Civics Lesson 3-2 Quiz Review
The Virginia Plan contained the main features of the federal government today, including
three separate branches.
The Founders did not fully trust the people to elect the president, so they put that decision in the hands of a group called the ___________________.
Electoral College
Why did the Founders decide not to change the Articles of Confederation but to create a new form of government?
The Articles had created a weak government.
Federalists won approval of the Constitution by saying they would add to it _______________________________
a Bill of Rights
The Great Compromise proposed by the committee headed by Roger Sherman called for
a two-house Congress.
By giving the national government more power than the states, the Constitution created a system of government called ___________________.
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay explained why they supported the new Constitution in a series of articles known as ___________________.
the Federalist Papers