Color Wheel
Intermediate color
A color that is created by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. Examples: yellow-green, red-orange.
color scheme
A pleasing combination of colors based on their respective positions on the color wheel.
Adding black to a color.
complementary colors
Colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel, such as red/green, blue/orange, etc.
warm color
Colors on one half of the color wheel that seem warm - red, orange, and yellow. Remind us of heat.
secondary color
In traditional color theory, green, orange and purple are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors in equal parts.
Not associated with any single color from color wheel. Blacks, whites, grays, and browns
primary colors
Pure or fundamental colors (red, yellow, and blue) that cannot be created by combining other colors.
Yellow > yellow-green > green > ______________
primary triad
the three primary colors on the color wheel (red, yellow, and blue), which are equally spaced and form an equilateral triangle
violet > red-violet > _______
cool colors
Colors that are associated with the sky, air, water or grass. These colors makes our picture look cool in temperature and makes it look calm. Blue, green and purple.
analogous color
Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
Darkness or lightness of a color or tone
Different tints and shades of one color (hue). A color scheme that uses only one hue and the tints, tones, and shades of that hue.
secondary triad
The three secondary colors on the color wheel (orange, green, and violet) which are equally spaced and form an equilateral triangle
______ > blue-violet > Violet > red-violet > red
a color mixed with grey
blue-green > blue > ____________ > violet
blue-violet > _________ > red-violet
created when white is added to a color
The 3 secondary colors
orange, green, violet
red > red-orange > _________ > yellow- orange
The 3 primary colors
red, yellow, blue
red-orange > orange > yellow-orange > yellow > ___________
The 6 intermediate colors
yellow-green, yellow-orange, blue-green, red- orange, blue- violet, red-violet