Com 219 Final

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OTJ 11: How Can I Use Social Media for Professional Networking?

1. A 2015 survey of job recruiters indicated that an astonishing 92% of them are using social media as part of their process 2. 35% of hiring and human resource managers surveyed said they are less likely to interview job candidates who don't have some sort of social media presence. 3. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter

What are the learning outcomes important to employers?

1. Ability to effectively communicate orally 2. Ability to work effectively with others in teams 3. Ability to effectively communicate in writing 4. Ethical judgment and decision-making 5. Critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills 6. Ability to apply knowledge and skills to real-world settings

Monroe's Motivated Sequence

1. An effective organizational pattern for persuasive presentations because it takes into consideration potential audience resistance. 2. The motivated sequence consists of five steps: a. Gain the audience's attention. b. Identify unfulfilled needs. c. Propose a solution that satisfies those needs. d. Visualize what satisfaction will mean. e. Identify specific actions.

How do you find and successfully apply to a graduate program that's right for you?

1. Ask yourself these questions about each school/program: a. What are student/faculty relationships like? b. Are faculty willing and available to work with students? c. Do graduate students get along with each other? d. Are graduate students encouraged to submit their research to conventions and journals? e. Do graduate students collaborate on research and class projects?

What strategies will help you influence your audience?

1. Conceal your intent. 2. Don't ask for too much. 3. Avoid inflammatory phrases. 4. Use a two-sided message with refutation. 5. Inoculate against counterarguments. 6. Keep objections to a minimum. 7. Combine reason with emotion. 8. Use fear appeals when appropriate. 9. Repeat your message.

What are the steps to creating a business document?

1. Determine your audience and objectives. 2. Compile facts, supporting data, and other research materials. 3. Develop a logical organizational structure. 4. Write a draft of the document. 5. Revise the document until it is clear and concise.

Identify digital natives versus digital immigrants

1. Digital native: In other words, you grew up with digital technologies like computers, the Internet, mobile phones, streaming video, and digital music. If you were born between 1980 and 1997, you would be a part of the famous Millennial generation. 2. Digital immigrant: having to learn the habits, language, and customs of life in a digital age. You will need to be prepared for a technology-intensive workplace and be prepared for the challenges that accompany it

How do you select the right medium for work-related communication?

1. Effective business communication is partially dependent on your ability to select the right medium. 2. To use the appropriate media, you must: a. Understand your goals and the nature of your message b. Consider the characteristics of your audience c. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the available media d. Ensure the dynamic interplay among your audience, media, and message

What are the strategies for approaching a professor to work on his/her research program or a research idea of your own?

1. Face-to-face or via email 2. Find a professor in your department to approach for an independent study. Ideally, they have conducted research in the topic that you are interested in or a similar field. In either case, familiarize yourself with their research. 3. one of the best ways to establish a connection with a faculty mentor is to ask directly. 4. Visit his or her office hours, and discuss your hopes of becoming involved in a research project 5. send an email to indicate your interest and set up a time to meet.

What is persuasion? How is it different from informing?

1. Persuasion: various kinds of people, groups, and agencies trying to get people to attend to messages urging them to support proposals, change their routine, give their time, donate money to a worthy cause, solve a problem in a particular way, and adopt new ideas and practices. 2. Informing teaches; persuading advocates. Ex: A supervisor intends to inform when he or she clarifies the new parking policy—to persuade employees not to park on level

What is the best way for job candidates to interview?

1. Prepare for the interview a. Develop a personal profile b. Develop a Professional Profile c. Do Your Research d. Anticipate the Questions e. Practice your answers f. Make a list of Questions to ask. 2. Pay attention to the basics a. Don't be late b. Plan for small talk c. Consider appearance and personal hygiene d. Bring extra resumes 3. Make a good first impression 4. Sell yourself 5. Check for a good fit a. Avoid misemployment 6. End interview 7. Follow up after interview

What is the best way to interview job candidates?

1. Prepare for the interview a. Develop an Ideal Applicant Profile b. Generate a List of Questions c. Become Familiar with the Candidate's File 2. Facilitate the Conversation a. Establish Rapport b. Sell the Company c. Stick to the Protocol d. Encourage the Candidate to Ask Questions e. Listen Actively 3. Conclude on a Positive Note

OTJ 12: How Much am I Worth? Strategies for Negotiating a Compensation Package

1. Research studies report more than 75% of job candidates fail to make the effort to negotiate. 2. Principle #1: Dodge and defer discussions about salary until the job has already been offered. 3. Principle #2: In any given negotiation, the individual who mentions money first is the loser.

OTJ 14: How Do I Prepare for Phone and Online Interviews?

1. Return unanswered calls 2. Unscheduled calls: schedule for another time, ask for 10 mins to collect yourself and answer 3. Be professional, don't say fillers whenever there's a silence

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the available media

1. Strengths: a. Media allows for more information and communication b. Media removes the barriers of time and space c. Media enables globalization d. Media provides new opportunities for interaction 2. Weaknesses: a. Media can limit effective role-taking b. Media may limit feedback

Organizational Skills

1. The ability to effectively coordinate mental and physical tasks to meet demands in a set time frame. 2. Includes the ability to: a. Effectively time manage. b. Allocate resources (e.g., money, labor) to achieve a task. c. Be a leader. d. Adapt in the face of crises or unexpected circumstances

Data Analytic Skills

1. The ability to utilize data to test a hypothesis, support decision making, or challenge assumptions. 2. Includes the ability to: a. Collect reliable and valid data in ways consistent with the scientific method b. Analyze data using both descriptive and inferential statistics. c. Interpret findings to offer conclusions and make recommendations. d. Use data analytic software such as Excel or SPSS to analyze quantitative data

OTJ 13: How Can I Deal With Job Search Rejection?

1. The average job search lasts a little over six weeks, depending on the industry you want to work in. 2. The median length of time that an employee spends on the job in the United States is just 4.4 years. 3. Corporate employers receive 250 resumes for every available position

How do you decide whether you want to influence attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors?

1. The first step in persuasion is to decide whether you want to influence attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. a. To change attitudes, a speaker must influence others to feel more positive or negative about an issue. b. To change beliefs, a speaker must influence others to think or believe something is true or not true. c. To change behaviors, a speaker must motivate others to take or commit to some kind of action.

How do you assess your audience's willingness to change?

1. The next step in persuasion is to assess your audience's willingness to change. a. Because all people want the freedom to control how they think, feel, and behave, they may be motivated to rebel when their established beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors are threatened by persuasion. This resistance to change is known as psychological reactance. b. Speakers can counteract psychological reactance by using preventative strategies to address three different kinds of audiences: those who agree with your position, those who disagree with your position, and those who are neutral or undecided about your position. c. The preventative strategies used for each type of audience focus on convincing the audience there is something wrong with the way things are, and change will meet an existing need. d. Preview your story with one simple statement that lists your main points.

Critical Thinking Skills

1. The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgment. 2. Includes the ability to: a. Understand the logical connection between ideas. b. Interpret and apply information to a given problem. c. Connect various pieces of information to influence a decision. d. Evaluate the credibility and utility of information as it relates to a given problem or issue. e. Be aware of your own thinking process to eliminate bias. f. Make decisions and solve problems effectively.

Written Communication Skills

1. The process of expressing information or ideas using the written word. 2. Includes the ability to: a. Determine appropriate tone and writing style for an audience. b. Write with brevity and clarity. c. Create/edit written reports. d. Write using plain language.

Oral Communication Skills

1. The process of verbally expressing information or ideas. 2. Includes the ability to: a. Communicate effectively in interpersonal, group, or public settings. b. Communicate effectively across various channels (e.g., c. Face-to-face and mediated interactions). d. Actively listen. e. Ask good questions. f. Be persuasive. g. Articulate and express ideas. h. Obtain relevant information.

What kinds of criteria do employers use for selecting interns?

1. applicant's field of study 2. a high GPA 3. prior leadership experience 4. ability to work in a team

What are the documented benefits of internships?

1. employees who had interned with their employer were outpacing their colleagues who had not interned 2. employees who completed an internship with their employer prior to being hired were more likely to be with the company at both the one- and five-year benchmarks in a longitudinal study 3. Internships have been shown to help students perform better in their coursework across various subjects, including business, art, and social sciences

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for memos?

Brief and concise written internal communication

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for letters?

Evaluating formal written communication

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for Formal Reports?

In-depth accounts of business issues

OTJ 3: How Can I give Brief, Specialized presentations?

Rule #1: Be brief. Keep your presentation to no more than one to two minutes. Rule #2: Stay focused on the individual or the occasion. Rule #3: Practice so that your speech is natural and sincere. Rule #4: Communicate your enthusiasm or sincere regard for the person or event. Rule #5: Act appropriately for the occasion and setting; watch your mannerisms, tone, and dress

What are the goals of business writing?

The preparation of any print or online document that supports or helps a business enterprise grow.

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for Brief Reports?

Updates on organizational issues

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