comm 151, midterm 2 scholar articles

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Dunagan et al (2018): "The Biology of Disinformation: Memes, media Viruses, and Cultural Inoculation" Propaganda definition?

"is a set of methods employed by an organized group that wants to bring about the active or passive participation in its action of a mass of individuals"

Dunagan et al (2018): "The Biology of Disinformation: Memes, media Viruses, and Cultural Inoculation" Interventions for preventing disinformaiton

-Platform-based detection and intervention: Algorithms and bots Internet platforms h -Strengthen cultural immune response: Education politicized, so advocate strengthening social relationships (Decrease in person alienation; increase rapport, reciprocity, engagement

Fox and Vendemia (2016): Selective Self-presentation and Social Comparison Through Photographs on Social Networking Sites Conclusion/key points?

-Whether women posted pictures to SNS more frequently than men (NO) -Whether women edited pictures they posted more than men (YES) -Whether women felt BETTER than men viewing unflattering picture of othoer people (YES) -Whether women felt WORSE than men viewing flattering picutres of others (Yes)

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas. 2014. "Behind the online comments: the psychology of internet trolls." 3 traits of trolling:

1- More likely to be more Machiavellian (impulsive and charming manipulators), psychotic (cold, fearless, and antisocial), and specially sadist. 2. Anonymity triggers the behavior 3. Trolling is a status-enhancing activity.

Dolata and Schrape (2016): Masses, Crowds, Communities, Movements: Collective Action in the Internet Age 3 types of collective behavior on the web?

1. The mass: as an aggregate of reciprocally anonymous individuals 2. The crows: differs from the mass through elementary forms of collectively oriented behavior 3. The public: actively enage in discussion and exchange ideas & solutions

Gonzales, Amy and Jeffrey Hancock. 2011. "Mirror, Mirror on my Facebook Wall: Effects of Exposure to Facebook on Self-Esteem." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Method?

A total of 63 students (16 males, 47 females) from a large, Northeastern university participated in this study for extra credit. The study consisted of three conditions: exposure to a mirror, exposure to one's own Facebook site, and a control condition in which participants used the same room without any treatment. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions, with a total of 21 participants taking part in each of the three conditions.

Dunbar, Robin (2016): Do Online social media cut through the constraints that limit the size of offline social networks? Question?

Can online social network break through the glass ceiling imposed by at the least the second of these, potentially enabling us to maintain much larger social networks?

Kramer et al (2014): "Experimental Evidence of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion through Social Networks" Method?

Cant measure participants emotions directly so analyzed words they used in posts. Ca 700 000 users analyzed

Gonzales, Amy and Jeffrey Hancock. 2011. "Mirror, Mirror on my Facebook Wall: Effects of Exposure to Facebook on Self-Esteem." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Hypothesis/question?

Contrasting hypotheses were posed to test the effect of facebook exposure on self-esteem. Objective self Awareness (OSA) versus hyperpersonal Model. H1: Exposure to one's Facebook site will have a more negative effect on self-esteem than traditional objective self-awareness stimuli (e.g., mirror). H2: Exposure to one's Facebook site will have a more positive effect on self-esteem than a control condition or traditional self-awareness stimuli (e.g., mirror).

Dunbar, Robin (2016): Do Online social media cut through the constraints that limit the size of offline social networks? Key Points?

Disaggregates friends into different layers. Each layer tends to be 3x larger than the one above it. Support clique = Close friends (4 people) Sympathy group = People you would go for advice/sympathy (11-14) Broader friend network = 100-200 Larger networks for women and young people (allthough not in inner two layers of network)

Lupia & Sin (2003) Which Public Goods are endangered? How evolving Communication Technologies Affect the Logic of Collective Action Conclusion?

Evolving communication technologies affect several factors that used to distinguish effective collectives from ineffective ones. Technologies that reduce the cost of sending information long distances can reduce organizational costs, increase noticeability and make ineffective communicative networks effective

Fox and Vendemia (2016): Selective Self-presentation and Social Comparison Through Photographs on Social Networking Sites Purpose and method?

Examine "Selective Self-Presentation and Social Comparison Through Photographs on Social Networking Sites" (self-reported, not actual behavior) Surveyed representative national sample of SNS users

Dolata and Schrape (2016): Masses, Crowds, Communities, Movements: Collective Action in the Internet Age Question?

How might the very differently structured social collectives on the internet be classified and distinguished? What influence does the technological infrastructure have on their formation, structure and activities?

Dolata and Schrape (2016): Masses, Crowds, Communities, Movements: Collective Action in the Internet Age Two types of collectives?

Non-organized: No organized core, but shared perceptions. Do NOT act as one entity, but are characterized by spontanous forms of collective behavior Collective Actors: social movements etc, with a CONSISTENT core of people

Lazer et al (2018): The Science of Fake news

Now that "institutional bulwards against misinformation" are weakened, concerned about "fake news" manipulation Fake news defined: "Fabricated" info mimicking news in form but not in organization process or intent. Interventions are needed to counter fake-news: -Empower individuals to evaluate fake news (Fact checking/education) -Platform-based detection and intervention: platforms might detect fakery

Lupia & Sin (2003) Which Public Goods are endangered? How evolving Communication Technologies Affect the Logic of Collective Action Question/Method?

Q: How do these changes affect Olsons thesis? M: Deconstructing and applying Olsons theories to modern technologies

What is selective incentive?

Rewarding or punishing action depending if the individual contributed to the collective or the opposite. Collective or public goods have the property of nonexcludability: if they are provided to any member of a group, they cannot be excluded from other group members.

Lupia & Sin (2003) Which Public Goods are endangered? How evolving Communication Technologies Affect the Logic of Collective Action Key Points?

Signaling theory: "When interest commonality.. provide sufficient incentives for truthful revelation, new technologies are best positioned to reduce organizational costs and increase noticeability" Coalition Theory: Unsable coalitions and new appeals form formerly unattractive partners

Vanman et al (2018): The Burden of online friends: The effect of giving up facebook on stress and well-being Purpose and Method?

Testing effects of giving up facebook for 5 days Sample: 138 Australian active facebook users were recruited with the know that they might have to give up facebook for a few days. 123 completed

Kramer et al (2014): "Experimental Evidence of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion through Social Networks" Hypothesis?

Testing to see if emotional states can be transmitted through online networks. Two experiments: Reduce probability that positive or negative posts by friends were shown in feed.

Dunbar, Robin (2016): Do Online social media cut through the constraints that limit the size of offline social networks? Conclusion?

The data show that the size and range of online egocentric social networks (facebook-friends is similar to that of offline face-to-face networks. For one sample respondents also specified the number of individuals in the inner layers of their network (sympathy group), and these were similar in size to offline group. This suggests that there is a cognitive constraint on the size of social networks that even social media is unable to overcome. Relationships may require at least occasional face-to-face interaction to maintain them

Kramer et al (2014): "Experimental Evidence of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion through Social Networks" Key point + conclusion

The findings can have implications for public health Find significant evidence of contagion

Vanman et al (2018): The Burden of online friends: The effect of giving up facebook on stress and well-being Key Point and Result?

The results indicate that the typical user facebook user might find the large amount of social information taxing Found slight decrease in cortisol-measured stress (but decrease in self reported life satisfaction) among those who gave up facebook

Gonzales, Amy and Jeffrey Hancock. 2011. "Mirror, Mirror on my Facebook Wall: Effects of Exposure to Facebook on Self-Esteem." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Key points?

The results revealed that in contrast to previous work on OSA, exposure to your own facebook profile enhanced self-esteem. The Internet has not created new motivation for self presentation, but provides new tools to implement such motives. The negative effects of objective self-awareness on self-esteem originated from work in the early 1970s.

Dunbar, Robin (2016): Do Online social media cut through the constraints that limit the size of offline social networks? Hypothesis/question?

The social brain hypothesis has suggest that natural social network sizes mayu have a characteristic size in humans. This is determined in party by cognitive constraints and in part by the TIME COSTS of servicing relationships

Lupia & Sin (2003) Which Public Goods are endangered? How evolving Communication Technologies Affect the Logic of Collective Action Hypothesis?

The theory in Mancur Olsons "The Logic of "Collective Action" is built from uncontroversial assumptions about interpersonal communication. This study means to analyze if evolving technologies are invalidating these assumptions

Dolata and Schrape (2016): Masses, Crowds, Communities, Movements: Collective Action in the Internet Age Conclusion?

These technical systems and platforms do encourage formation of the collective. They do so by allowing for reduced transaction costs and accelerated speed of exchange. However, to an unprecedented degree of observability and surveillance.

Dunbar, Robin (2016): Do Online social media cut through the constraints that limit the size of offline social networks? Method?

Using two separate UK surveys, each randomly stratified by age, gender and regional population size.

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