Clinical Anatomy FINAL: UE focus

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The external rotation that occurs at the glenohumeral joint after 80° to 90° of abduction produces a(n) ____________________ roll and a(n) ____________________ glide of the humeral head on the glenoid fossa

1) posterior 2) anterior

What ROM of the metatarsalphalangeal joints is needed for normal walking?

45 degrees

The capsule for the elbow complex encompases the [A], the [B] and the [C] joints.

A) Humeroulnar B) Humeroradial C) Radioulnar

The [a] artery and the [b] nerve travel through the radial groove in the posterior humerus.

A) Profundus brachii B) Radial

During closed kinetic chain knee extension, the menisci are pushed ____________________ by the femoral condyles and pulled anteriorly by ____________________.

A) anteriorly, B) quadriceps expansion and patellofemoral ligament

Describe the shortest pathway that blood would travel from the common iliac artery to the medial aspect of the knee. Be sure to be specific in regards to naming each artery the blood would pass through! COMMON ILIAC -to- [a] -to- [b] -to- [c] -to MEDIAL KNEE. (3 points)

A) external iliac B) Femoral C) descending genicular

An increased valgus position (genu valgus) of the knee will cause increased compressive forces on the ____________________ side of the tibiofemoral joint and place tensile forces on the ____________________ ligament.

A) lateral collateral B) medial collateral

The median nerve represents the middle portion of the brachial plexus and is formed by half of the [a] cord and half of the [b] cord.

A) medial B) lateral

The blood supply to the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur is by way of the [a] and [b] arteries.

A) medial femoral circumflex B) lateral femoral circumflex

The [a] and the [b] muscles each insert at the junction of the first ray of the foot.

A) peroneus longus B) anterior tibialis

When a tennis player elevates her shoulder during a serve, the clavicle rolls in a(n) ____________________ direction and glides in a(n) ____________________ direction on the clavicular notch at the sternoclavicular joint.

A) superior B) inferior

The [A] and the [B] nerves arise from the superior trunk of the brachial plexus.

A) suprascapular B) nerve to subclavius

The three (3) muscles that use the coracoid process as either their insertion or origin are [A], [B], and [C].

A)Coracobrachialis B) Short head of Biceps C) Pectoralis minor

The Flexor Carpi Ulnaris inserts into the pisiform bone and will pull it proximally when contracted. What intrinsic muscle of the hand can counteract this pull?

ABductor digiti minimi

Which muscle is NOT innervated by the medial plantar nerve? A. Abductor digiti minimi B. Abductor hallucis C. Flexor digitorum brevis D. Lumbricals

Abductor digiti minimi

The three bones that comprise the pelvis fuse together at a point found in what structure:


Which muscle(s) plantarflex and invert the ankle? A. Tibialis Posterior B. Flexor Digitorum Longus C. Flexor Hallucis Longus D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following nerves innervates the deltoid muscle?


Which of the following nerves innervates the trees minor muscle?

Axillary nerve

Which of the following is a function of the rotator cuff during shoulder girdle elevation?

Balances the deltoid activity by providing a slight inferior translatory force of the humeral head during shoulder girdle elevation

Which is a point of insertion for the Flexor Digitorum Longus?

Base of distal phalanx for digits 2-5

Which muscle is considered to be the "work horse" of elbow flexion?


All of the following muscles are innervated by the musculocutaneus nerve, except


Which of the following ligaments does NOT make up the sternoclavicular joint?


Which of the following glenohumeral joint ligaments provides the most passive support against gravity?


Which muscle abducts digits 2-4?


What would the diagnosis be for inflammation in the first dorsal tunnel?

De Quervain Syndrome

Which of the following ligaments are best able to limit valgus stresses on the talocrural joint?

Deltoid ligament

Your patient presents with decreased blood flow through the axillary artery. Which of the following arteries can provide collateral circulation to the ancillary artery, distal to the blockage?

Dorsal scapular

Which of the following best describes motion at the sternoclavicular (SC) joint?

During clavicular protraction and retraction, the disc of the SC joint moves with the medial end of the clavicle on the manubrial facet.

What does calcaneovalgus of the rearfoot mean?


Along with extending the elbow, the Triceps Brachii does what?

Extend shoulder

A ground reaction moment that is directed behind the hip will have a tendency to...

Extend the hip

The antagonist of the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris is the ___________?

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

According to Dr. Cornwall, the "cutest" muscle of the lower extremity is the...

Extensor digitorum brevis

T/F: "Tennis Elbow "is irritation of the common flexor tendon and "Golfer Elbow" is irritation of the common extensor tendon.


T/F: 80% of compressive forces in the forearm are transmitted through the ulnar.


T/F: Pes Planus is a high midfoot arch.


T/F: Scapular winging is caused by weakness of the rotator cuff.


T/F: The Brachioradialis muscle extends the elbow and radially deviates the wrist.


T/F: The Long Thoracic nerve arises from the Trunks of the Brachial Plexus.


T/F: The Musculocutaneous and ulnar nerves are both formed from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus.


T/F: The Serratus Anterior and Latissimus Dorsi muscles are both innervated by the Long Thoracic nerve.\


T/F: The Serratus Anterior and Pectoralis Minor muscles are depressors, protractors, and upward rotators of the scapula.


T/F: The TFL is innervated by the femoral nerve.


T/F: The axis for forearm pronation and supination is parallel to the ulna.


T/F: The cruciate ligaments are intrasynovial but extracapsular.


T/F: The extensor digitorum muscle inserts directly into the distal phalanx of fingers 2-5 and is therefore able to independently extend the distal interphalangeal joint.


T/F: The upper and lower Subscapular nerves both arise from the posterior division of the brachial plexus.


T/F: True or False: The PADs and DABs are both innervated by the medial plantar nerve.


T/F: Typically, 120 degrees of shoulder motion comes from the scapulothoracic articulation and the remaining 60 degrees comes from the glenohumeral joint.


Which of the following structures travel within the adductor canal?

Femoral vein

Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the Meidan nerve? Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Flexor Pollicis Longus Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Pronator Quadratus

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

An acromioclavicular joint sprain that has one torn ligament would be classified as?

Grade 2

What muscle group would you strengthen to provide dynamic stability for the loss of stability from a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)?

Hamstring muscles

Which of the following is NOT a motion of the sternoclavicular joint?

Internal/external rotation

Which ligament provides posterior support for the hip joint?


The Popliteus muscle does ALL of the following actions, EXCEPT A. Knee Flexion B. Knee Internal Rotation C. Knee External Rotation

Knee external rotation

Which of the following is a point of origin of the Abductor Digiti Minimi? A. Medial calcaneal tubercle B. Lateral calcaneal tubercle C. Flexor retinaculum D. None of these

Lateral calcaneal tubercle

Which of the following nerves does NOT arise from the Lumbar Plexus? A. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous B. Medial Femoral Cutaneous C. Femoral D. Genitofemoral

Medial Femoral Cutaneous

The insertion for the Latissimus Doris muscle is the:

Medial lip of the intertubercular groove

Where does the Abductor Hallucis insert?

Medial proximal phalanx of hallux

Which of the following nerves innervates the pronator teres muscle?

Median nerve

Bunnell's sign for intrinsic muscle weakness involves extension of the IP joints by the extensor digitorum while passively holding the __________________ joints in flexion.


All of the following help to resist gravityâ s pull of the shoulder EXCEPT: Superior joint capsule B. Coracohumeral ligament C. Inclination of the glenoid D. Orientation of the rotator cuff muscles

Orientation of the rotator cuff muscles

Which muscle originates on the medial shaft of metatarsals 3-5?


What is NOT true of femoral retroversion? A. More common in obese children B. Toeing-out during gait C. " Charley Chaplin-Walk" (bilateral external rotation of lower extremeties) D. Pathologic increase in femoral angle

Pathologic increase in femoral angle

Which muscle is NOT innervated by the obturator nerve? A. Gracilis B. Adductor Magnus C. Pectineus D. Adductor Longus


Which of the following arteries provides blood to the pectoralis minor muscle? A. Pectoral branch of the Lateral Thoracic artery. B. Supreme Throacic artery. C. Pectoral branch of the Thoracoacromial artery. D. Circumflex Scapular artery.

Pectoral branch of the Thoracoacromial artery.

Which muscle originates on the lower 2/3 of the fibula?

Peroneus Brevis

Which of the following statements would be considered a function of the coracoacromial arch:

Prevention of superior dislocation of the humeral head

"Saturday Night Palsy" is caused by injury to what nerve?


"Waiters Tip" hand refers to the effect of ________ nerve palsy.

Radial nerve

Weakness of wrist extension could be attributed to an injury of the _____________ nerve.

Radial nerve

Which of the following statements regarding the posterior fibers of the ulnar collateral ligament is false?

Reinforced by the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris muscle.

The _____________ passes through the triangular space.

Scapular circumflex

Injury to the dorsal scapular nerve will cause weakness in:

Scapular retraction

Which of the rays of the foot is the least mobile?


During pronation of the foot, the head of the talus presses into which of the ligaments listed below:

Spring ligament

Which muscle helps to stabilize the sternoclavicular joint?


Which muscle of the rotator cuff internally rotates the arm?


External rotation of the lower leg during the later half of the stance phase of walking will promote what foot movement:


Which muscle originates on the iliac crest and ASIS?


The ligament that is situated inside the Sinus Tarsus is the _______________.

Talocalcaneal, Interosseus,

The superior gluteal nerve innervates which of the following muscles?

Tensor fascia latae

Which of the following is NOT a muscle identified in the rotator cuff? A. Teres Major B. Teres Minor C. Infraspinatus D. Supraspinatus

Teres Major

Which of the following muscles assists in counteracting the upward translatory force caused by the deltoid muscle at the glenohumeral joint?

Teres minor

Which structure directly produces the posterior rotation of the clavicle needed for normal shoulder girdle elevation?

The conoid portion of the coracoclavicular ligament

Which of the following articulations are NOT considered to be "Synarthrosis: Fibrous" joints? A. The sutures of the skull B. The tooth C. The distal tibiofibular D. The first sternocostal

The first sternocostal

Which of the following best describes the structure of the glenohumeral (GH) joint?

The glenoid labrum enhances the depth of the glenoid fossa.

Which of the supporting ligaments of the glenohumeral (GH) joint is considered to be a "ligament complex"?

The inferior GH ligament

Which of the following types of levers always has a mechanical advantage of less than one (1)?

Third Class

Which muscle originates on the upper lateral tibia and interosseous membrane?

Tibialis anterior

A patient presents with a decreased ability to shrug his shoulders against resistance. You suspect that he has strained one of the muscles that attach to the scapula. Which of the following arteries provides blood to the injured muscle?

Transverse cervical

Which of the following arteries supply blood to the upper and middle trapezius muscle.

Transverse cervical

If a person had a C5,6 radiculopathy, which of the following muscles would you expect not to be affected?


T/F: A "Saddle" type joint has two axes of movement.


T/F: A "nursemaid's" elbow is an injury where the radius has been pulled out of the annular ligament.


T/F: A decrease in the femoral angle is referred to as coxa vara.


T/F: All rotator cuff muscles are innervated by branches of C5-C6.


T/F: Anterior shoulder dislocations are more common than posterior shoulder dislocations.


T/F: Compression of the 5th lumbar spinal root will likely result in weakness of the Extensor Hallucis Longus muscle, but NOT the soleus muscle.


T/F: Effectiveness of talocrural coupling is dependent on the integrity of the ligaments that support the ankle, especially the deltoid and the anterior talofibular ligament.


T/F: Gliding in the hip will ALWAYS occur in the opposite direction as the movement.


T/F: Humans have limited hip hyperextension because of the orientation of the hip joint ligaments.


T/F: If the stress-strain curve of a material is more vertical rather than horizontal, this indicates that the material is relatively stiff or unyielding.


T/F: On the left side of the body, the subclavian artery forms directly from the aortic arch.


T/F: Pronation and supination occurs in all three regions of the foot.


T/F: Supination of the rearfoot causes increased stability in the midfoot and forefoot.


T/F: Talocrural coupling is when leg rotation transfers to the foot via the ankle joint.


T/F: The Extensor Carpi Ulnaris and the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris each insert into the base of the 5th metacarpal, one on the dorsal side and the other on the palmer side.


T/F: The Extensor Hallucis Longus is innervated by nerve roots L4-5.


T/F: The Flexor Pollicis Brevis muscle is innervated by both the Median and Ulnar nerves.


T/F: The LCL becomes taut before the MCL causing external rotation of the tibia.


T/F: The Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major muscles share the same actions


T/F: The Lumbricals are innervated by both the medial and lateral plantar nerves.


T/F: The Palmar Interossei muscles adduct the metacarpal phalangeal joints.


T/F: The Pronator Teres helps to flex the elbow.


T/F: The Trunks of the brachial plexus can be found in the supraclavicular fossa.


T/F: The acromioclavicular joint is a plane synovial joint.


T/F: The brachioradialis muscle is the only flexor muscle of the elbow joint that is innervated by the radial nerve.


T/F: The deep (profundus) brachial artery arises from the brachial artery and travels with the Radial nerve through the radial groove of the humerus.


T/F: The dorsalis pedis artery is a continuation or branch of the anterior tibial artery.


T/F: The lumbar plexus gives rise to the nerves that provide cutaneous sensation to the lateral thigh.


T/F: The mechanical properties of human cartilage, it is able to resist compressive forces well, but is much less capable of resisting shearing forces.


T/F: The median nerve provides cutaneous sensation to the palmer side of fingers 1 and 2.


T/F: The muscles on the anterior surface of the leg are ALL innervated by the deep peroneal nerve.


T/F: The obturator, superior gluteal, and inferior gluteal arteries are all branches of the internal iliac artery.


T/F: The sacroischial trabeculae system protects the femur during sitting.


T/F: Winging of the scapula may be caused by paralysis of the long thoracic nerve.


T/F:Simultaneous contraction of the rectus abdominus and the hamstrings is an example of a force couple.


True or False: The midfoot and rearfoot move in opposite directions during walking.


True or False: The windlass mechanism helps to resupinate the foot.


When using the biceps brachia muscle to perform forceful supination while maintaining the elbow at a 90-degree angle, triceps muscle activity is required to stabilize or control elbow flexion. This type of agonist-antagonist muscle activity is referred to as a:

True synergy

When using the biceps brachii muscle to perform forceful supination and maintain the elbow at a 90degree angle, triceps muscle activity is required to stabilize or control elbow flexion. This type of agonistantagonist muscle activity is referred to as a:

True synergy

The common interosseous artery arrises from the _____________ artery.


Blood supply to the muscles that attach to the area marked by the red dot (lateral epicondyle of humerus) in the accompanying photo is via the:

Ulnar collateral artery

Impingement of the Triangular Fibrocartilagenous Complex (TFCCC) is more likely if...

Ulnar variance is "positive"

Which of the following muscles produce upward scapular rotation when the shoulder girdle is elevated from 90° to 180°?

Upper trapezius, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior

The serratus anterior muscle protracts and ________________________ the scapula.

Upwardly rotates

Injury to the nerve associated with the anatomical landmark noted on the accompanying image (scapular notch) of the bone would result in which of the following deficits?

Weakened abduction and lateral (external) rotation of the glenohumeral joint

All of the following muscles are innervated by the musculocutaneus nerve, except: A. biceps brachii B. brachioradialis C. coracobrachialis D. brachialis


Which bone does NOT make up the ankle joint? A. Tibia B. Fibula C. Calcaneus D. Talus


The ____________________ ligament is the primary stabilizer of the sternoclavicular joint.


The "closed-pack" position of the wrist is ___________.


Name the muscle tendon that passes through the sixth dorsal (extensor) tunnel (synovial sheath) of the wrist.

extensor carpi ulnaris

Which of the following is NOT considered to be an everter of the foot? A. Peroneus (fibularis) Brevis B. Tertius C. Extensor Digitorum Longus D. Extensor Hallucis Longus

extensor hallucis longus

Blood is typically drawn from the ________________ vein in the cubital fossa.

median cubital vein

Which of the following muscles insert directly into the talus bone? A. Tibialis Anterior B. Gastrocnemius C. Peroneus (Fibularis) Brevis D. None of the above

none of the above

The ultimate function of motion at the scapulothoracic joint is to:

orient the glenoid fossa for optimal contact with the humeral head when maneuvering the arm

Which of the following muscles plantarflex and evert the foot?

peroneus brevis

The tingling in the little finger when the medial aspect of your elbow is hit, is caused by injury to the ___________________ nerve.


A common action of both the serratus anterior and the entire trapezius muscle is:

upward rotation of the scapula

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