com 128 test 2

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second shift

-is a term used to describe the workload women have over and above what men have. In mainstream society, women's second shift mostly consists of Childcare and domestic labour.

Identify the forms of NV COM (an what are the impacts of these forms)

1. Artifacts 2. Proximity and Personal Space 3. Haptics (Touch) 4. Kinesics(Facial and Body Motion) 5. Paralanguage 6. Physical Appearance

LIST the features of feminine communication/masculine communication Feminine:

1. Engage in conversation,maintain relationships 2. To achieve equality between people 3. Demonstrate support 4. Sustain conversational work 5. Responsiveness 6. Personal disclosure/concrete reasoning 7. Tentativeness


1. Establish status control 2. Instrumentality 3.Conversational command 4. Direct and assertive 5. Tend to be more abstract

What three "agreements" speech community must have to exist?

1. People share understandings about goals of communication 2. Strategies for enacting those goals 3. Ways of interpreting communication

Know the 3 dimensions of relationship-level meaning

1. Responsiveness:Showing attentiveness to others and interest in what they say and do. Nonverbal cues include inflection, eye contact, and attentive body posture. 2. Liking:we use nonverbal behaviors to signal that we like or dislike others. Nonverbals include vocal warmth, standing close to others, touching, and holding eye contact. 3. Power:refers to the degree to which people are equal to, dominant over, or deferential to others.

Terms: High/Low fidelity messages (from lecture) Know the three primary functions of nonverbal COM:

1. To supplement verbal communication 2. To regulate interaction 3. To convey the bulk of the relationship level of meaning

LIST the lessons learned in boys/girls play Boys:

1. Use communication to assert your ideas, opinions, and identity 2. Use talk to achieve something, such as solving problems or developing strategies 3. Use communication to attract and maintain others' attention 4. Use communication to compete for the "talk stage", make yourself stand out, take the attention away from others, and get others to pay attention to you

relationship talk

people who are socialized into masculine style are interested in discussing relationships only if there is a problem to be addressed

Ego boundaries

point at which and individual stops and the rest of the world begins Distinguish the self from everyone and everything else

Proximity and Personal Space

refers to space and our use of it, space is a primary means by which a culture designates who is important and who is privilege

Kinesics(Facial and Body Motion)

these behaviors more typical of women than men include tilting heads, smiling, and condensing their bodies to take up less space


vocal cues that accompany verbal communication,although there are physiological differences in male and female vocal organs


"rule by the mothers" refers to the system of ideology, social structures,and practices that are created by women and reflect the values, priorities, and views of women by a group

feminine ruler

(emotional talk) -only one way to measure closeness -instrumental displays of affection are more common for masculine individuals


- Appearance still counts - Be sensitive and caring - Negative treatment by others - Be superwoman - There is no single meaning of feminine anymore

List the messages given to men/women in the "personal side of the Gendered Drama"

- Don't be female - Be successful - Be aggressive - Be sexual - Be self reliant - Embody and transcend traditional views of masculinity

LIST the lessons learned in boys/girls play Girls:

1. Use communication to create and maintain relationships, the process of communication, not its content, is the heart of relationships 2. Use communication to establish egalitarian relations with others. Don't outdo, criticize, or put down others. If you have to criticize, be gentle. 3. Use communication to include others-bring them into conversations, respond to their ideas. 4. Use communication to show sensitivity to others and relationship.

At what age is gender constancy typically achieved?

Age 3

Identify the social definitions of men/views of men (from the summary)

Boys see other boys on television playing with guns and involving themselves in more adventurous and rugged play

How could differing codes cause conflict amongst differing speech community members(must know the gendered communication practices (fem/masc) refer to Tannen as well*?

Distinct speech communities are less apparent when they rely on the same language but use it in different ways and attach different meanings to it.

Who has more permeable ego boundaries?

Individuals who develop more feminine gender identities, this is because we do not need to differentiate from their mothers to develop a strong feminine gender identity

what are some differences in modeling/socialization between male/female children

Male babies:Strong,big,active, and alert Female babies: small, dainty, quiet, and delicate Parent reward aggression in sons and reward social skills in daughters and they are punished for portraying the opposite gender Parents model masculinity and femininity

Who is socialized to have more egalitarian play/ competitive play?


Who is more likely to inflict violence in a relationship?

Men more than women

LIST the features of masculine/feminine friendships

Men, unlike women, tend to prefer more activity-based friendships while women tend to prefer more friendships relationships.Friendships between males tend to be more side-to-side rather than face-to-face. Males tend to value relationships that include shared activities, are less intimate, and transactional.

alternate paths model

Proposes that there are different & equally valid paths to closeness. The model agrees with the male deficit model that gendered socialization is the root of differences between feminine & masculine styles of relating.

Haptics (Touch)

or touch, from parents and other adults communicate different messages to boys and girls

HOW can we show respect for various (differing) styles of non-verbal COM (be specific with your terms and application of this question)

We can show respect by noticing the different factors that go into men and women, even though women emphasize communality, building and sustaining relationships and community. But nonverbal behaviors appropriate for men emphasize agency, displaying power and initiative.

What is the 'code' for matching troubles for masc/fem speech communities?

We will consider how we are socialized into feminine and masculine speech communities ,then we will explore divergence between the two speech communities

Who tends to be more skilled at NV COM?


Gendered identity

a persons private sense of, and subjective experience, his or her gendered

Who tends to desire more autonomy? Connection?

found much higher in women than in men


generalization about an entire class phenomena based on some knowledge of some members of the class

Speech community

groups of people who share norms about communication

troubles talk

is a kind of interaction in which hurt feelings may result from differences between masculine and feminine styles of communicating


is a personal object that can both express identity and influences how we see ourselves

psychological responsibility

is a responsibility that organizations place on each individual in the workforce to remain psychologically well and to ensure they do no psychological harm to anyone else. The aim is for the individual to remain psychologically well.

polarized thinking

is conceiving of things as absolute opposites

Personal relationships

is initially directed toward the exchange of personal information and later toward the sharing of mutual experiences.

male deficit model

maintains that men are not adept at intimacy because they are less interested and/or able than women to disclose emotions, reveal personal information and engage in communication about intimate topics.

minimal response cues

masculine speech tends to be less emotionally responsive than feminine speech, especially on the relationship level of meaning, men more than women

gender-linked language effect

notes that language differences between women and men are influenced by a variety of factors including topics, speaker status, salience of gender in a communication situation, and other people present

Physical Appearance

western culture as well as many other cultures places high priority on physical appearance, although striving to meet physical ideals is typically associated with girls and women, men are not immune.

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