Combo with "The Nun's Priest's Tale (Priest)" and 1 other
"attendant"; a forester; servant of the Knight; outdoorsman; skilled in archery and woodcraft (peasant class)
Henry II
"misunderstood" by his knights who carried out murder; made first pilgrimage to Canterbury as atonement
Name four things Chaucer did in the prologue
1. Varied lengths of descriptions 2. Sometimes described people head to toe and sometimes toe to head 3. Sometimes emphasized past experiences 4. Sometimes mentioned habitual action
How old was the Wife of Bath at her first marriage
How long did the pilgrimage last?
3 to 3.5 days
What was Chanticleer's dream?
A beast tried to grab his body and kill him
What type of tale does the Wife of Bath tell?
A cross between a folktale and a romance
What ongoing argument begins in the Wife of Bath's Prologue
A fued between the Friar and the Summoner
What does the winner of the story telling contest get?
A meal
Identify Chanticleer and Pertelote.
A rooster and a hen
Status based on birth and tradition
The 5 Classes
Aristocracy Upper Class Middle Class Virtuous Lower Class Degraded Lower Class
Upon learning of their friends death the three rioters agree to do what?
Avenge his death
What is one lesson/theme a reader can learn from this tale? (priest tale)
Be cautious of dreams and keep your enemies close
Low manners and questionable morals
Degraded Lower Class
Geoffrey Chaucer, the author who would "speak plainly and with no concealings and give account of all their words and dealings", although he is never named
What do the three rioters (P's tale) find under a tree?
Gold and Death
Who is the owner of the Inn?
Harry Bailley
How did Chanticleer escape?
He gets the fox to release his grip around him by making him talk and opening his mouth
What happened to Chanticleer?
He was captured by the fox
To what did Pertelote attribute dreams?
Knight Squire Prioress Nun's Priest The Second Nun Canon's Yeoman Monk Friar
Members of Aristocracy
Manciple Miller Reeve Summoner Pardoner
Members of Degraded Lower Class
Cook Shipman Physician Wife of Bath
Members of Middle Class
Merchant Man of Law Clerk Franklin
Members of Upper Class
Members of Virtuous Lower Class
Status based on mastery of trade
Middle Class
What language did Chaucer write the Canterbury tales in?
Middle English
What was Pertelote's suggested remedy?
Purging himself (laxative)
How has the Wife of Bath changed as she has aged?
She has become less attractive and less energetic
State the reason for Chanticleer's stories to Pertelote.
Telling her not to be careless about dreams
Where does the Pilgrimage begin?
The Tabard Inn
Who are the only three ideal pilgrims?
The knight , the parson (clergymen) , and the plowman (farmer)
Explain the significance of the Latin phrase that Chanticleer tells Pertelote means "Woman is a man's delight and all his bliss"
The phrase is mistranslated; it is ironic because it leads to a mock-heroic tone
What is the Wife of Bath's "philosophy" on marriage?
The wife must control the marriage in all areas
Why/how did the fox flatter Chanticleer?
To convince him he intended no evil and capture him. The fox complements him on his singing.
Why are the pilgrims going to Canterbury?
To visit the shrine of Thomas Becket
Status based on acquired wealth
Upper Class
What did Chaucer do in case the people got bored?
Varied descriptions
Poor but virtuous
Virtuous Lower Class
a buyer for 30 lawyers who are administrators of London courts; illiterate but "street smart" (middle class)
Oxford Cleric
a long-term student with an addiction to books; a religious scholar (clergy)
a religious who has taken a vow of poverty and is licensed to beg; arranges marriages; somewhat of a lady's man; "Hubert"; helpful to others but with ulterior motives (clergy)
a request or plea
a sailor/pirate, commander of a merchant ship (middle class)
Sergeant at the Law
a shrewd and wealthy lawyer (middle class)
a sickness, illness, disease, disorder
a town 55 miles southeast of London; major destination of English pilgrims
an act, utterance, or writing showing contempt for something sacred
an agent of the Church courts who summons sinners to answer charges before the court; hands out fines; drunken scoundrel; had "dirt" on many (clergy)
an ugly evil-looking old woman
brother of the Parish Priest; an honest, decent farmer (peasant)
chaplain to the Prioress; larger woman who liked to appear mannerly (clergy)
clerk and priest; poor because he is good; a true shepherding pastor; taught what he knew (clergy)
discussion, usually between enemies
dyes fabric and leather; guildsman "of one impressive guild-fraternity" (middle class)
express disapproval or disappointment
father of the squire; lord of the Yeoman; fights in crusades; loyal to his king and God and follows rules of chivalry (minor nobility)
The two oldest rioters sent the youngest rioter (P's tale) into town to get?
food and drink
How Many tales did Chaucer intend for each pilgrim to tell on and from their journney to Canterbury?
government free from external control
greed, especially for wealth
Worthy Woman/Wife of Bath
has survived five husbands; prosperous, gregarious, experienced; well-traveled; a bit arrogant (middle class)
hat and clothing maker; guildsman "of one impressive guild-fraternity" (middle class)
humorous writing and/or speech intended to poke fun at and/or mock a person's and/or institution's faults, flaws and/or shortcomings with the intentions of correcting said faults, flaws and/or shortcomings
in a composed, dignified manner; calmly
in medieval Christianity, long annual trips to holy places to express religious devotion
limited to this world, not spiritual
makes fabric; guildsman "of one impressive guild-fraternity" (middle class)
Carpet/Tapestry Maker
makes large, intricate woven pictures which are decorative and expensive; guildsman "of one impressive guild-fraternity" (middle class)
manager of a nobleman's estate; prosperous; feared by those beneath him (middle class)
manages the estates of the Prioress and the monastery; outrider and hunter (clergy)
Archbishop Thomas a Becket
murdered in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170
one of three with the Prioress but not specifically described (clergy)
Middle English
original language of The Canterbury Tales
owner of the Tabard Inn where all the pilgrims meet; self-appointed leader/judge of pilgrims' tales; tour guide/leader for the pilgrims (middle class)
owns a mill; grinds grain into meal and flour; foul; hot-tempered; dishonest; a buffoon (middle class)
showy but meaningless language
suitable for a royal court; with dignity and politeness
superior of a monastery of nuns; attended by the Nun, the Monk, the Friar, and the Priest (clergy)
When was the Canterbury tales written?
the 1380's
Who is the first Pilgrim described?
the Knight
to beg earnestly for
to criticize sharply
to give or pass on as an inheritance
to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result
to punish or criticize harshly
to talk excessively and pointlessly; babble
traded on the gullibility of the populace; sold relics and indulgences--"pardons from the punishment due to sin"; rat-tails for hair (clergy)
very old or grey
wealthy and pompous; secretly in debt (middle class)
wealthy landowner; lover of food (middle class, possibly minor nobility)
well-educated; a lover of gold; prescribes medicine (middle class)
works for the five guildsmen (peasant class)
works with wood; guildsman "of one impressive guild-fraternity" (middle class)
young man of 20, son of the knight; writes songs/poems; a soldier yet a romantic (minor nobility)