Coach Corey Wayne - How to be a 3% Man

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What is the quote by David DeAngelo?

"Attraction is not a choice."

What is the quote by Aristotle?

"Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."

What is the quote by Corey about hesitation?

"If you hesitate, you will masturbate."

What quote was said by Fredrick Wilcox?

"Progress always involves risk. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first."

What quote was said by Corey Wayne?

"Repetition is the mother of skill"

What is the quote by Confucius in the book?

"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure."

What is the quote that Corey refers to when he says "as the old saying goes" ?

"Talk is cheap and actions scream"

What quote does Corey state about people?

"The quality of your life is in direct proportion to quality of the questions you consistently ask yourself."

What is the quote by Michael Yon?

"The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it."

What is the quote by Corey relating to getting someones attention?

"What is the quickest way to gain someones attention? Remove yours."

What quote does Corey state about fear?

"What you fear you attract, but what you look at disappears."

What quote was said by Adam Carolla?

"When a women likes you, she starts opening her doors and all you have to do is walk through them, but if they start closing in your face you simply walk away."

What is the quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer?

"When you meet someone whose soul isn't aligned with yours... send them love and move on"

What is the quote by Thich Nhat Hanh in the book?

"You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free."

What is always better for a woman to think about the two of you?

"its always better if a woman thinks she wants you more than you want her."

How should you behave around women?

10% bratty little sister, 90% charming James Bond

How should the talking be portioned into with questions and talking?

70-80% of the questions being asked should by the man, and 70-80% of the talking should be by the woman.

What should you be focused on as a man?

A man should be focused on his mission and purpose in life

What do women like in a guy but don't like directly rubbed in their face?

A man that has options, but make her feel a little more special then any other woman.

What do women want to be involved in?

A never ending love-story

What do woman want you to do?

Act like more of a man then they do, and already know how to behave like one

When do people show who they really are typically?

After the first 90 days

What kind of presence should you maintain?

All is well and everything is alright

What does it mean when a girl's family life is bad?

All the messed up problems in her family life will perpetuate onto your relationship with her

What types of dates should you NOT do?

Any date that makes it impossible/difficult for her to bond with you emotionally by talking

What is a conversation topic you should avoid?

Anything about relationships, dating, marriage, and anything of the sort.

How do you know when a woman is open to being kissed?

As you are talking and you are sitting close, her knee may be touching yours, she may be touching your arm or body, she may be leaning toward you, standing so close that her body is bumping yours etc. As she is talking, move your eyes from looking into hers to looking at her lips, then back to her eyes, slowly after 5-7 seconds. if she looks at your lips, shes ready to be kissed.

What is the rule about being cocky?

Average looking - able to be cocky/playful Good looking - Be humble

Why should you treat a woman like a lover and never a friend?

Because she will assume you are gay, weak, lack confidence, and generally not a catch

Why should you never use Logic and reason with a woman?

Because women are emotional based on what they feel in the moment and want to feel you in the exact moment.

How should you walk with your lady?

By her side or leading her to where YOU want to go, as a true equal.

How do you build Sexual Anticipation by using the phone?

By talking for 15-20 minutes max and then setting a definite date

What are the key body languages that attract women?

Chest out, hands by your side, walking direct, dominant eye contact, smiling, slow talking

Why do you avoid saying compliments in the beginning?

Compliments from the beginning come across as a bribe for sex instead of being authentically being celebrated by a man

What should you do if a woman contacts you?

Create a fun-filled romantic opportunity for sex to happen. Woman will almost never ask you out

How do you compliment a woman?

DO NOT say "you have really nice nails" or "You have really nice hair." Instead say what you are really feeling and thinking, like "you're intoxicating to look at. i want you. You're sexy as hell." etc

How should you think about dating in relation to a game?

Dating is like poker, you want her to reveal her cards first.

What should you do if a woman asks you to "call back to confirm" when you set a date with her?

Decline it/tell her you won't do that and tell her you and her can make plans another time

How do you communicate with woman effectively?

Do NOT try to solve her problems, Listen to her, and ask her questions

What do you have to allow woman to do that isn't related to coming to you?

Give them the space to miss you and wonder about you

What are the 3 H's?

Hangout, Have Fun, and Hook Up

What happens when a man is engaging his emotions too early on in a relationship?

He seems needy, makes his lady feel unsafe and uncomfortable.

Name 2 things that are important to a woman while in a relationship

Her man's presence and being noticed by her man

if a woman try's to change who you ARE, what should you do?

Hold your ground, don't be rude and stick to your guns

Why should you treat all the women the same?

Hones your skill and prepares you for when you meet the next great love of your life

What should you assume if a woman contacts you?

If a woman contacts you, assume its because she wants to see you and set a definite date

What is the first test to see if a woman is interested in you or not without actually asking her?

If and when you ask "Hey, whats your name?" and she doesn't ask for yours, it means she does not have interest in you.

When is it okay to take relationship advice from your friends?

If your friends have a relationship that you wish to emulate into your own life

When should plan dates?

In the evening, NEVER during the day

What does it mean when a woman cancels a date but doesn't bring another time to get together with you?

It communicates a low level of interest

What does the difficulty of your time mean with a girl?

It defines the her level of attraction to you (i.e. the easier it is, the more she likes you)

What does it mean when a woman suggests you go on a date or asks you out?

It means she has a high level of attraction to you

What is true about courtship/dating?

It never ends and if you don't date your woman some other guy eventually will

Name 5 Qualities that instantly blow it with a girl that IS NOT related to touch.

Jealousy, Anger, Neediness, Insecurity, and Uncertainty

What does a woman want in a man?

Mystery, A man that is his own man regardless of what people say, A man that goes for what he wants without fear, A centered man, control of himself, has purpose, a man she can't have her way with, un-swayable off his own path.

What is the rule about Group Dates?

No Group Dates until she is your girlfriend because it interferes with her ability to bond with you and increases a woman's fear of being labelled a slut

Should you take dating advice from a woman? *also state why*

No, because they are emotionally based and don't want to hurt your feelings. They achieve this by giving you clouded answers

What is Feminine Energy all about?

Opening up to receive love, bonding, connection

What is love supposed to be?

Playful and Fun

What are some physical actions of a woman that's interested in you?

Playing with her hair, touching you, standing close to you, constantly laughing, facing you, exposing her neck to you

What is Masculine Energy all about?

Purpose, drive, mission, success, pushing through barriers, accomplishing goals

What should you NOT do when a woman cancels a date with you?

Pursue/contact her at all after she cancels the date

What types of things should you not do with a woman that are NOT your job?

Save/steal her from another man and fix the red flags she has

What is the phone used for?

Setting dates. Do NOT spend more than 10-15 minutes chit chatting over the phone

What happens when you do not facilitate a way for you and a woman to get together when she contacts you?

She will become bitchy and resentful because she feels like you don't love her

How do you know when to move to the next level of the relationship between you and a woman?

She will bring it up or hint about it. If she doesn't, assume she's not ready.

How do you know when a woman is done talking about something?

She will say something similar to like "I'm so glad we talked, i feel so much better"

what do you do when a dude(s) come and approach the girl you're hitting on while you're hitting on her?

Sit back and relax. Let the other men screw up and follow what the book says. DO NOT BE JEALOUS.

How should you respond when a woman says "i think i can do thursday (example day)"?

Tell her "Thursday" sounds like a busy day and then ask what day is she absolutely free

How long does it normally take for a woman to sleep with a man?

The 2nd-3rd date on average

When will a woman normally start reaching out to you?

The 2nd-3rd date on average

Who is the one in charge of the dates and where the couple should go?

The Man

Who should be the one to take the direction in a relationship?

The Man

What is The Illusion of Action?

The false belief of forcing yourself to do something to get a woman to like you.

What are woman most attracted to?

The most dominant man

How do you know who is in control of a conversation?

The person that's asking the questions

How do you know which type of women to NOT approach?

The types of women you should NOT approach are the ones that do NOT look you in the eye and smile. They act like you are invisible

How do you know which type of women to approach?

The types of women you should approach are the ones that look you in the eye and smile

What is the best way to lower a woman's guard?

The way you lower a woman's guard is with laughter

What do women prefer to do with men?

They prefer to chase them regardless of what they say

What is "The Fallback Position"?

To call a woman and ask a woman out once a week if she exhibits any qualities of low attraction

What is the purpose of a date?

To create a fun-filled romantic opportunity for sex to happen

Why do woman bluff to test you?

To test your strength, see if you're authentic, to see what you're made of, to see if you can play, and to see if you will change your opinion to match theirs

What happens when a woman loses respect for you?

When a woman loses respect for you, she will never love you

What is the relation between a woman's legs and a woman being understood?

When women feel understood, the legs open; When they don't, the legs close.

How should you handle a situation where a woman unilaterally changes the terms of your relationship?

Wish her the best but state what you want and tell her to give you a call if she changes her mind

How do you handle a situation where a woman is rude/pissed off with you?

With charm and humor and if she has any doubts tell her shes being silly

How do woman want to feel about love?

Woman want to feel like they have earned your love and you have earned theirs

What scientific fact does Corey state inside the book?

Women are more attracted to men who's feelings are unclear

What happens when you don't let a woman come to you?

You blow it

How do you remain Mysterious?

You don't talk about yourself until she brings it up

What is the quote by Corey about focus?

You get what you focus on in life

What is the intent of a relationship?

You go into a relationship to give

How should you respond to a woman's question when she asks "how many woman are you dating?"

You respond with "I don't kiss and tell, but none of them are as awesome as you"

How should you respond when a woman says "I just got my hair done, what do you think, honey?"

You respond with "You look beautiful. You look great... she did a great job. I love your nails ... and i love that new dress you just bought. your new hair color looks great. That new handbag? i think it goes great with that outfit. You look really hot."

How should you respond to a woman's question when she asks "are you dating anyone right now?"

You respond with "i always got room for one more" or "I'm just dating and having fun"

How do you react when a woman tells you shes on her period and thats why she can't have sex?

You tell her it doesn't matter and that you love her unconditionally

What is your goal when you meet a woman?

Your goal when you meet a woman should be to make her smile. That's it.

What is the objection of seduction?

to get closer and closer to her until you end up inside of her

What do women love to do to men?

women love to test a man to see what he is made out of. To see if she can push him off his center of confidence. To FEEL your strength. Blowing off her tests and being indifferent is the way to succeed

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