COMM 207: Inquiry About Communication

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Citing a source in APA format involves two steps. What are they?

1. creating full reference citations 2. creating in-text citations

As we discussed in the introduction, citing sources is an important part of the research process. But how exactly will citing sources benefit you in your academic career? 4

1. establishes your credibility as a scholar 2. gives the author credit and allows others to find their work 3. allows your audience to easily find the original source 4. demonstrates your integrity

What are the basic elements for a full reference citation for books?

Here are the basic elements of a book reference entry: The author's name (the who) The publication date in parentheses (the when) The title of the book and edition number, if not the first edition (the what) The name of the publisher (the where)

For full reference APA citations, for an online source (a video from a streaming service), what are the following elements that need to be included?

If you need to cite a video posted to a streaming service, here are the elements to include: 1. Name of the account that uploaded the video (which, in this case, is considered the author) 2. Date of publication 3. Video title followed by the word Video in square brackets 4. Title of the streaming service 5. URL of the video

A "meta-analysis" does all of the following except

It has a "methods" or "results" section.

This is the original source material: If one were going to be limited to a single method, then certainly the verbal report from a respondent would be the choice. With no other device can an investigator swing his attention into so many different areas of substantive content, often simultaneously, and also gather intelligence on the extent to which his findings are hampered by population restrictions. Which of the following is true regarding the student's use of the material?

It is not acceptable paraphrase.

How will you know when to use APA versus another citation style? There are 2 reasons.

The citation style you use often depends on two things: 1. The style most commonly used in a given discipline. 2. The style recommended or required by your instructor, department, school, or college.

Fill in the blanks. 1. You should always cite your source when you Use _________ _________ for more than ________ word. 2. You should always cite your sources when you __________________ someone's ideas by putting the idea or words into your ___________ words. 3. You should always cite your sources when you summarize _____________ ___________'s ideas or words. 4. You should always cite your sources when you use information that may be ____________ but is not ___________ (including statistical information).

You should always cite your sources when you use direct quotes of more than one word. You should always cite your source when you paraphrase someone's ideas by putting the idea or words into your own words. You should always cite your sources when you summarize someone else's ideas or words. You should always cite your sources when use information that may be known but is not familiar (including statistical information).

Generally, the social sciences prefer ________ style. a) APA b) MLA c) Chicago

a) APA

Full text sources you find through a Google search may charge a fee to access the article, but through the ASU virtual library the same resources are a) all free b) much less expensive c) about half as expensive d) free in most cases

a) all free

Where is the references section located on an APA assignment? a) at the end of the paper or other assignment b) on the title page c) none of these

a) at the end of the paper or other assignment

Why is citation important? Select all of the correct options to check your understanding. a) avoid plagiarism b) establish credibility and integrity c) make yourself look smarter d) allow your reader to find the original sources e) credit the author

a) avoid plagiarism b) establish credibility and integrity d) allow your reader to find the original sources e) credit the author

Which of the following subject areas into those that commonly use APA and those that commonly use APA style? Select all that apply. a) social work b) engineering c) education d) history e) political science f) English g) nursing

a) social work c) education e) political science g) nursing

Do you know the elements a journal article reference entry should contain? Select the correct components to find out. a) the author b) abstract article c) the date d) the title of the article e) the journal title f) the volume number g) the issue number h) the page numbers i) the URL or DOI (for online versions only)

a) the author c) the date d) the title of the article e) the journal title f) the volume number g) the issue number h) the page numbers i) the URL or DOI (for online versions only) *Everything but the abstract article.

Haniya includes the following in a poster they created for a class assignment: In March 2019, 58% of workers in the United States in private service industry had access to paid sick leave benefits. Do they need to cite their source? a) yes b) no

a) yes

Jennifer writes the following in their paper: The author writes that she was "literally stunned" by the audio quality. Do they need to cite their source? a) yes b) no

a) yes

Xanthe reads the following sentence in a newspaper's review of a play: The acting was sublimely energetic. He writes the following in his paper: According to a review, the acting was "sublimely energetic." Does he need to cite a source here? a) yes b) no

a) yes Xanthe was directly quoting the newspaper article, so he needs to cite his source.

Shania reads the following sentence in a textbook: The design of the building derives from Roman architectural traditions established in the Constantinian period. They write the following in their paper: When looking at the building, it is clear that the architect took their inspiration from architectural traditions established in Rome during the Constantinian period. Does she need to cite a source here? a) yes b) no

a) yes Even though Shania used their own words, they got this information from the textbook author, so they need to give the author credit.

Which of the following is not a common research method in qualitative research studies? a) content analysis b) surveys c) narrative d) interviews

b) surveys

When considering an article as a source for your own work, it is important to carefully read the discussion/conclusion section because

c) what a study failed to find can be as relevant to your topic as its positive results

When the databases you are using doesn't have the full text of the article in html or pdf form, you should look for the full text version by

determining whether the asu libraries have the article available elsewhere by clicking GetIt@ASU

Bibliographic annotations should be written in

in the third person

a metanalysis doe all of the following except

it has a methods or results section

Which of the following is true regarding academic search premier?

it is also known as ebscohost

A literature review should be written


A quotation should be in block form


All of the following are true about bibliographic annotation EXCEPT a) It is more tha. a summary of an article. b) It can be evaluative. c) It is part of an organized list. d) It will generally be 200-300 words.


The order in which the authors' names are listed in an academic article generally indicates


What symbol is a wildcard


When writing a research paper, creating a presentation, or developing any kind of academic assignment, it can be confusing to decide when you need to cite a source. What are the four general guidelines that will help you decide if you need to add a citation?

1. Cite your source anytime you quote another author. This means you repeat two or more of the author's exact words in your work. 2. Cite your source when you paraphrase or summarize someone's ideas. This means you rephrase someone else's ideas or words into your own words. If you got your idea from someone else, you should give them credit, even if it's not an exact quote. 3. Cite your source when you introduce facts or statistics you have found from another source. 4. Cite your source when you include information that is not considered common knowledge. If in doubt, consult with your instructor. Librarians are also available to assist with questions!

For a full text citation of a journal, what is the order of the elements that are included? (in this exact order)

1. The author (the who) 2. The date (the when) 3. The title of the article (the what) 4. The journal title (the where) 5. The volume number (the where) 6. The issue number (the where) 7. The page numbers (the where) 8. For online versions, the DOI or URL (the where)

For full reference APA citations, for an online source (web page on a website), what are the following elements that need to be included?

1. Web page author 2. Publication date 3. Web page title in italicized font 4. Title of the source element 5. URL of the web page

Different citation styles are used by different disciplines. APA and MLA are the major styles covering the _________ and _________.

Different citation styles are used by different disciplines. APA and MLA are the major styles covering the social sciences and humanities.

For a full reference citation of a book which are the following the elements a reference entry for a book should contain? Select all that apply: a) city and state in which the publisher is located b) URL from academic databases c) edition number (if not the first edition) d) publication date e) author's name f) title g) URL from a non-academic database when a DOI is not available h) DOI (if available) i) publisher's name

For a full reference citation of a book, the following element should contain: c) edition number (if not the first edition) d) publication date e) author's name f) title g) URL from a non-academic database when a DOI is not available h) DOI (if available) i) publisher's name

For a full reference citation of a book which are the following the elements a reference entry for a book should not contain? a) city and state in which the publisher is located b) URL from academic databases c) edition number (if not the first edition) d) publication date e) author's name f) title g) URL from a non-academic database when a DOI is not available h) DOI (if available) i) publisher's name

For a full reference citation of a book, the following element should not contain: a) city and state in which the publisher is located b) URL from academic databases

For full reference APA citations, for an online source (a film or a movie), what are the following elements that need to be included?

Here are the elements to include for a film or movie citation: 1. Director 2. Year of release 3. Film title followed by the medium in brackets 4. Production company (or companies)

Which statement is true regarding scholarly peer-reviewed and referred journals? a) In both, most articles are selected for publication by an expert editor. b) Peer-reviewed journals use expert panels to judge articles, but in peer-reviewed journals most articles are selected by an expert editor. c) Refeed journals use expert panels to judge articles, but in peer-reviewed journals most articles are selected by an expert editor. d) In both, most articles are selected for publication by panels of experts in the related field.

NOT D! d) In both, most articles are selected for publication by panels of experts in the related field.

When citing a full reference in APA and it is missing information, such as the date of publication, how should you cite it?

Place the initials "n.d." (which stands for no date) where the date would normally be listed.

For full reference APA citations, for an online source (social media), what are the following elements that need to be included?

Social media posts are slightly more complicated, as the required elements vary depending on the platform. Here's a general list of the elements you should record, but we recommend consulting the APA manual for specifics. APA has also published a helpful online reference guide. The required elements are generally: 1. Author 2. Date 3. Post title 4. Elements included in the post, such as images or videos, encased in square brackets 5. The post type in square brackets

Fill in the blanks. The in-text citation ______ the paraphrased or _________ material to the _________ citation so that readers know which __________ it came from.

The in-text citation connects the paraphrased or quoted material to the full citation so readers know which source it came from.

Fill in the blanks. The second step is building an in-text citation, which is placed _________ to the material you are quoting or ________ in your assignment. This citation connects the paraphrased or quoted material to the full citation so readers know which source it came from.

The second step is building an in-text citation, which is placed next to the material you are quoting or paraphrasing in your assignment. This citation connects the paraphrased or quoted material to the full citation so readers know which source it came from.

All of these are drawn from the same material. Which constitutes plagiarism?

The stories of Sherlock home celebrate the notion of home, reassuring us that our lives are not boring.

Fill in the blanks. What is the information included in the "References" section of the APA assignment? This includes all of the information someone would need to locate the sources you used, such as ______________'s name, ____________ title, the ___________ of ___________, and so on.

This includes all of the information someone would need to locate the source you used, such as the author's name, the publication title, the date of publication, and so on.

True or False. The general rule is to include the same components in the same order as used for a physical book. The only difference is the addition of the digital object identifier (DOI) or, if a DOI is not available, the URL.


We use the 5 W's for information gathering in APA full citations. What does the what stand for?

What refers to the title of the article, book, website, or other resource. What is the work called?

When citing a full reference in APA and it is missing information, such as the author, how should you cite it?

When an author is not named, list the title and then the date.

We use the 5 W's for information gathering in APA full citations. What does the when stand for?

When refers to the date on which the content was published

We use the 5 W's for information gathering in APA full citations. What does the where stand for?

Where refers to the source of the publication. Book citations, for example, include the name of the publisher. Web page citations include a URL

We use the 5 W's for information gathering in APA full citations. What does the who stand for?

Who represents the author or authors of the content. In other words, who is responsible for creating the work?

Which of the following should NOT be a factor when considering an article as a source for your own research?

You agree with everything in the article.

For full reference citations, when citing a chapter in an edited book, what are the steps in the general format of the full reference citation?

You may find that you need to cite a chapter in an edited book. Generally, this would be a chapter written by an author (or authors) in a book compiled and edited by one or more other people. Here is the general format. Chapter author (the who) Date (the when) Chapter Title (the what) Editors (also the who) Book title (also the what) Edition (if not the first) and page numbers (also the what) Publisher (the where) DOI or URL for digital versions (the where)

Isabis is writing a report and reads a really interesting analysis on their topic in a journal article, and they decide to restate part of that analysis in their own words. Do they need to cite their source? a) yes b) no

a) yes Paraphrasing still requires you to cite your sources even though it is in your own words, you still need to credit where you got the information from.

Nafeesa mentions in her presentation that about 8% of the U.S. population gets sick from the flu each season. Does she need to cite a source here? a) yes b) no

a) yes Statistics should almost always include a citation so readers know where the information came from and if it is a credible source.

The reference page should list

all the sources that the researchers read during the study-Not correct

Qualitative studies use _____, while quantitative studies use _____.

analysis and interpretation' intstruments and measures

True or false: When citing a full reference citation, when an author is not named, list the publisher and then the date. a) true b) false

b) False When an author is not named, list the title and then the date.

For a full reference citation, when the date of publication is missing, which initials do you place in parentheses? a) m.d. b) n.d. c) f.d

b) n.d. Place the initials "n.d." (which stands for no date) where the date would normally be listed.

Nafeesa is giving a presentation on how the flu spreads. She mentions in her presentation that the flu is caused by a virus. Should she cite a source? a) yes b) no

b) no Facts considered to be common knowledge generally do not need citations (although it's always a good idea to check with your instructors to see what they consider general knowledge before submitting your work).

Ekon includes the following in their presentation: George Washington was the first president of the United States. Do they need to cite their source? a) yes b) no

b) no It is common knowledge.

Generally, the social sciences prefer APA style. What are the common subject areas that use APA?

business, communications, criminology and criminal justice, education, nursing, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology

Google sources are ______ compared to your ASU virtual library resources. a) not as up-to-date b) not necessarily authoritative c) harder to search

c) not harder to search

How is word "References" formatted on an APA assignment? a) on the left margin titled "Works Cited" at the top of the page b) centered, bolded, on the top of the page titled "Works Cited" c) centered at the top of the page, word "References is bolded as the title

centered at the top of the page, word "References is bolded as the title

What database is featured as a "top resource" on the Communication Libguide? a) Proquest b) Communication and Mass Media Complete c) Academic Search Premier d) all of the above

d) not all of the above

When the database you are using doesn't have the full text of the article in html or pdf, you should look for the full text version by

determining whether the ASU libraries have the article available elsewhere by clicking GetIt@ASU

citation is required only when you produce a person's exact words, not when you paraphrase or summarie them.


Keywords are needed in research to help you

find resources through online databases

A key step to effectively synthesize material is to

have a way with words

Presenting your resource material by dividing it into categories, such pro and con of relevant theoretical approaches, is considered ______ in a good literature review. a) inappropriate b) acceptable but unnecessary c) useful under certain conditions d) essential

incorrect-useful under certain conditions

In order to avoid plagiarism, which of the following is acceptable?

none of the above

In correct order, the title page includes

not the only that starts with title

for the purposes of this class, a source is a theoretical article when it

proposes a new direction in thinking, but does not present new resarch

For purposes of this class, a source is a "theoretical" article when it

proposes a new direction in thinking, but does not present new research

When you search the phrase "the effect of conflict in same sex sibling relationships" academic search premier

searches only that exact phrase

Which section(s) of an empirical article would be most likely to include ideas for future studies?

the conclusion and limitations

What is included in the running header?

the title

All of the following are true regarding empirical articles except a) written by scholars for the general public b) intended to share new/original evidence c) published in scholarly journals d) They are also called primary research articles.


Which of the following is TRUE regarding the review of literature? a) All academic research should begin with a review of literature. b) Beginning researchers should always start their research with a review of literature, but it's unnecessary for established scholars. c) An established scholar needs to conduct a review if literature only when beginning work in a new area of interest. d) An established scholar must conduct a review of literature primarily when testing theories.


Which of the following is not considered a common research method in quantitative studies? a) surveys b) experiments c) quasi-experiments d) ethnography


Which of the following is not one of the recommended criteria for evaluating research sources? a) Which search engine was used to locate the source? b) What are the author's credentials? c) Who is the publisher? d) Is the information up to date?


All of the following are recommended ways to limit a database search so you only access primary/empirical articles except: a) check the "peer reviewed" box b) include " study or results" as a keyword c) include some other term as a keyword that is found in research articles d) use Google Scholar as your primary database

unanswered, probably google scholar

When considering an article as a source for your own work, it is important to carefully read the discussion/conclusion section because

what a study failed to find can be as relevant to your topic as its positive results

APA citations, for information gathering, we use the 5 W's. What are they?

who, when, what, and where

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