CLP 4314 9-12

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Developing a realistic sense of one's illness, the restrictions it imposes, and the regimen that is required is an important process of

coping with chronic illness

Depression exacerbates the course of several chronic disorders, most notably

coronary heart disease.

Which of the following methods is one of the oldest known techniques of pain control?


Modifying and supplementing a prescribed treatment regimen is known as

creative nonadherence

Palliative care involves

custodial work designed to make the patient feel comfortable

Some courses on dying that include volunteering to work with terminal patients have been developed in some college campuses. These courses are a part of

death education

Immediately after diagnosis of an illness, ________ can serve a protective function by keeping patients from having to come to terms with problems posed by the illness when he or she is least able to do so.


Elisabeth Kübler-Ross refers to the stage of _____ as a time for "anticipatory grief," when patients mourn the prospect of their own deaths.


Patients who have a history of _________ prior to on the onset of their chronic illness are at particular risk and therefore should be evaluated early for potential psychological interventions.


As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report of 2012, African American and Hispanic infants are more than twice as likely to ______ that White infants.

die during the first year

Eric works with people with diabetes. He helps them learn to control their caloric intake and the types of foods they eat. He is a(n)


Which of the following is a barrier to the treatment of pain?

difficulty faced by patients in objectively describing pain

Practitioners of homeopathy typically treat patients by using

diluted preparations that cause symptoms similar to those afflicting the patients

Which of the following characteristics is most likely to be displayed by patients suffering from chronic pain?

discomfort because of bright lights

One mental strategy for controlling discomfort is to

distract oneself by focusing on another activity

Jay fractured his left leg while playing football and now suffers from chronic postsurgical pain. His doctor recommended a psychological technique for pain management. Now, whenever Jay experiences pain, he listens to his favorite music while trying out new recipes. This helps him deal more effectively with the pain and also helps in reducing the intensity of pain. Which of the following techniques is Jay using to control his pain?


A researcher gives a group pf patients a drug said to cure an illness, and another group receives a placebo. Neither the researcher nor the patient know whether the patient received the drug or the placebo. This procedure is called a ____________-_____________ _____________.

double-blind experiment

Denial serves as a protective function

during the acute phase of the health disorder.

In order to manage the strain of a chronic and life-threatening illness, a couple can take a "we" approach to maintain their relationship while jointly managing the stress of chronic disorder meaning that they take a __________ approach.

dyadic coping

If a parent prepares a child for admission several days before hospitalization, explaining why it is necessary, what it will be like, and so on may

ease the transition

The shape, size, color, taste, and quantity of the placebo influences its


Clients are encouraged to attribute their success to their own efforts, making them see themselves as

efficacious agents of change and pain modification

The abrupt changes in lifestyle in middle age such as marrying a younger person or a radical job change may be partly viewed as an

effort to postpone death

The therapy with terminally ill patients is likely to be short term, and the nature and timings of visits depend on the

energy and inclination of the patients rather than a fixed schedule

The majority of widows and widowers are resilient in response to their loss, especially if they

expected their partner's death and they have had the opportunity to accept its inevitability

True or False: Physician-assisted dying is legal in all fifty states.


Qualities of the interaction between a practitioner and a patient can perpetuate

faulty communication.

A broad array of measures for evaluating quality of life is available

for both adults and children

With regard to the blaming of another person for one's disorder, a healthier response would be


Adverse changes in social interactions after a diagnosis of chronic disease are more likely to be observed in

friends and acquaintances.

Psychologists participate in the diagnosis of patients and their level of functioning, which can help

from the basis for therapeutic intervention

A known cause for death of the elderly is

general physical decline that predisposes them to infectious diseases or organ failure

Providers who exude warmth, empathy and confidence

get stronger placebo effects from patients

Which of the following is an example of curative care?

giving a cast for a broken limb

Most patients are trained in a variety of measures to reduce pain and because many pain patients are emotionally distressed,

group therapy is conducted to help them control their emotional responses

A meditative procedure that has been used to control discomfort related to illness and treatment, especially cancer, is known as

guided imagery

Emotional disorders associated with chronic health disorders are especially likely among patients who

have a history of depression or other mental health disorders.

A reason why placebos are trusted is because people

have no experience that disproves the effectiveness of consuming them

When patients lack basic skills needed to adhere to medical prescriptions, comprehend the meaning of their risk factors, or interpret the results of tests from physicians, it is known as

health illiteracy.

More than 70 million Americans receive their health care through a prepaid financing and delivery system. This system is called

health maintenance organization

Which of the following is a chronic health disorder?

hearing loss

Families may get frustrated and annoyed by a patient's pain complaints and inactivity. Thus, a goal of family therapy is to

help family member develop more positive perceptions of each other

Which of the following activities is performed by physical therapists?

helping people with muscle, nerve, or bone diseases or injuries overcome their disabilities

Anxiety is ________ when anticipating or experiencing adverse side effects of treatment.


An approach to treatment that deals with the physical, spiritual, and psychological needs of a person is called

holistic medicine

According to the research cited in the text, a substantial percentage of terminally ill patients prefer

home care

Compared with whites, young black males are more likely to die because of


Determining whether a particular coping technique is effective for pain management depends on

how long patients have had their pain

According to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, which of the following is commonly referred to as the neurotic triad?

hypochondriasis, hysteria, and depression

Epidemiologic studies reveal that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is more likely to occur

if the mother smoked during her pregnancy.

Understanding what pain behaviors a patient engages in knowing whether they persist after the treatment of the pain are

important factors in treating the total pain experience

The ability to continue physically intimate relations can improve relationship satisfaction among the chronically ill and

improve emotional functioning

Which of the following is the most common reason for euthanasia?

inadequate relief from pain

Which of the following is a reason for chronic pain to get exacerbated?

inappropriate prior treatments

Advanced-practice nurses

include certified nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse anesthetists

Millions of people who use self-care and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies practice ________ _________ that is the combination of alternative medicine with conventional medicine.

integrative medicine

The symptoms of anxiety may also be mistaken for symptoms of an underlying disease and thus

interfere with the assessment of a disease and its treatment

Compensation given for an injury can increase the amount of distress reported because

it provides an incentive for being in pain

Depression is sometimes a delayed reaction to chronic illness because

it takes time for patients to understand the full implications of their condition

Which of the following predicts adherence to chronic disease regimens?

knowledge of the treatment regimen

Nosocomial infection, that is infection that results from exposure to disease in a hospital setting, is an example of

lack of communication

Which of the following is a reason for the lack of learning opportunities for providers?

lack of feedback from patients

A form of cancer that strikes the bone marrow producing an excessive number of white blood cells and leading to severe anemia and other complications is known as


Death in elderly people is

likely to be caused by general physical decline

Some caregiving is short term or intermittent, but caregiving for patients with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, advancing multiple sclerosis, and stroke can be

long term and grueling

Chronic illness can have a substantial financial impact on patients and their families as patients who must cut back or stop working may

lose their insurance coverage

Crossing and uncrossing our legs, shifting our posture, or rolling over while asleep are all examples of

low-level feedback for pain

A _____ diet restricts vegetarian consumption primarily to grains, cereals, and vegetables, and it requires greater attention to nutritional content.


Patients are taught how and when to employ overt and covert behaviors in order to

make adaptive responses to pain problems

Studying quality of life

makes it possible to determine what kinds of interventions may be needed.

Which of the following is an effective way of improving adherence to a treatment?

making adult literacy a national priority

Unlike chiropractic, massage involves

manipulation of soft tissue

Acquaintances, friends, and relatives may have problems adjusting to a patient's altered condition as

many people hold negative stereotypes about certain groups of chronically ill patients

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, _____ is used to manipulate the flow of qi.


Unlike anxiety and denial, depression

may be a long-term reaction to chronic health disorders.

Medical staff often find it difficult to work with young adults diagnosed with terminal illnesses as patients

may feel shock, outrage, and an acute sense of injustice

People with disabilities may elect ambivalence toward friends and acquaintances because they

may give verbal signs of affection while conveying the opposite through nonverbal gestures to the patients

Patients with chronic pain may suffer a deterioration in relationships as they

may not communicate well with their families

While some researchers have found that self-blame can lead to guilt, self-recrimination, or depression, it is also perceived that self-blame

may represent an effort to assume control over the disorder

Adherence is likely to be highest when advice is perceived to be


Adam works with cancer patients at County General Hospital. His particular specialty is in enabling the newly diagnosed cancer patients to understand the health disorder and its treatment and to negotiate the difficult emotional and social identity issues associated with the health disorder. He is a(n)

medical social worker.

A variety of therapies that focus and control attention is referred as


It is important for health care providers to probe patients' beliefs about their illness to check for

misunderstandings in their knowledge that may interfere with self-management

Chronically ill women experience

more deficits in social support than chronically ill men do

Depression is common among people with

more than one chronic disorder

The central tenet of ____________ is that the body can heal itself through diet, exercise, fresh air, and sunlight.


Patients who seek treatment for psychological disorders usually evoke

negative reactions from physicians.

Chronic pain patients typically show elevated scores on threes sub scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). This group of traits is commonly referred to as the

neurotic triad

An issue with health care delivery plans is that health care providers are pressured to see more patients, and consequence is long waits and short visits, especially when other specialists are suggested. Thus, a patient gets

no opportunity to build a personal relation with the provider

When a patient does not adopt the behaviors and treatments a provider recommends, the result is __________ or noncompliance.


Which of the following treatments is more likely to be employed during stressful moments to keep the patient quiet and to enable the practitioner to concentrate?

nonperson treatment

Teaching families about the nature of a chronic illness experienced by one family member can be helpful

not only to family functioning but to the patient's course of illness as well

Relative to blacks, whites are less likely to have

obesity, hypertension, and diabetes which can lead to strokes and heart attacks

John works with patients who are emotionally and mentally disabled. He helps them regain their physical, mental, or emotional stability. Sometimes he teaches painting, weaving, or other crafts. He is a(n)

occupational therapist

Children can adjust better to their chronic illness if they are encouraged to engage in self-care as much as possible, and

only realistic restrictions are placed on their lives

Some of the beneficial physiological effects of relaxation training may be due to the release of _________.


An alternative medical practice that draws on the body's ability to heal itself is known as


During physical rehabilitation, patients need a ________ management program for the alleviation of discomfort.


Because psychological factors are clearly implicated in the experience of pain, and because pain serves functions for some chronic pain sufferers, researchers have examined the presence of a ______________--______________ ______________.

pain-prone personality

While curative care is designed to cure a patient's disease, _____ care is designed to make the patient feel more comfortable.


Salim is a terminally ill patient who is being treated in a hospital. The hospital staff are warm and supportive. They make him feel comfortable by bathing and feeding him every day. In this case, the staff are providing

palliative care

Hospice care is designed to provide _______ to dying patients and their family member.

palliative care and emotional support

The coping methods which chronically ill patients emphasize are

passive coping strategies such as positive focus and escape/avoidant strategies

involves providing patients with information, involving them in decisions regarding their care, and considering psychosocial issues such as social support needs.

patient-centered care

People with chronic disease often manage to achieve a high quality of life by

perceiving control over what happens to them

For patients who are suffering from depression associated with chronic illness, ___________ may be appropriate.

pharmacological treatment

James works with patients injured in motorcycle accidents. He helps them learn to use adaptive devices to perform tasks and become accustomed to new ways of performing old tasks. He is a(n)

physical therapist.

A(n) _____ is any medical procedure that produces an effect in a patient because of its therapeutic intent and not because of its chemical or physical nature.


Any medical procedure that produces an effect in a patient because of its therapeutic intent and not its specific nature, whether physical or chemical is known as a


The effectiveness of a(n)_________ varies depending on how a provider treats a patient and how much the provider seems to believe in the treatment.


Researchers on death have suggested that cognitive-behavioral therapies like _____ can be effectively employed with dying patients.

positive self-talk

Parents of terminally ill children can go through emotional stress to such a degree that they sometimes have the symptoms of

post-traumatic stress disorder

Due to the diversity of problems that chronic diseases pose, people who are flexible copers may cope better than people who engage in a(n) _______________ _____________ ____________.

predominant coping style

In _____________-______________ ______________ , a network of affiliated practitioners have agreed to charge reestablished rates for services.

preferred-provider organizations

The death of an adult that occurs before the projected age of 79 is called_________________ ________________. The main cause of it is sudden death due to heart attack or stroke.

premature death

Until a few decades ago, majority of Americans received their health care through

private, fee-for-service care

Adherence to treatment regimens is

problematic with people who have chronic health disorders.

Countries with lower infant mortality rates than the United States

provide free or low-cost maternal care

In theory, prepaid health care systems can produce high technical quality of care because

providers who make errors receive fewer referrals

Unlike acute pain, chronic pain often carries an overlay of __________ ________, which complicates diagnosis and treatment.

psychological distress

When hospitalized, patients must entrust themselves to strangers in an uncertain environment with new procedures. This can lead to

psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and nervousness

The vital force, which if blocked or stagnant can result in disease, is known as


Children and adolescents who assume more responsibilities than normal for their age group due to having a chronically ill family member may

react by rebelling or acting out

The first objective in cognitive-behavioral interventions is that patients are encouraged to

reconceptualize the problem from overwhelming to manageable

Migraine headaches and trigeminal neuralgia are examples of

recurrent acute pain

Meditation, slow breathing, and mindfulness

reduce pain sensitivity and can produce analgesic effects

In children, the dependency caused due to reliance on staff and bed rest can lead to


Children who are hospitalized often become dependent when they are on bed rest and rely on staff. This is likely to lead to


Just as __________ ___________ is an important part of health habit change, it is important in pain control as well.

relapse prevention

In _____, an individual shifts his or her body into a state of low arousal by progressively loosening different parts of the body.


Typically, acute pain

results from a specific injury that produces tissue damage.

Chronically ill patients frequently perceive themselves as having brought on their illness through their own actions. This called


As an illness advances, a patient may be unable to control their biological functions. They may droll or shake uncontrollably. All these factors negatively affect the patient's


Psychologists refer to the _____________-____________ as a stable set of beliefs about one's personal qualities and attributes.


The stable set of beliefs about one's qualities and abilities is known as


Quality of life has several components. They are: physical functioning, psychological status, _____________.

social functioning, and disease- or treatment-related symptoms

Jeremy is suffering from coronary heart disease. He regularly meets his friends who are doctors and discusses his condition with them. According to Jeremy, this helps him deal with the health disorder better. Which of the following coping strategies is Jeremy using in this scenario?

social support strategy

The fallout from the cost of a malpractice suit is that

some physicians leave medicine altogether

Patients with chronic pain experience a ________.

substantial loss of self-esteem

Athletes who continue to play, despite being injured, experience a reduction in pain sensitivity because of increased

sympathetic arousal.

Counseling with terminally ill children may typically follow the same guidelines as with adults. However, therapists must

take cues from the children and talk only about those issues they are ready to discuss

A factor that helps patients regard themselves as consumers of health care rather than passive recipients is

tapping their expertise of their illness

People who study death and dying are known as


The breakdown in the emotional support of the chronically ill has implications for all aspects of life, and perhaps for this reason, _________ is the most common fear of chronically ill patients,

the fear of being abandoned by others

A service provider may not be overly concerned with patient satisfaction because

the patient no longer pays directly for service, the provider's income is not directly affected whether the patient is pleased with the service

Naomi, diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, knows that she will die soon. She is now deciding on how to divide up her possessions and how to say goodbye to old friends and family members. According to Kübler-Ross's theory, she is in the _____ stage.


While passive coping skills have been tied to poor pain control

active coping skills can reduce pain in patients with a variety of chronic pains

A Chinese technique where long, thin needles are inserted into designated areas of the body that are said to influence the areas in which a patient is experiencing a disorder is known as


Changes in body image are important as body image influences how ___________ and poor body image ___________.

adherent a person is to a course of treatment; increases risk for depression and anxiety

Often staff member have little time to spend with the patient beyond exchanging greetings, which can be _______ for the patient.


Social support groups may act as

an additional source of support provided by those going through the same event.

Acupuncture not only cures an illness, but also has a(n) _____ effect.


According to Kübler-Ross, the dying patient who asks "why me?" is experiencing


Following the diagnosis of a chronic illness, most patients are overwhelmed by the potential changes in their lives and also the possibility of death. This commonly leads to


The problems of depression are aggravated in people who

are experiencing other negative life events and lack of social support

The C-fibers project onto different thalamic, hypothalamic, and cortical areas of the brain, whereas A-delta fibers project onto

areas in the thalamus and the sensory areas of the cerebral cortex

Some Chronically ill patients face discrimination, and because of these potential problems, job difficulties that the patient may encounter should be

assessed early in the recovery process

Assessment of quality of life

assesses the impact of treatments.

Home care is quite stressful for a patient's family. Even if the family can afford around-the-clock nursing,

at least one family member's energies must be devoted on a full-time basis to the patient

In the context of children under the age of 15, ___________ take over as the chief cause of accidental death in later years.

automobile accidents

Order the following causes of death in adolescents as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2012 study.

*Automobile accidents *Homicide *Suicide *Cancer

Match the following age ranges with the child's perception of death Up to age 5- Between ages 5 and 9- Age 9 or 10-

*Death is a great sleep, and the dead person is still around but in an altered state *Death is personified into a shadowy figure, such as a ghost or the devil *Death is universal and inevitable, and the person who dies will not return

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross's five-stage theory, order the following stages that people pass through as they adjust to the prospect of death. List in order:

*Denial *Anger *Bargaining *Depression *Acceptance

Match the following goals outline by Avery Weisman for medical staff in their work with the dying explanations : Informed consent- Safe conduct- Significant survival- Anticipatory grief- Timely and appropriate death-

*Patients should be told the nature of their condition and treatment *The staff and physician should be helpful guides for patients through this frightening new stage in their life *The staff and physician should help patients utilize their remaining time in a productive manner *Both patients and their families should be aided in working through their expected sense of depression and loss. *Patients should be allowed to die when and how they want as much as possible and with dignity.

The goal of ayurvedic medicine is

balance among body, mind, and spirit

The third stage of Kubler-Ross's Five-stage theory is


Many outsiders are unable to appreciate the degree of a survivor's grief. They may feel, especially if the death was a long time coming, that the survivor should

be ready for it and thus show signs of recovery in a short period after death

Older patients are less likely than younger patients to

be resuscitated in emergency rooms.

Alex is suffering from migraine. He avoids it completely by eating and sleeping excessively. Which of the following coping strategies is Alex using here?

behavioral escape

The third objective in cognitive-behavioral intervention is the clients are encouraged to reconceptualize their own role in the pain management process from

being passive recipients to competent individuals who can aid in the control of pain

People who have a sense of control or self-efficacy with respect to their illness are

better adjusted to their circumstances and may even have a prolonged life

Researchers have examined whether patients who believe they control their illness are

better off than those who do not see their illness as under control

The perception and evaluation of one's physical functioning and appearance is referred to as ___________ _____________.

body image

The perception and evaluation of one's physical functioning and appearance comprise one's

body image.

Kubbler-Ross's model broke through the silence and taboos of death making it an object of

both sensitive concern and scientific study

Which of the following practices is included in yoga?

breathing techniques

How does compensation provide an incentive for being in pain?

by increasing the perceived severity of pain

Steps of biofeedback:

1. The target function to be controlled is identified. 2. The target function is tracked by a machine, which gives feedback to the patient 3. The patient learns what behaviors or thoughts will modify the bodily function through trail and error and continuous feedback

In the age group of 15 to 24, the homicide rate among black males is nearly _____ times that of young white males.


Which of the following statements most accurately exemplify the meaning of pain control?

A patient is still hurting but is now able to tolerate it, A patient no longer feels anything in an area that once hurt

Identify the conditions that need to be met for permitted physician-assisted dying as per the law in Oregon.

A patient must make the request for the physical-assisted dying a minimum of 3 times, A patient must be informed of alternatives, including hospice care and pain control, A patient must be mentally competent and have a terminal illness with less than 6 months to live, The case must be reviewed by a second physician for accuracy and to ensure that patients are not being pressured by family members

________ pain typically results from a specific injury that produces tissue damage, whereas _________ chronic pain typically begins with an acute episode.

Acute, Chronic

Identify true statements about the benefits of a living will for terminally ill patients.

Advanced directives provide instructions and legal protection for a physician, A living will ensures that patients' presences rather than the surrogates' are respected, A living will instructs a physical that no life-prolonging interventions will be indefinitely undertake in a vain effort to keep patients alive.

Nurse Practitioners

Affiliated with physicians in private practices and see their own patients.

_________ people experience stronger placebo effects.


Which of the following is true of anxiety?

Anxious patients cope more poorly with surgery.

Identify the pain behaviors that arise from chronic pain.

Avoidance of activities, Distortions in posture or gait, Facial and audible expressions of distress

__________ has been used to treat a number of chronic pain syndromes, including headaches and Raynaud's disease.


Identify ways in which adherence can be increased.

Breaking advice down into manageable subgoals that can be monitored by providers

Identify the guidelines for intervening with chronic pain patients provided by self-determination theory.

By increasing feelings of competence, By increasing the experience of support, By increasing autonomy

________ is a functional somatic disorder.

Chemical sensitivity

Identify the problems faced by children during hospitalization

Children can be embraced or ashamed by having to expose themselves to strangers Hospitalization keeps children from discharging their energy through physical activities Children mistakenly infer that they are being punished for some misdeeds Some children become socially withdrawn or have extreme emotional reactions

Identify behavioral problems that children with chronic illnesses exhibit:

Children may feel cheated because their peers are healthy Children exhibit regressive behavior such as bed-wetting Children may get stressed due to their condition and this aggravate their illness

The form of medicine that involves performing adjustments on the spine and joints to correct misalignments that are believed to both cure and prevent illness is known as

Chiropractic medicine

_____ involves performing adjustments on the spine and joints to correct misalignments that are believed to both prevent and cure illness.

Chiropractic medicine

_________ ___________ pain persists longer than 6 months and increases in severity with time. It is usually associated with degenerative disorder

Chronic Progressive

_____ pain varies in severity, persists for six months or longer, and is relatively unresponsive to treatment.

Chronic benign

Assessing depression in the chronically ill can be complicated as many symptoms of depression such as fatigue, weight loss, and insomnia

can also be symptoms of a disease or side effects of a treatment

Families of chronically ill children must participate actively In the illness and treatment process as these children cannot follow their treatment regimen by themselves. Such interdependence

can lead to tension between parent and child

Relapse prevention techniques that help patients continue their pain management skills

can maintain post treatment pain reduction

Denial early on in adjustment to life-threatening illness is both normal and useful because it

can protect patients from the full realization of impending death

After the chemical message of injury is passed to the cerebral cortex, those regions of the brain identify the site of the injury and send messages back down the spinal cord, which leads to

changes in other bodily functions, such as breathing

Continuous low back pain is an example of

chronic benign pain

Stress management programs are increasingly incorporated into physical treatment regimens because of the debilitating effects of stress on

chronic diseases

Physicians prefer to treat an acute illness compared to a chronic illness because

chronic illnesses pose uncertainties and raise questions about prognosis.

Rheumatoid arthritis and skin cancer are examples of

chronic progressive pain

Individual therapy is often guided by __________, targeting specific problems, such as fatigue, mood-related disorders, functional impairments, or stress.

cognitive behavioral therapy

Daniel is suffering from diabetes. He constantly wishes that his medical condition would disappear. In the context of coping strategies and chronic health disorders, Daniel is most likely using a ________ strategy.

cognitive escape

A depressed terminally ill patient will

come to terms with a lack of control

A diverse group of therapies, products, and medical treatments that include prayer, potions, natural herb products, meditation, yoga, homeopathic medicine, and acupuncture, among other treatments is known as

complementary and alternative medicine

Unlike acute pain, chronic pain involves a great amount of __________

complex interaction of physiological, psychological, social and behavioral components

Family members may be cheerfully optimistic with a patient, but

confused and frightened when they try to elicit information from the staff

____ is concerned with ensuring the smooth functioning of the system and the flow of resources, services, and personnel.


Goals of a hospital:

Cure, Care, Core

_________ is a defense mechanism by which people avoid the implication of an illness.


__________ is a defense mechanism by which people avoid the implications of an illness.


________ affects several chronic disorders, most notably coronary heart disease, by aggravating the course of the disorders.


__________ reflects the feelings of despair or hopelessness that can accompany long-term experience with unsuccessfully treated pain.


Which of the following is true of depression?

Depression increases with the severity of a health disorder.

Identify the educational components of pain management programs

Discussions of medications, Depression as a consequence of pain

________ is a pain technique whereby focusing attention on an irrelevant and attention-getting stimulus or diverting oneself with a high level of activity, one can turn attention away from pain.


_______is most effective for coping with low-level pain


One of the provisions in the policies of the Patient Self-Determination Act included an order that patients may choose to sign or not, in order to provide explicit guidance regarding their presences for medical response to cardiopulmonary arrest. This is referred to as

Do Not Resuscitate

Physician's assistants

Educated in a 2-year programs in medical schools and teaching hospitals

__________ are the natural pain suppression system of the body where opiate-like substances, produced within the body, constitute a neurochemically based, internal pain regulation system.

Endogenous opioid peptide

Identify the steps taken by health maintenance organizations to reduce patient dissatisfaction.

Ensuring patients see the same provider each time, Reducing long waits, Allowing patients to have personal choices


Ensuring the smooth functioning of the system and the flow of services, personnel, and resources

Identify the factors that can lead to imbalances between yin and yang.

Environmental stressors, stress, Infectious disorders

_________ is the process of ending the life of a person who is suffering from a painful terminal


True or False: According to Ayurvedic medicine, people are born in a state of imbalance


True or False: Chronic pain patients never require special guidance to get benefits from slow breathing.


True or False: In institutional hospice care, all the rooms look similar irrespective of the personality and interests of their occupants, and visits from family or friends are highly restricted.


True or False: In the case of chronically ill patients, job counseling, retraining programs, and advice on how to avoid or combat discrimination do not need to be initiated promptly.


True or False: In the context of pain management programs, studies that have evaluated behavioral interventions in comparison with non treatment have found an increase in pain, disability, and psychological distress.


True or False: Patients who are diagnosed with chronic illness do not feel the need to withdraw from other people and do not thrust themselves into social activities before they are ready.


True or False: With regard to caregiving, men more commonly become caregivers than women.


True or False: Women's alcohol consumption is greater than men's, exposing them to liver damage and alcohol-related accidents, and they consume more drugs than do men.


True or false: According to Manne et al., parents always help reduce children's fears, pain and discomfort when they are present during stressful medical procedures


True or false: Epidemiologic studies reveal that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is less likely to occur in lower-class urban environments.


True or false: Kubler-Ross's stage theory acknowledges the importance of anxiety.


True or false: Naturopathy is a philosophy developed in Europe in the 1700s, which interprets disease and illness caused by dishurnamces in a vital life force.


Identify the fears that are symbolically acted out of the fear of death in Middle Ages.

Fear of loss of physical appearance, Fear that one's youthful ambitions will never be realized, Fear of loss of athletic ability or sexual prowess

Identify the motivational, behavioral, and emotional responses that accompany the experience of pain.

Fear, Crying, Withdrawal

_____ is a functional pain disorder in which there is no clear tissue damage present.


___________ is the psychological response to bereavement which involves a feeling of hollowness, often marked by preoccupation with the image of the deceased person, expressions of hostility toward other, and guilt over death.


_____ is a meditative procedure that is especially useful in controlling discomfort related to cancer.

Guided imagery

Which of the following diseases is known to have high treatment adherence among patients?


Quality-of-life measures

Help assess the impact of a treatment

Quality-of-life information

Helps inform practitioners about care that will increase long-term survival with highest quality of life possible

__________ appears to be the care of choice for most terminally ill patients, and for many patients, it may be the only economically feasible care.

Home care

_____ treats patients using diluted preparations that cause symptoms similar to those from which the patient suffers.


__________ may be provided in the home or in free-standing or hospital-affiliated units.

Hospice care

Identify the statements that affect the emotional support terminal patients receive in institutions.

Hospitals regulations restrict the number of visitors, Wards are understaffed, Hospital regulations reduce the amount of time families can stay with patients

Identify a true statement related to hypnosis

Hypnosis involves a state of relaxation, which can help reduce stress and discomfort

Identify the reasons as to why people turn to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) techniques.

If people have chronic conditions whose existence or treatment create side effects like back pain If people have disorders that are not successfully treated by traditional medicine If depression, anxiety and stress are better treated by CAM techniques

Identify the ways through which a child should be prepared for the death of a parent or a sibling.

Informing the child before the death of the parent or sibling, Drawing on the death of a pet or a flower to aid understanding

Patients with little fear

Insufficiently vigilant to understand and process the preparatory information effectively

_____ is a personality attribute that is associated with chronic pain.


Which of the following statements is true about Kübler-Ross's theory of death and dying?

It breaks the taboo surrounding death

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using morphine as a painkiller?

It can be addictive, and patients may build up a tolerance to it.

Which of the following statements is true about the Patient Self-Determination Act?

It gives importance to the patients' wishes

Identify how compensation provides an incentive for being in pain.

It increases the perceived severity of pain, It increases the degree to which pain interferes with life activities, It increases the amount of disability experienced

Which of the following statements best defines complementary and alternative medicine?

It is a diverse group of therapies, products, and medical treatments such as yoga, meditation, and acupuncture, among other treatments.

Which of the following statements is true about hospice care?

It is oriented toward improving a patient's social support system

Which of the following is true of caregiving?

It threatens the health of elderly caregivers.

Which of the following is an important feature of chronic pain?

It typically begins with an acute pain episode.

Which of the following will predict adherence to chronic disease regimens:

Knowledge of one's treatment regimen High expectations for controlling one's health and self-efficacy

_____ is a pain perception that results from a physical damage to the tissues of the body.

Mechanical nociception

_____ meditation teaches people to strive for a state of mind marked by awareness, focus on the present moment, and acceptance and acknowledgement without becoming distracted or distressed.


_________ teaches people to be highly aware and focused on the present moment, accepting and acknowledging thoughts and feelings without becoming distracted or distressed by stress.

Mindfulness mediation

Which of the following is a difference between acute pain and chronic pain?

Most pain control techniques work well to control acute pain, but are less successful with chronic pain.

_____ patients usually present an exaggerated picture of their symptoms.


_____ is an infection that results from exposure to disease in a hospital setting.


________ help patients regain physical, mental, or emotional stability; relearn daily routines, such as eating, dressing, writing, or using a telephone; and prepare for employment.

Occupational therapists

Identify the reasons for patients to adopt a consumerist attitude toward health care.

Offering choices to patients, Developing treatment plans by having a patient's full participation, Developing treatment plans by having a patient's full participation, Active engaging of patients with chronic ailments in the treatment regimen

_____, such as distortions in posture or gait, facial and audible expressions of distress, and avoidance of activities, arise from chronic pain.

Pain behaviors

Polymodal nociception

Pain experience that triggers chemical reactions from tissue damage

Mechanical nociception

Pain experienced due to damage to the body tissues

Thermal damage

Pain experienced due to temperature exposure

_________ ____________ _________ programs aid patients by helping control chronic pain and appear to be successful in doing so.

Pain management programs

Identify the scenarios that increase a patient's anxiety levels:

Patients awaiting invasive medical procedures Patients awaiting a test result Patients receiving diagnoses of their chronic illnesses Patients anticipating adverse side effects of treatment

Which of the following is true of the psychological and social issues related to dying?

Patients gradually begin a process of social withdrawal

Identify the effects of stress due to an illness or a treatment

Patients may go through intermittent pain, Patients may be unable to concentrate, Patients may suffer shocking weight loss, retching, or vomiting

Identify the best ways to improve adherence

Patients may need help in overcoming practical barriers in their disease management Practitioners can help patients believe in their treatment and motivate adherence Provide patients with information about their treatment, listen to their concerns, etc.

Identify the actions by which terminally ill patients express their anger.

Patients may show their resentment by making cracks about their deteriorating capacities and appearance, Patients may become bitter and show resentment through death jokes, Patients who cannot express their anger directly by being irritable may do so indirectly by becoming embittered

Identify the factors that indicate non adherence in patients.

Patients personally supplement treatment with over-the-counter drugs Patients have personal theories about a disorder

Which of the following statements is true about chronic pain?

Patients with chronic pain disorders show significant loss of gray matter in certain regions of the brain.

Identify the reactions of terminally patients according to the fourth stage in Kubler-Ross's model.

Patients' symptoms worsen, and there is tangible evidence that the illness will not be cured, Patients find it hard to eat, to control elimination, to focus attention, and to escape discomfort or pain, Patients feel nauseated, breathless, and tired.

Identify the people who show poor adherence to treatment medication.

People with disorganized families with no regular routine

_____ is the most commonly used complementary and alternative medicine therapy among U.S. adults.


Chronic pain may result from a(n)___________.

Predisposition to react to a bodily insult with a specific bodily response

Patients show higher rates of adherence when lifestyle change programs are

Prescribed by the physician

_____ pain is due to an unidentifiable physical cause.


According to epidemiological studies, identify the most likely causes for sudden infant death syndrome

Putting a baby to sleep on its stomach or side, Mothers who smoked during pregnancy

____________ ___________ pain involves intermittent episodes of pain that are acute in character but chronic as the conditions recur for more than 6 months.

Recurrent acute

Who among the following is most likely to have a negative impression of their body image?

Sandra, who lost her hair as a result of chemotherapy

________ refers to the evaluation of whether one feels good or bad about one's personal qualities and attributes.


Which of the following statements is true of A-delta fibers?

Sensory aspects of pain are heavily determined by activity in the A-delta fibers.

Which of the following is a similarity between physical pain and social pain?

Social pain relies on the same pain-related neurocircuitry as physical pain.

________ groups provide specific information about how others have dealt with problems and give people an opportunity to share their emotional responses with others facing similar problems.

Social support

_____ is a pain control technique that completely eliminates the feeling of pain.

Spinal block

_____ is a sensory technique of inhibiting pain where a set of small electrodes is placed near the point at which the nerve fibers from the painful area enter the spinal cord. When the patient experiences pain, he or she activates a radio signal, which delivers a mild electrical stimulus to that area of the spine.

Spinal cord stimulation

_____ is a common cause of death among infants, in which an infant simply stops breathing.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Identify a true statement about pain.

The degree to which pain is felt and how incapacitating it is largely depends on how it is interpreted.

Identify the changes brought about by chronic illness in a family with a chronically ill patient:

The family's own social support needs may be ignored while providing support for the patient. There is increased dependency of the patient on other family member Family members find themselves assuming new task while unable to pursue their preferred tasks.


The orientation of the staff involving the humanitarian side of medicine

The grieving process in the fourth stage of Kubler-Ross's model occur in two stages. Identify the statements that reflect the two stages.

The patient begins to anticipate the future loss of activities and relationships, The patient first comes to terms with the loss of past valued activities and friends


The physicians responsibility, through performing treatment which can restore good health

Identify the factor tied to a longer and healthier life among the elderly.

The presence of close family relationships and a sense of purpose in life.

Identify the statements that show the important relation between hospital staff and terminal patients

The staff are privy to patients most personal and private acts, the act of dying, The staff can fully candid with patients, thus encouraging communication, The staff are aware of patients' actual physical state and thus are their only source of realistic information

Which of the following statements is true about physical therapists?

They administer and interpret tests of muscle strength, motor development, functional capacity, and respiratory and circulatory efficiency.

Which of the following statements is true about hospices?

They are increasingly being incorporated into traditional treatment

Which of the following statements is true about bereaved adults who ruminate on the death of a loved one?

They have high levels of stress

Identify the issues children and adolescents may display when the assume more responsibilities than normal for their age group due to having chronically ill family members.:

They may go through regression such as bed wetting They may have difficulties at school, truancy, and sexual activity They may express antagonism toward other family members

Which of the following is true of terminally ill children?

They often know more about their situation than they are given credit for

Identify the true statements about A-delta fibers

They respond especially to mechanical or thermal pain, They are small myelinated fibers, They transmit ship, brief pains rapidly

Which of the following statements is true about terminally ill children?

They use cues from their treatment and others' responses to infer the nature of their medical condition

Identify the goals of physical rehabilitation:

To learn how to sense changes in the environment to make appropriate physical accommodations To learn new physical management skills To learn how to use one's body as much as possible To learn a necessary treatment regimen To learn how to control energy expenditure

Highly fearful patients

Too absorbed with their own fears preoperatively to process the preparatory information adequately

True or False: Practitioners helping pain patients to develop more positive monologues increases the likelihood that cognitive-behavioral techniques will be successful.


True or False: individualized programs of pain management are typically structured and time limited.


True or false: The major cause of death in youths aged 15 to 19 is unintentional injury.


True or false: With placebos, when a disorder is diagnosed and a treatment regimen is prescribed, however ineffective, patients have tangible evidence that providers know what is wrong and have done something about it.


Patients with moderate fear

Vigilant enough but not overwhelmed by their fears

In the context of gender and the impact of chronic health disorders, identify a true statement about women with chronic health disorders.

Women with chronic health disorders experience more deficits in social support than do men with chronic health disorders.

In some cases, turning to nontraditional medicine may be due to

a deteriorating with the health care system and the desire for more humanistic care

In the initial stage of pain management programs

a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the pain, its duration, and history are checked.

Cognitive behavioral therapy conducted over the phone can benefit patients by enhancing

a sense of personal control and reducing distress

Depression in patients increases with

the severity of an illness and with pain and disability

In the context of self, when work and hobbies are not threatened or curtailed by illness,

they become sources of satisfaction from which self-esteem is derived

Although terminally ill patients need and want social contact, they may begin a process of social withdrawal restricting visitors to only a few family members because

they fear that their physical and mental deterioration will upset visitors

Health care providers frequently resort to baby talk because

they often underestimate their patients' level of understanding about an illness.

The family of a terminally ill patient may need to work with a therapist to understand that a patient is not really angry with them but at fate. The family needs to see that

this anger will be directed at anyone near the patient especially family

Acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness interventions, and self-determination theory are techniques which train patients in pain

to help them control their emotional responses to pain

Which of the following is a goal of physical rehabilitation?

to learn the ways of controlling energy expenditure

The final stage of Kubler-Ross's theory is known as acceptance, and at this point patients are

too accustomed to the idea of dying to be depressed and too weak to be angry

According to the _____ plan, patients select their own doctors and hospitals and pay on a fee-for-service basis.

traditional indemnity

True or false: In the denial stage, patients act as if the illness is not severe, and it will shortly go away.


True or false: Men are more likely to participate in hazardous sports and to use firearms recreationally.


According to Turk and Feldman (1992a, 1992b), the hospitalized terminally ill patient runs the risk of being _____ by the medical staff.


Shirley has a routine medical check-up, and her doctor finds that she has unregulated cell growth in one of her kidneys, which is an indicator of malignant neoplasm (cancer). He tells her that it is a case of malignant neoplasm, and if left untreated, the infection will spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system. He asks her to undergo a few more tests and to start therapy and medication immediately. Shirley understands that she had a serious condition, but she is able to comprehend only a few of the terms used by her doctor. In this scenario, the doctor is

using jargon to explain the seriousness of the condition.

Traditional Chinese Medicine uses ___________ to create balance between yin and yang.

various herbal preparations

Medical measures of quality of life are

weakly related with patients' and relatives' assessments.

In which of the following conditions is treatment adherence likely to be the highest?

when a person lives in a cohesive family

Of the following situations, patients' anxiety would be the highest

while the patient is awaiting an invasive medical procedure

Patients are less likely to turn to alternative treatments when they are satisfied

with the interpersonal aspects of their medical care

Dietary interventions, which include foods that shift the _____ balance, are a staple of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


A general term that includes breathing techniques, strengthening exercises, postures, and meditation is known as


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