Com 9
The brief message "I'm furious" is more likely to have been communicated on which of the following channels?
As a tweet from a mobile device
Hyperpersonal communication characterizes communication that crosses mass and interpersonal contexts (True or False)
Tweets sent fro desktop computers are more egocentric than tweets sent from mobile devices
Your grandmother seemed happy when you gave her a smartphone for her birthday. Yet she still doesn't respond to your text or emails only your voicemail. Your grandmother is uncomfortable with
According to the Transactional Model of Communication, a person involved in a face-to-face situation is sending a message and receiving a message simultaneously (True or False)
Communication is a process in which messages are generated to create meanings (True or False)
One of the features that distinguish interpersonal communication from impersonal exchanges is interdependence
Research has found that the mere presence of mobile devices can have a negative effect on closeness, connection, and conversation quality during face-to-face discussions of personal topics.
------describes all the communication channels that allow community-based input. Interaction, content-sharing, and collaboration
social media