CLP3144 EXAM 3, Chapter 14 Lecture: Substance Use and Gambling Disorders, ab psych exam 3 quiz questions

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prevalence of anorexia nervosa in women

1% (.3% in men)

Dennis is undergoing treatment to deal with his alcohol use disorder. Whenever he takes this drug, he can't even have one alcoholic drink because he starts to feel sick and dizzy and feels like vomiting. Which drug is he most likely using? A. Antabuse B. Naltrexone C. Xanax D. Halcion

A. Antabuse

_____ may be used to reduce a paraphiliac's anxiety about engaging in normal sexual encounters with other adults. A. desensitization procedures B. psychodynamic interventions C. electroconvulsive therapy D. aversion therapy

A. desensitization procedures

A diagnosis of male hypoactive sexual desire would be made when a male: A. has little desire for sex, does not fantasize about sex, and may be unresponsive when a partner initiates sex. B. experiences a lack of sexual desire specifically due to overexertion and exhaustion. C. does not initiate sex because of the inability to have an orgasm. D. is obsessed with thoughts about sex, thereby letting it interfere with daily functioning, for a consistent period of six months.

A. has little desire for sex, does not fantasize about sex, and may be unresponsive when a partner initiates sex.

_____ is the loss of intellectual abilities, including memory, abstract thinking, judgment, and problem solving, often accompanied by personality changes such as increased paranoia.

Alcohol-induced dementia

Which of the following is a drug that can make alcohol use actually punishing, often causing vomiting in individuals who drink after taking it?


Which of the following is used to assess people's typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving? A. A projective test B. A personality inventory C. An intelligence test D. A symptom questionnaire

B. A personality inventory

_____ tests are based on the assumption that people will interpret ambiguous stimuli in line with their current concerns and feelings, their relationships with others, and their conflicts or desires. A. Personality B. Projective C. Objective D.Intelligence

B. Projective

When a stressor is chronic and a person or animal cannot fight it or flee from it, then the chronic physiological arousal that results can be severely damaging to the body. What is this condition known as? A. atherosclerosis B. allostatic load C. narcolepsy D. degeneration

B. allostatic load

_____ involves denying that you are ill or are facing other obvious stresses. A. Relaxation response B. Avoidance coping C. Flight response D. Denial coping

B. avoidance coping

Robert has been experiencing a sexual dysfunction and is seeking medical treatment. Which of the following would be the least likely explanation for his problems? A. low levels of estrogen & prolactin B. high levels of testosterone C. cardiovascular disease D. diabetes

B. high levels of testosterone

Gradual withdrawal from heroin can be achieved with _____. A. phencyclidine (PCP) B. methadone C. MDMA D. ketamine

B. methadone

Alicia's doctor has prescribed medication to help with her anxiety and insomnia. Which of the following best represents the class of medications he most likely prescribed?


The stop-start technique is used primarily to help: A. women with genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder control the pain they experience during intercourse. B. men with delayed ejaculation reach orgasm faster and more consistently. C. men who have premature (early) ejaculations to learn to control their ejaculations. D. women with anorgasmia gain some control over their vaginal contractions.

C. men who have premature (early) ejaculations to learn to control their ejaculations.

Which of the following was developed by William Miller to elicit and solidify clients' motivation and commitment to changing their substance use behaviors? A. social learning model B. dependency transfer C. motivational interviewing D. Alcoholics Anonymous

C. motivational interviewing

Which of the following was a problem with the earlier editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)? A. the text was cumbersome & clinicians had difficulty using the classification B. the criteria were impressionistic, & also influenced by humanistic society C. the descriptions of the disorders were abstract & theoretically based D. the theoretical assumptions of the criteria had no empirical support

C. the descriptions of the disorders were abstract & theoretically based

_____ provide reinforcements for individuals to curtail their use of substances, for example, employment, housing, or vouchers for purchases at local stores.

Contingency management programs

Which of the following uses imagery to create associations between thoughts of alcohol use and thoughts of highly unpleasant consequences?

Covert sensitization therapy

Which of the following observations is true of the immune system? A. The reaction of the innate immune system is specifically to the microorganism that enters the body. B. The innate immune system is slower to respond than the specific immune system. C. The innate immune system remembers a pathogen so that if it attacks again the system is able to kill it more quickly and efficiently. D. The response of the specific immune system is tailored to the particular type of pathogen present.

D. The response of the specific immune system is tailored to the particular type of pathogen present.

Which of the following is a popular biological treatment for erectile disorder? A. Luvox B. Serax C. Turnial D. Viagra

D. Viagra

Claudia finds that she reaches the sexual excitement phase of the sexual response cycle but has difficulty moving past that stage. She is most likely experiencing _____. A. aversion disorder B. arousal disorder C. impotence D. anorgasmia

D. anorgasmia

The extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure and not something else altogether is representative of _____ validity. A. predictive B. concurrent C. face D. construct

D. construct

Howard gains sexual gratification by rubbing against and fondling the body parts of nonconsenting adults. In the context of paraphilias, Howard is most likely engaging in _____. A. exibitionism B. voyeurism C. transvestism D. frotteurism

D. frotteurism

Individuals' beliefs that they can engage in behaviors to attain goals are known as: A. self-actualization beliefs B. social beliefs C. achievement beliefs D. self-efficacy beliefs

D. self-efficacy beliefs

Rudolph, a client, was asked a set of questions by his clinician in his initial interview. The questions were highly standardized and objective. Rudolph was surprised because his friends had told him to expect general and open-ended questions such as, "Tell me about yourself." The clinician most likely conducted a _____. A. survey B. projective test C. behavioral observation D. structured interview

D. structured interview

The DSM-5 authors have combined substance abuse and dependence into one diagnosis called: A. drug-related disorder B. substance dependence disorder C. substance abuse disorder D. substance use disorder

D. substance use disorder

which two are considered date rape drugs

GHB and rohypnol

What is methadone maintenance?

Involves administration of a daily, pre-prescribed dose of methadone to block cravings

Which of the following observations is true of the drug phencyclidine?

It has many of the same effects as hallucinogens.

Which of the following makes cocaine more likely than most substances to lead to abuse and dependence?

Its rapid, strong effects on the brain's reward centers

Which of the following is true of alcohol dependents or abusers in the United States?

Only about 25 percent of them seek treatment.

Which of the following is a reason why abuse of and dependence on alcohol decline as people age?

People who have used alcohol excessively may die before they reach old age.

Which of the following is capable of producing perceptual changes even in small doses?


Which of the following observations is true?

Societal acceptance of heavy drinking by women has increased in recent generations, as has the rate of alcohol use among young women.

T/F? Most who qualify for the criteria of an eating disorder usually migrate between them


Which of the following characterizes the first stage of alcohol withdrawal?

Tremulousness, weakness, and profuse perspiration

Which of the following primarily contributes to the fact that the relapse rate for people undergoing any kind of treatment for alcohol abuse and dependency is high?

abstinence violation effect

substance abuse v. substance dependence

abuse: recurrent use results in failing to perform usual duties dependence: tolerance, need more to feel effects

Pedro is at a party and has taken a substance that has made him euphoric and disinhibited; he then experiences lethargy, loss of coordination and other signs of central nervous system depression. He has most likely taken:


Which term refers to alcohol-induced amnesia for the events that occurred while one was intoxicated?


flulike symtoms are withdrawal symptoms of


Which of the following is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States?


what are antagonist drugs?

change/block effects of drugs, reducing want for the original drugs

The _____ theories of alcohol abuse have focused on people's expectations of alcohol's effects and their beliefs about the appropriateness of using it to cope with stress.


which disorder is characterized by a chronic pattern of unconcern for the rights of others

conduct disorder

which disorder has limited prosocial emotions and what are they

conduct disorder; lack of empathy, remorse, guilt

The second stage of alcohol withdrawal includes _____, which may begin as soon as 12 hours after drinking stops but more often appear(s) during the second or third day.

convulsive seizures

inhalants can lead to

dementia, death from depression of respiratory or cardiovascular system

Alcohol is considered a ____ because it ____.

depressant; slows the central nervous system

Binge drinking is defined as consuming:

five or more drinks in a couple of hours

Some drugs, like cocaine and amphetamines produce a strong sense of reward or a "high" by increasing the availability of the neurotransmitter _____.

gamma-aminobutyric acid

Low-grade hypertension, combined with increases in the levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, puts alcohol abusers at increased risk for:

heart disease

abstinence violation program

help clients thru mistakes when they violate abstinence

what are the causes of antisocial personality disorder

highly genetic, low socioeconomic status, childhood maltreatment

what are two theories of the cause of intermittent explosive disorder

imbalance in serotonin, runs in families

serotonin corresponds with ______________________


how do girls display their ODD behavior

indirectly (verbal, gossiping, etc)

hypersomnia is caused by

lack of histamine

narcolepsy is caused by

lack of hypocretin

what is the biological reason children with conduct disorder are more likely to take risks

less stress rxns (slower heart rate, low cortisol level)

which three drugs are used to treat antisocial personality disorder

lithium, atypical antipsychotics, antiseizure drugs

eating disorders are caused by which biological feature

low hypothalamus functioning (also low serotonin)

the earlier the symptoms for conduct disorder, the _____________________ the behavioral problems

more severe

Which of the following was developed by William Miller to elicit and solidify clients' motivation and commitment to changing their substance use?

motivational interviewing

weight gain is a withdrawal symptom of


do people with bulimia nervosa show gross body distortions


is obesity a disorder


is psychopathy an official diagnosis


How is binge eating different from bulimia?

no purging

Which of the following is a popular opioid pain reliever?


antisocial personality disorder has deficits in which part of the brain

prefrontal cortex (less grey matter, especially in men)

Which of the following contains antioxidants that can increase "good" cholesterol, along with other chemicals that can help prevent damage to blood vessels and reduce "bad" cholesterol, producing positive cardiac effects?

red wine

what is a motivational interview with substance use

remind clients why they chose to quit in first place, very empathetic

dopamine system corresponds with ______________________________________

reward seeking and processing

conduct disorder is associated with which pipeline

school to prison

The disease model of alcoholism predicts that because of biological, psychological, and spiritual deficits,:

some people will lose all control over their drinking once they have one drink.

gambling disorder is related to same brain areas as ________________________ and why

substance use disorders bc reward/punishment

_____ may occur during inhalant use due to acute irregularities in heartbeat or loss of oxygen.

sudden sniffing death

what is cognitive therapy for susbtance use

talk with clients about situations where they will most likely drink/overdrink and how to overcome/say no/be responsible

what does CBT teach gambling disorder clients

that they don't have control over their gambling outcomes

when do symptoms begin in Oppositional Defiant Disorder

toddler/preschool years

what are the three symptom types of ODD

vindictiveness, irritable/angry, argumentative/defiant

is intermittent explosive behavior more severe than conduct disorder


can antisocial personality disorder decrease with age

yes; especially if the person did not have conduct disorder as a child

Which drug was used in the 1960s as part of the consciousness-expanding movement and led to reports of "bad trips"?


Which of these is one of the most common medical conditions associated with alcohol misuse?

Low-grade hypertension

Which of the following observations about inhalants is true?

Males are more likely than females to use inhalants.

Which of the following has proven useful in treating alcohol dependents and abusers, possibly because it blocks the effects of endorphins during drinking?


what other treatment is used with gambling disorder


Celeste went to a fraternity party on Saturday night and had too much to drink. Although the last thing she remembers is dancing with Paul, she does not recollect how she got home. Celeste is most likely experiencing:

a black out

Which of the following is a central nervous system depressant?


what are two examples of depressants

alcohol, barbiturates/benzo

ecstasy is similar to


what drug is used to treat anorexia nervosa

antipsychotics bc weight gain

which disorder can't form positive relationships

antisocial PD

chronically low arousal to fear is associated with which disorder

antisocial personality disorder

what are around 50% of those diagnosed with childhood-onset conduct disorder later diagnosed with

antisocial personality disorder

June will soon undergo a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Which of the following will most likely occur during the scan? A. Several images will be presented to June, which she will have to reconstruct with a pencil and paper. B. Narrow X-ray beams will pass through June's head, and the amount of radiation absorbed by each beam will be measured. C. A radioactive isotope will be injected into June's brain in order to show the different levels of activity in specific areas of her brain. D. A magnetic field will realign the hydrogen atoms in June's brain, allowing the computer to read the signals and construct images of her brain.

D. A magnetic field will realign the hydrogen atoms in June's brain, allowing the computer to read the signals and construct images of her brain.

Which type of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder involves a persistent pattern of sleep onset and awakenings that are 2 or more hours earlier than desired? A. Non 24-hour type B. Irregular sleep-wake type C. Shift work type D. Advanced sleep phase type

D. Advanced sleep phase type

Which of the following is a rapid-acting anesthetic that produces hallucinogenic effects ranging from rapture to paranoia to boredom? A. Valium B. Methadone C. Rohypnol D. Ketamine

D. Ketamine

The Bender-Gestalt Test assesses individual's sensorimotor skills by having them reproduce a set of nine drawings. A client with brain damage who takes the test would most likely: A. be able to correctly reproduce all 9 drawings B. remember the finer aspects of the drawings C. reproduce most drawings as is D. change or rotate parts of the drawings

D. change or rotate parts of the drawings

Tina's parents made an appointment for her to see a mental health professional. During the initial interview, she refused to answer the interview questions and claimed that she did not have to cooperate if she did not want to. Tina is exhibiting _____. A. bias B. disturbance C. distraction D. resistance

D. resistance

When people with narcolepsy waken, they may experience brief periods when they can't move or speak, referred to as: A. sleep apnea B. cataplexy C. sleep walking D. sleep paralysis

D. sleep paralysis

what does it mean to use aversive classical conditioning for substance use

associate clients with negative effects of alcohol rather than the positive

what do those with binge eating disorder typically have a history of

attempted weight loss

Drugs such as disulfiram that make the ingestion of alcohol unpleasant or toxic are given to people who are alcohol dependent. This is an example of:

aversive classical conditioning.

What is sensate focus therapy?

cornerstone of sexual therapy, involves three steps

are intermittent explosive acts of aggression injurious or non injurious

non injurious (happen frequently tho)

Morphine, heroin, codeine, and methadone are all:


Fetishistic Disorder: A. causes significant distress and impairment. B. can involve both hard and soft objects. C. is more common in women than men. D. involves the use of objects solely to add to the attractiveness of the person.

B. can involve both hard and soft objects

Intelligence tests are biased in favor of: A. upper-class educated Latino males B. middle- & upper-class educated European Americans C. middle- & upper-class educated Asian Americans D. middle-class educated African-American women

B. middle- & upper-class educated European Americans

The euphoric effects of ecstasy and some of the brain damage are considered to be due to alterations in the functioning of _____ in the brain. A. dopamine B. serotonin C. norepinephrine D. epinephrine

B. serotonin

Therapists who work with people with gender dysphoria typically: A. offer medical treatment in the form of hormone therapy but not surgery. B. try to help them clarify their gender identity and desire for treatment. C. focus on ridding the individual of any repressed childhood conflicts. D. cure them of their identity conflicts by reinforcing sex-stereotyped behaviors.

B. try to help them clarify their gender identity and desire for treatment.

In the United States, which of the followings groups is overdiagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia? A. Native Americans B. Asian Americans C.African Americans D. European Americans

C. African Americans

Which of the following is true of sleepwalking as a disorder of arousal? A. The person sleepwalking is acting out a dream. B. It is most common among adults. C. It occurs during NREM sleep. D. It is dangerous to wake up a person experiencing this condition.

C. It occurs during NREM sleep.

Which of the following refers to the second stage of sleep that is characterized by an occasional sharp rise and fall in the amplitude of the entire EEG? A. B-complex B. Wave volatility C. K-complex D. Rapid eye movement (REM)

C. K-complex

Which of the following is true of Internet-based health interventions? A. Controlled studies of the effectiveness of these interventions show that they are ineffective in helping people change their behaviors. B. Though the Internet helps deliver exercise and nutrition programs to large segments of the population, the costs associated with it are often prohibitive. C. Many behavioral interventions of this nature aim to help people increase their exercise and improve their diet. D. They are not helpful for those who do not have access to in-person programs.

C. Many behavioral interventions of this nature aim to help people increase their exercise and improve their diet.

Which of the following is true of gambling disorder? A. It is tied to increased executive control over impulses in the frontal areas of the brain. B. Pathological gamblers tend to have relatively fewer problems with substance use than the general population. C. Pathological gamblers have a greater disruption in the systems regulating the neurotransmitter dopamine. D. About 20 percent of the U.S. population engages in chronic, compulsive gambling.

C. Pathological gamblers have a greater disruption in the systems regulating the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Which of the following statements about coronary heart disease (CHD) is true? A. Women are more prone to CHD than are men. B. There is no relation between a stressful environment & CHD. C. People with family histories of CHD are at an increased risk for the disease. D. CHD is the leading cause of death among men and women.

C. People with family histories of CHD are at an increased risk for the disease.

Identify the physiological effects of nicotine. A. They suppress several biochemicals including dopamine and norepinephrine. B. They reduce the craving to smoke more. C. They resemble a fight-or-flight response. D. They reduce the physiological symptoms of stress and anxiety.

C. They resemble a fight-or-flight response.

All of the following are withdrawal symptoms associated with opioids, EXCEPT: A. nausea B. dysphoric mood C. delirium tremens D. fever

C. delirium tremens

Alcohol is considered a _____ because it _____. A. stimulant; activates the sex drive B. stimulant; makes people less inhibited in their behavior C. depressant; slows the central nervous system D. stimulant; activates the brain

C. depressant; slows the central nervous system

A depersonalization syndrome known as _____, thought to result from semen loss, has been reported by several Asian cultures. This syndrome involves acute anxiety, a feeling of panic and impending death, and a delusion that the penis is shrinking into the body and disappearing. A. mal do ojo B. amok C. koro D. ataque de nervios

C. koro

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