clas 252 exam 2

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Peloponnesian War

(431-404 BCE) The war between Athens and Sparta that in which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak and ready to fall to its neighbors to the north.

tetnies sarcophagus 1

- hellenistic, 320- 280 bce - vulci - older married couple in bed covered by a tebenna (round cloak that indicates marriage) - inscribed w their names (ramtha visnai and arnth tetnies) - sides covered in scenes - sheets, pillows, fabric, faces, hair, embracing each other= very intimate= hellenistic realism - left side: ramtha is in a carriage w attendant and being driven; underworld entity - other side: man stepping into a chariot; journey - middle: united- death reunited them; marriage scene?? (probably not)


- hermes and the infant dionysos, olympia - 340 bce - not roman marble copy, greek original by - 2 brothers playing together; composition= very human - feminine intimacy - figure= S carved contrapposto - men= boyish figures but faces are a little bit older - sfumato (not sharp features)


- hhippias and hipparchus take over - too harsh - attract attention of harmodius and aristogeiton- kill hipparchus and makes hippias paranoid and cruel; - hharm and arist= heroes= nude; 477 bce ; artist: kritios and nesiotes- made it out of bronze but romans copied out of marble

Etruscan Cinerary Urns

- hut and biconical urns- both used ceramic as well as beginning to use bronze as the material for the urns - cinerary urns- first from cerveteri from 510-500 bce; couple banqueting together; she is pouring something into husbands hand= more personal - 2nd one- from hellenistic period- man (farmer) killing a soldier using a plow and identifying the name of the person interred and the name of his father (2nd c bce from chiusi; painted; lid= depiction laying down; more hellenistic - different art style

alexander with ammon horns and elephant skin

- issued by ptolemy I- general- in charge of territory in egypt - tolemayik dynasty (cleopatra) - curvy bludge on head= rams horn - covered by animal skin; snake like= trunk of elephant - extent of alexanders empire- extended to india= elephants are there

curse tablets

- katadesmoi; thin sheets of lead/ metal that would have been inscribed w a curse then foldede up to be be punctered w an iron nail to seal - deposited in liminal spaces- (in between spaces- graves- not fully living or dead; threshold; cracks in walls ) - greeks and romans - curses were believed to be performed by underworld spirits in hopes that the spirits would make the curses come true - curses: directed against opponents in court case, athletic component; jealous; asking for a person to love them back - tossed into graves- person in grave can pass it to the spirits in the underworld - lead binding doll, kerameikos- 420-410 bce- little male figure inside lead sarcophagus; curse: against an opponent in a legal trial; writer did not watn opponent to win; found in family grave pot- aristion - well of curses, kerameikos (L 5th-4th century bce)- at least 30 curses because they were a law saying no more curse tablets; lead tablets in water - glykera curse tablet- 317-307 bce- scratches= writing; curse issued by many people to glykera (wife of dion)- did not like her because they thought she was too flirty- curse to spirits of underworld; want marriage to be annulled

portraits of alexander- characteristics

- known for having an anastole (calic @ the hairline- middle part @ hairline; near or above left eye - leonine mane- full hair at neck (think) - melting glance- cloudy brow (thick and sprinkled); deep eyes (deep in thought); full lips- slightly parted - tilted head- gaze upward toward the sky (challenging upward turn- will of gods?? - every image= youthful face, clean, shaven,

Propylaia, Acropolis

- large gateway that leads to the acropolis - power - color - steep entrance (acropolis= highest point in athens) - ramps were added- sharp incline= look up at the building= power- looking up to the gods - never fully finished - 437- 432 bce -architect: mnesikles - doric - intentionally looked like a temple bc of the religious activities - made of expensive stone - pinakotheke- gallery- wing of the building - columns in certain of building- ionic (thinner but taller) - a lot of doors- central bc gifts had to be fit through gateway - stopped because peloponnesian war- redirect supplies and resources to fight against spartans - never repaired after war


- large houses

Palace at Vergina (Aigai)

- late 4th century bce - macedonia aristocrats- large house bc used large scales - giant courtyard= largest house during this point of time - message of power - most wealthy and powerful aristocrat - ringed by columns (ionic by stacked on doric ones)- found only on temples

tetnies sarcophagus ii

- late classical, 350-300 bce, vulci - another married couple- younger (tebenna= pulled down to expose nudity- show: heroism) - intensity in gaze= embracing each other - drapery over the legs - inscribed w names (larth tetnies and thanchvil tarnai) - classical styling

Tomb of the Leopards

- leopards on the ceiling - tarquina, 470 bce - funeral banquet- celebrating the life instead of mourning - horror vacui- every square inch is covered by something - 3 couples and 2 nude serving boys - ceiling= colorful - outdoor banquet - gender conventions- men= darker/ red color and women- white - tell a story

portraits of alexander

- luxor temple, thebes in egypt - made while he was alive - pharaoh alexander making an offer to an egyptian deity - egyptian style- egyptian style of visual coding


- lysippos (copy of bronze original in thessaly) - 336- 332 bce - daochos monument, delphi- outdoors and dedication (wealthy family) - extreme wrestler - lysippian trait- weight and weight bearing leg; both knees are bent- shifting back and forth; head= smaller; head= slightly twisted- emphasized by the deeply cut eyes (thoughtful)- realistic but perfect in the sense of being generic- closer to human body but cant actually be a person -

4th century sculpture

- major trends: - human engagement (images of deities and humans with stoic faces; no emotion)--> gods seem more approachable and engage with audience; faces that look more human and dreamier; - individualism- formula+ every face will be differentiated even from same sculpture - attention on anatomy- sculptures have studied anatomy and want to apply and depict how it looks ex./ skin like skin and muscles like muscles


- a soft, porous, volcanic rock that hardens on exposure to air, used as a building material; easy to work - - local volcanic rupt - stone

Tomb of Persephone

- 340 bce- 338 - tomb 1 - walls of main chamber= covered in painted murals to show the theme: "rape of persephone by hades" by nikomachos (painter). bride of death? perhaps the real tomb of philip ii and his wife cleopatra - life, death and rebirth - theme is similar to the bride of death -persephone's posse to similar to the pose of brides - other walls: seated women- left: might be figure of fate; right: sitting on rocky ground: demeter (mourning for her daughter- persephone)

Pireaus athena

- 350 bce - piraeus harbor - found in a shipment coming from italy - delos - decorate expensive house - women= clothed in peplos - snakey - egist of athena - military equipment - famous- roman copies - reaching out into space- reaching out to viewers - s curved contrapposto - left hip and shoulder higher than right - different viewpoints - realistic fabric- not so transparent (slight wet drapery- top) not bottom - doesn't reveal body not much - return to realism


- 447-432 bce - new temple- south side of the acropolis - new building- new construction - treasury of the delian league- beautify athenians - all made of marble= expensive and heavy and well trained workers - no altar, cult statue, or priestess - no focus of religious sacrifice - iktinos- architect - contractor- kallikrates - sculpture- phidias (guy responsible for the gold sculpture of zeus @ temple of zeus - theme: glory of athens, power and prosperity of athens when sitting at its height, and victory of all the things athenians do - 8 x 17- octastyle x (2x +1) - hexastyle amphiprostyle (6 columns against front and back porches - columns= doric on outside - columns= porches are doric - sella= doric in order - 2 story colonnade= ionic- right above them - back room- opsson domus- large showy storage room- columns= ionic; expensive objects are being stored back here; parthenos - giant obnoxious storehouse= powerful, wealthy=> show people - optical refinements- looks like it is perfelecting flat, straight, height; however there is no perfect angle and doesn't look stable= reality; everything bends in order to look straight from a distance (curvature- bendy style to make it look straight; entasis- columns are made fatter in the center- look perfectly straight up and down; inclination- everything is vertical, slopes inward- structural reasons and optical refinement; augmentation- corner contraction; - sculpture- metopes- square sections that decorate a doric temple; separate by tri gilfs; most are original or copies; - east: gigantomachy (battle of the greeks vs giants and greeks win) - west: amazonomachy - north: trojan war - south: centauromachy - them= greeks are the winners; all about athenian victory over everyone else - south metopes- lapiths and centaurs- centauromachy; classical style (faces- doughy jaw and bulging eye lids, muscular of the body); drapery= thinner and folds are more important; sarved deeply; shadows are important; kaistik position- shaped as an x and very dramatic; holding a sword; other one- similar pose; both have knees bent= mirrored composition - pediment- elaborate drawing; 25 different free standing sculpture= super expensive and long time to make; east- birth of athena (athena erupted out of the head of zeus- fully born and dressed in armor- hipotesis (god of inventions) used axe and cracked zeus head open and she came out - herakles or dionysus- reclining on material; paw attached?; heroic nudity; muscular= natural; wet drapery - demeter and kore- 2 seated figures; mother and daughter; female- modestly dressed wearing peplos; wet drapery; reveals body through thin material; - hestia?, Dione?, and aphrodite?- reclining figure w no head; undress- slipping off shoulder (think aphrodite bc has been shown w clothes coming off); bent legs; obstructive clothings - horse heads- both corners of pediment; escaping from the confides of the pediment- project; chariots of the sun and moon (rising and setting); goddess of the son and moon near by; time - west pediment- not as well preserved' subject: contest between athena and poseidon for the city of athens; athena wins; 2 fragments of torsos: 1- curve of egesist- athena and 2: same size of athena; gives us place; topographical references rivers= boundary of the city of athens - ionic frieze "parthenon frieze"- 1 m high and 160 m long; top of secos; heavily carved w individual figures doing a variety of things; traces of original paint (hard to find because of pollution); riders (cavillary) (back/ western end), crowded groups in the right- people move from west--> east (bday festival for athena); 192 (athenian soldiers who died at the battle of marathon); only heroes and gods are depicted on buildings; south and north side- chariots with apobates (people who are participants in a competition and wearing armor and required to jump on and off chariots while racing; north- water bearers- aristocrat families in athens; bodies not concealed by drapery; north side- men bringing cattle for sacrifice- traces of paint; east- female participants carrying ritual vessels- aristocratic daughters who have been invited and are directed by officials as to what to do; east- 2 groups of male figures, probably heroes- hanging out; men= leaning on walking stick; sheer wet drapery; east- 2 groups of gods- sit down; larger scale; poseidon, apollo (youth), artemis; east- 2 groups of gods- hera (bride) and zeus (king of the gods); est center- peplos- elbow sitting in elaborate thrones; 2 females have bundle giving to another female; male is receiving large piece of folded fabric from young person; aristocrat, elite, focus to reenact the progression of the pan athena - athena parthenos- young/ maiden athena; fully armed; made with weaponry- helmet, shield, battle snake, arm is stretched out- stance of victory; don;t have the actual statue anymore; roman copy of original by phidias- 438 bce; chryselephantine- clothes and weapons made out of thing sheets of hammered gold foil and skin= thin sheets of ivory; expensive, 30 ft tall; aneka= 6 ft tall; myth on base of the sandals - theme= victory all over the acropolis; power and money over everyone else - elgin marbles- in england- lord elgin bought them and then donated them to british museum and greece has asked for them back - east pediment significances= established time

Oath of Plataea

- 479 bce


- 4th c. sculptor and architect of Temple of Athena Alea, Tegea; characterized by pronounced, emotive facial expressions - mausolos- skopasian eye - pay attention to eyes- deeper inner corners and outer eyes= carved w slight buldge


- Etruscan name for the Greek sun god, Apollo - veii, 510-500 bce - akroterion, over life- size - terracotta statue of etruscan apollo - original to etruscans to place these large statues as acroterion - possibly battling hercules for the golden hind

Opus Mixtum

- 2nd century CE onwards - combinations of different types of opuses together on the wall

opus incertum

- 2nd century- middle of 1st century - core of cement and take irregular shaped brick/ stone and embed them into cement

tomb of the prince

- 320 bce - tomb iii - facade- looks like tomb ii; no doric pillars, painted frieze on top, antefixes at roof line= roof tiles; plaster; door= made of marble (carved like metal door), faux architecture; doric in style - silver ash urn- 1 chamber- golden crown; ash urn= 1 of many silver plated but only that held remains of 12 year old boy- alexander iv (alexander the great and roxanne); son= set back to become an aristocrat

general from the temple of hercules

(blue star) - tivoli, 75-50 bce - marble- hellenistic influence: contrapposto (S curve and distribution), smooth skin; ideal body, internal youth= message: victorious general- leaning against armor, holding mantal, shown in peaceful attire - roma style- mostly around head; verism/ veristic style (truth), hyper realistic of things on a person's face; facial traits- older individual than body things, bags, wrinkles, baldline, old= face and youthful body - message: hellenistic body- victorious general and older roman face- maturity, dignity, character traits roman value

republican temples at tivoli

- 100 bce - rectangle on right and round on left - rectangular temple: traditional italiac temple; pseuptoripertial; colonnade at the front; podium- opus incertum and stone facing to cover up the brick and stone- impress tem- give greek look - round templee of vesta (protected rome)- hig podium- traditional italiac; opus incertum- inside and very greek in impressions, fully colonnade that goes all the way around; greek: corinthian colonnade, frieze, tolos


- 12 cities - very influential on the romans and their cities - north of rome - sarcophagi and wall paintings= famous; myths, and religious ideas - features women banqueting with their husbands and their mirrors - spoke and wrote in own language- etruscan - include mothers name in grave markers and funerary inscriptions - talk about both mother and father - funerary context- how we know about them - poor views of etruscan women

great altar at pergamon

- 175- 150 bce - berlin museum - doesn't have a roof- bc altar (smoke goes up to olympis) - humanes ii- frantic to impress athenians - air to the legacy of the great athenians during classical period - covered in sculptures- free standing - showy, expensive, conspicuous consumption, showing off, bragging about money and power - gigantomachy scene- wraps around side of building and slightly up the stairs - inside- continuous frieze- life of telephos (greek hero) - patron: eumenes ii (king of the hellenistic kingdom of pergamon-asia minor) - telephos frieze: inside alter; son of heracles and auge (regional princess); life, death, and adventures- entire structure is a shrine to the founder of the city of pergamon; crowdy compositions- example of structure of art - gigantomachy frieze- giants vs greeks; large female figure, shield, pulling back hair of the enemy and helping her is a large snake= athena (greek goddess of war); a lot of snakes (giants= depicted as having wings and snakey legs); athena being victorous, nike (holding up wreath ot show the athena is victor); gaia (demale), cranacropia of fruit (mother of all the gods, the earth) coming up crying because children are killing each other; others giants in this frieze are macedonian armor; hellenistic focus on the way the drapery is carved (wet drapery); caistic composition; athena pose= east pediment (fighting against poseidon for control of athens); exaggerated poses; muscles and veins bulging and popping; burst outta the frieze; a lot of texture; combine historic sensibility+ drama and senses= hellenistic - impression of sculptors


- 273 bce - military urban planning - military/ maritime colony - roman elements were added - used to be inhibited by lukakians - big empty space- lukanian buildings, neighborhoods and romans demolished them - added roman elements: cardo, decumanus, forum, amphitheater, theater, baths, and fortifications - well planned out grid= orthogonal plan - big open center (amphitheater)= forum area- elite residencies are arranged on the sides facing the forum - rome conquers greece, mid 2nd century bce

House of Dionysus at Pella

- 4th century bce - nig internal courtyard -ionic columns - rooms near colonnade- mosaic and river pebbled floors - next door to elaborate houses - A- dionysos mosaic (3255-300 bce, river pebbled, a lot of time and effort and skill, riding a panther and holding a stick w artichoke on top, ribbons (sacred spaces and people), on way to drinking part; B- lion hunt mosaic (intended to indicate wealthy persons pursuit; 2 macedonians about to attack lion) - stag hunt mosaic- 300 bce; signed by gnosis; animal hunts= aristocratic families- well trained; "gnosis made this"

republican roman

- 509 bce- beginning of the republic - change of mindset - new focus of government and democratic style- now votes= public is more important- giving the public what they want - political promises= in architecture - need for public art (most people cannot read) - wealthy aristocrats- buildings and the people had to pay a fee to use these buildings - 396 bce: rome conquers the etruscans- last of them; domination of italy by the romans; rome will reach out and go to war until all of italy belongs to rome - establish roman national identity and military superiority (art and architecture)

Portonaccio Temple, Veii

- 510 bce - dedicated to menrva - greek influences: columns and acroteria - etruscan: square instead of rectangular; columns in row on deep porch; high stone podium; single entrance to temple; three cella, side by side; mide primarily of wood or terracotta

roman monarchy

- 753 bce- romulus first mythical king than 6 are followed; last 3 are the etruscan kings: lucius tarquinius priscus, servius tullius, and lucius tarquinius superbus (worst of them all- reason monarchy end- 509 bce)- rome becomes a republic with a senate


- 7553 bce- traditional founding date - romulus- first king and 6 kings after him (several are etruscan) - last king= overthrown and in 509 bce- roman republic began -

Statue of Aulus Metellus

- 90 bce - "te arringatore" or te order - bronze= expensive - claim of wealth - etruscan influence: head (unique individual- portraiture), eyes look allow and empty, brows, wrinkles around face, folds of skin, age associated w person; inscription- tells us about the aulus metellus, might be someone of power; don't know how true it is - greek influences:(since it is made of bronze, it requires greek training); contrapposto (S shape)- not as pronounced - roman style: entire body except pose= roman; large generic 1 size fit all and slot a portrait ead into it, body= not belong to person's head, say certain things about the head; drapery- only roman citizens can wear it- togatus; senatorial boots (only allowed to be worn by highest class of rome and is very wealthy and member of aristocracy); pose= wealthy; member of aristocracy- practice oratory, give powerful speeches- oratorical pose (hand raised)


- 900- 850 bce hut urn, montecucco - 9th c bce biconical urn, vulvi; covered by helmet or dish- gender thing - decorated by incissions


- Athenian general and statesman who encouraged rebuilding of the acropolis - died during peloponnesian war -460-430 bce- ruled - periklean building program- money to be reconstructed - persian sack athens- 480-479 bce

Alexander Mosaic

- floor surface - house of the faun, pompeii -79 bce - original- based on greek wall painting of c . 320 bce - philoxenos of eretria - battle of issus, 333 bce; alexander the great on the horse and defeating darius iii and defeat him; composition: alexander charging in 3/4 pose; darius= looking backwards in different turn; collapsed horse; back end of the horse--> moving toward darius - head: full armor, small human head on breast plate- head of medusa- gorgoneion to serve as protective device- linking himelf to images of athena (child of zeus); tessera mosaic- small colored stones cut done to make pegs; artist= indicate all those characteristics of alexander: large eyes, furrowed brow, gazed= pitched upwards, head= turned on its neck; style of lysippos - darius iii in flight- hands outstretched; colors; movement - persians soliders face reflected in the shield; about to crush him; shield= shows face (artistic development)

Temple of Athena Nike

- Kalikrates. Ionic temple that Greets visitors to the sanctuary. Celebrates Athena as bringer of victory against the Persians at marathon. The young Nike's Image is repeated dozens of times. 420-410 BCE - brightly painted marble building - cant enter without going through the gateway - athena= goddess of war - architect- kallikrates - smaller inside - ionic in style- column and corners - tetrastyle- 4 columns - amphiprostyle- columns in front and back/ same amount - alter is placed over older alter - jewel box- tiny, small in size, beautiful, expensive, - nike temple aka - east side frieze- council of the gods including athena in the center - west side frieze- greeks vs greeks - south side frieze- battle of marathon (490 bce); ilioupersis scene- greeks are nude (heroic) vx fully clothed trojan; athenians are asserting themselves and giving them a promotion - north side frieze- battle of greeks vs greeks and athenians are winning - east pediment- gigantography- giants vs greeks and greeks are gonna win - west pediment- greeks vs amazons and greeks will win - gives us a message- invaders against the east- persians- athenians defeating the persians - east- small stella and statue of a wooden cult statue - nike parapet/ balustrade- heavily carved, nike figures (associated w athenian- deity)- doing a task w no narrative - sandal- binder- shoe is coming off trying to tie shoe; wings; drapery is carved; high classical style; wrinkle of belly= thin, diaphanous material; material= wet to see everything - nike of paionios- winged nike, olympia, wet drapery, inconsistently applied, wardrobe malfunction; material- thin in front but rest of dress is een behind; just flying and now touching down - reconstruction-

phillip ii of macedon

- King of Macedon who defeated a combined army of Thebes and Athens to become the ruler of the Greek city-states; father of Alexander the Great. - 4th century bce - polygamy- many wives - olympias of epirus (4th wife- political alliance) - married the children/ female relatives of neighboring kingdoms of macedonia- form alliances - olympias of epirus- birth in 356 bce- alexander (alexander the great) - move and take over area - 346 bce- king of northern greece- because so successful; attica does not like this - powerful and wealthy and pay aristotle to leave athens and move north to macedon- tutor to alexander the great; attica mythology, laws - 338 bce- chaeronea- phillip 11 vs athena (attica) and thebes and allies- phillip 11 win- important= army is led by 18 year old son- alexander the great; no more resistance to phillip 11 after this war - 336 bce- assassinated because of political allinations from another wife - kingdom= alexander the great


- Lysippos- roman copy - 350-3255 bce - added elements= copy ex./ arms and legs have support strutos- stone= very heavy; weight bearing leg= support to hold up stone; figleaf- stored in vatican - figure of athlete- scraping sweat of his body with a metal implement (striddle) - indication of new cannon- head= smaller and body= more slender and legs= longer, shift in weight; compared to before and move away from polykleithon

Aphrodite, pan, eros

- goddess of love, son (cupid- eros), and pan - "slipper slapper" group- pan figure (chasing girls for sex)- making advances o aphrodite and she takes off her to shoe to slap him - marble - delos - 100 bce - more realistic and humane - was untouchable but now in a cozy stance - now people are allowed to look at her nude as long as it isn't inappropriate - different types of texture - poses= draw gaze of viewer

hellenistic realism

- actively moves away from early classic - depictions of people who are not consistent with classical ideal - dwarf from mahdia shipwreck ca 150-100 bce; non- deal figure, contrasting textures; skin; sags of flesh; grinning mouths; motion; emotion; personality - sculptors are now rejecting the classical greek traditions - emotional impact on viewers - seated boxer ("terme boxer") - terme of rome; 100-50 bce; bronze figure of a boxer; ultra massive physique; pained attention to bulking up body; muscles are actively tense- all; gloves and knuckles would be beat up; face= cuts and blows; added copper- show cuts and stuff from boxing (blood); ears- cauliflower ear (too many blows to ear and cartilage swells up and gets bumpy)= realism of emotional and physical response for a boxer - hellenistic ruler (" terme ruler")- 1550 bce; holding a sphere; classic hellenistic power portrait; hyper beefed up; male figure hero; smaller head (portrait head); lips= parted, head= turned (lysippos), no crown/ fillet; lyssipian, hellenistic, realism, different textures

grave markers

- archaic grave stelai; grave stele of aristion, athens, ca, 510 bce; corory (frontal and profile face, clenched fist, weighted stance) - 470 bce- sumptuary laws in attica (restricts how much you can show off your wealth); cant spend so much money on grave site (athens is about to enter the period of warfare- peloponnesian war); can't visibly show off wealth; - white ground lekythois (popular: 470s-430s/420s bce)- small vessels used to hold sacred liquids; used at funeral rituals and left behind and left with descent; lekythois= shape- hold liquids and white ground= type of clay coding on vessel; focus on mythological and underworld scenes; after this they will go back to tomb stones; - grace stele of hegeso, athens (410 bce)- women in center; take place of awg and free standing statues; architectural details- letters (stele belongs to), capitals on pilars, internal quiet domestic conquest; gives us an idea of what they family of the decest wanted to remeber about their life and family; main character= fancy clothing, nice hair, jewelry, in fancy chair, standing in front of maid- hegeso (daughter of proxenos- wealthy aristocrat from athens); found in family quad of husband; married; show off wealth; kerameikos cemetery - high classical

message athenians are trying to spread to anyone who sees the acropolis

- athenians defeat all of their enemies in battle

stoa of attalos

- athens - 150 bce - gift by king attalus ii of pergamon to athens (his alma mater) - large - facade- doric columns on outside- bottom (outside) - upper story- columns shorter and ionic (outside) - interior ionic on center and above them is the pergamon column - mini mall with 42 shops -

portraits of alexander

- azara herm - roman copy - famous - herm (carved stone head on a blocky stone body) on top of pillar - phallus attached to herm - marble - copy of lysippion original - "alexander, son of philip of macedon" - lyssipian characteristics: calic (above eye), deep set of upward looking gaze, brow= heavy, lips= parted, full head of hair till the neck, head= slightly turned and tilted upward - characteristics of alexander or lypossians style???? -

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

- blue star - Rome (Capitoline Hill), 509 BC, first act of republic, shows similarities with Etruscan temple - end of 6th century BCE - largest and most important temples from early period and onwards - rec tarquinius superbus - by vulca of veii (etruscan name and responsible for Portonaccio Temple, Veii) - etruscan influences: tripartite cella (3 room cella- side by side); stone for foundation and wood or terracotta superstructure; high podium- placed; pseudoperipteral (pretended to have colunade that went all the way around- no columns at back of the temple) - roman elements: unique- inclusion of 3 deities (capitoline triad (jupiter, juno (wife) and minerva (daughter))- most powerful- jupiter is in the middle= - tis combin of roman etruscan= italiac stlye

theater of pompey

- blue star - rome - 55 bce - pompey the great/ magnus- unifying more of asia minor to roman holdings - pompey learned a lot about alexander the great- portraits of himself carved just like alexanders sculptors - impressed in how hellenistic kingdoms built their buildings - campus martius- flood plain of tyga river- where theater was built (no one was allowed to build teater so he built a temple) - begins w public garden (hellenistic influence)- symmetrical- eld lots of fountains and statues and sculpture stolen from greece - protote museum - public buildings- latrines, senate can gather (curia) - roman theater- 1st permanent in rome (julius caesar was murdered)- built in greek style but with roman construction- freestanding theater (roman cement) - temple of venus victrix (goddess of love, victorious)- steps lead up to temple, on tall podium, italic style, fake columns, - best and most elaboish theater in rome for centuries - plan of it was carved into marble map of all the buildings of rome tat was carved under the command of emperor septimius severus- 2nd century AD -

Temple of Portunus, Rome

- blue star - 150 bce - macedonia is being created - developmenets that macedonia created are coming to rome - italiac style: one frontal entrance w ramp of stairs, tall podium, steps lead up to column porch- 2 rows, - greek influence: does not have gigantic architecial sculptures on the roof. ionic columns- across porc and down sides; ionic entablature (ionic frieze- blank); fasca; pseudoperipteral (columns that go all the way around- across the front); 1 cella;

tetnies sarcophagi

- both made out of terracotta - both couples are related- younger man is the older couples son - debate over who is buried where; son and daughter in law= older bc they died and parents made sarcophagus for them

Roman building materials

- brick - terracotta= valuable - arranged bricks= mattered - opus quadratum- gives you parallel register of brick wit a little bit of mortar - opus caementicium- pozzolana (volcanic sand)- allows you to make fast drying cement and water proof cement; use underwater- hydraulic properties - create building shapes and structural integrity - stop using opus quadratum--> opus incentrum


- c 900-720 bce- villanovan culture; - 720- 580 bce- orientalizing period (eastern influence from greeks - 580- 480 bce- archaic period - 470- 320 bce- classical period - 320- 27 bce- hellenistic period

Antikythera Youth

- ca 350 bce - unusual - shipwreck - polykleitan - body that has same polyklethias style but made by someone else - famous shape from polykleian - object in the hand - dont know who it is; paris, herakles, or perseus bc dont know what he is holding - softness- skin= skin but muscles are a little unrealistic - awkward on purpose- out strech right arm= longer than left; bent leg= longer than left leg--> why made this way: for effect- emphasize S shaped curve that body takes on - head= smaller than polyleitain cannon - new style - eyes= in light (ivory and other stone - bronze - spacing command (new)

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

- ca 350-340 bce - funerary monument for king mausolos and queen artemisia of karia - modern day turkey - mausolos died- built in order to house his and then his wife then became the 7 ancietn wonders of the world bc so famous and large and unusual - mausolos thing - tomb - architect- pytheos - pieces and fragments - pliny- 140.8 m circumference, 44.8 m height - phenomenal large building - sculptures carved on- brightly painted (see from a distance) - wedding cake of a tomb - done to combine greek + egyptian + near eastern influences- sits geographically to all of these regions - pyramid on the top (eqypt); worldly he is; remains of pharaohs - ionic columns (greek); temple - high podium (anatolian- local- southern turkey)- built pillar tombs - monument speaks to the power of person buried - chariot @ top - money, power, famous - 4 different sculptors: skopas, timotheos, bryaxis, and leochares= famous sculptures- took 1 side each???; expensive; masolos message- impressing and speaking to the greeks - (top to bottom): quadriga (with mausolos), centauromachy frieze, lions, free standing (larger)- ancestors?, amazonomachy frieze, hunt and sacrifice, free standing (smaller)- ancestors?, and battles at the bottom

tomb of the shields and chairs

- carved stone furniture - 6 beds - 2 chairs - 24 shields - all on wall - layout similar to etruscan houses- not 100% accurate - cerveteri, 550 bce - tufa

tomb of the reliefs

- cerveteri, 4th century bce - very unique - cushions, armor, and everything you need for a banquet - post banquet- everything is put up - depicts everyday etruscan objects in painted stucco relief - underwolrd/ afterlife motif in tombs

sarcophages of the married couple

- cerveteri, 525 bce, archaic period - terracotta - 2 pieces - large urn - bodies are not buried here - similar but advanced - painted - etruscan and greek elements: archaic smile; almond eyes; women reclining with men- greeks wouldn't show this; beard (not typical for etruscan style)

alexander as zeus ammon

- coin - very tiny - not accurate of what his face actually looks like - carved into a di than casted - issued by lysimachos (general in modern day bolgaria) - minted after he died- 306-281 bce - everyone wanted to be the emperor after alexander died- generals fought against themselves - head of alexander on coin- propaganda- general stake claim on ATG themselves- for their specific territories - head with a set of horns- adding to portraits after visiting zeus of ammon; told he is the son of a god- zeus- started arguing bc they didnt like how alexander was bragging about being a son of a god; god is a god not a human and the macedon generals were confused and did not like how alexander was saying he was a god- once he died it was fine- granted him a cult - propaganda during the hellenistic period

delian league

- defensive league against persians - money and ships - treasury in neutral area- sanctuary of polo in delios - 454 bce treasury relocated to temple of athena- acropolis in athens - recognized as a new empire - give pericles massive amounts of money- fund periclean building plan - peloponnesian war

opus reticulatum

- diamond shaped bricks that all end in a point on the back and the points are logged into a central cement core - 1st century bce onwards

acropolis under peisistratids

- doric hekatompedon (100 footer) (580-570 bce); traces of architecture sculpture- pediment- associated? ; blue beard group- 3 bearded men (575-550 bce- winged, snakey tail, painted, dont know who it is, archaic style (lips turn up, bulging eyes, hairs coming down- popcorn curls) - old athena temple (525- 510 bce)- dorpfeld foundations (what is left) current parathoneon and erec hethenom; doric; house wooden statue of athena - doric pre-parthenon (490 bce)- never finished, persians invade athens and burn pre=parthenon; doric

persian wars

- end of 6th century bce - persia invaded greece twice - ended in te battle of maratheone- greeks won and persian king angry and son will lead 2nd war adn defeat them at the battle of thermopylae adn go back and forth but greeks win - persians sack adn destroy athens entirely - 1st time greeksa re affected by human enemy - ilioupersis (persians of troy) scenes- sack of troy- trojan war- achilles and attacking priman on the throne wit body of dead son on his lap- modern persians who attacked athenians= descendants of mythical persians from troy- current events in art - oath of plataea (479 bce)- athenians promise to never rebuild the things that persians destroyed- keep as monument- hold for a little - gater destroyed material and dump to sacred pits (perserchutt- persian destruction debree); statuary, architectectural, and incorporate them into the acropolis - greeks respond wit paranoia (terrified of persians)- athenians going to suggest the creation of the delian league- cities band together under the leadership of the athenians to form mutual defensive league and contribute a lot of money and athens will steal all of it- peloponnesian war

Peace Callias 449 BC

- establish permanent peace between athens and persia - this means that pericles can use to money for his program


- etruscan tombs= often found in a necropolis, which is planned out like a city - circular family tombs are covered by large tumuli - interior rooms are arranged in a way that mimics real houses, carving certain elements in stone - niches were incorporated when the tomb was built to hold bodies, but you'll see slots for bodies that were added later - etruscans used both cremation and inhumation throughout their civilization - men and women dined together are frequently depicted as playing a more prominent role in etruscan society than women did in greece/ rome

The so-called tomb of philip ii

- everyone wants this tomb to be the tomb of philip - 317 bce - tomb 2 - facade- very distinctive and brightly painted to look like a temple; faux architecture (looks like a sctructure that is behind the wall, but isnt actually it) - doric - plaster (stucco- shaped and attached to surface) and marble - painted frieze: fresco style (paint attached to wet layer of plaster and as plaster dries the paint attaches)- scene- lion hunt (typically things that kings do)- kingly pursuits; landscape: trunk of tree- ribbons wrapped around- only usually get placed on trees on sacred places); social class- dogs, painted clothing- royals?; wealth and art- length the artist wnt to show expertise, figures are depicted from the back, 3/4 turns, horses, people traveling at an angle= complex composition, a lot of movement, artist= must of been expensive (aristocrat can afford that); alexander?- fellow on the center, holding a sphere, about to attack; philip ii/iii?- left, holding a sphere (?= dont actually know, just people want them to be that) - antechamber and main chamber- 2 stone chests in both rooms- golden boxes (larnakes)- heavily decorated and contain remains (cremains)- 2 different individuals; antechamber- cremains of a 20 yr old women- fire, washed on wine, wrapped in purple cloth and placed in chest; main chamber- cremains: 40 yr old man w same wrappings as the 20 yr old + had a golden crown= significantly important; chambers= bronze, weapons, armor, shields, and some weaponry in antechamber - larnax in antechamber- gold cloth- elaborate design w purple string - larynx in main chamber- elaborate; macedonian sunburst (16 rays), exterior= decorated; crown= oak leaf crown made out of gold leaves; likely philip iii arrhidaios (not fit to be king) - armor and objects from the burial chamber - small ivory heads from a couch- main burial chamber- decorative border on couch- smaller than palm of hand- philip and alexander (typical characteristics- lyspiias)

opus latericium/opus testaceum

- fired brick facing used on a concrete wall - imperial period onwards - stop using diamond shape and use regular bricks - regular= flat and square - cut it in half- put diamond into wall and put flat part facing outwards - very strong; holds up a lot of weight; jolds curves really well- arches


- grand urban planning - commercial and public buildings in the city of center miletos, 2nd century bce - elaborate developed plans- a lot of money - very developed grid plan, business (agora-market), harbor, temples, council chambers, - money- development of zones - stoa (long rectangular building- open on one side and walls on the 3 other- interior row of columns through it)- elaborate, popular throughout greece, all purpose building (school, shop, gym, etc.) depending on what the community needed


- medical sanctuary - healing dedicated to the son of apollo - heal through dreams and then healed in the wakening world - snakes would be released through sanctuary and then wake up and on road to recovery - asklepios (son of apollo); sanctuary, theater; thollos - thollos (tomb from bronze aged outside of mescenia); now it means large round building associated w cult - tholos of epidaurus- 360- 340 bce; limestone; doric (exterior); heavily decorated; antifix; roof decorations and moldings; inside= corinthian (marble); architect- polykleitos the younger; placed on a decorative floor- black adn white tile made of marble; dont know what building was used for; unusual building; foundations- bothos (pit in the center that is believed to have magical or sacral property- offering adn dedications are found under it; 3 rings concentric rungs under the floor; doorways piercing the floors- off center; access through sella; house sacred snakes???;

hellenistic world

- mediterranean (mostly eastern) - diadochs (successors of alexander) - ptolemy (egypt and some of modern day libia)- macedonian general who creates ptolemaic dynasty - selecucus (persia/adia) - antigonus (anatolia/ asia minor- some access to black sea) - lysimachus (thrace)- horns of alexander - antigonus (macedonia) - each one wants to become the next alexander the great - go directly into battle and compete by wealth- show each other up and show off - attalus (not a general but a king) (pergamon- minor asia)- very wealthy

macedonian history

- modern country (FYROM- former yokoslav republic of macedonia - ancient macedonia- greeks and fyrom= fitting because of that area - greek vs barbarian- athenians, spartans, etc thought that people of macedon are considered to be greek like the people of the southern part of greece who considered themselves greek, they thought the macedons were geekified barbarians= conflict in macedon

Temple of Apollo at Didyma

- modern day turkey - 4th century bce - construction began in 6th century (destroyed by persian kings- 494); wealthy kings come back and rebuild - late classical temple of apollo - architects: paionios of ephesus and daphnis of miletus - ionic building in ionia built by ionian architects (huge) - ionian style- peripteral 10x 21, dipteral (2 wraps of columns wrapped around); 7 steps; frontal staircase- orientating anyone to enter from the front; pronaos (12 columns in antis; hypostyle hall; fear, impress you; main doorway= 5 m high; tunnels lead you to open space of sella; adyton (extra room added on), 2 free corinthian columns- holding up rood; adityon connects to stella through 3 columns; engaged corinthian columns; sella= unroofed- hypaethral, engaged ionic pilasters; shrine (temple of athena nike)- center of big space

temple of apollo, bassai

- peloponnes- southern greece; 430-390 bce; paid for by arcadian mercenaries- peloponnesian war; landscape- beautiful by wild; revolutionary changes and experimenting; - architect: lktinos (archaic. predecessor) - occupies a site of temples that were made before it- did not completely ruin previous temples- added on - late classical - kept archaic portions in take -north south orientation - doric exterior - 6 x 15 columns- longer than normal and more narrow (lktinos is manipulating style) - limetone= easily acquired throughout greece - interior: (peripateal on outside); tripartite sekos; front porch (pronouce); sella (main cult activity)= all standard for doric - sella= different- iktinos= experimenting; internal colonnade= different no free standing columns except for 1; rest- piers (attached to the wall) (ionic)- column; side door- connects sella to the outside from the flanks of the building and not just the front- regional trait - 1 freestanding column- corinthian style column and first one seen in greece- was ionic interior but this 1 corinthian column changed that; circular column (not frontal- vaults are 2 dimensions); corinthian= viewed from 360 degree POV; curled elements; hints of values from ionic; leaves= decorative fashion - inferior frieze ionic- sella; 2 things it depicts: centauromachy (battle of greeks vs centers) and amazonomachy (battle of greeks vs amazons)- greeks always winning; drapery- show off bodies even tho covered in cloth; no emotion in faces (not interested in doing); hard faces; center- half greek half horse; centers= invited to wedding and got drunk and attacked guest; amazon= 1 bare breast= interfere w ability to fire a bow; questioning what does it mean to be a human outside of athens- through art

alexander the great head

- pergamon (modern day turkey) - 2nd century bce - marble - don't know for sure - lysippian characteristics- don't actually tell us what the man actually looked like

Attic White Ground Lekythos

- phiale painter - 435- 430 bce - hermes (seated) god of messengers- olypmus, underworld, etc; leader of soles from land of living to the dead because he knows the way; wearing travelers hat and has 2 snakes on it; lady is the other person on it- dead; shade of an unmarried woman; shade shows they are dead- dressed up as a bride of hermes- means she is young but gets married in their life but if not alive they girls will when they are dead;


- plan of city blocks, first half of 4th century bce - city= expanded- laid out by hippodominas (hippodamian gride); before peloponnesian war and then destroyed - late classical housing- typical city blocks= 10 houses per block- 2 stories tall; andron- dining room for entertainment (orange plan) with dining couches around perimeter- male drinking parties/ male events, doors are off centered on purpose- dining couches; women= living up on second floor/ difficult to access; centered around courtyard; elaborate floors- mosaics made out of river pebbles- river stones that are selected and arranged in decorations; cost money= elite/ prestigious homes


- port city of Rome - 338 bce - wen they built- laid along the same lines of military forts (castrum) - build camp cities - put fortification wall around it - cardo ( street- main north south street that runs through the city and terminates at te gate of foriciation wall)- 4 gates (N, S, E, W) - decumanus (east west road) - forum- intersection of cardo and decumanus

Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia

- praeneste - 80 bce - largest sanctuary created in ancient rome - comminised by roman general and former council sola - monumental- sola- fought against kingdom of merthrades (hellenistic)= larger than life and everything is oversized; adopted many of their architecture and brought it home - (blue star) - tons of hellenistic design elements- constructed w roman material and methods - 5 different teres up a mountain side- change the skyline - very dramatic construction - hellenistic: symmetry, 5 different teres- marked out spaces for rituals; main teres= largest and most of religious events take place- eld up w roman concrete- barrel vaults (opus incertum and concrete- arch ways; covered walk ways with columns (porticoes) - 3 ad tem except 1 - dramatic staircase- looks like a theater -pinnacle of the sanctuary; theater: stage- vasmus of the landscape, awe inspiring and impressive, makes you feel small - circular temple- top of the steps- construction- bring you to the holy of holies - ramps (roman)- 2 at the front- triangular shape and series of ramps and staircase up to the temple= procession= big (roman)

copies of aphrodite

- praxitiles - ca 350 bce - associations with sec - up till not= not suppose to see goddesses nude - now goddesses= fully in the nude and it is okay - hydria (water jar)- about to enter a bath - position= odd; hand= trying to hide but actually drawing attention; s curve; softer skin over muscles

Alexander Sarcophagus

- probably belonged to abdalonymos, satrap of sidon, c. 320 bce - holds dead body - original- paren marble and heavily painted; heavily architecture - long sides= battle scenes of persians vs greeks and persians are winning - alexander in narrative= dressed as persian - combination of fact and fantasy - over the top and aspirational- dead man - one side: 2 figures on horse- lion hunt (alexander- always clean shaven; attempted to wear long pants; similar characteristics from lysippos and abdalonymos- head gear and attire) ; 2 images of people fighting- clothed and nude- persian vs greek; persians= depicted by wearing long clothing - other side: battle of greeks and persians; variety: some winning and losing; alexander= corner- wearing lions head as a helmet- as a persian

pediment of temple A

- pyrgi, 460 bce - TC plaque in pediment, heavily painted - shows athena and zeus at the moment when tydeus eats melanippus' brain

apulian volute krater

- red figure - ilioupersis painter - 380 bce- 4th century - added white paint- signify who the dead person is (standing youth) - tomb looks like a temple; ionic columns; - white paint- underworld deities (handles)

Forum Iulium

- rome - 46 bce - julius casesar- commision own public structure - forum (large addition to roman forum) - inside the pomerium (didn't want anyone coming and giving speeches while having the support of private armies) - hellenistic and roman influences: 1st of the imperial fora- all emperors add onto; rectangular, symmetrical, axial, lined w porticos, 1 entrance (roman) and temple at the back (temple of venus genetrix- venus the ancestor of himself); - same civic roman functions that pompeys did- senate house (didnt use it as much), latrine, shops -

terracotta ouse urn

- rome - 7th century bce - romans (just like etruscans)- creating terracotta houses - found in the FOrum Necropolis in Rome - filled wit carved goods - romans were using them to hold individual remains of a cremated body (male) and used forms of domesticated architecture -

servian wall

- rome (not all of it) - 386 bce (after defeated etruscans) - border- pomerium of rome- nobody is allowed to be a general if you cross the line - greek ashlar masonry- stone is cut and formed into shapes to hold them in place - sacred heart of rome

roman copy of maenad

- skopas - 340 bce - focus on eye - late classical style- drapery, - dancing= clothing is disheveled -

major sculptors of 4th century

- skopas (distinctive) - praxiteles (bronze and marble) - lysippos

Alexander the Great

- son of Philip II; received military training in Macedonian army and was a student of Aristotle; great leader; conquered much land in Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, and Mesopotamia; goal was to conquer the known world - 20 years old when come to power in 336 bce - 334 bce- persian conquest- take it to persia and embark in series of fights and gains territory - darius iii of persia (king)- opponent during ascension to the throne - egypt- changes in behavior - 331 bce- go out of his way to visit the oracle of zeus ammon at siwa (unusual deity) (human figure with rams horns)- given the title- son of zeus by the site in egypt; big aprt in decisions - 323 bce- travels as far as modern day india- on the way back= died @ site of babylon- disease (33 years old) - designated 3 specific artist: apelles (official court painter- images of alexander and anything else had to be copied by him); pyrgoteles (official court gem carver; rings and necklaces; only authorization); lysippos (court sculpture- statues- bronze/ marble)

g. berini

- st teresa in ecstasy - familiar w hellenistic style - carved in stone and deep cutting- over emphasize - different textures for each object - over exaggerated expressions - art reaching out to build emotion - santa maria della vittoria, rome - italian baroque style

macedonian tombs at vergina

- subterrain, large, constructed underground - tumulus (huge man made hill)n placed after constructed - barrel vault- on top structure - main chamber- most elaborate burrial and offerings - antechamber- some had offerings some didnt - facade (given a plaster headstone to look like a building)- exterior= made to be seen; not constient with the interior look

tomb of the aninas

- tarquinia, mid 3rd century bce - charu (he is etruscan virgin of karen) and vanth (uniquely etruscan), psychopomps - provides valuable insight into etruscan religious ideas of the afterlife - noble family - vance= underworld goddess, bare breasted, torch- guide way for underworld - charu- mallet, wings, horns, blue


- temple on the Acropolis (caryatids porch) - ground plan - 420- 406 bce - multiple cults of many gods: temple of athena polias and other gods and heroes, including erechtheus - architect: mnesikles, kallikrates???? not sure - smoke in picture- main altar of athena, sacrifices taken place - east facade- ionic, column drums, 6 columns across front, continuous frieze all around- blue eleusinian limestone and attached greek gods out of white marble- increase visual interest - west facade- 4 ionic columns @ high elevation - north porch- holes for dowels to hold figures in place; blue eleusian; ionic and 4 columns at front and 2 on the return (down the side); doorway= huge= elaborately decorated- molding; columns; very decorative and expensive; 1 part of roof is open- lightening bolts from zeus???; moldings- egg and dart- gaudy and brightly colored for northern porch - south porch- closest to athena temple= most important building bc of the statue of athena; statue is moved inside this building; karyatids- porch of the maidens; 6 columns= carved in form of maiden wearing peplos- hold up the roof of the porch; porch= highly decorated; smaller in scale but elevated; maidens all looking south or at the parthenon; wet drapery; capitals= highly decorated= lot of sculpture focus; backs are just as clingy -

archaic athens, tyranny

- tyrant - aristocrat in power- beneficial to the common people of th city - peisistratus- appreciated after 2 separate coes that failed - hippias and hipparchus= sons - showmanship- worship athena (figurehead) - public stunts - benefits the people - panathenaic prize amporae- amplify the cult of athena- athletic competitions and win prize: - gorgoneion on athena's aegis; snakey garment (shield) and gorgoneoin= weapon= offensive power added to athena= give her more power and prominent- when people think of athena they think of athens - owl tetradrachms- silver coin- money of athens- owl of athena and athena on each side

Nike of Samothrace Hellenistic

-dramatic twists of body -commemorates naval victory - 180 bce - marble - dedication- left at sanctuary of samothrace - nike (goddess of victory) perched on top of a ship - now in paris - nike= wearing thin tunic and shaw (mantel) - wet drapery - looks like she will walk through clothing - x like composition (motion and drapery)- chaistic style - different textures


One of the great Late Classical sculptors; works included weary Herkales and Apoxymenos, attributed works that were "engaging" and meant to be looked at in multiple view points - alexander the great - bronze - cicinum in greece - none of his original bronze survived today - new cannon of proportions- bc of extent of the work- only authorized sculpture of alexander the great; slimmer, taller, more slender and longer legs; 1: 7 ratio (head is smaller and body= 7x length of the head- vertical height); frozen moment of time- as fidgeting - "others amek men as they are; I make men as they appear to be" (pliney); interested in making elements of their characters/ traits; people= not intended to reflect people, but coded representations of their character - agias and aproxyomenos heads= both turned- tendons in the neck- prominent; deeply carved eyes; slightly parted lips- deliberate; heads= slightly tilted upwards; 2 different figures; not intended to represent individuals - ability to convey character and gave form to essential excellence (alexander believed he could do that to him and convey of him because he chose to choose his image)


an ancient burial mound; a barrow. - on tomb - in the room- not look circular but outside is - necropolis layout


city of the dead - full of monumental tob - planned out like a city

What was the biggest gift that Athena received from her city on her birthday?

new dress

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