COMD 3100 - Exam 4

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A closed bite is when the ___ teeth are unable to meet


An open bite is the improper occlusion of the anterior teeth

-Can affect brain development -Often requires surgery to separate fused bone -May or may not be associated with other genetic syndromes -Can affect one or more structure

Craniosynostosis ________

Bringing mobile and immobile articulators into contact for shaping speech sounds

Define Articulation in a speech setting

Connect or join together

Define Articulation in an anatomy setting

First mandibular molars are retracted at least one tooth behind the maxillary molars -Maxillary teeth protrude forward more than normal

Define Class II (malocclusion)

First mandibular molar is advanced farther than one tooth beyond the first maxillary molar -Mandible protrudes beyond the maxilla

Define Class III (malocclusion)


Define Mastication

Closest to midline or front of mouth

Define Medial

Normal projection of upper incisors beyond lower incisors in horizontal direction -Close together without touching

Define Normal Overjet

Overlap of upper incisor relative to lower incisor in a vertical direction

Define Normal overbite

Upper incisors over lower incisors (horizontal)

Define Overjet and what direction it affects

-Improper occlusion of posterior teeth -Posterior teeth do not occlude because of excessive eruption of anterior teeth

Define Persistent Closed Bite

-Improper occlusion of anterior teeth -Anterior teeth do not occlude (do not touch when you bite) because of excessive eruption of posterior teeth

Define Persistent open bite

Near the buccal wall (cheeks)

Define buccal

Space between the teeth and cheeks

Define buccal cavity

Tooth tilts toward the cheek

Define buccoversion

First molar of the mandibular arch is one-half tooth advanced of the first maxillary molar

Define class I (neutrocclusion)

Cleft through premaxillary suture of hard palate

Define complete cleft lip


Define deglutition

Most distant from midline or closes to back of mouth

Define distal

Tilts away from the midline or front of the dental arch

Define distoversion

Tooth is inadequately erupted - doesnt come up high enough

Define infraversion

Tooth tilts toward the lips

Define labioversion

Tooth tips toward tongue

Define lingaversion

Closest to tongue

Define lingual

Tilts toward the midline or front of the dental arch

Define mesioversion

Space posterior to nasal cavity and above the soft palate

Define nasopharynx

Contact surface between upper and lower teeth

Define occlusal

Sound quality given to voiced sounds by the vocal tract

Define resonation

Top teeth cover lower teeth almost completely

Define severe overbite

-Large horizontal gap -Front teeth may also be flaring forward -list or tongue thrust

Define severe overjet

Tooth protrudes excessively into the oral cavity, causing inadequate occlusion or bite

Define supraversion

Tooth rotated or twisted on its long axis

Define torsiversion

16 teeth in each arch (includes wisdom teeth, so 14 in each adult if removed)

How many permanent teeth are there?

Apple core

If the skull is an apple then the ethmoid bone is the?

III (3)

In a Class ____ malocclusion between the upper and lower dental arches, the mandibular molar is advanced farther than one tooth beyond the first maxillary molar.

Increases surface area to aid in warming, moistening and cleaning (filter) the air we breath

Nasal Cavity

Middle nasal concha

Part of ethmoid bone

Superior nasal concha

Part of ethmoid bone

Inferior nasal concha

Part of facial bones - inferior most part of lateral nasal wall


Platysma muscle elevates the mandible


The Teeth are mobile articulators

Cribriform plates

The ______ of the ethmoid bone separate the nasal cavity from the cranial cavity.

Premaxillary suture

The ______ suture separates the premaxilla from the palatine processes of the maxilla.


The coronoid process of the mandible house the teeth

Flatten the tongue

The function of the vertical muscles of the tongue is to ______


The lambdoidal suture is located between the parietal bone and the temporal bone.


The muscle that helps move food to the molars for mastication is the ______

Perpendicular Plate

The nasal septum, which divides the nasal cavities into two, is made up of cartilage, the vomer bone and ___ of the ethmoid bone.

Perpendicular plate

The nasal septum, which divides the nasal cavities into two, is made up of cartilage, the vomer bone and ______ of the ethmoid bone.


The orifice of the Eustachian tube is located in the _____

Vocal tract

The source filter theory of vowel production states that speech is the product of sending an acoustic source, such as the sound produced by the vibrating vocal folds, through the filter of the ____, which shapes the output.


The superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae aid in warming and filtering air

horizontal plates of the palatine bones

The transverse palatine suture separates the palatine processes of the maxilllae from the ____.


The velum is attached to the ______bone to form the muscular extension of the hard palate.

Baby teeth -10 teeth in each arch

What are deciduous teeth?

-Starts at incisive foramen -Follows along the intermaxillary suture of the palatine process of the maxilla -Continues between the horizontal plates of the palatine bone -Goes through soft palate

What are some characteristics of a Complete cleft palate

-Starts at a point posterior to the incisive foramen -May include a cleft through the part of the hard palate and the soft palate -May only involve the soft palate

What are some characteristics of a Partial cleft palate

-Unilateral or Bilateral -Requires surgery -Can have cleft lip or cleft palate or both -Difficultues with feeding in infancy -May need orthodontics care when older -May or may not have speech difficulties

What are some characteristics of a cleft lip?

- Mandible - Maxillae - Nasal bone - Inferior nasal conchae - Vomer - Zygomatic - Lacrimal - Palatine - Hyoid

What are the bones of the face?

-Possible genetic syndromes -May interfere with infant feeding -May cause abnormal alignment of the teeth

What are the causes of micrognathia?

1. Oral cavity (mouth) 2. Nasal cavity 3. Buccal (cheeks) 4. Pharyngeal -Nasopharynx -Oropharynx -Laryngopharynx

What are the cavities of the vocal tract?

- Not completely understood - Perhaps minimal relationship to resonance -Reduce weight in skull but minimal

What are the function of the sinuses?

- Hard palate - Alveolar ridge of maxillae - Teeth

What are the immobile articulators?

- Lips - Cheeks - Tongue - Mandible - Velum - Pharynx - Posterior faucial pillar - Anterior faucial pillar

What are the mobile articulators?


What direction does overbite affect?

When the mandible is small in relation to the maxilla

What is micrognathia?

-As fasce forms, 3 main parts come together to form nose, lips and palate -Nose drops and forms the philtrum -Sides come together and close along philtral ridge

What is the development process of a cleft lip?

Contributes to the structure of the nasal septum

What is the purpose of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone?

To increase surface area to warm and humidify incoming air

What is the purpose of the superior and middle nasal concha?

Speech is the product of sending and acoustic source, such as the sound produced by the vibrating vocal cords, through the filter of the vocal tract that shapes the output.

What is the source-filter theory of vowel production?


Which muscle is responsible for elevating and opening the pharynx during swallowing?


Which muscle is responsible for elevating and opening the pharynx during swallowing?


Which of the following muscles is responsible for elevating the mandible?


____ is the overlap of the maxillary incisors relative to the mandibular incisors

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