Colten CFE PRPA 534 FULL

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What is the definition of an intersection?

-two or more roadways cross or connect -the area contained within the extension of the curb lines or lateral roadway boundary lines

Dead Bolts have

1 inch throw on bolt, Anti-wrench collar, high security strike plate, 3inch screws into wall frame


1 officer should only be speaking/engaging the subject. Active and simple listening. Use simple language.

How long is an order of protection valid?

1 year

A person commits aggravated harassment if the person commits harassment against the same victim and if any of the following applies:

1. A court issued order/injunction is a Class 6 felony for the first (1st) offense and a Class 5 felony for the second (2nd) offense. 2. The person was previously convicted of a domestic violence crime.

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Shoulder weapons* (P.O. 5.3.1F and 5.3.2C)

1. Dust for prints. 2. Unload and dust ammo. 3. Attach string tag and seal string.

Community based policing and crime prevention stresses

1. Education 2. Community Involvement

Secondary anatomical points (caution must be used when striking these points since the potential for serious injury still remains):

1. Elbow joint 2. Back of hand 3. Knee joint 4. Achilles tendon 5. Inside of wrist 6. Shin 7. Lower abdomen 8. Instep

8 Critical Infrastructures

1. Electrical power 2. Gas and oil storage 3. Government buildings 4. Transportation 5. Telecommunications 6. Agriculture/Food/Water 7. Emergency services 8. Banking and Finance

13-2810 Interfering with judicial proceedings

1. Engages in disorderly, disrespectful or insolent behavior that impairs the respect due to its authority *(Contempt)* 2. Disobeys or resists the lawful order *violates an order of protection)* 3. Refuses to be sworn in while on stand 4. Publishes a false or grossly inaccurate report 5. Refuses to serve as a juror *(law enforcement exempt)* 6. fails inexcusably to attend a trail as a juror

When assisting the victim of domestic violence, consider these 8 steps. PO 3.3.1

1. Ensure the victim's safety regardless of the decision to stay or leave. 2. Empower the victim with information 3. Never ask the victim why he/she stays 4. Be aware of your own attitude, experiences and reactions to abuse 5. Recognize that victims' reactions and responses may change frequently and be unpredictable. 6. Avoid becoming cynical 7. Remember the cycle--tension building, explosion, and honeymoon 8. Do not victim blame

If victim is older than 18 years old, 1 of 3 must be present when dealing with sex trafficking.

1. Evidence of coercion 2. Fraud 3. Force

What are the 9 classes of Hazardous Materials?

1. Explosives 2. Gases, Flammable & Non-Flammable 3. Flammable & Combustible Liquids 4. Flammable Solids 5. Oxidizers & Organic Peroxides 6. Toxic/Poisons 7. Radioactives 8. Corrosives 9. Misc

What are the four techniques to affective interactions?

1. Facial expression (smile) 2. Eye contact (not starring) 3. Gestures (natural/controlled emotions) 4. Posture (hand not on gun)

Most dry practice, unintentional discharges occur due to?

1. Failure to ensure the gun is unloaded prior to starting dry-fire training 2. Unconsciously charging the weapon during a weapon manipulation 3. Taking one last "dry" shot immediately after the session has ended and the weapon has been reloaded

What are physical reactions to crisis?

1. Fainting 2. Loss of bodily functions 3. Shock 4. Shortness of breath 5. Nausea 6. Shaking 7. Dry mouth

Why do victims stay? P.O. 3.3.1D

1. Fear 2. Economic dependency 3. Low self esteem 4. For the children 5. Desensitization 6. Failure of the legal system 7. Belief the abuser will change 8. Fear of losing kids to DCS (Department of Child Safety)

5 Categories of Law Enforcement

1. Federal 2. State 3. Tribal 4. County 5. Local

What are the 3 reactions to a threat?

1. Fight 2. Flight 3. Freeze

Victim injuries

1. Financial 2. Physical - Death, disability, brain functions, minor abrasions/cuts and sexually transmitted diseases 3. Psychological/emotional

What are the roles of the police in providing community service?

1. Maintaining order 2. Providing positive role models 3. Providing education & information

Recording conditions and events in field notes. (P.O. 5.1.1F)

1. Make physical notations of the time, weather and physical conditions at the crime scene when you arrived. 2. What did you observe with your five (5) senses?

Identify the reasons for denying access to a crime scene by unauthorized persons (PO 5.1.5)

1. Prevent Contamination/ Destruction/Removal of Evidence 2. Prevent interference with the preliminary investigation. 3. Protect the victim's right to privacy and his/her property.

Five common duties of law enforcement

1. Prevention 2. Repression 3. Regulation 4. Provision of services 5. Protection

What are some language factors that contribute to NEGATIVE responses from people?

1. Profanity 2. Derogatory language 3. Offensive terminology 4. Inappropriate use of racial/ethnicity 5. Speech patterns

13-2305 permissible inference

1. Proof of possession of property recently stolen, may give rise to an inference that person is possession of property was *aware of risk that item had been stolen or was part of a theft* 2. proof of the purchase or sale of stolen property at a *price substantially below its fair market value.* 3. proof of the purchase or sale of stolen property by a dealer in property, out of the course of business. (buyer + seller on hook for trafficked items)

Grounds for issuance (Public offense) (6)

1. Property to be seized was stolen or embezzled. 2. Used as a means of committing a public offense. 3. Property is in the possession of a person with the intent to use the property to commit a public offense or a person concealing property. 4. Property or items to be seized indicates a particular offense was committed or that a person has committed the offense. 5. Property is to be searched in the interest of public health. 6. The person sought is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant.

The 2 goals of crisis intervention are:

1. Provide emotional first aid to the victim. 2. *DO NO HARM!* The victim is not to blame for his/ her victimization.

What are two types of civil damages awarded?

1. Punitive (punish grossly negligent or intentional acts) 2. Compensatory (wages, medical bills, etc)

Potentially hostile people

1. Red-flushed face 2. Loud voice / hyperventilation 3. Anger 4. Shaking 5. Twitching hands

How do you communicate with people in a crisis atmosphere?

1. Reduce distractions 2. If possible, allow person to pace or use coping mechanisms 3. Keep scene calm and controlled

What steps should be taken when preparing to give courtroom testimony?

1. Refresh your memory 2. ensure a professional appearance 3. contact witnesses when appropriate 4. lastly ensure evidence and relevant reports are accessible

Four social objectives of corrections

1. Rehabilitation (Help) 2. Deterrence (Prevent) 3. Incapacitation (Stop) 4. Retribution (Punish)

What are the 5 steps to unloading a semi-auto pistol?

1. Remove the magazine and store it on your body 2. remove chamber round 3. lock slide to rear 4. visually and physically inspect chamber 5. rack pistol twice

What are 3 ways for a person to obtain mental health treatment?

1. Request *Voluntary Treatment* 2. *Court ordered* evaluation (involuntary) 3. Another Person Request Voluntary Treatment (petition)

What are some factors that influence the image of law enforcement within the community?

1. Response time for calls for service 2. Behavior / Demeanor on calls 3. Behavior / Demeanor on patrol 4. Behavior / Judgment with use of force 5. Ability to resolve problems 6. Behavior / Demeanor OFF DUTY

Community policing

1. Results oriented. 2. Pro-active problem solving. 3. Community partnerships with law enforcement. 4. We do it with the community. 5. Serves as an additional tool to use with traditional policing.

Investigator may obtain information from previously- submitted crime lab reports including the following: (PO 5.1.11)

1. Suspect's blood type. 2. Suspect's date of birth. 3. Types of offenses the suspect previously committed. 4. Information on previous charges. 5. Fingerprint information. 6. Names of investigators who previously dealt with the suspect. 7. Types of controlled substances used by the suspect. 8. Types of weapons used previously by the suspect.

The following points are important considerations when evidence is to be collected for analysis:

1. Sufficient samples - should be collected 2. Known or control samples. 3. Blank samples- area near collected sample

Identify the purposes of crime scene sketches: (PO 5.1.7)

1. Supplement to notes and photographs 2. Aid in reconstruction of crime scene 3. Provide basis for court exhibits 4. Aid in interviewing, witnesses and coordinating testimony 5. Provide a permanent record of spatial relationships of items found at the crime scene 6. Provide a visual description of the crime scene in which extraneous details are omitted

What are 3 types of involuntary unintentional discharge?

1. Sympathetic Grip 2. Startle Effect 3. Balance Disruption

A family member can be useful by:

1. Talking to the patient 2. Calming the patient 3. Providing patient history.

Home and Business Security Considerations include: (PO 6.4.5)

1. Target Hardening (doors, knobs, etc) 2. Entry Doors 3. Windows 4. Area Lighting

Three phases of domestic violence P.O. 3.3.1C

1. Tension building 2. Explosion 3. Honeymoon

Types of Cannabis Sativa

1. Tetrahydra Cannabidols (industrial/hemp) 2. Tetrahydro Cannabinols (psychoactive) 3. Sinsemilla 4. Thai sticks

Courts (Judicial) 5 components

1. The Prosecuting Attorney 2. The Defense Attorney 3. The Judge 4. The Probation Officer 5. Victim/Witness Services

When arriving to a suicide scene what are some special considerations for conducting an investigation? ( PO5.7.6)

1. Collect any drugs/medications and/or drug/medication containers 2. Obtain information as to the victim's psychological/emotional history 3. Obtain information as to any prior suicide attempts.

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Soil.* (P.O. 5.3.2S)

1. Collect at least one-half (1⁄2) pound when possible. 2. Place in a bag, then put the bag in a box and mark the seal.

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Hair and fibers.* (P.O. 5.3.1B PO 5.3.1C P.O. 5.3.2I and 5.3.2J)

1. Collect with clean tweezers or forceps. 2. Use an evidence vacuum sweeper if one is available. 3. Place a hair in a plastic or glass vial and seal.

What 3 things do you need to be successful with your community?

1. Communication 2. Trust 3. Modern police philosophies

Exception to warrant requirement

1. Consent 2. Incident to arrest 3. Plain view 4. Abandon property 5. Inventory (not a search) 6. Mobile vehicle 7. Exigent circumstances (emergency situations, destruction of evidence)

When confirming search warrant, what's needed?

1. Suspect name/identity (ID number, social security) 2. Offense committed is specified 3. Words ordering the arrest are present 4. Signature of a magistrate is present 5. Any bond/extradition information included If unsure of name, do not book, consult a supervisor

Phases of an acute crisis state are:

1. The individual is faced with a *sudden, unanticipated stressful situation* that causes anxiety. 2. The usual coping mechanisms fail to reduce or relieve the stress. 3. *Anxiety builds* as the individual repeatedly tries and fails to find a method of controlling the situation. 4. The individual *loses the ability to function normally* in his/her everyday life.

What is DEQ responsible for?

1. The local EPA representative. 2. Develops hazmat plans

What is the drive/brace leg

1. The rear leg in a defensive stance (furthest from the suspect) that determines the ability to resist and generate physical force. 2. The leg can switch depending on situation.

What are the characteristics of a solid core door? (PO 6.5.4)

1. They are intended for exterior use. 2. Constructed of solid wood, laminated wood, particleboard, plywood, fiberglass, metal or a combination of the above.

Flex the patient's knees to decrease tension on the abdominal muscles if the patient has what? A. An open wound to the abdomen B. Feeling faint C. motion sickness

A. An open wound to the abdomen

Having been inflicted or having occurred before death is? A. Ante Mortem B. Abrasion C. Laceration

A. Ante mortem

When doing crowd control at a fire scene, officers should be aware of what? A. Any suspicious person or vehicles B. Fire hoses C. smoke direction

A. Any suspicious person or vehicle


A court order authorizing police officers to take certain actions, for example, to arrest suspects or to search premises.

How should you document in the report that a subject has what you believe is marijuana?

A green leafy substance believed to be marijuana

C. Real or physical

A gun or bloody knife used in a homicide. Clothing worn by the defendant (the "bloody glove"). What type of evidence is this? A. Direct B. Circumstantial C. Real or physical

Writ of Garnishment

A proceeding in which a creditor (the party allegedly owed money by the defendant) seeks to control the property or money of a third party, owed by the third party to the defendant.

What are the Crime prevention functions of a law enforcement officer: (PO 6.4.1)

A. Assess/anticipation of potential crime. B. Recognition of high crime risks and preparing for those risks. C. In keeping with the philosophy of community-based policing and problem solving crime prevention, stresses education and community involvement.

Facts that are gathered at the scene should: A. Be verifiable B. Submitted to sergeant C. contain your opinion

A. Be verifiable

For material that cannot be sent directly to a lab: Scrape the dried ____ onto a clean piece of paper with a new razor blade. (P.O.5.3.2.O) A. Blood B. Semen C. Bile

A. Blood

*When you check a pulse on an infant, which artery do you check?* A. Brachial Artery B. Carotid Artery C. Femural Artery

A. Brachial Artery

The purpose of a synopsis is to be__________________________. A. Brief and concise B. direct quotations C. IR/police report

A. Brief and concise

Other common types of evidence found at a crime scene include miscellaneous items left by the suspect, such as: (P.O. 5.3.1P) A. Cigarette Butts, Beverage Containers B. Underwear, Bra C. Toenail clippings, Hair Brush

A. Cigarette Butts, Beverage Containers

Blood obtained from a victim or a suspect for analysis must be placed in the ____ ____vials or tubes which are available at hospitals. A. Color Coded B. Plastic Bag C. Clear Tube

A. Color Coded

What are some typical complaints that cardiac patients have? A. Difficulty breathing, dizziness and chest pain B. Difficulty breathing, dizziness and body pain C. Easy breathing, dizziness and chest pain

A. Difficulty breathing, dizziness and chest pain

What agency could help you investigate gangs and their activity? A. FBI B. DEA C. GIITEM


To be considered Organized Crime, what factor must be present? A. Financial Gain B. Crime C. Gangster Member

A. Financial Gain

Identify for what types of evidence and under what conditions a Court Order for Identifying Physical Characteristics may be obtained as per A.R.S. §13-3905. (PO 5.3.7)

A. Finger, palm and footprints. B. Handwriting samples. C. Blood samples. D. Urine samples. E. Saliva samples. F. Hair samples. G. Photographs.

Laboratory analysis of glass can reveal the following: (PO 5.3.3D)

A. Fingerprint evidence/comparison. B. Direction of force prior to glass breakage. C. Sequence of bullet holes. D. DNA from blood.

Marking and Packaging: With a ______ put a stringed tag through the trigger guard and seal the knot on the string of the tag by placing a gummed label around the knot.

A. Firearm

A crash report should always be drawn in what direction? A. North B. South C. East D. West

A. North

Indicators that a burning building is too unsafe to enter

A. Placards, signs or other indicators of the presence of toxic or explosive materials B. Puffing smoke, rattling windows, heat transfer or other indicators that the building is charged with heat and smoke. C. Minor explosions and the sounds of escaping gas D. Structural integrity E. Fire department tells you NOT to go in.

Identify the 3 phases of a physical encounter:

A. Pre-contact. B. Contact. C. Neutralization.

Natural Law

All people have certain inalienable rights (respect, fairness, quality)

Evidence (Definition)

All the means by which any alleged matter of fact, the truth of which is submitted to investigation, is either established or disproved.

13-1605 Aggregation of Amounts of damage

Allows the state discretion in determining the classification of an offense total amount in damage

Obstructing Highway or Other Passageway

Alone or with others causes an unreasonable hazard or inconvenience or intentionally activates a pedestrian signal without actually using walkway

13-1501 (definitions) Enter or remain unlawfully

An act of a person who enters or remains on premises when the person's intent for so entering or remaining is not licensed, authorized or otherwise privileged

Civil Litigation

An action brought to enforce, redress or protect private rights. Civil litigation remedies private wrongs. In general, all types of actions other than criminal proceedings.

What are cutting agents?

An additive or chemical used to dilute an illegal drug

Warrant must be signed by

An impartial judge (justice of the peace, magistrate, superior court, court of appeals, or supreme court)

Probable Cause (PC) to search

An officer is in possession of sufficient facts and circumstances believe that a crime has been committed and that criminal evidence will be found in the place to search


An order from magistrate directed to a person requiring them to appear at stated time and place within 7 days of the date of service to answer criminal charges that have been brought


An order from magistrate to any police officer, but must be signed by judge before its valid. Must contain name or description of the defendant (must be confirmed)


An order from the court commanding the named defendant to appear in a court of law to answer to a criminal charge


An order requiring a person to appear at a designated time and place, usually at a court of attorney's office, to give testimony (at a hearing, trial or disposition) or to provide documents Can be issued to anyone

Arrest Warrant

An order signed by magistrate, identifying the defendant and commanding the arrest of the defendant

diplomatic immunity

Ambassadors and foreign ministers CAN NOT be charged with any crime

Wisconsin v. Yoder

Amish parents cannot be prosecuted for refusing their children to attend state schools past 8th grade

Identify/demonstrate the following responsibilities of a cover officer during the search of a person:

A. Protecting searching officer from outside interference. B. Physically assisting searching officer, if necessary. C. Constantly observing suspects(s) and surrounding area. D. Assuming a sound tactical position

What's a common early sign of shock?* A.Rapid and weak pulse B. Heat Related Illness C. Stroke

A. Rapid and weak pulse

Provides for the oxygenation of blood and the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body is called? A. Respiratory System B. Muscular System C. Circulatory System

A. Respiratory System

When having multiple witnesses on a crime scene involving death what should you do to them? A. Separate them B. Put them together C. Book them

A. Separate Them

A fingerprint can be traced to only one (1) person. If a fingerprint is found at a crime scene, it will place its owner at the scene. A. True, only 1 person B. False, identical twins have same print C. I don't know

A. True only 1 person

How is the point of impact of a vehicle drawn on a crash report? A. using dotted lines B. using straight lines C. obtain skid distance and drag factor

A. using dotted lines

What percent of driving is physical? A: 10% B: 20% C: 30%

A: 10%

Never enter a home alone, _________ wait for back up


The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to, or death of, a person shall give notice of the accident immediately by the quickest means of communication, whether oral or written to police, is what ARS code?

ARS 28-666

Where do you find victims rights?

ARS and Arizona Constitution

the justification for use of force is outlined in what ars code?


Arizona Traffic ticket and compliant


what paperwork is needed to take someone into custody?

ATTC and Form 4

1. Hazardous Violations 2. Non Hazardous Violations

ATTC can be used for:

Arizona Traffic Ticket Complaint

ATTC means:

A. True

All DUI laws apply to vehicles on the roadway AND on private property. A. True B. False

What is the 1st firearms safety rule?

All Guns are loaded

Class of crime for auto thefts

All auto thefts are charged under 13-1814 and are class 3 felonies

How many people does it take to be considered an organized group/gang? A) 2 or more B) 3 or more C) 4 or more

B) 3 or more

How does organized crime hide money? A) Drug runners B) Laundering C) Members inside the banks

B) Laundering

What is the most common type of gang in AZ? A) Hispanic gangs B) Motorcycle gangs C) Prison gangs

B) Motorcycle gangs

What does DEQ stand for?

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

Blake walks up to Thomas and yells at him to "give me the money or I will shoot your stupid face off" and shows his gun on his side. Thomas gives him the money and Blake takes off. What crime?

Armed robbery

Subject A robs Wells Fargo with a gun, but subject B was not armed. What do we charge subject B with?

Armed robbery or accomplice

1. Determine if Felony/Misdemeanor 2. Check for warrants 3. Check DL status/history 4. Attempt to administer FST at scene 5. PC exists for DUI, ARREST 6. Advise suspect for arrest 7. Use proper safety and search techniques

Arrest of DUI suspects:

Form 4

Arrest paperwork

False arrest

Arresting without probable cause

At what time should you locate, separate, and obtain witness statements?

As soon as possible

When must arrest warrant be shown?

As soon as practical

1. Offset position, right half (1⁄2) of the police vehicle in line with the left half (1⁄2) of the violator vehicle. 2. 15 to 22 feet behind the violator vehicle. 3. Spotlight pointed into the rear-view mirror of the violator. 4. Unlock the right side, front door of patrol vehicle.

As the vehicle begins to pull over and come to a stop, position the police car to: (P.O.4.2.4B)

13-1002 Solicitation

Asking someone to commit a crime, with the intent that the crime be committed. Charge 2 less

1. *Conduct a warrant and license status check on MDT or Radio* 2. Once the information is entered into the MDT get out and stand behind the open passenger door 3. Fill out your citation from this position 4. Dont bury your head in your work 5. If Driver is non compliant and gets out, tell them what you want them to do and both of you stand on the side of the road while you fill out the citation 6. *Keep yourself and the driver out of the roadway*

At the Patrol Car:

Where is the most common zone for assault to take place?

Attack zone



Administrator to supervisor

Authority and can delegate authority

What's important when there is a bomb threat?

Avoid the use of police radio/cell phones Request specialized assistance (bomb squad, fire department, HAZMAT, supervisor, etc.)


Aware of Circumstance

If a patient refuses service, what must you do? A. stop immediately B. document the refusal C. continue to render aid

B. document the refusal

Foreign body obstruction for an infant: A. heimlich, by standing behind them B. hold face down, 5 back blows, then 5 chest thrusts C. Kneel, heimlich, standing behind them

B. hold face down, 5 back blows, then 5 chest thrusts

Visible use of chest and neck muscles is a sign of what for an infant and child? A. choking B. inadequate breathing C. broken leg

B. inadequate breathing

The hit-and-run vehicle ___ ___ be the at-fault vehicle. A. will not B. may not C. definitely not

B. may not

What is the first step in writing a report? A. Investigation B. note taking C. contact

B. note taking

Police reports are also a great tool to help department with: A. statistical data B. officer evaluation and performance C. IR/police report

B. officer evaluation and performance

If a person can not talk or a suspect took off running and became unconscious, the first thing you should do is? A. handcuff them B. perform ABC's C. walk away

B. perform ABC's

*Your ______ safety is always your primary concern.* A. officer B. personal C. community

B. personal

When veins bleed, it is best described as? A. fast flow of bright red blood B. steady flow of dark red blood

B. steady flow of dark red blood

Rigor mortis is: A. surgical cut made in skin or flesh B. stiffening of the joints and muscles of a body a few hours after death, usually lasting from one to four days. C. area damaged by scraping or wearing away

B. stiffening of the joints and muscles of a body a few hours after death, usually lasting from one to four days.

If the rear wheels lock up in a car what is likely to happen? A. keep going straight B. the car will start to rotate C. car will flip

B. the car will start to rotate

How would you draw a vehicle at final rest on a crash report? A. using dotted lines B. using straight lines C. obtain skid distance and drag factor

B. using straight lines

To avoid tunnel vision and avoid mishaps during a pursuit, what is the rule to remember? A: 2-4-6 B: 2-4-12 C: 4-6-12

B: 2-4-12

A.R.S. 28-624 defines? A: Operating w/ due regard B: Authorized Emergency vehicles C: Unlawful flight from LE vehicles

B: Authorized emergency vehicles

In Law Enforcement it's important to know your beat and get to know the residents, what is this called? A. Community Policing B. Building a rapport with community C. being polite

B: Building a rapport with community

When responding to a traffic pursuit you must balance offensive driving with what? A: Aggressive Driving B: Defensive Driving C: Apex Turns

B: Defensive Driving

Reducing police community conflict, reducing law suits, and increasing officer safety are all important reasons for officers to understand the changes in the..? A) Criminal Justice system B) Diversity of the community C) Police department

B: Diversity of the community

An operator may violate traffic laws while maintaining... A: Positive Attitude B: Due regard C: Speed & Control

B: Due Regard

In many cultures______________ can be a sign of disrespect? A. Smiling B. Eye Contact C. respect

B: Eye Contact

If an officer is found to have used improper deadly force, no criminal or civil penalties can be assessed, as police officers are immune. A: True B: False

B: False

What is a Late Apex? A: Hugging the inside at the entry of the turn. B: Hugging the inside at the exit of the turn. C: Hugging the inside at the middle of the turn. (This is the fastest, like a race car uses)

B: Hugging the inside at the exit of the turn

What type of distraction is driving and typing on the in car computer? A: Multi-tasking B: Inattention C: Negligence

B: Inattention

*Spending time with civic organizations, service organizations, and school groups, is a good way for officers to do what? * A) Enforce the spirit of the law B) Influence community attitude towards LE C) Find out who is committing crimes

B: Influence community attitude towards LE

What is the formula for converting velocity to Feet Per Second? A: Fps x 1.47 B: Mph x 1.47 C: Mph divided by 1.47

B: Mph x 1.47

The values we learned in life started at a young age and are influenced by different individuals, Which of these is NOT an influence of values? A. Family B. Neighbors C. Schools

B: Neighbors

Can trigger finger be on the trigger while challenging an armed subject? A: Yes B: No

B: No

In regards to firearms safety at home, is it ok to store a loaded firearm in open view if there are no children in the house? A: Yes, They are well trained B: No, It's not safe

B: No, It's not safe

The Sergeant overheard people saying you are always responding to calls late and need to get there quicker. Feeling the need to respond to calls first, you get into an accident. What is this an example of? A: Inexperience B: Peer Pressure C: Poor driving technique

B: Peer Pressure

To successfully operate in a pursuit an officer must have what? A: Permission from supervisor B: Proper attitude and mindset C: Proper shuffle steering

B: Proper attitude and mindset

When operating emergency vehicles with lights and siren, rolling up the windows will help with what? A: Tunnel vision B: Radio communications C: Hearing when Van Halen is on the radio

B: Radio communications

The number one complaint the public has about L.E. is that they are A. insensitive B. Rudeness C. Unfriendly

B: Rudeness

Officer Cox recently graduated the academy and excel at everything she did. She felt pressure to do well on the streets, but was involved in an accident. During the investigation she denied doing anything wrong. What is she displaying? A: Over-confidence B: Self-Righteousness C: Impatience

B: Self-Righteousness

One of the many roles of L.E. is to? A surveillance B. Sequence C communicate with other L.E.

B: Sequence

A good way for L.E. to enforce a positive community outlook towards L.E. is to what? A. Patrol more often to be seen B. Spend time with organizations and school groups C. Build trust

B: Spend time with organizations and school

What can effect citizen's from seeing an officer's vehicle? A: Their speed B: The weather C: Night time

B: The weather

If an officer is found to improperly use deadly force, it can lead to civil and criminal penalties for the officer. A: False B: True

B: True

When a vehicle executes a turn, what type of breaking is this? A: Pedal breaking B: Turning break C: Engine break

B: Turning break

What is one factor that does NOT influence the image of L.E. in the community regarding an officer's judgement or behavior? A. Treat people fairly B. Use of force C. Behavior on and off duty

B: Use of force

When operating authorized vehicles, we are allowed to violate traffic laws when? A: Lights are on B: Using due regard C: Because we're the cops

B: Using due regard

A Seatbelt may help maintain? A: Officer Safety B: Vehicle Control C. Defensive Driving

B: Vehicle Control

What sense is most affected by fatigue? A: Hearing B: Vision C: Ability to recognize Van Halen songs

B: Vision

What would increase your braking distance? A: Speed of vehicle B: Wet Street C: Gravel

B: Wet Street

Why is it important for L.E. to be aware of cultural differences? A. To better communicate with different cultures B. greater community and cooperation C. Because we need to know what food to order at ethnical restaurants

B: greater community and cooperation

Promoting a positive image of the police can be achieved by A. Being in your vehicle patrolling B. initiating programs in schools C. Having lunch with civilians

B: initiating programs in schools

Within police culture, police officers, regardless of their cultural background and the nature of the job, what kind of communicators are they? A. Non-verbal B. Lower context C. high strung

B: lower context

If L.E. are unethical, uncaring and apathetic toward the needs of the community, it could portray a? A. cops are a-holes B. negative stereotypes toward L.E C. They are doing their job

B: negative stereotypes toward LE

If an officer does not make direct eye contact with members of the public, does this tend to influence the image of law enforcement within the community? A) Yes B) No

B: no

After a ______ sweep of the area, aid the injured first. A. productive B. protective C. production

B: protective

The equipment you use to protect yourself and others from bodily fluids?

BSI- Body Substance Isolation

The ignition of accumulated soot/gases with the introduction of oxygen is what?


What type of gang is associated with *arson*, vandalism, assaults/aggravated assaults, intimidation, *bombings*, homicides, etc? A. Criminal Street Gangs. B. Extremist Groups C. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG). D. Prison Gangs / Security Threat Groups (STG).

B. Extremist Groups

Sketches are not a type of police report. A. True B. False

B. False

True or false *There is a statutory requirement under Arizona Revised Statutes for a police officer to render medical aid.* A. True , there is B. False, there is not

B. False, there is not

An agency's contact with an individual is often recorded in writing somewhere, such as: A. FI Card B. Field Interview Report C. Documentation

B. Field Interview Report

The officer must be mindful to handle the miscellaneous articles carefully so that _____ analysis and _____ analysis may be conducted at the laboratory. (P.O. 5.3.3P) A. Blood and Urine B. Fingerprint and DNA C. Fingerprint and blood

B. Fingerprint and DNA

If one gang were to paint over another gang's graffiti, what would most likely happen? A. To mark their territory B. Gang Retaliation C. To help monitor gang activity in the neighborhoods

B. Gang Retaliation

CPR on adult needs to be done: A. slow & soft B. hard & fast

B. Hard & Fast

*Dehydration is a type of?* A. Heat Emergencies B. Heat Related Illness C. Stroke

B. Heat Related Illness

Smith is lifting weights and McCannon comes and asks for some pre-workout. Smith gets mad and beats McCannon with a dumbbell to death. What manner of death was used? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Accidental D. Suicide

B. Homicide

Unconscious patients, those who cannot speak for themselves, a child w/o parent/ guardian available, or a mentally incompetent adult needing emergency care would fall under what type of consent? A.Pre-hospital directives B. Implied Consent C. Actual Consent

B. Implied Consent

The concept of when a patient is made aware of the benefits and consequences of the care being provided to them is called? A.Pre-hospital directives B. Informed Consent C. Actual Consent

B. Informed Consent

What information does not have to be exchanged between drivers? A. Name, Address, B. Insurance C. Registration

B. Insurance

An officer needs to be mindful of "theory of transfer" and trace evidence when handling any type of clothing. Which is known as? A. Forensic Evidence B. Locard's Principal C. I don't know

B. Locard's Principal

Do not state cause of death. (this can only be completed by the _____ ______). A. Sergeant On-Duty B. Medical Examiner C. Fire department

B. Medical Examiner

The conclusion of a report should never state an officer's __________. A. Administrative B. Opinion C. Infra-deparmental

B. Opinion

Any type of evidence having an objective existence (that is, anything with size, shape and dimension) found in connection with an investigation that may aid in identifying a suspect or the circumstances under which a crime occurred. A. Testimonial B. Physical (or real) Evidence C. Forensic Evidence

B. Physical (or real) Evidence

A criminal street gang member must have at least ____ of the seven criteria to classify that they are a street gang member. A. One B. Two C. Three

B. Two

When there are no signs of foul play or natural death what manner of death could be concluded? A. Natural B. Unknown C. Accidental D. Suicide

B. Unknown

*If you leave the patient or victim that is injured before EMS arrives, this is considered?* A. Neglect B. Smart C. Abandonment

C. Abandonment

An Airplane crash, Electrocution, Industrial, Drowning, Auto-erotic are examples of which manner of death? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Accidental D. Suicide

C. Accidental

Hubert is taking a long bubble bath. She decides she would be productive and blow dry her hair while in the bath. She accidentally drops the blow dryer in the tub and gets electrocuted to death. What type of manner of death would to be? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Accidental D. Auto-Erotic

C. Accidental

The patient gives authorization or consent either in written or verbal form. The patient must be informed of your intent. What type of consent is this? A. Pre-hospital directives B. Implied Consent C. Actual Consent

C. Actual Consent

During an arterial bleed dressing becomes soaked what should you do? A. Stuff the wound with gauze B. replace the gauze periodically C. Apply additional dressings and pressure to control the bleeding

C. Apply additional dressings and pressure to control the bleeding

Title 13

Criminal Code

18 U.S.C 242

Criminal Sanctions for Law Enforcement, Punishment ranges from fine/imprisonment

within 10 days

Criminal Violation will have court appearance:

- hit and run - fictitious plates - suspended license - reckless driving - aggressive driving - DUI

Criminal Violations

Frequent Bias crimes

Criminal damage (graffiti) and Aggravated criminal damage (protected places i.e. church, school and cemetery)

What is the primary concern of an officer in a pursuit? A: Getting there quick B: Shuffle steering C: Safety of themselves and others

C: Safety of themselves and others

According to psychologist Carl Young, police officers like what form of communication? A.Intuitive-feeling B. Non-communication C. Sensing-thinking

C: Sensing-thinking

*How can you build a rapport and get to know the community you serve? * A) Arrest as many people as possible B) Only give warnings C) Spend time getting to know locals and businesses

C: Spend time getting to know locals and businesses

When an officer experiences loss of control in a pursuit, it is typically because? A: Didn't use shuffle steering B: You had tunnel vision C: They exceeded the limitations of the vehicle

C: They exceeded the limitations of the vehicle

When actively engaged in your duties approximately 93% of your time is spent doing what with community members? A) Writing them citations B) Taking them to court C) Verbally interacting with them

C: Verbally interacting with them

28-4593 altering a serial number or (VIN)

CLASS 3 MISDEMEANOR, unless they had INTENT, then it's a CLASS 5 FELONY An altered (VIN) may have character that are *SCRATCHED.*

Dispersing crowds.

CS, CN, Smoke, Pepper fogger (Capstun) are all uses of non-lethal force for what?

B. True

Certain types of information, if released to the public during an investigation, or prior to trial, can *jeopardize the investigation and/or prejudice the rights of the suspect/arrestee.* A. False B. True


Changes in density og gases (convection oven)

13-2001 (definition) Falsely alters written instrument

Changes written statement in any way

13-105 (definitions) Phsycial Injury

Changing physical appearance (i.e. bruises)

What is considered appropriate body language techniques when interacting with Suspects?

Command presence and officer safety

Procedures and considerations for securing evidence form victim sexual assault

Common items of evidence Use of an evidence collection kit Collection and preservation of evidence with consideration for the victim's feelings

a. 0.03 BAC = judgment/slowed response. b. 0.05 BAC = risk taking. c. 0.08 BAC = impaired vision. d. 0.10 BAC = poor condition.

Common symptoms of alcohol impairment (in general): (JFYI)

What is the best trait an officer should have?



Communications between a patient and his/her physician are privileged unless waived by the _____.


Communications between lawyer and client are privileged unless waived by the _____.

1. use black ball point pen 2. block letters 3. NCIC abbreviations used 4. Fill in all blanks (start from top and work your way down) -- top to bottom, left to right 5.use the word "none" if the information is not available

Completing a citation 1: (JFYI)

1. Names will be spelled out completely 2. If first and middle name is an initial only, the word "only" (in parenthesis) will be written after the initials 3. Can write middle initial instead of entire middle name 4. No middle initial= "None" 5. complete address including zip code and apartment number 6. Get physical address instead of PO box 7. Round the physical descriptors to nearest round number 8. NCIC abbreviation used for hair and eye color (black= BLK, brown= BRO) 9. Obtain employer information, approx location OK is except address is unknown

Completing a citation 2: (JFYI)

1. NCIC vehicle descriptions used 2. If LP is unavailable leave the space bank 3. Classification of the plate may be added above the license number (handicap, dealer, etc) 4. Write specific location of where the violation was FIRST OBSERVED 5. Write specific traffic code or statue using hyphens and periods as written in Title 28 (28-702.A) 6. Provide written description of the violation (speed greater than reasonable and prudent) 7. Provide violation speed

Completing a citation 3: (JFYI)

1. Indicate civil or criminal violation 2. Write in appropriate court date 3. Sign the citation and print name legibly 4. Drivers signature in space provided

Completing a citation 4: (JFYI)

Exceptions to the warrant

Consent Exigent/emergency circumstances Incident to arrest Plain view Open fields Mobile vehicles Inventory of a person's property Abandoned property


Consent must be voluntary and intelligent and suspect must know/understand they are waiving rights

When Caron attempts to choke himself and perform self-pleasure but ends up killing himself. what type of accidental death is that? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Accidental D. Auto-Erotic

D. Auto-Erotic

13-105 (definitions) Deadly Weapon

Designed for lethal use (gun, crossbow)

Tennesse v. Garner (1985)

Deadly force may not be used against an unarmed and fleeing suspect unless necessary to prevent the escape and unless the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious injury to the officers or others.

What is insect activity associated with?


When dealing with a difficult citizen what type of statements should an officer use?

Deflecting Statements


Demonstrates an understanding from their perspective avoid saying "I understand exactly how you feel"


Department of Child Safety


Department of Economic Security

What does DOT for stand for?

Department of Transporation

Juvenile Transfer

Depending on the age of the juvenile and the offense committed, juveniles may be automatically transferred to adult court to be tried as adults or may be subject to a hearing to determine whether they should be transferred to adult court to be tried as an adult

____ ____ engage jurors in small talk during recesses, even if you are not discussing the case.

Do not

What is not your responsibility?

Do not investigate or set up decontamination area

How do you determine the reliability of the informant?

Document and corroborate their information

No, Citation can be sent in by CERTIFIED mail.

Does a violator have to be present to be served a citation?

B. No

Does an empty bottle or empty container of alcohol considered possession of an open container or liquor? A. Yes B. No

Common Law

Does not exist in Arizona Was derived from England and comes from judicial precedent rather than statue

What is 13-3601

Domestic Violence

An Order of Protection is used in what type of relationship?

Domestic relationship

Can you charge someone with Domestic violence alone?

Domestic violence is not a chargeable offense. You must add with an offense such as Assault/DV Domestic violence only shows the relationship

Emotional warning signs

Depression and frustration

What should you note when you discover a dead body?

Describe physical condition and location of the body

1. To drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle. 2. Within this state. 3. 0.08 or more alcohol concentration within two (2) hours of driving.

Elements of ARS 28-1381A.2 (Standard DUI: 0.08-0.149)

1. Within this state. 2. With any of the specified drugs or their metabolites in their body.

Elements of ARS 28-1381A.3 (Drug DUI)

1. To drive or be in actual physical control. 2. A commercial motor vehicle. 3. Within the state. 4. Have an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or more.

Elements of ARS 28-1381A.4 (CDL DUI: 0.04 +)

negligent tort

Elements of a negligence claim (DUI) Duty Breach of Duty Harm Causation

B. Misdemeanor

Extreme DUI is a felony or misdemeanor for ARS 28-1382A.1 ? A. Felony B. Misdemeanor

B. 0.15-0.19

Extreme DUI is between _____ - _____. A. 0.20 or more B. 0.15-0.19 C. 0.08-0.15

B. Direct & Testimonial

Eye witness testimony of a crime is what type of evidence? A. Circumstantial B. Direct & Testimonial C. Real or Physical

Writ of Restitution

FORCE may be used

What distinguishes fact from inference in police writing?

Facts are verifiable

Criminal Negligence

Fail to perceive there was a risk

13-1001 Attempt

Failed try Charge 1 less

13-105 (definitions) Omission

Failure to perform an act that is imposed by law (i.e not paying taxes)

True or False: Under the definition of a Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision. If Suicide, Homicide, or Injury Purposefully Inflicted were a factor, it would still be considered a Vehicle Collision?


True or false: Interior hinge pins are NOT better than exterior hinge pins


You have criminal damage that $1000 or more. Is this a misdemeanor or felony?

Felony (1k or greater)

Mariah was approached by a unknown female asking to borrow her phone for an emergency call. As Mariah hands her phone $1100 over and the female takes off with her phone. What crime was committed?

Felony Theft

Enhanced Sentences allow judges to increase punishment upon conviction for

Felony hate crimes only

13-601 Classification of offenses

Felony: Class 1-6 Misdemeanor: Class 1-3

What is the primary focus of the interrogation?

Find the truth

Problem Solving

Finding short-term solutions. Finding long-term solutions. Identifying the "root causes" of the problem instead of surface issues. Identifying and concentrating on the conditions of the problem(s), instead of the emotion of the issue.

13-105 (definitions) Petty offense

Fine only (ex: giving tobacco to a child)

A. Circumstantial

Fingerprints, Blood, and DNA in a crime scene are examples of what type of evidence? A. Circumstantial B. Direct C. Real or Physical

You load the weapon; look at the sights, press the trigger and it goes "bang". What type of weapon discharge is this?


13-1804 Theft by Extortion

Intentionally obtaining or withholding property by threatening to inflict a statutorily enumerated harm against another also known as blackmail

13-1203 Assault

Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing any physical injury to another person Knowingly touching another person with the intent to injure, insult, or provoke such person

13-105 (definitions) Culpable Mental State

Intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, criminal negligence

A person who engages in disorderly, disrespectful or insolent behavior during the session of a court which directly tends to interrupt its proceedings or impairs the respect due to its authority, would be charged with?

Interfering with judicial proceedings

What is the best type hinges to help deter break ins?


What is the most important mechanical safety that keeps the firing pin from hitting the primer until disengaged by the rear word movement of the trigger?

Firing Pin Block

Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments

Boston 1838

First formal police department

What is the Rule of primacy?

First impressions

Law of Hammurabi

First written criminal code

4th Amendment

Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures

4th Amendment

Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures Reasonable exception of privacy and must be a government actor. This includes warrants. Any doubt you need to obtain a warrant, get a warrant

1st Amendment

Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition


Frequently inaccurate and over generalized

For an accurate shot, the eye should be focused on what?

Front Sight


Fuel burning temperature rising *flashover*(Simultaneous ignition of all fuel in a room)

The correct abbreviation for grey hair is ___.


A driver applies the brakes and skids, then lets off the brake and applies the brakes again, this is called what?

Gap Skid - Gap will be greater than 10 feet


Get DNA off item (i.e bite mark)

Initial Interview

Get minimal facts to establish crime scenes and elements of the crime

If you find yourself or ammunition submerged in water, what is the best solution?

Get new ammo

When conducting dry fire practice, where should the ammo be?

In another room

When using a direct quote in a report it's important to write it how?

In quotations and Word for word.

What are the benefits of enhancing police/community relations?

Increased community/ police cooperation in solving & preventing crime

If asked for Yes or No how should you answer?

Indicate if it would be answered inaccurately or misleading

1. Slurred/altered speech. 2. Poor coordination. 3. Lack of concentration. 4. General orientation. 5. Altered breathing. 6. Bloodshot/"glassy" eyes. 7. Tremors. 8. Nausea/vomiting. 9. Facial complexion/color. 10. Unconsciousness. 11. Slow reaction time. 12. Impaired vision.

Indicators of alcohol intoxication: (P.O. 4.1.6)

Damage to any part of the vehicle caused by the shock of the collision is the definition of what?

Induced Damage

13-2802 influencing a witness

Influencing a witness by threatening, offering, confers or agrees to confer any benefit Influence the testimony of person

What is the difference between influencing a witness and tampering with a witness?

Influencing a witness: *threaten a witness or offers, confers, or agrees* Tampering with a witness: *knowingly communicates, directly, or indirectly with a witness*

Arrest notifications (A.R.S. 13-4406) "Notice of _____ Appearance" requires the arresting officer's agency to notify ____ of the date, time and place of the initial appearance of a suspect after the suspect has been arrested.

Initial ; victims

Statistics show seat belts help reduce what?


Where is the femoral nerve?

Inside of the thigh.

C. Rear View

Spotlight pointed into the ____ mirror of the violator. A. Driver Side B. Passenger Side C. Rear View

Key -in- Knob Locks have

Spring-loaded latch, Easily defeated, Often self locking.

The initial response

Stabilize scene (make it safe)

C. 0.08-0.149

Standard DUI is between ____ - _____ A. 0.05-0.079 B. 0.04 and + C. 0.08-0.149

What can a Hazmat DPS officer act as, at a Hazmat scene?

State on scene coordinator

Miranda Rights

Statements that must be made by the police informing a suspect of his or her constitutional rights protected by the Fifth Amendment, including the right to an attorney provided by the court if the suspect cannot afford one.

What is Purge?

Stomach bile draining from the mouth after death

When you allow a pedestrian to cross the intersection, all traffic should what?


What are the whistle commands for stopping, going, and getting the attention of someone?

Stop - One Long Burst Go - Two Short Bursts Attention - Multiple Short Bursts

What are the hand commands for stopping and going?

Stop - Palm facing drivers with fingers upward Go - Palm face yourself, waving straight back

While you are directing traffic and you see or hear an emergency vehicle coming your way, what do you do?

Stop all traffic

a. Tries to flee. b. No response. c. Slow/immediate response. d. Abrupt weave. e. Sudden stop. f. Strikes curb. g. New violations. h. Anything else.

Stop of suspect vehicle by an officer - things to look for: (JFYI)

B. 80

Studies indicate the average DUI violator drives while intoxicated approximately ___ times each year. A. 3 B. 80 C. 100

What usually occurs during sleeping, within 1 year of birth, no visible signs of trauma and healthy child?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

13-2001 (definition) Falsely Complete a Written Instrument

Taking incomplete written instrument then filling and completing without permission

What charge can the husband be charged with if he does not let his wife testify against him for domestic violence of assault because her husband told her that he would never touch her again?

Tampering with a witness (13-2804)

How do you clear a pip or squib load?

Tap & Rack, then shoot another round

Magna Carta

Taxation with representation and due process (right to counsel, right to trial, right to jury)

Crime prevention

Teaching people NOT to be victims. Teach the community how to be pro-active in protecting its families and homes.

13-105 (definitions) Misdemeanor

Term of imprisonment (Jail) other than custody of the state department

What constitutes racketeering per A.R.S. 13-2301(D)(4) and 13-2312-15?

Terrorism, animal terrorism or ecological terrorism that results in risk of serious physical injury or death

Case law

Interpretation of law by the courts. Does not change written law, but could change the way its applied

Judicial Branch

Interprets the laws Supreme court renders final opinion on constitutional issues

What type of zone is it considered when the distance between an officer and suspect/victim is less than 18" inches

Intimate zone

13-105 (definitions) Voluntary Intoxication

Knowingly ingesting drugs, alcohol, toxic vapors

13-1802 Theft

Knowingly takes control of another person's property with intent to deprive Does not cover vehicles

13-1302 Custodial Interference

Knowingly taking, enticing, or keeping from lawful custody any child less than 18 years of age or incompetent entrusted by authority of law to the custody of another person or institution

Sexual Extortion

Knowingly threatening with intent to coerce a person Engage in sexual intercourse or sexual contact Record genitals, anus or female breast Exhibit the genitals, anus or female breast

13-1801 (definition) Services

Labor, professional services

Eviction notice

Landlord must give written notice of act/omissions that broke rental agreement 10 day notice to evict if breach is not remedied in 10 days after receipt of notice

What are the primary baton striking areas.

Large muscle groups aiming at primary nerve groups. 1. Common Peroneal Nerve 2. Femoral Nerve 3. Radial Nerve 4. Median Nerve 5. Tibial Nerve

For purpose of test, leave all windows what?

Leave Windows closed

While filling out the vehicle collision report, if there are blocks containing unknown information, what do you do with them?

Leave them blank

1. Cautiously re-approach your vehicle 2. Watch the violator until they leave 3. Cautiously pull into traffic 4. Shut down emergency equipment 5. Return to service

Leaving the violator:

Three branches of government

Legislative, Executive, Judicial

What could potentially tarnish law enforcement?

Lengthy response times

What can you do during an interview?

Lie about evidence and lie about witnesses

Rapport building

Listen to the person Give your full attention Empathy Show sincerity

Blood pooling at the lowest part of the body due to gravity, after death, is defined as?


What happens in your work zone?

Loading and unloading / verify chamber


Location where crime was committed and the case will be tried.

What is the #1 problem with handcuffs?

Loose or faulty application.

What should you always document in a report?

M.O. = Modus Operandi and Entry and Exit Points

B. Direct

Match the definition to the correct term: An eyewitness identification. A. Circumstantial B. Direct C. Real or physical

A. Direct

Match the definition to the correct term: Evidence which, if believed, resolves a matter in issue; Evidence that ties a defendant directly to the commission of a crime. A. Direct B. Circumstantial C. Real or physical

C. Circumstantial

Match the definition to the correct term: Facts inferred from circumstances. A. Real or physical B. Direct C. Circumstantial

13-1101 (Definitions) Person

Means a human being

13-1501 (Definitions) Fenced commercial yard

Means a unit of real property that is surrounded completely by fences, walls, building or similar barriers and is zoned for business/livestock/produce or other commercial items

13-1701 (definition) Property

Means anything other than a structure which has value, tangible or intangible, public or private, real or personal, including documents evidencing value or ownership

13-1101 (definitions) Adequate Provocation

Means conduct or circumstances sufficient to deprive a reasonable person of self-control

13-1101 (Definitions) Homicide

Means first degree murder, second degree murder, manslaughter or negligent homicide

13-105 (definitions) Conduct

Means the act or the way a person behaves at time of bodily movement

13-2001 (definition) Falsely makes a written instrument

Means to draw or complete or incomplete instrument that purports an authentic creation (Fake ID card)

13-1301 (Definitions) Restrain

Means to restrict a person's movements without consent either done by force, intimidation or deception

Alternatives to prosecution

Mediation, Warnings, Civil Remedies and referral services

Who should apparent natural deaths be referred to?

Medical Examiner

13-105 (definitions) Intoxication

Mental incapacity due to drugs, alcohol or toxic vapers

What drugs are used to treat heroin addiction?

Methadone and Suboxone *illegal without Rx*

What is ARS 13-38888

Method of arrest by officer without warrant

What is ARS 13-38887

Method of arrest by virtue of warrant

What does 13 13 stand for?

Mexican Mofia

The primary hand should grip the weapon as high as possible to reduce___________.

Muzzle rise.

When it comes to death notification it is important to

Prior to Notification *1. Confirm the relationship of the deceased to the person being notified* 2. Try to arrange for someone to provide emotional support 3. gather as much detail as possible 4. Consider range of possible reactions of person being notified 5. Always notify the person in private

Is SIDS a cause of death?

No, it is a classification

Is Cite and release in leu of detention for domestic violence acceptable?

No, it's not authorized

Are Interviews under oath?

No, not under oath

If a suspect is crossing their arms and not allowing you place handcuffs on them, can you use your baton?

No, passive resistance doesn't allow baton strikes.

1. license number 2. vehicle description 3. number of occupants

Prior to pulling over a violator, it is important to record what? P.O. 4.2.7


Probable cause

Probable cause arrest (non-warrant arrest) - when officers or detectives, who arrest a suspect based upon _______ ______ or at the scene of the crime, are required to notify the victim of the arrest.

Probable cause

A police officer assigned to the airport sees a middle eastern man seeking to board a plane for New York with a valid ticket. For no reason other than his race and a history of terrorist attacks, the officer stops the man and searches him for weapons. Can the officer do this?

No, the officer doesn't have RS or PC

Can plaintiffs be charged for violating their own Order of Protection?

No, they cannot

When someone says "I want my attorney", can you continue to question them?

No, they invoked their 6th amendment right to an attorney

A. Truth

Tests may include a breath test, blood test, urine test or other bodily substance. A. Truth B. False

Texas started what in 1823?

Texas Rangers

Latent prints are:

The "average" print found at a scene caused by small amounts of oil or grease.

Writ of General Execution

Non-exempt items

13-1506 Burglary in 3rd degree

Non-residential, commercial or residential yard with intent to commit any theft or any felony therein

Rattle Watch


Brief informal written records used to refresh an officer's memory are known as ______.


Consensual contact

Nothing required

What should officers do to a weapon when the area is secure and may be a possible homicide?

Nothing, Leaving for the Homicide Agents

As an officer, what do you need in order to move a vehicle from a crash scene?

Nothing, as an officer you are allowed to move vehicles that are blocking the road by state law

Victim Rights

Notify victim of suspect appears in court Explain how to access police reports Explain follow-up procedures Talk to victim about Compensation program Victim/Witness program Impact statements Lawful representatives

What is Trefoil?

Nuclear/radioactive symbol

What type of questions should officers ask?

Open ended questions

*A report generated by an agency to report a crime or incident is a(n) ______________ report.*



On an average, at any given time, ___ % of drivers are impaired.


On weekend nights, ____ % or more drivers are impaired.

Who can cancel or quash an Order of Protection?

Only the *originating court or magistrate*

Justice of the Peace (JP) Court

Original jurisdiction over all state law misdemeanors Court for Sheriff deputies and DPS officers Preliminary hearing on felony cases Civil up to $5000 in damages Issues warrants and civil processes such as evictions

Since you're bringing a firearm into your home whose responsibility is it to ensure untrained adults and children do not have access?

Our responsibility

1. HGN 2. Walk and Turn 3. One leg stand

Out of the 6 FST, which 3 are SFST?


Oversees the judicial (courts) trial process


Oxygen is below 15% which means flame cannot exist


PCP laced cigarette

Watch your car program gives police the permission to do what?

Permission to stop the marked vehicles with WYC sticker between *0100-0500 hours*

Trafficking is a crime against a


13-2602 Bribery of a Public Servant or Party Officer

Person offers, confers, or agrees to confer any benefit upon public servant or peace officer with intent to influence While a public servant or peace officer, such person agrees


Person to whom a financial transaction card is issued or an additional person authorized to use the card. Legally in possession of the credit card with consent from the person whom the card was issued for.

Civil Remedies

Person who would rather handle it themselves vs. contact Law Enforcement

The key to emotional survival

Personal time management, physical fitness, and having "other" significant roles

What type of zone is 18 inches to 4 feet between the officer and individual?

Personal zone

Three phases to the Crime Free Multi-housing

Phase 1: 8 hours training class Phase 2: CPTED implementation must meet minimum standards Phase 3: Resident involvement (makes residents aware of their responsibilities)

13-1101 (Definitions) Premeditation

The action of planning something (especially a crime) beforehand.

What is crime prevention?

The anticipation, the recognition, and the appraisal of a crime risk and the initiation of action to remove or reduce it

Defense attorney

The attorney representing the defendant in a lawsuit or criminal prosecution


The authority or power of a court to hear a particular type of case


The booking area of the juvenile court detention center where all juveniles are physically brought to the court to be processed and screened

What is Body Mechanics?

The effective use of the body and its forces in harmony with the principles of physics.

Communication level: Emotions

The emotional reaction to the facts


The entire process of *identifying* and *gathering evidence* to determine if a suspect should be arrested for a _____ violation. A. Criminal B. DUI C. Civil

Chronic Felony Offender

The county attorney must file the complaint or indictment alleging the status This means a juvenile who has had *2 prior and separate adjudications* and dispositions for conduct that would constitute a historical prior felony conviction if the juvenile had been tried as an adult.

Terry Frisk / Pat Down

RS + Armed and dangerous

Terry Stop in handcuffs

RS + Flight or dangerous

Terry Stop / Detain

RS of crime

3rd Amendment

Quartering of soldiers

Along with your incident report, What Three pieces go with your filing?

R = Referral A = Affidavit M = Miranda

1. Information prohibited from disclosure by agency policy. 2. Statements as to the character or reputation of an accused person or prospected witness. 3. Admissions, confessions or alibi evidence attributed to an accused. 4. Refusal of a suspect or witness to take any tests. 5. The believed credibility of an accused person or witness. 6. The probability of the accused entering a guilty plea. 7. The opinionated value of evidence against an accused.


13-1507 Burglary in 2nd degree

Residential structure with intent to commit any theft or any felony therein

________ is interchangeable with prevention


13-2508 Resisting Arrest

Resisting arrest by intentionally preventing or attempting to prevent a peace officer to arrest Engaging in passive resistance (i.e. dead weight)

What are some examples of TIC?

Respiratory irritants (acid, ammonia, aldehydes) Choking (Chlorine, phosgene) Flammable gasses (Acetones, Alkenes, Alkyl halides) Oxidizers (oxygen, butadiene, peroxides) Organophosphates (Pesticides, insecticides)


Responds to calls, conducts investigations, makes arrest and prepares the facts for prosecution (Conflict Resolution)

ARS 8-303B

Set forth when a peace officer, probation officer or child protective specialist *shall* and *may* take a juvenile into custody


Sex Crime Evidence Kits

13-1410 Molestation of a child

Sexual contact with children under 15

13-1405 Sexual conduct with a Minor

Sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact UNDER 18 (Minor)

An LGBTQ bar is targeted by a group of individuals making claim to rid the community of gays and lesbians threatening to beat up anyone who frequents the bar. What criminal investigation should be considered?

Sexual oriented bias

The length of confinement to the Department of corrections for juveniles...

Shall not exceed beyond the 18th birthday

What are the following methods for identifying the presence of hazardous materials?

Shape, marking, labels, shipping papers

How do you verify an order of protection is valid?

Sheriff's Department

Two kinds of stress

Short term and Long term

What function is lost in a skid?


1. Traffic Ticket and Complaint (citation) 2. Notice of Violation (N.O.V.) 3. Equipment Repair Order (E.R.O.).

What are the 3 type of Traffic enforcement forms?

1. Traffic enforcement stop 2. Investigative stop 3. High Risk Stop

What are the 3 types of traffic stops?

1. Driving with a suspended, canceled, revoked, or refused Driver's License 2. Within 84 months with 2 subsequent DUI prior 3. Person is under 15 years of age in vehicle (*14 and under*) 4. Certified ignition interlock device 5. Driving the wrong way on a highway or roadway

What are the 5 Felony DUI?

1. *Direct* 2. *Circumstantial* 3. Real or Physical 4. Testimonial 5. Documentary 6. Demonstrative

What are the 6 types of evidence?

1. Present Sense Impression (time is important) 2. Excited Utterance/ Spontaneous Statement (time is important) 3. Recorded Recollections 4. Public Records & Reports 5. Vital Statistics 6. Previous Convictions 7. Learned Treatises

What are the Exceptions to Hearsay: (JFYI)

1. Hit and Run 2. Reckless Driving 3. DUI

What are the ONLY 3 Title 28 ARS codes that you can use on private property.

a. Eyes. b. Skin. c. Clothing. d. Children. e. People with heart problems.

What are the appropriate procedures for treating decontamination of chemical agents?

1. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) 2. Walk and turn 3. One leg stand 4. Romberg-modified 5. Finger to nose 6. Finger count

What are the field sobriety tests?

A. Establish rapport with crowd leaders. B. Tell the crowd to move along. C. Be polite, but firm. D. Be impartial.

What are the methods for dealing with a non-hostile crowd?

A. Remove or isolate individuals who are involved in the incident. B. Break the crowd into small, isolated groups. C. Remove the crowd leader. D. Divert attention of the crowd.

What are the procedures for controlling a potentially dangerous crowd?

1. reasonable 2. preponderance

What are the standards for Burden of Proof for following terms: 1. Criminal - beyond a _______ doubt. 2. Civil - _________ of the evidence. (51%)

A. Move to a safe position. B. Request backup. C. Watch crowd's action. D. Report the size and age of crowd and any weapons present.

What are the steps that should be taken as the first responder to a potentially dangerous crowd?

Contain, Isolate, Dispersal

What are the three principle of Riot Control?

1. DUI slightest: 0.05-0.079 2. Standard DUI: 0.08-0.149 3. DUI Drug: Any Drug 4. CDL DUI: 0.04 + 5. Extreme DUI: 0.15-0.19 6. Super Extreme DUI: 0.20 +

What are the types of DUI?

C. Impeach of witness, rehabilitate a witness, & to assist in determining sentence

What are the valid uses or purposes of evidence? A. Law of evidence B. Hearsay exceptions C. Impeach of witness, rehabilitate a witness, & to assist in determining sentence


What does SFST stand for? A. Stationary Field Sobriety Test B. Standardized field sobriety test C. Stand Field Sober Test

C. ARS 4-244.34

What is the ARS code for a person under the age of 21 years to drive or be in physical control of a motor vehicle while there is ANY liquor in the person's body? A. ARS 28-1381A.2 (standard DUI) B. ARS 13-3401 (definition of illegal/legal drugs) C. ARS 4-244.34 (underage drinking)

An orderly method for movement on foot, Mutually-supporting method of contact, Gives the appearance of organization and order, Most effective deployment of resources.

What is the Purpose of crowd control formations?

A. Hearsay Rule

What is the correct term for the definition: an out of court statement offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted. A. Hearsay Rule B. Declarant C. Statement


What is the fastest formation to move?

C. Judgement

What is the first faculty affected by alcohol? A. Vision B. Speech C. Judgement

A. 24 hours or more

What is the minimum hours a person can be intoxicated/high from marijuana? A. 24 hours or more B. 3 hours to 24 hours C. There is no minimum time

Oleoresin Capsicum (O.C.)

What is the most effective chemical agent. It is carried by officers on duty?


What is the most effective formation for deployment of resources, but also the hardest to move?

Orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile (C.S.)

What is the most popular chemical agent among most police agencies.

CS gas spray

What is the most popular chemical agent used?

B. Privilege

What is the term that encourages communication between certain people? A. Martial Communication B. Privilege C. Common Law


What movement .... something something. PICK WEDGE! NOT FLANK

B. Command presence

What must an officer exhibit when performing a traffic stop? A. Knowledge of Title 28 B. Command presence C. Professional interpersonal skills

B. Silhouetting

What should an officer avoid doing when approaching and contacting contacting the occupant(s) of a vehicle at night? A. Slamming door B. Silhouetting C. Going Solo

A. Positive interpersonal skills

What type of communication skills should be used with the violator when conducting a traffic stop? A. Positive interpersonal skills B. Negative interpersonal skills C. Professional interpersonal skills

Using secondary blocking devices is key essential when dealing with what type of issues if house security?

Windows and Arcadia doors

ARS 13-1307 Sex Trafficking

With intent to cause someone to engage in any prostitution or sexual acts by *deception, force, coercion.*

13-2002 Forgery

With intent to defraud 1. falsely makes completes or alters a written instrument 2. knowingly possesses a forged instrument 3. offers or presents a forged instrument or one that contains false information

Behavioral warning signs

Withdrawal, inappropriate outbursts of anger, loss of appetite, over eating, difficulty sleeping

13-1801 (definition) Deprive

Withhold property for a long period of time

When must a search warrant be returned to magistrate?

Within 3 court business days after being executed

When does SCEK need to be picked up?

Within 5 business days

13-1803 Unlawful use of means of transportation

Without intent to permanently deprive, you knowingly take control over another person's vehicle or knowingly or having reason to know vehicle is stolen

A. Exclusionary Rule- fruit of the poisonous tree

You obtain evidence illegal, what doctrine does this bad evidence come from? A. Exclusionary Rule- fruit of the poisonous tree B. Exclusionary Rule- fruit of the loom C. Willits instruction

C. Circumstantial

You respond to a sexual assault, you speak to the neighbor who said they heard screaming, saw someone run out of house and leave in a white Toyota Camry. What type of evidence is this? A. Testimonial B. Documentary C. Circumstantial

Transfer hearing

The hearing in which a decision is made to waive a juvenile to the criminal court. Waiver decisions are based on such criteria as the child's age, her or his prior offense history, and the nature of the offense.

In the NFPA rating system, anything with a rating of 4 is considered what?

The highest

U.S. Supreme Court

The highest federal court in the United States. Power and authority derived from US constitution Original jurisdiction over treason and admiralties (Maritime law) Has final jurisdiction over US constitution

Neglect or Neglected

The inability or unwillingness of a parent or guardian to provide child with supervision, food, clothing, shelter or medical care *Child not being cared for*

If you have a suspect in OCCS, what zone are you in?

The kill zone

13-301 Criminal liability based upon conduct of another

The person is an accomplice of such other person in the commission of an offense, whether or not such other person is capable of forming the culpable mental state

A. True

The privilege is waived by mutual consent of husband and wife (even after marriage is over, spouse cannot testify about private communications during the marriage). A. True B. False

trial by jury

The right of a person to be tried by a jury, or a group of citizens, to decide if the person is guilty or innocent of committing a crime.

Freedom of Speech

The right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint

What does the ATF (bureau of alcohol etc.) regulate?

The sale and transfer of weapons in the U.S.

How does the El Paso intelligence center (EPIC) assist in the investigation of organized crime?

They have representatives from several agencies that provide intelligence related to border crime

Reaction to high stress situation

Things slow down, Tunnel vision occurs, or fight/flight syndrome

A bad guy is called?

a defendant


a government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state


a hearing in which a suspect is charged and pleads guilty or not guilty Generally within 10 days of indictment or complaint or 30 if not in custody


a leader who encourages group participation and consensus-building before moving into action

Pre-sentence report

a report, prepared by a probation officer, that presents a convicted offender's background and is used by the judge in selecting an appropriate sentence

The determination of whether a person is in custody for purposes of miranda depends on the

Totality of circumstances

What does T.I.C. stand for?

Toxic Industrial Chemicals

Title 28

Traffic Law

Indicators of ______ may include signs of _____ (bruising, malnourishment, cigarette burns), branding or _____, use of distinct slang (P, Daddy, Wifey, blade, out of pocket.)

Trafficking ; abuse ; tattooing

Negligent failure to train

Training not provided, Vicarious liability

totality of circumstances

a term the court uses to refer to all facts and circumstances known to the officer at the time, or reasonably perceived by the officer as the basis for, arrest including warrantless arrest

A skid mark is caused by?

a tire that is not rotating and is sliding along a roadway

ARS 13-3210

Transporting persons for purpose of prostitution

While doing a death investigation, how should the investigation be treated?

Treat every investigation as a homicide

U.S. District Courts

Trial court with jurisdiction over federal offenses Mail fraud, kidnapping, bank robbery, child pornography, airplane hijacking, tax evasion

Flammable solids are air reactive


Notes should never be used in place of report. True or false


True or False: The use of empowerment & education of the police & the public to sustain positive & productive relationships in progressive times & adverse times.


True or False: Victim's rights only apply to misdemeanor and felonies


True or false Many homicides are committed by someone the victim knows


True or false: Is an unlocked vehicle with a key in the ignition an open invitation to any thief?


True or false? Trafficking involves movement resulting in first responders coming across victims during routine traffic stop, accidents, at border crossings, ports of entry.


A. True

True or false. If a violator refuses to sign a criminal citation, they will be booked into jail if they refuse to sign it. A. True B. False

13-2903 Riot

Two or more other persons acting together, such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to use force or violence, if such a threat is accompanied by immediate power of execution which disturbs the public peace Class 5 Felony

- Authority to detain persons 28-1594 - Arrest by officer without warrant 28-1592 - Commencement of action 13-3883.

What ARS code gives Law Enforcement legal authority for issuance of a traffic citation?

1. Sways while balancing 2. Uses arms for balance more than 6 inch from side 3. Hops 4. Puts foot down

What are 4 cues for the One Leg Stand test?

Line skirmish (crowd movement formation), Wedge, Column

What are some basic crowd control formations?

1. Drivers License 2. Out of State License 3. Temporary License 4. Learners Permit 5. Military ID 6. Passport 7. Consulate/ Internation Driver License

What are some examples of acceptable ID's? (PO 4.2.2)

A. facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation

What are some ways that we can assist in determining sentence? A. facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation B. prior consistent statements C. prior inconsistent statements

C. prior inconsistent statements

What are some ways that we can impeach a witness? A. facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation B. prior consistent statements C. prior inconsistent statements

B. prior consistent statements

What are some ways that we can rehabilitate a witness? A. facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation B. prior consistent statements C. prior inconsistent statements

1. Pay the fine by mail. 2. Driver improvement school. 3. Court date.

What are the 3 available options to the violator?

1. Vehicle in Motion 2. Personal Contact 3. Pre-arrest screening

What are the 3 phases of DUI Detection?

1. Refuses to sign criminal citation 2. Officer books person instead of citation 3. Department policy dictates certain violations shall be booked (i.e., DUI, reckless, etc.).

What are the 3 situations where a person arrested for a traffic violation must be immediately taken before a judge?

Under A.R.S. 13-1204 A12 If a person commits an assault and he/she is in violation of an Order of Protection issued against the person, the assault is _________________ and felony charges may be filed.


What is the main difference between harassment and aggravated harassment?

aggravated includes an order of protection or an injunction against harassment

Asked to bring something specific to court, what should you do?

bring that item

13-2101 (definition) stolen property

buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, including attempts

What are some methods used by gangs to distinguish their members from members of other gangs?

clothing, tattoos, associates, monikers, and hand signals


come up with a solution as an officer

Police officers are two times more likely to

commit suicide then be killed by felon

When writing a report you should

communicate all relevant findings in writing

It is the police officers responsibility to _________________________. P.O. 3.3.5B

enforce court orders

Delay; By making ________ difficult and time consuming


Detect; Entry by lighting, landscaping and surveillance to ________ points of entry (alarms, dogs, etc)


13-1402 Indecent exposure

exposure of genitals, anus, nipples, peeing outside where someone can see Does not include breast feeding

Graffiti can indicate the following except for? a) Gang identification. b) Nicknames of gang members. c) Impending inter-gang violence. d) Claims of responsibility for past criminal acts. e) Territorial boundaries f) Disrespect towards other gangs

f) Disrespect towards other gangs

With brevity, your testimony should relate ___, not conclusions.


A well written report is

factual and objectice

Police reports are documented by opinion? true or false


True or false You should read miranda to a suspect that is linked to a death investigation.


Bad guy takes a $50 purse from the hand of a 16 year old female at the mall. What would you charge the suspect?

felony theft

Written records Brief Information Refresh your memory What am I?

field notes

Duquenois-Levine Test

field test for marijuana

What is the 1st step in malfunction clearance?

finger off trigger

a movie theatre operator

for recording a movie without consent. No power to arrest, but can detain until Law Enforcement officer arrives

a merchant

for shoplifting

How does the Rocky mountain information network assist in the investigation of organized crime?

form of networking with other intelligence units across the nation

As domestic violence continues and is repeated multiple times, the violence increases in _________ and _________.

frequency ; severity

How does the Federal Bureau of investigations assist in the investigation of organized crime?

gain information on orgainized crime families across the nation they have a section dedicated to traditional O/C members and they also have NGIC (national gang intelligence center)

What is Operational Reports?

generated *by a police agency* to report a crime or incident in which there may be further follow up or whenever there is the possibility for a delayed request for prosecution. (aka Incident Reports (IR) /Departmental Reports (DR))

What is Administrative Reports?

generated *within a police agency* (aka memo)


gives free-rein over employees (basically wants everyone to like them)

most common petty offense

giving tobacco to a child

ground defense v. ground survival

ground defense keeps you from going to the ground ground survival designed to help you fight from the ground to get back up

Serious Mental Illness (SMI)

individuals who exhibits emotional or behavioral functioning which is so impaired as to interfere with their capacity to remain in the community without supportive treatment.

What is fact?

information that can be checked and *verified*; it exists


infrared (the sun)

13-1404 Sexual abuse

intentionally and without consent Sexual contact 15 or higher 15 or under (female breast)

13-1804 Theft by Extortion

intentionally obtaining or withholding property by threatening to inflict a statutorily enumerated harm against another also known as blackmail

13-1403 Public sexual indecency

intentionally or knowingly engaging in any of the following acts in front of people that may cause alarm: Sexual contact oral sexual contact sexual intercourse bestiality

13-2923 Stalking

intentionally, knowingly engages in a course of conduct that is directed toward another person and if that conduct causes the victim to: 1. suffer emotional distress or reasonable fear

You as the officer is also the _____ .


Do not mention evidence which has been suppressed or that the judge has ruled is inadmissible because?

it may not ever be mentioned even after trial

Avoid all contact with the ____.


A victim's rights for _____ offenses applies to acts that are committed by a juvenile and that if committed by an adult would be either a _______ or a ______.

juvenile ; misdemeanor ; felony

Automatic transfer

juveniles who are accused of serious crimes are automatically "moved up" to adult court as long as they are 15, 16 or 17 years of age

13-1503 Criminal Trespass 2nd Degree

knowingly entering or remaining unlawfully in or on a non-residential structure or fenced commercial yard

13-1504 Criminal trespass 1st degree

knowingly entering or remaining unlawfully in or on a residential structure, fenced yard or looking in windows

13-105 (definitions) Possession

knowingly exercise dominion or control over property (owning a home)

13-2502 Escape 3rd Degree

knowingly or attempts to escapes from custody

probable cause

knowledge based on facts and circumstances which would cause reasonable and prudent police officers to believe that a crime has been, or is being, committed and that the person to be arrested has committed, or is committing, a crime.

What is an order of protection?

legal restraint used to prohibit a person from committing acts against another Order of protection is valid *12 months from the date served*

13-1401 (definitions) spouse

legally married

Juvenile considerations

level of education

Unprotected Speech

libel, obscenity, and fighting words, which are not entitled to constitutional protection in all circumstances

A skid means that the tire ____.


Deny; Property by _________ it up


What considerations should be made when interviewing a potential driver at a crash scene?

look for evidence that they are in fact the driver, such as injuries from seatbelt or airbag

Primarily _______ commit most burglaries


How does AZDPS assist in the investigation of organized crime?

manage Gangnet database governing user of ACIC AND NCIC Host agency for GIITEM

what are the most common street drugs?

marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin

13-1501 (definitions) Manipulation Key

means a key, device or instrument, other than a key that is designed to operate a specific lock. Also known as wiggle, jiggle or rocker key.

13-1501 (definitions) Vending machine

means a machine that dispenses merchandise

13-2001 (definition) Slug

means an object, article, or device that by virtue of its size, its shape or any other quality is capable of being inserted or otherwise used in a coin machine. (resembles a coin)

13-1501 (definitions) Structure

means any device that accepts electronic or physical currency and that is used to conduct commercial transactions

13-1501 (definitions) nonresidential structure

means any structure other than a residential structure and includes a retail establishment

13-1501 (definitions) residential structure

means any structure, movable or immovable, permanent or temporary and designed for both human residence or lodging whether occupied or not

13-2501 (definition) Escape

means departure from custody when not permitted

What is crisis intervention?

means entering into the life situation of an individual, family or group to lessen the impact of a crisis, reducing stress in order to help mobilize the resources of those directly affected.

13-1901 (definition) property of another

means property of another


means the formal arrest or circumstances which would lead a reasonable person to believe he/she was in custody

13-1501 (definitions) Entry

means the intrusion of any part of any instrument or any part of a person's body inside the external boundaries of a structure or unit of real property

13-3101 (definition) Deface

means to remove, alter, or destroy manufacturers serial number

If a child is taken into custody and is suffering from serious physical harm, the officer shall immediately have the child examined by a ________ or _________.

medical doctor; psychologist

When handling an emergency incident involving military, firemen, and police, who is in charge of the scene?

military authorities

Affidavit of Service

must be returned to the court *promptly* (phoenix officers will send to the judicial process detail. They in turn send the order to the appropriate court for filing. The court then faxes the order to the sheriff's officer for NCIC entry.

Entering a home forcefully

must have a felony warrant and waited a reasonable time before entering home + reasonable suspicion person is in home

13-1401 (definitions) Oral Sexual contact

oral contact with the penis, vulva or anus

PCP users act

pain free and numb

Hypoglycemia symptoms:

pale skin too much insulin too little sugar rapid pulse seizures/ comma rapid onset

Besides entering the property into ACIC/NCIC, monitoring ___________________ records is one way to trace stolen property (make and model of item) (serial numbers)

pawn shops

13-1401 (definitions) sexual intercourse

penetration into the penis, vulva or anus

What is the main difference between perjury and false swearing?

perjury: statement that *could* change the outcome of case false swearing: statement that *does not* change the outcome

13-1508 Burglary in 1st degree

person or accomplice knowingly possesses explosives, a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument in the course of committing any theft or felony

Defendant will be __________ served, even if they are a juvenile.


What is the most accurate way to tell if someone was wearing a seatbelt?

physical evidence

Define Point of Rest is?

physical location where objects come to a stop

13-1601 (definition) Damage

physical or visual impairment of any surface


physically intruding upon persons, houses, papers or effects for the purpose of obtaining information.

Most common type of IED

pipe bomb

13-1505 Possession of burglary tools

possessing any explosive, tool, instrument or other to commit a burglary Using a manipulation key or master key

Domestic violence is *not anger driven*, it is about _______ and ________ over another individual.

power ; control

Primary reason sexual assaults happen

power and control

What do we do before going to court?


A cover officer or the officer with less lethal needs to be



pressure for action or change Non-specific response of the body to any demand change is a cause major and minor life events

What is pip load?

primer goes but no powder

burden of proof

probable cause

Search Warrant Requirements

probable cause, the area being searched, and what they are searching for

Trafficway is best described as?

property line to property line

Qualified Immunity

protects public employees within their scope of duties

Victim/Witness Services

provide financial assistance for loss of wages, counseling, medical needs and getting restitution for victims of crimes

Aside from arriving safely, what are officers required to do when first arriving on scene of a crash?

provide medical assistance

Corrosive Liquid tanks have thicker steel, outside ________ and a round shape.


The proper way to treat animal bites is to do what?

rinse with soap and water

risk factors of sudden custody death syndrome

risk factors include... delirium or psychosis feeling bugs under skin hearing voices violent behavior hypothermia seizures

What is the main difference between stalking and harassment?

stalking occurs multiple times/pattern harassment is random

Where is the (VIN) on motorcycles?

stamped on the headstock

If you "lose your place," stop all traffic and _____ _____

start over

places that can result in serious injury or death when hit with baton...

temple ears behind ears eye bridge of nose kidney spine back of neck

which letter could represent the California prison gang of the Mexican Mafia or the Arizona prison gang of the same name.

the 13th letter in the alphabet is M which could represent the Mexican Mafia

The 14th letter in the alphabet is "N," which could represent:

the California prison gang of Nuestra Familia or the affiliation to Northern California (Norte)

13-1801 (definition) Control or Exercise Control

the act of *excluding* others from using their property

Watch out for compound questions such as "and/or:" because?

the answer may be correct for only one of the questions.

Legislative Branch

the branch of government that makes the laws Senate and House of Representatives

Barbiturates have a depressant effect on

the central nervous system

Nearly all burglaries occur during

the day

Disposition Hearing

the final settlement and *sentencing* in a juvenile case

What consideration should be made when a vehicle of a hit and run takes off?

the vehicle may not be the at fault driver

definition of body mechanics

the way in which the body moves and maintains balance with most effective use of all its parts

What is the 10th character in the (VIN)?

the year, can be letter or number

A brief informal way officer's can refresh their memory about an incident

their notes

Preliminary hearing (PC hearing)

this hearing is to determine if there is enough probable cause to go to trial

primary strikes?

those techniques that can be used easily and in the most diverse situations 1. Impact push 2. Palm heel/ fist strike

A suicidal person may pose a

threat to officers

How to maintain chain of custody?

through paperwork and documentation in the report

Tamper (Definition)

to interfere with; to handle in a secret and improper way

What is another purpose for directing traffic?

to prevent additional collisions at the scene

Primary role of DCS

to protect the child

13-1601 (definition) Defacing

to ruin the surface or appearance of; disfigure

Use ___ ____ , during daylight hours when possible.

traffic cones

Police reports can be used for statistical data? true or false


Police reports can be used for the evaluation of officer's? true or false


True or false. People must obey police officers' directions.


True or false. You should bring subpoenaed evidence to court.

true Make sure you know what evidence the prosecutor expects you to bring and bring it as well.


true bill

Airborne transmission......


What is the 1st step prior to cleaning your weapon?

unload and verify (looking and feeling)

How long is an emergency order of protection valid?

until close of the next judicial business day

13-2403 Refusing to aid a peace officer

upon reasonable command, such person knowingly refuses or fails to aid a peace officer in effectuating or securing an arrest

13-2404 Refusing to assist in fire control

upon reasonable command, such person knowingly refuses or fails to aid in extinguishing a fire or protecting property

When directing traffic is better to use specific and simple instructions or just point everywhere?

use specific and clear instructions

Operation identification are

valuables marked with owners *drivers license number* not social security number

Supervisor to administrator

value is proportionate to the usefulness of the group whose effort he/she directs

Mobile vehicle

vehicle exception to the warrant requirement, may search without a warrant if probable cause exists

What two ways can a person waive their rights?

verbal waiver or conduct that indicates waiver

Do not nod or shake your head as an answer; answer ______


Negligent supervision

vicarious liability for the supervisor

Focuses attention on crime ________ rather than the crime itself


Explosions are caused by

volatile chemicals

Are interviews voluntary or involuntary?


What are the 2 types of unintentional discharges?

voluntary and involuntary

How does the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) assist in the investigation of organized crime?

with drug investigation and provide money, manpower and equipment.

13-2004 Criminal Simulation

with intent to defraud, a person makes, alters, or presents or offers, whether accepted or not, any object so that it appears to have an antiquity, rarity, source, authorship or value that it does not in fact possess. (Antiques, Artwork, Sports Signatures, Documents) Class 6 felony

Police officer

with or without an arrest warrant

You as the officer are a ____, not an advocate. Your job is simply to report the facts.


*The best accuracy for note taking should be to*

write down all the facts as soon as they are discovered

Can a judge make us an expert?


What does heroin smell like?


Grand Jury/Preliminary Hearing (In Custody)

10 days of initial appearance


10 families


10 tithlings

Statutory Law

Acts adopted by local, state or federal legislative bodies

What may be the most difficult concept to teach in pursuits? A: Judgment Skills B: Shuffle Steering C: Radio Talk

Judgement Skills

Where do we get case law?

Judicial Branch

Establish that crime happened in what?


Municipal Court

Jurisdiction over violations of city and town ordinances


Juvenile who is adjudicated or found to have committed a delinquent act

13-501 Persons under eighteen years of age; felony charging

Juveniles (age 15, 16, 17) "shall" be charged for all violent felonies Juveniles age 14 "may" be charged

If entry point is found and a building search is conducted always request ______.


Possessing a stolen vehicle

KNOWINGLY being in control or possessing a stolen vehicle is a crime

Main responsibility of a peace officer at the scene of a civil dispute

Keep the Peace

What is the 3rd firearms safety rule?

Keep your finger straight along the frame until you are on target and have decided to fire

13-1501 (definitions) Master key

Key which will open all locks of a given type

what is another name for the intimate zone?

Kill zone

13-1104 Second Degree Murder

Killing done with malice but without premeditation. Intentionally causes death of another. Class 1 felony

13-1105 First Degree Murder

Killing that is premeditated, deliberate, or knowingly and done with malice Class 1 Felony

What is wordless communications?


What are ways to combat organized crime?

Know and understand the laws, gather intelligence, combine resources with other agencies, target the organization, not the individuals.

13-1703 Arson of structure or property

Knowingly and unlawfully damaging a structure or property by fire or explosion Class 4 felony

13-1704 Arson of occupied structure

Knowingly and unlawfully damaging an occupied structure by causing fire or explosion Class 2 Felony

13-1705 Arson of occupied jail or prison

Knowingly causing a fire or explosion which results in physical damage to jail or prison Class 4 Felony

13-105 (definitions) Posses

Knowingly control over property on person (carrying a gun)

13-1814 Theft of means of transportation

Knowingly controls another person's vehicle with intent to permanently deprive Felony charges no matter how much its worth

Terry v. Ohio

Police can search and seize with probable cause

Pennsylvania v. Mimms

Police may order driver out of vehicle during lawful traffic stop

Who is the first person who is most likely to come across these victims?

Police officer

Who has authority to make an arrest?

Police officer A citizen A merchant Bail bondsperson Parole /probation officers

Liability for crimes

Police officers are not exceptions to being held liable to the law (ARS 13-201)

Authority of Peace Officers

Police officers have the authority to arrest anyone without a warrant

Monitor and Disperse

Police response is generally limited to two (2) things what are they?

Juvenile Court

any court that has jurisdiction over matters involving juveniles

It is unlawful to confine ___________________________ of age in the same section of any jail or prison in which adult prisoners are confined.

any minor under 18 years

13-1601 (definition) Litter

any waste material thrown away

Warrant arrest - when a suspect is ________ pursuant to a warrant, the original investigating agency is responsible for notifying the _______ in accordance with departmental policy.

arrested ; victim

To keep accurate notes, when should we write the information down?

as soon as we learn it, write it down precisely as discovered

What are the 2 very important things to write in a report in regards to One on One?

document the distance of viewing and the lighting conditions

The ________ cylinder has a key cylinder on both sides


When do people have to talk to you at a crash scene?

drivers, passengers and witnesses are not required to talk to you at a crash scene

To arrest both parties for domestic violence, ______ must have committed a crime of Domestic Violence.


13-1901 (definition) in the course of committing

includes any of the defendant's acts beginning with the initiation and extending through the flight from a robbery

subpoena duces tecum

"Bring with you"

Principles for conducting a safe and effective search of a burning structure

"If you can safely enter" 1. stay close to the floor; stay low. 2. Keep windows closed as you go. 3. Remain calm and work at a deliberate pace. 4. Always work in pairs.

13-105 (definitions) Criminal street gang member

(Catch all) 1. Self-proclamation 2. Witness testimony or official statement 3. Written or eletronic correspondence 4. Paraphernalia or photographs 5. Tattoos 6. Clothing or colors 7. Any other idicia

Sexual Exploitation

(child abuse) child pornography, child prostitution, sexual explicit use of child's image in electronic media

Identify the search pattern techniques: (PO 5.1.4)

1. Strip/Grid 2. Spiral 3. Quadrant 4. Point to Point

Assessment: Measure effectiveness

***MOST IMPORTANT*** Measure the effectiveness of the solution on whether we were successful or not

*In regards to our duty to act, how can an officer avoid civil liability? P.O. 8.1.3*

*1. Always follow department policy.* 2. Always follow federal, state or local law. 3. Always document all actions taken or not taken and why. 4. Only provide what treatment you have been trained for and what is authorized by your agency. 5. Make sure you have the proper equipment to do the job. 6. Make sure EMS is en route.

Issues that could impact communication with the elderly

*1. Fear of crime* *2. Trusting/susceptible to fraud schemes* *3. Reluctance to report* 4. physical conditions which affect communication 5. Medication 6. Need for independence 7. Loneliness

What are the four step probing technique for traffic stops?

*1. Opening (state who you are and why you stopped person)* *2. Driver's license/registration/insurance* *3. Decide what to do* *4. Closing*(return w/ticket or warning

Adjudication hearing

*A trial in a juvenile court* to determine whether a juvenile is delinquent or incorrigible

What steps should you take before working with an informant?

*ALWAYS* check their background for warrants and past criminal history as this could interfere with them being a confidential informant. This helps determine their credibility for the investigation and trial

What is a hazardous material?

*Any substance that leaks from its container* when something goes wrong, that *hurts or harms* the things it touches or impinges upon

What does BLEVE Stand for?

*B*oiling *L*iquid *E*xpanding *V*apor *E*xplosion

13-2904 Disorderly Conduct

*Catch-All* With intent to disturb the peace or quiet of a neighborhood, family or person, or with knowledge of doing so, such person: 1. Engages in fighting, violent or seriously disruptive behavior 2. Makes unreasonable noise 3. Uses abusive or offensive language or gestures to any person present in a manner likely to provoke immediate physical retaliation by such person 4. Makes any protracted commotion, utterance or display with the intent to prevent the transaction of the business of a lawful meeting, gathering or procession 5. Refuses to obey a lawful order to disperse issued to maintain public safety in dangerous proximity to a fire, a hazard or any other emergency 6. Recklessly handles, displays or discharges a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument.

What is inference?*Conclusion* and Assumptions made on the facts that we have

*Conclusion* and Assumptions made on the facts that we have

How do you handle uncapped needles?

*DO NOT RECAP* Place in approved evidence container and submit to lab for analysis of substance

*What are the proper order of steps to control bleeding?*

*Direct pressure, Elevation, Pressure points, & Tourniquets*

*What is the first treatment for shock?*

*Ensure Airway* A - Airway B - Breathing C - Circulation

The neck contains?

- cervical spine - carotid arteries

What is the difference between aggravated criminal damage and criminal damage?

*Location!!!* Aggravated criminal damage is at a certain location. Religious property Educational facilities Cemetery Construction sites

Should we allow multiple witnesses to discuss the suspect of the crime?


The acronym S.I.P.D.E stands for?

*S*ense *I*dentify *P*redict *D*ecide *E*xecute

13-3107 Unlawful discharge of firearm

*Shannon's Law* A. A person with criminal negligence discharges a firearm within or into the limits of any municipality is guilty of class 6 felony.

*What do you call the first paragraph of a report?


T.A.C.T Model

*T*one *A*tmosphere *C*ommunication *T*ime

Cylinder tanks are thick skinned, have rounded corners and have _____________________________________.

*Valves that should always be capped and protected.*

Detention/Advisory hearing

*initial appearance for juveniles* A judicial hearing that informs the juvenile of the *formal charges* against him/her and provides the opportunity for *entry of a plea*

13-3101 (definition) Prohibited processor

*means any person* (a) Mentally ill (b) Felony (c) Prison (d) Court ordered release (NOT allowed to own or carry a weapon) (e) Not a citizen of USA, so can not have a weapon) (f)Rule 11 hearing (found incompetent) (g)Guilty except insane (can not possess a weapon)


*naughty child* not able to be corrected; beyond control Is a runaway from the child's home or parent, guardian or custodian A juvenile that doesn't want to follow rules Habitually behaves in such a manner as to injure or endanger the morals or health of self or others

Who can request Emergency Orders of Protection?

*victim or 3rd party representative* 1. Officers contacts the on-call judge and states the facts 2. Judge authorizes OOP for the officer to sign 3. Officer contacts sheriff's officer for EOP number 4. Officer serves defendant or leaves all copies with plaintiff

Name 4 things/injuries that are not signs of death.

- Contusion - Laceration -Incision -Abrasion

Who can pronounce death?

- Doctor - Police Officer - Fire Fighter

What factors are needed to make a speed estimate? Once obtained, will it be a minimum or maximum speed estimate?

- Skid Distance - Drag Factor - Minimum Speed

What are some common abuser characteristics?

1. Low self Esteem 2. Dependent 3. Insecure

The head contains?

- skull and face - brain - Protects cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem - Maxilla and mandible.

What are the 4 Crime Prevention through Environmental Design:

1. *Access control*(minimize uncontrolled movements- gates fences landscaping: 2. *Territoriality:* (space classified as private, semi-private, public) 3. *Natural Surveillance:* (ability of people to observe their surroundings, block watch patrols) 4. *Activity Support:* placing activity areas in plain view


1. *Be calm* 2.Talk firm and in control 3. Be respectful 4. Deflect verbal abuse or challenges 5. Be patient 6. *Non-confrontational*

What should you document for evidence from vehicles?

1. *Identification:* Plate #, Vin, Color, Make/Model 2. Condition Prior to Collision 3. *Damage/ Condition:* contact damage, induced damage, glass damage, eccentric impact, centered impact, tires/wheels, lights, undercarriage skid, skidding on tire tread, interior damage, Restraints, and any other unusual conditions

Emergent pick up orders

1. *Prior booking* 2. *Criminal history* 3. *Contact social worker if available*

What are some common *negative stereotypes* of law enforcement?

1. *Unethical* 2. Uncaring and apathetic 3. Ineffective 4. Excessively violent 5. Biased against racial and ethnic groups, gays and women 6. Overweight and out of shape 7. Officer code of silence

Service of a warrant

1. A search warrant may be served by any peace officer 2. Knock and announce department, purpose of warrant and wait a reasonable time (depends on home size) 3. After notice of authority/presence and purpose of search warrant, and admittance is refused. 4. No knock requirements, may forcefully enter. A peace officer executing a search warrant may seize any property discovered in the course of the execution of the warrant if the officer has reasonable cause to believe that the item is subject to seizure under section 13-3912, even if the property is not enumerated in the warrant.

Aggravated Domestic Violence

1. A third domestic violence conviction within five (5) years will be a Class 5 felony with four (4) months in jail and a fourth (4th) offense will result in eight (8) months in jail. 2. Defendants will be eligible for work release five (5) days per week, 12 hours per day. 3. Any domestic violence crime will be able to serve as the basis for the prior conviction for any other domestic violence crime. 4. Criminal damage could serve as the prior conviction for an assault or disorderly conduct or any other combination of domestic violence crimes. 5. The victim need not be the same in every case for a felony to be filed for the third (3rd) offense. 6. When a defendant is being charged with an act of domestic violence, law enforcement should check the defendant's record for prior domestic violence convictions.


1. A widely-agreed upon pattern or assumption that forms that basis for our actions and decisions 2. The "lens" from which we view the world

Protecting the crime scene. (P.O. 5.1.1E)

1. ALWAYS protect the crime scene from being contaminated (perimeter) 2. Do *not* let people into the crime scene area. 3. People that do enter the crime scene should log in and out of the scene using a crime scene log. 4. Do *not* move or touch anything in the crime scene area unless it is a matter of life or death. 5. Wait for the crime scene investigator and guard the area until he/she arrives.

What are the 4 elements for use of force?

1. Ability 2. Opportunity 3. Jeopardy 4. Preclusion

*Identify the following characteristics of good field notes: (PO 7.1.6)*

1. Accuracy 2. Completeness. 3. Conciseness.

Behavior change staircase

1. Active listening skills (ALS) 2. Empathy 3. Develop rapport 4. influence 5. Behavior change

Grand Jury

1. Acts as an investigative body for the county attorney. 2. Twelve (12) to sixteen (16) people on the jury. Nine (9) people required for a quorum. 3. Proceedings are recorded with the exception of deliberations and voting. 4. No grand jury member may vote on any matter in which evidence was heard in his/her absence. 5. The burden of proof in grand jury deliberations is probable cause. 6. Hearsay evidence is admissible in grand jury hearings. 7. A grand jury indictment is called a true bill. 8. All deliberations are secret and it is illegal to divulge the proceedings of a grand jury.

Four sets of relationships in work enviornment

1. Administrator to supervisor 2. Supervisor to administrator 3. Supervisor to officer 4. officer to supervisor

Three interrogation techniques that should be taken into consideration

1. Age 2. Mental Capacity 3. General Health

What are the responsibilities of the First officers at the scene? (PO 5.1.1)

1. Aiding the injured 2. Locating, identifying, and interviewing with witnesses, victims, and suspects 3. Determine if a crime has been committed 4. Arresting suspects 5. Protecting the crime scene

Active Listening Skills

1. Allow victims to tell their story over and over 2. Avoid jumping to assumptions - check facts 3. Avoid hasty judgment 4. Stop talking 5. Put yourself in the victim's place 6. Ask questions 7. Concentrate on what the victim is saying 8. Look at the person and smile/nod appropriately 9. Leave emotions at the door 10. Control your anger 11. Clarify when you don't understand something 12. Don't argue mentally 13. Watch for verbal and nonverbal cues

What are the advantages of separating parties? P.O. 3.3.6

1. Allows independent statements from involved parties. P.O. 3.3.6A 2. Prevents involved parties from attacking each other. P.O. 3.3.6B 3. Allows the officer to compare the involved parties' statements. P.O. 3.3.6C 4. Increases officer safety. P.O. 3.3.6D 5. Decreases abuser's attempt to intimidate the victim. P.O. 3.3.6E

Identify the role the Department or Criminal Records may play in an investigation: (PO 5.1.8)

1. An agency's contact with an individual is often recorded in writing somewhere. 2. Sometimes the type(s) of involvement may provide investigators with clues about a case.

Trigger Points

1. An event which causes community crisis 2. May be a DEATH, NATURAL DISASTER, or other COMMUNITY VICTIMIZATION 3. Events causes by deep-seated distrust the original "slight" is often unknown 4. Trigger event may be small in scope but the (over) reaction can be severe

What are some legal uses for Cocaine?

1. Anesthetic for eye, nose, and throat surgery because of its ability to constrict blood vessels 2. Still used as a flavoring agent

What are the 5 psychological/emotional responses to victimization?

1. Anger 2. Denial 3. Helplessness/lack of control 4. Self blaming or blaming another 5. Fear

13-2921 Harassment

1. Anonymously or otherwise contacts, communicates or causes a communication with another person by verbal, electronic, mechanical, telegraphic, telephonic or written means in a manner that harasses. 2. Continues to follow another person in or about a public place for no legitimate purpose after being asked to desist. 3. Repeatedly commits an act(s) that harasses another person. 4. Surveils, or causes another person to surveil, a person for no legitimate purpose. 5. On more than one (1) occasion makes a false report to law enforcement or a credit or social service agency. 6. Interferes with the delivery of any public or regulated utility to a person.

What are the 4 steps of crime prevention?

1. Anticipation 2. Recognition 3. Appraisal 4. Initation

Organized Crime is defined by what?

1. Any group 2. Formalized structure 3. Financial gain

Information contained in these records include: (PO 5.1.9)

1. Arrest history. 2. Conviction history. 3. Henry and/or NCIC fingerprint classification. 4. FBI number. 5. Arrest number. 6. Demographics on the suspect (age, race, sex, etc.). 7. Types of charges. 8. Driver's License numbers. 9. AKA 10. Other.

Traditional Policing

1. Arrest is the primary tool. 2. Numbers and incident driven. 3. "Us vs. them" mentality. 4. We do it for the community.

How can a potential civil liability be reduced through proper scene management? PO 4.3.3

1. Arrive safely. 2. Provide for medical assistance. 3. Protect person and property. 4. Secure scene evidence. 5. Conduct a proper investigation. 6. Remove conditions that may lead to additional collisions (e.g., sand, liquid, vehicle parts, damaged devices, etc.). 7. Clear scene.

13-2902 Unlawful assembly

1. Assembling with two or more people with *intent to engage in constituting a riot and knowingly remaining and refusing to obey an official order to disperse* 2. *Being present* at an assembly of two or more people who have engaged in or who have the *readily intent to engage* and knowingly remaining and disobeying an order to disperse. Class 1 Misdemeanor

What are the 7 elements to effective interpersonal communication?

1. Attentive 2. Reflecting 3. Paraphrasing 4. Summary Statements 5. Effective Pauses 6. Brief Assertions 7. Open ended questions

Who is not automatically covered under domestic violence?

1. Aunts 2. Uncles 3. Cousins

Leadership Styles

1. Autocratic 2. Democratic 3. Laissez-faire

What are the 4 components of the Force Matrix?

1. Balance 2. Accuracy 3. Power 4. Speed

How can an officer protect the scene of a death?

1. Barriers 2. Crime scene tape 3. Physical security (posting multiple positions if needed) 4. Remove unneeded personnel from scene

What are 3 ways stress affects the body?

1. Behavioral 2. Physiological 3. Mental

Burden of proof shall be

1. Beyond a reasonable doubt 2. By a preponderance of the evidence

Color of smoke

1. Black = petroleum. 2. Red = oxides of nitrogen. 3. Any colors of the rainbow.

Explosives can result in?

1. Blast over pressure and shock waves. 2. Scattering fragments. 3. Additional fires

*Arrive on scene, notice someone in trauma, what are your first steps to helping the victim?*

1. C Spine 2. Airway 3. Breathing 4. Circulation

What is Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa L)?

1. Cannabis = Hemp 2. Sativa = Cultivate 3. L = Dr. Carl Lannaus *Plant that contains THC*

Identify the following as methods for locating witnesses, victims, and suspects NOT present at the crime scene when you arrive: (PO 5.1.2)

1. Canvassing area 2. Media broadcasts 3. Confidential witness programs

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Spent cartridge cases* (P.O. 5.3.3F)

1. Cartridges from revolvers have firing pin impressions that can be compared to ID the gun it was fired in. 2. Automatics, in addition to firing pin impressions, have: a. Extractor marks. b. Ejector marks. c. Breach face or bolt marks. 3. Package separately, wrapped in cotton or filter paper after processing for prints. If you need to mark them, make your mark inside the empty casing.

What are some sources of TIC?

1. Chemical manufacturing and storage plants 2. Food processing facilities 3. Transportation assets 4. Storage tanks, facilities

What are the 3 main regions of the "trunk" of the body?

1. Chest ---- 12 pairs of ribs that connect to the spine. ---- sternum 2. Abdomen 3. Pelvis

What do "Victim's Rights" laws NOT include?

1. Civil traffic offenses 2. City ordinance violations 3. Petty offenses

Note taking (field notes) - chronological order. (P.O. 5.3.6)

1. Clear and legible (so someone else can read and understand them). 2. Specific - avoid terms like "near,"' use measurements and be specific. 3. Tape recorders - some officers use tape recorders at the scene and then later transcribe the notes from the tape (no need to impound this tape).

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Clothing.* (P.O. 5.3.1O, P.O. 5.3.2L)

1. Clothing of the victim, suspect or witnesses. 2. An officer needs to be mindful of "theory of transfer" and trace evidence when handling any type of clothing. 3. Officers should always handle clothing items while wearing gloves which should be changed after each item. 4. Laboratory analysis of clothing will reveal the presence of items such as blood, saliva and semen and allow for DNA testing. 5. Reveal tattooing and powdering from gunshot wounds to establish the proximity of the weapon to the clothing article

Contacting the person(s) who may have been in the area at the time of the incident (i.e., the person(s) working in the area or passing through the area). (P.O. 5.1.2D)

1. Construction workers. 2. Utility company workers. 3. Cab drivers. 4. Students attending classes. 5. Others.

What are the responsibilities for contact and cover?

1. Contact officer does all of the talking and running the person. 2. Cover officer's SOLE responsibility is to maintain security of their partner and the scene.

What happens in the ready position?

1. Contact ready 2. Low ready 3. Muzzle depressed

What is a deposition?

1. Court ordered 2. under oath 3. time and place is chosen by defense attorney

Why would an officer need a permanent record of the facts of an incident?

1. Court proceedings 2. Investigations 3. Incident references

What are the names for methamphetamine?

1. Crank 2. Speed 3. Crystal

Core components of community policing

1. Crime prevention. 2. Community partnerships. 3. Problem solving.

What are the 4 types of gangs found in Arizona?

1. Criminal Street Gangs. 2. Extremist Groups 3. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG). 4. Prison Gangs / Security Threat Groups (STG).

Four areas of corrections

1. Custody 2. Treatment 3. Administration 4. Support

Items for which an officer may search

1. Dangerous weapons. Terry v. Ohio. 2. Fruits of a crime (stolen property). Ariz. v. Mahoney 3. Instrumentalities of a crime. Abel v. U.S. 4. Contraband (drugs). Minnesota v. Dickerson 5. Suspects and additional victims. Ariz. v. Mincey

Options for non-arrest situations (conflict resolution) P.O. 3.3.8

1. De-escalate the situation. If no arrest, but it is determined that a crime occurred, provide the victim with the R/W form. P.O. 3.3.8A 2. Ask someone to leave, ideally the perpetrator. P.O. 3.3.8B 3. Write an appropriate report with written statements, advise and warn. P.O. 3.3.8C 4. Make appropriate referrals and provide parties with resource information. National hotline phone number (1-800-799-SAFE) P.O. 3.3.8D

Four D's of crime prevention

1. Deny 2. Delay 3. Detect 4. Deter

Three sentence types

1. Determinate (flat sentence 10 years) 2. Indeterminate (minimum and maximum 5-10 years) 3. Mandatory (determined by statute)

Arresting suspects. (P.O. 5.1.1D)

1. Determine if there is probable cause to make an arrest. 2. Make whatever arrest is reasonably necessary under the circumstances. 3. Do not wait until the next day to make an arrest or wait for investigators to make an arrest, the suspect(s) may escape if you delay the arrest.

Benefits of partnerships

1. Direct impact on crime, fear, and quality of life 2. Ability to coordinate & marshal resources 3. Increase trust and understanding between the community and the police 4. Strengthen organizational support 5. Establish a network of assistance, guidance, and technical support for PROBLEM SOLVING.

What are psychological reactions to crisis?

1. Disbelief 2. Anger 3. Self-blame 4. Grief & loss 5. Recall 6. Reorganization

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Explosives (substances and devices).* (P.O. 5.3.8D and 5.3.8E)

1. Do not attempt to de-activate devices yourself. Obtain specialized help from a bomb team. 2. Notify your supervisor. 3. Explosive materials and other hazardous materials require specialized handling and storage. 4. Other weapons commonly found at crime scenes, (knives/ blunt)

Evidence placed in glass or plastic vials would be:

1. Dried blood crusts. 2. Dried saliva swabs. 3. Expended shell casings. 4. Trace evidence (fillings, powder, fire, clay samples for safes, samples of insulation, flammable materials (small samples), alcohol, drugs in powder, liquid or pill form, etc.).

What are the 4 escape options?

1. Drive through the threat 2. Turn away from the threat 3. Abandon the vehicle and get to cover 4. J-Turn or escape maneuver

Identify alternative resources and their uses in identifying a person:

1. Driver's License 2. Fingerprint Checks 3. Law enforcement information systems

What are the 3 common safety components of a semi-automatic handgun?

1. Firing Pin Block 2. Trigger Block 3. Hammer Block

Signs of Marijuana cultivation

1. Fluorescent/Metal halide lights 2. Sodium vapor light 3. Hydroponics growing systems 4. Organic potting soil (for hydroponics) 5. Humidifiers 6. Books on hydroponic systems

Identify signs for tracking person from crime scene (PO 5.1.3)

1. Foot/tire impressions. 2. Vehicle Fluids 3. Blood 4. Scents 5. Various miscellaneous materials

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Scent articles.* (P.O. 5.3.1N, P.O. 5.3.3N and P.O. 5.3.2M)

1. Found in a crime scene involving perfume, cologne or other natural/ unnatural scents. 2. A laboratory analysis of scent articles may include the ability to determine what type of cologne, perfume or other product caused the scent. 3. Items should be air-dried prior to packaging for the laboratory.

What are the 4 main parts of a semi-auto pistol?

1. Frame 2. Slide 3. Barrel 4. Recoil Spring

Victim compensation can provide up to $20,000 for the following crime-related expenses:

1. Funeral expenses limited to $5,000 2. Medical expenses 3.Dental expenses 4.Travel expenses for medical & medical health treatment 5. Wage loss for the victim (loss of support to dependents of a deceased victim) 6. Counseling available for -The victim 3 yrs -Relatives of a victim & witness to a crime may be eligible

What are the 3 things to do to verify the reliability and credibility of person being interviewed/interrogated?

1. Gather information from other sources before and after the interview 2. Keep witnesses, suspects, and victims separated 3. Explore relationships between witnesses, suspects, and victims

What information must be exchanged between drivers per A.R.S. §28-663? PO 4.3.2

1. Give the driver's name, address and registration number of the vehicle the driver is driving. 2. On request, exhibit the person's driver license to the person struck or the driver or occupants of or person attending a vehicle collided with. 3. Render reasonable assistance to a person injured in the collision, including making arrangements for the care of the person to a physician, surgeon or hospital for medical or surgical treatment if it is apparent that treatment is necessary or if the care is requested by the injured person.

Media broadcasts (P.O. 5.1.2B)

1. Greatly increases public awareness. 2. Sometimes public service announcements on the radio or television will cause persons to come forward with information related to the crime.

What 3 psychological reactions will law enforcement typically not see in a victim?

1. Grief & loss 2. Recall 3. Reorganization

Flares P.O. 4.5.3.B2

1. Hazards. a. Daytime uses. b. Wind. c. Flammable liquids. d. Low areas where flammable liquids may flow. e. Helicopters.

Why is it important to focus on the crime victims than the crime itself?

1. Helps the victim rebuild a sense of personal safety. (fear/ feeling violated) 2. Appraisal of crime risk and the initiation of action to reduce or remove 3. Enhance crime prevention within the community

Narcotic Drugs

1. Heroin 2. Morphine 3. Fentanyl 4. Cocaine 5. Cannabis 6. Prescription drugs (oxycodone, hydrocodone, Xanax, etc.)

The lower extremities include:

1. Hip. 2. Thigh (femur). 3. Knee. 4. Lower Leg: Made up of two (2) bones 5. Ankle. 6. Foot.

What are the four positions for the handgun?

1. Holstered with retention devices engaged 2. At ready position 3. On target 4. Work zone

What are some items you can collect for evidence?

1. ID 2. Cell Phones 3. Pre-Paid debit, credit cards 4. hotel keycards 5. Accessible computers, laptops, tablets 6. receipts 7. Sexual paraphernalia (condoms, lubes, baby wipes, baby oil) 8. ledgers/notebooks with numbers, dollar amounts 9. Medications belonging to the victim (STD's) 10. Photograph Scene

Identify the procedures for securing and protecting a crime scene: (PO 5.1.6)

1. Identify perimeter of crime scene 2. Close off immediate area 3. Prevent unnecessary movement of articles within the crime scene. 4. Accurately mark the locations of articles that must be moved by using chalk, tape or tags. 5. Always keep the witnesses separated from each other until either you or an investigator have had a chance to interview them. 6. Protect evidence against "the elements."

When a police officer arrives on scene to a domestic violence call, the officer should:

1. Identify the predominant aggressor 2. distinguish between offense/defensive injuries

In what two situations can towing companies legally keep your vehicle?

1. If the tow was directed by law enforcement officer 2. If the tow was done by an express agreement between the owner and a garage

Patterns of suicide include

1. Impulsive 2. Depressed 3. Escape from suffering 4. Communication

What is an Arrest?

1. In general, an arrest involves: a. Violation of the law. b. Someone being taken into custody for the violation. c. With the intent that the person be taken before a court. d. To answer a formal charge.

1. in state license: take license 2. out of state license: do not seize licenses 3. No*do not issue temporary permit if license is suspended

1. In state license: take or do not take license? 2. Out of state license: take or do not seize license? 3. if license is suspended do you issue a temporary permit? yes or no?

Class D: Combustible Metals

1. Includes metals such as magnesium, lithium, titanium. 2. Extremely High heat 3. Water may cause rapid acceleration or explosion

How can increased community support for law enforcement be reflected?

1. Increased LEO funding 2. Passage of new laws & ordinances *3. Improved media relations* 4. Increased support of existing laws & ordinances 5. Peaceful resolution of potential sources of conflict

Liability issues for law enforcement

1. Increased damage to vehicle. 2. Carelessness, injury to persons.

Active listening skills (ALS)

1. Initial contact 2. Intel gathering 3. Demonstrates you are listening

What are the potential personal safety problems during scene assessment?

1. Injured and/or violent patient(s). 2. Altered levels of consciousness. *3. Bystanders/family members. 4. Hazardous materials.* 5. Hazardous scene conditions.

What are three examples of probable cause for domestic violence?

1. Injury 2. witness 3. confession

Home Security Considerations in regards to Area lighting are?

1. Interior lighting: use timers 2. Exterior lighting: lighting along the pathway 3. Perimeter lighting:using motion-sensor lights 4. Dark sky ordinances

What are the effects of OC spray

1. Involuntary closing of the eye 2. Gasping for air 3. Intense burning of the skin 4. Uncontrollable coughing


1. Keep the scene secure and calm 2. Allow subject to pace 3. Maintain personal space 4. Reduce distractions (sirens, radios, bright lights, disruptive people)

What are the 3 zone of combat?

1. Kill zone - touch distance 2. Attack zone - touch with 1 step away 3. Danger zone - touch with 2 or more steps away

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Paint chips or smears.* (P.O. 5.3.1E, P.O. 5.3.2G)

1. Lab analysis of paint chips can match samples to suspect vehicles and tools. 2. Small items - package and impound the entire item containing the chips or smears. Make sure you protect the area with the chips or smears by covering them with paper. 3. Loose chips - collect them with tweezers, forceps or wooden tongs.

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Tablets and capsules* (P.O. 5.3.2P, P.O. 5.3.3I, P.O. 5.3.8B and P.O. 5.3.8C)

1. Laboratory analysis: to identify what type of drug it is and whether or not it is a usable quantity 2. Officers must use appropriate safety precautions when handling narcotics/drugs. 3. Place in a pill vial, seal with an evidence tag and place in an evidence envelope.

The Four Laws of Police

1. Law Enforcement 2. Order Maintenance 3. Information Gathering 4. Service Related

What are the 2 striking types?

1. Linear- straight down 2. Circular- arc motion ie uppercut

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Liquids.* (PO 5.3.2N and 5.3.2Q)

1. Liquids (such as alcohol) should be collected for evidence using sterile containers. a. Gloves should always be worn. b. If the liquid contains bio-hazard material, the officer should use a disposable mask/ eye goggles. 2. As with all items of evidence, liquids need to be gathered/packaged in separate containers.

Some examples of referral agencies for potential situations:

1. Local mental health facilities 2. Public health violations 3. Family counseling and child guidance 4. Victim/Witness services 5. Substance abuse

Four options of Law Enforcement

1. London Metropolitan Police system 2. City Guard System, 3. Use of the Military 4. Constable and Watch System.

Unless the parent is a suspect or a co-defendant, an officer should

1. Make reasonable effort to notify parents of arrest 2. Ask juvenile prior to questions if they want parents present. 3. Parent refuses or is unable to respond: ask if they want to still answer questions 4. Parent is being disruptive during the interview: ask parent to leave, then ask juvenile if they still want to answer questions 5. Juvenile doesn't want parents: if has maturity and experience can continue

"Confidential witness programs" (monetary rewards for information leading to arrests) (P.O. 5.1.2C)

1. Many communities have confidential witness programs that pay monetary rewards to persons who provide information about crimes. 2. Usually information about a specific crime is broadcast on radio and/or television. 3. Listeners are asked to call a specific number.

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Flammables.* (P.O. 5.3.2H and 5.3.3H)

1. Many fire department will use minimal methods. This will facilitate the gathering of flammable item evidence. 2. Common in fire/arson cases and is usually collected under tile shingles, carpet and floor baseboards. 3. The unconsumed flammable liquid is analyzed at the laboratory in a gas chromatography for the presence of an accelerant. 4. Only a minute quantity of the accelerant is needed. (Collect the original container as evidence when available). 5. Information obtained on the analysis includes the presence of an accelerant and the specific type used.

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Bite marks.* (P.O. 5.3.2D)

1. May be matched by an odontologist for in court to provide suspect identification. 2. Usually obtained through the use of casts made by the suspect's teeth and/or photographs for analysis. 3. Saliva in and around bite mark. Swab for DNA and submit to lab.

The defense attorney has four main avenues if attack, what are they?

1. Memory 2. perception 3. narration 4. honesty

Dangerous Drugs

1. Meth 2. MDMA (Molly/Ecstasy) 3. Hash 4. PSP 5. LSD 6. GHB 7. Shrooms

What are the main sources of marijuana in the U.S.A.?

1. Mexico 2. Jamaica 3. South America Domestic is close second

What are the types of psychological disorders?

1. Mood 2. Psychotic 3. Personality

Different Opiates (all derived from the opium poppy)

1. Morphine 2. Heroin 3. Codeine 4. Meperidine (Demoral) 5. Oxycodone (Percocet) 6. Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 7. Fentanyl (Sublimaze)

What are the five manners of death?

1. Natural 2. Homicide 3. Accidental/ auto-erotic 4. Unknown/ pended- needs more examination to determine death 5. Suicide

Crime Prevention Programs include

1. Neighborhood Watch or Block Watch. 2. Operation Identification. 3. Crime Free Multi-Housing Program (CFMH). 4. Silent Witness Program. 5. Sexual assault awareness class. 6. Stranger Danger. 7. McGruff the Crime Dog. 8. Security surveys. 9. School Resource Officers. 10. D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). 11. G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training). 12. Wake Up! C.E.A.S. Violence (Community Effort to Abate Street Violence).

When dealing with clarity of expression, what factors can play into it?

1. Noise 2. Language 3. Body Language 4. Paralanguage

Blasting Caps

1. Non-electric 2. Electric 3. Shock tubes

What are the three body language cues that an officer should look for to know it's about to go down?

1. Stretching 2. Yawning 3. Touching face

Firearms at the scene. (P.O. 5.3.2C)

1. Objects should be left untouched if the area can be secured. 2. Do not pick up a weapon unless it places you or a citizen in immediate danger. 3. In areas where conditions are unstable A. Outlining its position on the floor or ground, or B. Photographing it where it lies. 4. Pick the weapon up with two (2) fingers by the grip.

What are the distinctive characteristics of Marijuana plants?

1. Odd number of leaves 2. Pointed at both ends 3. Serrated edges 4. Main vein is toward the top

Interrogation occurs when

1. Officer asks direct questions 2. Officer elicits an incriminating response

What are the 5 levels of control?

1. Officer presence 2. Verbal direction 3. Empty hand control 4. Intermediate weapons 5. Lethal force

What are the techniques for effectively handling a suicidal call include:

1. Officer safety 2. Awareness of support groups and services 3. Communication 4. Conducting a background 5. Securing the Scene

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Glass* (PO 5.3.1D)

1. Officers must be careful to not get cut processing the scene. 2. Glass should be collected carefully in order to avoid breakage and then tagged. 3. Glass can reveal fingerprints, bullet holes, DNA

Canvassing area (P.O. 5.1.2A)

1. Officers should go from door to door asking questions of potential witnesses. 2. Officers may have to go to different houses, businesses or different people in a group. 3. Sometimes people are willing to give information, but will not do so until they are asked individually.

Completing writing reports as required.(P.O. 5.1.1G)

1. Officers will usually write one (1) or some combination of the following reports when responding to a crime scene: A. Face sheet of facts. B. A narrative report of what the officer observed and did. C. Attach witness statements, if necessary. D. Complete any specialty report form necessary. 2. Write a supplemental report supplementing another officer's original, preliminary investigation report. 3. Make a notation in the patrol log.

Non-language factors which contribute to negative response from people

1. Officious and oppressive manners 2. Disrespectful and demeaning attitudes 3. Officious / rude tone of voice 4. Inappropriate body language 5. Arrogance

Domestic violence shelter and safe home services provide? P.O. 3.3.3

1. Orders of Protection. 2. Information/education about domestic violence. 3. Community services.

Five personal issues involving officer involved collisions

1. Over-confidence 2. Self-righteousness 3. Impatience 4. Preoccupation/distraction 5. Peer pressure

Fire Tetrahedron

1. Oxygen 2. Heat 3. Fuel 4. Uninhibited Chain Reaction

Types of informants

1. Paid 2. Good Citizens 3. Violator 4. Anonymous 5. Confidential 6. Fellow officer

Shock symptoms

1. Pale, cool and clammy skin 2. *Rapid* and *weak* pulse (early sign) 3. Rapid or shallow respirations 4. Dilated pupils

Factors which affect an individuals perception of events

1. Past experiences 2. Experiences with Police 3. Repeat Occurrence 4. Mental/emotional condition 5. Home/work 6. Physical Condition

Four stages of development

1. Personal Revenge 2. Fines / Restitution 3. Courts 4. Assumption by the state of the obligation to prevent and punish wrong doing

What should we do with domestic violence injuries?

1. Photograph 2. Document

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Impressions * (P.O. 5.3.1K, 5.3.1L, 5.3.2B and 5.3.2E)

1. Photograph footprints, tool marks and tire prints. Photograph - 1 without a ruler or scale 1 with oblique lighting. 2. Cast - make a plaster or other type of cast only after you have photographed it. 3. A common item at crime scenes is tool marks - after photographing, try to obtain and impound the item the tool mark is in if it is small and portable enough.

What two things must you do when you establish a felony domestic arrest?

1. Photographs 2. Audio Recording

What are the 3 aspects of survival?

1. Physical 2. Emotional 3. Mental

List 4 ways an officer uses coercion, threats, or promises to get confessions or admissions.

1. Physical Abuse or threats of physical abuse 2. Fails to provide person physical needs (water, food, potty) 3. Promising favorable treatment (probation, lenient sentence) 4. Threats of harm other than physical (taking kids away)

What are the 3 phases of a physical encounter

1. Pre-Contact Phase - Training in the understanding and control of distance and positions of advantage before contact is made. 2. Contact Phase - Positional training designed to survive a force on force collision and defend against a physical assault. 3. Neutralization Phase - Techniques and methods to stop, control, and neutralize an attack by deploying armed and unarmed counter measures.

What are the 6 steps to Preparing for the interview/interrogation?

1. Review information about the case and the person to be interviewed/interrogated. 2. Select an appropriate setting to conduct the interview/interrogation. 3. Assess the need to give Miranda warning to the person prior to beginning the questioning. 4. Develop a basic strategy for conducting the interview / interrogation. 5. Make arrangements to record the interview/interrogation, if appropriate. 6. Adopt a comfortable interview style

Long term

1. Rotating shifts 2. Excessive paperwork 3. Role Conflict 4. Exposure to unpleasant/dangerous situations 5. Health problems


1. Scanning 2. Analysis 3. Response 4. Assessment

Common types of mental illness

1. Schizophrenia 2. Anxiety/PTSD 3. Depression 4. Bi-polar 5. Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

There are many ways we can reach out to the community and personally influence the public's views of police. What are some? (6.1.4)

1. School contacts / PTA 2. Media Interaction 3. *Contact with community organizations* 4. Contact with community businesses 5. Contact with individuals during traffic stops and calls for service

When documenting the condition of restraints in a collision, we should look at?

1. Seat belts: locked&retracted-not in use; locked&extended-used 2. Airbag: deployed or not? 3. Child restraints: properly installed?

What two things under socioeconomic status can affect an individuals perception of events?

1. Self-conscious 2. Internal Prejudice

What are the 7 criteria that indicate criminal street gang membership?

1. Self-proclamation 2. Witness testimony or official statement 3. Written or electronic correspondence 4. Paraphernalia or photographs 5. Tattoos 6. Clothing or colors 7. Any other indicia of street gang membership

Identify the following uses of field notes: (PO 7.1.5)1. Serve as basis for writing reports 2. Provide a greater degree of accuracy, as opposed to memory alone 3. May be used as evidence on court. (occurs when they haven't been incorporated into a report within 20 days of them being taken. Become discoverable at this point

1. Serve as basis for writing reports 2. Provide a greater degree of accuracy, as opposed to memory alone 3. May be used as evidence on court. (occurs when they haven't been incorporated into a report within 20 days of them being taken. Become discoverable at this point

Recruiting is carried out through various public and social media venues

1. Shopping malls 2. Music events 3. Bus stops/stations 4. Convenience stores (hang outs) 5. Schools *Social Media* Facebook, KiK, whisper, snapchat, Instagram, etc.

The upper extremities include:

1. Shoulder. 2. Arm: Made up of one (1) bone. 3. Elbow. 4. Forearm: Made up of two (2) bones. 5. Wrist.

What are the 3 types of break falls?

1. Side fall 2. Front fall 3. Front shoulder roll

Follow through is the quick recovery of what two things?

1. Sight picture 2. Slack out/trigger prep (trigger control)

Consider Three things when talking to a child

1. Simple language 2. Prior history 3. Trauma (post traumatic stress symptoms)

When confronting children about their arrested parent, you as the officer should?

1. Sit or kneel with the child 2. Check child for injuries 3. Introduce yourself and simply explain what is going on 4. Do not let the child believe it was there fault 5. Give information about court process if old enough 6. Find another guardian to watch child

Home Security Considerations in regards to Windows are: (PO 6.4.5E)

1. Sliding glass windows 2. Casement windows (crank open/roll-out). 3. Double hung windows 4. Grill work (wrought iron)- Must have a break-away feature to allow egress in case of an emergency


1. Slow down 2. Let person process information 3. Develop a plan 4. Discuss and don't lie

Three names for Heroin

1. Smack 2. Chiva 3. Black

What are some personal health hazards we could face?

1. Smoke inhalation 2. Exposure to toxic fumes 3. Presence of explosive materials 4. Structural integrity, possible collapse 5. Burns, puncture wounds, etc 6. Opening a window fuels the fire

13-301 Definition of Accomplice

1. Solicits or commands another person to commit the crime 2. Aids, counsels or agrees to aid or attempt in the crime 3. Provides the means or opportunity to commit the crime

Protect evidence against "the elements." (PO 5.1.6D/E)

1. Some physical evidence may require protection from rain, wind, cold, heat or snow. 2. Using plastic, cardboard boxes or other material may help.

What are the 6 fundamentals of marksmanship?

1. Stance 2. Grip 3. Sight picture/alignment 4. Trigger control 5. Follow through 6. Breathe

What are the 4 types of handcuffing positions

1. Standing 2. Prone 3. Kneeling 4. Falkner

Systematic violence emphasizes the victim's worthlessness except in there role as a prostitute through Coercion and Control. What are some examples coercion and control?

1. Threats (self or family) 2. Manipulation- branding and sexploitation 3. Economic Dependence- food/place to stay and gifts/hair/clothes/nails 4. Isolation/Captivity 5. Emotional Violence- Feigned affection 6. Physical Violence- Assaults/Sexual Violence- rape, degrading sex

Radiation protection

1. Time 2. Distance 3. Shielding

Types of assistance the victim requires:

1. To feel safe and secure. 2. To facilitate the ability to "vent" and receive validation 3. Prediction and preparation are provided (refer to victim's rights pamphlet)

What are the three major reasons for proper firearm maintenance?

1. To prevent rust and corrosion 2. To ensure reliable operation 3. To ensure proper operation

Transporting subjects

1. Transport them to the closest hospital for treatment 2. Transport the subject using adequate and reasonable restraints 3. Treatment should take priority over incarceration if possible when dealing with mental illness.

What are the 2 most important fundamentals of basic marksmanship?

1. Trigger control 2. Sight alignment

While pressing the trigger on an accurate shot, what are the most important steps?

1. Trigger prep 2. Slack out 3. Pressing the trigger (smooth press)

Determining if a crime has been committed: (P.O. 5.1.1C)

1. Try to determine what, if any, crime has occurred. (Title 13, city code, town charter) 2. What is the corpus delicti (essential elements pertaining to a crime) of the offense? (ex. a shooting requires a gun)

Supremacy Clause

1. US Constitution 2. Federal Law 3. State Constitution 4. State Law 5. Local Law (policy/Norms)

When attempting to communicate with a hearing impaired person, how can you identify yourself?

1. Uniform 2. ID 3. Place right hand over hear in a "C" formation

Police reports compile statistics used for:

1. Uniform Crime Reports (UCR's). 2. Manpower allocations (shift activity). 3. Identifying crime trends (crime reports). 4. Determining budget needs.

What are the 3 ways a weapon is discharged?

1. Unintentional 2. Accidental 3. Intentional

Vulnerable adults, runaway, and at risk youth are targeted by pimps and traffickers share similar backgrounds, which are

1. Unstable home life *2. Abusive/Neglectful home life* *3. History of sexual abuse, physical abuse* 4. lack of education, employment opportunities, marketable skills.

What are the 5 methods for monitoring gang activity?

1. Use of informants. 2. Interpreting gang-related graffiti. 3. Inter-agency intelligence gathering. 4. Field interrogation of suspected and known gang members. 5. Visual observation of gang activities/known gang gathering places.

Crime needs 3 elements, what are they?

1. Victim 2. Suspect 3. Location *Remove any and crime cannot occur*

Human Trafficking

1. Victims do not consent to their situation 2. Exploitation of a person for commercial sex or forced labor *3. Crime against person*

What are some reasons a victim would voluntarily be a part of trafficking?

1. Voluntary (Nowhere to go) 2. Involuntary (abduction) 3. Sold traffickers (family debt, drug debt) 4. Survival sex (Need money to eat)

What is an interview?

1. Voluntary (not under court order) not under oath 2. time and place are agreed to by the witness and attorney

Evidence: Types, Uses and Collection *Spent bullets* (P.O. 5.3.1F, 5.3.2C and 5.3.3F)

1. Wrap bullet in cotton or filter paper. 2. Place in a plastic or glass vial and seal with a gummed label. 3. Do not mar, scratch or mark the side of the bullet. 4. Jacket and jacketed round is where striations are left.

What are the 7 considerations for officer's safety?

1. ability to control subject 2. your intuition 3. escape routes 4. slow things down 5. safety to public and officers 6. assess safety and circumstances 7. employ standard tactical safeguards

13-2006 Criminal Impersonation

1. assumes a false identity with the intent to defraud 2. pretending to be a representative of person or organization 3. Pretending or assuming the false identity of an employee or representative and allowing to access to the property Class 6 felony

Once the right to counsel is invoked, further questioning is prohibited unless:

1. attorney is present 2. person initiates the conversation and waives the right previously invoked 3. person is released from custody for at least 14 days 4. person has been sentenced on the crime charged

When you use a citizen for traffic control, consider these things?

1. be aware of liability if asking citizens to assist in directing traffic. 2. Use citizens only when it is absolutely necessary. 3. Use a citizen after assessing the reliability of the person offering to help and if the help is absolutely necessary, ---Give simple and specific instructions. ---Give a demonstration to the citizen prior to allowing them to take over.

What are some things you can do to ensure a professional appearance?

1. be punctual 2. arrive early so you can speak with prosecutor 3. always dress professional

What are some clues that a person may be dead?

1. cold to touch 2. no pulse/heart beat 3. no breathing 4. Eyes fixed, crusty, cloudy. 5. Presence of rigor mortis. 6.. Presence of post-mortem lividity. 7. Animal/insect activity. 8. Putrefaction/decomposition. 9. Skin slippage. 10 Adipocere. 11. Mummification.

Proper crime scene management has two main elements:

1. contact, identify, and collect 2. locate, preserve and collect

13-2102 Theft of a credit card or obtaining a credit card by fraudulent means

1. controls a credit card without the cardholders or issuers consent thought conduct prescribed in section 13-1802(theft) or 13-1804(theft by extortion) 2. sells, transfers or conveys credit card with intent to defraud 3. with intent to defraud, obtains possession, care, custody or control over credit card as security for debt Class 5 felony

Goals of crime prevention/resistance

1. crimes can be prevented through some relatively easy *common sense* measures 2. cause people to take these measures.

*Uses of a police report*

1. document criminal and traffic activity. 2. Provide a permanent record of the facts of an incident 3. basis for officer evaluation/performance 4. follow up information 5. Compile statistics

13-2503 Escape 2nd Degree

1. escaping or attempting to escape from a juvenile care facility 2. escaping or attempts to escape from a detention facility or, being charged with or convicted of a felony, escapes from custody. 3. escaping or attempts to escape from Arizona State Hospital

Secondary Victimization can be caused by the following:

1. family/friends 2. Law enforcement 3. Criminal Justice System 4. media 5. Clergy 6. Medical professionals 7. social services

What are some methods/tools you can use to direct traffic via positioning?

1. flares 2. cones 3. barriers (including patrol vehicle)

What is the proper interviewing techniques for a driver? PO 4.3.5A

1. found out who was driving 2. driver needs to give license, registration, insurance 3. interview and obtain what they recall about the collision. 4. Be suspicious & cautious of a person with no identification. 5. drivers will rationalize their actions and will be reluctant to admit doing anything wrong. 6. get written or tape recorded statements from drivers 7. Match injuries

secondary strikes?

1. hammer fist strike 2. elbow strike 3. nee strike 4. head strike 5. kicks (front thrust, front snap, round kick)

13-2510 Hindering prosecution (definitions)

1. harbors or conceals another 2. warning the other person of impending discovery, apprehension, prosecution or conviction 3. Providing the other person with money, transportation, weapon or disguise 4. preventing or obstructing by means of force 5. suppressing by an act of concealment, alteration or destruction of evidence 6. concealing identity of person

3 stages of fire

1. incipient 2. free burning 3. smoldering

Human Smuggling

1. individuals consent to smuggling 2. Always international. Requires the illegal crossing of US border *3. Crimes against border*

*Not uses of police report*

1. insurance requirements 2. data about the officer 3. topics for officer training 4. information dissemination 5. officer training (not evaluation)

13-2104 Forgery of credit card

1. intent to defraud, alters any credit card, falsely makes, manufactures or fabricates without express permission to do so 2. other than the cardholder, with intent to defraud, signs the name of an actual or fictitious person to credit card class 4 felony

During an investigation involving an incarcerated parent, officers should consider these 5 things with the child:

1. interview parents away from children. 2. Do not demean the child's parents or speak badly of them. 3. Express concern for the child. 4. Avoid making an arrest or handcuffing the parent in the child's presence. 5. If the parent is cooperating, allow the parent to comfort the child and explain who will be taking care of them.

Define brevity?

1. it means to answer only the question that is being asked 2. do not volunteer any additional information 3. be direct and brief

What is the proper interviewing techniques for a passengers/witnesses ? PO 4.3.5B/C

1. remember they do not have to talk to you 2. get ID 3. Separate them 4. Get written or tape recorded statements, if possible 5. remember witness statement can be very poor t times 6. note of the relative position of the witnesses to the collision to determine their chances of seeing what they said they observed. 7. witness statements can be influenced by noise, vehicle size, stereotype of vehicle/driver 8. Avoid prejudice and do not jump to conclusions. 9. * BE SPECIFIC*

Short term

1. rush hour traffic 2. repelling for a fishing trip 3. doctors call for lab results

Remember!!!! 1. Juvenile accused of crime has the right to remain _________. 2. If the juvenile invokes his/her rights, ________ questioning.

1. silent 2. STOP

Officers testify in a number of different settings, which are:

1. trials 2. evidentiary hearings 3. probation revocation hearing 4. grand juries 5. preliminary hearings 6. administrative hearings 7. depositions and interviews

The Arizona Supreme Court has indicated that there are four factors that it considers "strongly indicative of custody" for purposes of Miranda:

1. whether the objective indicia of arrest are present 2. The site of the interrogation 3. The length and form of the investigation 4. Whether the investigation had focused on the accused.

13-2105 Fraudulent use of a credit card

1. with intent to defraud, Use of a credit card for goods or services or anything of value without the consent of the cardholder 2. Obtains or attempts to obtain money, goods, services or any other thing of value by representing without the consent of cardholder. Class 1 misdemeanor

how long should you let each direction of traffic go?


What size is a placard?

10 3/4 x 10 3/4 (9.84 squared with 1.6" letters - Real world)

The owner or possessor has the right to have a hearing held within ______ of request for the return of the weapon.

10 days

Average age of Juveniles for sex trafficking is ________.

13 Years old

What will you be charged with if you are ILLEGALLY in possession of peyote?

13-3402 possession and sale of peyote *class 6 felony*

What is the charge for ILLEGAL possession of marijuana?

13-3405 possession of marijuana

What is the charge for someone ILLEGALLY in possession of marijuana concentrate?

13-3408.A1 Possession of a Narcotic drug *Class 4 felony*

An officer may NOT seek to reinitiate questioning. If a person invokes their right to attorney, an officer may not approach the person to try to get the person to change their mind unless there is a break in custody lasting at least

14 days

Law enforcement agency has jurisdiction over where the person resides and the mental health order must be served within how many days?

14 days

When all traffic and pedestrians are stoped, what is the order of allowing flow?

1st - Pedestrians 2nd - Left Turns 3rd - Straight Through

What are the signs of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns?

1st - Superficial Redness 2nd - Blistering dermal damage 3rd - Full thickness

Committing any burglary and knowing possess explosives, dangerous instrument or deadly weapon

1st degree burglary

How many measurements are needed to show a point of impact?


How long do you have to perform the one-on-one?

2 Hours from the time the crime was committed.

If a person invokes their right to silence, an officer may approach the person after a reasonable break in questioning of at least

2 hours

SCEK need to be stored in freezer or refrigerators within?

2 hours of pickup

if a Juvenile is arrested for underage drinking possession of alcohol, and at the adjudication hearing it is discovered that he/she has a prior adjudication for the same violation, if he/she is adjudicated delinquent on the second offense, the juvenile court commissioner may order the MVD to suspend his/her driver's license privilege for a period of up to _________________________.

2 years, or until his/her 18th birthday

When are Legislators immune?

Are immune from arrest while the legislature is in session and 15 days prior

How much marijuana can someone have with a Medical marijuana card legally posses?

2.5 onces

How much marijuana can a subject with a caregiver medical marijuana card legally posses?

2.5 onces for every person they are legally authorized to care for (maximum 5 patients and all must be registered as their patient. *Plus, the caregiver so long as he/she has a medical marijuana card too* Can carry up to 15oz

Residential burglaries account for

2/3 of all burglaries

Grand Jury/Preliminary Hearing (Not in custody)

20 days of initial appearance


21% oxygen

How many hours does a person have to hand over their weapons when served with an Order of Protection with the weapons box checked?

24 hours

Per ARS 36-520 (involuntary committal) Any responsible individual may apply for a court ordered evaluation of a person who is unwilling or unable to undergo a voluntary evaluation. *Once the petition is served, it must be returned to court within how many hours?*

24 hours

If the residence of the juvenile is outside of the state then noticed shall be provided to the parent/guardian within _____________ and if the residence of the parent/guardians is not known, then (_____________________________).

24 hours ; reasonable effort must be made

Entering or remaining in or on a residential structure with intent to commit any theft or felony therein

2nd degree burglary

How long should screws be when dealing with strike plates or beefing up the foundation of your doorway?

3 inches

High explosives detonate at:

3,300 fps or higher

Low explosives burn or deflagrate at:

3,300 fps or slower

What is the mathematical constant used to calculate minimum speed in the minimum speed formula?


what is the minimum safe distance from a bomb?

300 feet

13-105 (definitions) Calendar year

365 days. When the sentence starts (example 5-19-18 to 5-18-19)

Entering or remaining in or on a non-residential or fenced commercial yard or residential yard with intent to commit and theft or felony therein

3rd degree burglary

The NFPA symbol has how many colors?

4 (Red, Yellow, Blue, White)

Negligence: 1. Breech of duty, 2. Damage to patient, 3. Approximate cause 4. ___________________

4. Duty to act

What is the best degree to approach a suspect?

45 degrees

What size is a label?

4x4 (3.9" squared - Real world)

Pad locks should have how many pin tumblers?


What is the time frame for a forensic examiner to examine a strangulation victim?

5 days

How many seconds does it take for an individual to loose consciousness with the carotid hold?

5 to 15 seconds

If the skid length is 125 feet, what is the approximate minimum speed?


Nationwide, how many vehicles are recovered?

52% of stolen vehicles are recovered

What is the 2, 4, 12 rule? Under ____MPH - No closer than __ seconds Over __ MPH - No closer than ___ Seconds Always looking ___ seconds ahead.

55; 2 55; 4 12

Calculate the feet per second of a vehicle traveling 40 MPH?

58.8 feet per second

If a juvenile is taken into custody, the police officer must provide *written notice* to the parent/guardian within how many hours?

6 hours

How many hours does it have to be for an unlawful failure to return rented or leased property?

72 hours

A. Felony

84 months with 2 subsequent DUI prior is A. Felony B. Misdemeanor C. Nothing

How many classes of hazardous materials are there?

9 classes

What percentage of the people are supportive of the police?


*What is the purpose of the Synopsis?*

A brief paragraph that tells the reader what the report is about., whats to come - will answers 4 maybe 5 "W"'s


A charging document filed in juvenile court by the county attorney alleging that juvenile is delinquent, incorrigible or dependent. *complaint*

Issuing a bad check

A check for which the maker has insufficient funds in the bank, or a check written on an account that has been closed. If the bad check is issued knowingly, the business can pursue the patron on criminal charges.

A citizen

A citizen make can make an arrest under certain circumstances, but the citizens authority is far more limited than a Law Enforcement officer. Limited to felony or misdemeanor

Community Partnerships

A collaborative partnership that stresses increased interaction between the police and the public to make the police more responsive to the community's needs and reduce community decay and disorder.

Due process

A delinquency or incorrigibility hearing may be flexible and informal but it must, at minimum, meet the requirements of due process and fairness

Bail bond

A document guaranteeing the appearance of a defendant in court as required and recording the pledge of money or property to be paid to the court if he or she does not appear, which is signed by the person to be released and anyone else acting on his or her behalf.

13-2702 Perjury

A false sworn statement in regards to a material issue believing it to be false (i.e lying under oath)


A judicial hearing wherein parental rights and responsibilities of natural parents may be terminated


A juvenile who is convicted in adult court shall be sentenced in the same manner as an adult

Apartment Lien

A landlord CANNOT put a lien on the personal property of a tenant due to non-payment of rent


A legal term for mental illness of such severity that cannot be held responsible for his/her act.

What is a squib load?

A load that has *insufficient powder* to propel a bullet through the barrel of a gun

What is a frisk?

A pat down looking for weapons.

What does victim mean?

A person against whom the criminal offense has been committed, or if the person is killed or incapacitated, the person's spouse, parent, child or other lawful representative, except if the person is in custody for an offense or is the accused." A.R.S. §13-1401.18.

13-1102 Negligent Homicide

A person causes the death of another person, including an unborn child Class 4 felony

13-1209 Drive by Shooting

A person commits drive by shooting by intentionally discharging firearm from a motor vehicle at any person, another occupied vehicle or an occupied structure Class 2 Felony

13-1004 Facilitation

A person commits facilitation if, acting with the knowledge that another person is committing or intends to commit a crime Charge is 4 less

13-2703 False swearing

A person commits false swearing by making a false statement , believing it to be false Class 6 felony

Forgery 13-2002

A person commits forgery if, *with intent to defraud*, the person: 1. falsely makes, completes, or alters a written instrument 2. knowingly posses a forged instrument 3. offers or presents, whether accepted or not, a forged instrument or one that contains false information Class 4 felony

13-2512 Hindering Prosecution in the 1st degree

A person commits hindering prosecution in the first degree if, with the intent to hinder the apprehension, prosecution, conviction or punishment of another for any *FELONY*, the person renders assistance to the other person.

13-2511 Hindering prosecution in the 2nd degree

A person commits hindering prosecution in the second degree if, with the intent to hinder the apprehension, prosecution, conviction or punishment of another for any *MISDEMEANOR or PETTY OFFENSE*, such person renders assistance to such person.

13-2008 Taking identity of another person or entity

A person commits taking identity of another by possessing or uses any personal identifying information or entity identifying information. (social security card, DL, or any paper that has a name on it)

13-1814 theft of means of transportation

A person commits theft of means transportation, if without the lawful authority, the person *knowingly* does: 1. controls another person's vehicle with *intent to permanently deprive* 5. controls another person's vehicle knowingly or having reason to know *(possession of stolen vehicle)* Felony charges no matter how much its worth


A person under the age of 18 years

13-2409 Obstructing criminal investigation or prosecutions

A person who knowingly attempts by bribery, misrepresentation, intimidation or force or threats of force to obstruct delay or prevent

Credit Card

A plastic card used to make purchases now and promises to pay for them later.

13-1003 Conspiracy

A secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act Charge is the same


A self-sustained, rapid oxidation process, accompanied by the evolution of heat and light in varying intensities


A sentence handed down by the court that is the same as prison time. Can be supervised or unsupervised.


A statement that provides evidence or proof of a person's involvement in crime, including all elements of the crime.

B. Investigative stop

A stop made because an officer has "reasonable suspicion" to believe one (1) or more of the vehicle's occupants has engaged in, or is about to engage in, criminal activity. A. Traffic enforcement stop B. Investigative stop C. High Risk Stop

A. Traffic enforcement stop

A stop made because an officer has "reasonable suspicion" to believe the driver committed a traffic infraction. A. Traffic enforcement stop B. Investigative stop C. High Risk Stop

What is victimology?

A study of individuals or groups that have been killed, destroyed, injured or otherwise harmed by a criminal act, condition or circumstance

Who can refuse medical attention? A. an adult and mentally competent B. anyone C. no one unless they have a DNR

A. An Adult and mentally competent

Trial by judge

A trial where the presiding magistrate renders the verdict.

What is the definition of an accident per the ADOT manual?

A vehicle collision resulting in bodily injury, death or damage to the property of any person in excess of $1,000 that is not the result of a cataclysm

13-1901 (definition) Threat

A verbal or physical menace of imminent physical injury

B. Circumstantial

A witness saw the defendant's car leave the scene of a shooting. What type of evidence is this? A. Direct B. Circumstantial C. Real or physical


A written statement of the essential facts constituting a public offense made under oath before a magistrate or in accordance with ARS Title 13 governing cite in lieu of detention.

The main difference between organized crime and street gangs? A) Financial Gain B) Tattoos C) Zoot suits

A) Financial Gain

What is a good way to monitor gangs? A) Informants B) Have an officer infiltrate the gang C) Rap videos

A) Informants

True or False: These precautions assume that all blood and bodily fluids are infectious. A) True B)False

A) True

True/False: It's hard to get informants for gangs because they can make more selling drugs than being an informant. A) True B) False

A) True

Marking evidence containers or tags and labels. These should contain at least the following information: (P.O. 5.3.5)

A. *Date and time the item was collected and where it was found.* B. Agency and agency's case (DR) number. C. *Location where evidence was transported and stored.* D. Type of crime. E. *Each time the evidence is removed/ returned to/from storage*. F. Victim and/or suspect's name. G. *Brief description of the item*. H. *Name or initials of person collecting item.*

What is the approximate scale on a traffic crash report? A. 1 inch = 20 feet B. 0.70 C. feet and inches

A. 1 inch = 20 feet

*The normal respirator rate of an adult should be between how many breaths per minute?* A. 12-20 B. 20-25 C. 50-60

A. 12-20

Adult CPR: A. 30:2 (1 or 2 rescue) w/ 2 inches B. 30:2 (1 rescue) w/2 inches/ 15:2 (2 rescue) C. 30:2 (1 rescue w/ 1/3 depth of chest/ 15:2 (2 rescue)

A. 30:2 (1 or 2 rescue) w/ 2 inches

Burning itching and redness are signs and symptoms of what? A. Absorbed poison B. Bites C. Injection poison

A. Absorbed poison

A report that is generated concerning intradepartmental matters and communications is a(n) _____________ report. A. Administrative B. Opinion C. Infra-deparmental

A. Administrative

Given written, visual or verbal descriptions of situations where deadly physical force is threatened or used

A. Affirmative Defenses (A.R.S. §13-205). B. Execution of public duty (A.R.S. §13-402). C. Use of deadly physical force (A.R.S. §13-405). D. Defense of a third person (A.R.S. §13-406). E. Use of physical force in defense of premises (A.R.S. §13-407). F. Use of deadly physical force in law enforcement (A.R.S. §13-410). G. Use of force in crime prevention (A.R.S. §13-411). H. Use of force in domestic violence (A.R.S. §13-415). I. Use of force in defense of residential structure or occupied vehicles (A.R.S. §13-418). J. Exceptions (A.R.S. §13-419). K. Defensive Display of a firearm (A.R.S. §13-421).

Given written, visual or verbal descriptions of situations where physical (not deadly) force is threatened or used

A. Affirmative defenses (A.R.S. §13-205) B. Executions of public duty (A.R.S. §13-402). C. Use of physical force (A.R.S. §13-403). D. Self-defense (A.R.S. §13-404). E. Defense of a third person (A.R.S. §13-406). F. Use of physical force in defense of premises (A.R.S. §13-407). G. Use of physical force in defense of property (A.R.S. §13-408). H. Use of physical force in law enforcement (A.R.S. §13-409). I. Use of deadly force in law enforcement (A.R.S. §13-410). J. Use of physical force in crime prevention (A.R.S. §13-411). K. Use of physical force in domestic violence (A.R.S. §13-415) L. Use of force in defense of residential structure or occupied vehicles (A.R.S. §13-418). M. Exceptions (A.R.S. §13-419).

What care must be taken to not contaminate or damage the packages that narcotics/drugs are found in? (PO 5.3.2P)

A. All drugs should be packaged in separate containers. B. If a drug is already contained in a container, the container should be packaged separately in a box for transportation to the laboratory. C. If crime occurred near or in a "Meth Lab", you must call HazMat unit.

What is Anaphylactic Shock? A. Allergic Reaction B. Blood/Fluid Loss C. Cyanosis

A. Allergic Reaction

____ damage is damage to any part of vehicle caused by direct contact with some object which is not part of the vehicle. A. Contact B. Glass C. Induced

A. Contact

A region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured; a bruise. A. Contusion B. Abrasion C. Laceration

A. Contusion

What type of gang is associated with drug trafficking, vandalism, inter-gang violence, stolen property, *assaults, robbery*, etc? A. Criminal Street Gangs. B. Extremist Groups C. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG). D. Prison Gangs / Security Threat Groups (STG).

A. Criminal Street Gangs

Identify the responsibilities of a primary (contact) officer when dealing with multiple subjects:

A. Designating a cover officer. B. Maintaining communications with subject. C. Maintaining a position relative to the subject. D. Delegating responsibilities to a cover officer.

The role of the first responder to a hazardous materials?

A. Detect the presence of hazardous materials. B. Establish command/control C. Begin identification. D. Determine the need for/extent of evacuation. E. Protect personnel/reduce contamination. F. Isolate incident/identify zones of activity. G. Contain incident, if possible, from an isolated position without risk of exposure. H. Seek additional appropriate resources.

*Local cooling of the body, when exposed for long period of time part of body will blue and blotchy is called?* A. Frostbite B. Sweating C. Hypothermia

A. Frostbite

What is the most common form of injury when it comes to loss of consciousness? A. Head Injury B. Loss of blood C. Vehicle Accident

A. Head Injury

What is a sign of a normal delivery during childbirth? A. Head of the baby in the vaginal canal B. Feet of the baby coming out first C. Blood everywhere and stomach pain

A. Head of the baby in the vaginal canal

*Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion, and Heat Stroke are the three general types of what?* A. Heat Emergencies B. Heat Related Illness C. Stroke

A. Heat Emergencies

______ __ _____ is the same procedure as for all other collisions. A. Hit & Run B. Accident & Injury C. Pedestrian & Bicyclist

A. Hit & Run

A Gunshot, Knife, Blunt force, and Multiple deaths are examples of what type of manner of death? A. Homicide B. Natural C. Suicide D. Unknown

A. Homicide

13-107 Time limitations

A. Homicide, violent sexual assault, misuse of money, falsification of public records, or attempt at any of those. B. Prosecutions must be commenced within the following periods after actual discovery C. Freezes when the accused is absent in the state Felony = 7 years (class 2-6) Misdemeanor = 1 year Petty offense = 6 months

All explosives are sensitive to

Heat, Shock and Friction

A surgical cut made in skin or flesh A. Incision B. Abrasion C. Laceration

A. Incision

What is done to discover life-threatening injury? A. Initial assessment B. Strip Search C. Transport

A. Initial Assessment

*The preferred method for opening the airway of a patient with a cervical spine injury is ____. * A. Jaw Thrust B. C Spine C. Head tilt chin lift

A. Jaw thrust

common limitations of officer discretion

A. Law. B. Existence of departmental policies and procedures. C. Existence of departmental goals and objectives.

When checking for breathing, you should? A. Look, listen, feel B. watch the chest C. stare blankly at their mouth

A. Look, listen, feel

Special considerations when handling emergency incidents involving military equipment

A. Military authorities are in charge of scene. B. There may be hazardous materials/weapons present. C. Police cannot authorize news media to enter.

*Does no signs or symptoms of internal bleeding mean no serious injury?* A. No, there is still a possibility B. Yes, has to have a sign or symptom

A. NO, there is still a possibility

A Heart attack, Cancer, Diabetes, Various other diseases are examples of which manner of death? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Accidental D. Suicide

A. Natural

What type of manner of death would be the person died of heart attack or diabetes? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Accidental D. Suicide

A. Natural Death

*If you perform medical treatment outside your scope such as needle decompression, This is considered what?* A. Negligence B. Good Samaritan C. Hero

A. Negligence

Failure of the circulatory system to provide enough blood to the vital organs is? A. Shock B. Stroke C. Heart Attack

A. Shock

*The most practical Universal precaution after a contamination is what?* A. Soap and water B. Hazmat Suit C. Face Mask

A. Soap and water

In a ______, part of the brain has been damaged due to a rupture of an artery or blockage of an artery by a blood clot or atherosclerosis. A. Stroke B. Shock C. Heart Attack

A. Stroke

Evidence given in the form of a statement made under oath, usually in response to questioning. A. Testimonial B. Physical (or real) Evidence C. Forensic Evidence

A. Testimonial

True or False: *A person in diabetic shock is commonly assumed to be intoxicated by police officer.* A. True B. False

A. True

Where is the humerus bone located? A. The upper arm B. Neck C. The leg

A. The upper arm

What type of burn would come from a heat source such as the pavement on a summer day? A. Thermal Burn B. Electrical Burn C. Chemical Burn

A. Thermal Burn

Why do gangs paint graffiti in their neighborhoods? A. To mark their territory B. Gang Retaliation C. To help monitor gang activity in the neighborhoods

A. To mark their territory

Do not rely only on driver's license information. A. True B. False

A. True

If you lose emotional control, the trier of fact might believe you did so during the event in question and took actions based upon emotion, rather than the facts and the law and that now you are hesitant to say so. A. True B. False

A. True

Sketches permanently record spatial relationships of landmarks and physical evidence. A. True B. False

A. True

What part of the body system transports blood to the heart? A. Veins, Dark red, *steady flow* lacks oxygen B. Arteries, Bright red has oxygen C. Capillaries , red oozes slow

A. Veins, Dark red, *steady flow* lacks oxygen

13-2411 Impersonating a Peace Officer

A. Without lawful authority, pretends to be a peace officer and engages in any conduct with the intent to induce another to submit to the person's pretended authority or to rely on the person's pretended acts. B. It is NOT a defense to prosecution under this section that the law enforcement agency the person pretended to represent did not in fact exist or that the law enforcement agency the person pretended to represent did not in fact possess the authority claimed. Class 6 felony

Would the Good Samaritan law protect an officer that is off duty? A. Yes B. No

A. Yes

*What is a flail chest?* A. two or more ribs are broken in two or more places B. open chest wound which allow for air to enter the chest cavity C. skin burnt test

A. two or more ribs are broken in two or more places

Defusing Crisis Situations

A. acknowledge the victim's ordeal & reassure his/her safety B. Be an *active listener* C. Ask diversionary, reality questions D. allow the victim to do what they can do (pose simple choices to help victims regain some sense of control E. Explain all options & procedures that will follow F. Maintain appropriate eye contact, body posture & voice control

The officer should ____ marking the actual items of evidence themselves. (P.O. 5.3.2) A. avoid B. record C. photograph

A. avoid

When arteries bleed, it is best described as? A. fast flow of bright red blood B. steady flow of dark red blood

A. fast flow of bright red blood

Police reports should be written in: A. first person active voice B second person voice C. third person voice

A. first person active voice

What are the elements of the Good Samaritan Law? A. good faith, gratuitously (no pay), & gross negligence B. good faith & consent C. gratuitously with consent

A. good faith, gratuitously (no pay), & gross negligence

Failing or omitting to do something that a reasonable person would do or doing something that a reasonable person would not do is? A. gross negligence B. abandonment C. i don't know

A. gross negligence

If the front wheels lock up in a car what is likely to happen? A. keep going straight B. the car will start to rotate C. car will flip

A. keep going straight

*Full Cardiac arrest with signs of death would be considered what type of triage category?* A. lowest priority category B. highest priority category C. Depends

A. lowest priority category

An officer should ____ testify without first having reviewed any, and all, reports the officer prepared concerning the incident. A. never B. always C. depends

A. never

13-2307 Trafficking in stolen property

A. recklessly traffics in the property of another that has been stolen is guilty of trafficking in stolen property in 2nd degree B. knowingly initiates, organizes, plans, finances, directs manages or supervises the theft and trafficking in the property of another in the 1st degree

What are indicators of High anxiety or emotional shock?

A. screaming, crying B. Fearfulness, vulnerability, depression C. Self-destructive or violent behavior D. immobility or frenzied activity E. contradictory behavior (Speaking calmly with clenched fists or pacing back & forth)

Shallow, slow breathing and high blood pressure are signs and symptoms are consistent with what? A. severe/late hypothermia B. frostbit C. cold weather

A. severe/late hypothermia

Police Reports are used for what type of data? A. statistical data B. officer evaluation and performance C. IR/police report

A. statistical data

DNA from identical twins will be: A. the same B. have similar characteristics

A. the same

13-3102 misconduct involving weapons

A: A person commits misconduct involving weapons by *knowingly:* 1. carrying a deadly weapon except for a pocket knife concealed on his person or within immediate control in or on any vehicle (misdemeanor) a.) In furtherance of serious offense b.) failing to be honest with law enforcement about having a gun 2. under 21 years of age 3. Manufacturing, possessing, transporting, selling or transferring a prohibited weapon 4. Possessing a deadly weapon or prohibited weapon if such person is a prohibited person (felony) 5. Selling or transferring a deadly weapon to a prohibited processor 6. Defacing a deadly weapon (alter or destroy) 7. Possessing a defaced weapon 8. Using a deadly weapon during any felony including chapter 34 (drugs) 9. Discharging a firearm at an occupied structure 10. No deadly weapons in a public establishment or attending any public event 11. Entering a polling place on the day of any election carrying a deadly weapon 12. Possessing a deadly weapon on school grounds 13. entering a nuclear or hydroelectric generating station with a deadly weapon 14. Supplying, selling or giving possession or control of a firearm to another person if the person knows or has reason to know it will be used in the commission of a felony 15. using, possessing or exercising control over a deadly weapon in furtherance of terrorism 16. Trafficking in weapons or explosives for financial gain in order to assist, promote or further the interests of a criminal street gang, criminal syndicate or a racketeering enterprise

In addition to being able to stop, what else is important? A: Ability to go and turn B: Utilizing lights and siren C: Making sure you have room for a J-turn

A: Ability to go and turn

Other than running over the suspect shooting at you, what option may also be considered? A: Bail out/ Abandon the vehicle B: Fire back through the windshield C: Run him over

A: Bail out/ Abandon the vehicle

One way police can make more allies out of adversaries is to have? A Better communication B Enforce the law C increased use of force

A: Better communication

According to a survey taken by civilians, What is one thing they want Law Enforcement Officers to have? A. Communication Skills B. Guns C.Improved media relations

A: Communication Skills

Officer Cox spends all day in court, but then has to go to work. She arrives Late to her shift and sees a vehicle speeding and begins high speed surveillance and doesn't call pursuit. Officer Cox is struggling from lack of sleep which would affect her... A: Driver Reaction Time B: Passenger Reaction Time C: Perception/reaction time

A: Driver Reaction Time

What is an Early Apex? A: Hugging the inside at the entry of the turn B: Hugging the inside at the exit of the turn C: Hugging the inside at the middle of the turn (This is the fastest, like a race car uses)

A: Hugging the inside at the entry of the turn

*A way to increase community support for law enforcement is through? * A) Improved media relations B) Increased enforcement C) Stronger enforcement

A: Improved media relations

In the tactical environment, if you cannot Identify your target can you shoot it? A: No B: Yes

A: No

Most agencies may/will discipline for what? A: No seat belts B: Squealing the tires C: J-turns

A: No seat belts

If a community has developed a negative stereotype or attitude towards police, it is generally because: A) Officers appear to be unethical, uncaring, and ineffective B) Officers write too many citations C) Officers make themselves too visible

A: Officers appear to be unethical, uncaring, and ineffective

The officer involved in the collision is found to be at fault and is suspended without pay. This loss of compensation was brought on by an attitude of...? A: Over-confidence B: Self-Righteousness C: Impatience

A: Over-confidence

There are a number of factors that contribute to officers racing to be the first on the scene of an accident. What may be the most common? A: Peer pressure B: Policy C: Impatience

A: Peer pressure

In order to successfully operate pursuit situation an officer must always have a... A: Positive Attitude B: Vehicle Control C: Patience & Love

A: Positive Attitude

During a pursuit, what is a difficult concept to convey to officers? A: Proper decision making B: Patience C: Shuffle steering

A: Proper decision making

When a vehicles speed doubles, what does the vehicle energy do? A: Quadruples B: Triples C: Doubles

A: Quadruples

What sense is used most often in driving? A: Sight B: Hearing C: Touch

A: Sight

When making the decision to pursue, an officer must use what? A: Sound judgement B: Permission from supervisor C: Patience

A: Sound Judgement

What is the main reason citizens do not yield to emergency vehicles? A: They don't see or hear us B: They don't have to C: They don't like us

A: They don't see or hear us

If an injured person has to be moved, control the movements so evidence is not destroyed. A. True B. False

A: True

Providing some basic firearms training to family members will increase their understanding and reduce curiosity. A: True B: False

A: True

One factor that influences the way the public views L.E. is? A. Behavior on and off duty B. Eye contact C. Treat people fairly

A: behavior on and off duty

In higher context, the communication____________is just as important as the context of the message? A. Process B. advantage C. barrier

A: process

*Can an officers off-duty conduct, shape the community opinion of the agency? * A) Yes B) No

A: yes

A mechanical failure or a holster strap/piece of clothing getting inside the trigger guard while holstering. What type of weapon discharge is this?


What is Chain of custody? (PO 5.3.4)

Accounting for each person who handled an item of physical evidence from the time of collection until final disposition.

13-1601 (definition) Tampering with Utility property

Act committed against property that is owned by utility company

What are the two types of reports? (PO 7.1.1)

Administrative and Operational

B. accused

Admissions, confessions or alibi evidence attributed to an ________. A. objection B. accused C. agency

1. corroborates other evidence 2. confirm officer's judgement 3. confirm alcohol as cause of impairment 4. could be used for charging Extreme DUI

Advantages of a PBT? (JFYI)

C. Demonstrative

Aerial maps, crime scene diagrams, composite sketches, photographs, tapes, video recordings, etc. What type of evidence is this? A. Testimonial B. Documentary C. Demonstrative

Advise the juvenile, when applicable, that the juvenile may be, or will be, tried as an adult during what part of investigation?

After Miranda Rights have been read

A. The Defendant and Defensive Driving class information.

After the violator signs the citation, he/she will be given what? A. The Defendant and Defensive Driving class information. B. The Ticket and Options to pay violation C. Victims Right Pamphlet

A juvenile _______ or older and unable to contact their parents, my give consent for anything medically related, especially sexually related

Age 12

1. privilege to drive is *suspended, canceled, revoked, or refused, or the person's driver's license* or privilege to drive is restricted as a result of violating §28-1382 or under §28-1385. 2. 84 months with 2 subsequent DUI prior 3. person is under 15 years of age in vehicle (*14 and under*) 4. certified ignition interlock device 5. driving the wrong way on a highway or roadway

Aggravated DUI ARS 28-1383A (felony charge):

A synagogue has graffiti of cartoon characters on the building. What crime should be investigated?

Aggravated criminal damage

James thought it would be hilarious to throw a baseball into the stain glass window of the neighborhood church on purpose. The church wants to prosecute James. What would be the crime?

Aggravated criminal damage; location

Behavior change

Agreement, enact positive problem solving

13-1213 Aiming a laser pointer at a peace officer or occupied aircraft

Aiming a laser intentionally or knowingly at a peace officer, or occupied aircraft Class 1 Misdemeanor

Three states of stress

Alarm, Adaptation, Exhaustion

Title 4



Alcohol related crashes are ___ times more likely to result in death.

What color is the core for Safety/fuse?

Always black or gray


Always leave an avenue of ____.

What is the 2nd firearms safety rule?

Always point the muzzle in a safe direction

A. Non- Hearsay Rule

An admission or *confession* made by a defendant or a statement by a co-conspirator made in furtherance of a conspiracy. A. Non- Hearsay Rule B. The Rule C. Hearsay Rule

When can arrest warrants be served?

An arrest can be served any time of the day, night and any day of the week (ARS 13-3882)


An early conditional release from serving time in prison.


An exercise of dominion or control of that person or object. Property seizure must be crime related, such as contraband.

Someone who gives information but refuses to give their identity

Anonymous person

How do all questions get answered?

Answer audibly

What maneuver should you use for someone that is choking?

Heimlich maneuver or abdominal thrusts

What is a placard sign with *Orange with an exploding cannonball* and what type of hazardous material would it be?


What is considered appropriate body language techniques when interacting with Victims/witnesses?

Express empathy and adjust position to be eye level

What is sympathy?

Expressing sorrow for the person's situation

Pre-trial court hearing

Held to solve any issues, substantive or procedural issues that have arisen

1. Exit the vehicle with only the necessary equipment (flashlight, leave citation book in vehicle) 2. *KEEP WEAPON HAND FREE* 3. Use non weapon hand to hold flashlight 4. Keep visual contact on the driver and the inside of the vehicle

Approach to Traffic Stop:

When expressing a self-disclosure an officer first make sure its


________ of a crime risk and the ________ of *action to reduce or remove* it thereby reducing the probability the victim will become a repeat victim.

Appraisal ; initation

13-1801 (definition) Means of transportation

Any Vehicle

How much marijuana can a dispensary agent legally transport?

Any amount

13-1701 (definition) Wildland

Any brush covered land, cutover land, forest, grassland or woods

How does the FBI define organized crime?

Any group that has some manner of a formalized structure and whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities.

13-105 (definitions) Firearm

Any loaded or unloaded handgun, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun or other weapon designed to expel a projectile

13-2001 (definition) Written Statement

Any paper, document or other instrument that contains written or printed matter

13-1901 (definition) Force

Any physical act directed toward any person

Who may execute a search warrant?

Any police officer

Mental issues

Any psychiatric or psychological disorder characterized by an illness that affects cognition, perception, or communication, which significantly interferes with performance of major life activities, such as social interaction, learning, thinking, communicating, or sleeping.

Search warrants may be issued by courts for

Any public offense

What is civil liability?

Any situation in which employees are sued in civil court for actions performed on duty for a law enforcement agency.

13-1701 (definition) Occupied structure

Any structure, vehicle, or place adapted for overnight accommodations of persons, or for carrying on business therein, whether or not a person is actually present

13-105 (definitions) Benefit

Anything of value or advantage

13-105 (definitions) Property

Anything of value, Tangible or intangible (Car or thoughts)

13-2501 (definition) Contraband

Anything one should not have (i.e. dangerous instrument, drugs, liquor, etc.)

B. Evidence

Anything presented to a judge or jury that is offered to prove the existence of a fact is? A. Exclusionary Rule B. Evidence C. Burden of Proof

What is Cover?

Anything that will stop an incoming round

13-1801 (definition) Material Misrepresentation

Fraudulent statement or *lie*

A communication technique use by certain cultures, this one, is how people arrange information? A. body movements B. Sequence C. Phasing


What is considered the acceptable coefficient of friction or drag factor for most level surfaces? A. 1 inch = 20 feet B. 0.70 C. feet and inches

B. 0.70

*What is the target rate for chest compression?* A. 50 bpm B. 100 bpm C. 150 bpm

B. 100 bpm

*How long does pain from angina pectoris last usually?* A. 30 min B. 2-15 min C. 30 seconds

B. 2-15min

*The normal respirator rate of a child should be between how many breaths per minute?* A. 12-20 B. 20- 25 C. 50-60

B. 20-25 bpm

Children CPR: A. 30:2 (1 or 2 rescue) w/ 2 inches B. 30:2 (1 rescue) w/2 inches/ 15:2 (2 rescue) C. 30:2 (1 rescue w/ 1/3 depth of chest/ 15:2 (2 rescue)

B. 30:2 (1 rescue) w/2 inches/ 15:2 (2 rescue)

An area damaged by scraping or wearing away A. Ante Mortem B. Abrasion C. Laceration

B. Abrasion

What are the 2 major shocks? A. Stroke, Heart Attack B. Anaphylactic, Hypovolemic (low volume of blood) C. Anaphylactic, Hyperovlemic

B. Anaphylactic, Hypovolemic (low volume of blood)

Where is the radius and ulna bones located? A. Skull B. Arm C. Leg

B. Arm

What part of the body system transports blood away from the heart? A. Veins, Dark red, *steady flow* lacks oxygen B. Arteries, Bright red has oxygen C. Capillaries , red oozes slow

B. Arterties, Bright red, has oxygen

Accuracy is ensuring to write events down: A. When we have time B. As soon as they're discovered and happened C. Only if we think it's important.

B. As soon as they're discovered and happened

*Assessing individuals based on the severity of their injuries is called?* A. Scene Assessment B. Triage C. Medical Assistance

B. Triage

What is the Standard of Proof? A. bring evidence with you B. Beyond Reasonable Doubt C. Probable Cause

B. Beyond Reasonable Doubt

*What is Hypovolemic Shock?* A. Allergic Reaction B. Blood/Fluid Loss C. Cyanosis

B. Blood/Fluid Loss

When you check a pulse on an adult, which artery do you check? A. Brachial Artery B. Carotid Artery C. Femural Artery

B. Carotid Artery

Where is the Sternum located? A. Skull B. Chest C. Leg

B. Chest

Where is the xiphoid process located? A. Skull B. Chest C. Leg

B. Chest

Fingerprints, palm prints and footprints are among the most important pieces of____ to be found at most crime scenes. (P.O. 5.3.1M and 5.3.2A) A. Crime B. Evidence C. Report

B. Evidence

False reporting to law enforcement

Giving false information to police

What federal agency should you report to involving drugs? A. FBI B. DEA C. GIITEM


Describing the physical condition and location of body is important when conducting what? A. SIDS B. Death Investigation C. Lividity

B. Death Investigation

When is it appropriate to use profanity, slang, and jargon in a police report? A. Brief and concise B. direct quotations C. IR/police report

B. Direct quotations

Laboratory analysis of ______ will include fingerprinting, handwriting analysis, photography enhancement of erasures, identifying photocopied documents presented as originals and computer entered codes and data on credit cards. A. Evidence B. Documents C. Blood

B. Documents

13-102 Applicability of title

B. Double Jeopardy - Military can be charged twice. C. OJ Simpson. Can be charged both criminally and civilly

What type of burn would come from a sufficient voltage and amperage is passed through the human body, destroying tissue? A. Thermal Burn B. Electrical Burn C. Chemical Burn

B. Electrical Burn

What is a strong indicator of a building that is unsafe enter? A. Door is closed B. Placard explosive material C. Wind direction

B. Placard explosive material

Impaired blood flow to a newborn may be the result of what? A. Breech Delivery B. Prolapsed umbilical cord C. Nothing

B. Prolapsed umbilical cord

The first officer's most important task is to _____ and ______ the destruction of evidence. A. Drop and Roll B. Protect and Prevent C. Protect and Report

B. Protect and Prevent

What color is associated with the Bloods? A. Blue B. Red C. Green

B. Red

Frothy or blood-tinged mucous or vomit may be present in, or around, the nose and/or mouth is a sign of death for what? A. Ante Mortem B. SIDS C. Post Mortem


Crime scene sketches specifically show relationships concerning space and the distance of objects. A. False B. True

B. True

*What is one of the main causes of an airway obstruction?* A. Boogers B. Tongue C. Salvia

B. Tongue

True or False: Good Samaritan law does not protect officers on duty. A. False B. True

B. True

*When providing emergency care, your best defense against most infectious diseases would be to?* A. Hazmat Suit B. Wear latex or vinyl gloves C. Soap and water

B. Wear latex or vinyl gloves

When extinguishing a vehicle engine fire you should be aware of what? A. Fluid B. Wind direction C. How much of the extinguisher you should use

B. Wind direction

What is the 4th firearms safety rule?

Be aware of your target and its surroundings

Special considerations for conducting and interview with sexual assault victims

Be empathetic Be sensitive to the victim emotional needs Help the victim regain "self-control" Offer assistance to the victim through family, friends, resources.


Began in 1981 Has 17 characters



When you are kicking a suspect to make them comply, what area do you kick on the leg and what is that point called?

Below the waist in the Common Peroneal Nerve

Level A (Personal Protective Equipment)

Best protection Air tight chemical suit (own environment)

Lacks criminal element (i.e racial slurs)

Bias Incident

Disability bias

Biases against a person because of mental or physical disability

Ethnicity/national origin bias

Biases against a person because of nationality

Racial bias

Biases against a person because of race

Religious bias

Biases against a person because of religious beliefs

Sexual orientation bias

Biases against a person because of same-sex life style

Gender Bias

Biases against a person because of their gender

13-2101 (definition) Dealer in property

Buys and sells property as a business (pawn shop)

What is the most common type of low explosive used in pipe bombs?

Black powder

C. Real or Physical

Blooding knife, glove, gun, crowbar are examples of what type of evidence? A. Circumstantial B. Direct C. Real or Physical

13-105 (definitions) Vehicle

Boats, cars, buses, planes (not trains or bicycles)

13-105 (definitions) Act

Bodily movement

Be sure to take note of any tools such as ________________.

Bolt cutters

Smuggling is a crime against the


What is Subpoena Deuces Tecum (SDT) mean?

Bring evidence with you

13-502 Insanity test; burden of proof, guilty except insane verdict

Burden of proof is on defendant

13-1604 Aggravated Criminal Damage

By intentionally or recklessly defacing, damaging, tampering or changing the appearance without express permission to any building, structure, personal property, worship, educational facility, cemetery, utility, agricultural infrastructure or construction site

13-1304 Kidnapping

By knowingly restraining another person with intent. Holding victim for ransom Holding victim for involuntary servitude inflict death, physical injury, or sexual assault

*A full-size adult can hold how many liters of blood?* A. 10-12 liters B. 1-3 liters C. 5-6 liters

C. 5-6 liters

The normal circulatory rate of an adult should be between how many beats per minute? A. 150-180 B. 80-140 C. 60-100

C. 60-100

What does a cloud over a name represent? A) The head of the gang B) A member in prison C) A deceased member

C) A deceased member

In what U.S. city did we first see Hispanic gangs? A) Chicago B) Philadelphia C) Los Angeles

C) Los Angeles

Why does a gang member strive to achieve status in a gang? A) Access to money and drugs B) To get girls C) Protection, status, profit, and Because it's something they've not achieved outside the gang

C) Protection, status, profit, and Because it's something they've not achieved outside the gang

What is the percentage of the community that does not support L.E.? A. 90% B. 50% C. 10%

C. 10%

How long should you palpate an adults pulse to determine rate, volume and regularity of pulse? A. 5 min B. 1 Min C. 30 Seconds

C. 30 Seconds

Infant CPR: A. 30:2 (1 or 2 rescue) w/ 2 inches B. 30:2 (1 rescue) w/2 inches/ 15:2 (2 rescue) C. 30:2 (1 rescue w/ 1/3 depth of chest/ 15:2 (2 rescue)

C. 30:2 (1 rescue w/ 1/3 depth of chest/ 15:2 (2 rescue)

How many vertebrae are there? A. 31 B. 32 C. 33

C. 33

What is NOT a vehicle according to ARS?


*What are some resources we should identify at a scene?* A. Blood, Alcohol, drugs B. Witness, Suspect, Victim C. Bystanders, family, equipment

C. Bystanders, family, equipment

_______ - the end of the arteries where they become microscopic and the walls become very thin, allowing the exchange of food and waste to take place. This is called _______. A. Veins B. Arterties C. Capillaries, Perfusion

C. Capillaries, Perfusion

Which of the following is *NOT* a control hold? A. Arm bar B. Reverse wrist lock C. Carotid choke

C. Carotid choke

What type of burn would come from a household, automotive, or industrial source? A. Thermal Burn B. Electrical Burn C. Chemical Burn

C. Chemical Burn

*The major part of the body that moves blood is called?* A. Respiratory System B. Muscular System C. Circulatory System

C. Circulatory System

Laboratory analysis of clothing will reveal the presence of items such as blood, saliva and semen and allow for ___ testing. (P.O. 5.3.3O) A. Forensic B. Blood C. DNA


A Gunshot wound, Hanging, Poisoning, Carbon monoxide inhalation, Suffocation or physical injury, and Slashing wrists are examples of which manner of death? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Suicide D. Unknown

C. Suicide

*The proper way to open a person's Airway?* A. Jaw Thrust B. C Spine C. Head tilt chin lift

C. Head tilt chin lift

General cooling of the body, shivering, feelings of numbness are signs of what? A. Frostbite B. Sweating C. Hypothermia

C. Hypothermia

A written document containing factual information about an event is

C. IR/police report

____ damage is damage to any part of the vehicle caused by the shock of the collision. A. Contact B. Glass C. Induced

C. Induced



A deep cut or tear in skin or flesh. A. Ante Mortem B. Abrasion C. Laceration

C. Laceration

Where is the Fibia bone located? A. Skull B. Arm C. Leg

C. Leg

Where is the Tibia bone located? A. Skull B. Arm C. Leg

C. Leg

The event or force that cause injury is called? A. Impact Injury B. Secondary Injury C. Mechanism of Injury

C. Mechanism of Injury

What is the most important sign to monitor in a head injury patient? A. Physical State B. Emotional state C. Mental State

C. Mental State

You're at an accident scene I need to move a victim to safety, how should you move them? A. Seal Team Rescue B. Drag them by their feet C. One rescuer drag/POPAT drag style

C. One rescuer drag/POPAT drag style

What type of gang is associated with drug trafficking, intimidation, stolen property, *weapons offenses*, murder for hire, intimidation, etc? A. Criminal Street Gangs. B. Extremist Groups C. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG). D. Prison Gangs / Security Threat Groups (STG).

C. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG)

What are the 2 types of evidence? A. Verbal/ Physical B. Forensic/Apparent C. Testimonial/Physical

C. Testimonial/Physical

Examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death. A. Ante Mortem B. Pre Mortem C. Post Mortem

C. Post Mortem

Whatever the case may be, if an individual was involved in an incident in which the law enforcement agency became involved, there may be a ______. A. Documentation B. FI Card C. Report

C. Report

*The first step in a primary or initial assessment is to see if the patient is what?* A. Alert B. Conscious C. Responsive

C. Responsive

A patient is not responding to your voice you should tap the chest to check for? A. Heart Beat B. Breaths C. Responsiveness

C. Responsiveness

*You respond to a scene where the victim was shot in the chest, and they have a sucking chest wound, what should you do so the victim can breathe?* A. Start CPR B. Stuff the wound with gauze C. Seal the wound with 3 sides closed

C. Seal the wound with 3 sides closed

Why would someone want to join a gang? A. For the Tattoos B. Hoes & Money C. Status, Protection & Profit

C. Status, Protection & Profit

Where is the femur bone located? A. The upper arm B. Neck C. The leg

C. The leg

Why would you use informants? A. To mark their territory B. Gang Retaliation C. To help monitor gang activity in the neighborhoods

C. To help monitor gang activity in the neighborhoods

Report Writing/Documentation is ______ to all death investigations A. not necessary B. necessary C. crucial

C. crucial

On an accident diagram, measurements should be depicted as: A. 1 inch = 20 feet B. 0.70 C. feet and inches

C. feet and inches

Memorandums are used for ________________________ communication. A. Administrative B. Opinion C. Infra-deparmental

C. infra-departmental

What is the best way to get a speed estimate from skid marks? A. using dotted lines B. using straight lines C. obtain skid distance and drag factor

C. obtain skid distance and drag factor

The best way to take field notes is to write them in _____ form. A. Essay B. powerpoint C. outline

C. outline

What percent of driving is mental? A: 50% B: 80% C: 90%

C: 90%

What is the ratio of the amount of mental and physical effort it takes to drive a vehicle? A: I just drive. B: 80% physical; 20% mental C: 90% mental; 10% physical

C: 90% mental; 10% physical

Who does it effect when an officer anywhere acts in an unethical manner? A) The state in which the officer works B) Only the agency the officer works for C) All officers everywhere

C: All officers everywhere

In order for Law Enforcement to Maintain order, prevent crime, and educate the community they must do what? A. Maintain professionalism B. Increased enforcement C. Community Service

C: Community Service

What ability does fatigue most likely affect? A: Vision B: Vehicle Control C: Decision/Reaction Time

C: Decision/Reaction Time

Officer Cox responds to a burglary suspect being chased. Upon arrival the male suspect runs at Officer Cox in her police cruiser with a firearm, what should she do? A: Bail out/ Abandon the vehicle B: Fire back through the windshield C: Drive through or over threat

C: Drive through or over threat

If a suspect turns on to a gravel road, what does this affect? A: Weather Conditions B: Physical Conditions C: Driving Conditions

C: Driving Conditions

What is a True Apex? A: Hugging the inside at the entry of the turn. B: Hugging the inside at the exit of the turn. C: Hugging the inside at the middle of the turn. (This is the fastest, like a race car uses)

C: Hugging the inside at the middle of the turn. (This is the fastest, like a race car uses)

A recent graduate from the academy, had little patience and felt peer pressure to get to calls first. While in route to a low priority call he violated the 2-4-12 rule and got into an accident. This was most likely caused by? A: Poor driving technique B: Inexperience C: Impatience

C: Impatience

Relies on meaning and casual relationships or possibilities beyond what the conscious mind sees, what is this called? A. Thinking B. Feeling C. Intuition

C: Intuition

An officer spent the day in court then had to work the night shift. During a pursuit he failed to observe the suspect brake and rear ended the suspect, what contributed to this? A: Preoccupation B: Impatience C: Longer perception time due to fatigue

C: Longer perception time due to fatigue

What should always remain the same no matter the conditions? A: Driver Reaction Time B: Passenger Reaction Time C: Perception/reaction time

C: Perception/reaction time

Common negative stereotypes of law enforcement are all of these EXCEPT? A. Unethical B. Overweight and out of shape C. Pessimistic

C: Pessimistic

An officer is arguing with their spouse on the phone while responding to a call. This is an example of what? A: Impatience B: Fatigue C: Preoccupation

C: Preoccupation

If the speed of a vehicle doubles, what does the stopping distance do? A: Doubles B: Triples C: Quadruples

C: Quadruples

While driving on a wet street, what factor stays the same? A: Speed of vehicle B: Vehicle Control C: Reaction Time

C: Reaction Time

what do the numbers 13 and 14 show affiliation to?

California or Arizona prison gangs

What do you call the second paragraph of a report?

Call Details

A. Yes

Can ATTC be used for misdemeanor criminal violations (non-traffic: shoplifting, disorderly conduct, theft) A. Yes B. No

B. Yes

Can a traffic citation be used for both State and City Codes? A. No B. Yes

U.S Customs / FBI / DEA

Can be recognized as peace officers by Arizona after petitioning the sheriff in the affected county for certification.

Secured Party

Can repo property (items as collateral if payment is not met)

No, ask them to take the documents out of the wallet

Can you take the violators wallet if they hand it to you?

A. No, it is not admissible in court

Can you use a PBT (preliminary breath testing) as PC? A. No B. Yes

Smoke inhalation

Carbon monoxide has 210 times more affinity for hemoglobin then oxygen

Executive Branch

Carries out and enforce laws President and Cabinet

Where does it say police officers can't be charged with disorderly conduct?

Case law - disorderly conduct

What is a blade or Track?

Centralized area where prostitutes primarily walk

Physical Warning signs

Headaches, digestive disorders, hypertension, low back pain, arthritis

A. validity and authenticity

Check both the ______ and ______ of the violator's driver's license. A. validity and authenticity B. Name and date of birth C. validity and name

Level C (Personal Protective Equipment)

Chemical suit, gas mask

Level B (Personal Protective Equipment)

Chemical suit/Air tank

ARS 13-3212

Child Prostitution

Cite and Release in lieu of arrest

Cite-and-release refers to issuing a citation to appear on a future date instead of having to take a suspect into immediate physical custody. This procedure is often used for minor violations. Must be dated at least 5 to 30 days to show up in court.

42 USC 1983

Civil Sanctions

- speeding - Illegal turns

Civil Violation

21-28 days

Civil citation will have court appearance:

What classification of offense is intentionally selling Narcotic Drugs?

Class 2 felony

What classification of offense is intentionally selling dangerous drugs

Class 2 felony

What classification of offense is possession of Narcotic drugs?

Class 4 felony

What classification of offense is possession of dangerous drugs?

Class 4 felony

What are the 4 classes of Fire?

Class A: Ordinary Combustibles Class B: Flammable Liquids Class C: Electrical Class D: Combustible Metals

When utilizing citizens for traffic control, you should assess their reliability and then give them what?

Clear and basic instructions

1 of only 2 drugs that produce "reverse tolerance" or "drug sensitization"


When identifying a NFPA hazard sign, what color does *Blue* stand for?


Superior Court

Concurrent jurisdiction on most misdemeanors, original on felonies Appeals court for city and JP County Probation programs Handles civil litigation where damages sought are above $5000 Handles juvenile court and family law matters

Someone who gives information and their identity is concealed by the police

Confidential informant

13-2501 (definition) Correctional Facility

Confinement or control of person 1. charged with or convicted of crime 2. held for extradition 3. pursuant to an order of the court for law enforcement

13-1303 Unlawful imprisonment

Confining a person against their will and in violation of the law Class 6 felony

Role of Law Enforcement

Conflict resolution (Problem Solving)

Tension building

Conflicts occur regularly, stress levels are high and communication is cut off. The victim tries to smooth things over, is compliant, tries to stay out of the way and attempts to anticipate the abuser's whims. The abuser becomes more controlling; jealousy (insecurity) is often prevalent.

What is considered appropriate body language techniques when interacting with Children?

Consideration/empathy or sit/kneel to get to their level

Identify who may repossess property

Constable or Sheriff Officer

Week before trial find a witness

Contact prosecutor

People communication on (2) levels

Content and Emotion

When verdict read you should

Control action

13-904 Suspension of civil rights and occupational disabilities

Conviction of felony suspends civil rights 1. The right to vote 2. The right to hold public office or trust or profit 3. The right to serve as a juror 4. During imprisonment, their rights to privacy are taken away (4th amendment) 5. The right to possess a gun or firearm Can work with felony as long as their conviction doesn't have a reasonable relationship to the function of the job.

What is a placard sign with *white/black with a product being poured on metal/hand* and what type of hazardous material would it be?


Federal Law Enforcement

Covers only Federal Statues

13-105 (definitions) Serious Physical Injury

Creates reasonable risk of impairment, disfigurement or death (i.e. broken arm, collapsed lung, broken eye socket, broken nose)

Jake has a very nice 2019 White Dodge Ram with huge expensive tires costing $400 a piece. Jake's ex-girlfriend Michelle gets really jealous that Jake is seeing another girl and decides to slash all four tires to his truck so he can not drive to see his new girlfriend. What would Michelle be charged with? Would classification of offense would she be charged with?

Criminal damage; felony (1k+ in damages)

18 U.S.C 241

Criminal sanctions Punishment ranges from fine/imprisonment

What are the two requirements before miranda be read?

Custody and Interrogation

Analysis: Verification of data

Data collection or search for root cause


Hearing where juvenile is *found guilty*

Gonzalez took six PCP pills and wanted to drive to Mexico. Later, police find Gonzalez dead in the back seat of the vehicle but no blood or injuries. What type of death occurred? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Accidental D. Pended

D. Pended- need examination to find cause of death

What type of gang is associated with drug trafficking, *extortion*, inter-gang violence, murder for hire, stolen property, etc? A. Criminal Street Gangs. B. Extremist Groups C. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG). D. Prison Gangs / Security Threat Groups (STG).

D. Prison Gangs / Security Threat Groups (STG).

Emily slashed her wrist but was able to be rushed to the hospital and be stabilized. What manner of death was Emily attempting to perform? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Accidental D. Suicide

D. Suicide

Found dead, No sign of foul play, No sign of natural death, and No doctor to sign are examples of which manner of death? A. Natural B. Homicide C. Suicide D. Unknown

D. Unknown

L.E. influence county, and the values in the community EXCEPT by doing?

Daily patrol breifings

What is a placard sign with *Blue* and what type of hazardous material would it be?

Dangerous When Wet

An investigative ________ may last as long as necessary to effectuate the purpose of the stop.


*What does AVPU stand for?*

Determines responsiveness: *Alert* - to person, place and time. *Verbal* - responds when spoken to or shouted at. *Painful* - responds to painful stimuli such as a sternal rub. *Unresponsive* - does not respond to any stimuli.

B. Relevant and Have Probative Value

Determining evidence to be admitted into court evidence must be: A. Accurate and True B. Relevant and Have Probative Value C. Relevant and Accurate

Response: Action taken

Develop long term, creative, customized solution for the problem


Direct contact

What is a Radiological Dispersal Device?

Dirty bomb Conventional explosive or IED containing radioactive material

1. use is dependent on wind direction 2. risk of exposing innocent by standards 3. risk of injury from launched canisters 4. Requires use of personal protection equipment. 5. Decontamination may be difficult.

Disadvantage for use of chemical agents:

Reducing police conflicts and law suits are examples of

Diversity of the community

A. Phase 1 vehicle in motion

Divided attention concept: "The ability of a person to perform two (2) or more tasks at the same time." A. Phase 1 vehicle in motion B. Phase 2 Personal Contact C. Phase 3 Pre-arrest screening

1. Stand behind the driver's/passenger's door post 2. Flashlight to follow all movements of the violator (verbal control the violator's movements) 3. Check front seat, floorboard, dash etc 4. Be constantly aware of drivers door 5. If appropriate have them shut off the vehicle 6. Ask for driver's license, registration, and insurance 7. If they hand you their wallet do not accept it and give them further instructions 8. Ask them if they know why they were stopped 9. Let them commit to the reason for the violation 10. Look at the license to verify it is the same person 11. Tell them to stay in the vehicle

Driver Contact:

issues of privacy

Driveways, front yards, windows, neighbor's property, aerial view, flashlight, FLIR (inferred heat signatures)

What are the two of the main functions in the 14th amendment to the us constitution?

Due process Equal protection of the law


During a riot/crowd control, we do not want to ___.

B. Dying Declaration

Hearsay Exceptions: Statement under belief of impending death. A. Statements against interests B. Dying Declaration

1. To drive or be in actual physical control of any vehicle 2. Within this state 3. Under the influence of intoxicating liquor, drugs, toxic vapors, or any combination

Elements of ARS 28-1381A.1 (slightest degree 0.05-0.079)

tens of thousands

Each year, ____ of ____ of people die in traffic collisions.

Property crimes are generally crimes of opportunity due to?

Easy access, valuables in plain site, unoccupied homes

burning eyes, tears, coughing and tightening of the chest and lasts 20-30 minutes

Effects of C.S. gas:

Rim locks have: (PO 6.4.4)

Either horizontal or vertical dead bolts, mounts on the surface of the door.

Class C: Electrical Fire

Electrocution Flash Burn

Imminent and present danger is needed to be present in what?

Emergency Orders of Protection ARS 13-3624

Two types of pick up orders

Emergent Danger to self Danger to others Signs and symptoms of mental illness Non-Emergent *Gravely Disabled*

Bias crimes have a higher degree of

Emotional and physical trauma to victims

As officers, what must we be able to control when dealing with a high stress situation?

Emotional involvement

When it comes to showing empathy or sympathy, which one should an officer show toward a victim?


1. Provide the driver with a mail in envelope and violation card 2. Explain the alternatives for resolving the citation 2a. Pay the fine 2b. Contest the citation in court 2c. Attend Traffic School (civil moving violations only) 3. Obtain Driver Signature

Ending the Contact:

Local Law Enforcement

Enforce state statues and local city ordinances City police, airport police, park police

Tribal Law Enforcement

Enforce tribal, state and federal statues

State Law Enforcement

Enforces only state statues

County Law Enforcement

Enforces state statues and county ordinances

The best way to gain support from the community is to:

Enhance police / communication relations


Entry may be made if the officer has probable cause to believe an emergency exists. The emergency cannot be created by the officer for purposes of making entry.

14th Amendment

Equal protection of the laws Used to stop "separate, but equal" provisions of schools and government Applies Constitution to states Basis for lawsuits against local LE

13-2504 Escape 1st Degree

Escapes from custody or a detention center facility by the use of force, threat of force, or deadly weapon against another person.

Three branches of government

Executive, Legislative, Judicial

One use of a police report is an officer's what?

Evaluation of that event

A. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

Evidence which flows from illegally obtained evidence may not be used at trial (another exclusionary rule doctrine) is: A. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree B. Exclusionary Rule C. Willits Instruction (Az vs Willits)

When arriving on scene to a possible homicide what is the first thing an officer should do?

Examine body for signs of life (verify death) Cold to touch No pulse/heartbeat No breathing Eyes fixed, crusty, cloudy Presence of rigor mortis animal/insect activity

C. Record Recollection

Exceptions to Hearsay: A letter about the details of a commercial transaction written by one (1) party to the other; the recipient (adverse party) could have it received into evidence, but the author will not be able to get it admitted over the recipient's objection. A. Present Sense Impression B. Excited Utterance C. Record Recollection

A. Present Sense Impression

Exceptions to Hearsay: Statement describing or explaining an event or condition made while the person was perceiving the event or condition, or immediately after. A. Present Sense Impression B. Excited Utterance C. RecordedRecollection

B. Excited Utterance

Exceptions to Hearsay: Statement relating to a startling event or condition made while the person was under the stress of excitement caused by the event or condition. A. Present Sense Impression B. Excited Utterance C. Recorded Recollection

What rule excludes evidence?

Exclusionary Rule

When you find a clandestine lab, what is the first step?

Exit immediately and secure the scene

When identifying a NFPA hazard sign, what color does *Red* stand for?


What is a placard sign with *White & red stripes* and what type of hazardous material would it be?

Flammable Solid

What is a placard sign with *solid red* and what type of hazardous material would it be?

Flammable and Combustable Liquid

Most commonly transported class of hazardous materials in the United States

Flammable and combustible liquids.

Total burning

Flash Burning

Proper care for a chemical burn should include what?

Flushing the area with water for no less than 5 minutes

30 seconds

For One Leg Stand, how long should the person hold their foot up?

1. juvenile can not give consent for breath/blood. 2. parents consent or search warrant is needed for blood/breath 3. release to parent 4. obtain medical release to book 5. advise parent juvenile should be examined by doctor 6. Cite under the guidelines for court.

For a juvenile DUI suspect:

A. 3

For every DUI violator arrested ____ others are contacted face-to-face but released without arrest. A. 3 B. 8 C. 4

13-105 (definitions) Deadly physical force

Force that is used for purpose of causing death

13-105 (definitions) physical force

Force used upon or directed toward the body of another person (includes punching, kicking, confinement)

Means of control

Force, Fraud, Coercion

Trafficking involves the exploitation of the victim either through _______ commercial sex or _______.

Forced ; Labor

A. Statements against interests

Hearsay Exceptions: Statement which, at the time it is made, is so contrary to the interests of the person making the statement, that a reasonable person would not have made the statement unless believing it to be true. A. Statements against interests B. Dying Declaration

14th Amendment

Guarantees due process and equal protection of the laws to all persons

What is the most important principle for conducting a safe and effective search?

Handcuff first and search second

Arizona Court of Appeals

Handles appeals for superior court No original jurisdiction Looks at transcripts and arguments from previous trial

U.S. Court of Appeals

Handles appeals from district courts, has no original jurisdiction Looks at transcripts and arguments from previous trial

THC content ranges from 5% to 12% (makes it stronger than marijuana)

Hash (smoked)

THC content is 20% to 65%. Extremely potent. (1 Drop can produce high)

Hash Oil

Who lifts foot prints from a crime scene? A. EDPL B. you the Officer C. Forensic Scientist

Have the trained technician lift a footprint using the A. EDPL (Electrostatic Dust Print Lifter).

What drug in the opiate family has NO legitimate use in the U.S.A.?


Explosives are divided into two classes:

High and Low

Hyperglycemia symptoms:

High blood glucose Frequent urination Increased thirst Blurred vision

Arizona Supreme Court

Highest appellate jurisdiction in the state Original jurisdiction over disputes between counties Same appeal process as court of appeals

Trafficking victims have higher ____ of physical and/or _____ abuse, risky behavior, and limited life ______ or education increasing their susceptibility to traffickers.

History ; sexual ; skills

What is the Locard's Principal? (PO 5.1.5A)

Holds that the perpetrator of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with something from it

Where should your weapon be when apprehending a suspect?


What are the principles of effective presentation of a testimony?

Honesty, Brevity, Clairity, Objectivity, Emotional control

involuntary jerking of the eyes occurring as the eyes move toward the side *most reliable NHTSA (88% accuracy)*

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN)


Hospitalization (voluntary or involuntary) Arrest Intervention

13-1502 Criminal Trespass 3rd degree

Knowingly enters or remains unlawfully on or upon premises (plot of land)

C. 12 months or 2 years if the suspect has a prior Implied Consent Refusal on their record within the past 84 months.

How long will will someones DL be suspended if they refuse to submit to a test to determine alcohol concentration ( Admin Per Se)? A. no less then 90 days. B. 12 months C. 12 months or 2 years if has prior

no less then 90 days.

How long will will someones DL be suspended if they submit to a test to determine alcohol concentration (Admin Per Se) , and has an alcohol concentration of .08 or more? A. no less then 90 days. B. no less then 120 days C. no less then 365 days

*8 total* 1. Cant balance during instructions 2. Starts too soon 3. Stops while walking 4. Doesn't touch heel to toe (more than 1/2 inch) 5. Steps off line 6. Uses arms to balance (more than 6 inches) 7. Improper turn (loses balance on turn) 8 Wrong number of steps

How many cues are there for walk and turn?

4 or more clues indicates BAC above 0.08% *88% accurate* (3 in each eye/ always equal)

How many cues of the 6 for Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) are needed indicate their BAC?

Scanning: Problem Identification

How we learn about the pattern or persistent problems

13-105 (definitions) Person

Human being

indoor/outdoor growing of marijuana (typically dark closets, sheds, rooms in a home, backyard)



Ideally within 150 - 180 days of indictment or complaint


Ideally within 150-180 days of indictment or complaint. Evidence is presented to a jury/judge to determine whether defendant is guilty or not

B. ARS 28-1381A.2

If a person has an alcohol concentration of *0.08 or more within two hours of driving* or being in actual physical control of the vehicle and the alcohol concentration results from alcohol consumed either before or while driving or being in actual physical control of the vehicle. A. ARS 28-1381A.1 B. ARS 28-1381A.2 C. ARS 28-1381A.3 D. ARS 28-1381A.4

A. 90

If a suspect who has submitted to a test to determine alcohol concentration has an alcohol concentration of 0.08 during that certified test, their driver's license privilege will be suspended for not less than ____ days. A. 90 B. 120 C. 365

C. Refused

If a violator refuses to sign a civil citation, write ____ on the defendant signature line and give to the violator. A. N/A B. None C. Refused

B. inadmissible, not competent

If a witness/evidence has been ruled by judge to be relevant but not be competent. Is this evidence/witness admissible or inadmissible? A. admissible, its relevant B. inadmissible, not competent C. I don't know, I am going to fail.

1. Attack by occupant(s) 2. Destruction or concealment of evidence 3. Escape of occupant(s).

If an officer fails to closely watch the movements of the occupant(s) in a vehicle before, and during, the vehicle stop what may occur?

13-1413 Capacity of a minor sexual assault victim to consent of medical examination

If not possible to contact parents or legal guardian, child must be aged 12 before allowing consent of examination

What is the purpose of using a breakfall?

If pushed to the ground you can still function tactically

Filing a complaint

If the arrest was made without a warrant, the complaint must be filed within 48 hours of the initial appearance.

A. A.R.S. 28-1388E * a person who fails to comply is guilty of class 1 misdemeanor*

If the hospital conducted a medical draw prior to arrival, you are entitled to that sample under: (P .O.4.1.13) A. A.R.S. 28-1388E B. A.R.S. 28-1384A C. A.R.S. 13-3401

C. Willits Instruction (Az vs Willits)

If the state destroys or loses evidence in a criminal case, the defense is entitled to have a jury instruction that tells the jury that the evidence may be considered favorable to the defense is? A. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree B. Exclusionary Rule C. Willits Instruction (Az vs Willits)

D. ARS 28-1381A.4

If the vehicle is a commercial motor vehicle and the person has an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or more. A. ARS 28-1381A.1 B. ARS 28-1381A.2 C. ARS 28-1381A.3 D. ARS 28-1381A.4

Vapors travel along ground to what?

Ignition source

If suspect invokes their right to silence, what must an officer do?

Immediately stop interrogating

1 in 7

In a special study of drivers leaving bars between 9pm and 2am on Friday and Saturday nights ___ in ____ had a BAC of 0.10 or more.


In PHOENIX who provides overwatch for crowd control teams?

Adult Diversion

In some cases, adults can be diverted from the criminal process into programs that involve treatment and/or restitution.

13-1904 Armed Robbery

In the course of committing robbery, person or accomplice is armed with deadly or simulated deadly weapon (More than mere words) or threatens to use deadly weapon or dangerous instrument or simulated deadly weapon Class 2 felony

13-1903 Aggravated Robbery

In the course of committing robbery, such person is aided by one or more accomplices actually present Class 3 felony

13-3101 (definition) Prohibited weapon

Includes the following: (i) bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant, explosive, incendiary or poison gas (ii) Silencer (iii) Auto weapons (iv) A rifle with a barrel length of less than sixteen inches, or shotgun with a barrel of less than eighteen inches or any weapon that has an overall length of twenty-six inches (v) nunchaku (vi) breakable container with flammable liquid (vii) A chemical or combination of chemicals (dry ice) (viii) IED


Introduce problem solving

What is an IL?

Investigative Lead- persons who may have knowledge of the crime or who may be able to provide additional information.

B. no

Is a medical marijuana card a free pass on DUI? A. yes B. no

Search Warrant

Is an order, in writing issued in the name of the state, signed by a magistrate commanding a peace officer to search for personal property, person or items

B. Yes, illegal ARS 4-251A.1

Is consumption of liquor while operating or riding in a vehicle legal or illegal? What is the ARS code? A. Yes, illegal ARS 28-1381A.1 (slightest degree) B. Yes, illegal ARS 4-251A.1 (open container of spiritous liquor) C. No, legal ARS 4-244.34 (under 21 age drinking)

C. Hearsay exception- admissible

Is public records hearsay or an hearsay exception? A. Hearsay- inadmissible B. Neither C. Hearsay exception- admissible

yes, and diverting crowds attention.

Is removing the leader and trouble makers from the crowd tactically sound to control the crowd?

A. Exception under Rule 804- admissible

Is statement against interest admissible or inadmissible A. Exception under Rule 804- admissible B. Neither C. Hearsay- inadmissible

B. No, Spirit of the law

Is the officer OBLIGATED to give the husband speeding while driving his pregnant wife to the hospital because birth is imminent a citation? A. Yes, Letter of the law. B. No, Spirit of the law

B. yes except for compensation or restitution information.

Is there a Crime Victim Advocate/ victims privilege? A. No need all information for compensation B. yes except for compensation or restitution information. C. hmmm. i like cheese

B. No

Is there a parent/ child privilege? A. yes B. No C. Depends

A. yes

Is there a patient/ client privilege? A. yes B. No C. Depends

What will happen if you strike a pressure point?

It can render a nerve temporarily inoperable

How does the law enforcement intelligence unit (LEIU) assist in the investigation of organized crime?

It is an association of participating law enforcement agencies and provided intelligence resources

What is the Emergency Response Book (ERG) designed for?

It is designed for incidents involving dangerous goods/hazardous materials

the identity of the driver

It is important to know what to file a ATTC?

B. False

It is not important to ensure that the violator is issued a legal copy of the citation. A. True B. False

How does the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) assist in the investigation of organized crime?

It is the largest devision of the FBI and includes 1. NCIC-National crime information center 2. UCR- Uniform crime reporting 3. IAFIS- Integrated automated fingerprint identification system 4. NIBRS- National incident-based reporting system

Why do we never mess with crystalized dynamite?

It's very fragile and highly explosive. Always have bomb squad handle

Special considerations for conducting interview with victim of child molestation

Maintain a non-threatening posture/tone of voice Avoid the use of leading questions Assess the need for specialized assistance (specialized unit) Avoid actions that could lead to feelings of self-blame Be sensitive to the emotional needs of the child Assess the need to place the child in protective custody

Sheriff's office

Maintains a file of all petitions served and the results of service

Judicial Branch

Make judgments, decisions and interpretations concerning the law, policies and decisions of the executive and legislative branches.

Assessed a tax to doctors, vets, and dentists for usage for medical purposes

Marijuana Tax Act 1937

Prescribed drug with THC


Field test for methamphetamine/heroin

Marquis Reagent

Custody + Questions (interrogation/interview)


When must "Miranda" warnings be given?

Miranda warnings are only required during custodial interrogations. Suspect must be in custody

What may you be charged with if you are caught with a gun and have intent to distribute drugs?

Misconduct of a firearm

You have criminal damage that is $999.99. Is this a misdemeanor or felony?

Misdemeanor (Less than 1k)

13-105 (definitions) Crime

Misdemeanor or Felony

Reasonable Suspicion (RS)

More than a hunch and less than probable cause. Articulable reasons to suspect that criminal activity is ongoing and that the person stopped is involved in that criminal activity

When must search warrants be confirmed?

Must be confirmed prior to serving.

When must a search warrant be executed?

Must be executed within 5 days of warrant being issued

13-201 Requirements for criminal liability

Must be physically capable of performing the crime

13-1204 Aggravated Assault

Must have Assault first A person that inflicts serious injury upon another person or uses a deadly weapon

Friends home

Must have a warrant granting the authority to enter a home or until consent from home owner is given

When must you leave a receipt for property?

Must leave a property receipt where item(s) were taken from

If a person invokes their right to silence, then later decides they want to talk, what should the officer do next?

Must reread miranda rights

Where can you find orders of protection or injunctions?

NCIC (National Crime Information Center)

foreign consuls

NOT cloaked with diplomatic immunity

According to ARS 28-663, the driver shall give what?

Name Address Registration number Render assistance if needed Show DL on request


National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

What does NFPA stand for?

National Fire Protection Association

A concept based on the fact that criminals do not want to be observed committing crimes, would be

Natural Surveillance

1/2 (one half)

Nearly ____ of all fatal crashes involve drinking drivers.

13-204 Effect of Ignorance or mistake upon criminal liability

Negates culpable mental state and does not relieve a person of criminal liability

When doing an intersection control what is a safe location to conduct direction from?

Neutral zone. ---That place where debris is visible.

_____ discuss the case with any juror.


Can you cite and release a domestic violence call?

Never, you *shall always make an arrest*

When are Federal employees immune?

Never. NO immunity for traffic offenses

Which state started the state police force in 1857?

New York

Should an officer's notes be submitted with a report? Yes or NO


When someone says "I will not talk to you" after reading miranda rights, can you continue to question them?


No Bail

No bail occurs when someone commits a capital offense or when a person with a felony commits additional or second felony.

13-103 Common law offenses

No common law in AZ

What is 5th and 6th amendment combined?

No person may be compelled or required to testify against themselves

Miranda v. Arizona

No person shall be compelled to testify against themselves and must read miranda rights prior to detaining them. Failure to read miranda could lead to exclusion of statements.

Good notes/reports are clear, complete and are always ___________.


What are the ONE on ONE Identification procedures?

Obtain and record a description of the suspect from the witness before a show up; distinguishing characteristics, such as scars, moles, tattoos are especially important. *Avoid handcuffing* *Transport the witness to the suspect, if possible* *Do NOT make any suggestions or "lead" the witness in any way*

Responsibilities of a field officer upon responding to alleged sexual assault

Obtaining complete and accurate suspect information Dealing with the victim's trauma Preserving the scene Requesting appropriate assistance (investigative)

2 or more clues indicates BAC above 0.08% (*83% accuracy)

Of the 4 cues of the One Leg Stand test, how many do you need to indicate their BAC?

2 or more clues indicates BAC above 0.08% (*79% accuracy)

Of the 8 cues of the walk and turn test, how many do you need to indicate their BAC?

1. Maintain Professionalism 2. Use positive interpersonal skills with the violator 3. Exhibit command presence 4. Control Emotions (do not write "attitude" tickets)

Officer Demeanor includes:

1. Written on the enforcement copy 2. notes are accessible by subpoena 3. Keep your notes professional 4. Note the statements of the violator 5. Note traffic conditions 6. Notes aid you in court six months later

Officer Notes on Tickets:


Officer discretion on whether to ticket or not

13-104 Rule of Construction

Officer discretion. Spirit of the law vs. letter of the law

Probable cause (PC) to arrest

Officer is in possession of sufficient facts and circumstances believe that a crime has been committed and defendant was known to have committed crime.

- Recognize and interpret DUI evidence -Describe the evidence clearly and convincingly

Officer must be able to:

C. 2 Hours

Officer only have how many hours to do a DUI investigation? (from the time of stop and time of blood/breathe) A. 4 Hours B. 20 min C. 2 Hours

What is number one thing all officers should consider first when dealing with any suspect/victim?

Officer safety

What should the officers first concern be?

Officer safety

Initial Response

Officers need to be empathetic and sensitive to the victim emotional needs and trauma endured. Attempt to assist the victim in regaining control Preserve the crime scene and any evidence present Request appropriate assistance to include, medical, investigative, CSTs, advocacy, etc.

One ore more vehicles must be in what to be considered a motor vehicle traffic collision?

One or more vehicle must be in transport

How many times can a person request for police to do a civil stand by to pick up their items?

One time

What cases go to trial?

Only close criminal cases

ARS 13-3209



Part of the management process and refers to act of overseeing people

Terry Frisk of Vehicle

Passenger compartment (NOT Trunk)

13-1305 Access Interference

Pattern of behavior Frustrated Court order

what is the best way to communicate with a hearing impaired person

Pen and paper

a. What do you see? b. What do you hear? c. What do you smell? d. Odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the interior of vehicle. e. "Cover up" odors (i.e., cigarettes or gum). Other odors (i.e., burnt marijuana, paint, air fresheners, etc.). f. Alcoholic beverage containers in vehicle, empty or not. g. Dexterity problems. h. Statements. i. Unconsciousness. j. Indicators of alcohol intoxication:

Phase 2: Personal Contact Suspect sitting in vehicle - things to look for and note:

1. Drinking (when.where. what) 2. Medication/drugs 3. Physical problems/disabilities 4. Education 5. Employed/type of job

Phase three: Pre-arrest screening. Preliminary Questions

B. Documentary

Phone records or bank statements, certified copy of MVD record showing a driver's license suspension. What type of evidence is this? A. Testimonial B. Documentary C. Demonstrative

Where would you search for information to help identify drugs?

Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)

How would you describe C4?


What is a placard sign with *White with skull/crossbones* and what type of hazardous material would it be?


A. ARS 4-251A.2

Possession of open container or liquor within the passenger compartment is what ARS code? A. ARS 4-251A.2 B. ARS 4-251A.1 C. ARS 4-244.34

what move should you use if someone is trying to tackle you?

Power shield.

Two types of aggression

Predatory - Conquest Defensive - Escape

What type of drug investigation is usually dispatched as forgery, but isn't a forgery by definition?

Prescription fraud investigations

1. *0.05 or less*, "it may be presumed that the defendant *was not under the influence* of intoxicating liquor." 2. *.05 to .08*, such fact shall not give rise to any presumption that the defendant *was, or was not, under the influence* of intoxicating liquor. 3. *0.08 or more*, "it may be presumed that the defendant *was under the influence* of intoxicating liquor."

Presumptive levels relating to alcohol concentrations A.R.S. §28-1381(G): (PO 4.1.3)

Peelian Reform

Prevent Crime without the use of repressive force and avoid military intervention. Manage public order non-violently and use force to obtain compliance as a last resort. Minimize and reduce conflict between police and the public. Demonstrate efficiency by the absence of crime rather than by visible police actions.

13-1601 (definition) Property of another

Property of anyone other than the suspect who has a possessory interest in the property

ARS 13-3214


What is the primary job of Police when responding to a hazmat situation?

Protect life and property

You intentionally park your patrol vehicle across multiple lanes, what are you doing and what is your vehicle being used for?

Protecting the scene and a physical barrier

8th Amendment

Protection against excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment

Freedom of Religion

Protects the right to choose a religion or be free from religion

Supervisor to officer

Provide training, guidance/direction to the officer. It's not supervisors job to do the officers responsibilities

The skeletal/muscle system include:

Provides body movement. 1. Ligaments - attach bone to bone. 2. Tendons - attach muscle to bone. 3. Muscles - pull to create movement.

13-101 Purpose

Purpose to outline laws, sentences and conduct. Must have completed 85% of sentence to be eligible for parole

Preventing the introduction of evidence: 1.*irrelevant or unreliable*. 2. *unfairly prejudicial*. 3. *unduly time consuming to present.*

Purposes of Evidentiary Rules (P.O. 2.4.2)

Referral Services

Referral services in AZ that may be used lieu of arrest

Protected classes

Race, religion, ethnicity, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, gender

An anglo/white male is walking past a group of Hispanic males. The Hispanic males threatened anglo/white male along with shouting racial slurs. You have established the crime of threats motivated by anti:


What is the term used when someone commits homicide, robbery, kidnapping etc. if committed for financial gain?


What is a placard sign with *Yellow/white with Trifoil* and what type of hazardous material would it be?


Cocaine can cause

Rat nose

RPM formula

Rationalize Project Minimize

When identifying a NFPA hazard sign, what color does *Yellow* stand for?


13-1501 (definitions) Fenced Residential yard

Real property that immediately surrounds or adjacent to a residential structure that is enclosed by a fence, wall, building or similar barrier

The key legal words in an officer's use of deadly force are?

Reasonable and Necessary

Pat down (Frisk) / Terry Frisk

Reasonable suspicion + armed and dangerous


Reasonable suspicion, flight risk, dangerous person, or officer safety

Investigative Detention / Terry v. Ohio

Reasonable suspicion. May detain until investigation is complete

ARS 13-3204

Receiving earnings of prostitute

13-1702 Reckless Burning

Recklessly causing a fire or explosion which results in damage to an occupied structure, structure or wildland property.

13-1103 Manslaughter

Recklessly causing the death of another person Class 2 Felony

13-1602 Criminal Damage

Recklessly defacing, damaging or tampering with the property of another person intentionally tampering with utility property

13-1201 Endangerment

Recklessly endangering another person with substantial risk of imminent death or physical injury Class 1 misdemeanor, unless risk of imminent death, then it is class 6 felony.

Develop Rapport

Relationship for working together

primary responsibility

Rending first aid, evacuating and establishing scene

A.R.S. 11-593 states what?

Reporting of certain deaths; failure to report

Patient motivation

Request specific information "Are you hearing voices other than mine right now?" "Are you frightened of something?"

What is the responsibility/requirement of the police officer?

Required to complete and distribute the Victims' Rights form to victims.

What classifies as a nighttime search?

Requires good cause (10:00pm to 6:30am)

A. ARS 28-1385

Requires the administrative suspension of driving privileges. (Admin Per Se) A. ARS 28-1385 B. ARS 13-3401 C. ARS 28-1841

1. Keep an eye on the violator 2. Check oncoming traffic quickly 3. Cross between the two vehicles quickly, keeping your eye on the violator 4. *Never stand in between the two vehicles:* - go to your right front passenger door (if using the MDT sit in the passenger seat with the door open and your right foot on the door)

Returning to the patrol car:

What does the 6th amendment guarantee?

Right to a fair, speedy trial and the right to an attorney

7th Amendment

Right to a trial by jury in civil cases

Freedom of Assembly

Right to assemble in a public form. Government has the right to regulate time, place and manner

6th Amendment

Right to be told charges when arrested and right to speedy and public trial

2nd Amendment

Right to bear arms

What is the 5th and 14th amendment combined?

Right to due process before being deprived of life, liberty and property

9th Amendement

Rights that are not guaranteed 1. Marriage 2. Child rearing/education 3. Procreation 4. Abortion 5. Travel 6. Associate with others 7. Professional choice

What is the chemical changes in the muscles that cause the limbs to stiffen after death?

Rigor Mortis

You walk into a home and see a (verified dead) man looking like he froze while doing the robot. What could you say has set in?

Rigor mortis



Flammable, combustible liquid cargo tanks are thin skinned (older models, steel and most currently, aluminum) and have a ______ or ______ shape.

Round; oval shape

Compressed gas tanks typically are thick skinned and have _______ ends.

Rounded (similar to thermos bottle)

A. Misdemeanor

SUPER Extreme DUI is a felony or misdemeanor for ARS 28-1382A.2 ? A. Misdemeanor B. Felony

A. 0.20 or more

SUPER Extreme DUI is between _____ -_____. A. 0.20 or more B. 0.15-0.19 C. 0.08-0.15

Direct Source of DNA

Saliva, blood, semen, spit, etc

13-709 Offenses committed in school safety zone

Same classification for Felony is the same, just add one year for being in a safety zone

No child shall be held in detention for more than 24 hours, excluding...

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays

When a situation involves the military, what should be considered about the scene?

Scene should always be bigger

Retention of Property

Seized property shall be retained by the seizing agency during criminal investigation

Field test used for cocaine

Scott Reagent



Incident to arrest

Search and arrest must be contemporaneous The term "contemporaneous" refers to actions occurring during the same time frame, but not simultaneous.

Where is the best possible place and position to give a person a death notification?

Seated, in a private indoor location


Security or sum of money used as a security deposit to ensure that an accused person returns for his or her trial.

What does the 5th amendment protect?

Self incrimination and double jeopardy

-Approach with caution -Thoroughly explain: 1. law violated 2. hazards created by the driver's actions 3. Reason for giving the citation 4. Importance for observing the traffic law 5. Court procedures, date, time and location of court

Selling the Citation:

13-105 (definitions) Felony

Sentence to term of imprisonment (prison) to the state department of corrections

When is it appropriate to inform person they are under arrest?

Should tell person they are arrested when it happens unless it imperils arrest

When transporting juveniles, they must be kept separate from adults by _______ and ________.

Sight ; sound

The relationship of the front and rear sights to the eye is called what?

Sight Alignment

The relationship of the sight and the target is called what?

Sight Picture

How will officers gather sufficient probable cause (PC) to arrest someone for illegal possession of marijuana?

Sight and smell *Training and experience from the academy* Field test may also apply

1. Civil 2. Criminal

Signing the citation. 1. _______ citation - not admitting responsibility for the citation, only receipt. 2. _______ citation - not admitting guilt, but promising to appear.

How do we form community relationships?

Sincerity and honesty Trust from DEEDS not WORDS Shared responsibility

What is considered Appropriate body language techniques when interacting with Elderly?

Sit down, speak slowly and clearly

A skid mark caused by a locked tire bouncing on the surface, possibly due to rough road, stiff suspension, or poor shocks is the definition of what?

Skip Skid

A. 0.05-0.079

Slightest Degree is between ____ - _____ A. 0.05-0.079 B. 0.00-0.079 C 0.02-0.079

Special Situations

Sobriety checkpoints No reasonable suspicion needed if all vehicles are stopped, vehicles are stopped in a pattern or an officer can see into a vehicle stopped at a checkpoint.

What type of zone is 4 feet to 12 feet in distance between the officer and individual?

Social zone


Sole actor

What is the best type of door to purchase to prevent it being broken down?


When identifying a NFPA hazard sign, what color does *White* stand for?

Special hazards W= doesn't like water

reasonable suspicion

Specific and articulable facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonable police officer to suspect a crime has been, is, or is about to be committed by the person to be stopped or detained.

Writ of Special Execution

Specific items

Within the guidelines of the principal of practical marksmanship, it is the shooters job to maintain what?

Speed and Accuracy

Out of sympathy and empathy, which should a police officer not use?


On this date at this time (between these dates and these times), this person (these people), did this, at this location, by.... why goes here, if you know it

Synopsis Legend

B. Breath and blood

The 2 common test that are used to determine alcohol concentration during a DUI investigation are ____ and ____. A. walk/turn and 1 leg stand B. Breath and blood C. Blood and Urine

1. Impaired to the slightest degree: 0.05-0.079 2. Standard DUI: 0.08-0.149 3. DUI Drug: Any Drug 4. CDL DUI: 0.04 and plus

The 4 statues under ARS 28-1381A are:

1. Position your vehicle behind the violator 2. Turn on overhead light 3. If they refuse to pull over, give a short SIREN burst 4. As the violator begins to pull over position your car in the offset position 5. Offset the right half of the police vehicle in line with left half of the violator vehicle 6. *Stop 15-22 feet behind the violator vehicle* 7. Point spotlight into the rear view mirror of the violator 8. Unlock right side front door of your patrol car 9. Check traffic before exiting patrol vehicle

The Basics of the Traffic Stop:

What is the brain known as?

The Bio-computer.

Sentencing Hearing

The hearing at which the penalty is imposed on the individual convicted of the crime

Coates v. Cincinnati (1971)

The Court ruled that a Cincinnati ordinance that made it a criminal offense for three or more persons to assemble on a sidewalk and annoy passing people with their conduct was unconstitutional.

Regulated use of narcotics and marijuana, except for medical use by: Doctors Veterinarians Pharmacists Importers/manufacturers

The Harrison Act of 1914

Use of Cocaine became regulated in 1906 by what act?

The Pure Food and Drug Act

5th Amendment

The Right to Remain Silent/Double Jeopardy, right to due process.

You are dealing with a suspect and they just hit you in the face, what phase of tactics is this considered?

The contact phase


The disclosure of evidence by the prosecution and defense Exchange of evidence and witness lists Intent is to provide a swift and accurate trial

open fields

The doctrine that allows law enforcement to search open lands without a warrant. Does not include the "Curtilage" immediately surrounding the house.

The first occurrence of damage, injury, or death in the series of events that constitute a motor vehicle traffic collision is the definition of what?

The first harmful event

ARS 8-307B

The law enforcement agency making a referral or complaint immediately notify the juvenile's parents, guardian or custodian *As an officer, you must notify the parent/guardian*

Responsibilities for investigation

The law enforcement officer having jurisdiction in the place in which an of delinquency or incorrigibility (criminal portion) DCS has the responsibility for the investigation of dependency

Plain View Doctrine

The legal principle that objects in plain view of a law enforcement agent who has the right to be in a position to have that view may be seized without a warrant and introduced as evidence.

Dickerson v. US (2000)

The mandate of Miranda v Arizona that a criminal be advised of certain constitutional rights governs the admissibility at trial of a person's statements. Congress cannot pass a law allowing voluntary statements without the Miranda Warning.

Quorum (9)

The minimum number of members who must be present for business to be conducted

What might you learn from reading graffiti?

The name of the gang, members & location

C. Burden of Proof

The obligation of a party to establish a fact or issue in dispute by producing evidence which persuades the trier of fact as to its existence is? A. Exclusionary Rule B. Evidence C. Burden of Proof

What is Identification of evidence.? (P.O. 5.3.5)

The officer collecting the evidence at a crime scene must be able to identify it in court as being the same piece of evidence he/she collected at the scene. ex: serial numbers and identifying marks

Confessions are presumed to be voluntary, not coerced, freely given, and not the result of duress.

The officer must demonstrate that the confession was voluntary

Chloroacetophenone (C.N.)

The oldest chemical agent in crowd control is what?


The process of directing and controlling people

Primary objective of the Juvenile Justice System

The protection and rehabilitation of the child

C. Privilege

The protection of interest and relationships that, rightly or wrongly, are regarded of sufficient social importance to justify some sacrifice of availability of evidence relevant to the administration of justice. A. Common Law and Statutory. B. Constitutional. C. Privilege

Communication level: Content

The simple facts

TNT (Trinitrotoluene)

The standard by which all explosives are measured

A. true

The state has the burden of proof in criminal trials. A. true B. false

Officer to Supervisor

The supervisor acts and speaks for management (i.e police chief, sheriff) and accept lawful authority without disagreement


The temporary custody of a juvenile in a secure facility after a petition has been filed and before the adjudicatory process begins. *Jail*

1. observe the traffic violation to ensure you have a valid reason 2. NOTIFY dispatch of your location and the vehicle license plate ---if no plate, give vehicle description 3. Give number of occupants and ask for backup if necessary

The traffic violation:

13-1902 Robbery

The use or threatened use of force to take property from another with intent Class 4 felony

Whose has the responsibility of keeping address, phone number, etc, current with each entity that is responsible for providing victims with their rights?

The victim

Kayla goes to McDonalds to get some food. As she approaches the inside register to order food, she sees a diamond ring on the table with two little kids sitting in the booth. As she walks out of the door she grabs the diamond ring off the table and walks out. What should we charge Kayla with?


Shane goes into Brittany's purse and steals her wallet. What crime did Shane commit?


Shane said to Kayla, "give me $500 by tomorrow or I will tell the police you raped me." What crime should we charge Shane with?

Theft by extortion (13-1804)

Does heroin have any medical use?

There is *NO* legitimate use for heroin in the U.S.A.

7 officers

There is 1 sergeant to every how many officers?

Forged instruement

There is NO attempted forgery statue

1. Age impairment 2. Emotional Status 3. Mental Status 4. Physical impairment 5. Fatigue

There may be situations where a person may be impaired, but is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. What are the 5 impairments?

Class B: Flammable liquids

These include gasoline, propane, solvents, oil, paint, lacquers, and other synthetics or oil-based products. 1. High heat 2. Rapid spread/explosions 3. Water alone may increase fire

Class A: Ordinary Combustibles

These include wood, paper, cloth, rubber, trash, and plastics.

What are the main weaknesses in handcuffs?

They are susceptible to being shimmied or picked.

Delinquent Act

This is an act by a juvenile which, if committed by an adult, would be a: criminal offense, petty offense, a violation of any law of this state *Crime*


This is time of reconciliation and peace, when both minimize and rationalize the abuse. The abuser begs for forgiveness and promises it will not happen again. The abuser may be loving and shows he/she can change. The victim believes this time will be different, the past is behind him/her and this loving person is the abuser's real self, intimacy prevails!

What does it mean to invoke the rule?

This rule, contained in the Arizona rules of criminal procedure, rule 9.3, excludes all Witnesses from the courtroom during testimony and opening statements *witness can be excluded from testimony*

Federal Label

This will display the (VIN)

13-1202 Threatening or intimidating

Threatens or intimidates by word or conduct, using gestures. Something that's going to happen in the future.

There is no set maximum ________ within which an investigatory stop must be completed.

Time limit

The courts may consider a number of factors in determining whether a juvenile's confession is voluntary, except:

Time of day and parents present

Prints on the pavement caused by material transfer is referred to as?

Tire print

Purpose of arrest warrant

To bring accused before the court to answer to criminal charges

Luring a minor for sexual exploitation

To catch a predator Knowingly offer or solicit a minor for sexual conduct

What is the main purpose of directing traffic?

To expedite traffic from congestion and the protection of pedestrians

Signed by President Bush in 1990, the Hate Crimes Static Act was intended

To record statistical data used to confront hate crimes

13-2101 (definition) Traffic

To sell, transfer, distribute, dispense or otherwise dispose of stolen property to another person

Level D (Personal Protective Equipment)

Uniform, gloves, mask

True or False: Sliding glass doors can sometimes be defeated by lifting them from their track.

True, extremely easy

When responding to suicidal subjects, what is important in regards to communication?

Trying to communicate or negotiate

What is empathy?

Trying to understand the person's situation

A startled reaction or consciously pressing the trigger, but not really intending to fire, such as at the end of a "dry" practice session after the weapon has been loaded. What type of weapon discharge is this?



Type of cactus used for hallucinating *American Indians are exempt from laws prohibiting usage for bona fide practice of religious beliefs*

What are some Mental health treatment facilities we can transport people to?

UPC (Urgent Psychiatric Recovery Center) RRC (Recovery Response Center)

A. DUI and Liquor

Under "ZERO TOLERANCE", if impairment is detected, the person should be cited for both _____ and the _____ violation. A. DUI and Liquor B. DUI and Civil C. Criminal and Civil

C. 1 year and 2 years

Under Zero Tolerance, If the person refuses, his/her driver's license will be suspended for ____ year under A.R.S.28-1321 or for ____ years with prior implied consent refusal within the past 84 months. A. 3 years and 4 years B. Until 21 years old C. 1 year and 2 years


Under the age of 8

Abandoned Property

Under this exception, property abandoned or thrown away may be searched or seized by police officers without a warrant because there is no reasonable expectation of privacy

The hate crime statistics act mandated the US Attorney general to establish and collect data under

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program

A.R.S. 28-622.01 defines?

Unlawful flight from law enforcement vehicles

Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is

Urban planning tool that emphasizes the use of physical design features and land use characteristics to *reduce or remove opportunities* for criminal activity and to *deter* criminal behavior

The burden of proof is on

Us as Law Enforcement officers

What is the drug Narcan?

Used to revive overdose victims

13-105 (definitions) Dangerous Instrument

Used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used (Ex: Knife, hammer, etc.)

1. as an item of proof (tends to prove a fact at issue) 2. ***Impeach a witness*** (prior inconsistent statements) 3. ***Rehabilitate a witness*** (prior consistent statements) 4. ***Assist in determining sentence*** facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation)

Uses of Evidentiary Rules (P.O. 2.4.3)

How should a male search a female?

Using a knife edge hand technique with thumb side towards their body.


Usually some form of abuse which evokes fear, usually a violent acting out

Child victim interview

Utilize and maintain a non-threatening posture and tone of voice Avoid the use of leading questions Assess the need for specialized assistance Avoid actions or words that could lead to feelings of self-blame Be sensitive to the emotional needs of the child Assess the need to place the child in protective custody

Bomb Threats can be

Vague or very specific

_______ travel along ground to ignition source. (some flammable gas vapors are heavier than air).


The vehicle which contributes to a collision, but did not contact or collide with any other unit, will not be listed on the face sheet. However, it's information will be on the narrative and diagram only. What vehicle is this?

Vehicle X

Agency knew or should have known there was a need for training and failed to provide that training or provided inadequate training

Vicarious liability

If at the time of contact with a law enforcement agency the ______ is physically or emotionally ______ to request or waive applicable rights, the law enforcement agency shall presume that the victim ______ the victim's right to request applicable rights to which the victim is entitled, on request, unless the victim later waives those rights. A.R.S. §13-4405B.

Victim ; Unable ; invoked

A. Testimonial

Victim takes the stand and recounts the details of the crime. What type of evidence is this? A. Testimonial B. Documentary C. Demonstrative

Why is human trafficking the 2nd most profitable enterprise in organized crime?

Victims are a commodity and reusable with a high profit vs. time margin

What are Circuit Girls?

Victims who are moved over a large geographical area (Circuit) in order to maximize customer exposure. 1. Super Bowl 2. Barrett Jackson

1. For civil violations explain that by signing it is not an admission of guilt 2. The signature simply acknowledges receipt of the complaint 3. For criminal violations (CLD) explain that by signing it is *not admitting guilt but promising to appear in court* 4. If the violator refuses to sign write " 4a. violator refuses to sign a criminal citation explain again that is not an admission of guilt and that they can be booked 5. If refusal continues you can book the driver 5a. Phoenix if the driver has a valid ID write served

Violator Signature

Bias crimes have uniquely

Violent and assaultive characteristics

13-1406 Sexual Assault

WITHOUT CONSENT Sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact

The preferred method of a search


C. Probative Value

What general criteria for admission for evidence of court is: Tendency of the evidence to establish the proposition that it is offered to prove. A. Relevance B. Materiality C. Probative Value

A. Relevance

What general criteria for admission for evidence of court is: any tendency to make the existence of any material fact more or less probable than it would be without such evidence. A. Relevance B. Materiality C. Probative Value

B. Materiality

What general criteria for admission for evidence of court is: strong relation between evidence and case issue. A. Relevance B. Materiality C. Probative Value

weapon hand

What hand must always be free when performing a traffic stop?

C. disclose it, it tells the jury that the evidence may be considered favorable to the defense

What if you lose or destroy evidence prior to trial? A. nothing, you suck! B. tell the jury and create new evidence C. disclose it, it tells the jury that the evidence may be considered favorable to the defense

A. Impaired to the slightest degree *most grey statue*

What is ARS 28-1381A.1? A. Impaired to the slightest degree: 0.05-0.079 B. Standard DUI: 0.08-0.149 C. DUI Drug: Any Drug D. CDL DUI: 0.04 and plus

B. Standard DUI 0.08-0.149 *BAC .08% or more within two hours of driving*

What is ARS 28-1381A.2? A. Impaired to the slightest degree: 0.05-0.079 B. Standard DUI: 0.08-0.149 C. DUI Drug: Any Drug D. CDL DUI: 0.04 and plus

D. CDL DUI: 0.04 + *must be in vehicle*

What is ARS 28-1381A.4? A. Impaired to the slightest degree: 0.05-0.079 B. Standard DUI: 0.08-0.149 C. DUI Drug: Any Drug D. CDL DUI: 0.04 and plus

keeping an eye on violator

What is an important officer safety habit to have when conducting a traffic stop?

Requires use of personal protection equipment. i.e. gas mask, limits mobility, limits peripheral vision.

What is disadvantage for when using chemical agents?

A. Exclusionary Rule

What is evidence illegally obtained that cannot be used at trial? A. Exclusionary Rule B. Evidence C. Burden of Proof

A. Officer Safety

What is primary reason recording the license number,vehicle description and number of occupants before making a vehicle stop? A. Officer Safety B. Information needed for a Code 6 C. Report Writing

30-Day Impoundment

What is required by state law on Aggravated and Extreme DUI cases per ARS 28-3511?

C. Hearsay Rule

What is that term that matches the example: witness testifies that her neighbor told her that the defendant committed a robbery. A. Non- Hearsay Rule B. The Rule C. Hearsay Rule

A. ARS 28-1381(A)

What is the ARS Code for Driving Under the Influence: "It is unlawful for any person to drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle within this state under any of the following circumstances." A. ARS 28-1381(A) B. ARS 13-3401 C. ARS 4-244.34

No, officer safety is no. 1 priority

When arresting an individual, if the individual runs is it ok to pursue that individual?

Establish rapport with leaders, Tell crowd to move along, Be polite, but firm, Be impartial

When dealing with a non-hostile crowd what are some of steps that should be taken that it does not get hostile?


When dealing with a potentially dangerous crowd is it tactically smart to break the crowd into smaller isolated groups?

B. observe blood draw (time, concealment of blood tubes in package)

When drawing blood of a DUI suspect. An officer must: A. Strap the person down and forcibly take blood B. Observe blood draw; including time C. Not draw blood due to department policy

Explain that signing his/her name to a civil citation is not admitting responsibility, only acknowledging receipt of the citation.

When getting the violator to sign a traffic citation what must the officer do?

B. see the consumption of alcohol

When it comes to consumption of alcohol, the officer must: A. cite and release B. see the consumption of alcohol C. arrest

When can you move a vehicle or an abandoned vehicle?

When it is obstructing traffic

When is the most dangerous time for a victim to leave a domestic violence relationship?

When the victim leaves or seeks intervention (abuser loses power and control)

A. Transcribe SFST notes to DUI report

When writing a DUI report it is important to: A. Transcribe SFST notes to DUI report B. Attach SFST notes to DUI Report but do not add in report C. Do not write a DUI report

When is the only time your finger should be on the trigger?

When you are on target and have decided to fire

1. Driver's license. 2. Registration. 3. Proof of insurance.

When you begin to talk with the violator, ask the violator for?

B. Hearsay Rule

Which of the following is not an use of evidentiary rules? A. Impeach A Witness B. Hearsay Rule C. Assist in determining sentence

ARS 13-3874 (Indian police, powers and qualifications)

While engaged in the conduct of his/her employment, any Indian police officer who is appointed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs or the governing body of an Indian tribe as a law enforcement officer and who meets the qualifications and training standards adopted pursuant to A.R.S. §41-1822, shall possess and exercise all law enforcement powers of peace officers in this state. A.R.S. §13-3874 Indian police, powers and qualifications. b. Each agency appointing any Indian police officer pursuant to this section shall be liable for any, and all, acts of such officer acting within the scope of his employment or authority. Neither the state nor any political subdivision shall be liable for any acts, or failure to act, by any such Indian police officer.

C. ARS 28-1381A.3

While there is any drug defined in Section 13-3401 or its metabolite in the person's body. A. ARS 28-1381A.1 B. ARS 28-1381A.2 C. ARS 28-1381A.3 D. ARS 28-1381A.4

What color is the core for Detonating Cord?

White or pink

Original theft report

Who is the vehicle registered to and what is the address? Get a complete description of the vehicle Complete all witness information (can they identify suspect?) Obtain all victim information (work, cell, etc.)

What 6 questions does a good report usually answer?

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How

A good report has all the following

Who, what, why, when , where and how

Mehrabian's Rule

Words used Tone of voice Body language

Leading causes of litigation for law enforcement

Workplace HARASSMENT Discrimination Sexual Harassment Hostile Work Environment

Prejudgement seizures

Writ of Attachment Writ of Replevin (Both order seizures of property)

Legislative Branch

Writes/creates laws. Terms commonly used are congress, house of representative and Senate. Determines Budget for government


Written statement of essential facts constituting a public offense, made upon oath before a magistrate

Can you strike a suspect in the head if they are not complying, actively fighting and that is the only place you can access to get a hit in?


Do Juveniles have the same rights under Miranda?


Is there a variety of faith based (mama's house, catholic social services, etc) and non-governmental organizations (polaris project, NCMEC) available to PD to provide recovered trafficking victims with resources?


Does it take a minimum of 2 to commit Aggravated robbery?

Yes, This is true.

Is aggravated criminal damage always considered a felony offense?

Yes, always.

Can the level of a person's education affect his/her ability to understand and follow directions?

Yes, education level does matter

Is it necessary to verify the condition of a weapon that has been out of your control even for a moment?

Yes, every single time

Do ALL people have Prejudices and Bias and will they ALWAYS affect the way a person acts and reacts to a situation?

Yes, it will always affect the situation

When Miranda warnings are required, they should be read directly from the officer's rights card?

Yes, miranda rights should always be read from officers card.

Should you read the order of protection to the defendant?

Yes, the order of protection needs to be explained to the person

Are exposed exterior door hinges easily defeated?

Yes, they are harder to kick in but easily defeated by taking the pins out

Are Depositions under oath?

Yes, under oath

Once the suspect waives his/her rights under miranda, may you proceed with the interrogation?

Yes, you may continue because the suspect waived their miranda rights

B. inadmissible

You stop a vehicle illegally, while searching the vehicle you obtain evidence. Is this evidence admissible or inadmissible? A. admissible B. inadmissible C. I don't know, I am going to fail.

Focus on Behavior

You're not trying to diagnose their disorder Observe and deal with the behavior

Probable Cause, Probable Cause

____ ___ is the standard when making an arrest in any case. In DUI cases, ____ ____ is based on all your observations during the 3 phases of the investigation.

B. Confession

______ is an acknowledgement of involvement in the crime charged including all elements and intent. A. Conspiracy B. Confession C. Compromise

Status offense

a violation of the law that pertains to minors but not adults

13-2001 (definition) Forged instrument

a written instrument which has been falsely made, completed, or altered.

A juvenile must be _________________ delinquent or _________________ before his/her ____ birthday or the juvenile court loses jurisdiction over that child

adjudicated ; incorrigible ; 18th

What types of reports are generated within an agency?

administrative reports

ARS 13-3875 (Cross-certification of federal peace officers)

a. The sheriff of each county shall develop and adopt a policy on cross-certification of federal peace officers, including whether cross-certification shall be permitted in that county. A.R.S. §13-3875 Cross-certification of federal peace officer, policy, powers, qualification, liability and records. b. A federal peace officer who is employed by an agency of the United States and who has completed the basic training curriculum for the officer's agency shall possess and exercise all law enforcement powers of peace officers in this state for one year, including, if directed by the officer's employer, the capability to enforce the criminal laws of this state if the federal peace officer: i. Submits to the sheriff a written request for certification as a peace officer in this state. ii. Submits evidence that the officer has been certified as a federal peace officer, is authorized by federal law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of a violation of federal law and is authorized by federal law to make arrests, serve warrants and carry firearms. c. Each federal peace officer who requests cross certification may submit to the sheriff a written request for certification as a peace officer in this state pursuant to subsection B. The cross-certification remains in effect for one year from the date on which the certification was authorized by the sheriff. d. Neither the state nor any political subdivision is liable for any acts or failure to act by a federal peace officer. e. The Arizona peace officer standards and training board shall maintain records of all federal peace officers who are certified as peace officers in this state. As a member of the law enforcement community, an officer belongs to a family consisting of over 37,500 men and women working within the state of Arizona and involved in the various four (4) levels of law enforcement. The police function and its powers and limitations have its base in the U.S. and state constitutions and are a part of the executive branch of government. The important issue to understand is that each officer has a wide and varied source of support and resources from which to draw; but perhaps most importantly is the fact that each officer's action reflects upon the character and reputation of the other 37,500 men and women engaged in working toward the same goal.


act of knowingly taking items from a business without paying, charging the purchase to another without permission or concealing any goods with intent


actions of another

13-2501 (definition) custody

actual or constructive restraint to on-site arrest or court order

initial appearance

an accused's first appearance before a judge or magistrate following arrest. Must be within 24 hours.

As police officers, we must always be aware that victims may become

belligerent or attack police during arrest.

If suspect tells you they purchased the property at _______________________ then they knew the item was stolen.

below bargain price

mechanics of generating force

balance power speed accuracy

A detained juvenile that endangers or there is evidence he/she might endanger the safety of other children, shall not

be allowed to intermingle with any other juvenile or children in the detention center.

What should you consider when interviewing witnesses?

be specific as possible

Domestic violence is a learned _________ and is always a crime. P.O. 3.3.1E


13-105 (definitions) Criminal street gang

individual or collectively

Always interview witnesses and all persons present, including...


Shoplifting for 3rd time

class 4 felony

For emotional control, an officer should always be:

calm, courteous and confident.

a parole/probation officer

can only be arrested by probation officer for violation of parole or probation condition, unless there is a warrant (Court Order) then must be done by LE

Mental illness is more common than

cancer, diabetes, and heart disease

A parent _________ invoke a juvenile's right to remain silent


Three components of criminal justice system (3 C's)

cops, courts, corrections

Drum tanks

corrosive containers that are shipped in plastic containers as well as *lined metal drums*

Heroic withdrawal symptoms

cramps, runny eyes and nose

Sir Robert Peel

created the London metropolitan police

Cancelled or revoked credit card

credit card that is no longer valid because card was suspended, revoked or terminated.

4 W's

who, what, when, where

What should you NOT do when investigating a traffic collision?

do not take sides

When deciding what to wear to court, you should look at what?

department policies

When contacting a witness, is it appropriate to contact them? In any event, the officer should never contact the defendant.

depending on the case, this may or may not be appropriate.


desire to watch others having sexual relations or to spy on nude people

Contact damage is caused by?

direct contact with an object

13-1401 (definitions) Sexual contact

direct or indirect touching, fondling or manipulating any part of genitals

Emotionally unstable people


*What do you do with an Eviscerated (extruded) intestine?*

do not put it back in, but cover with a moist, sterile dressing and a protective cup

What do you do with an impaled object anywhere in eye area?

do not remove

Containers and shapes may be a clue to the presence of _______ _______.

hazardous materials

Deadly force: As a general rule and whenever deadly force is not justified, avoid the _____ and ______ area of the body

head and neck

What information is on the MSDS?

health affects of chemicals and the physical properties

when must citizen inform person of arrest?

immediately unless it will imperil the arrest

When must you inform arrestee of your authority to arrest?

immediately, unless the person is engaged in the offense or if arrestee is pursued immediately after crime

13-2406 Impersonating Public Servant

impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended official authority or rely on his pretended official acts

exclusionary rule

improperly gathered evidence may not be introduced in a criminal trial

Hospital assistance

is the *primary officer's responsibility* to assist hospital staff if subject is violent after transported

Requires law enforcement to give full faith and credit to protective orders

issued by other jurisdictions

Some sovereign tribal nations will not recognize protective orders

issued outside the tribal land

Fiberboard boxes have

no specific shape, but should be marked and/or labeled.

Can we write a collision report that occurred 2 day ago?

no, within 24 hours

tell the crowd to move a long

non-hostile/ non-violent crowd?

The best definition of objective is

non-opinionated, fair and impartial

Delivery of a premature baby should be treated as a:

normal delivery

In the NFPA rating system, anything with the rating of 0 or blank is considered?

normal material

Consensual contact by the plaintiff does _____ null and void the order.



of guilt or involvement in criminal activity

When detectives/investigators are not responding

offer assistance to victim through family, friends, appropriate social services, advocates, counselors, etc.

level of control

officer presence verbal direction empty hand control intermediate weapons lethal force

What always remains a top priority on a scene with possible mental illness cases?

officer safety

Heroin users go

on the nod

levels of resistance

psychological intimidation- nonverbal cues indicating subjects attitude, appearance and physical readiness verbal non compliance- unwillingness or threats passive resistance- physical actions that do not prevent officer's attempt of control defensive resistance- physical actions which attempt to prevent officers control but not hurt officer active aggression- physical actions of assault aggravated active aggression- deadly force encounter

An officer may only use the force necessary to effect the arrest. Arrests will be judges on the ______ and ______ of the force used.

reasonableness; necessity

Officers may use the force _________ necessary to detain a person during investigative detention.



redirection of an incoming blow by striking it at a right angle to its trajectory

What should we be aware of?

referral agencies in the area to use as a resource

5 freedoms

religion, speech, press, assembly, petition

Any violations of public health statutes should be

reported to the city or county health departments

Executive Branch

responsible for executing, enforcing and setting the policy of the law (president, cabinet, officers, governors, police)


ruling with absolute authority; extremely bossy

Adults and minors must be kept in ________ ________ of any jail or prison

separate sections


several hundred

Juveniles may be detained with adults if separated by ______________________.

sight and sound

Deter; By the _________ your property sends to the possible criminal



similar to a diversion program for adults

The ________ cylinder has a key cylinder on the outside and a knob on the inside


Managing stress

social support, communication, exercise, nutrition, sleep

What does SIDS stand for?

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Use reasonable restraints when transporting

suicidal subjects

Shire reeve

supervised frank pledge (gather taxes for the king and responsible for the jail)

protective supervision

supervision ordered by juvenile court of children determined to be dependent or incorrigible

What is a Suspect?

supported by some type of corroborating evidence

13-2809 Tampering with physical evidence

tampering with physical evidence with intent that it be used, introduced, rejected or unavailable in official proceeding 1. Destroys, mutilates, alters, conceals or removes physical evidence with intent to impair *(shredding paperwork)* 2. Knowingly makes produces or offers any false evidence *(planting evidence)* 3. Prevents the production of evidence through intimidation or lies *(detective was told that their was nothing in the basement)*


techniques and tactics used to stop or neutralize physical assault

chain of command

the line of authority that moves from the top of a hierarchy to the lowest level (everyone has a supervisor)

Freedom of the Press

the right of journalists to publish the truth without restriction or penalty

Freedom of Petition

the right to present or petition requests to the government without punishment.

When a question is asked, what should an officer do before answering?

wait a moment so the prosecutor can object if necessary

When does AZ state law (ARS 28-667) require an officer to conduct a crash report?

when bodily injury, death, or damage above $1,000 occurs or $5,000 private property

When should you take photos of a traffic collision?

when department policies and procedures require

Exigent Circumstances

when there is an immediate threat to public safety or the risk that evidence will be destroyed, officers may search, arrest, or question suspects without obtaining a warrant or following other usual rules of criminal procedure

Long form or complaint in lieu of arrest

where you submit the situation for review by prosecutor who determines whether to file charges or not

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Human Kinetics Coach Education LA84

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