asking women if they have had an abortion Asking women if they have had an abortion would carry very different risks in a country where abortion is a routine medical practice, a country where it is illegal, and a country in which it is legal but the issue is fraught with religious and political controversy.

A student plans on interviewing 15 principals in neighboring high schools. The student plans to collect data about the personal experiences the principals have had with disruptive students, including the types of disciplinary actions that were taken (including decisions they may have personally made) and their feelings or thoughts regarding whether those actions were appropriate. The research data collected could have an impact on the principals' careers. The student will collect identifiers. This study would be subject to which type of review?

Convened Review This study would qualify for convened review because the IRB must conduct a careful analysis. The study involves an interview where the data collected could have an impact on the principals' careers and it contains subject identifiers.

Which of the following statements about the relationship between an institution and the institution's IRB(s) is correct?

Officials of the institution may overrule an IRB approval. If an IRB has disapproved a protocol, that disapproval may not be overturned by an institutional official or anyone at that institution, such as a department chair. However, an IRB-approved protocol may be subject to other reviews at the institution and may be disapproved (overruled).

Your informed consent form must describe _______.

All foreseeable risks and discomforts. Per the federal regulations, the informed consent form must describe all foreseeable risks and discomforts.

Data are made anonymous by

Destroying all identifiers connected to the data. Reporting data in aggregate form, while protecting the identity of subjects, does not make the data anonymous. Keeping keys in secure locations and requiring members of the research team to sign confidentiality agreements are methods for protecting identifiable information but they do not involve destroying all identifying information so that the link between identity and data is gone forever. The only way to render data entirely anonymous is to remove all identifying information from the data and completely disconnect any links between the subjects and data about the subjects.

Which type of IRB review does not require an IRB approval but does require a determination by an individual designated with that task (such as an IRB member or experienced staff person)?

Exempt research is human subjects research that is "exempt" from the Common Rule provisions. Per federal guidance, the recommendation is that researchers should not be able to self-determine whether a study qualifies for exemption. Institutional policy should clearly designate who is responsible for making exemption determinations - and it could be an IRB member or experienced staff person with knowledge of the exemption categories and the research activity. Expedited and convened reviews both require IRB approval.

Continuing review of an approved and ongoing study posing more than minimal risk that was initially approved by a convened IRB:

Must occur within 12 months of the approval date. Continuing review of an approved protocol must occur within 12 months of the approval date even if no additional risks have been identified. Review by a convened IRB is not always required (for example, if the study was complete and in data analysis only). Any unanticipated problems must be addressed during the continuing review process, but the review must include other information such as the number of subjects accrued, any relevant recent literature, and a copy of the current consent form.

If disclosure of a subject's involvement in a specific research study can be potentially harmful to the subject, and the consent form is the only record linking the subject to the research, which of the following would be most helpful:

Obtain a waiver of documentation of informed consent. If the only identifier collected in the course of a study would be the signature on the consent document and the principal source of harm would be a breach of confidentiality disclosing one's participation in the study, a waiver of documentation of informed consent should be sought. With such a waiver, the informed consent process could be conducted verbally with no written evidence of the subject's participation in the research.

The primary purpose of a Certificate of Confidentiality is to:

Protect identifiable research information from compelled disclosure. Certificates of Confidentiality protect sensitive information provided by research subjects from civil, criminal, or administrative subpoena.

What statement about risks in social and behavioral sciences research is most accurate:

Risks are specific to time, situation, and culture. Research in the social and behavioral sciences sometimes does pose risks to subjects. Risks can be time, situation, and context specific. What may be a socially sensitive issue or topic at a given time and/or place may not be so at another time and/or place. The risk of emotional distress cannot be managed by anonymizing data, but rather by developing a plan to respond to the distress should it occur. Risks must always be minimized to the extent possible, regardless of the potential for benefit.

In a longitudinal study that will follow children from kindergarten through high school and will collect information about illegal activities, which of the following confidentiality procedures would protect against compelled disclosure of individually identifiable information?

Securing a Certificate of Confidentiality Although data encryption, using pseudonyms, and waiving documentation of consent, provide data protection, the researcher can link individuals to their responses. Therefore, the data are vulnerable to subpoena in civil, criminal, and administrative court proceedings. Unless the researcher has a Certificate of Confidentiality, he or she may be compelled to release individually identifiable information about research subjects. The Certificate provides the highest level of protection.

A professor at Big State University is writing a biography about Bill Gates and conducting oral histories with all of Bill Gates' friends, family members, and business acquaintances. The researcher submits the research proposal to the institution's IRB. What action can he expect by the IRB?

The IRB will not review this study because it is not research as defined by the federal regulations. This proposal is obtaining data from human subjects, but this project is not research, because it is not "a systematic investigation including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge." This project will not be reviewed by the IRB.

According to the federal regulations, research is eligible for exemption, if:

The research falls into one of eight categories of research activity described in the regulations. Research is only eligible for exemption if all the activities associated with the research fall into one of eight categories of activities described in the federal regulations. The regulations do allow some research with children to be exempt (although institutional policy may not). The duration of the study and the experience of the researcher are not criteria for determining eligibility for exemption.

A student is conducting a research project that involves the use of a survey. The survey asks subjects about their highest level of education, political affiliation, and views on various social issues. The student will not collect identifiable information. This study would be subject to which type of review?

Determination for Exemption This study would qualify for a determination for exemption (under Category 2). This exemption category states that any research study involving educational tests, surveys, interviews, or observations of public behavior can be deemed exempt, unless the data is recorded in a way that identifies human subjects, directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects, and disclosure of any human subjects' responses outside the research could reasonably place participants at risk of criminal or civil liability or damage their financial standing, employability, or reputation.

Which of the following is an example of how the principle of beneficence is applied to a study involving human subjects?

Ensuring that risks are reasonable in relationship to anticipated benefits The principle of beneficence requires that risks are reasonable in relationship to anticipated benefits. The principle of respect for persons requires that subjects understand that participation is voluntary and that they are provided detailed information about the study before giving consent to participate. The principle of justice requires that the selection of subjects is fair.

Risk of harm in social and behavioral sciences generally fall in three categories, which are:

Invasion of privacy, breach of confidentiality, and study procedures are the three categories that risks of harm in SBE research generally fall in. Invasions of privacy can occur if personal information is accessed or collected without the subjects' knowledge or consent. Confidentiality can be compromised through an unauthorized release of data, which could have a negative impact on the subjects' psychological, social, or economic status. In some cases, simply taking part in research can put subjects at risk. For example, if a researcher is conducting interviews with individual gang members, it may be necessary to find places to meet where other members of the gang could not observe the interaction.

According to federal regulations, the expedited review process may be used when the study procedures pose:

No more than minimal risk and the research activities fall within regulatory categories identified as eligible Research is eligible for expedited review when it poses no more than minimal risk to the participants and when all the activities fall within categories identified as eligible. Studies with more than minimal risk do not qualify for expedited review even if the subjects are adults, the sponsor is in a hurry, or the study replicates previously approved research.

A medical record is an example of:

Private information A medical record is considered private because it includes identifiable information that has been provided for specific purposes by an individual and that the individual can reasonably expect will not be made public. A medical record is not considered public information, nor is it considered a behavior.

A study was submitted to the IRB designed to evaluate the effect of background noise on an individual's ability to concentrate and answer questions. The IRB approved the study and consent form. The consent form includes all the required information. The use of a consent form is an example of the Belmont principle of:

The principle of respect for persons requires that subjects understand that participation is voluntary and that they are provided detailed information about the study before giving consent to participate. The principle of beneficence requires that risks are reasonable in relationship to anticipated benefits. The principle of justice requires that the benefits and burdens of research are equitably distributed and subject populations are not chosen because of convenience.

Which of the following constitutes both a breach of confidentiality (the research data have been disclosed, counter to the agreement between researcher and subjects) and a violation of subjects' privacy (the right of the individuals to be protected against intrusion into their personal lives or affairs)?

A faculty member makes identifiable data about sexual behavior available to graduate students, although the subjects were assured that the data would be de-identified. No agreements were made regarding confidentiality with the subjects who were unknowingly audio-taped; whose interactions were recorded, or whose cocaine use was revealed by another. Therefore, there was no breach of an agreement about confidentiality, but the subjects' right to decide who can access their personal information was violated. If a researcher told subjects that only he or she would have access to identifiable data and then gives identifiable data to others that action constitutes a breach of confidentiality and a violation of privacy - the subjects' right to control who has access to personal information.

A researcher is interested in assessing risk-taking by individuals. The researcher is sitting on a bench near a busy four-way stop intersection. She plans on recording the number of bike riders wearing a safety helmet and whether they stop at the intersection before proceeding in order to correlate use of safety apparel with risk-taking. This collection of information is an example of:

Public behavior occurs in a place where one does not reasonably expect privacy. The riders here are observed on public streets. These observations are public behavior. If the observation and recording of similar information occurred in a private training facility it could be considered private behavior and private information. Examples of public information would be donor lists in a concert program or names and addresses in telephone directories. Private information includes information that occurs in a context in which an individual can reasonably expect that no observation or recording is taking place.

The Belmont principle of beneficence requires that:

Risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits. The Belmont principle of beneficence requires that risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects, and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result. This principle is applicable in both minimal risk and greater than minimal risk research. The principle does not address a requirement for significant contribution to generalizable knowledge nor does it require that subjects derive individual benefit from study participation.

The researcher's failure to protect research subjects from deductive disclosure of identity (that is, the re-identification of subjects by other researchers) is the primary ethical violation in which of the following studies?

"Tastes, Ties, and Time (T3)" study Although no students were identified by name in the T3 study, some data were specific enough to allow for re-identification of students by an outside researcher. This is an example of the failure to protect subjects from deductive disclosure of their identities. The primary ethical problems of the other studies include physical harms and unanticipated psychological harm.

According to the federal regulations, which of the following studies meets the definition of research with human subjects?

A cognitive psychologist enrolls undergraduate students for a computer-based study about the effect of mood on problem-solving behaviors. A cognitive scientist studying the effect of moods on problem-solving behaviors is asking a research question and is interacting with living individuals. Questioning a superintendent of schools to acquire data about the ethnic composition of a school system is asking "about what" questions rather than "about whom" questions (if a study proposed interviewing the superintendent of public schools about his or her experience in the field of education or about his or her perceptions about the current problems within the school system and possible solutions, the questions would become "about whom"). Analyses of public behavior such as writing for a blog or a newspaper do not meet the definition because there is no interaction or intervention with a human subject and no collection of private information. Finally, in the class exercise described, the intention is pedagogical (to learn how to conduct and interview) rather than to answer a research question.

According to the Belmont Report, the requirement that the benefits and burdens of the research are equitably distributed, expresses the principle of:

According to the Belmont Report, the requirement that the benefits and burdens of the research are equitably distributed, expresses the principle of justice. The principle of beneficence requires minimizing the risk of harms and maximizing the potential benefits. Respect for persons requires that subjects freely choose to participate in research (voluntariness) and that they are adequately informed about a study (informed consent).

In addition to pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates, another subpart of the HHS regulations provides additional protections for which of the following vulnerable populations?

Prisoners Prisoners are provided additional protections in the HHS regulations. The HHS regulations do not have specific additional protections for the elderly, for students, or for persons whose decision-making capabilities are impaired. Researchers may consider and the IRB may require additional safeguards for these populations.

When a focus group deals with a potentially sensitive topic, which of the following statements about providing confidentiality to focus group participants is correct?

The researcher cannot control what participants repeat about others outside the group. It is not possible for a researcher to promise confidentiality in a focus group setting. Participants may choose to repeat sensitive information outside the group setting even if they have signed confidentiality agreements. This is true even if the participants know each other. Using pseudonyms in the report does not remove concerns about what group members might say outside the group.

A researcher leaves a research file in her car while she attends a concert and her car is stolen. The file contains charts of aggregated numerical data from a research study with human subjects, but no other documents. The consent form said that no identifying information would be retained, and the researcher adhered to that component. Which of the following statements best characterizes what occurred?

The subjects' privacy has not been violated because the identity of subjects was not included in the file. The confidentiality of the data has not been breached because the data could not be linked to identifiers. Therefore, the correct answer is that there was neither a violation of privacy nor a breach of confidentiality. The release of aggregate data with no identifiers does not constitute a violation of privacy or a breach of confidentiality.

A researcher submits a study to the IRB that proposes to evaluate a new after-school on-line tutoring program for middle-school students in a local school district examining the effect on student grades. She proposes to perform this assessment at the school that her children attend, because she is familiar with the school district. Students may use either their personal smartphone or computer to participate in the program. This study might be determined to be violating which principle of the Belmont Report?

This proposal would violate the principle of justice which requires that the benefits and burdens of research are equitably distributed and subject populations are not chosen because of convenience. Choosing a single school that her children attend might be viewed as providing a subject population of convenience. Evaluating the program in multiple schools across a school district could avoid this problem. If the schools in the district have wide variations in household income, this study might eliminate students from less affluent families without access to internet service and electronic tools, failing to ensure that benefits and burdens of research are equitably distributed.

A graduate student needs to conduct a research project for her master's thesis. She is interested in the types of junk food available to the public. She plans to go to the local convenience stores and ask the owners what types of junk food the store normally stocks, and which are the biggest sellers. She will not collect identifiers. This study would be subject to which type of review?

This study would qualify as not human subjects because the data that the student is collecting does not meet the definition of human subjects research. She is not collecting any information about the store owners and her study seeks to find information about the items in the store.

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