primary colors
The group of colors from which all other colors can be made by mixing them together
the common name of a color
the lightness or darkness of a color
monochromatic colors
A color scheme that is based on a variation of one color
A color that has black added to it.
A color that has white added to it.
color scheme
A selected combination of colors
cool colors
Color associated with cool/cold things like ice, grass and water. Green, blue and violet are cool colors
warm colors
Colors associated with warm things like fire, lava and the sun. Red, Orange and Yellow are warm colors.
intermediate colors
Colors created by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. When saying the name of a Intermediate Color, always say the name of the Primary Color first. Red-orange, Yellow-orange, Yellow-green, Blue-green, Blue-violet and Red-violet are Intermediate Colors.
secondary colors
Colors created by mixing two primary colors together. orange, green and violet are the secondary Colors.
complementary colors
Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel and create a harmonious color scheme; blue and orange, red and green, violet and yellow
neutral colors
Grey, black and brown are neutral colors. They are made by mixing complementary colors.
The brightness or purity of a color. A pure color is in its brightest form and is most intense. The addition of any color lowers the intensity.
analogous colors
Three colors that sit side by side on the color wheel and are created using a similar color. (red, red-orange and orange is an analogous grouping.)