CMN 396 EXAM 2

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Discrimination in the housing marker

hisoanics/ ppl of color face discrimination in the housing marketwho apply for loans are more likely to be turned down than loans in white neighboorhoods

Hierarchy of social class in the U.S.

differences in skin color can be traced to climatic adaptation. high levels in melanin in dark skin protected ppl living outside in hot sunny climates aka Africans and in cold climates ppl hair fair skin - the earliest settlers had fair skin so that was summed whiteness marked the top of the class hierarchy

Symbols of racial equality

colorblindness allows whites to believe that segregation and discrimination are no longer and issue because its not illegal for individuals to be denied access to housing, public accommodation or jobs bc of their race - individuals from any race can wear hip hop clothing, listen to rap and root for their favorite, majority black professional sports team - colorblind ness would also mean that ones race has no bearing on who can purchase a jaguar, live in an exclusive neighborhood attend private school or own a Rolex - defining race only as cultural symbols that are for sale allows white to view race a nothing more than cultural power


defined as a hostile attitude towards people are presumed to have alleged negative characteristics associated with a group to which they belong - prejudice refers to pals attitudes

Hegemonic masculinities

defined as the taken-for-granted generally accepted form attributed to leaders and figures - Agressive, décisive, competitive, focused on winning and defeating the enemy, and taking territory

Intersectional systems of inequality

#1 Views social structure category as having multiple, interlocking levels of domination that stem from the societal configuration of race, class and gender relations #2 Each construct groups in binary or opposite ( social construction operate and are exhibit different;y) #3 Significance stems from the location of institutional power #4 Race, ethnicity, class, gender and sexuality are social constructions

American Dream

- asians tend to believe in the American dream and measure their achievements materially(ex: own a home, be my own boss, send kids to ivy) - many asian American kids grow up around whites - many asians stuffy engineering, medicine, or law believing that these are areas to guarantee a middle class life Unofficially they are considered the "model minority", with some achieving successes consistent with the American Dream. Officially the fact that the two groups are combined when it comes to equal opportunity programs.

Asian American

- few describe themselves as asian and even less as asian Americans. instead they link their identities to specific countries of origins, such as china, Japan - tend to settle in large cities in the west

Gender/race divisions of labor

- industrial capitalism is a white mans project meaning white men are innovators, owners and basically holders of power - men were always the breadwinners and women strived to be housewives - keeping women and minorities in low divisions benefited capitalist organizations by paying less for certain levels of skill, and responsibility when the worker was not a white male - segregating practices are part of the history of white, masculine-dominated capitalism that establishes class as gendered and radicalized

color-blind racism

- since race no longer shapes life chases in a color blind world there is no need to take race into account when discussing differences in outcomes between racial groups the colorblind or race neutral perspective holds than in an environment where institutional racism and discrimination have been replaced by equal opportunity of ones qualifications not ones color by construction a picture of society where racial harmony is the norm, the color blindness perspective functions to make white priviledge invisible

Levels of assimilation

- some believe that no matter how "successful" or "assimilated they become it has little effect =

Achieving "Whiteness"

- whitening has to do with the mainstream cultural values an even intermarrying members of the dominant group to ruducce the otherness - bottom line is Americans of asian ancestry still have to prove that they are truly loyal Americans Zhou describes that most Asian Americans are not seeing to become "White", but see that as the standard norm for American society, and their own identity is more nationalistic (American) than racial. However, the perspective that Asian Americans would be able to achieve "Whiteness" would also minimize and ignore the impact of anti-Asian discrimination and racism that is still present in American society.

Three causes of health woes 1. inequality 2. poverty 3. the way we organize our health-care system

1. wider the inequality the worse the health 2. poverty = hunger and homelessness. poverty leads to danger such as alcohol, drugs, fast food

Color-Blind Privilege: The Social & Political Functions of Erasing the ColorLine in Post Race America - Charles A. Gallagher New form of racist thinking

Americans believe that racial barriers have been dismantled bc pf depictions of race relations in the media - polls show that whites believe that blacks have as good as chance of getting a job as they do

Asian Americans homeownership

Asian Americans have higher rates of homeownership than other ethnic and racial groups (though still less than Whites), but up to 20 percent of them reported suffering from discrimination when attempting to purchase a home.

Downtown nails

Black or African American & Low Class or working poor - workers are less likely to have licenses. or immigration documents - the owners are working class, rent was affordable - not less body labor more focus on nail art and not massages and stuff - ppl going want less pampering and more catering to the African American community around them such as playing r&b in the salon - ppl come in and out even when they aren't getting their nails done - demands emotional labor in the form of respect

Is Capitalism Gendered and Racialized? Joan Acker Capitalism

Capitalism has been dominated by white males and built by a subordinated gender and race segregated labor force - laced with wage inequalities and a socials-wide gender division of caring labor - ideologies of white masculinity and related forms of consciousness help to justify capitalist practices

'blanched' or 'whitened'

Gans further claims that many immigrant groups were 'blanched' or 'whitened' in the lay imagination once those groups experienced upward mobility. This was not the case, he says for African Americans. - even tho blacks can be affluent and well educated they remain visibly black which keeps blacks from moving towards equality with whites

Income equality & "Great Divergence",

He also illustrates the point how with the "Great Divergence", American economic inequality is more significant than in Latin American nations where it is always assumed to be a long-standing problem

The Intersection of Poverty Discourses: Race, Class, Culture, and Gender", Debra Henderson and Ann Tickamyer Stereotyped image of welfare

Henderson and Tickamyer focus on the stereotyped image of welfare as being synonymous with African Americans, and how that is not accurate.

Economic disparity in the u.s

In 1915, Willford I. King was troubled by the fact that the top 1% of earners possessed 15-18% of American wealth. Today, that figure is closer to 24%. Income equality was more consistent following the Second World War and into the 1950s and 1960s, but the following decades saw the separation begin to grow dramatically.

Health & Wealth: Our Appalling Health Inequality Reflects & Reinforces Society's Other Gaps - Lawrence R. Jacobs & James A. Morone Low ranking of the United States

Jacobs and Morone address the relatively low ranking of the United States relative to other countries on issues influencing life chances, particularly those relevant to health and longevity.

Symbol of achieving the American Dream

Kuebler discusses how owning a home (and yard or associated property) has long been the symbol of achieving the American Dream in society and as a symbol of success.

Crosstown nails

Mixed race and class status - fast cheap basic manicures will no frill - ppl don't go here to get pumped, or designs they just go to get their nails done quick

Nail Salons in the United States

Nail Salons in the United States are increasingly owned and operated by Asian immigrants. Two women, virtual strangers, sit hand-in-hand across a narrow table, both intent on the same thing-achieving the perfect manicure. This study looks closely for the first time at these intimate encounters, focusing on New York City, where such nail salons have become ubiquitous. The study posits that there are varying degrees or notions of beauty service establishments In addition these spaces also vary as places for building community among women Kang (2006) finds that while tentative and fragile solidarities can emerge across the manicure table, they generally give way to even more powerful divisions of race, class, and immigration.

The Great Divergence: Growing Income Inequality Could Destabilize the U.S. - Timothy Noah Status of income inequality

Noah examines the historical status of income inequality in the United States. Timothy Noah paints a picture that shows just how much worse economic disparity has become.

Race as Class - Herbert J. GansBiologists/sociologists concepts of race

Noting that most biologists argue that scientifically there can be no human 'races' and that sociologists argue that concepts of race are socially constructed,

Race, Class & Gender as a Matrix of Domination

Race, class, and gender operate, not alone, but within a system of simultaneous,inte elated social relationships-what we have earlier called the matrix of domi nation (Collins 2000). This means that they also engage other social realities ethnicity, sexuality, age, di�ability, the region where you live, and so rth. These va ous social cts about a given life are intertwined within a system - these structures are supported by ideological beliefs that make things appear "normal" and "acceptable"

Closing the Wealth Gap: A Review of Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Homeownership," Meghan Kuebler what defined the American Dream

The American Dream of wealth has been historically closely linked to the ability to own a home.

Racial Stratification

The inequality between and among racial groups. Experience personally and in institutions - Changes over time although it is rooted in the practices of the past interacting with social forces of the present - less visible than individual acts of prejucise bu ir shapes the experience of racial groups

Work of Moynihan & "tangle of pathology"

The work of Moynihan (1965) began linking welfare with poverty as a function of Black culture, broken families, and a "tangle of pathology", blaming the poverty issues on a lack of personal responsibility rather than systemic discrimination.

Disparities within the United States

They note disparities within the United States based on wealth, and identify three causes of health woes including poverty, inequality, and the organization of the health care system.

Social structure

Using a social structural analysis of race, class, and gender turns your attention to how they work as systems of power- systems that advantage and disadvantage groups dierently depending on their social location. ex: not all men are equally power nor all women are equally disadvantaged. where you live, sexuality, age etc all matter in social structure s

Appalachian culture and control

Welfare reform has then been consistently tied to racial politics and remains a controversial issue. As a point of comparison, they turn the focus to rural welfare recipients in Appalachia, and find that due to their geographic isolation, women especially suffer from hardships due to the lack of resources that are more available in urban settings.

Uptown nails

White Race & High Class - uppity salons where the Korean workers all speak perfect English - prioritizes the emotional needs of the customer and requires high service body labor from workers to make sure its perfect - they have to be able to talk to customers and not speak in their language

Multitude of different countries of origin

Zhou first criticizes this for the fact that Asian American is a designation that includes people from a multitude of different countries of origin, each having different experiences both in the past and during their time in the United States.

Are Asian Americans Becoming 'White'? - Min Zhou "model minority"

asians are seen as the model minority due to their hard work, family, solidarity, discipline - they go to college, are valedictorians - model minority is bad tho bc it proves the notion that everyone has equal opportunity u just have to work for it - celebrating model minors can pit minorities against eachother - The "model minority" label is seen as being problematic for reinforcing the stereotype that racism no longer exists: that any other racial or ethnic group should be able to achieve the same. It also ignores the fact that different Asian American groups have achieved different levels of assimilation and social class standing, and are not a heterogeneous group that can be described with a singular label.

Institutional racism

believing and acting as if America is now color blind allows whites to imagine a society where institutional racism no longer exists and racial barriers to upward mobility have been removed

Hispanic homeownership

hispanics have less home equity and receive fewer benefits than whites Hispanic homeownership differs from group to group, but is still subject to discrimination as far as ability to receive mortgages, and thus their level of home ownership is low.

Assimilation for minorities & homeownership - what does owning a home for minorites mean ? how does it help them?

home ownership improves social status, fosters upward mobility and helps assimilate minors into mainstream America

Racial classification of Jews

jews are not merely a separate race but an impure race the product od mongrelization

Denied male privilege

men work from a base of unackwoeldge privilege men deny they they are overpriviledge but they will admit that women are disadvantaged. these denials protect male privilege from being full acknowledged, lessened or ended

Institutional Racism

patterns of discrimination based on ethnicity that have become structured into existing social institutions means that people may not be individually racism but can still benefit from a system that is organized to benefit some at the expense of others Built into the foundation of social structure of the united states

view of American wealth

ppl in the us believe "ppl are rewarded for intelligence and skill" Noah argues that income inequality is ignored by most of the population due to a long-standing belief in social mobility, and that hard work and intelligence can allow anyone to move to a higher income bracket.

Systemic forms of Power and inequality

race, class and gender are systematic forms of inequality most ppl think of them as individual characteristics but they are built into the structures of society Social aspect of our lives that guide our identities and race, class and gender structure Intersectional systems of inequality Social structure Race, Class and gender

Racial Formation

racial formation is the sociohisorical process by which race categories are created, inhabited, transformed and destroyed race; class systems reflect prevailing views of race are are made to be "natural concepts"

Race & Racism

racism is a system of power and privilege; it can be manifested in ppls attitudes but is rooted in society structure. - most ppl think race is biological but its more social. the reality of race stems from specific social, historical and political contexts

Health and longevity

the average American boy lives fewer than the average Japanese baby

Define and explain the meaning of "the social construction of race"? According to Gans, how does this social construction become reconstructed? Give an example of how this influences the workplace? (10 points)

the basic lay person describes race as things they physically see on a person such as skin color, shape of head, nose, lips, quality of hair and choose to define the variations as individual races. They then use these definitions of race to decide wether strangers or "others are to be treated as superior, inferrer or equal so therefore white and white features are considered superior class because skin color is socially constructed it can also be reconstructed. money and higher education change the way your race is viewed

Social construction of race

the concept of race being a social construct threatens that order that whites feel superior. - ppl feel threatened by the thought of race being socially constructed bc it destroys the benefits of those constructs

Concept of body labor

the provision of body related services and the management of feelings that accompany it The concept of body labor makes two important contributions to the study of emotional labor : (1) it explores the embodied dimensions of emotional labor (2) it investigates the intersections of race, gender, and class in shaping its performance

Lay definition of 'race'

they see that humans vary, notably in skin color, the shape of the head, nose, lips, and quality of hair and they choose to define the variations as individual races - lay ppl also use the definition of race to decide strangers (or the so called other) are to be treated as superior, inferior or equal - The lay public then uses their definitions of race to place individuals in hierarchal categories that correspond to social class locations.

Welfare reform

welfare reform was blamed on ppl "not taking responsibilty" but that is wrong and is impeded with racism and racial stereotypes - well fare reform has consistently been tied to racial politics and impacts the life chances of racial/ethnic minors across the country

"White flight"

when even a small number of black house holders move into a neighborhood the homes begin to depreciate in value - and when blacks move in white ppl move out which is white flight

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack - Peggy McIntosh Invisibility of racial privilege.

white priviledge is

Invisible privilege

white priviledge is like an invisible knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports codebooks whites are taught to think that their lives are normal and average and that anyone can just work to be like them

Racial superiority

white supremacist see jews as threats to racial purity

White supremacy

white supremacy is not a movement just about hatred but more about fear; fear of the vulnerability and instability of white priviledge

What White Supremacists Taught a Jewish Scholar about Identity (Ferber) Systems of oppression

white supremissts seek to make racial identity, racial hierarchy and white power part of the natural order

Class hierarchies

whites are on top of the racial chain and variously shaded whites are below them in class and status and the darker ppl are at the bottom of the class heirracrchy - and since then ppl have always used race as a marker of both class and status - race is used as a marker of class and by keeping blacks in their place

The Managed Hand (Kang 2003 & 2010) Human feelings and bodies

work on the body requires not only physical labor but extensive emotional management

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