COMM 1301 - CH. 11 & 12

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Which of the following is the most important result of a successful institutional image?

Advertisers can sell the corporation's products more easily.

Which of the following is a primary criticism of advertising?

Advertising is frequently deceptive.

Advertising that appears in search results produced by users' keyword searches is called

search marketing.

Which of the following are primary influences on how a product sells?

competitors' strategies changes in the economy product quality

The purpose of ______ advertising is to remedy a misleading ad.


Which of the following refers to the public relations practice of making a client sound more environmentally friendly than the client actually is?


Which of the following developments led to the formation of the National Advertising Review Board (NARB)?

growing criticism of advertising's contribution to the consumer culture concern over increasing scrutiny from the FTC

Jelly Helm criticized what he saw as America's culture of materialism, as well as its culture of


The Federalist Papers by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton were notable in the history of public relations because they were designed to ______ the proposed U.S. Constitution.

influence public support in favor of

As it pertains to the advertising industry, clutter refers to

an overabundance of commercial messages.

Which of the following statements about integrated marketing communications (IMC) are true?

Designed to be virtually seamless, IMC should be just as at home on the Web as it is on TV or in magazines. In IMC, firms actively combine public relations, marketing, advertising, and promotion functions. The goal of IMC is to give the client and agency greater control over communication and its interpretation.

The term "______" refers to the fact that multiple technologies, many of them new and emerging, are increasingly being used together in creating PR presentations.


When General Motors cut its 2006 ad budget by $600 million, it shifted its marketing resources toward which communication channels?

direct marketing websites, internet advertising, and online video event marketing and branded entertainment

One of the challenges facing modern advertisers is

dissatisfaction with hypercommercialism.

Which type of public relations work focuses specifically on the concerns of the client organization's employees or members and its retirees and their families?

employee/member relations

Out-of-home advertising may reach consumers through

screens on gas pumps. billboards. public transit vehicles.

One example of false advertising is lying by implication, which means

showing a product in such a way as to make it appear different from how it actually is.

Defenders of the advertising industry have argued it improves our standard of living, on the basis that advertising

shows the wonderful products produced by our society and encourages us to acquire and enjoy them.

Advertisers are increasingly using psychographic segmentation to appeal to consumer groups with

similar lifestyles and behavior patterns.

As a result of the stock market crash of 1929, advertisers began to

tell consumers they desperately needed a product.

Based on data from 2016, the biggest global advertiser in the world is Proctor & Gamble, which is headquartered in which country?

the United States

What aspect of digital media is driving the move toward ROI?

the ability to finely target consumers and foster interaction between marketer and consumer

Computers have changed modern television advertising in which of the following ways?

the ability to insert products into images or programs the use of computerized graphics and other special effects

Advertising is developed from idea to ad in ______, and the liaison between the advertising agency and the client is in ______.

the creative department; account management

Industry advertising is typically seen in

trade magazines.

Which of the following activities did Henry Ford and his Ford Motor company not undertake during the propaganda-publicity stage of public relations history?

survey the market by conducting in-depth opinion polls of prospective car buyers

Which of the following are tests used to evaluate the effectiveness of an ad after the campaign has launched?

awareness tests recall testing recognition tests

Clear Channel Outdoor's Branded Cities division, the U.S. Open American Express Fan Experience, and Lincoln Tribeca Interactive & Interlude: A Music Film Challenge are all examples of a practice called

experiential marketing.

Claiming that a product is proven to end colds faster when it really does not do so is an example of

outright lying.

National consumer advertising is primarily aimed at

potential buyers.

N. W. Ayer and Sons, founded in 1869, was different in what significant way from the agency created by Volney B. Palmer in 1841?

Ayer and Sons was a "full service" advertising agency

Which of the following statements about industry relations is true?

Companies in the same industry must be united in preserving the integrity of that industry.

Which of the following statements best summarizes consumer behavior with respect to smartphones and tablets?

Consumers are more likely to make impulse purchases from a smartphone or tablet, but they are less likely to welcome advertising on the device.

Around the time of World War I, public relations pioneer ______ began emphasizing the importance of assessing the feelings of the public toward an organization.

Edward Bernays

Who of the following were notable figures in the public polling industry during the 1930s?

Elmo Roper George Gallup

Which of the following countries most influenced American advertising in the colonial era?


Which of the following was established by the federal government in part to regulate the advertising industry?

Federal Trade Commission

Which of the following statements about puffery are true?

It assumes consumers do not take advertising claims literally. It refers to an acceptable degree of exaggeration in advertising.

Which of the following best defines copy testing?

It involves showing messages to consumers to gauge their potential success.

Which of the following are true of the reactions to Internet advertising?

Many sites offer frequency capping so that users don't have to see the same ads continuously. Some of the Internet's biggest companies and advertisers have formed a coalition to promote blocking of the worst forms of advertising.

Which of the following is not a real example of early public relations?

Marco Polo promoting the success of his journey to China with false reports

Which of the following are true of the demographic makeup of the U.S. today?

More than half of African Americans and Hispanics in the U.S. are under 35 years old. African Americans make up about 14% of the total population. Hispanics are now the nation's largest minority.

Which of the following contributed to the rapid growth in manufacturing after the Civil War?

There were applications for thousands of new copyrights and patents. Thousands of miles of new railroad track were laid. The telephone and the electric light were invented.

Which of the following services were offered by N. W. Ayer and Sons?

ad campaign planning creative and production services

Among the typical ad agency departments ______ is the one that handles management and accounting operations.


In terms of public relations, a public is

any group of people with a stake in an organization, issue, or idea.

One strategy for persuasive advertising is known as the AIDA approach; the acronym stands for ______.

attention, interest, desire, and action.

The AIDA approach attempts to persuade consumers by appealing to their

basic human needs.

Television advertising led to the unique selling proposition (USP), a strategy in which advertisers

demonstrated a distinctive quality of a product.

Critics of advertising argue that consumer culture is corrupting because it

depicts success as being measured by material things. suggests that important things can be bought rather than earned. presents definitions of life that serve advertisers and not the culture itself.

Buying products and services online is known as


In public relations, a flog is a

fake blog.

The term "astroturf" refers to ______ created by PR firms.

fake grassroots organizations

In addition to hourly and monthly billing, PR firms may use ______, in which the firm performs a specific set of services for a client for a specific and prearranged fee.

fixed-fee arrangements

Which of the following were advantages that the Office of War Information (OWI) during World War II had over its World War I counterpart, the Committee on Public Information (CPI)?

fully established radio networks help from Hollywood public opinion polling

Which of the following is an issue that might be addressed in trade and professional advertising messages?

increased profits

The term "______," which means directly interacting to influence elected officials or government regulators and agents, is a major part of government affairs as a public relations activity.


In the United States before the Civil War, advertising was primarily used by

local retailers.

Digital advertising has changed the advertising industry as a result of which of the following features?

low cost relative to other media reach and interactivity

Which of the following responsibilities does a PR firm take on when enlisted for media relations work?

maintaining good relationships with professionals in the media and understanding their needs helping to prepare and organize materials to be disseminated to the media helping the client understand the nature of the various media available

Programmatic ad fraud, which costs advertisers more than $16 billion annually, can be defined as

online activity being simulated in order to run up billable ad views.

Which of the following are common methods that research personnel in a large PR firm use to provide the operation and its client with feedback?

polling focus groups one-on-one interviews

Which of the following are factors that have shaped the character of public relations over the years?

professionalization better research tools

One goal of public service advertising is to

promote themes of importance.

Rather than promoting commercial products, public service advertising

promotes groups that help the public.

Which of the following terms carries the most negative connotation?

public relations

As minority populations shift and grow, advertisers must do which of the following?

refine their ability to reach different audience segments appeal to various cultures

PR firm Advanta is conducting research on a new protein drink that targets middle-aged women. Advanta gathers together small collections of middle-aged women to interview them about their thoughts on the protein drink. This activity is known as

running focus groups.

Environmental PR and pharmaceuticals PR are two examples of the ______ of public relations.


The main objective of direct marketing is to

target advertising to likely buyers.

The growth of ______ is among the key factors that have shaped the identity of public relations throughout its four stages of development.

the middle class

Which of the following were factors in the creation of professional standards for advertising?

the muckrakers' examination of the country's institutions false claims made by medicine advertisers the establishment of the FTC

The success of advertising is difficult to measure primarily because

there are many factors that influence sales.

As a result of the deregulation movement of the early 1980s, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) now regulates

through complaints made against advertisers.

The purpose of forced exposure in advertising is

to determine the effectiveness of commercials.

Which of the following statements about public service advertising are true?

Public service advertising promotes services or messages that are important for the general public. Public service ads are often used by nonprofit organizations or government agencies.

Which of the following statements about globalization and world demographics pertinent to advertising are correct?

About 80% of the world's population lives in developing countries. More than half of the top U.S. agencies are owned by foreign companies.

True or False: In recent years, advertisers have been forced to generalize ad campaigns in order to reach as many demographic groups as possible.


Why did Ivy Lee have to testify before Congress in 1934?

He had conducted public relations efforts on behalf of Adolf Hitler and Germany.

Which of the following distinguished television commercials from advertising in other media in the early days of television?

Television allowed for demonstration of a product.

Which of the following best explains how most Americans feel about ubiquitous advertising?

It interrupts and changes our experience and is annoying.

Which of the following statements about programmatic buying is true?

It refers to automated, data-driven purchasing of online advertising. It can be maliciously manipulated, resulting in financial losses.

True or false: More than half of the news we receive begins as PR.


Which of the following scenarios best illustrates a way that advertisers use new technology to make ads more effective?

While you are searching for a recipe on the Web, the option to buy a cookbook pops up.

Which of the following is the best example of national consumer advertising?

a magazine ad for Nike running shoes

Recent polling conducted by the PR industry found that ______ the American public mistrusts public relations.

a majority of over half of

A prosumer is

a proactive consumer

Magazines at the beginning of the 20th century were financially supported primarily by


One benefit of psychographics is that it allows advertisers to

better understand consumer behavior.

After the Civil War, industrialization led to manufacturers creating ______ in order to differentiate their products and make them more recognizable to consumers.


Which of the following best defines morphing in advertising?

digitally combining and transforming images

The fact that a non-U.S. firm owns 3 of the world's top-10-earning PR firms, or that several of the largest U.S. operations have personnel in 40 or more countries, is evidence of the ______ of public relations.

increasing globalization and concentration

What is the primary reason that social networking sites are so clearly a boon to advertisers?

information freely provided allows specific messages to be directed to specific users

Which of the following account for increased audience segmentation?

the increase in minority populations specialization of online offerings

Which of the following is the main goal of neuromarketing research?

to determine whether an ad motivated a consumer to purchase the product

Which of the following are means that PR firms and departments use in responding to mass pressure from various publics through the Internet?

using specialty firms, such as eWatch, whose job is to help clients respond to negative references on the Web integrated media communications (IMC), including the tactic of viral marketing hiring in-house Web monitors

As evidence of convergence in the PR industry, which of the following are of new importance to public relations?

video news releases online information and advertising satellite-delivered media tours

Which of the following best describes what VALS does?

It segments consumers based on lifestyles and values.

Which of the following are examples of industrial advertising?

a high-efficiency window manufacturer advertising in Architectural Record a landscaping firm advertising in Golf Course News International

In addition to developing ads, many ad agencies also do which of the following?

produce the ads they develop buy time and space for their ads in various media receive compensation for ad placement, usually through commissions

Out-of-home advertising is advertising that

reaches us when we are not intentionally engaged in media consumption.

The sophistication of modern consumers is best described by the statement that today's consumers are no longer passive media ______; they are empowered media ______.

receivers; users

Modern consumers are generally becoming more ______ most of the ads they see.

resistant to

Which of the following refers to advertising that focuses primarily on products aimed at local consumers?


Rather than the standard cost per thousand (CPM) measurement, advertisers are now focusing more on ______, an accountability-based measurement of success.

return on investment

Promotional retail advertising typically focuses on

special events or promotions held by retailers.

Because of Web advertising's ability to track return on investment, clients increasingly demand ______ from advertisers.

specific outcomes

Which of the following have been made possible by computerized printing?

split runs of magazines an increase in direct market advertising

Defenders of the advertising industry claim that ads accomplish which of the following?

support the economy of the country by encouraging purchases provide consumers with information for deciding what to buy support free mass media

Which of the following statements about the relationship between advertising and public relations are correct?

A company uses advertising to sell its products, but when it needs to improve its image, it turns to public relations. Advertising agencies are increasingly establishing PR departments or forming relationships with PR firms. Advertising people implement policy after organization leaders set it.

To counter public distrust of big business, many corporations established public relations departments, as ______ did in 1931.

General Motors

Which of the following automakers responded to a series of safety recalls in 2014 by undertaking a social-media public relations campaign to try to repair and save its reputation by offering loaner cars and vouchers for public transportation?

General Motors

Which of the following are true of financial PR?

It is practiced primarily by corporate organizations. It often comes into play when the organization is expanding into a new market.

Guided by adviser ______ and capitalizing on the relatively new medium of ______, president Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated a sophisticated public relations effort to gain support for his New Deal policies in the 1930s.

Louis McHenry Howe; radio

Which of the following statements about the current state of public relations is true?

Nearly every major U.S. company has a public relations department.

During World War II, the U.S. government undertook a massive campaign to bolster support for the war effort through its

Office of War Information (OWI).

Public relations firms include full-service firms and special services providers, such as

Web commentary monitoring services. media specialists for company CEOs. makers of video news releases.

The first corporate public relations department was established by ______ in 1889, when it hired a former newspaper writer to act a liaison with the press and public.

Westinghouse Electric

Which of the following are actual examples of public relations used for purposes that many people would consider questionable?

a PR effort by concerned scientists promoting solutions to obesity without declaring its funding came from a sugared soda manufacturer a PR firm providing a positive representation of repressive Middle Eastern regimes China's government hiring a PR firm after it was discovered that toys and toothpaste imported from China contained toxins

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of the word "flack"?

a derogatory term for a public relations professional, suggesting someone who will say anything if paid enough

Sometimes taking the form of cause marketing, corporate social responsibility can be defined as

a form of self-regulation in which business operations and the organization's values are integrated.

Which of the following were newly refined social science research methods that were used in the polling industry in the 1930s?

advances in sampling and interviewing advances in questionnaire design

Which of the following are ways in which public relations firms commonly bill for their services?

billing for collateral materials charging a monthly fee to be on call as PR counsel charging an hourly rate

As one media relations firm explained to clients in a promotional piece, advertising and content (for example, news stories) are which of the following?

both for sale--advertising directly, and content through PR firms the two categories of media

In addition to hourly and monthly billing, PR firms may bill for ______, handling printing, research and photographs for a client and adding a surcharge to those costs.

collateral materials

In two-way communication in public relations, the organization

communicates its message to people and in return listens when people communicate back.

Based on the Public Relations Society of America's widely accepted definition, public relations is a strategic ______ process that builds ______ beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

communication; mutually

Which public relations activity is most closely associated with cause marketing?


Lobbying is most often a central activity of which type of public relations service?

government affairs

Using a large-scale public relations campaign in order to influence or shape opinion about a particular concern, usually one that stirs strong opinions, is the domain of

issues management.

The public relations service of marketing communication typically includes the creation, design, and/or generation of

packaging. publicity and promotion. advertising.

Which of the following were actions taken by Congress or the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) in response to public distrust of the PR industry during the era of the 1940s to the 1960s?

passage of the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act adoption of a PRSA code of ethics establishment of a PRSA accreditation program

Public relations professionals in the 1930s increasingly turned to the newly emerging industry of ______ to get a better idea of public opinion.


In addition to globalization and concentration, a third trend in public relations is ______, which expands the activities of public relations professionals beyond the list of 14.


The Pennsylvania Railroad had a bad public image because of accidents and strikes, and the company attempted to deal with this in the usual way, by ______; however, Ivy Lee maintained that this would ______ amid the increasingly anti-business climate of the era.

suppressing information; be dangerous and counterproductive

The work of Edward Bernays, together with the Committee on Public Information, marked the beginning of ______ communication in public relations—that is, public relations talking to people and in return listening when they talked back.


Which of the following best characterizes public relations during the late 19th century?

typically one-way, from organization to public

Which of the following would typically be provided by a public relations firm or PR department, as opposed to a publication or ad agency?

video clips to be used on the evening news press releases

By what age have children typically gained the ability to rationally judge the worth of the claims made by advertising?

7 or 8 years old

Which type of public relations service focuses on the communities in which the client organization exists?

community relations

Which of the following was founded in 1936 to protect consumers from corrupt advertisers?

Consumers Union

Industry relations involves interacting with which of the following?

competitors suppliers regulators

Which of the following are reasons that companies began to shift interest from local markets to larger markets during the Industrial Revolution and the Civil War?

Factories increased production and manufactured more goods. The population of the United States grew.

True or False: There was a shortage of consumer products when World War II ended.


True or false: We pay attention to most ads we see throughout the day.


Which of the following represent changes in consumer priorities following World War II?

People had more money to spend on leisure goods. People were having more children and needed products for them. People had more ability to buy their own homes as a result of the GI Bill.

Critics claim that consumer culture does which of the following?

It demeans the individuals who live in it.

Which of the following statements about forced exposure are true?

It involves gathering a group of consumers to watch a program with commercials. It is used mostly for television advertising.

Which of the following statements about neuromarketing research are true?

It primarily measures consumers' subconscious reactions to advertising. Critics argue it exploits consumers' instinctual responses.

Which of the following statements about the state of public relations in the United States is true?

PR professionals outnumber journalists five to one.

Which of the following statements about client-agency relations are true?

More than half of agency/client contracts come with pay-for-performance clauses. Clients have become more assertive about accountability.

Which of the following statements about advertising directed toward children are true?

Some countries have banned television commercials that target children, but the United States has not. Advertising has become common in schools.

Which of the following best describes how the new permissions marketing has led to a rethinking of the relationship between advertiser and consumer in the digital age?

The advertiser and consumer act as partners and share information.

Which of the following is true of the relationship between radio and advertising in the 1920s?

The advertising industry was highly profitable thanks to radio advertising.

Which of the following are true of the relationship between advertising and radio programming in the 1920s?

The soap opera genre was developed by an advertising agency for its client. Advertising agencies often handled the production of the shows in which their commercials aired. The first regularly broadcast sponsored series was sponsored by a battery maker.

Which of the following statements about viral marketing is not correct?

The term "viral marketing," with its connotation of disease, reflects the negative view with which it is regarded by most PR professionals.

Which of the following explains why advertisers are now placing ads in fairly nontraditional settings?

They believe consumers have become too good at avoiding or ignoring traditional advertising.

How did advertisers respond when tasked to advertise a brand that was essentially the same as other brands in the same product category?

They came up with a unique selling proposition.

In 1982, after seven people died from cyanide-laced ______, PR firm Burson-Marsteller, in conjunction with manufacturer ______, saved the brand with a skillful and honest PR campaign.

Tylenol; Johnson & Johnson

Which of the following are examples of globalization and concentration in public relations?

U.S. public relations firms operating in foreign countries foreign ownership of U.S. public relations firms the collection of several different companies into giant marketing organizations

Which of the following statements about advertising are true?

We usually become aware of advertising only when it offends us. We frequently face some sort of ad or commercial.

Which of the following statements about public relations in the 19th century is not correct?

Whereas markets (and public relations) had been large and national, they now became smaller and more local.

Which of the following has been a key contributor to the rapid growth of direct market advertising?

computer databases

The definition of advertising must be very broad because advertisers

constantly look for new ways to stand out.

As consumers increasingly ignore the traditional forms of advertising, advertisers struggle to be


Most of the elements of today's large-scale, multifunction public relations agency were first in place by the time

World War I began in 1914.

Which of the following common aspects of today's advertising were in use at the beginning of the 20th century?

ads for mail-order products placement of ads near related articles creativity in visual presentation

The National Advertising Review Board (NARB) was created by the

advertising industry.

In 3000 B.C.E., Babylonian merchants hired barkers to announce products and prices to passersby. This provides an example of


In addition to the FTC, advertising is primarily regulated by

individual states.

Match the VALS segment to its description.

innovators matches Choice, successful and motivated by new ideas successful and motivated by new ideas achievers matches Choice, committed to family and career and motivated by goals committed to family and career and motivated by goals believers matches Choice, traditional and conventional and motivated by ideals traditional and conventional and motivated by ideals strivers matches Choice, trendy and fun loving and motivated by achievement trendy and fun loving and motivated by achievement

Ambient advertising, which makes use of nontraditional venues, is also sometimes referred to as 360 marketing because it

is incorporated into consumers' total environment in such a way that it is always there.

Which of the following are ways that the FTC can enforce the regulation of advertising?

issuing a cease-and-desist order imposing fines

Many people fault advertising for

its intrusiveness.

As he approached the end of his long life, what bothered public relations pioneer Edward Bernays most about the industry he had helped establish?

its lack of ethical standards

One goal of puffery is to

make ads more entertaining.

Advertisers explore different types of sales pitches in order to

make their ads stand out and be remembered.

Advertisers in trade or professional advertising would tend to focus on which of the following?

marketing support distribution plans

Advertising executive Steve Hayden argues that, because modern consumers are empowered media users,

media become refusable.

Before the Civil War, the major advertising medium was


If brands in a given product category are basically the same, they are known as ______ products.


In terms of the accountability increasingly demanded by advertisers, the Web's ______ is the ideal.

performance-based advertising

Critics argue that our culture has become a consumer culture—that is, a culture in which

personal worth and identity reside in the products we possess.

As early as the 15th century, tradespeople and other merchants were using which of the following methods of advertising to promote their products?

pinup want ads eye-catching signs business cards

Which of the following are examples of issues management work?

A disease control agency gathering and communicating information about a disease outbreak in another country ahead of any domestic appearance. A development agency working with disabilities advocacy groups to ensure a new state-funded arena will address all their concerns.

For which of the following is the client most likely to need a PR firm's counseling services?

A management group needs owners, contractors, and service providers to better understand what the group does.

Which of the following is a result of the overlap of advertising and public relations?

Many advertising agencies have their own public relations departments.

According to the Public Relations Society of America, public relations' management function calls on PR professionals to handle a number of important tasks. Which in particular would involve the media relations task of maintaining relationships with media professionals?

managing the resources necessary to perform public relations objectives

The public relations function known as ______ is a combination of activities (among them the creation of advertising) designed to sell a product, service, or idea.

marketing communication

Ivy Lee's Declaration of Principles expressed his philosophy of public relations, with the argument that PR practitioners should be

providers of information, not purveyors of publicity.

Today we might refer to the Boston Tea Party as a

pseudo-event, an event staged specifically to attract public attention.

Why did President Woodrow Wilson create the Committee on Public Information?

to generate public support for the nation's entry into World War I

Because, for many organizations, even routine decisions can have a significant impact on public opinion, public relations has

become a management function.

In his effort to improve the public image of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which had been badly damaged by strikes and accidents, Ivy Lee initiated a public relations campaign that included

taking reporters to the scene of trouble. helping reporters get any information and photographs they needed. distributing press releases.

Financial relations work consists of

enhancing communication between investor-owned companies and their shareholders, the financial community, the the public.

Which of the following publics is the primary intended audience for press releases, briefings, and access to company newsmakers?


Public relations firms include full-service firms and special services providers, such as

media specialists for company CEOs. makers of video news releases. Web commentary monitoring services.

Which of the following are examples of community relations work for which a PR firm may be hired?

meeting with local businesses and groups that could be impacted by a town's new paid parking plan addressing the concerns of residents near a lot where a developer hopes to build condos

Among the specific complaints about advertising is that ______ advertising is inherently unethical.


The modern era of public relations is characterized by which of the following?

growth of consumer markets

People who, in the words of PR executive Eric Webber, demand that the PR industry "adopt a position of full or total disclosure, driven by the innate openness and accessibility to information available on the Internet" are known as


A common tactic of integrated marketing communications (IMC) is to employ ______ marketing, which relies on targeting specific Internet users to spread a given message.


The War Advertising Council's best-known campaign was on behalf of the sale of ______ during World War II, still the largest campaign to date for a single item.

war bonds

Which of the following is the most positive aspect, for PR professionals, of how the Internet and social media are changing the PR landscape?

A greater sense of involvement with the company or organization can more easily be fostered, especially among young people.

Which of the following is the most negative aspect, for PR professionals, of how the Internet and social media are changing the PR landscape?

A public complaint can be almost instantaneously carried around the world.

Which of the following are true of U.S. children's response to advertising?

A typical first-grader can recognize about 200 different logos. McDonald's is the most recognizable brand among children.

True or false: Advertising agencies expanded their efforts to promote consumer products during World War II.


Which of the following precipitated the creation of the first advertising agency?

Volney B. Palmer formed a company to sell ad space in newspapers to businesses.

Accountability metrics can be defined as

agreed-upon measures of the effectiveness of a specific ad or campaign.

Which of the following is the type of ad research test that involves measuring the cumulative effective of an advertising campaign and tries to determine how conscious consumers are of a particular product?

awareness tests

An industry may rely on a PR firm with superior greenwashing skills to counter others' efforts to

call attention to industry practices they see as harmful to the environment.

Match the type of Web advertising to its description.

banners matches Choice, static online billboards appearing on Web pages static online billboards appearing on Web pages search marketing matches Choice, advertising appearing near to search results advertising appearing near to search results rich media matches Choice, interactive Web advertising interactive Web advertising lead generation matches Choice, directing users who've expressed interest to a brand's sales website directing users who've expressed interest to a brand's sales website

growth of consumer markets

better research tools professionalization

Critics of advertising targeted toward children consider it unethical because

children consume advertising in the home, often without parental supervision. it encourages children to believe that products can help them define themselves. children are too young to judge advertising claims.

The placement of advertising in media is compensated through ______, typically 15% of the cost of the time or space.


Advertising that promotes the name and reputation of a company rather than focusing just on selling products is known as ______ advertising.


In which type of public relations work do PR professionals routinely offer advice concerning the client organization's policies, relationships, and communication with its various publics, helping to create, refine, and present what the organization does?


Which of the following best describes how advertisers are responding to the problem of commercial clutter?

creating more ads

In his efforts to thwart the Stamp Act, Benjamin Franklin conducted a skillful public relations campaign by using which of the following?

criers—men who shouted public proclamations in the streets. his own publications.

Before the American Civil War, while British ads tended to be somewhat exaggerated, American ads were more


Direct market advertising reaches consumers primarily through

direct mail. catalogs. telemarketing.

Which of the following best represents the job of a focus group?

discussing reactions to potential ads with agencies

Defenders of advertising practices argue that ads

employ exaggeration rather than deception.

Match the positions in a typical public relations firm or department with the appropriate description.

executive matches Choice, Sometimes with a staff, sometimes alone, the person in this position sets policy and serves as the spokesperson for the operation. Sometimes with a staff, sometimes alone, the person in this position sets policy and serves as the spokesperson for the operation. account executive matches Choice, The person in this position provides advice to the client, defines problems and situations, assesses the needs and demands of the client's publics, and performs other functions. The person in this position provides advice to the client, defines problems and situations, assesses the needs and demands of the client's publics, and performs other functions. creative specialist matches Choice, With skills necessary to meet the needs of the client, a person in this position may be a writer, artist, graphic designer, video or audio producer, or photographer. With skills necessary to meet the needs of the client, a person in this position may be a writer, artist, graphic designer, video or audio producer, or photographer. financial services matches Choice, A person in this position is likely to have very specific and sophisticated knowledge of economics, finance, and business or corporate law. A person in this position is likely to have very specific and sophisticated knowledge of economics, finance, and business or corporate law.

Henry Ford was attempting to do which of the following with his auto races, in-house employee publication, and image advertising?

generate public goodwill for his products build interest in his cars

In 2018, American PR firms took in ________ in revenue.

$16 billion

Which of the following is true about one of the earliest examples of public relations—a clay tablet dating to about 1800 B.C.E.?

It is what today we would call a public information bulletin. It provided farmers with information on growing and harvesting their crops.

As a direct result of ______, Congress in 1938 passed the Foreign Agents Registration Act, requiring anyone who engages in political activities on behalf of a foreign power to register with the Justice Department as an agent of that power.

Ivy Lee's public relations efforts on behalf of Adolf Hitler and Germany

Which of the following best summarizes Ivy Lee's overall public relations strategy, as illustrated in his handling of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and other clients with a bad public image?

Prove that the client has nothing to hide by taking an open, helpful, and friendly approach to the public and press.

Which of the following statements about the propaganda-publicity stage of public relations history are correct?

Public relations began to acquire the deceitful, huckster image that would continue to plague the industry for years. The first major newspapers and consumer magazines went into circulation. The modern national political campaign, complete with news releases and position papers, was born.

Which of the following statements about advertising, public relations, and the relative control they exert, is not correct?

Public relations professionals never use advertising.

What is the main goal of employee/member relations efforts?

maintaining high morale and motivation

Which of the following statements about George Creel and the Committee on Public Information (CPI) are accurate?

The CPI sold government Liberty Bonds and helped increase Red Cross membership. Using movies, public speakers, and articles in the press, the CPI engaged in public relations on a scale never seen before. Creel assembled opinion leaders from around the country to advise the government on its PR efforts and help shape public opinion.

Which of the following was one of the books or movies that contributed to a widespread negative view of the public relations industry in the 1940s and 1950s?

The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit

both for sale--advertising directly, and content through PR firms the two categories of media

The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit

Which of the following are true statements about the modern era of public relations, beginning after World War II?

The distinction between public relations and advertising was increasingly blurred. Public relations became more focused on integrated two-way communication.

The PR used in the wake of Saudi Arabia's war crimes and oppressive regime is an example of how a great deal of the PR industry's work is seen by media consumers only when

a company, organization, or political body has done something the public finds particularly offensive.

Which of the following publics is the primary intended audience for information meetings, open houses, and company-sponsored safety and food drives?


Which of the following is the least likely position to be found in the typical small PR firm or department?

government relations

Fill in the words missing from the Public Relations Society of America's list of the components of public relations professionals' management role.

public opinions matches Choice, Anticipate, analyze, and interpret ______ and issues that could have an impact on their organizations. Anticipate, analyze, and interpret ______ and issues that could have an impact on their organizations. policies matches Choice, Counsel their organizations' management on ______, public communication, and courses of action, keeping in mind their larger social responsibilities. Counsel their organizations' management on ______, public communication, and courses of action, keeping in mind their larger social responsibilities. public policy matches Choice, Plan and implement their organizations' efforts to influence or change ______. Plan and implement their organizations' efforts to influence or change ______. goals matches Choice, Research and conduct public relations efforts and evaluate them on an ongoing basis to ensure they meet their organizations' ______. Research and conduct public relations efforts and evaluate them on an ongoing basis to ensure they meet their organizations' ______.

According to a statement made by Judy Phair, as president of the Public Relations Society of America, "For public relations to be effective, it has to be built on ______."

public trust

Public relations professionals must interact with seven categories of


The first publicity company, the Publicity Bureau, opened in Boston in 1906 and later expanded to other cities to help the ______ industry challenge federal regulations that it opposed.


One example of early public relations in revolutionary-era America was ______, which today might be described as a "pseudo-event."

the Boston Tea Party

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., suffered an image problem because many in the press and public blamed him for ______ at a Colorado coal mine he owned, but Ivy Lee convinced Rockefeller to ______, an act that greatly improved his public image.

the deaths of several miners, along with their wives and children; visit the scene and talk (and be photographed with) striking miners

The Global Energy Balance Network, presented as a group of concerned scientists wanting to promote "science-based" solutions to obesity, is considered "astroturf" because

the effort wasn't actually driven by the scientists; it was funded and guided by corporate soda maker Coca-Cola.

Which of the following have in recent years increased the need for public relations professionals who specialize in media relations?

the growing number of media outlets advances in technology

Some of the trends that characterize the modern era in public relations include

the increased use of television to shape public opinion. greater involvement by charitable and activist groups. the increasing prominence of women in the industry.

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