Combo with History of Math Part 1 and 2 and

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How long was the period of the days the emperor had sex?

15 HAHAHA! lol. . . <--- grow up >.>

When was the Rhind Papyrus recorded?

1650 BCE

The system of solving equations didn't appear in the west until the

19th century

When was the Great Wall of China built?

215 BCE

How many geometric solids are there according to The Elements?


What number was the ancient Babylonian number system based on?


The Chinese used the Abucus to do complex calculations. What do modern day people use instead of the abucus?

A calculator

How was Qin Juishao described?

A corruptass imperial administrator

Each part of the eye represented what?

A fraction

What was used to represent 60

A large cone

How did Egyptians represent 1000?

A lotus flower

What did the flooding of the Nile represent

A new begining

Scribe schools existed from around 2500 BCE, which allowed children to learn how to: a) Read b) Write c) Work with numbers d) all of the above

All of the above

Who were the masters at managing and manipulating numbers? a) Egyptians b) Babylonians c) Russians d) All of the above

All of the above

Why is the number 60 so important? a) We have 60 seconds in a minute b) We have 60 minutes in an hour c) the earth spins 360 degrees d) there used to be 360 days e) all of the above

All of the above

What did the number zero represent?

An Imprint of the missing stone

Archimedes used early calculus to approximate ________

Area and volume of irregular shapes using known shapes.

How were crop fields measured?

Arms and palms

Where was Hypatia killed?

At church

Who discovered irrational numbers?


How did peasant Russians develop a way of calculating?

By doubling and dividing

How did Brahmagupta start to write down his mathematical question?

By using the initials of different colors to represent the unknown numbers

Who was the first to use a decimal system?


Who taught the indians the decimal system?

Chinese merchants

What did the Indian's call negative numbers?


How does music relate to Pythagoras

Discovery of the harmonic series

The _____ of 60 makes it a perfect base in which to do arithmetic.


Who was the first group of people that showed evidence of math?


What are the problems in the Rhind papyrus based on?

Everyday problems like bread and beer

True or false: Archimedes only tried to mathematize day-to-day situations because he was lazy.


True or False: Qin Juishao used quadratic equations to figure out how big Chairman Mao's mausoleum was...


What gender was Hypatia?


What do some of the oldest counting systems rely on?

Fingers and Toes

What was an important event throughout Egyptian times?

Flooding the Nile

What was invented to split food equally between the people?


What was the ancient Babylonian measure of weight?


13th century China is the ________

Golden Age of Chinese Math

What did the number 8 represent?

Good fortune

Who discovered the concept of infinite series?

Greek Mathematicians

How did Archimedes die?

He was killed finishing a math problem on te beach.

How did ancient Egyptians represent numbers?


What is the name of this class?

History of Math

Which culture invented the number zero?


Who created the modern counting systems?


What did Plato say about geometry?

It is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe

Who created algorithms?


What math was used in relation to the Nile?

Lunar patterns

What is the language of the Universe?


Carl Friedrich Gauss is the prince of


The chinese remainder theorem was used in chinese astronomy to

Measure planetary move movement.

Archimedes used ___ to set fire to the Roman ship.


Where did Pythagoras leave his work?

No work was found

What did the Egyptians use to record fractions?


What was the number that the Egyptians gave the first accurate value of?


The most important feature of the Babylonian's number system was that it didn't recognize _____.

Place value

What was the evidence given to prove there was math in that area?


What theorem was included in the making of the pyramids?

Pythagorean theorem

Who is the most important mathematician?

Qin Juishao

What mathematical concept was first used in ancient Babylon in order to measure land?

Quadratic equations

What was the greatest legacy of the Babylonian mathematics?

Quadratic equations

In which mathematical document was the first hint of calculus found?

Rhind Papyrus

Indians contribute to the development of the

Right triangle

What would the Egyptians use to make 3-4-5 right triangles?


Why was math important to the chinese emperor?

Scheduled his sex life

How were results recorded in ancient Egypt?

Sculpted on clay

What is the chinese magic box a predecesor to?


What did Indians use to calculate numbers?


What hint is hidden in the Pyramids that make them the same as each other


Hypatia was brilliant and ______ and thoerist of mathematics


The Chinese needed something to help solve more complex equations. They came up with what?

The Remainder Theorem

What was the name of the hieroglyphic that was one of the first representations of fractions?

The eye of Horus

Why was religion important in theoretical math for indians?

The idea of infinity

What confused The Egyptians and Babylonians?

The property of right angle triangles

What did Pythagoras conclude?

The whole universe was made up of numbers

What made the Arabian mathematics so complex?

They used multiplication, subtraction, and addition

Why did acient mesopotamians use quadratic equations?

They were perfect for measuring flat 2 dimensional shapes

Why was math created?

To make sense of natural patterns

In the Rhind Papyrus what shape's area is mostly written about?


Indian mathematicians were responsible for contributing to


True or False: The Babylonians invented their number system using their finger and knuckles.


Brahmagupta solved quadratic equations with how many unknown numbers?

Two unknown numbers

When was the Library of the Alexandria destroyed?

When the muslims conquered Egypt in the 7th century

In order to mark an empty place in a middle of a number, Babylonians would leave an empty space. To represent nothingness, they would use a mark that would be later recognized as what number?


What number did the indian's invent that changed the number system that exists today?


In the 7th century the Indian mathematician brahmagupta discovered what essential properties of zero? a) 1+0=1 b) 1-0=1 c) 1x0=0 d) all of the above

all of the above

Why did we develop a numbering system? a) For solutions in building homes b) measuring space c) keeping track of seasons d) all of the above

all of the above

What did Plato think about math?

the bedrock of knowledge

What made Pythagoreans not popular?

they included women

The Indians discovered zero

when calculating with stones on the ground and through cultural reasons

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