Comm 411 Midterm (Lecture)

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What are the 5 requisites for constructively expressing emotions?

1. Access—I need to know what I'm feeling. 2. Self-esteem—the ability to say 'I count' before 'I deserve it'. 3. Safe Environment—In order to be vulnerable 4. Communication Skills—be able to put emotions into words. 5. Willing/Able Receiver

What are the 3 criteria for a sound 'contract' in step 5 of the 6step process?

1. Agree on who will do what (behavior) 2. State agreement clearly 3. Make sure both parties clearly agree

What are the "4 Awful Truths" about conflict?

1. Conflict will occur—inevitable 2. It always involves costs and risks—always some cost/risk, even when it is handled well 3. Most conflict damage results from dysfunctional conflict behavior 4. Much of the damage is irreversible

What 2 conditions are necessary for applying Dues' 7-step process for negotiating conflict resolutions?

1. Have to be able to define what's wrong (issue) in terms of someone's behavior 2. If I can get the person to listen to me then we can resolve it

According to French and Raven, what is five power "currencies"?

1. Reward 2. Coercive: Power to punish 3. Legitimate: Assigned to be in charge 4.Reverent: Not what you know but who 5. Expert: I have more knowledge then you

Dues presented 4 useful rules for dealing with emotions in conflict. What are they?

1. Treat emotions as internal facts (from both parties) 2. Report relevant emotions 3. Never say 'should' or 'object' to an emotion of another person 4. Control behavior, not emotions (no excuse for abuse)

What are 4 ways conflict has costs for individuals in organizations?

1.Time and Resources 2.Stress 3.Risks 4.Distance physical and psychological distance

How does Dues define "power"?

Ability to cause or influence an outcome

In step 1 of the 6 step process, how should the conflict issue be defined?

DEFINE THE PROBLEM ∙ Focus on behavior i. 1. Have to be able to define what's wrong in terms of someone's behavior ii. 2. If I can get the person to listen to me then we can resolve it iii. Present or future tense iv. DO NOT: object to feelings, judge character

Distinguish between distributive and integrative conflict strategies.

Distributive: assumes it's a fixed pie (limited resources) that are distributed, someone gets more the other gets less Integrative: effort to have larger pie and share it together (both get the most they can get)

How can a person with less power apply the dysfunctional conflict management strategy of imposition?

Do it covertly (secretly) and get away with it

According to Gottman, what are the most common matters over which couples engage in conflict?

Family, Money and Sex

For what basic theory of human motivation do we draw our concepts about goals in conflict?

Field theory by Kurt Lewin Theory underlies conflict and human motivation in psychology Basic idea: motivation works for example you are in a field trying to get to the other side and other things such as people that are in your space are either there to help you (ally) or an obstacle

What are the key elements that are present in most definitions of conflict?

Hocker & Wilmot—an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals. Elements: i. Difference ii. Interdependence iii. Opposition—Interference. See as an opponent. iv. Emotion—fear, hurt, anger. v. Behavior/Communication—What you're doing, acting. vi. Context—at work, marriage, etc. Happens due to the surrounding

Why is positive feedback essential as part of the follow through on a negotiated conflict resolution?

Increases likelihood that desired behavior will continue.

How does Dues define conflict?

It's a discomforting difference

Why (and when) is compromise a dysfunctional conflict management strategy?

Nobody wins/loses meaning the solution is never optimal and most of the time a win-win could have occurred.

What are prospective, transactive, and retrospective goals?

Prospective : Goals going into conflict Transactive : Goals as you go through conflict Retrospective : Reflecting after

Briefly describe Dues' concept of "leverage" as a tool for assessing relative power in a conflict?

The other parties stake in my being satisfied with outcome of conflict. More leverage= more power/better likelihood of finding solution.

Briefly describe each of the "TRIP" goals?

Topic: Surface content Relational Goal: How I want to be treated Identity: How do I want to be seen Process: How the conflict is managed

"Realistic" change curve?

You must be ready for the period (limbo) where it is worse for a while before it gets better.

How do our theories of management under which organizations operate affect conflict management? Give 2 specific examples.

classical theory where communication is all top down and you have differences in status where people below don't have good stuff to get things resolved (they can't go upstairs) • ex: when you get to human resources management where they recognize that the primary resource is the human beings and productivity depends on them being motivated, then boss understands and starts listening • human resources management creates a lot more opportunity for humans to interact and get things resolved

In what ways does stress interfere with our ability to handle conflict well?

∙ *The more stressed, the less able to deal with problems & coping

Briefly describe the mixture of emotions that typically accompany conflict.

∙ Anger ∙ Fear ∙ Sadness

What is the purpose of step 4 in the 6step process for negotiating conflict resolutions?

∙ Approach directly and privately i. Best way is in person, FtoF, second best is on the phone ∙ State the problem i. Tell them why it's a problem ii. It's a problem for me because... ∙ State your wish for a mutually agreeable solution

What are organizational conflicts more common and more problematic during transition periods?

∙ Because in transition periods there is more uncertainty, which creates more conflict and more stress which is harder to deal with.

What are the "4 basic truths about conflict at work"?

∙ Conflict will occur ∙ Conflicts cost. They affect our ability to do the job. They do damage. ∙ Most damage results from dysfunctional strategies ∙ Resolving conflicts is part of everybody's job

What conditions and circumstances might we usefully consider in deciding whether to attempt to resolve a conflict by negotiating?

∙ Consider the importance of your goals ∙ Assess the emotions (yours & other party's) ∙ Consider the risks, rewards & odds of success ∙ Decide (promptly) ∙ Take responsibility for your decision

How does Leslie Baxter's concept of relational dialectics help us understand what's going on in a conflict in an intimate relationship?

∙ Drawing together for bonding vs. individual freedom and identity = dialectical tension. ∙ Leads to "moving out and moving in".

What is a dysfunctional conflict strategy? Define "dysfunctional" and give 2 examples.

∙ Dysfunctional conflict strategy—having unwanted side effects 1. Avoidance—weakens relationship, builds distance between people, and avoids risks, good & bad ones. 2. Pay Back—revenge

What are two wrong ideas about emotions that impede our ability to manage conflict well?

∙ Emotion=irrational ∙ Emotion=weakness

Describe "triangulation" as a dysfunctional conflict strategy, and briefly explain how this strategy harms relationships.

∙ Go to a 3rd party to talk about the 2nd person. Complain/vent. Get angrier. ∙ Victim & rescuer—major problems.

"Conflict Climate". ∙ (Give 3 examples of factors that influence an organization's conflict climate)

∙ How it feels to work there and be there today (how I feel) ∙ The influences of the organizations climate on its member's behavior in managing their conflicts. ∙ Elements: i. Power/status differences ii. Positive feedback iii. Stress levels iv. Listening & responding

What should be a managers primary concern about conflict management in his/her organization?

∙ How those everyday conflicts are handled by our people ∙ How the little conflicts are handled—they have the biggest effect on the organization

4 things managers can do to improve conflict management in their organization?

∙ Model - the conflict behavior you want from your employees. ∙Separate status from the ego. ∙ Set policy - expectations for how you expect employees to behave during a conflict. ∙ Create formal structures/procedures - disciplinary, etc.

Give 2 examples of instances in which Knapp's theory of Relational Stages can help us understand and deal with an interpersonal conflict in an intimate relationship?

∙ Relationships are mostly temporary ∙ Relationships tend to develop through stages ∙ Long term relationships move through stages in dialectical cycles ∙ Moving IN stages: i. Initiation, experimentation, intensification, integration, bonding. ∙ Moving OUT stages: i. Differentiation, circumscribing, stagnation, avoidance, termination.

Briefly explain Fisher and Ury's four "principles" for constructively negotiating conflict resolutions?

∙ Separate people from the problem ∙ Focus on interests & opinions ∙ Generate a variety of options ∙ Decide what the objective criteria for choosing is

Briefly explain the concept of "critical communication contexts" proposed by Peters, Brow, & Dues.

∙ Six Elements: i. Destabilizing event ii. Disrupted selfconcepts iii. Distress iv. Destabilized relationships v. Magnified personal consequences vi. Magnified relational consequences ∙ CCC Challenge: i. Effective personal communication is more necessary ii. Communication is far more difficult iii. Conflict about important issues increases iv. Conflict is far more difficult to manage

What are 4 costs of conflict for organizations?

∙ Time & effort—(opportunity costs) ∙ Reduced motivation & performance ∙ Hindered career development ∙ Damaged relationships & communication

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