College Composition clep

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(1) In observing a live performance such as a play or a stand-up routine, each individual member of the audience is affected by the group's emotional response to the show. (2) Some research shows that audience members are likely to laugh along with the laughter of others in the audience much more frequently than they would laugh at the same performance if viewing it alone.(3) As performances moved to radio and television in the first half of the twentieth century, producers were well aware of the important role of this social laughter. (4) Early radio and television comedies were broadcast live with a real audience in the studio to provide the reactions that helped at-home audiences feel connected to the performance. (5) As advances in technology allowed performances to be prerecorded, edited, and enhanced for later broadcast, recorded laughter gained wider use. (6) It can be called "canned laughter" or a "laugh track."(7) The laugh track gives producers the ability to create an audience response that aligns with the finished, edited performance. (8) In live broadcasts, the show is performed from beginning to end without stopping, and live studio audiences have an authentic, if

As advances in technology allowed performances to be prerecorded, edited, and enhanced for later broadcast, recorded laughter—called "canned laughter" or a "laugh track"—gained wider use.

In context, which of the following versions of the underlined portion of sentence 1 (reproduced below) is best?Americans enjoy some of the safest free drinking water on Earth, however spending $15 billion on bottled water in 2006, and consumption is rising (Fishman).

Earth, yet they spent

Read each sentence carefully, paying particular attention to the underlined portions. You will find that the error, if there is one, is underlined. If there is an error, select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If there is no error, select No error.During her first year in medical school, Joanne came to the realization that she was more interested in doing research than to treat patients. No error

to treat

Choose the option that best expresses the meaning of the original sentence. If you think the original is better than any of the alternatives, choose the first option.The cooking instructor informed us that by the end of the course, we will have acquired basic skills in chopping, searing, and to make sauces.

we will have acquired basic skills in chopping, searing, and making sauces

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