Civics Articles of Confederation and Constitution Summative

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Congress of Articles of Confederation (Main Author- Thomas Jefferson)

Who made the Northwest Ordinance?


Who wanted slave trade? (South or North)


Who wanted slaves to be counted as apart of their population? (north or south)


Who wanted to abolish slavery? (north or south)


Who wanted to keep slavery? (north or south)

Daniel Shays and many farmers rebel against the tax collections instituted by the state.

Who was apart of Shay's rebellion?

Roger Sherman (Connecticut) and James Wilson (Pennsylvania)

Who was the 3/5 compromise created by?

the Anti-federalists

Who was the bill of rights made for?

Ben Franklin

Who was the oldest delegate?

Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and George Clinton

Who were some famous anti-federalists?

John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton

Who were some famous federalists?

John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton

Who wrote the federalist papers?

Farmers felt they were treated unfairly by the states' tax system and were nervous about not providing for their families. They were put in jail for not paying off their debts in a timely manner

Why did Shay's rebellion happen?

-Hard to get that many votes on new laws -Many states had different ideas, priorities, and incentives - hard to agree

Why is 2/3 of the vote in order to pass a law a problem?

-No way to enforce laws enacted by Congress -No specific powers for President -Balance of Power was missing - States had all the power

Why is it a problem to have no executive branch?

-No clear understanding of some laws (Confusion existed for population regarding certain laws) -An American convicted of a crime in one state might be free in another -No way to appeal court decisions

Why is it a problem to have no national court system?

-States could place unfair tariffs on goods from other states or countries -No way to monitor what goods enter or exit the country -No way for the Central Government to collect money from these taxes

Why is no regulation of trade a problem?

-In a democracy, majority rules and should have a stronger voice -Higher populated states did not have a stronger representation on controversial or basic issues

Why is one vote per state regardless of population a problem?

-Extremely difficult for EVERY state to agree on something -Made it very hard to change things that were a problem

Why is the unanimous agreement in order to change the articles of confed. a problem?

-Could not fund military -Could not pay for supplies or basic services -Could not fund programs

Why was it a problem that the federal gov. could not collect taxes?

-Americans going from state to state could have money from other states that would be worthless -Federal Government created a "Continental Dollar" but it was not backed by silver or gold --- making it also worthless

Why was it a problem that there was no national currency?

As Americans expanded further west of the Appalachian mountains and Ohio River- they needed to know what rules, boundaries, and governance was necessary in these new territories

Why was the Northwest Ordinance needed?

In order to have a functioning government, this document explained the powers of each state government and the federal government. They wanted to have something different from England.

Why were the articles of confed. made?

popular sovereignty

idea that governance comes from the people

Judicial Powers

what was A3 about in the constitution?


Good image to help remember the ratification of the constitution (answer is *)

National powers

-Ability to Declare War -Create and Negotiate Treaties -Petition or request money from states -In charge of military -Limited overall power and could settle state disputes Who's Powers are these?

State powers

-Taxation -Established a court system -Enforce Laws passed in Congress -Had powers not specifically limited by national government -Could trade freely Who's powers are these?

Foreign Affairs

>Allowed Congress to work with other countries > Able to negotiate treaties and consult with diplomats was done effectively ^Signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783 What good attribute is this? (from the articles of confed.)

Settled disputes and land expansion

>Congress had the ability to resolve issues between states > Helped create ideas on how to govern land unsettled yet What good attribute is this? (from the articles of confed.)

States Remained Independent

Allowed each state the freedom to govern themselves Developed a friendship and common respect among the states Accepted differences between the states What good attribute is this? (from the articles of confed.)


An organization or group united under a common cause or document


Describes Supreme Court Trial By Jury, Habeas Corpus, and Specific Cases between states are all part of the Judicial Branch Powers include: Determining Controversial Court Cases Explaining Confusion for Citizens about Constitutional Law Using the best method possible to a fair and speedy trial What article is this?


Describes the 2 house structure (House of Representatives and Senate) Lists requirements to serve in Congress Some powers Include: Impeachment Raising Revenue or Taxes Declare War Raise and Support Armies Regulate Commerce What article is this?


Details the Office of the President Includes the Electoral College- which elects the vice president and the president Powers include: Commander in Chief Make Treaties with Approval from Congress Appoint Judges or Justices on Supreme Court What article is this?


Diagram for the 3/5 compromise (answer is *)


Did some delegates threaten to leave the state union if slavery was abolished?


Did the great compromise satisfy everyone?


First 10 are called the Bill of Rights Any changes to the constitution are placed at the end of the document Often addresses issues that arise over time What part of the constitution is this?

Small states- wanted equal power Large states- felt they should have more power than the smaller states

How did the large and small states feel about representation?


How many delegates came to the cc?


How many states agreed to ratify the constitution?


How many states had to agree to ratify the constitution?


Know this diagram (answer is *)


Make sure to know these (answer is =)

No way for national government to collect or set up taxes No National currency No national court system No executive branch No way to regulate and unify trade between states ONLY 1 Vote per state regardless of population Two-Thirds majority needed to pass laws Amendments could only be done with ALL STATES APPROVAL

Name 3 weaknesses of the articles of confed. (if your answer is correct and it says you are wrong click the 'override' button)

No way to collect taxes, No national currency, no national court system, no executive branch, no regulation of trade, one vote per state REGARDLESS of population, 2/3 of the vote needed to pass laws, unanimous agreement needed to change the articles of confederation

Name all 8 weakness of the articles of confed.

Representation of Large and Small states, slavery, Representation of the slave population, and ratification of the constitution.

Name the 4 main issues at the CC

in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,

Name the 6 liberties the preamble names

rule of law

No one is above the law, all are accountable

Separation of Powers

Powers are split and not all in one location or with one branch

First Constitution of the USA

Set up a different government from England Designed to protect states rights Limited Central Government Powers What good attribute is this? (from the articles of confed.)

Set up a government framework

Set up a different government from England Designed to protect states rights Limited Central Government Powers What good attribute is this? (from the articles of confed.)


Starts with "We the People" Lists the six main functions and purposes of the government Emphasis is to show the people created the document What part of the constitution is this?


Was the constitutional convention open or closed to the public?

Anti-federalists and federalists

What 2 groups fought over the ratification of the constitution?

1. Preamble (Introduction) 2. Articles 3. Amendments

What are the 3 main sections of the constitution?

For every 5 enslaved persons they would count as 3 free people.

What did the 3/5 compromise state?

They opposed the constitution, believed the constitution would create too strong of a central government and that this would threaten individual freedom. They specifically wanted the Bill of Rights to be outlined in the constitution.

What did the anti-federalists believe in?

the Post office

What did the articles of confederation set up?

Slave trade will not be dealt with until 1808 and slavery will also continue until it is looked at again.

What did the commerce and slave trade compromise state?

1. The slave trade will not be discussed in congress until 1808 2. A $10 tax would be placed on the importation of each slave 3. Runaway slaves would be returned to a state of slavery

What did the delegates agree to on the slavery issue?

to change the articles of confederation

What did the delegates plan to do at the convention?

Supported the new constitution, wanted a much stronger central government to preserve the United States, Believed the US would not survive under the Articles of Confederation.

What did the federalists believe in?

the first 10 amendments of the constitution

What is the bill of rights?

Executive powers

What was A2 about in the constitution?

State powers

What was A4 about in the constitution?

Amendment Process

What was A5 about in the constitution?

Some parts that were maintained from the articles of confederation

What was A6 about in the constitution?

Ratification of the states

What was A7 from the constitution?

The rebellion was a series of protests by farmers to state and local courts and enforcement of tax collections for debt.

What was Shay's rebellion?

Legislative powers

What was article 1 of the constitution about?

A document explaining the new government powers and structures

What was the Articles of Confederation?

Established important governing rules for future lands settled north and west of the Ohio River

What was the Northwest Ordinance?

the great compromise

What was the solution for the virginia and NJ plan called?

1. It took almost 2.5 years for all 13 states to ratify the constitution 2. Many delegates believed that a bill of rights was needed to be added to the constitution, to protect individual rights, liberties, and freedoms

What were 2 results of the constitution?

1. Delegates decided to get rid of the articles of confederation 2. This ended up being a very long compromise between the delegates. (George Washington was nominated to be president of the CC, James Madison took very careful notes of the debates and discussions throughout the convention)

What were the 2 major results from the CC?

1. Favored the small states 2. Each state would be given the same number of votes/delegates regardless of their states' population 3. Proposed by William Paterson of NJ

What were the 3 main parts of the New Jersey plan?

1. Favored the large states 2. Each state would be given a number of votes/delegates based on their states' population 3. Was created by James Madison of Virginia

What were the 3 main parts of the Virginia plan?

1. Used parts of both the VA and NJ plan 2. Set up a bicameral (2 house) legislature 3. Proposed by Roger Sherman of Connecticut

What were the 3 parts of the great compromise?

A series of essays written in favor of the constitution that were printed around the country.

What were the federalists papers?

- Votes/delegates per state based on population - 435 members of the house (today) - from the Virginia plan

What were the results between the great compromise with the House of Representatives?

- 2 senators per state regardless of population - 100 senators total (today) - from the NJ plan

What were the results between the great compromise with the senate?

January 25th, 1787

When did the supporters of Shay's rebellion attempt to take over a military arsenal?

1786-1787... The last major event occurred on January 25, 1787 when Daniel Shays and his men attempted to take over a military arsenal

When was Shay's rebellion?

Was created in 1776, but was not ratified until 1781

When was the Articles of Confederation implemented?

July 13th, 1787

When was the Northwest Ordinance established?

May 25th-September 17th, 1787

When was the constitutional convention?


Where was Shay's rebellion?

involved states now primarily in the Mid-West of the USA (Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois)

Where was the Northwest ordinance implemented?

Philadelphia, PA

Where were the articles of confed. made?

Roger Sherman (of Connecticut)

Who came up with the Great Compromise?

William Paterson (of NJ)

Who came up with the NJ plan?

James Madison (of VA)

Who came up with the VA plan?

A committee of founding members created the document, but the main author was John Dickinson

Who created the Articles of Confederation?

Patrick Henry

Who did not attend the CC?


Who did not want slaves to be counted as part of their population? (north or south)


Who did not want the slave trade? (north or south)


a form of government where power is shared between the national government and the state

Checks and Balances

a system designed to limit power and make sure no branch gets TOO POWERFUL

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