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One study found that nearly ____________ of the 1600 college freshmen surveyed had sent sexually suggestive texts or photos.


One study found that ____________of sexually active college students had "acted deceptively" about disclosing their sexual history, even though most said they knew better.


Maya's email to her math professor explaining why her assignment would be late used casual text language such as ABT2 and AEAP. Her message failed to demonstrate which characteristic of competent communication?


Karim wants to post a response to a friend's political comments on Facebook but is struggling with how to express his thoughts. ____________ this message is difficult because it's a form of ____________ communication.

Adapting; masspersonal

"Blind review," in which an author submits a manuscript without identifying information that might influence the evaluator's appraisal, is an effort to combat which of the following common tendencies in perception?

Being influenced by our expectations

The idea that "nothing" never happens refers to which communication principle?

Communication can be intentional or unintentional.

Long-married, happy couples may distort facts about their relationship, but they share similar stories. This reveals that:

Shared narratives don't have to be accurate to be powerful.

81% of cyberbullies admit they engage in this behavior because

all of the above

Choosing whether to wear a tailored suit rather than a rumpled outfit involves which of the three dimensions of impression management?


An emailed love letter not having the same impact as a handwritten one is related to the _____ of the message


Rather than classifying some exchanges as intercultural and others as free from cultural influences, it's more accurate to talk about

degrees of cultural significance

You need to share some sensitive and confidential information with a coworker whose reaction you are eager to assess. Which medium is best for transmitting this information?


At the present time, there is no research to support the hypothesis that a connection exists between social interaction and physical health or longevity:


Self-monitoring is the ability to construct a variety of different frameworks for viewing an issue.


Shared narratives must be truthful to be powerful.


The way we view ourselves is usually identical with others' perception of us.


research suggests that communication competence is a trait that a person either possesses or lacks.


richer messages are always better than leaner ones.


An example of physiological noise is:


Which contrasting pairs are associated with features of verbal communication styles?

formal/informal elaborate/succinct directness/indirectness

A form of organization used to identify causes and effects in interaction is called


Compared to everyone else in her physics class, Julia thinks she is smart. This is an example of how ___________ can define our ___________.

reference groups/self-concept

Your friend sent you an instant message on Facebook and said, "No, I'm not going to the party." You couldn't tell if she was angry. Social scientists would say this is due to the message lacking ___________.


Rosenthal and Jacobson's report that a change in teachers' expectations of randomly selected "special" children led to an actual change in their intellectual performance most nearly illustrates

self-fulfilling prophecy

Freddie failed an exam and attributed the failure to poorly written test questions. Freddie engaged in the:

self-serving bias

When we use items such as cars to influence how others see us, we are managing impressions by using


A friend is talking to you, but another friend is standing nearby yelling on the phone. You pay attention to the friend on the phone due to "selection."


A person with relatively equal masculine and feminine characteristics is referred to as androgynous.


Both men and women who compare themselves to media-idealized physiques evaluate their bodies negatively.


Communication competence is defined as using communication that is both effective and appropriate.


Communication plays a role in satisfying the five human needs that Abraham Maslow calls basic to living a safe and fulfilled life.


Communication skills have been identified as the most important factors for career success.


Each of us constructs multiple identities, many of which may be independent or even conflicting.


In achievement cultures as opposed to nurturing cultures, those who see themselves as especially capable feel more empowered to voice their opinions.


In scientific jargon, any interference with communication is termed noise.


In some interpersonal contexts the relational dimension of the message may be more important than the content of the message.


It is a misconception to assume that more communication will always make tense interpersonal situations better.


Mormons, soccer moms, gamers, and Millennials would all be examples of co-cultures.


Narratives are the stories we use to describe our personal worlds.


Online communicators can create idealized and unrealistic views of others.


Power distance describes the degree to which members of a society accept the unequal distribution of power within that society.


Research shows us that it's hardest to empathize with people who are radically different from us.


Slurs and derogatory labels say more about those who use them than about the people being disparaged.


The ability to ask yourself mentally how you're doing and to change your behavior if necessary is termed self-monitoring.


The best way to gain empathy for people whose point of view differs from yours is by interacting with them.


The tendency to transmit messages without consideration of its consequences is called disinhibition.


The term face is used by social scientists to describe the presenting self.


There is evidence that indicates communication is so important that it's necessary for physical health.


Communication competence consists of

your ability to communicate effectively and appropriately.

the successful transition from culture shock to adaptation and growth is usually a smooth, linear process


In Zimbardo's prison experiment, the participants knew it was a ficticious situation, so they did not react intensely or perceive themselves differently.


Perceptual schema (or "cognitive frameworks") are involved in which stage of the perception process?


Jill enjoys exchanges with her colleague belle because they help reduce her work related stress and anxiety. This communication meets which of the following needs?


a friend is talking to you, but another friend is standing nearby yelling on the phone. you pay attention to the friend on the phone due to selection


A server believes that all teenagers do not tip well. This is an example of:

Using an organizing scheme to make generalizations about members of groups.

Which of the following statements is true about impression management in social media?

What mediated messages lack compared to other channels can actually be an advantage for communicators who want to manage the impressions they make.

the first communication models characterized communication as

a one way event

The ultimate goal of perception-checking is _____________________.

achieving mutual understanding

Culture shock is also known as ____________ shock.


Jake is embarrassed to find out that the "dumb blonde" jokes he told in class were offensive to several of his classmates. Jake made the common perception mistake of

assuming that others are like us

An emailed love letter not having the same impact as a handwritten one is related to the _____ of the message.


In North American society categories such as age, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, physical disabilities and religion are all considered


Seeking information that conforms to an existing self-concept is called

cognitive conservation

seeking information that conforms to an existing self-concept is called

cognitive conservation

Environments are also referred to as


Rather than classifying some exchanges as intercultural and others as free from cultural influences, it's more accurate to talk about:

degrees of cultural significance

snapchat involves more impression management because its photos vanish after a few seconds


Code-switching decreases the chances of achieving your communication goals.


Cultures with high power difference believe in minimizing the difference between various social classes.


Disclosing information "to get it off your chest" is known as self-validation.


Face management is something that is necessary only in actual face-to-face encounters.


Face management is something that is necessary only in face-to-face conversations.


Hyperpersonal communication means that we typically withhold information from others online.


In general, Western cultures honor the elderly and attitudes about aging are more positive than negative.


In the last 20 years for Americans, the average number of friendships has increased.


Positive self-esteem guarantees interpersonal success.


Reflected appraisal refers to our feelings about what we see when we look at our image in a mirror.


code-switching decreases the chances of achieving your communication goals


Your friend sees your mother give you a kiss goodbye. This would be considered a:

first-order reality

Melina is a study abroad student who works in the International Students Office on campus. At the weekly staff meeting, Melina contributes little to the discussion and defers to her supervisor, Maria, when she is asked a direct question. Melina is likely visiting from a country characterized by __________.

high power distance

While part of a multicultural work group, Fatima, who is Arab, feels teammate Jarrod, who is American, is too blunt when expressing his opinion. Jarrod, for his part, feels Fatima is evasive and unassertive. These people are encountering value differences primarily associated with -

high vs low context

While part of a multicultural work group, Fatima, who is Arab, feels teammate Jarrod, who is American, is too blunt when expressing his opinion. Jarrod, for his part, feels Fatima is evasive and unassertive. These people are encountering value differences primarily associated with ____________.

high vs. low context

Social comparison allows us to decide

if we are superior or inferior to others if we are the same or different from others

When an American answers the question "Who am I?" by citing individual factors while an Chinese person answers the same question by identifying groups in which she/he is a member, they are expressing value differences associated with

individualism vs. collectivism

An example of psychological noise is


Which step of perception is involved when you wonder if the person who smiles at you across the room is interested in romance or is just being polite?


The idea that it is often necessary to negotiate a shared meaning in order for satisfying communication to occur relates to which characteristic of the communication model?

meanings exist in and among people

If a group of preschool children play in a park and do not notice that their parents come from different countries or that they speak different languages, they are experiencing:

minimal salience on culture

Most scholars believe intercultural competence requires

motivation and attitude knowledge skill

your grandmother seemed happy when you gave her a smartphone for her birthday. yet she still doesn't respond to your texts, only voicemail. Your grandmother is uncomfortable with,


Cassie loved the new Katy Perry album when she first heard it at home alone, but when her best friend, Meredith, trashed it, Cassie began to wonder if her first assessment had been too positive. This shift in attitude is due to ___________.


When Austrian students are praised for asking their teachers questions while Filipino students see questioning their teachers as inappropriate, they are exhibiting values associated with which concept?

power distance

If you are preoccupied about an argument that you had with your best friend, and you can't pay attention to your instructor, you are experiencing ____________________ noise.


After five weeks of dating, Terri concludes she knows next to nothing about her boyfriend, James, even though she has shared a wealth of information about herself. At this point in their relationship, disclosure is not


Your self concept is a reflection of the messages you've received throughout your life- both in person and vis social media. this assertion is most closely related to which of the following concepts?

reflected appraisal

When some professional athletes doggedly insist they can be of value to the team when past their prime, they are displaying which characteristic of self-concept?

resists change

Which step of perception is based on the fact that we notice some messages and ignore others?


What are outlined in your text as important characteristics of communication?

sending and receiving are usually simultaneous meanings exist in and among people environment and noise affect communication channels make a difference

Even though others disagree, Diandra thinks of herself as a tremendously effective communicator. She reinforces this image by surrounding herself with people who are very shy and socially naive. Diandra's unrealistic handling of this situation provides an example of

social comparison theory

Snap judgments are often based on ___________________.


The ideas that all women are emotional and that all older people are out of touch with reality are examples of


Low-context cultures tend to value and emphasize

straight talk

As part of an employees identity, sexual orientation has the potential to be an invisible stigma.


Autonomy, change, and initiative are associated with individualistic cultures (t/f)


Benevolent lies are not necessarily malicious and perhaps may even be helpful to the person to whom they are told.


Elaborate versus succinct is an important type of cultural difference in verbal style.


Ethnocentrism is the attitude that ones culture is superior to others


Even partners in intimate relationships don't talk about personal matter with a high degree of frequency


Even positive qualities such as self-monitoring and cognitive complexity can be ineffective when carried to excess.


Feedback is the verbal and/or nonverbal response to messages received from a speaker/sender.


High-context cultures rely more on nonverbal cues than do low-context cultures.


Impression management involves deciding which face—which part of yourself—to reveal.


Race, ethnicity, gender, biological sex, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic class are all important considerations in standpoint theory.


The __ is our tendency to pay more attention to, and better recall, things that happen first in a sequence.


The tendency to seek information that conforms to an existing self concept has been labeled cognitive conservatism.


Tolerance for ambiguity is a characteristic of intercultural competence.


True self-disclosure has to be honest.


We commonly imagine that others possess the same attitudes and motives that we do.


We gain an idea of who we are from the way other react to us (t/f)


Westerners are generally uncomfortable with silence, which they often find embarrassing and awkward.


When analyzing the connection between mood and happiness, research is mixed on whether perceptual outlook or the amount of relational satisfaction comes first.


When two children squabble about "who started it" they exemplify what communication theorists call punctuation.


a sender has a high degree of control over the message when communicating via email or text message


experimental research indicates that when given a choice between telling a face-saving lie, the truth, and equivocating, most subjects will chose equivocating.


greater self awareness and self monitoring will help students be successful in the job market


in countries with high uncertainty avoidance deviant people and ideas are considered dangerous and intolerance is high.


one of the features that distinguishes qualitatively interpersonal communication from less personal exchanges is interdependence.


self-esteem has a power effect on communication


there is no single "ideal" or "effective" way to communicate in every situation


while children may be born with some social characteristics, self-concept is almost totally determined by social interaction.


you are having trouble hearing your professor because people next to you are talking. This is an example of external noise.


Which characteristics applies to interpersonal communication?

unrepeatable irreversible impossible not to communicate intentional or unintentional

High-context cultures tend to:

value and emphasize subtle, often nonverbal cues to maintain social harmony

As defined by social scientists, significant others are people ____________.

whose evaluations are especially influential on us.

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