CNA: Chapter 26: Measuring Vital Signs

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A ______ pulse is taken during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) A. Carotid B. Temporal C. Femoral D. Radial


A glass rectal thermometer has A. A stubby tip color-coded in red B. A long or slender tip C. A pear-shaped tip D. A blue color-coded end


The blood pressure cuff is inflated _____ beyond the point where you last felt the radial pulse A. 10 mm Hg B. 20 mm Hg C.30 mm Hg D 40 mm Hg


When taking the radial pulse, place A. The thumb over the pulse site B. Two or three fingers on the middle of the wrist C. Two or three fingers on the thumb side of the wrist D. The stethoscope on the chest wall


When using a stethoscope you can help to prevent infection by A. Warming the diaphragm in your hand B. Wiping the earpieces and diaphragm with antiseptic wipes before and after use C. Placing the diaphragm over the artery D. Placing the earpieces in your ears so the bend of the tips point forward


You need to feel the pulse to determine the A. Force B. Rate C. Rhythm (whether its regular or irregular) D. Blood pressure


You will find out the size of blood pressure cuff needed A. By asking the nurse B. By measuring the person's arm C. In the doctor's orders D. Asking the person


A pedal pulse is found A. By listening to the heart with a stethoscope B. Over a foot bone C. On the thumb side of the wrist D. At the apex of the heart, just below the left nipple


An apical pulse of 72 is recorder as A. Pulse 72 B. 72-Apical pulse C. 72Ap D.P72


An apical-radial pulse is taken by A. Taking the radial pulse for 1 minute and then taking the apical pulse for 1 minute B. Substracting the apical pulse from the radial pulse C. Having one staff member take the apical pulse and second staff member takes the radial pulse at the same time D. Having two persons take the apical pulse at the same


Each respiration involves A. One inhalation (rise of chest) B. One exhalation (fall of chest) C. One inhalation and one exhalation (rise and fall of chest) D. Counting for 30 seconds and multiplying by two


Persons in nursing centers usually have vital signs measured A. Once a shift B. Every 4 hours C. Once a month D. Daily, twice a day, or weekly


The blood pressure may be higher in older persons because A. They have orthostatic hypotension B. The diet is higher in sodium C. Blood pressure increases with age D. They are usually overweight


The blood pressure should not be taken on an arm A. If the person has had breast surgery on that side B. With an IV C.That has a dialysis access site D. All of the above


The pulse rate is the number of heartbeats or pulses felt in A. 30 seconds B. 15 seconds C. 1 minutes D. 5 minutes


To read a glass thermometer you should hold it at the A. Stem above the eye level and look up to read it B. Bulb end and bring it to eye level C. Stem and bring it to eye level to read it D. Bulb at waist level and look down to read it


Unless otherwise ordered, take vital signs when the person A. Is lying or sitting B. Has been walking or exercising C. Has just finished eating D. Is getting ready to take a shower or tub bath


What should you do if a person asks their vital sign measurements? A. You can tell the person the measurements if center policy allows B. Tell the nurse that the person wants to know the measurements C. Tell the person you cannot tell them this information D. This information is private and cannot be shared


When a pulse rate is 120 beats per minute you A. Report that the person has bradycardia B. Know that this is a normal pulse rate C. Report that the person has tachycardia D. Report that the pulse is irregular


When counting respirations the best way is to A. Stand quietly next to the person and watch the chest rise and fall B. Keep your fingers or stethoscope over the pulse site so the person thinks you are still counting the pulse C. Tell the person to breath normally so you can count the respirations D. Use the stethoscope to hear the respiration clearly and count for 1 minute


When taking a temperature for persons who are confused and resist care, the best choice would be to A. Take a rectal temperature B. Use a glass oral temperature C. Take an axillary temperature D. Use tmypanic or temporal artery thermometer


When taking the blood pressure, you place the stethoscope diaphragm A. Over the radial artery on the thumb side of the wrist B. Over the brachial artery at the inner aspect of the elbow C. Lightly against the skin D. Over the apical pulse site


Which pulse is most commonly used? A. Carotid B. Brachial C. Radial D. Popliteal


A glass thermometer is inserted into the rectum A. 1 inch B. 2 inch C. 1/2 inch D 3 inches

Less than 120 mm Hg

* Normal systolic pressure

Less than 80 mm Hg

*Normal diastolic pressure


Body temperature is lower in the A. Afternoon B. Morning C. Evening D. Night


If you are preparing to take an oral temperature, ask the person not to A. Eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum for at least 15 to 20 minutes B. Shower or bathe right before the temperature is taken C. Exercise for 30 minutes before D. Eat, drink, or smoke for atleast 5 to 10 minutes


If you are taking the temperature of an older person, you would expect the temperature to be A. Lower than the normal age B. Higher than the normal range C. About in the middle of the normal range D. The same as a younger adult


If you are taking vital signs on a person with dementia, it may be better if A. You have a co-worker hold the person so he or she does not move B. The vital signs are taken when the person is asleep C. You take the pulse and respirations at one time, and the temperature and blood pressure at another time D. You ask the nurse to take the vital signs


If you take a rectal temperature, the normal range of the temperature would be A. 96.6 F to 98.6 F B. 97.6 F to 99.6 F C. 98.6 F to 100.6 F D. 98.6 F


The apical pulse is taken A. For a full minute B. On infants and children up to 2 years of age C. On persons who have an irregular heartbeat D. All of the pulse


When getting ready to take the blood pressure, position the person's arm A. Above the level of the heart B. Level with the heart C. Below the level of the heart D. Abducted from the body

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