Cog Neuro Final
What is the earliest age at which humans can typically succeed at mirror self-recognition (MSR)?
Which of the following comparisons between someone experiencing somnambulism (sleepwalking) and someone experiencing locked-in syndrome (LIS) is true?
Both are opposite in terms of their automatic behaviors and conscious awareness.
Which of the following properties is NOT true of layered architecture systems?
Each layer must be privy to the protocol of the previous layer.
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the interpreter system?
It processes emotion.
Core consciousness is considered to be processed by which of the following brain areas?
NOT frontal lobes
Which of the following would NOT result from damage to the pons?
Core consciousness is turned off by lesioning which intralaminar nuclei (ILN) of the thalamus?
Damage to which of the following brain areas would result in impaired extended consciousness?
cerebral cortex
Which structure is responsible for extended consciousness?
cerebral cortex
The scaffolding to storage framework was proposed to account for the movement from ________ to ________.
conscious to unconscious
Which of the following of Damasio's categories is most associated with the brainstem?
core consciousness
The work of biologist Andrew Barron and neuroscience philosopher Colin Klein suggests that subjective experience may be present in animals as evolutionarily primitive as
For people with blindsight, "blind" can be considered ________, with "sight" reflecting ________.
perception; sensation
Compared to a novice, a chess grandmaster is more likely to be using their ________ when playing chess.
right cortical hemisphere
Which system processes novel task demands under the scaffolding to storage framework?
How would theorists who follow Pinker's perspective label your subjective experience of viewing the colors of your textbook?
Which of the following abilities do chimpanzees NOT possess?
sharing intentionality
Which of the following is NOT a form of unconscious processing?
short term memory
Which aspect of conscious experience is NOT well understood from a cognitive neuroscience perspective?
the subjective conscious experience itself
Without the brain's "interpreter" system,
we would not have our own personal set of beliefs about the world
Employing subliminal perception by quickly flashing an angry face before an image of someone could __________ the participant's attitude about the person.
Imagine you develop a technique to introduce language processing into a split-brain patient's right hemisphere. How would this likely change the right hemisphere's ability to make inferences?
would not change
Dr. Hough, in his studies of pigeons, recorded the activity of neurons in the hippocampus and linked their activity to the position of the bird in an experimental arena. By doing so, he was interested in learning how pigeons learn about and navigate through their environment. The problem in linking hippocampal anatomy to spatial awareness would be most applicable to which of the following concepts?
NOT sentience
Which psychologist would be most likely to agree with the statement, "I attend, therefore I am conscious."
stanislas dehaene
Which statement below is both true and suggestive that chimpanzees and bonobos might have a conscious state?
they share a common ancestor with humans
Which of the following findings would violate the principle of multiple realizability?
A creature that had only one combination of neuronal activity for each behavior.
Which of the following hypothetical experimental results would support the idea that the two hemispheres have different conscious experiences?
A split-brain patient's right hemisphere cannot infer that "match" and "paper" can lead to fire.
Which of the following pieces of evidence, if true, would suggest that the cortex is required for sentience in humans?
The extent and characteristics of sentience in people with hydranencephaly can be predicted by cortex mapping.
Which of the following pieces of neuroimaging evidence would best support the conclusion that a patient was experiencing locked-in syndrome (LIS), as opposed to a vegetative state (UWS)?
There was activation in the patient's visual cortex when he was asked to imagine the Eiffel Tower, but not when he was asked to imagine music playing.
You meet a Capgras syndrome patient who insists their spouse is an imposter. Why do they think this?
They recognize their spouse but feel no emotion toward them.
Patients in a vegetative state are evidence for which of the following statements?
Wakefulness does not depend on consciousness.
Which of the following is NOT thought to be an evolutionary pressure that gave rise to access-consciousness?
cost of prey
A research participant fails the MSR test. Which of the following questions should be asked before concluding that this person lacks self-awareness?
do you have prosopagnosia?
A flashing light is shown to you at exactly 1:00 p.m. Libet's backward referral hypothesis suggests that your conscious awareness assigns what time to that flashing light?
exactly 1 pm