Cog exam 2

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In the experiment conducted by Viskontas and coworkers using picture pairs, a participant's later experience of familiarity with a particular pair was coded as ________.


Murdoch's "remembering a list" experiment described the serial position curve and found that memory is best for ___________ of a list.

Both the first and last words

Memory performance is enhanced if the type of task at encoding matches the type of task at retrieval. This is called

transfer-appropriate processing

What is the typical duration of short-term memory?

15 to 20 seconds

The effective duration of short-term memory, when rehearsal is prevented, is

15-20 seconds or less.

According to your text, which of the following movies is LEAST accurate in its portrayal of a memory problem?

50 First Dates

Which of the following stimuli will last longer in the receiver's sensory memory?

A lion's roar at the zoo

On what factor do working memory and short-term memory most differ?


Regarding free recall of a list of items, which of the following will most likely cause the recency effect to disappear by preventing rehearsal?

Counting backwards for 30 seconds before recall

According to the levels of processing theory, memory durability depends on the depth at which information is


Which of the following provides the key benefit to the generate-and-test study strategy?


The coding of a stimulus into memory refers to which of the following?


The constructive episodic stimulation hypothesis describes how our memories are connected to our ________.


Within the context of studying, which of the following would be related to an illusion?


Which of the following is an example of a semantic memory?

I remember the big island of Hawaii has many active volcanoes.

A man suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome would be able to perform which of the following activities without difficulty?

Identifying a photograph of his childhood home

Lakeisha and Kim have been studying for two hours for their chemistry exam. Both girls are tired of studying. Lakeisha decides to watch a two-hour movie on DVD, while Kim decides to go to bed. What would you predict about their performance on the chemistry exam?

Kim performs better because of consolidation.

The concept of encoding specificity is grounded in which of the following?


Which of the following is NOT a conclusion from the case of H.M., who had an operation to help alleviate his epileptic seizures?

Long-term memories are unaffected by damage to the hippocampus.

If the brain can be considered a busy factoring that takes in and processes information, which of the following would occur during the synaptic state in Stoke's working memory concept?

Machines would shut down for material resupply.

Lucille is teaching Kendra how to play racquetball. She explains how to hold the racquet, how to stand, and how to make effective shots. These learned skills that Lucille has acquired are an example of ___________ memory.


Which of the following involves procedural memory?

Reading a sentence in a book

This multiple-choice question is an example of a ___________ test.


According to Tulving, an episodic memory is distinguished by the process of ________ it.


Retrograde amnesia is usually less severe for ______ memories.


The following statement represents what kind of memory? "The Beatles stopped making music together as a group in the early 1970s."


Which of the following scenarios best illustrates how effective or ineffective maintenance rehearsal is in transferring information into long-term memory?

Serena's keys were stolen from her purse. She cannot give a detailed description of her keychain to the police, even though she used it every day for three years.

Which of the following statements about short-term memory is FALSE

Short-term memory stores an exact replica of sensory stimuli

Procedural memories are also known as ________ memories.


Dr. Leung is leading a research team to explore the retrieval practice effect. Which of the following will likely be a key component of her team's research protocol?


The episodic buffer directly connects to which two components in Baddeley's model of memory?

The central executive and long-term memory

Which of the following is most closely associated with implicit memory?

The propaganda effect

Imagine yourself walking from your car, bus stop, or dorm to your first class. Your ability to form such a picture in your mind depends on which of the following components of working memory?

The visuospatial sketch pad

In which of the following examples of two different brain-injured patients (Tom and Tim) is a double dissociation demonstrated?

Tom has good semantic memory and poor episodic memory, while Tim has good episodic memory but poor semantic memory.

Which of the following correctly lists types of memory from least to most complex?

Visual, semantic, episodic

Mantyla's "banana/yellow, bunches, edible" experiment demonstrates that for best memory performance, retrieval cues should be created

by the person whose memory will be tested.

_______ transforms new memories from a fragile state, in which they can be disrupted, to a more permanent state, in which they are resistant to disruption


Imagine you are driving to a friend's new house. In your mind, you say the address repeatedly until you arrive. To remember the address, you used a(n) _______ process in STM.


In Slameka and Graf's (1978) study, some participants read word pairs, while other participants had to fill in the blank letters of the second word in a pair with a word related to the first word. The latter group performed better on a later memory task, illustrating the

generation effect.

According to your text, imagery enhances memory because

imagery can be used to create connections between items to be remembered.

One of the defining characteristics of implicit memory is that

people are not conscious they are using it.

Chantal has frontal lobe damage. She is doing a problem-solving task in which she has to choose the red object out of many choices. She can easily complete this repeatedly, but when the experimenter asks her to choose the blue object on a new trial of the task, she continues to choose the red one, even when the experimenter gives her feedback that she is incorrect. Chantal is displaying


The standard model of consolidation proposes that the hippocampus is

strongly active when memories are first formed and being consolidated but becomes less active when retrieving older memories that are already consolidated.

Jenkins and Russell (1952) presented a list of words like "chair, apple, dish, shoe, cherry, sofa" to participants. In a test, participants recalled the words in a different order than the order in which they were originally presented. This result occurred because of the

tendency of objects in the same category to become organized.

One function of ___________ is to pull information out of long-term memory.

the central executive

the dramatic case of patient H.M. clearly illustrates that ___________ is crucial for the formation of long-term memories.

the hippocampus

Your text discusses how episodic and semantic memories are interconnected. This discussion revealed that when we experience events

the knowledge that makes up semantic memories is initially attained through a personal experience based in episodic memory

When a sparkler is twirled rapidly, people perceive a circle of light. This occurs because...

the length of iconic memory is about a fraction of a second

Jeannie loves to dance, having taken ballet for many years. She is now learning salsa dancing. Although the movements are very different from the dances she is familiar with, she has found a successful memory strategy of linking the new dance information to her previous experiences as a dancer and to her own affection for dance. This strategy suggests reliance on

the self-reference effect.

When the methods used to encode and retrieve information are the same, this is called _______ processing


Recent research on memory, based largely on fear conditioning in rats, indicates that

when a memory is reactivated, it becomes capable of being changed or altered, just as it was immediately after it was formed

If working memory was an actual workplace, which of the following best describes the members of Baddeleys model?

workers and manager

Working memory differs from short-term memory in that

working memory is engaged in processing information

A person who is activating their visuospatial sketch pad is likely to say which of the following?

"I can see it in my mind's eye."

which of the following represents the most effective chunking of the digit sequence 14929111776

1492 911 1776

Which example below best demonstrates state-dependent learning?

Although Emily doesn't very often think about her first love, Steve, she can't help getting caught up in happy memories when "their song" (the first song they danced to) plays on the radio.

Which of the following statements is the most accurate with regard to autobiographical memories?

Autobiographical memories can involve both episodic and semantic content.

Why is classical conditioning considered a form of implicit memory?

Because it involves learning an association without being aware of the reasons behind it.

Which statement below is most closely associated with levels of processing theory?

Deep processing involves paying closer attention to a stimulus than shallow processing and results in better processing.

Which of the following is a key factor in the memory-enhancing capacity of sleep?


How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal in terms of establishing long-term memories?

Elaborative is more effective than maintenance

Bransford and Johnson's study had participants hear a passage, which turned out to be about a man on the street serenading his girlfriend in a tall building. The wording of the passage made it difficult to understand, but looking at a picture made it easier to understand. The results of this study illustrated the importance of ___________ in forming reliable long-term memories.

Organizational context

Before going to the grocery store, Jamal quickly made a list in his head of the few items he needed to cook dinner. Driving to the store, he repeated the list over and over to himself so that he wouldn't forget anything. How would Broadbent describe Jamal's actions in the car?

Rehearsal in short-term memory

___________ cues help us remember information that has been stored in memory.


Which of the following is NOT an example of an implicit memory?

Sematic memory

Which of the following terms does NOT reflect the concept of control processes?


Which of the following represents the correct progression of information as it moves through the primary memory stores?

Sensory, short-term, long-term

Lamar has just gotten a new job and is attending a company party where he will meet his colleagues for the first time. His boss escorts him around to small groups to introduce him. At the first group, Lamar meets four people and is told only their first names. The same thing happens with a second group and a third group. At the fourth group, Lamar is told their names and that one of the women in the group is the company accountant. A little while later, Lamar realizes that he only remembers the names of the people in the first group, though he also remembers the profession of the last woman he met (the accountant). Lamar's experience demonstrates

a build-up and release of proactive interference.

Your book explains that brief episodes of retrograde amnesia (e.g., the traumatic disruption of newly formed memories when a football player takes a hit to the head and can't recall the last play before the hit) reflect

a failure of memory consolidation.

Jason quickly scanned the map on his phone to get to his job interview then took a left and ran down the block so he wouldn't be late. According to Stokes, Jason's ability to recall the directions as he's running is the result of ________.

an activity state followed by a synaptic state

Neuropsychological evidence indicates that short- and long-term memories probably

are caused by different mechanisms that act independently.

A task with the instructions "Read the following words while repeating 'the, the, the' out loud, look away, and then write down the words you remember" would most likely be studying

articulatory suppression

Have you ever tried to think of the words and hum the melody of one song while the radio is playing a different song? People have often noted that this is very difficult to do. This difficulty can be understood as...

articulatory suppression

Ming is taking a memory test. She is more likely to recall the name of a popular singer if she had

attended the singer's concert last year with her boyfriend.

Explicit memory is to ___________ as implicit memory is to ___________.

aware; unaware

The staff working in the air traffic control tower at a busy airport can be considered a suitable metaphor for which of the following?

central executive

The research by Ericsson and colleagues (1980) examined the ability of a college student to achieve amazing feats of memory by having him remember strings of random digits that were recited to him. They found that this student used his experience with running times to help him retain these strings of numbers. The significance of this finding was that

chunking requires knowledge of familiar patterns or concepts

Which of the following stimulus characteristics most challenges the processing capacity of short-term memory?


Peterson and Peterson studied how well participants can remember groups of three letters (like BRT or QSD) after various delays. They found that participants remembered an average of 80 percent of the groups after 3 seconds but only 10 percent after 18 seconds. They hypothesized that this decrease in performance was due to ___________, but later research showed that it was actually due to ___________.

decay, interference

When investigating the serial position curve, delaying the memory test for 30 seconds

decreases the recency effect.

Funahashi and coworkers recorded neurons in the PF cortex of monkeys during a delayed response task. These neurons showed the most intense firing during...


Brief sensory memory for sound is known as

echoic memory

Elementary school students in the United States are often taught to use the very familiar word "HOMES" as a cue for remembering the names of the Great Lakes (each letter in "HOMES" provides a first-letter cue for one of the lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior). This memory procedure usually works better than repeating the names over and over. The use of this familiar word provides an example of

elaborative rehearsal

Which of the following is not a stage in the information processing model of memory?

episodic memory

________ memories are to experiences as _________ memories are to facts

episodic; semantic

the concept of reconsolidating is based on the ______ of retrieved memories


The recency effect occurs when participants are asked to recall a list of words. One way to eliminate the recency effect is to

have participants count backwards for 30 seconds after hearing the last word of the list.

Research shows that ___________ does not improve reading comprehension because it does not encourage elaborative processing of the material.


Work with brain-injured patients reveals that ___________ memory does not depend on conscious memory.

implicit and procedural

K.C., who was injured in a motorcycle accident, remembers facts like the difference between a strike and a spare in bowling, but he is unaware of experiencing things like hearing about the circumstances of his brother's death, which occurred two years before the accident. His memory behavior suggests

intact semantic memory but defective episodic memory.

According to Tulving, the defining property of the experience of episodic memory is that

it involves mental time travel.

Katie and Alana are roommates taking the same psych class- have test in 4 days during a 10-11 am class period- both study for 3 hours, katie one hour each day, while Alana three hours the day before- who does better?

katie should perform better because of the spacing effect

Semantic memory is to ________ as episodic memory is to ________.

knowing; remembering

The primacy effect (from the serial position curve experiment) is associated with ___________ memory.


A property of control processes in the modal model of memory is that they

may differ from one task to another.

It is easier to perform two tasks at the same time if

one is handled by the visuospatial sketch pad and one is handled by the phonological loop.

The story in the text about the balloons that were used to suspend a speaker in mid air was used to illustrate the role of _____ in memory.


When light from a flashlight is moved quickly back and forth on a wall in a darkened room, it can appear to observers that there is a trail of light moving across the wall, even though physically the light is only in one place at any given time. This experience is an effect of memory that occurs because of

persistence of vision

The maintenance rehearsal task of learning a word by repeating it over and over again is most likely to

produce some short-term remembering, but fail to produce longer-term memories.

Believing that a particular statement is true simply because you have seen the statement in previous instances is known as the ________ effect.


The primacy effect is attributed to

recall of information stored in long-term memory.

Experimental evidence suggesting that the standard model of consolidation needs to be revised are data that show that the hippocampus was activated during retrieval of ___________ memories.

recent and remote episodic

This multiple-choice question is an example of a ___________ test


Treatment of PTSD has benefitted from recent research on


A patient with impaired episodic memory would most likely have the greatest difficulty in

remembering graduating from college.

Elaborative rehearsal of a word will LEAST likely be accomplished by

repeating it over and over.

Models designed to explain mental functioning are constantly refined and modified to explain new results. Which of the following exemplifies this concept based on the results presented in your text?

replacing the short-term memory component of the modal model with working memory

Examples from your book describing real experiences of how memories, even ones from a long time ago, can be stimulated by locations, songs, and smells highlight the importance of ___________ in long-term memory.

retrieval cues

Information remains in sensory memory for

seconds or a fraction of a second

remembering that a tomato is a fruit rather than a vegetable is an example of ______ memory


The predominant type of coding in long-term memory is


Which of the following terms does NOT reflect the concept of control processes?


The three structural components of the modal model of memory are

sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory.

According to memory research, studying is most effective if study sessions are

short and across several days.

A person with a reduced digit span would most likely have a problem with ___________ memory.


Suppose you're on the phone with a customer support representative who gives you a ticket number for your records. You're later transferred to a different representative who asks for your ticket number, but you've forgotten it. This probably occurred because the number was only temporarily stored in your

short-term memory

digit span is one measure of capacity of

short-term memory

Your book discusses the memory functioning of patient H.M. who underwent brain surgery to relieve severe epileptic seizures. H.M.'s case has been extremely informative to psychologists by demonstrating that

short-term memory can operate normally while long-term memory is impaired.

Rehearsal is important for transferring information from

short-term memory to long-term memory

The propaganda effect demonstrates that we evaluate familiar statements as being true

simply because we have been exposed to them before.

Research suggests that the capacity of short-term memory is

somewhat small, holding only about seven items at one time.

The principle that we encode information together with its context is known as encoding


Memory enhancement due to repetition priming is a result of the test stimulus being

the same as or resembling the priming stimulus.

Wickens et al.'s "fruit, meat, and professions" experiment failed to show a release from proactive interference in the "fruit" group because

the stimulus category remained the same.

Transfer-appropriate processing is likely to occur if

the type of encoding task matches the type of retrieval task.

The ability to manipulate information in memory temporarily while remembering something else is called...

working memory

"I remember being really excited last year, when my college team won the national championship in basketball." This statement is an example of ___________ memory.


As people get older, their memories of past experiences tend to have an emphasis on ________.


___________ memories are those that we are not aware of.


Given what we know about the operation of the phonological loop, which of the following word lists would be most difficult for people to retain for 15 seconds?


According to the levels of processing theory, which of the following tasks will produce the best long-term memory for a set of words?

Making a connection between each word and something you've previously learned

James Nairne would say that effective encoding of memory is based on which of the following?


_________ consolidation involves the gradual reorganization of circuits within brain regions and takes place on a fairly long time scale.


The type of coding that occurs in a particular situation primarily depends on the ________.


Which of the following learning techniques is LEAST likely to lead to deep processing of the information?

Thuy has just bought a new car and is trying to learn her new license plate sequence. Every morning, for three weeks, she repeats the sequence out loud when she wakes up.

Which term best reflects the core concept of echoic memory?


According to the model of working memory, which of the following mental tasks should LEAST adversely affect people's driving performance while operating a car along an unfamiliar, winding road?

Trying to remember the definition of a word they just learned

Researchers understood that KF had experienced a decline in short-term memory capacity because he had a digit span of ________ .


Compared to the whole-report technique, the partial-report procedure involves

a smaller response set

The primary effect of chunking is to

increase the efficiency of short-term memory.

Hebb's idea of long-term potentiation, which provides a physiological mechanism for the long-term storage of memories, includes the idea of

increased firing in the neurons.

Sperling's delayed partial report procedure provided evidence that

information in sensory memory fades within one or two seconds

Robin lost the softball game for her team when she ran toward home and was thrown out at the plate.....


Funahashi's work on monkeys doing a delayed response task examined the role of neurons in the

prefrontal cortex

physiological studies indicate that damage to the brain's ______ can disrupt behaviors that depend on working memory

prefrontal cortex

Observations that people may actually process and manipulate information rather than simply store it for brief periods of time challenged the conceptualization of

short-term memory

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