Classical Roots Vocab Review - 2014-2015cvbg

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The following underlined colloquialisms have a standard English equivalent among the words that you have learned. Rewrite the sentence using more formal words for the colloquialisms in Caps. You live in a PRETTY BIG house. A- Commodious B- Colloquial C- Contrite D- Tenacious

A- Commodious

Match the latin root to its meaning (letter to number). a- Cernere b-Frangere c-Ab 1-"to separate", "to shift", "to decide" 2-"away from" 3-"to break"

A-1 B-3 C-2

Pick the letter of the best ANTONYM Perennial problems A-Short lived B-Annual C-Usual D-Long-lasting C-Unsolvable


Because of the camera's precision, linesmen at national tennis competitions are now _________ from error in determining if a ball lands in or out of the court A-absolved B-infringed C-resolute D-superfluous


The following underlined colloquialisms have a standard English equivalent among the words that you have learned. Rewrite the sentence using more formal words for the colloquialisms in Caps. Stop making those SASSY remarks! A- Colloquial B- Pertinacious C- Impertinent D- Tenacious

C- Impertinent

Computers have become a familiar _______ of communication, connecting people around the world. a. mediation b. proponent c. medium d. exposition

C- medium

In Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, the ________ of Jacob Marley returns from the grave to haunt his business partner, Ebenezer Scrooge. A- repartee B- repertoire C- specter D- spectrum

C- specter

Peering about constantly at the entrance of its burrow, the lively meerkat is a(n) ________ guardian of its home. A- auspicious B- ostentatious C- vigilant D- visionary

C- vigilant

Chose the letter of the best Antonym DEFERRING a hard decision A-Making B-Postponing C-Hastening D-Challenging E-Rejecting


Which of the following words is derived from Greek A-abhorrence B-abscond C-catalyst D-herbicide


Which word best describes a quality of good writing? A-abrasiveness B-abundance C-precision D-superfluity


A Presidential INJUNCTION A.award B.suggestion C.command D.committee E.issue


Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as a numbered pair. abrasion : scrape A - absolution : connection B - herbicide : poison C - abound : plenty D - resolve : uncertainty

B - herbicide : poison

The following underlined colloquialisms have a standard English equivalent among the words that you have learned. Rewrite the sentence using more formal words for the colloquialisms in Caps. How do you make things FIT TOGETHER so well? A- Abstain B- Cohere C- Condone D- Commiserate

B- Cohere

Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring, documenting the poisonous effects of the pesticide DDT, _______ health officials worldwide who were proponents of the chemical's use. A- improvised B- refuted C- reticent D- retrospect

B- refuted

The plays of Tennessee Williams ______ the same themes over and over again; secrecy, frustration, and anguish. A- ostensible B- reiterate C- reticent D- retrospect

B- reiterate

Beatrix Potter discovered lichen, until that time an unidentified plant, while examining _______ of algae and fungi. A- introspections B- specimens C- surveillances D- vigils

B- specimens

Chose the letter of the best Antonym a DILATORY response to an invitation A-Thoughtful B-Prompt C-Half-Hearted D-Quarrelsome E-Pretentiousness


Certain cleaning powders are so _________ that they quickly remove the shine of a wood surface A-abhorrent B-abrasive C-discreet D-precise


Which word applies most to clear thinking A-abstemiousness B-discernment C-discretion D-resolution


Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. abscond : flee A - ascertain : forget B - concise : cut C - discern : hide D - abhor : detest

D - abhor : detest

The following underlined colloquialisms have a standard English equivalent among the words that you have learned. Rewrite the sentence using more formal words for the colloquialisms in Caps. I hardly ever HOLD BACK when I'm asked a question in class. A- Contrite B- Condone C- Cohere D- Abstain

D- Abstain

to INFER the outcome A-Believe B-Learn C-Deny D-Imply E-Guess at


Until contagious childhood diseases could be prevented by vaccines, a case of scarlet fever required a(n) _______ of the child for six weeks a. excerpting b. exonerating c. mediation d. sequestration


Which word best suggests self control? a - abhorrence b - abstemiousness c - infraction d - infringement

b - abstemiousness

Find the best ANTONYM of the vocabulary word To abstain from voting a - avoid b - participate in c - recommend d - discourage e - ample

b - participate in

Find the best SYNONYM for the vocabulary word. Contrition after robbing a bank a - elation b - repentance c - recantation d - exoneration e - sequestration

b - repentance

Re can mean both ________ and __________. a- "to see", "to exhibit" b- "back", "again" c- "to look at", "to watch" d- "back", "to look at"

b- "back", "again"

Find the sentence with the vocabulary word used incorrectly: a- China for centuries contended with Mongolian invaders from the north. b- A happy man, he lived in a state of perfect contention. c- The contender is a novel about an African American youth who wants to make a name for himself as a boxer. d- The U.S. Surgeon General has contended that people should safeguard their health by avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and harmful drugs.

b- A happy man, he lived in a state of perfect contention.

In a series of victories against Spanish forces, Simon Bolivar was a(n) _______ for the drive toward independence of South American countries and is significantly remembered in the name of one of them, Bolivia. a- Analysis b- Catalyst c- Herbicide d- Resolution

b- Catalyst

The phone ______ did not reach its destination because the power went off in the city. a- Expound b- Medium c- Exorbitant d- Impostor

b- Medium

Find the sentence with the vocabulary word used incorrectly: a- Do you agree with the familiar phrase, "for all intents and purposes," is repetitious? b- On our camping trip we were prepared for a snug, intent night's sleep, but a prowling bear kept us awake. c- Although the intent of the Chinese students' demonstration in 1989 was for free speech and control of corruption, the nation's leaders feared a movement to overthrow the government. d- Sarah Winnemucca was intently involved in pleading with the U.S. government for fair treatment of her people, the Paiutes.

b- On our camping trip we were prepared for a snug, intent night's sleep, but a prowling bear kept us awake.

Sierra Club members are _____ of environmental protection. a- Mediums b- Proponents c- impostors d- exposition

b- Proponents

Tulips, imported from Turkey in the 17th century, now _________ in vast gardens in the Netherlands. a- resolute b- abound c- absolve d- infringe

b- abound

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from lesson 7. After persuading gullible victims to hand over their life savings, the trickster _______ed a- abhor b- abscond c- abound d- ascertain

b- abscond

People sometimes hope that winning a lottery ticket will _______ them from their debts. a- analysis b- absolve c- concise d- resolve

b- absolve

Thomas Carlyle says that "______ is hard upon a man" but that prosperity is even harder to endure. a- prose b- adversity c- contort d- avert

b- adversity

People around the world ___________ with Chinese farmers who lose homes and farms in the flooding of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. a- abstain b- commiserate c- juncture d- adjunct

b- commiserate

The sunny, __________ house is a wonderful change from the dark, cramped apartment I used to have. a- coherent b- commodious c- colloquial d- contrite

b- commodious

Which word does NOT have a form of "joining" or "tying" in it? a- adjunct b- condone c- stringent d- subjugate

b- condone

The foster mother of Anne of Green Gables offers her a(n)___ apology after unjustly punishing her for the missing brooch. a- coherent b- contrite c- adjunct d- astringent

b- contrite

Scheherazade manages to ________ her death for 1,001 nights by telling stories to the king who holds her captive. a- contort b- defer c- distort d- subvert

b- defer

Taxpayers can expect to pay penalties when they are _________ in sending what they owe. a- contentious b- dilatory c- introverted d- subservient

b- dilatory

In 1990 Nelson Mandela was _______ from his life sentence and released from prison. a. sequestered b. exonerated c. mediated d. imposed

b- exonerated

Scientists have to _______ on their examples or tests to get accurate results. a- proponent b- expound c- exonerate d- compound

b- expound

Jessie is the opposite of quiet; she is outgoing, talkative and very _______ a- extraneous b- extroverted c- compounded d- subsequent

b- extroverted

Which word contains a Latin preposition meaning "not"? a- aptitude b- impertinent c- injunction d- pertinacious

b- impertinent

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. intention : tendere :: a- permeate : servare b- inference : ferre c- contention : torquere d- tortuous : verare

b- inference : ferre

On public land leased in small plots to individuals, gardeners must ensure that their plants do not _________ upon the space allotted to others. a- abound b- infringe c- ascertain d- absolve

b- infringe

Emily Dickinson, whose poetry focuses on God, death, and nature, devoted much time to _________. a- repose b- introspection c- repartee d- retrospect

b- introspection

The waters of Lake Erie feed lake Ontario at the ________ of Niagara Falls. a- subjugation b- juncture c- adjunct d- ineptitude

b- juncture

Which word does NOT suggest use of the mind? a- improvise b- ostentation c- speculate d- visionary

b- ostentation

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. ostentatious: modest:: a- vigilant: lazy b- reticent: talkative c- visionary: blind d- olfactory: loud

b- reticent:: talkative

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. Tenacious: hold a- condone: fasten b- stringent: tie c- inept: grind d- commodious: speak

b- stringent: tie

Balancing a budget is a (n) ________ task for individuals as well as for governments. a- distort b- tortuous c- avert d- prose

b- tortuous

Choose the best ANTONYM: A(n) OSTENTATIOUS outfit a- expensive b- understated c- obsequious d- monstrous

b- understated

Precision in speaking a-ineptitude b-exactness c-volubility d-deception


Choose the letter of the best ANTONYM (the word or phrase most nearly opposite the word in bold. An *auspicious* sign a. incautious b. foreboding c. terrifying d. illegible e. introspective


Find the correct synonym of the word in quotes. To "infringe" upon others' property. a-ascertain b-intrude c-infarct d-abscond


Packing for an airplane trip usually forces us to leave __________ possessions at home. a-resolute b-superfluous c-superlative d-concise


Heracles was ______ to the rest when considering strength and courage. a-superfluous b-superlative c-resolute d-consice


Choose the antonym that best matches the bold-faced word. an *ostentatious* outfit. a-expensive b-understated c-obsequious d-monstrous e-becoming


Choose the letter of the sentence in which the word in bold-faced type is used incorrectly. a. Although a political *visionary*, Thomas Jefferson was also an efficient farmer and businessperson. b. Such *visionary* plans feed the imagination but not the belly. c. Elaborate *visionary* effects turned our gym into a tropical jungle for junior prom. d. They are a great architectural team: he conceives the *visionary* designs and she interprets them in concrete and steel.

b. Such *visionary* plans feed the imagination, not the belly. Or c. Elaborate *visionary* effects turned our gym into a tropical jungle for junior prom.

Circle the letter of the best antonym abhorrence of cruelty a. hatred b. love c. subjugation d. negation e. discernment

b. love

Choose a word with the most appropriate word from lesson 9. Rather than making __________ donations that get their name in headlines, the family prefers to make anonymous contributions to charity. a. reticent b. ostentatious c. repertoire

b. ostentatious

Someone who speaks more often about the past than the future is _______. a. auspicious b. retrospective c. ostentatious d. reticent

b. retrospective

Find the synonym for contention Annual contention for the trophy a. longing b. rivalry c. hope d. vanguard

b. rivalry

In India, mistreatment of cows is a(n) ____________ of Hindu laws. a - infraction b - suffrage c - catalyst d - analysis

a - infraction

Carrie Chapman Catt's orations calling for women's ________ made her instrumental in the fight to give U.S. women the right to vote. a- suffrage b- exonerate c- impose d- expound

a- suffrage

Match the Latin root with its definition. a- Solvere b- Caedere c- Super 1- "above" 2- "to loosen" 3- "to cut"

a-2 b-3 c-1

Certain cleaning powders are so_________ that they quickly remove the shine of a wood surface a- abhorrent b-abrasive c-discreet d-precise


Because of the camera's precision, linesmen at national tennis competitions are now_______ from error in determining if a ball lands in or out of the court a-absolved b-infringed c-resolute d-superfluous


When ________, her handwriting revealed that she is neat and discreet a-analyzed b-discreet c-resolute d-concise


Sending a satellite to photograph the planet Neptune millions of miles away from Earth requires ___________ calculations. a-precise b-superlative c-superlative d-concise


Which word has a root meaning that does NOT suggest sight? a- reticent b- spectrum c- surveillance d- viligant


Circle the letter of the one that is used incorrectly. a. The poem contained many stanzas because the poet expected to be paid on a perverse salary. b. The perverseness of the princess who complains about the pea under her twenty-four mattresses shows a delicate sensitivity that wins her a princely bridegroom. c.Nature sometimes appears perverse, sending flash floods to drown thousands in Bangladesh while the land dries up in the famine-stricken Sahara. d. Although Templeton the rat is often perverse when Charlotte the spider ask a favor, he manages to save the day on several occasions in the story Charlotte's Web.

a. The poem contained many stanzas because the poet expected to be paid on a perverse salary.

Find the synonym for distortion distortion of the facts a. alteration b. description c. recantation d. clarification

a. alteration

Although she engaged in easy repartee on most subjects, about her family life she remained _________ . a. reticent b. repose c. repertoire d. ostentatious

a. reticent

Someone who doesn't reveal a lot about himself or herself is ______. a. reticent b. spectral c. visionary d. vigilant

a. reticent

Circle the letter of the one that is used incorrectly. a.We discussed the prose and cons of turbo engines. b.Edgar Allen Poe wrote both poetry and prose. c. Trying to smarten himself up to become a gentleman, a character in a French play is amazed when his tutor tells him he has been speaking prose all his life. d. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a scolding voice speaking in rhyme sometimes interrupts the prose.

a.We discussed the prose and cons of turbo engines.

Find the sentence with the vocabulary word used incorrectly: a- In the poem "Harlem" Langston Hughes asks, "What happens to a dream deferred?" addressing the denial of opportunity experienced by many African Americans. b- Because Arachne, famous for her skill at the loom, refuses to defer to Minerva in a weaving contest, the goddess transforms her into a spider. c- The students apologized for the deference that made them tardy. d- A basic courtesy is deference of youth to age when entering a room or passing through a doorway.

c- The students apologized for the deference that made them tardy.

Victims of the flu are advised to drink liquids but to be _________ in eating solid foods. a- precise b- discerning c- abstemious d- resolute

c- abstemious

_______ of the steel used in construction of the Titanic, which sank in 1912, _______ that the ship's brittle steel hull was only one-fourth as strong as steel used today. a- infraction b- suffrage c- analysis d- catalyst a- infringed b- ascertained c- abounded d- suffrage

c- analysis b- ascertained

Which of the following English words does not contain a latin root or prefix meaning "to join?" a- conjugate b- juncture c- aptitude d-subjugate e- adjunct

c- aptitude

Accountants are responsible for keeping _________ records of money transactions. a- contrite b- coherent c- astringent d- adjunct

c- astringent

Find the ANTONYM of abrasive that best fits this phrase. abrasive in conducting business a- rude b- inept c- courteous d- rough e- enterprising

c- courteous

Find the synonym of abound that best relates to this phrase. abounding good will a- cheering b- diminishing c- endless d- occasional e- deferring

c- endless

Timmy wanted me to read an _______ from his favorite book, The Giving Tree. a- expound b- compound c- excerpt d- extrovert

c- excerpt

The brand new roller coaster that we rode on was very _______. a- expound b- extraneous c- exhilarating d- subsequent

c- exhilarating

In Lego sets, there are often _____ pieces in case one gets lost. a- extraterrestrial b- medium c- extraneous d- non sequitur

c- extraneous

Which word is NOT derived from the Latin verb meaning " to place"? a- compound b- exposition c- extraneous d- impostor

c- extraneous

The Dallas Cowboys were believed to pay the referees in the NFC playoffs, giving them a(n) ______ over the other team. a- excerpt b- contrition c- imposition d- commodious

c- imposition

Comedy teams like Abbott and Costello and Laurel and Hardy make us laugh because they are so ______ in handling objects as so ready to misunderstand one another. a- conjugate b- stringent c- inept d- strait

c- inept

Although admirers were eager to lionize the Bronte sisters, they were ________s, preferring their own company to that of the outside world. a- retort b- perverse c- introvert d- tortuous

c- introvert

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. dilatory : prompt :: a-intended : planned b- percussive : perverse c- permeable : impenetrable d- adverse : perverse

c- permeable : impenetrable

My brother clung ________ to his belief the Alfred Hitchcock was the greatest film director of all time. a- coherently b- ineptly c- pertinaciously d- stringently

c- pertinaciously

The movie actor Lon Chaney was called "The Man of a Thousand Faces" because of his large ________ of characters. a- visionare b- retrospect c- repertoire d- introspection

c- repertoire

The remains of Pharaoh Ramses II _______ in the Cairo Museum. a- repertoire b- vigilant c- repose d- refute

c- repose

distort : falsify :: a- contend : avoid b- avert : prevent c- retort : argue d- adverse : perverse

c- retort : argue

Making a personal confession to a friend may turn out in ________ to be an embarrassing mistake. a- repartee b- ostensible c- retrospect d- repose

c- retrospect

Adjunct: addition a- abstention: absence b- commodiousness: size c- straits: hardship d- conjugation: nouns

c- straits: hardship

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. ostendere: ostensible:: a- re: retrospective b- spectare: surveillant c- vigilare: vigilant d- videre: introspection e- partire: division

c- vigilare: vigilant

In a series of victories against Spanish forces, Simon Bolivar was a(n) ___________ for the drive toward independence of South American countries and is significantly remembered in the name of one of them, Bolivia a-superfluous b-resolve c-catalyst d-herbicide


Driving above the speed limit is a(n) ______ which, if it goes of file, may increase the cost of car insurance. a-abhorrence b-infringement c- infraction d-abrasion


A guidance counselor often acts as a/an _______, and helps to negotiate with two opposing sides. a-contortionist b-compound c-mediator d-medium


She ___________ to run five miles every morning to improve her health. a-resolutely b-catalytic c-resolved d-absolved


Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. Then fill in the circle next to your answer. obsequious : yielding :: a-excerpt : text b-exhilarating : weary c-subsequent : following d-non sequitur : answer

c-subsequent : following

Circle the letter of the one that is used incorrectly. a. Historian Elizabeth Longford writes that "as playing or household slaves, women were distorted the world over." b. Makeup and padding distorted the figure of Charles Laughton for his role in the film The Hunchback of Notre Dame. c. Clowns tumbling from the diving board entertained the audience with their distortions d. Under the leadership of Joseph Stalin and his successors, Russian history presented as truth many distortions and omissions of world events

c. Clowns tumbling from the diving board entertained the audience with their distortions

Circle the letter of the one that is used incorrectly. a. Adventure games on computers sometimes requires players to follow tortuous routes to solve the puzzle and find the treasure. b.Forcing tortuous misunderstanding, Little Buttercup at last reveals the identity of her marriageable son in H.M.S. pinafore. c.Agatha Christie's mystery stories promise tortuous plots before the detective nabs the wrongdoer. d. The prisoners suffered sever tortuousness from ther cruel captors.

b.Forcing tortuous misunderstanding, Little Buttercup at last reveals the identity of her marriageable son in H.M.S. pinafore.

Find the best SYNONYM of the vocabulary word Tenacious pursuit of a goal a - bovine b - capricious c - earnest d - desultory e - tortuous

c - earnest

Find the best SYNONYM for the vocabulary word. Impertinent behavior a - polite b - reasonable c - rude d - desultory e - tortuous

c - rude

Choose the sentence with the bold-faced word used incorrectly. a- Although Granny seems cheerful and lively, her face in *repose* reveals worry and fatigue. b- Rather than *repose* so much faith in the opinions of others, try to make decisions yourself. c-*Repose* that cookie right where you found it! Lunch is almost ready. d. Before his funeral John F. Kennedy's *reposed* in the Capitol rotunda.

c- *Repose* that cookie right where you found it! Lunch is almost ready.

Find a synonym for the word in all capital letters. INVESTIGATION of a crime a- Resolution b- Absolution c- Analysis d- Precision

c- Analysis

What is the Latin root of herbicide? a- Solvere b- Luein/Lutos c- Caedere d- Super

c- Caedere

The talkative Miss Bates in the novel Emma tediously ______ on details of every subject that comes her way. a- compounds b- excerpts c- expounds d- imposes

c- Expounds

The laws that the Department of Motor Vehicles ______ on the drivers are meant to improve the safety on the road. a- compounds b-exonerates c- imposes d- sequesters

c- Imposes

Prisoners of war were expected to be ________ to their leaders. a- Exonerate b- Extraneous c- Obsequious d- impose

c- Obsequious

The Australian pediatrician Helen Caldicott has remained ________ in her opposition to nuclear weapons, believing that the human race is gravely endangered. a- Superlative b- Superfluous c- Resolute d- Absolved

c- Resolute

Choose the sentence in which the vocab word is used incorrectly. a- The city council placed an injunction against new buildings of more than three stories. b- My parent's injunction was "Be home by midnight." c- She sent out fifteen injunctions to her birthday party. d- Some Muslim women obey the injunction to wear a chador, a garment covering all but the face and hands.

c- She sent out fifteen injunctions to her birthday party.

Choose the letter of the best ANTONYM (the word or phrase most nearly opposite word in bold-faced type) Overcome your *reticence*. a. weakness b. shyness c. talkativeness d. silliness e. elation

c- Talkativeness

The title character in the novel Jane Eyre differs from other young pupils in her school because she refuses to be _______ to those in authority. a. compounded b. exhilarated c. extraneous d. obsequious

d- obsequious

Which word does NOT contain a variation of the Latin preposition meaning "with"? a- colloquial b- commodious c- contrite d- pertinacious

d- pertinacious

In the 1800s Harriet W. R. Strong, who urged water storage in dams, became the first ________ of flood control in the U.S. a- extrovert b- impostor c- mediator d- proponent

d- proponent

contorted : twisted :: a- subservient : negligent b- deferring : proud c- perennial : annual d- prosaic : unpoetic

d- prosaic : unpoetic

Despite military leaders' disbelief that Joan of Arc could lead the French army to victory, she remained _________. a- abstemious b- precise c- discerning d- resolute

d- resolute

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. improvise: music:: a- refute: invitation b- reiterate: garlic c- repose: replacement d- speculate: theory e- vigil: watchman

d- speculate: theory

The koala bear is known for its ________ in clinging to a tree once it has wrapped its arms around the trunk. a- subjugation b- juncture c- ineptitude d- tenacity

d- tenacity

The campers thought their leader perverse for taking them on the most ________ trails. a- contortionist b- percussive c- subverted d- tortuous

d- tortuous

Lady Ada Lovelace was a ________ conceiving in the 1830's of mathematical programming used in a prototype of the modern computer. a- ostensible b- vigilant c- repartee d- visionary

d- visionary

Collisions between moose and motor vehicles in parts of North America have been a(n) _______ to automakers to strengthen car windows and hood supports. a- suffrage b- infraction c- analysis d- catalyst


Your __________ directions brought us to your house without a moment of indecision - and in so few words! a-herbicides b-precise c-infraction d-concise


Which word contains the Latin preposition meaning "on the outside"? a-excerpt b-exonerate c-exposition d-extrovert


Choose the word that makes the most sense from lesson 10. Many religions encourage self-knowledge through meditation and __________. a. surveillance b. vigil c.specter d.introspection


The food was ______, not very good, but not terrible. Just average. a- mediate b-exorbitant c-exonerate d-mediocre


Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. Then fill in the circle next to your answer. extraneous : essential :: a-obsequious : following b-exhilarated : excited c-imposing : impressive d-mediocre : extraordinary

d-mediocre : extraordinary

Choose the best word that makes sense in the sentence The botanical garden is trying to obtain at least one __________ of every native American tree. a. vigilantly b. speculate c. specter d. specimen


Choose the word that matched the definition. The right to vote, or a vote itself. a-discern b-abstemious c-abhorrence d-suffrage


Find the synonym for subversion subversion of an enterprise a. concealment b. support c. celebration d. annihilation

d. annihilation

Find the synonym for adversity hopeful even in adversity a. good fortune b. fame c. change d. hard times

d. hard times

Find the synonym for introverted introverted attitudes a. outgoing b. self-confident c. capricious d. inward-looking

d. inward-looking

The _____ of nuclear war threatened the late twentieth century. a. suffrage b. improvisation c. speculation d. specter

d. specter

Find the best SYNONYM of the vocabulary word A commodious office a - copious b - mediocre c - compound d - efficacious e - ample

e - ample

Choose the best synonym for the bold-faced word. To *speculate on* the election results. a- deny b- argue about c- infringe on d- explain away e- mediate on

e- mediate on

Find the synonym for permeate To permeate the soul a. cover b. exist in c. eliminate d. contaminate e. penetrate

e. penetrate

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. stringere : to tie : : tenere :

to hold

Find the synonym of the capitalized vocabulary word. A JUNCTURE in the family welfare A.confusion B.crisis C. separation D.puncture E.healing


find the synonym of the capitalized word an expert in CONJUGATION A.chairing meetings B.Cheerleading C.Marriage counseling D.ordering verb forms E.manufacturing bottles

D.ordering verb forms

Chose the letter of the best Antonym a moment of ELATION A-Excitement B-Exhaustion C-Humor D-Joy E-Sadness


Find the synonym of the capitalized word: to SUBJUGATE a people A.exonerate B.offend C.mollify D.fight E.conquer


Find the synonym of the capitalized word APTITUDE in science A.experience B.fame C.opinion D.fight E.talent


_____ of finding a way to cut down air pollution claim that the people taking their surveys tend to be very respectful of their opinions. a- proponents b- mediums c- sequesters d- obsequious

a- proponents

"The dozens" is an example of ________ in which the participants exchange witty insults. a- repartee b- introspection c- repertoire d- repose

a- repartee

A clever ______ may win admiration for wit but discourage gentler feelings. a- retort b- adversity c- tortuous d- subvert

a- retort

Some baseball historians claim that the___ of the Chicago Cubs by the Philadelphia Athletics in 1929 ranks as the all-time high point in the history of the World Series. a- subjugation b- tenacity c- ineptitude d- adjunct

a- subjugation

People sometimes hope that a winning a lottery ticket will ________ them from debts. a- Absolve b- Resolve c- Analyze d- Resolute

a- Absolve

After the thunderstorm storm came, I watched the _______ rainbow appear. a- Subsequent b- Proponent c- Compound d- Impose

a- Subsequent

In recent years fear of skin cancer has increased, encouraging greater ___________ from long hours in the sun. a- abstinence b- aptitude c- astringency d- commiseration

a- abstinence

A(n) _______ to the flight of the satellite "Voyager 2" past Neptune has been the discovery of that planet's eight moons, previously thought to be only two. a- adjunct b- inept c- subjugate d- astringent

a- adjunct

Although in modern times obelisks are rarely important monuments, they remain a popular___ to garden and cemetery decoration. a- adjunct b- astringent c- subjugation d- juncture

a- adjunct

During the severe drought in the 1930's, Midwest farmers suffered ________ when their farmland dried up. a- adversity b- impermeability c- introversion d- permeation

a- adversity

In the long-running TV series I Love Lucy, the husband and wife enlivened their relationship with _________ wisecracks. a- astringent b- commodious c- stringent d- tenacious

a- astringent

Which word suggests promise? a- auspicious b- ostentation c- refutable d- retrospect

a- auspicious

Which word applies only families of words? a- conjugation b- injunction c- juncture d- strait

a- conjugation

When several people pass along information one by one, they inevitably ________ it. a- distort b- adversity c- retort d- contort

a- distort

Winning an Olympic gold medal after years of training inspired my feelings of __________. a- exhilaration b- exorbitance c- extroversion d- mediation

a- exhilaration

The murderer wanted the court to ______ him. a- exonerate b- expound c- impose d- compound

a- exonerate

Which word or phrase is NOT derived from the Latin verb meaning " to follow"? a- exonerate b- non sequitur c- obsequious d- sequester

a- exonerate

There was a(n) _______ amount of cookies in the cookie jar. a- exorbitant b- impostor c- proponent d- sequester

a- exorbitant

When objects that belonged to famous people like Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Elvis Presely go to auction, buyers are willing to pay _______ prices a. exorbitant b. exterterissal c. obsequious d. subsequent

a- exorbitant

Such an elaborate _______ is needed to complete a challenging school project. a- exposition b- exhilarate c- exonerate d- impose

a- exposition

In the story "Monsters are due on Maple Street" the citizens of a small town are worried that ______ beings were coming to invade their town! a- extraterrestrial b- mediate c- non sequitur d-mediocrity

a- extraterrestrial

Environmentalists deliver injunctions against harmful pesticides and _____________s. a-herbicides b-precise c-concise d-analytical

a- herbicides

People who are always late for a deadline or a dinner engagement place an unacceptable ______ upon others. a- imposition b- exposition c- mediation d- proponent

a- imposition

Which word suggest private thought? a- introspection b- repartee c- repose d- vigil

a- introspection

The witch in "Hansel and Gretel" owns a house made of cookies and candies for the _________ reason that she is sweet and kind, but actually it is because she wants to attract children so that she can eat them. a- ostensible b- visionary c- vigilant d- retrospect

a- ostensible

Choose the best ANTONYM: Her *retrospective* point of view a. modest b. delightful c. forward-looking d. fearful

c. forward-looking

Find the synonym for perseverance perseverance in competitive sports a. dabbling b. winning c. persistence d. distinterest

c. persistence

Advise, invisible, preview, and supervise all derive from the root ________, which means _____________. a. vigilare; to watch b. spectare; to look at c. videre; to see d. ostendere; to exhibit

c. videre; to see

Match the best answer that expresses the same qualities: Someone who tells you about her dreams for the future is _______ a. introspective b. improvisatory c. visionary d.vigilant

c. visionary

Choose the letter of the best SYNONYM (the word or phrase most nearly the same as the word in the ALL CAPS). An all-night VIGIL a. party b. punishment period c. wakeful period d. danger period e. contention

c. wakeful period

The CIA agent turned out to be a(n) ______ and he leaked secret information out to the press. a- extraterrestrial b- compound c- non sequitur d- impostor

d- impostor

From the smell of burned muffins issuing from the kitchen, we _________ that the cook will not be in a good mood. a- perennial b- elation c- defer d- inferred

d- inferred

In 1996 astronomers ________ from photographs that biological life may have existed on Mars. a- averted b- adversity c- distorted d- inferred

d- inferred

After several skateboarders were injured on Main Street, the city council issued a(n) _________ for tighter downtown traffic control. a- abstention b- adjunct c- commiseration d- injunction

d- injunction

Choose the letter of the sentence that improperly uses the vocabulary word. a- By urging independence from Great Britain, Mahatma Gandhi brought on a sharp juncture in Indian affairs. b- We agreed to meet at the juncture of three major highways. c- At junctures, when the world's supply of petroleum appears to dwindle, nuclear energy becomes a crucial issue. d- Although we had studied the map carefully, we were surprised to see it juncturing.

d- Although we had studied the map carefully, we were surprised to see it juncturing.

If you say that money grows on trees then that is a ______ statement. a- Obsequious b- Extrovert c- Extraneous d- Non Sequitur

d- Non Sequitur

Animals _______ themselves during the winter to survive the cold weather. a- Excerpt b- Extraterrestrial c- Mediate d- Sequester

d- Sequester

Find the sentence with the vocabulary word used incorrectly: a- Some scientists believe that massive amounts of dust permeated Earth's atmosphere after a collision with an asteroid, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. b- The smell permeating our house could only be skunk. c- When the crowd heard that their candidate had won, feelings of elation permeated the hall. d- The toughness of leather makes it difficult to permeate with an ordinary needle.

d- The toughness of leather makes it difficult to permeate with an ordinary needle.

Find the sentence with the vocabulary word used incorrectly: a- Bamboo poles clapped on the floor provide the percussion accompaniment for the Filipino dance, "Singkil." b- Who can resist the rhythmic percussion of tap dancers? c- The complicated steps and rhythmic percussion of castanets require a flamenco dancer's full concentration. d- When workers go out on strike, they commit a percussive act.

d- When workers go out on strike, they commit a percussive act

Medical research suggests that suffers of heart disease live longer when they____ salty and fatty foods. a- adjunct b- juncture c- commiserate d- abstain

d- abstain

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. aptitude: lack of skill:: a- inept : without skill b- pertinacity : stubbornness c- subjugation : dominate d- colloquialism : formal speech

d- colloquialism : formal speech

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair. colloquial : stiffly formal in speech : : a- stringent : tight control b- conjugated : orderly formation of verbs c-inept : awkward movements d- commodious : cramped living spaces

d- commodious : cramped living spaces

The scientists made a ______ to make a medicine for a cold. a- proponent b- medium c- non sequitur d- compound

d- compound

Any ______ of the art of Pablo Picasso or Georgia O'Keeffe tends to draw large crowds. a- impostor b-imposition c- proponent d- exposition

d- exposition

Which word is NOT derived from the Latin preposition ex? a- excerpt b- exorbitant c- exposition d- extraterrestrial

d- extraterrestrial

Circle the letter of the best answer. improvise : rehearse : : a. auspicious : promising b. vigilant : watchful c. ostentatious : modest d. ostensible : obvious e. refute : repartee

relationship: antonyms and verbs c. ostentatious : modest

Circle the letter of the best answer. introspection : retrospection : : a. impose : repose b. inspect : expect c. specter : ghost d. within : backward e. look : see

relationship: nouns a. impose : repose

Circle the letter of the best answer. videre : ostendere : : a. to look at : to watch b. to see : to exhibit c. to revise : revoke d. spectare : vigilare e. to look at : to exhibit

relationship: verbs and they are both latin roots b. to see : to exhibit

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair: spectrum:range:: a- repartee: departure b- repertoire: music c- vigil: insomnia d- repose: bed e- surveillance: observation

surveillance: observation

Find the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair: ostendere: ostensible:: a- re: retrospect b- spectare: surveillant c- vigilare: vigilant d- videre: introspection e- partire

vigilare: vigilant

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